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4398848 No.4398848 [Reply] [Original]

I got you a toy ship, /jp/!

>> No.4398854


>> No.4398864
File: 113 KB, 1135x716, WE-SHALL-RULE-AGAIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That will hardly be a threat when


>> No.4398879
File: 106 KB, 1425x726, Jarrasul_Evacuator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inferior to death egg.

>> No.4398888
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>Kortul Devastator
>Inferior to Jarrasul Evacuator

Nigger, please.

>> No.4398944
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All shall join the Unity in time.

>> No.4398965
File: 153 KB, 1165x642, THIS-SHALL-BE-OUR-FINEST-HOUR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That will hardly be a threat when THIS SHALL BE OUR FINEST HOUR

>> No.4398983
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There can be only one Sajuukwaitwhatholdthefuckon how is this /jp/-related again?

>> No.4399007
File: 37 KB, 774x503, Makaan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space strategy games are always everything-related.

>> No.4399219

Nobody has posted *it* yet?

>> No.4399235

Makaan is moe.

shit. I need more bald-girls moe.

>> No.4399236

It's related because Homeworld deserves an anime.

>> No.4399275

Homeworld: The Animation.

>>A show about moemoe sandnigger-jews in space, led by a bald TehRei-clone to find and free their promised land from a giant russo-nippon-nazi empire, after their sandnigger-planet was glassed by them for the lolz.

>> No.4399291


>> No.4399300

That's hardly accurate.

>for the lolz

Christ, your entire post belongs on /b/. Go away.

>> No.4399306
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>> No.4399322

I would like a SoaSE anime.

Main character is a TEC Hoshiko Robotics Cruiser pilot.
In his quest he will stumble upon a tsundere Advent commander and fall in love with a Vasari Kortul Devastator pilot.

>> No.4399327
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That would be a day to remember.

>> No.4399339


The OVA was far superior to season 2.

The scene where the beast devoured that hangar-module with all the engineeres in it was very well executed. Only the tentacle rape afterwards was pushing the line a bit, IMO.

But the battle scene where Captain Mandelbaum ordered to flood five full sections of her Destroyer with hot engine-plasma to stop the infection and sacrificed all the crew in it, was the best and most dramatic scene in the entire OVA. The final battle was pretty rushed, in comparisson to it.

But the second season sucked.

>> No.4399354

If not for the lolz, for what then?

please explain the rationale behind glassing an already dying world, only for demonstrationg one's power, if not just for the lolz.

>> No.4399371
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>> No.4399377
File: 681 KB, 1024x768, IonCannonFrigates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the spine of my ship.

Titanium is my body, reaction mass is my blood.

I have fired over a thousand beams.

Unknown to manufacture, nor known to retirement.

Have withstood broadsides to salvage many frigates.

Yet those corvettes will never hold weapons.

So as I pray, Unlimited Ion Cannon Works!

>> No.4399376

Because the inhabitants of the almost dead world broke a law.

>> No.4399397


Because that is what the contract said. And the kushan violated it.
Terms of surrender - the kushan race is spared from eradication on the conditions of going into permanent exile and never developing means of interstellar travel.

>> No.4399406

Because the inhabitants of that world nearly annihilated the Taiidan before the most technologically powerful race in the galaxy, the Bentusi, had to step in to save the Taiidan.

>> No.4399414


that contract was two millenias old.
the empire just needed an easy 'victory' to distract their populance from internal problems.

>> No.4399434

The emperor did it because he was scared shitless of legend. He didn't want the exiles to return and find out that they had once ruled a lot of the galaxy.

The Kushan forgot about what they did, but the Taiidan certainly didn't.

>> No.4399457

Taiidani ship-designs are clearly superior to anything the kushan churned out. Just like in real life, where the soviets are producing the beautiful things wheras amerikkka can just build blocky shit made of jew-golds.

>> No.4399468

Sure, and that's why they got their asses kicked. Hard. By less than 600,000 survivors of a nearly extinct race.

>> No.4399505


In their defense, around that time the "empire" was pretty much just a bunch of disorganised factions barely kept together by vaguely specified fear of the emperor's wrath.

>> No.4399545
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>> No.4399563

Yes, Kortul Devastators are inferior to Jarrasul Evacuators, from a strategic standpoint. Kortuls bring nothing to the table; can't tank for shit, have decent damage with surge but nowhere near what a real powerhouse like a Kol can dish out, disruptive strikes are Raidance's detonate antimatter, only shit, and jam/nanites are only useful on paper, unless you're against a retard (or the AI). Basically, it does nothing that a bunch of cruisers can't do. Which is the point of capital ships in the first place.

Jarrasul's gravity/disassembler combo means a dead capital ship, and drain planet is the most goddamn amazing ability in the game (insane bombing damage and a ton of free resources with a relatively short cooldown, do want). If I had to choose between a Kortul and its resource worth in frigates/cruisers, I'd take the latter.

>> No.4399574


>I would like a SoaSE anime.

I'm probably the only other person here who played this game and I think your premise needs some work.

I'd rather have a series centered around one of the TEC's Sova Carriers and its staff. Those fighter and bomber pilots were true bros.

>> No.4399581
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>> No.4399596

Sins of a solar empire was interesting but I never got really deep into the story.

My aspergers friend loved it to death though.

>> No.4399648

>I never got really deep into the story.

It didn't have much of a story. The TEC's predecessors forced the Advent to go the fuck away because they were annoying, the Advent got powerful and came back as a crusade, the TEC was formed to fight them, and then the Vasari showed up and said WE SHALL RULE AGAIN.

But the joke is on the TEC and Advent, because the Vasari, as powerful as they are, are just remnants of fringe fleets, running the fuck away from what annihilated the Vasari's civilization.

SoaSE in a nutshell.

>> No.4399651


The story is unmitigated shit.
My favorite way to enjoy the game was to pull up a huge map and see how far I could go in destroying everything with my massive SPACE ARMADA before running out of room.

>> No.4399734

>It didn't have much of a story. The TEC's predecessors forced the Advent to go the fuck away because they were annoying, the Advent got powerful and came back as a crusade, the TEC was formed to fight them, and then the Vasari showed up and said WE SHALL RULE AGAIN.

No, actually, the Vasari show up first, start shit with fringe trader worlds, TEC is formed and starts kicking their ass. Vasari are pretty much fucked between whatever is chasing them and TEC raping their face, but what do you know, Advent comes back, starts shit too, and the TEC have to split their war effort on 2 fronts, reaching an effective balance between the three factions.

In other words: "We were too lazy to come up with a plot, so here's some space jews, space comunists, and space alien nazis, pick one and have fun playing random maps."

>> No.4399742

What story?
As there was no campaign or anything, you only have a setting, which wasn't really all that deep.
Didn't like the game that much because I usually avoid multiplayer like the plague.
It seemed balanced though, but my opinion on this matter is worth shit.

So much wasted potential, a decent single player would have been the shit ;_;

>> No.4399771

setting story fluff flavor

whatever you wanna call it.

>> No.4399796

need more jew hats.

>> No.4399872

A story is different from a setting in that it revolves around characters rather than events. A bland, history textbook description of a war the way SoaSE presents itself can at most establish a setting; to have a story you need characters.

>> No.4400123

I don't understand why SoaSE never had a single player aspect. Would have improved the game's quality a hundredfold.

Some campaign in which you play as the TEC, fighting off rogue traders, then Vasari, then Advent. Would expand the minuscule story to actually be interesting, and would probably be pretty fun if they have fun with the mission objectives.

Evacuate a planet right before a Vasari assault, send a fleet through a gauntlet of Advent-controlled space, etc. Shit would have been awesome.

>> No.4400524
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>the most goddamn amazing ability in the game

Malice, imho.
