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439880 No.439880 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck. After a long time I decided giving this game yet another try, but I failed hard. It's just too fucking hard! FUCK! Specially with someone as slow and lazy eyed as me, even on easy modo (yeah, I know) I had to use a continue because of CIRNO. GODAMNED CIRNO, FUCK. I fucking give up. all that's left for me is watch the flash videos and music and fap to the doujin, because I'm never playing this fucking game again. And I really, really hope you are all joking when you say you do. It's fucking impossible, for god's sake!
I'm sorry, I know 4chan is not my blog, but shit, i'm so fucking frustrated right now, I just had to let it out. So, anon, how the fuck do you manage to play this shit?

>> No.439885

Fly between the bullets, not into them.

It's that simple.

>> No.439887


>> No.439891

Danmaku games are not for everyone

>> No.439896

The number of people who are introduced to the shmup genre through Touhou and complain about, of all things, its _difficulty_, amuses me greatly.

>> No.439900

Play IaMP.

>> No.439901

Take some time and practice.

>> No.439905


It's not too surprising, though, considering the plethora of mangos and music. Now if it happened to Seihou, suicide rates worldwide would jump.

>> No.439911

Perhaps this proves that even Cirno is more powerful than Anonymous.

>> No.439912

When the only shooter you ever really played was Galaga, Touhou is like fucking impossible. Damn, I feel old.

>> No.439914

Play Patchcon. You too have the right to be able to finish a Touhou in lunatic.

Oh well.

>> No.439920

Practice, practice, and then once you're done practing, go practice. Eventually, you have what alcoholics call a "moment of clarity". You know that scene in the Matrix where Neo suddenly sees everything as code, and he can stop bullets in mid-air? Yeah, it's kinda like that. You'll be beating your head against the wall on a particular spell card, and then all of a sudden you go "Woah. I can SEE the bullets. Where they're coming from, where they're going. The past, present and future are one in my eyes." And then your ego dissolves, your physical body disappears into the ether, and you become a Buddha.

>> No.439928

Yes, but to old arcade players like me it's nothing short of hilarious. The Touhou games are not really all that challenging, comparatively speaking, until you pump them up to Lunatic.

If easy is kicking your ass then either your pattern recognition skills are terrible, or your hand-eye coordination is terrible. Patience fixes either.

>> No.439932

FAITAN is easier

>> No.439940


Galaga? I liked it better when it was called Galaxian!

>> No.439944

I've been playing a few games a week for the last 3 years. I usually get to level 4 or 5 on easy mode on PCB, which I have been playing the longest. I got to Yuyuko once, and that was the better part of a year ago. Its like the more I play the worse I get, like I am overthinking what to do.

I can beat IN on easy at least.

>> No.439946

you put a awful lot amount of thought into this, don't you?

>> No.439947


I know what you mean. Hell, this is easy beans compared to Gradius III. I remember that game giving me aneurysms.

>> No.439956

Try to master Perfect Cherry Blossom. It's by far the easiest one. Also always choose medium difficulty, no matter what the game you're playing. You won't learn anything on ez modo.

Hold shift for focused movement...

Or buy a pad

>> No.439960


IAMP is just a shmup disguised

>> No.439961

Having only played Seihou and found it learnable (beat Shuusou Gyoko today, gradually making progress on the others), I am very encouraged. So Touhou is easier?

>> No.439982

IN is generally considered easier, actually. Marisa can be kind of a pain to fight but oh well.

I didn't know you could go completely through bullets in shmups!

>> No.439993

Yeah, anyone who plays Touhou and complains about the difficulty has totally missed the point. And they've been spoiled by the stupidly easy games that make up the entirety of the American mainstream market. Modern mainstream games continuously get easier to continue to appeal to an increasingly anemicly weak playerbase that runs to gamefags for a walkthrough before they even buy the damn game.

Touhou, Ikaruga, and the like hark back the old days when games were designed to be brutally hard so that you would drop more quarters into them. But yeah, most Touhou games don't get mindwarping until Lunatic. But people are too accostomed to breezing through everything and beating it in one sitting (I'm looking at you, Halo) so when something actually requires a time investment to practice the particular skill set that the game exercises, they become discouraged and complain about it on the internet.

>> No.439990

I love you so much. That was fucking awesome.

>> No.440013

I get the feeling there's way, WAY too many bullets to dodge on the screen in IN than in PCB. Plus they seem a bit faster and the space you're left with to get out alive is much smaller than in PCB. But hey, that's me.

>> No.440018

unfortunately, most kids don't appreciate challenging games anymore

>> No.440028
File: 29 KB, 400x266, 1208052830842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck your bullet dodging games

I bet you assholes wouldn't last 5 seconds in a real puzzle game.

>> No.440041

I as well have difficulty with the Touhous, but I can clear Normal modes with continues.

Question for the good players here: Do you get better faster if you keep playing Normal until you can do it blindfolded, or if you keep playing Lunatic until you can do it decently?

>> No.440043

Yeah, these damned kids need to:

A. stop being pussies, and
B. get the hell off my lawn

>> No.440053

My strategy was: Beat Normal. Forget normal, hard even existed. Play the game until death.

>> No.440064


>> No.440139

The general consensus seems to be that you should play on the difficulty above what you are trying to master. So if you're trying to 1CC normal, play on Hard for a while. Once you get used to the more complex patterns, you'll go back to normal, and snore your way through it. And make use of Practice mode. If you're having problems with, say, level 4, you're better off doing it in practice mode so you dont have to waste 20 minutes clearing 1 - 3. And if you're playing Imperishable Night, make use of Spell Practice so you can hammer away at individual spells until you can do them with your eyes closed.

>> No.440159


There's more bullets, but overall its still easier due to the patterns. I can't even beat it on Normal without a continue, yet I've beaten a number of the Extra-level spell cards without having to bomb. And if you look at some replays you'll realize how easy some of the hard-looking ones are if you know the secret.

>> No.440177

You're staring at the bullets too much. Unfocus your eyes and look for the empty spaces between the bullets. When you can see the spaces as shapes, you'll have leveled up.

Also use more bombs more freely. If you have even the slightest doubt, bomb. You should not allow yourself to lose a life until you have expended all your bombs for that life.

>> No.440189

>You should not allow yourself to lose a life until you have expended all your bombs for that life.

So, yeah, don't play IN until you can do this.

>> No.440194

Fukkin saved.

>> No.440351
File: 92 KB, 640x480, 1208055316040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And if you look at some replays you'll realize how easy some of the hard-looking ones are if you know the secret.

So the Terrible Secret of Tohou is that they're not so much dodgean gaems as they are choreographic/4d puzzlan/maze games?

For me, until I understood the concept of streaming, playing this part felt like I was dodging missiles in Macross Plus. After, I understood the mechanics, it wasn't nearly as difficult as before.

>> No.440361

Extra mode -> You just learn where to stand. There's such a tiny element of randomness to the extra stages, it's not funny. You just learn where to be at the right times, or you learn the technique for that card. You can call these techniques.. Card Tricks.

>> No.440375

That part feels more like dancing than dodging bullets.

>> No.440383


>> No.440406

The Itano Circus definitely has a very dance-like quality to it.

>> No.440427

>So the Terrible Secret of Tohou is that they're not so much dodgean gaems as they are choreographic/4d puzzlan/maze games?

Welcome to shmups

Have a complementary Dreamcast

>> No.440431
File: 42 KB, 447x347, 1208056176778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.440460

This is so fucking true it's not even funny. I can probably do the PCB extra level with my eyes closed.

Well, actually realistically speaking, probably the first half.

>> No.440458

Shmups, especially modern bullet-hell type ones, are basically moving mazes. All you gotta do is find the path through, and execute your movement through that path correctly. Of course, the devil is in the details...

>> No.440467


It's not where you dodge the bullets, it's WHEN!

>> No.440526

That just refers to the extra/phantasms in my opinion, excluding eods. On Lunatic modo a lot of the spellcards are hardcore twitch dodging and grazing ALONG with memorizing spellcard patterns and whatnot.

>> No.440554


What is this "streaming"?

>> No.440559

It means to swim in a stream.

>> No.440595

Sometimes all the bullets are aimed directly at you. When this happens you just move slowly in a single direction by tapping in that direction in focused mode.

>> No.440603

Remember not to cross the streams.

>> No.440606

There you go. Now you have the solution to basically beat any Touhou game.

>> No.440616

It's hardly the only thing you need to know. It does help though.

>> No.440640


1. Never die with bombs left.
2. Stay unfocused as much as possible during the stage.
3. Stay focused as much as possible during bosses.
4. Do not move unless you have to.
5. If you have to move, only nudge left or right a small bit.
6. If the card requires you to move more than a small nudge, you should probably be unfocused.
7. Always use continues. Don't start over just because you lost on stage 4--if you don't practice the later stages you will only make small amounts of progress at a time.
8. Never play easy mode.
9. As an extension of 8, do not start with IN.
10. Watch replays to figure out how to do cards correctly.
11. Don't use Reimu A (unless you're on IN), as she does too little damage on bosses, where it matters.
12. Don't use a pad. The game was designed for a keyboard. Argue about personal preference all you want, but Touhou games are best played with a keyboard due to the movement mechanics.
13. Yes, you're going to have to memorize this shit.

>> No.440648


>> No.440650

>7. Always use continues.
>12. Don't use a pad.

12 is subjective to what you're better at, and 7 is plain wrong. 7 should be something along the lines of 'use the practice mode'.

>> No.440666

Either a) You use continues once and only once, or b) that's not true, you have to beat the stage without using a continue up to that point in order to unlock the practice stage. Which I believe is the case.

>> No.440658

You can't access the practice levels if you haven't actually beaten them first, which is why you use continues just so you can access them.

>> No.440670

7 is wrong faggot.

You have to earn the later stages.

>> No.440671

As far as I know beating a stage with continues only gives you the bad end + fucks up your score, but still allows you to access the practice mode just as long as you beat it.

>> No.440684


Regardless as to whether you are better with a pad at shmups in general, touhou is not designed for a pad. A pad will have slower reaction times and less precision while playing a touhou game, though this is not the case in all games.

I haven't played from a fresh install in ages, but if I remember correctly you have to beat a stage to unlock it in practice mode, regardless. I could be wrong, though. Either way, you should still continue if you are trying to make it through a normal game--you're obviously already to the parts you need to practice on when you lose all your lives, anyway.

>> No.440689


1. Never die with bombs left.
2. Stay unfocused as much as possible during the stage.
3. Stay focused as much as possible during bosses.
4. Do not move unless you have to.
5. If you have to move, only nudge left or right a small bit.
6. If the card requires you to move more than a small nudge, you should probably be unfocused.
7. Never use continues. Earn the glory of making it to the later stages and being able to 1CC.
8. Never play easy mode.
9. Do not start with IN; try starting with MS or EoSD.
10. Watch replays to figure out how to do cards correctly.
11. Don't use Reimu A (expect IN), as she does too little damage on bosses, where it matters; in IN, she's overpowered with Yukari at her side.
12. Use whatever device you're better used to; people would say that one is better than the other, but in the end it makes no difference.
13. Yes, you're going to have to memorize this shit.

>> No.440695

what the hell is a "shmup"?

>> No.440736


>> No.440807

>A pad will have slower reaction times and less precision while playing a touhou game
>reaction times
Try buying something other than a shitty 20 dollar wireless hunk of plastic from best buy, it may help.

>> No.440832


Ok, I'll take back what I said and rephrase it:

Using a joystick on a touhou game is retarded. Using a d-pad or buttons on a controller is fine.

That was the point I meant to make.

>> No.440845

A good pad has no response problems. Fighting game players can attest to this, especially IaMP's horde of Saturn pad users.

>> No.440857

>Using a joystick on a touhou game is retarded. Using a d-pad or buttons on a controller is fine.
Fair enough. I couldn't possibly imagine using a joystick for it myself, either.

>> No.440861

what about a digital stick, like for fighting games or the Atari 2600?

>> No.440864

what game are you raging about

>> No.440878



>> No.440908


I don't know how it differs from regular joysticks, so I couldn't tell you. I can't see how a joystick can emulate some of the things you can do with buttons/keys, though.

For example, it is quite common to want to only move horizontally for a card, but you need to change directions very quickly. If you hold down both the left and right keys, you will remain stationary. However, letting off one of the keys will immediately start you moving in the other direction. There is no real way to obtain the same kind of direction-changing speed with a joystick, unless there is some feature I don't know about.

Since the only speeds are "stop", "go", and "go focused", the fine speed control advantage of a joystick turns into a disadvantage since direction changes will never be as quick as you can get with a keyboard with such a control scheme.

>> No.441000

I use the D-pad PS2 Duo Shock controller. I can see your point if I was using the analog sticks. I used them at the beginning and realized they were a liability. But the weird D-pad on the PS2 is good for Touhou.

I say weird because I remember thinking how bad it was when the PSX first came out. But for Touhou it is pretty nice and I don't see any advantage to using the keyboard.

>> No.441022

Digital sticks are, quite schockingly, digital. A good stick with a short throw, like an LS-32, is entirely fine for shmups, and indeed the LS-32 gets used for them quite often.

>> No.441033

Actually it might be the LS-40 that's typically used for shmuppan sticks. Not sure on that.

>> No.441041

try holding shift to manuver between the bulletts

>> No.441108

If you're using an analog stick for Touhou, then you are a fucking retard and you probably suck huge cocks. D-pad is good.

>> No.441321

I started with EoSD and beat it on normal
I tried to 1CC in normal and failed
The I changed to hard, practice practice and practice and in the end I 1CC it on hard

>> No.441348

wait what is 1CC? one continue? if so why two Cs?

>> No.441354

1 Credit Clear. That is, no continues.

>> No.441355

1 Credit Clear

>> No.441361

1 Crowd control. That means only one MOB has to be crowd controlled and the rest can be tanked or kited.

>> No.441383


Fucking lol'd

>> No.441594
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I'm too slow with the bombs. orz

>> No.441601

>Difficulty: Easy

>> No.441625


>> No.441632


>> No.441635

At least this time I got to the end. ;_;

>> No.441643

Someday, anon, you will be the one to go all EHH? MAJI? EASY MODO? whenever someone plays on easy. Until then, stop playing on easy.

>> No.441644


>> No.441646


this is not puyo

>> No.441676

>9. Do not start with IN; try starting with MS or EoSD.

Why, out of curiosity?

>> No.441709


IN has the extremely annoying "80%" mechanic and is also the easiest game in the series.

>> No.442323

This statement is false. PoFV is easily the easiest game in the series. You don't even need to 1cc to get Good Ends. There is no pressure compared to the other games. Too much bullets on the screen? Just shoot fairies and spirits to clear the way. Or you could just play Youmu whose sword can stop any projectile.

>> No.442339

that's not the actual reason, the reason is because you'll develop bad habits playing IN that you'll have to unlearn when you play the earlier games.

>> No.442352

PCB is the best game to start out with, imho.

>> No.442369

Damn these redundant "BAAAWWWW IT'S SO HARD" threads.

Seriously, play any TH on Lunatic till you've mastered it. If you can't hang, then it's obviously not for you. Go play some Halo to make yourself feel better.

>> No.442383

It's already obvious the games are not for the OP. He can't even beat Cirno's Icicle Fall in ESoD.
