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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 335 KB, 600x600, butts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4395427 No.4395427 [Reply] [Original]

Recently, i had to wipe out my HD, losing pretty much everything i did not back up. I want to rebuild my collection of touhou music, and thus would like to have the largest selection possible. I have searched for torrents packs and have found multiple, all of which are rather sizable. As to not download doubles and whatnot, is there a motherload torrent that is pretty much to go to in order to have everything?

>> No.4395435

Just use a program to find the doubles for you and download the torrents you've already found.

>> No.4395433

lurk more

>> No.4395438

You mean you didn't buy the cds?

>> No.4395439

Obviously, which makes me wonder if this is your first day here.

>> No.4395440

You must be new around here.

>> No.4395471

Bloody touhoufags, fucking worthless circlejerking twats.

>> No.4395477

you mad?

>> No.4395487


That's up through C76.

>> No.4395498
File: 61 KB, 476x349, tactical_facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it weren't for your pick I'd post getoutof-jp-.jpg but since you've got Satori, you get

>> No.4395510

is it that hard to do a little google search first? why do i even bother, he'll be spoon-fed by someone anyway

>> No.4395535
File: 16 KB, 381x400, At 1st I But then I ASAKJGHLFD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

497 Gigs. Four hundred and ninety seven gigabytes. Jesus H. Christ. Mary mother of Jesus, Jesus of NAZARETH. That's a BIG, BIG file. I have a 500 gig external hard drive from back in 04, But it's down to it's last 100. I'll never experience the muuussiiiicccccc!!!~

>> No.4395549


You do realize that even if you only have a small amount of room you can just manually select what to download in the torrent, right? Just grab all the shit you recently lost and be done with it. I can guarantee that 90% of the music is fucking shit anyway.

>> No.4395550

Why would anyone ever want that much music, anyway.

>> No.4395556
File: 50 KB, 403x599, Metrocop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I'm not OP. I was just commenting on the size of the file. Move along now.

>> No.4395558

Most of it isn't that good.

Hell, I just went through maybe 15 albums I got off Share and it was all not so good.

>> No.4395563

Most touhou albums I download I listen to once and then completely forget about.

>> No.4395565

That's the old torrent.
Check the new one out:

>> No.4395570

Grab your IPod,
and fire up your favorite IOSYS album.
That is all.

>> No.4395576

Oh I didn't know that was up yet. Jesus, 626,127,863,211 bytes of Touhou music.

>> No.4395579

I downloaded the whole collection, if you don't want the 500gb file, go with the 100gb file. Sound quality aside, it's the same damned thing. Just not in "IF YOU HAVE SUPER HD YOU CAN MAYBE HEAR THE DIFFERENCE."

>> No.4395581

Can you guys branch out from touhou already I'm sick of every shitty thing to do with touhou getting put on share while waiting months for something that is actually good and I was really anticipating.

>> No.4395584

Go yell at the people who actually buy things and put them on share, not us.

>> No.4395589

The comical thing is when they have the lossless files and a $300 pair of AKG headphones stuck into the normal headphone jack on their laptop.

>> No.4395599

Get out, Sound Blaster devs.

>> No.4395606


I'm yelling at the hivemind as someone who actually does upload copies I ripped myself. I'm not the only westerner that could help this problem.

I missed C77 and I'm pissed off because uploads suck the one time I couldn't make it.

>> No.4395611

uploads really do suck this year, was everyone lazy or was there some sort of secret agreement not to upload much?

>> No.4395624

>actually good and I was really anticipating.
I dare say, what is it?

>> No.4395625

I'm interested in the non-Touhou doujin music scene but I haven't seen any sites that keep track of that stuff, or any batch torrents, or anything. Where do I start?

>> No.4395631

Actually I should say original doujin music, because any game stuff will be on vgmdb, and I have gotten some of that before.

>> No.4395642


Winter just plain isn't as big as summer, C76 did have record crowds. This does seem to suck more then C75 did though, where the fuck is Bastard Pop Terrorists 10?

My excuse was that I was moving job and house and I didn't have time to make it. Don't know what the fuck the regulars are doing maybe they just lost taste.

>> No.4395643 [DELETED] 

Good Lord. Thank God you're not at AɳoɳTalk.com.

>> No.4395655


My thing is J-core and doujincore keeps decent track of releases, however they're faggots who refuse to share their loot out of "ethics".

Most artists have sites or blogs so I just check their sites for updates. This way you can also keep track of gigs to go to if you happen to be in Japan and no fan sites seem to follow those.

>> No.4395734

Doujincore does share albums it's just that they're taken down after a few weeks.

>> No.4395739

Is there a compilation of non-vocal music?

>> No.4395758


For stuff that you can buy online and isn't on share? Last I checked they kept a policy of never ripping stuff unless it was out of print or already on share.

>> No.4395857

Yes, what did you think the DLink near the bottom of the page was for?
