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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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43943321 No.43943321 [Reply] [Original]

Eg: a show made for little girls, that attracts hordes of creepy middle aged fanatics?
>One that was SPECIFICALLY NOT trying to court otakus
>NOR trying to be high-art (attracts art fags), but just pure commercial product.

>> No.43943357

Trains. Trainposters here are good, trainposters in japan will slit your throat if you call the RG-78XX Old Yella DeDeDensha bullet train inefficient.

>> No.43943516

dunno about the first one but Precure now has so many manchildren fans instead of little girls that they're literally making spinoffs where the little girls are now office ladies

>> No.43943755

is there a reason why precure didn't cross the cultural barrier to the west like sailor moon or sakura? im always surprised how popular it is because i see almost no western support for it

>> No.43943788

think that shit just started airing too late. Season 1 started aired in 2004 which means that it would have been 2005 by the time it started airing in the states/europe, Apparently Toonami died in 2008 which is where most casual weebs in the west were from.

actually now that I think about it how the fuck are there only 7 years between the first season of Precure and Madoka?

>> No.43945236

Yeah, Touhou and Ume Musume fans (which are also into literal horses)

>> No.43945395 [DELETED] 

Read the OP again
>One that was SPECIFICALLY NOT trying to court otakus
And learn to sage, thanks.

>> No.43945778

The magical girl genre when it was originally cattered towards little girls is like this.

>> No.43947669


>> No.43948503

Touhou doesn't try to court otakus. It's a video game series that just happens to have a thing that otakus like, which is cute girls.

>> No.43948767
File: 815 KB, 2048x1536, 1983年.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before the time of moe and CGDCT, all shoujo was latched onto by middle aged men since the beginning of it's inception. Otaku are now catered to and no longer have to seek out content themselves, so aside from Precure, is there any modern equivalent left of otaku being fans of something that isn't made with them in mind?

>> No.43949241

Trains are not targeted at little girls you goof.

>> No.43949261

Well you just posted it

>> No.43949305

Are train fans really that extreme?

>> No.43949353

Read the OP you fucking retard. Uma M*sume is targeted at perverted, gambling-addicted, middle aged men from the start.

This is the correct answer.

>> No.43950433
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Maybe it doesn't fit all the criteria, but Gochiusa had a Lipton promo 2 years ago that devolved into pic related. The company sent out an apology for the PR shitshow.
Forgive the twitter shit, most of the examples are from there.

>> No.43950469
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>> No.43950477

Precure is partially targeted to otaku otherwise all the yuri innuendo wouldn't be there

>> No.43950560
File: 653 KB, 500x375, 1660347603124178.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a show made for little girls, that attracts hordes of creepy middle aged fanatics?
Every single magical girl franchise

>> No.43950632

Just like mahou shoujo magical destroyers, right?

>> No.43951625

There were pics of the 20th anniversary exhibition and the overwhelming majority of the adults there were women. The office lady spin-off is clearly for women, especially given it's airing in primetime.
The Maho sequel on the other hand is almost certainly for manchildren given it will air in otaku hours.

>> No.43952003


>> No.43952401

It can't be helped when a man like nagai kickstarts the genre

>> No.43952433

>Is there a jap equivalent of the 'my little pony' fandom?
As much as it pains me to say.... Touhou
Yes it wasn't intended for little girls or made by a big company, but there's nothing else even close. People say that magical girl shows are the equivalent, but there's no huge yearly Precure/Minky Momo/Sailor Moon/CCS conventions, or hundreds of thousands of fanarts, fan songs, fan fics, prons of all of these.

>> No.43952716

that's hilarious

>> No.43952785
File: 354 KB, 1430x1906, top 10 most lickable tummies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the answer is plainly and clearly precure.

>> No.43952819
File: 468 KB, 708x1000, 1454715039334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sharo chan...

>> No.43952849

Definitely doesn't fit the second point there but the equivalent in explosive success would be the vtuber fandom. You definitely either get it or you don't for both of these groups, probably a lot of crossover between them too.

>> No.43953126
File: 499 KB, 1920x1080, drawn by a 6th grader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They both have high OC output and fanatics, but with MLP it's an all or nothing fandom. Either you're a brony (or actual little girl) or not. With Touhou there's a clear spectrum between the eternal secondary and 2hu loremaster who's played every game and knows every bit of trivia. You're more likely to run into a casual or "well-adjusted" fan than you are an obsessive, although the latter is often louder.

>> No.43953249

They shouldn't have made Sakura so goddamn cute if they didn't want men to watch it.

>> No.43953311
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You mean erotic

>> No.43953448

Yes, very much. Trains in america is already a fandom almost entirely populated by either autists or old farts. The train fandom in japan is effectively 97% autists.

>> No.43961066

So JP fandom is more hardcore and US is more laid back?

>> No.43961361

Every few months a video of train otaku being autistic assholes goes viral on twitter.

>> No.43962377
File: 839 KB, 900x471, 1674144146117368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a show made for little girls, that attracts hordes of creepy middle aged fanatics?
obvious answer

>> No.43969821

Because Precure wasn't the beginning of mahou shoujo genre.

>> No.43972667

Already lost it at the first one.

>> No.43973748

Pretty much the only comparable thing is "both fandoms make parodies". If you're going to compare anything to OP's example to 2hu, it'd be Cookiefags. Not to say I dislike Cookie, I think a good chunk of its fucking hilarious, but I don't think a single person with more than 2 braincells will ever debate you if you said they've done nothing but force memes.

Alternatively, shit like Undertale or FNAF because OP is retarded and means weebs when he says otaku and not otaku when he says otaku.

>> No.43974618

>OP is retarded and means weebs when he says otaku
think you're being a bit hypersensitive about a non issue because op's only reference to otaku only makes sense as otaku. exactly 0 japanese products have ever been made to court weebs.

>> No.43975025

Hello Kitten

>> No.43975360

Cookie was always supported by middle-aged fanatics, but the fandom post-2020 has effectively gone dormant as it cooled off and a huge amount of artists shifted to Arknights for some reason

>> No.43975371
File: 122 KB, 1350x900, 1668178161189618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I feel bad for Gochiusa fans who just think they're cute. Sometimes loli fans just take it way too fucking far, and I get someone is gonna throw their dick in a blender for what I said on /jp/.

>> No.43975414


>> No.43975564

1. Who are you quoting?
2. Vtumors. But that would be an insult to the pony people who were no where near as annoying or pathetic as vtumors.

>> No.43979277

Vtubers aren’t meant for kids you retard

>> No.43981729

The only people who believe otaku refers to people who watch and/or jerk off to anime porn are westerners. In Japan it's either an insult by boomers to anyone who likes anything over a certain age, or used by otakus themselves for literally anything and everything where the usual weeb-fare of anime or manga is only a percentage. Gun otakus aren't the otakus OP is talking about for example. That's what I meant.

>> No.43983719

>Sometimes I feel bad
You posted a hollow life image, so I'm not quite sure you understand what feelings actually are given your status as a walking talking credit card.

>> No.43983783
File: 2.60 MB, 720x1280, 1676752236835932.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43983796

You feel more attacked because a hololive fan shared actual otaku interests

>> No.43984401

I don't consider anyone who watches a JPEG on strings that sells "date voicepacks" and wedding rings an otaku or anything of the like actually, hence why I called him a walking and talking credit card. If anon's going to fall in love he should do it with 2D instead.
