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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 43 KB, 550x417, greenhill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4392890 No.4392890 [Reply] [Original]

I hate real women. I really do. Every time I look at them, my blood pressure shoots through the roof. When they're gabbing on the cell phone about Paris Hilton. When they're adjusting their lipstick and taking up my time rifling through their stupid purse. When they whine to me about their period. When they blither on and on about some artist/film director/musician nobody else gives a flipping fuck about. When they cry and expect your personal sympathy.

But most of all, /jp/, I hate them because they're smug, hyperactive little bitches made that way by our shithole society. Look what uncontrolled feminism and the media has done to them: they think they're superior. They can call the shots. No woman will even know what it feels like to be completely alone and unloved unless she is FIERCELY ugly. All their crying about relationships is merely them fucking up; any girl can get any guy she wants if she tries.

When girls are feeling down, they can have any man they like and fuck him. Even if they have no friends in the world, even if they are pathetic, ugly whores, they could strike up a conversation with any guy in class and make him theirs. But a lonely, pathetic man is hated by women. They know they're better than him. They give him nothing. Even though they know he suffers from his biological urges, they sit and laugh and do nothing for him. They get to choose who is happy and who is sad.

I know this is BAAWWWWW over being a virgin. I know that it's not morally right. But I'm posting it because every single one of you sexless /a/ssholes thinks the same thing. When you watch your roomate make out with his girl, when you hear it in love songs on MTV, when you see it on the streets: know that those women are laughing at you, hating you, denying you something completely harmless, just because they hate who you are as a person. And that's their never-questioned right in this world.

>> No.4392906

You hate your mom too bro?

>> No.4392930

I was sexually abused as a child, of course I hate her.

>> No.4392933

>When girls are feeling down, they can have any man they like and fuck him.
>Even though they know he suffers from his biological urges, they sit and laugh and do nothing for him.

If you think that sex makes everything in the world better and people's lives worth living, then you are sadly mistaken.

>> No.4392934

OP needs an OTP

>> No.4392941

<---- /a/ is that way

>> No.4392950

sugoi monogatari aniki

>> No.4392952

>Even though they know he suffers from his biological urges, they sit and laugh and do nothing for him.

What do you expect them to say? "Oh, hi, I noticed you seem sexually frustrated so out of the kindness of my heart I'm going to suck your dick."

>> No.4392986

Nice copypasta OP.

Didn't get enough replies the first time you posted it a month ago?

>> No.4393046


Women who refuse sex to them are prudes. Women who refuse and have sex with others are sluts. Basically, no matter what women do they're wrong and evil I guess. Although, I'm always open to what you guys have to say.

>> No.4393147

Lieutenant Greenhill is a slut.

>> No.4393159
File: 33 KB, 640x480, Frederica slapped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4393172

I couldn't get a gf for years then I became a trap and received nerdy bfs.

>> No.4393175
File: 24 KB, 637x515, bitches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4393181


Would you say it was a profitable decision?

>> No.4393191

>But most of all, /jp/, I hate them because they're smug, hyperactive little bitches made that way by our shithole society.

The same could be said of both men and women. I was out getting food and saw some 20-year-old guy hopping around like he was 3.

>> No.4393187

I would say so. At first it was strange being around friends when I started out.

>> No.4393210
File: 84 KB, 1000x862, Spaghetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like sluts

>> No.4393227


I get out about once every year so I'd like you to clarify. Has society really gotten that bad that people act like little kids. Wow.

>> No.4393245


That's rich. Isn't /jp/ made up entirely of manchildren?

>> No.4393259

Guys look and act like preteen girls, girls now exclusively act like hyperactive bitches, and every girl that isn't black or slutty dresses in sweatpants and sleepwear (or worse).

>> No.4393262

Now become a camwhore and post pictures

>> No.4393272

I get a headache whenever I see the word "her".

>> No.4393289

>guys look like preteen girls

I am okay with this.

>> No.4393297
File: 21 KB, 240x320, img_1561163_35740587_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maria-sama loves you.

>> No.4393310

In how they dress, not how they look.

If I see one more asshole walking around, thin as a twig branch, wearing a faggy-looking chain around his neck, I swear I'll strangle him with it.

>> No.4393331

no youll probably just think "how dare he wear that i am so angry" then go home and cry yourself to sleep while he fuckes a girl

>> No.4393357


Damn, sounds like a mess. I guess I'm not really missing out on anything. Socializing is overrated.

>> No.4393382
File: 462 KB, 640x480, you dare interrupt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4393393

I love you maria-chan~

>> No.4393398

Men (and I use the term loosely) around the age of 20 these days, as long as they're not exclusively black or a jock, are thinner than I was after returning abroad from a third-world country. I could probably fall on one and break his spine.

White guys are genetically writing themselves out of existence by going around looking like total fags. The Asian guys I see around aren't much better. No wonder white chicks are going after black guys.

>> No.4393504
File: 119 KB, 700x587, soudan16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maria-sama hates you.
