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File: 160 KB, 1080x1349, 1688491173507360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43922859 No.43922859 [Reply] [Original]

/faaag/ part VI

Discuss your favorite Japanese announcer and alternative girls who don't fit anywhere else.
Follow up to /ww/ - Weather Waifus.

Previously: >>43841806

>> No.43922884

I will do it this time, because the original op is absent.

>> No.43922923
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thanks for new thread anon

>> No.43922972
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Good morning

>> No.43923128
File: 3.40 MB, 1920x1080, Peel the Apple @TIF2021 SMILE GARDEN 2021100374_gWl-JNkQ.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idols. Most groups have to maintain an image of purity. And lots of the music is good. Had to watch tons of idol shows to cope with Nana.
>Anime? Vtuber?
I'm not really into 2D girls (Ponko is the exception)
>OP didn't show up
I'm starting to get worried
My beautiful wives
My first time seeing Mayu with her hair loose

>> No.43923326
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Nosayas Club Edition

>> No.43923352

>I'm starting to get worried
me too

>> No.43923360

there are several married girls who post here anyway

>> No.43923364

She shattered the basic rule of weather news. We watch your show, and we know you have a boyfriend, but you do us the decency of keeping it totally and completely hidden and secret. She shown that she has no respect for the audience. I hope she retires soon. Yes I'm butthurt I don't care

>> No.43923378
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>> No.43923411
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Yui seen here wearing the traditional clothes of mourning.

>> No.43923444

At least Mayu is here to sooth my shattered soul. Imagine playing with her gazongas haha

>> No.43923476

Imagine finishing a hard round of tennis and walking over to Saya smiling at you
Yeah OP should have called it something like "Getting Over Saya Edition", "Saya Meltdown Edition", "Cope Edition", "Tennis Edition"
All the other married girls kept it a perfect secret until the day they announce their marriage. I think everyone would be less upset if Saya did the same. But having it unintentionally leaked by the media was a rude awakening for her fans. Her semblance of purity is shattered.
I'll still buy her book. I really hope she's not worried that this will hurt book sales/fan meeting sales/viewership.

>> No.43923491
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>> No.43923546

Non & Mayu sure love this tiny snail.

>> No.43923584

I wish we had sound on this board. Nonchan saying "bay bay" trying to say "baby" was funny

>> No.43923590

Watching the video again, it looks more like a conversation of friendship than of boyfriend and girlfriend.

>> No.43923596

Forcing the cutest and nicest women to be celibate in their twenties is dysgenic, and will make the next generation of women less cute and nice. My proposal: A weather news show, moderated by young girls who graduate when they're old enough to marry. I'm thinking of something like Cooking Idol Ai! Mai! Main! This would solve any and all problems.

>> No.43923602

Denial isn't just a river in Egypt.

>> No.43923610

if you turn up the volume you can hear the conversation, it is a guide conversation

>> No.43923676


>> No.43923680
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My queen

>> No.43923686

Nice eyes

>> No.43923718

You're right, the way he's talking about the match would seem redundant if she were his girlfriend, he says something like
>This is a once in a lifetime opportunity...
when talking about the match. Him explaining his emotional state like this as you would to a reporter doesn't fit into the pattern of that kind of relationship. His tone of voice really sounds like talking to a reporter, in my opinion, that's the best way I could describe it. You wouldn't have to explain your thoughts like this to someone you're dating.
After watching this video, my primary hypothesis is that they're meeting and talking because they're both Japanese celebs in a foreign country. The fact that her mother is with her also makes this more plausible. If she weren't there, the boyfriend theory would be more likely. That being said, they could also be dating, who knows.
I do have to mention that I don't usually watch her, so I have no emotional investment in this, I've only seen a few clips and I would be happy for her if she married.

>> No.43923771

Guys? Is this video from before or after the game?

>> No.43923785

Ooshi MAX

>> No.43923870

Thanks for the new thread, nice pics of Eriko there.
I hope her smile could provide some relief to Sayafags here.

>> No.43923878

Kinda wild to me the Sayafags are still going in niconico chat. The shitposting is off the charts; pure bants

>> No.43923892
File: 991 KB, 1320x960, 23070500rinon.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She needs to publish a photobook ASAP while Sayafrogs are scrambling for a new oshi

>> No.43923915

She should start by becoming more active at social media at the least.
Even the new girls Mayu and Sena are posting photos of their daily outfit everyday on Instagram.
It's a ripe time for Non to snatch some new fans who are looking for new oshi.

>> No.43923956
File: 266 KB, 1041x1370, ohshima_rinonsanta1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats funny. I've been watching the youtube chat and just one guy posted anything about Saya. It was tennis rackets.
But Nonchan doesn't get sponsored outfits. But she could still post selfies more often like she did for her first few months.

>> No.43923971

More selfies would be nice, also she could post her full body shot without tagging the clothing brands, just insert some random uplifting words for caption.

>> No.43923979

Domineering father. Calling it now.

>> No.43924051

There has to be a chance that this is the straw that breaks some Sayafag's back. RIP to whatever jap commits today because of it.

>> No.43924055

Sad day sashabros

>> No.43924067

According to the buddhist idea of rebirth, if he commits suicide right at the time Saya becomes pregnant from her boyfriend, he might be reincarnated as her child.

>> No.43924073

Glad I invested in peanutcoin.

>> No.43924079

I hate her now, nothing infuriates me more than lies, I hope they fire her ass from the channel

>> No.43924096

Yea, but imagine the karma you'd need to generate in this life to secure that position in the next. Not impossible, but unlikely for some hiki.
A timely reminder bros to practise good deeds and compassion

>> No.43924105

Should I sell my Sayacoin and invest in Senacoin?
Or invest in several coins instead?

>> No.43924134

Feels like I'm already too old to get into idol groups with teenage members.
I got into WNI because I like smart, mature lady like Saya.

>> No.43924156

Mayumoney is the smart man’s choice

>> No.43924172

diversify yo investments, my n-word.

>> No.43924175
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>> No.43924225

Wish I knew this before Nana got pregnant
lmao. Today I remembered about that forest. A few new bodies there today I bet

>> No.43924254

people in niconico chat literally begging people not to mention "Wimbledon" or "England." Holy shit bros, how can we get bants as based as Nips?

>> No.43924266

Mayu would never hurt me like this, she lacks she wherewithal for betrayal.

>> No.43924281
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>full body shot... some random uplifting words for caption
thats like half my twitter feed, pic related being one of them
>teenage members
some good groups are more on the mature side. Fukae Arie here is 26, believe it or not. She's the second oldest member in Sweet Alley. The youngest will be 21 in 7 days.

>> No.43924287

>be lonely Japanese man
>working grueling, thankless job for long hours
>come home to tiny empty apartment to eat reheated famichiki and watch the weather girls
>find out your favorite girl appeared on TV at WIMBLEDON accompanying her rich tennis pro boyfriend
I understand their begging

>> No.43924327

I want to get into The Time but it's hard to watch the stream on different timezone especially when you could only watch them through some inconvenient channels.
Plus Eriko doesn't have twitter and only use her insta for work-related stuffs.
I think I'll just reinvest back into seiyuucoins, been neglecting some of my oshis there because I was really getting into casters.
I got into WNI easily because Saya has similar feels with my seiyuu oshi.

>> No.43924425


>> No.43924559


>> No.43924578
File: 452 KB, 1440x1800, 323579524_886665556013991_1418824235788656072_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be lonely American man
>working grueling, thankless job for long hours
>aware that your favorite girl is married and currently sleeping with husbando while you work
>come home to tiny room in parent's house to watch the weather girls
>fall asleep to favorite girl's voice
have you tried watching The Time live on https://aqstream.com/jp/tbs/TBS ? The image quality is not great but its the only way I know to watch it live. Sometimes I torrent episodes from aidoru online. It is kind of inconvenient, but I just make note of which episodes feature a cute Eirko moment and just download those.
Her guitar playing is the only non work-related thing she posts on her insta. You should follow tbs_annogram on insta too; they sometimes post other pictures of her, like pic related
>similar feels with my seiyuu oshi
understandable. the seiyuu generals feel very similar to this announcer general
lol thanks. btw, how do you get direct links to twitter videos? I used to use yt-dlp to download vids from twitter, but twitter broke the functionality and the devs can't fix it.

>> No.43924579
File: 199 KB, 900x1200, Fznk3ZiWwAApS2X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? She didn't do anything wrong

>> No.43924630

waiting for tennis Saya AI art, but maybe AI guy seppuku'd too

>> No.43924671

I have reached my breaking point. Let loose the lewd content. Nothing is holy any more.

>> No.43924673

It's more like the timezone issue for me, had to wake up in the middle of the night if I want to catch up with the live broadcast.
The aidoru torrent is quite large and not worth to download just to catch a few minutes of Eriko.
Plus seems the uploader cut the early morning portion of the broadcast, I noticed that when I was unable to find Eriko's gourmet report couple weeks ago.
With Weathernews at least I could watch the stream at any convenient time.
Or he's currently working on his sluttiest artwork ever as some kind of coping/revenge mechanism.

>> No.43924686

I've had that bookmarked for ages, I really need to get around to watching something but I've become a total WezaHead.

>> No.43924687

why are you guys crying? do you want her to become a lonely childless hag?

>> No.43924818
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time to fall asleep to favorite girl's voice
everyone just wants honesty

>> No.43924843

I would rather she got outed by paparazzi or someone who recognized her took photos of her dating.
The way we got the news feels almost like she's trolling her fans.

>> No.43924892

or she really, really just doesn't care

>> No.43924917

chat's been calling her「Sっち」whenever she torments Yui with food reports.(I guess the S stands for sadist.) If she is intentionally trolling her fans right now, then she really is Sっち

>> No.43924958


>> No.43924981

I'm the AI ​​guy, I'm not going to post anymore until the Saya issue is cleared up, if you see someone else posting it's not me

>> No.43924991

dude, really? this is your golden opportunity!

>> No.43924992

I'm the AI ​​guy, I'm not going to stop posting until the Saya issue is cleared up, if you see someone else posting it's not me

>> No.43925009

Out of respect for the fallen

>> No.43925013

The beast

>> No.43925021

And the beast

>> No.43925103
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>ze beast

>> No.43925160

Fan event is this Saturday correct?

>> No.43925337

Yes, I wish I went now to see the dynamic. Are tickets still available?

>> No.43925342

Who's the #2 most popular caster after Saya? Rinon or Yui?

>> No.43925354
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Yui for sure.

>> No.43925381

Rinon has more twitter and instagram followers, and her meme bits are the 2nd most popular after Saya in youtube.
On the other hand Yui got more online engagement and her fans are more active and devoted compared to Rinon.

>> No.43925382

They sold out, but some Nico Nico people were posting about reselling their tickets. Maybe not seriously.

>> No.43925443
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I miss her purity.

>> No.43925533
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Sennasquad reporting in!

>> No.43925858
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>> No.43925862


>> No.43925907
File: 456 KB, 1738x2048, mizuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must have been pretty rough for Saya bros, it was very abrupt. I see some of them are still in denial phase lol. The next one should be Yui, bros be prepared...

Glad I moved my oshi to Mi-chan some months ago. She's the youngest caster in WN, so I have a few years of peace of mind with her.

Maybe not the most beautiful one, but clearly the most funny. And her sweet voice soothes me during her Moon shifts.

>> No.43925960

Are you mad? She was far and away the dirtiest one there. I don’t mean any of this in a bad way, but ‘pure’ was never an impression I got from her.

>> No.43926062
File: 527 KB, 1364x1884, yukariかき氷.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based, based, and based. mizuki bro is the smartest one here.
I think 28-30 is red zone for marriage announcements. Maybe we have at least a year until Yui's.
Agree about Ayame. The one with best impression of purity over the years I think was Yukari. Even waited until 30 for marriage and pregnancy.
Thats really hard to tell. >>43925381 makes good points. But it's nice to see that the second most popular is shared between 2 casters rather than 1 getting most of the attention. Good for viewership too.

>> No.43926111
File: 1.33 MB, 1100x910, 23070500senna.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Senna looks like fine china dinnerware

>> No.43926132

I see there are plenty of new viewers who came for Saya at the beginning now became regular and watching other casters too, I hope this news won't really affect the whole WNI audiences.
Feels like the juniors under Saya need to step up to regain Saya fans that are thinking to stop supporting WNI.
I really want to see Mayu going all out with her sexy acts, lol.

>> No.43926146

post more of Riena's massive tits guys

>> No.43926169

I feel like the Saya boom ended earlier this year. Like most casual viewers have moved on already. But yeah it's nice that lots stuck around and enjoy the whole cast.
holy. this guy has his priorities right. Riena's tits > Saya news.

>> No.43926196
File: 2.50 MB, 1420x910, 23070501rinon.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based staff doing this shit on purpose to farm clips

>> No.43926261

Please do not mention S*ya ever again
We are living in Yui world now
All Yui, only Yui, Nothing but Yui KOMAKI

>> No.43926275

She's still a huge draw and plenty of people who are specifically tuning in for her.
Based staff, time to pump RNON stock now that SAYA took a huge drop off due to Wimbledon leaking company secrets.

>> No.43926301
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Not her tits, but I admire her non-fear of bugs. Total opposite of Yui lol

>> No.43926319
File: 1.01 MB, 1300x910, 23070500yui.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For now, Yui is still our pure, unadulterated angel

>> No.43926384

I’ve had an awful day. Save me Yui-samaaaaaa

>> No.43926402

Yui is extremely cultured. She practices traditional Nihonese arts like calligraphy and kendo. She is the best

>> No.43926414

Honesty. Down-to-earth-ity. Integrity. Gluttony. These are the qualities that are present in Yui.

>> No.43926449
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niconico bros still mad lmao

And she knows how to cook nice food

>> No.43926464

Oh good, I'm glad he lost

>> No.43926467

>"Queen Saya is dead, Long live Queen Yui"

At this point, Niconico bros should've just memeing or other casters' fans are just making fun of Saya and her fans.

>> No.43926473

At least Saya could soothe his pain for losing.

>> No.43926477

women don't like loser anyway, right?

>> No.43926481

Cardigan Yui! Kawai! Or is it a bathrobe.

>> No.43926489
File: 81 KB, 918x886, Screenshot 2023-07-05 045435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serene Yui

>> No.43926511

That translates to "Nishioka loses at tennis and wins at life", right? lol
That cooking campaign was the first non-weather activity I saw when I first started watching. Had no idea who they were at the time. Its still one of their best campaigns.
Yeah, soothing his pain with hugs
I think its some Japanese garment specific to martial arts, since that's the theme of that little dojo segment
Niconico needs to follow Yui's example and relax

>> No.43926524

Not a loser if he’s still rich. Dude is anyway just playing about.

>> No.43926552

I mean in this context specific, relative term

>> No.43926596
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frog refugees welcome

>> No.43926610
File: 37 KB, 420x717, schedule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ALERT! Saya does Moon shift tomorrow.

With all those angry salary men in chat between 20:00 and 23:00, surely everything will be ok, right?

>> No.43926632

No Yui no watch

>> No.43926661

Habbeding. Chat makes Saya cry and run offscreen calling it now

>> No.43926662
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>> No.43926690

I pity whoever Staff-san who will be in charge of monitoring the comment section tomorrow night.

>> No.43926724

Wish they had waited until thursday so we can get saved by Ponko

>> No.43926731

Oh nevermind I'm a dumbass.That IS a thursday. Save us Ponkochan!

>> No.43926762

how can I get Yui to show up in my dreams?

>> No.43926773

Can someone shoop The Prince of Tennis manga?

>> No.43926789

It's going to be a massacre...

>> No.43926799

Maybe this is a better candidate?


>> No.43926807

Saya was there to write an article for the Ibaraki Board of Culture & Tourism...because that player...is from Ibaraki....and they sent her...and her mother...and two friends........to the other side of the world.....

>> No.43926829

Finally someone suggested this. I've been procrastinating saying this or researching it, but maybe (I hope) this is just some Ibaraki-related sports coverage for the government. Seems more likely since >>43923718 gave his analysis. I don't know if its a rare occasion that an athlete from Ibaraki goes to a world-level tournament. I really hope they publish that interview article/video ASAP. That should clear everything up.

>> No.43926877
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>Born: Tsu, Mie

>> No.43926883

No I got it she was there practicing a play...

>> No.43926909
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>> No.43926920

Damn Yui ease up

>> No.43926945
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mic was off lmao

>> No.43926953
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>> No.43926972

I don't know what it is about that facial expression, but it's kinda hot

>> No.43926988

>a sudden turn of the head
>eyes diverted downwards
>mouth agape
She saw a chocolate on the floor.

>> No.43927023
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>> No.43927049 [DELETED] 

Airin’s barren womb.

>> No.43927175

lmao the amount of cope here

Y. Nishioka is not from Ibaraki prefecture, but from Mie https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yoshihito_Nishioka
His English wiki page also states he lives in Mie, but this would need to be cross checked (couldn't verify that info on official sites such as ATP's)

I agree with what >>43923718 says about the content of the discussion, but not his interpretation of it. You can clearly see that Nishioka is talking to Saya's mom, and not to Saya. One could just interpret his formal-ish tone as the way he would talk to his future mother-in-law.

And why on earth Saya would do a sport coverage lmao? With her mom?! lmao

>> No.43927219

Why do you do this to me

>> No.43927444

Sayafrens, how are we coping?

>> No.43927514
File: 370 KB, 1109x1479, FxDhhGkaUAAx_Bw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not well

>> No.43927532
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lol they made Yui look so much bigger

>> No.43927563

Keep holding on bros...

>> No.43927576

Will they bump Saya from prime time slot in the near future?

>> No.43927583
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hmmm... It's been a while since I last checked niconico. I wonder what spicy new memes they've come up with...

>> No.43927601

Anyone checked the replies on her twitter yet?
Nips twitter could be ruthless too, though not as brutal as the Kpoptards.

>> No.43927680
File: 80 KB, 1078x1351, Screenshot_20230705-182745_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to suckles on mayumayu succulent perky lips

>> No.43927732

dammit I'm trying to find old S*ya tweets but twitter just HAS to autoload high res images and autoplay videos as you try to scroll down. It's so damn slow and absolutely thrashes my potato cpu. Why can't they be light and fast like 4chin.

>> No.43928054
File: 68 KB, 1255x191, B1210859-B5FA-426B-99B2-7ABD5FE2B702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The replies on her last tweet are mostly fine. But then there’s also pic related.

>> No.43928069

>Does the tennis player’s c*ck feel good?

>> No.43928116
File: 16 KB, 579x153, ricel seethe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah some of them are brutal

>> No.43928127
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yep. that lucky bastard...

>> No.43928149
File: 337 KB, 1920x1080, watch?v=J80iSw7Z5dU23070501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Airi just confirmed that the fan meeting will be streamed.

>> No.43928296
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>> No.43928330
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They will have to apologize on their knees for defamation of my queen.

>> No.43928350
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>> No.43928407

You know shit hits the fan once she limited on who could reply to her tweets.

>> No.43928472

>why on earth Saya would do a sport coverage lmao?
I mean, she did 2 promotional videos for the Ibaraki Robots on twitter, so maybe?
>With her mom?!
maybe they were nice enough to pay her mom's travel expenses so she wouldn't get lonely. Or mom came on her own expense.

I know, I'm grasping at straws here, but if she's innocent, I want to be among the few that got it right. inhales copium

>> No.43928688

Most realistic cope is that they’re family friends or something and the original invite was mainly for Saya’s mother. If it had just been the court side seats, it’d be easier to imagine other things, but arriving at the venue together too? There’s not much hope.

>> No.43928710

Limited? Where?
Looks fully open to me.

>> No.43928727

I meant in the foreseeable future if there were too many mean tweets.

>> No.43928746

I'm not familiar with youtube chat moderation, but I wonder if staff will have to autoblock words like "tennis", the guy's name, "wimbledon", 彼氏, 結婚, London, etc

>> No.43929099
File: 129 KB, 723x401, s67546547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saya and non-Saya
That Saya didn't stay to see her supposed boyfriend?

>> No.43929234

The story's been picked up by Yahoo News in Japan. Nothing major but interesting since I though WNL was perhaps too niche.


Separately, someone on 5ch is claiming they're just family friends.


>> No.43929418

>first time actually trying to read 5ch
>entered Saya's name and lots of threads popped up
>select one from today

>> No.43929458

The second option is the one I believe

>> No.43929840
File: 121 KB, 1237x704, saya moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saya bros there's still hope?

18 hours left till her next shift, I haven't awaited a WN live that much since Ayaka's return.

>> No.43929895
File: 219 KB, 500x635, 68e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43930069

do you expect them to make out in front of you?

>> No.43930307
File: 1.27 MB, 1536x1524, 1636574882999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Announcers aren't idols
Why does anybody even care?

>> No.43930539
File: 95 KB, 720x720, ケッキ0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WOAH calm down Yui. Here. You could use some cake

>> No.43930783

I need to see the full match

>> No.43930793

Hope is the last thing to be lost

>> No.43930853

I feel stressed for her bros. I won't type anything in chat. Maybe a frog emoji, but that's it.

>> No.43930901

She will not even mention the whole matter, I'm calling it now

>> No.43931062
File: 103 KB, 720x720, ケッキ.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43931105

There's a reason the Greeks had Hope as the only thing to end up safely contained in Pandora's Box

>> No.43931270

Dawn of the Final Day

>> No.43931287

Truely they are Kings.

>> No.43931591

Sayabros what we thinking? Boycott the stream or let her know how we feel?

>> No.43931677
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>> No.43931792

>fan meeting live event begins
>Saya walks on stage
>is pelted with tennis balls

>> No.43932122

chad showed up. finally the role model we all need.

>> No.43932132
File: 3.95 MB, 1280x720, 763452685.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's your boyfriend or suitor guys
Try to deny it, but this video confirms it for me.
The guy makes some kind of sign to Saya and she reacts, then they realize that the camera is filming them, her friends confirm that the camera filmed them, she gets serious and tries to look like it didn't happen.

I'm devastated guys. now how do i look her in the eyes tell me? how do i? it's the end.

>> No.43932134
File: 591 KB, 1242x2688, C9FCCC03-A715-4BC1-B8FA-2AD52A394A36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sad I won’t see Ayaka, will cope with my girl Senna.
Also who else is going…?

>> No.43932358
File: 227 KB, 680x680, owari da.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brutal. Fucking brutal. Glad I'm not one of the Sayabros...

The more I think about this, the less I understand their intentions. If they really wanted to be careful about this, why would they enter together at the tennis club? Why would they sit right behind him?

Y. Nishioka is currently the best ranked Japanese player, playing at Wimbledon... They couldn't possibly think the game would not be broadcast by some Japanese channel, right?

>> No.43932482

Maybe it’s a soft launch of the relationship that’s backfired. They know that sayabros could not handle an official relationship statement, and were possibly just testing the waters. It’s a big fuckup in any direction for WNI.

>> No.43932764

maybe she thought, who the hell is going to pay attention to a random Jap in the stands, surely no one will recognize me here.

>> No.43932776

That smile...
We can never again enjoy the innocent delusion that it's only for us. It belongs to him

>> No.43933062

They should've bury Saya to early morning slot, and let Rinon/Yui taking over her prime time broadcast.

>> No.43933063

kill the tennis player and finished matter.

just kidding

>> No.43933103

If Sayafags are this upset over a tennis match, Rinonbros are going to be absolutely furious when she announces her marriage to me

>> No.43933111

Are you Yuki Tsunoda?

>> No.43933148

I already thought about it

>> No.43933155

I am sad

>> No.43933171

Don't be sad bros, at least we had a good run.
It's finally our time to move on.

>> No.43933215

I thought I was prepared for this moment, but I was not

>> No.43933226

Same bros, always had this nagging feeling, and I put it on the shelves.
And now the shelves broke and it felt like getting hit by a truck in the heart.

>> No.43933243
File: 108 KB, 897x927, Screenshot 2023-07-06 駒木結衣 on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Sena swooping in on Yui now that she's available.

>> No.43933313

It's our fault too, that's what we get for wanting so much a beautiful woman that we're never going to get.

>> No.43933331

She's so perfectly skinny. God I want to marry this woman.

>> No.43933627

It is very painful to assimilate, it hurts the heart.

>> No.43933647
File: 22 KB, 400x400, kqoY0ai0_400x400[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only caster who will never break our hearts

>> No.43933734
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>> No.43933753

I'm in it for the weather not for random pretty girls

>> No.43933784

I am now oshi-ing him and Gussan.

>> No.43934075

Best Boy

>> No.43934111
File: 372 KB, 1080x1113, 201453032_314989606776353_5117032840229917821_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon you're finally home, I've been waiting for you!

>> No.43934167

How's it looking in Nagasaki?

>> No.43934201

It wouldn't be bad if they hired a young, handsome ikemen for once. The ladies out there deserve a chance at joy too, and we could use a break from longing after girls we can't have

>> No.43934302

I'm getting nervous bros

>> No.43934308

As long as she gives us smiles... what more do we need

>> No.43934312
File: 368 KB, 1920x1080, 77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based Nana

>> No.43934313


>> No.43934342

This. There plenty of bored housewives out there in Japan, giving them something to watch in the morning/afternoon would be pretty good idea.

>> No.43934367
File: 361 KB, 788x360, GGBfAOy44FqfdgKT.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sunshine 777

>> No.43934392
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based fellow Nana enjoyers
Nanacuck here with cuck advice for Sayabros:
1. Continue to enjoy her stream
2. Be supportive
3. Wish you were an ikemen
4. Occasionally cry on /faaag/
I once say one of the Nip regulars in chat say he was going to smash his computer and cry when Rinon announces marriage lol. It will be rough
damn. thats hard to watch
>China Ogawa
lol. Anyways congrats on the ticket. Wagecuck like me on the opposite side of the hemisphere could never afford to go. Lots of second show Nonchan fans sad they cant see her, especially together with Gussan on stage. Would hate to miss that combo live.
Rinon has THE 晴れ女 image. >>43930853 She was made for the sunny shifts. Everyone would rather start their day with her.
he's now the most hated man in Japan w

>> No.43934397

I cant wait to kill myself to be reborn as Nana's baby, as it will be the closest I can get to have my face on her pussy

>> No.43934422
File: 48 KB, 612x586, 1688630058443195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We really are just cucks at the end of the day, aren't we. Why do we do this to ourselves?

>> No.43934454

I just checked and YT has a tennis racket w/ball emoji.

>> No.43934464
File: 384 KB, 1920x1080, みーちゃん.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evening with my sweet little princess

>> No.43934506

I've seen plenty of my oshis caught dating, getting married, being in an adultery scandal, etc. but for some reason this hit the hardest bros.
I couldn't even watch tonight's broadcast, please keep posting for any spicy memes. ;_;

>> No.43934605
File: 678 KB, 900x960, 23070600nana.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>奈々ちゃんの話し方 可愛い
highly agree with this Nip. the way Nana says some words is so cute. She'll make a great mom.
One more piece of advice:
5. Get into idols. Similar to what >>43923596 said, the idol industry exists specifically to cheer up lonely heartbroken salarymen like us.
Because we're lonely straight Western men with severe cases of yellow fever who reeeally like impossibly cute girls who only 0.000001% of men are lucky enough to date and marry ;_;
same. We'll be twins
I think niconico does too. I've already seen people using it
I've been into idols for almost only 2 years now and luckily none of my oshis have done this yet.
When Nana announced pregnancy, for a while, I didn't feel like watching other casters and only wanted to watch her shifts that I missed.

>> No.43934975
File: 201 KB, 1109x1479, 20230706_171700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It confirm she dating the tennis chad
Rip sayabro

>> No.43935013

Nice of her to drop the bomb right before the broadcast.

>> No.43935048

How can I listen to the weather coming out of a mouth that has had a penis in it?

>> No.43935055

smart move by her but fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. I'm not even a Sayabro, but damn this hits hard. Not as hard as Nana's announcements, but still pretty hard.
Its officially over. It was nice knowing you guys. /faaag/ will miss you. RIP
how will they ever recover?

>> No.43935070

It’s over…Sayabros, our goose is cooked…

>> No.43935074
File: 663 KB, 842x720, wBZILP7PgFuriR2h.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let mi-chan help blow away your sadness sayabros

>> No.43935091

goddammit. eveytime they announce this kind of thing, its always a pretty picture of the sky

>> No.43935094

Her sunset was kino

>> No.43935096
File: 1.91 MB, 474x640, 5D40B9CD-E379-4CE3-BF5F-224FB6F0F1D0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no recovery. You'd just have to live with the pain.

>> No.43935110

Pouring one out fall all the sayabros out there. Stay strong brothers. massive F

>> No.43935127
File: 341 KB, 757x585, 1684626653905592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was the phallic image necessary?

>> No.43935131
File: 272 KB, 1440x1799, 357480395_3677795732441760_6644044632325027801_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her manko must taste sweet and delicious like white rice
At least twitter replies are overwhelmingly positive. Or maybe they're just pretending like they weren't in love with her.

>> No.43935134

Sixth of July night
A tear in my eye for her
Heart gone cold again

>> No.43935138

Spilling the beans would soften the blow i'd imagine.

>> No.43935140
File: 198 KB, 1170x2022, 66b4a4b8-cd8a-4089-9a98-cace126f17cf1688640197262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43935144
File: 530 KB, 640x833, 2A8D2C9B-B290-40E6-A336-7BBBBF636895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurts just a little bit

>> No.43935150
File: 171 KB, 2048x1158, 8d589944-6e5c-44e5-979e-8f2363fc1c7b1688640223145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43935158

know you guys know what it's like knowing that your favorite caster is getting fucked on the daily

>> No.43935165

I need to start tracking his overseas tournament schedule, that way I know if Saya is working she isn’t getting dicked down that day.

>> No.43935169

if the press are asking these kinds of questions, you know he's popular with women there.

>> No.43935170

Big Ben well that implying something

>> No.43935171

>At least twitter replies are overwhelmingly positive. Or maybe they're just pretending like they weren't in love with her.

Just like in here, a lot of people on Twitter were complaining about there not being an announcement or something first before doing something as brazen as following the top-ranked Japanese player to one of the most famous tennis tournaments in the world.

The announcement is a least a 'sign of respect' (however inappropriate it may be to say that).

>> No.43935175
File: 95 KB, 720x720, BA78559C-96A2-479D-A489-8BCD5AFFE78F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy knowing that Yui is getting stuffed on the reg

>> No.43935191
File: 54 KB, 667x1000, 002_size8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't mean food, then we don't know that for sure yet, but its likely. She's in the middle of dating/marriageable age.

>> No.43935192

Here we go

>> No.43935197

Aw hell how could I ever be mad at her

>> No.43935207

just a few salty chatters

>> No.43935227

getting flashbacks to Nana's announcement. This is suicide fuel of the strongest kind.

>> No.43935299


>> No.43935304

the japs are going crazy, impressive real time shitposting

>> No.43935307

How's Nico? Is it still flaming or people are already tired after shitposting for two days straight?

>> No.43935324

I'll check now, but I bet it must be hell

>> No.43935338

I haven't seen a single comment displayed yet, staff probably expected the flood and decided to protect her.

Massive flood and a lot of mean posts.

>> No.43935340

I thought only Korean female could be really vindictive and ruthless on the internet.
Seems like broken-hearted Japanese male could rival them.

>> No.43935350
File: 194 KB, 1567x736, screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone impressed whenever staff can find one appropriate comment to poyon

>> No.43935362

I know how this guy feels

>> No.43935366
File: 134 KB, 1080x1080, 1860A9A6-820E-4FFC-BF5D-AE0245CA1984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I die for she.

>> No.43935380
File: 336 KB, 2436x1125, 1f8ebca8-dc27-43aa-8e3f-4915bae2b9901688642478959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43935391

Seems like she'd better off if she were announcing her marriage instead of just dating.
Feels like people would be more supportive and giving congratulations for wedding announcement.

>> No.43935410
File: 1.33 MB, 1366x768, dorks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peanutcoin fucking SKYROCKETS.

>> No.43935417

Future’s so bright she gotta wear shades

>> No.43935429

>penis player

Will Saya ever be the OP again?

>> No.43935443

Seems like not for a while, we even got non WNI OP pic for the first time on this thread thanks to her.

>> No.43935455

Sasuga new WNI ace, Nonchan.

>> No.43935476
File: 80 KB, 1041x576, niconico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My reading speed isn't good enough to keep up with niconico.

Maybe for the better...

>> No.43935481

Saya's an old hag anyways

Riena and her massive tits are the future

>> No.43935500

chat was moving to fast but someone said something like "the racket that was put in there.." lol

>> No.43935551

True, we're lucky to have so many young and cute casters. My main oshi is Mizuki, but I like Senna a lot too.

>> No.43935661
File: 2.06 MB, 522x360, a8t04bfOJltEFMaa.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sayabros, let blow away today negativity with mi-chan

>> No.43935712
File: 89 KB, 1052x636, niconico2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nico bros won't calm down

>> No.43935764

Ever since most people already moved to youtube, only unhingeds are still on Nico.

>> No.43936030

She just made a vague reference to her tweet and then peaced out.

Have to wonder how she feels about all this. Maybe she will just graduate soon.

>> No.43936109

If the relationship is serious, and it looks like it is, her graduation is eminent. She, and WNI, know full well that her assets lie within her purity and her proto-sexuality. Unable to perform these things with any authenticity she becomes a liability. Dark times for Sayabros

>> No.43936154

New hire coming by September but I was thinking it was Nanas replacement

>> No.43936193

If I find out that my favorite has a lover, I feel like my heart will explodeIt's been almost 4 years since I started seeing pods. Osaya is already 30 years old. It's really time. If you're a normal member of society, it's about time.
...if it's normal... If only I had a normal life...
I think sometimes Osaya doesn't fit into the world of celebrities, does she? What?
Wouldn't a normal life with everyone be better? What?
Go to the office, work seriously, talk enthusiastically with colleagues during breaks, draw your favorite manga on memo paper when you have free time at work, and have dinner on the way home from work
. Let's go... and fall in love... I
feel like Osaya would be able to spend more time having a normal life than doing her best in front of an audience full of people every day. .
Osaya, who gets upset on the show and is teased by the viewers, always feels like the scenery of Ibaraki and her father and mother are in her head.
The truth is... I just don't want to see Osaya getting used to being like an entertainer. I don't want Osaya to go to a world I can't even imagine.
I was able to get to know Saya because she made her debut.
I fell in love with Saya because she was talking on the computer monitor.
I understand that. I understand, but
I don't know Saya's life. I don't know the usual pods. I only know Osaya in the screen.
I didn't want to meet Osaya in this way.
I wanted to meet you in the classroom at school. I wanted to meet you at the same company. I wanted to meet you in the city of Ibaraki. I wanted to meet the "real Saya" who knew nothing about Caster.
Then I feel like I could love Osaya even more than I do now...
Whenever I see Osaya laughing and tempering at a live performance, I hear it in my heart. Even if I know they won't answer, I still end up asking.
I listen to Osaya many times when she speaks on the program and when she smiles on the monitor.
Hey Osaya, are you happy now? Was your current job really good?
You don't like living in Tokyo, do you? You miss Ibaraki, right? You can't get used to the dirty adult world like the entertainment world, right?
Osaya's heart will always be beautiful, won't it? You'll never forget that smile, right? ···Hey you! Osayaba! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Weak men can cry tonight

>> No.43936195

what makes you guys think she will gradutate? literally all the married casters have either stayed anyways for years or have no intention of leaving(Nana at least reassured that she loves her job and will be back)

>> No.43936196

I wonder what's the best move for fan meeting.
If she comes, some hardcore sayafags might ruin it.
If she doesn't, the other fans will be quite sad.

So many things have changed in less than a week lol

>> No.43936253

is this a translated pasta?
Ive been seeing lots of Nips referring to 弱男 (weak man)

>> No.43936261

Saya is a special breed- she's responsible for bringing a huge amount of western viewers in to WNI, she has a unique look, and acts in ways seperate to the other casters. Rinon for example is more beautiful than Saya, however Saya is much more 'earthier' than Rinon. She tears the curtain between total fantasy and unachievable yet imaginable reality.
Saya always had a sense of sensuality and sexuality to her, and her charm has been that she has (albeit almost totally in the minds of the viewers) offered it up. With this news the illusion is ruined. As i said, I think she'll come to be seen as a liability. It's a weather station after all. Every time she broadcasts the can't just can't be filled with tennis racket emojis and puns.

>> No.43936279
File: 878 KB, 720x1280, 356336696_812005403670639_4428946365628065970_n.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43936345

For me I’m thinking there might be disillusionment on her side. Maybe she will start to question the kind of environment she’s chosen to work in and how she presents herself.

>> No.43936429
File: 5 KB, 250x236, 1443856679628s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


*breathes in*


in all seriousness, though: it's over.

>> No.43936438
File: 17 KB, 400x400, akira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43936448

I don't agree with this, I don't see her leaving anytime soon. She's too important for the channel and seems to enjoy her job.

More realistically, she may just adapt her flirty attitude to a more reserved one in the near future.

>> No.43936469

On the lighter side, Yui just joined her threads.

>> No.43936600

>adapt her flirty attitude to a more reserved one
I think so too. Early Ayaka and Nana were quite flirtly on air and on socials, but more reserved since they got married. They're both still cute and fun though.
cool. havent heard of this new site before. Maybe it will be faster to browse than twitter >>43927732

>> No.43936657

It's pretty much the latest trending term to refer to men at the bottom of the social caste. Nerdy, financially and physically undesirable, emotionally volatile, reliant on parasocial relationships with streamers/vtubers/seiyuu/idols etc.

>> No.43936667

>and seems to enjoy her job

This is my point. If people really can't control themselves, it could easily lead to her no longer enjoying her job and looking for something were interaction with crazy viewers is less of a day-to-day part of the job.

>> No.43936710
File: 94 KB, 1813x577, screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this guy says that graduating may be good for her mental health
speaking of Nana and Ayaka..

>> No.43936721

Guess I was wrong, but I'm happy for her.

>> No.43936809
File: 130 KB, 946x684, 18721884_1214909281969321_5295020907268407296_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute, virgin OP Eriko

Anyways, I always thought it's weird to congratulate people on getting a relationship. Its like saying, "おめでとう on the sex. Congrats on winning the genetic lottery and not dieing a miserable reject loser like most people."
forgot to attach flirty Ayaka

>> No.43937249

lmao. staff accidentally clicked an angry comment. I'll need the clip to see how quickly they took it off screen

>> No.43937485
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>> No.43937945
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Joewari da...

>> No.43937964
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saya when

>> No.43938036
File: 61 KB, 753x819, Screenshot 2023-05-10 155805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not crying you guys are crying. Stop crying. Stop crying. Life is beautiful. Life is beautiful.

Touch grass. Ignore the feelings of doom, futility and frustration. For just one more day. Just one more day.

>> No.43938039

She's almost 30. Let her have her freedom.

>> No.43938097
File: 642 KB, 930x725, 1687175749751168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43938201

Don't cry yet, but I'm crying my eyes out.

>> No.43938238

I checked r/sayatheweatherqueen for the first time in weeks and saw that. Maybe it will be better tomorrow night.
I wonder if their time spent together feels a little awkward now

>> No.43938585

Nishioka Saya? Nishioka really? you deserve someone better.

>> No.43938619
File: 231 KB, 1920x1080, 14515454132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saya Hiyama announces her relationship with professional tennis player Yoshihito Nishioka.

>> No.43938657
File: 363 KB, 512x512, 4e02807b943796db28e24dfd7dcd38b8fc5d0283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ready ready

>> No.43938669

This guy is an asshole, I don't know how saya could have noticed him.

>> No.43938832

>51 views, 4 hours ago
lol, wanted to see what year this was. Must have been before meeting Saya if he raged like this. I bet having Saya helps him stay calm now.
I too wonder how she met the guy. We were so sure she would choose someone from the anime/manga industry, but an athlete? I've never seen her express any interest in sports, let alone tennis, specifically. Unless mom/friends invited her to a game and she just happened to run into him off-court and make friends.
timely AI guy

>> No.43938843

I hope I'm wrong on this, but given how Saya looks like a rather passive and naive person, I wouldn't be surprised that her mother played a huge role in this affair.

Bros I was wondering, is it true that Ayaka is the first and only caster who came back from maternity leave?

>> No.43938889

He could easily have been the one who pursued her.

Now we know for sure where that expensive watch came from

>> No.43939071
File: 54 KB, 480x722, o0480072213900415732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sayane was the first to come back. She came back winter/spring 2020 iirc, a few months after I started watching. I didn't understand any nihongo or know anything about the channel then, so I thought she was new.
>mother played a huge role
I'm thinking he's a son of one of Mamachi's rich friends, and she introduced him to Saya
or maybe he's a weeb too and she met him at an anime premier or convention. fuck. what if she met him while cosplaying. There probably aren't that many young, decent looking guys in good shape with similar interests at those events. Maybe he was aware of this, felt confident, and approached her, or she approached him. Or maybe it was at a game, and he noticed that cute weather girl on youtube in the crowd and made his move.
Expensive watch brands often sponsor tennis players and tournaments, so yes, thats likely where $7k watch came from. Even if it isn't from a sponsor, that's pocket change for him.

>> No.43939084

You are coping hard brother. Tennis players are slayers. They are not afraid of women and don't need confidence or special occasions or for the stars to align. He could have slid into her dms and asked her if she wanted to fuck. It's that simple

>> No.43939199
File: 106 KB, 969x855, sankyuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, I thought the current maternity leave of Sayane was her first one. She came back in April 2021 apparently:


Is it over for Airin? She really has dedicated her life to WNL.

>> No.43939208

thats true about tennis players. But Saya doesn't seem like the easy type who just agrees to go out with a rich e-chad she never met. She doesn't come that easy, right guys....?

>> No.43939233

Hell, it's even worse, worst case scenario he could have had his agent or his assistant or whatever set the whole thing up.
>Ms. Hiyama Saya, rich and famous tennis Chad would like to meet you

>> No.43939241
File: 846 KB, 1250x1574, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5ch Announcer Forum

【ウェザーニュース】檜山沙耶 Part 32【さやっち】 (実質33)

【ウェザーニュース】檜山沙耶 Part 34【さやっち】

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>> No.43939275

thanks, but I don't want to know about it anymore, I am hurt inside

>> No.43939371

damn. athletes have it easy. that makes me wonder how often Rinon, Yui, Eriko(OP), other announcers get contacted by agents just cause their celebrity chad boss wants some pussy.
>Is it over for Airin?
it's too late for her to have a healthy child now. She's so fun and cheerful, it seems almost a waste that she never passed her genes on. I guess she and her husband never wanted kids. She's happy just being a cat and dog mom.

>> No.43939386
File: 122 KB, 960x540, tbs.m3u823070601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

minecraft Eriko has a cool top today

>> No.43939393

The king of Spain married an announcer. Announcers are super popular because everyone gets to see their beauty and personality over a long period of time under a wide variety of situations

>> No.43939415
File: 373 KB, 1920x1080, mayu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty Mayu

>> No.43939439

I feel like she genuinely likes Gussan.
I don't know why, but it's kinda cute.

>> No.43939479

She's silly and spontaneous. I like her.

>> No.43939502

>Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano. came from a middle-class family. She worked as a journalist for ABC and EFE before becoming a news anchor at CNN+ and Televisión Española.
was going to post a picture too but she's handsome, not cute.
nice bangs

>> No.43939506

Guys, I'm the OP of this thread filling in for the other OP who didn't show up. I need someone to take over because I don't feel good about this situation yet, I'm hurt.

>> No.43939516

I'm drunk and walking around aimlessly in a scorching field, I can't do it

>> No.43939529


>> No.43939543

Someone will have to do it or they will run out of thread

>> No.43939555

Ok, I will try. Don't blame me if I fuck it up

>> No.43939569

If you do, don't put a picture of Saya, that would be devastating. lmao

>> No.43939572

I might make the new thread if a new one isnt made by the time this reaches page 9.
Whoever makes the new one, include all these links >>43939241 in the op. Its actually a really good reference.

>> No.43939586
File: 95 KB, 1080x1080, 2816896153651916919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The second straw is for me

>> No.43939593
File: 156 KB, 1200x858, FvCyCqUaUAAH8zm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at those digits. You can do it.

>> No.43939600

New. Drunk and sad edition
