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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4389571 No.4389571 [Reply] [Original]

What time do you usually wake up, /jp/?

1 PM here.

>> No.4389577

3pm. shitty sunlight...

>> No.4389587

Between 5 and 7pm.

>> No.4389589

Depends on when I have class.

Since today is a holiday, 1:30.

>> No.4389597

11 am.
I wish I could wake up earlier, but I kind of need to sleep more than 3 hours.

>> No.4389603

5-11 am

depends when I go to sleep or if I nap.

>> No.4389605

11 AM

>> No.4389609

8:30 AM so I can go to work.

>> No.4389611

I wake up almost every night at 4AM for no apparent reason. After that I go back to sleep. If I have stuff to do I get up at 7AM but otherwise I sleep to around 9AM.

>> No.4389613

9:00 am

>> No.4389620

wake up around 10/11 AM, stay in bed until 1 PM, sometimes 3 PM

>> No.4389631

Today I woke up at 11 pm. Feels bad man.

>> No.4389674

2pm if i have class, 3-7pm every other day. It's great waking up at 7pm, because everyone else sleeps at around 10. Being awake at night, alone, i love it.

>> No.4389717



>> No.4389738

7.00 am, one allnighter every two days.

>> No.4389788

Usually around 17:00.

>> No.4389812

1pm, since I have school nowadays. But during the summer I usually wake up at 6 pm.

>> No.4389819

Just woke up, 4:30pm here

>> No.4389849
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0700 on weekdays.

>> No.4389870
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Usually around 2 - 4pm.

>> No.4390029

Depends... usually 1PM to 3PM.

Some nights it's not even worth it to go to sleep.

>> No.4390036

we usually wake up at like 1.

>> No.4390049

6:30am. I have more energy in the morning than night.

>> No.4390057

8:00 AM. Hate sunlight though

>> No.4390059

10:00 am

>> No.4390063

6am week days.
8am weekends and holydays.

>> No.4390074

7 AM on weekdays.

Weekends, usually between 10 AM and 1 PM. After going to sleep at seven or eight AM. Sleep is for the weak.

>> No.4390101

It really depends. Sometimes my sleeping schedule is thrown off and I end up staying up for 24 hours straight, leading me to end up waking up around 6-8PM for a few weeks.

>> No.4390150

Waking up and getting out of bed are two different matters, OP...

>> No.4390163

Around 11AM.

>> No.4390208

7:15am-7:30am Weekdays
? Weekends

>> No.4390218

Between 5 and 7am.

>> No.4390220

My sleep cycle got fixed somehow and now I wake up at normal time. It used to be at 12-3pm.

>> No.4390237

4-5 am. Nobody would get breakfast if I slept in.

>> No.4390240

Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 7AM
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday: sometime after noon

It's hell on my body clock and I feel jet lagged all the time, I'm going to have to start waking up at the same time every day at some point.

>> No.4390242

whenever daddy enters my room to screw my tight cunt.

>> No.4390265

1-4 PM

>> No.4390310

10 am on weekdays because I have class. Anywhere from 11 to 2 on weekends.

>> No.4390375

I have severe sleeping disorders, so it fluctuates a lot. Today I was up at 17:00, yesterday at 11:00.

>> No.4390404

I usually set my alarm to 8am, but occasional afternoon naps wreck even that simple schedule.

>> No.4390412

8-10AM winters
1-3AM summers

>> No.4390418


>> No.4390432

5-7 pm
