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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4389264 No.4389264 [Reply] [Original]

>The kappa also shows interest in the backsides of humans and other large animals, often seeking to pull the nourishing guts out through its victim's backside and devour them. Its favorite part of this is the human shirikodama, a fabled ball found near the anus and an item rivaling the cucumber on the kappa's list of favorite foods

>The kappa's affinity for things posterior is not always so malevolent. Its flatulence is known to be particularly noxious, and the kappa often passes gas in self defense when caught by fishermen. It is sometimes thought to have three anuses with which to expell these fumes.

>And the predatory attraction that some kappa have to the human rump seems to be replaced with a naughty curiosity in others, as a common story features one of the imps hiding in a toilet so as to coyly stroke the buttocks of humans using it.

Feels bad man.

>> No.4389277

Not if you go on /d/.

>> No.4389285

Why did you post Nitori? She's just a girl with a goofy hat and a backpack.

>> No.4389292

Nitori having three anuses isn't so bad.

>> No.4389290

I fear for my anus too much for that.

>> No.4389306
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>Its flatulence is known to be particularly noxious, and the kappa often passes gas in self defense
> It is sometimes thought to have three anuses with which to expell these fumes
>a common story features one of the imps hiding in a toilet so as to coyly stroke the buttocks of humans using it.

>> No.4389308

>It is sometimes thought to have three anuses with which to expell these fumes.
>three anuses
Seriously what the fuck, I know greek mythology has incest written all over it but come on, what kind of a pervert thought of this? Only thing worse is that "and then a meal came out of the anus" thing with Amaterasu.

>> No.4389310

She's also bald. Which is why she wears the hat.

You are now realising that she means to use that key in your anus.

>> No.4389311

scat abound.....fun~

>> No.4389316

>"and then a meal came out of the anus" thing with Amaterasu.

>> No.4389320


But she poops from there... and there... and there.

>> No.4389322

What? /d/ is most likely the most "gentleman" board on 4chan.
If you take the weird ass fetishes, those people are pretty civilized

>> No.4389334

it was posted on /jp/ once, I remmber there were two or three gods having a bet or something, then one was hungry and one just poped some cooked rice out of his/hers ass and the other wgod didn't want to eat it because he/she was grossed out even though nothing was wrong with the rice

>> No.4389347
File: 528 KB, 1200x707, nitoriiku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a critter called 'suppon':

>Much like the kappa, it is blamed for the drowning deaths of children and feared as a man-eater that drags swimmers under the water to pull out their anus.

I... I just find something inherently humorous in something that comes up out of the water, and instead of the usual sea monster antics, plaintively yanks out your colon.

>> No.4389355

since every sea dweller loves dem colons

>> No.4389354

>Tsukuyomi was utterly disgusted by the fact that, although it looked exquisite, the meal was made in a disgusting manner, and so he killed her.

I think I'd consider it after seeing that.

>> No.4389350

Found it:
Tsukuyomi angered Amaterasu when he killed Uke Mochi, the goddess of food. Amaterasu once sent Tsukuyomi to represent her at a feast presented by Uke Mochi. The goddess made the food by turning to the ocean and spitting out a fish, then facing the forest and game came out of her anus, and finally turned to a rice paddy and coughed up a bowl of rice. Tsukuyomi was utterly disgusted by the fact that, although it looked exquisite, the meal was made in a disgusting manner, and so he killed her.

>> No.4389361

Post anything "Western" on there, however, and they become like every other board.

>> No.4389363

Copy pasting favorite mythology snippets.
Shiri-me (Harmless spook that scares people by showing them giant eyeball inside its anus. )
Orang Minyak (Oil-covered slippery black demon rapist that is reportedly invisible to nonvirgins)
Hantu Tetek (A ghost with huge breasts that stem from her back, which she uses to suffocate people)
Popobawa (One-eyed, batlike anal rape ghost that only attacks males)
Sazae-oni (Spirit of a sea snail that disguises itself as an attractive woman and steals the genitalia of sailors she sleeps with)
Alan (Gargoyle-like haunt that reproduces by collecting shit, menstrual blood and miscarried infants and moulding a child out of it. )

>> No.4389371
File: 148 KB, 640x480, 1266113161959.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the shit is with Japanese mythology?

>> No.4389372

I wouldn't mind having Nitori stick her arm into my butt and farting away as she leaves.

>> No.4389373

>the human shirikodama, a fabled ball found near the anus and an item rivaling the cucumber on the kappa's list of favorite foods

>> No.4389396

anus flavored beer. oh yeah

>> No.4389399
File: 150 KB, 824x800, nitoricry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember reading something that the "kappas wreck your ass" thing came from the fact that the Japanese would find drowning victims and the victim would, understandably, be full of water and all distended, including the anus. At the time, they had no clue why this would happen, so obviously it was a monster.

Anyway, Nitori would never do anything to your anus. Well, not things you wouldn't like, anyway.

>> No.4389408

/d/ is like /c/, only with weirder subjects.

>> No.4389412

Geh, I'm just shy of /d/. Propably something to do with having wandered on to /b/ on a few occasions. Despite having been on 4chan for a fair while now, I still find I'm a bit too sensitive for some material that comes up.

Hmm. I seemingly can't find any more butt-obsessed monsters. It's a wonder I haven't bumped into any pictures of a three-anused Nitori eating butts though.

>> No.4389427
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>this entire thread

>> No.4389439

>The extraction of this element by kappa is said to cause the loosening of the anus in drowning victims

I couldn't find confirmation for that, but sounds credible. I'm just too lazy to read the wikipedia article on drowning, mind you. Doesn't death by asphyxiation generally cause the victim to void themselves, though?

>> No.4389459

>Popobawa attacks men, women and children, and may attack all of the members of a household, before passing on to another house in the neighbourhood. Its nocturnal attacks can comprise simple physical assault and/or poltergeist-like phenomena; but most feared is sexual assault and the sodomising of adult men and women.

>ictims are often urged to tell others that they have been assaulted, and are threatened with repeat visits by Popobawa if they do not. During Popobawa panics many people try to guard against attack by spending the night awake outside of their houses, often huddled around an open fire with other family members and neighbours.

>In 1995 it was the focus of a major outbreak of mass hysteria or panic which spread from Pemba to Unguja, the main island of the Zanzibar archipelago, and across to Dar es Salaam and other urban centres on the East African coast.

Oh boy. I hope ZUN includes one of these in a future game.

>> No.4389483

Wasn't this some government conspiracy to get votes or something?

>> No.4389513

I need to expand that horrible mythological creatures list, by the way. That Thai vampire that sticks up her tongue (Southeast asian vampires are almost exclusively female) up her victim's ass and feeds on delicious shit fits well. Also same deal with the placenta, using the other hole. Too bad a cute girl in a frilly dress will never probe your anus with her tongue to eat your shit. Anyway, about the kappa:

>A folk explanation brings us back to the story of the carpenter and his straw dolls/kappa. Some versions report that upon throwing thedolls into the river, the carpenter cried "Eat people's anuses!" (though it is not clear why he yelled this). Other explanations of the shirikodama and liver-taking tendencies of the kappa relate that these are offerings brought to a snake-shaped dragon deity; this explanation explicitly links the kappa legend to various folk religious beliefs in Japan and other parts of Asia. Linguistically, a homonymic relationship between the word tama, meaning ball or jewel, and tama, meaning spirit or soul, has also been suggested (Ono 1994, 52). The character tama, also meaning spirit or soul, represents another possible correlation. Thus, the jewel or ball contains the soul or spirit; its removal means death for the human and extended life and potency for the kappa.

Yeah, seems the assball is a folk aphrodisiac for the kappa. Like the Chinese collect tiger dicks and Europeans rhinoceros horns, kappa collect assballs because it'll make them better in bed.

>> No.4389544

Or perhaps just a military recruitment drive. Africans use buttrape as an all-purpose tool, if war correspondents are to be believed.

>> No.4389560

if you knock the water out her dish she'll do whatever you want. Then dry out and die.

>> No.4389588

Refresh her with my semen.

>> No.4389617

So, is this a doujin yet?

>> No.4389627

working on it

>> No.4389632

Oh yeah, and this gem here...

>An Obayifo in the Ashanti lore (deriv. bayi, synonymous term: ayen), is the spirit of a male or female witch that is able to leave its body and flies around at night feeding on young children. These witches are supposed to be very common and a man never knows but that his friend or even his wife may be one.

But the important part is how exactly she flies around looking for fresh infants. You see, the obayifo first peels out her skin, leaving herself a fleshy lump. Only then does she start to fly, and while she does, her armpits and anus glow with a strange light. I'm not kidding.

An obsession with food and having shifty eyes is signs of a disguised obayifo.

>> No.4389704

And while not horrifying, I love how practical Chinese people are, even when confronted by the supernatural. Here are two examples.

>The Pénghoú (彭侯) is a tree spirit from Chinese folklore. It is described in an old book called the Soushenji (搜神記, English "In Search of the Supernatural"):

>In the time of the First Ruler of Wu, Lu Ching-shu was Grand Protector of Chien-an Commandery. Once he dispatched a man to cut down a great camphor tree. Few strokes of the axe had fallen before blood suddenly flowed from the trunk. When it was finally felled, a creature with the face of a man and the body of a dog came forth.

>Ching-shu explained, "This is what is known as the p'eng-hou." He had it steamed forthwith and ate it. Its flavor was the same as dog-meat.

>The Pai-tse T'u (Book of Bai Ze) says: "The spirit of trees is called p'eng-hou. It appears much like a black dog with no tail and can be steamed and eaten. "

Basically this guy's motto was "If a demon stands in my way, I'll eat him. If a saint stands in my way, I'll eat him. "

And then there's Bā Jiāo Guǐ. Ragnarok Online players may recognize her as Lady Tanee, a similar ghost was the inspiration for this boss I think:

>A female ghost which dwells in a banana tree and appears wailing under the tree at night, sometimes carrying a baby. In some folk tales from Singapore and Malaysia, some greedy people ask for lottery numbers from the ghost in hope of winning money. They tie a red string around the tree trunk and stick sharp needles into it and then tie the other end of the string to his/her bed. At night, the ghost appears and begs the person to set her free in return for winning lottery numbers.

Ghostbusting for fun and profit!

>> No.4389721

chinese mythology is a cookbook.

>> No.4389751

Kappa were ancient aliens in spacesuits.

>> No.4389754

>chinese mythology is a cookbook.
I fear for the inhabitants of the scarlet devil mansion.

>> No.4389787

I wish I could remember the title of that doujin.

You know that one where china and sakuya have dinner together.

but its just china eating sakuya's leg with fried rice

>> No.4389842
File: 41 KB, 654x380, bonnacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, how could I forget those two? Now that's something I really want to see in Touhou 13. Probably as a fire/ice pair, like Mai/Yuki.

>The bonnacon is a beast with a head like a bull, but with horns that curl in towards each other. Because these horns are useless for defense, the bonnacon has another weapon. When pursued, the beast expels its dung which travels a great distance (as much as two acres), and burns anything it touches.

And this:

>In southern Peru, the Kauri natives believed a large, gray cat with a monstrous head dwelled in the mountains. Its body was marked in dark, horizontal stripes and its eyes were huge and glowing.

>If the people did not appease it with offerings during the growing season, it would sweep through the villages, bringing with it foul weather to ruin the crop. Most spectacular and quite peculiar, the Ccoa would launch hailstones from its phosphorent eyes. Yes, I have looked it up in several sources to confirm -- the hail comes from the monster's eyes.

>It was said to gain servants from children that dies before being baptised.

Instead of vaguely defined fire and ice magic, you have burning dung and ice tears. Fuck yes, mythology.

>> No.4389878


that is all.

>> No.4389900

That guy's expression is lovely.

"What the fuck, man, what the fuck?"

>> No.4389916

I like how the bonnacon is making some sort of archaic trollface.

>> No.4389935
File: 133 KB, 354x363, feels good man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks more like 'feels bad man'

>> No.4389936

Inb4 creepy Nitori flash

>> No.4390013

I'd let Nitori coyly stroke my buttocks as I use the toilet


>> No.4390022

Strangely, this is exactly how I imagine Nitori would initiate sexual contact.

I can't see her being direct about it.

>> No.4390228

As for the more stupid variants, there are demon chicken, vampire goats, and bug dragons.

>The evil chicken ("pollo maligno") is an evil spirit of the forest in the form of a bird that haunts the hunters, attracting them to the deepest forest in order to devour them.

>Pyrausta (also called pyrallis, pyragones) is a mythological insect-sized dragon from Cyprus. It resembles a four-legged insect with filmy wings and a dragon's head. It lived in the fire like a salamander and died if it went away from the fire.

>The Sigbin or Sigben is a creature in Philippine mythology said to come out at night to suck the blood of victims from their shadows. It resembles a hornless goat, but has very large ears which it can clap like a pair of hands and a long, flexible tail that can be used as a whip.

>The Manananggal (sometimes confused with the Wak Wak in some areas by the Filipinos) is a mythical creature of the Philippines. A manananggal is described as being an older, beautiful woman (as opposed to an aswang), capable of severing its upper torso in order to fly into the night with huge bat-like wings to prey on unsuspecting, pregnant women in their homes; using an elongated proboscis-like tongue, it sucks the hearts of fetuses or blood of an unsuspecting, sleeping victim. One story relates that manananggals have black chicks in their throats, which provide them with their power. A third story relates that a girl who later became a mananaggal confided in her human boyfriend that she felt the urge to eat sick people's sputum.

Fuck yes mucus eating vampire girl.

>> No.4390336

Where can I download this game?

>> No.4390623

I remember reading something that the "kappas wreck your ass" thing came from the fact that the Japanese would find drowning victims and the victim would, understandably, be full of water and all distended, including the anus. At the time, they had no clue why this would happen, so obviously it was a monster.

So what is the real reason?

>> No.4390908

>So what is the real reason?

>> No.4390934

>Nitori has 3 anuses.

Why haven't I see any doujinshi with this?
