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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.30 MB, 2444x3853, waifus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4383680 No.4383680 [Reply] [Original]

I know you're tired of this. I'm a bit tired myself, really. It's been a long day. I've had my fun, and spent an enjoyable day with the girl I love. Though I lack a camera, I hope that someone will enjoy this that I have put together.

If nothing else, it beats two 5000x5000 images where /jp/ and /a/ combine their pictures. God, I hope they don't do that again, for many reasons.

Now, I can't ensure that this is just /jp/, as the two boards have intertwined so much this day that not even Alexander's sword could cut the knot.

Regardless, I hope you have a nice night, /jp/, and a wonderful life with your waifu.

>> No.4383690

fuck off

>> No.4383691

Sweet dreams op

>> No.4383709

There's some from there that I know for certain are from /a/ but I am not going to say which ones because they're good and who cares where they're from

>> No.4383716

I sure hope the fags that filled the past threads with more than 300 posts get the fuck out.

>> No.4383775

So basically, you made one yourself because you didn't like the /a/-/jp/ combined montage, but then threw in some from /a/ and missed some from /jp/?

Good job, I guess.

>> No.4383830

Thanks. Now I'm taking 10 aspirins and going to bed.

>> No.4383856

That image is more /a/ than /jp/

>> No.4383995

How in the heck did you decide what was from /a/ and what from /jp/?
It kind of makes me sad how you definitely missed the ones of some fellow /jp/-users while probably adding in a few those of /a/nons (okay not sure about this one, but since I dont know how you decided whats from /a/ and whats from /jp/..)

>> No.4384008


>I can't ensure that this is just /jp/, as the two boards have intertwined so much this day that not even Alexander's sword could cut the knot.

>> No.4384050

I think it's funny that all this /a/ vs. /jp/ bitching assumes that there are absolutely no users who frequently spend time on both boards.

>> No.4384055

Thats true, but I still cant see a way to see surely which ones are from /jp/ and which ones from /a/.
If I wanted (and could, I cant edit images at all) to make a /jp/-only collection, I'd probably wait for a while and then make a thread about it here and ask /jp/ users to post their own pic. That way it wouldnt be very likely to get flooded with /a/:s pics.

>> No.4384064

True, but why can't you? Hell, most people just use MSPaint.

>> No.4384080

/a/ is about anime and manga and /jp/ is about otaku culture so shouldn't this belong here?

>> No.4384086

>users who frequently spend time on both boards.
They are considered as f/a/ggots.
General consensus in /jp/ is that if you still lurk /a/ you have some issues or your brain cells are damaged.

>> No.4384087

I don't visit /b/.

>> No.4384095

Hmm I thought there'd be some ''easy'' method for adding all those pics in, the only way I can imagine doing it would be resizing every single one and then starting to copy/paste them into one big picture.

>> No.4384101


Right, so it makes no sense to use /a/ to discuss anime and /jp/ to discuss VNs and Japan/etc.

>> No.4384136

It's because /a/ started to do this and /jp/ isn't special anymore. And you know how /jp/ doesn't want to do anything with /a/.

>> No.4384139

i visit neither board and im in there owned

>> No.4384145

Are you seriously saying that it is possible to discuss about anime on /a/? Really?

>> No.4384149

No. It makes complete sense:
1. If you have some issues
2. If your brain cells are damaged.

>> No.4384154

The only thing I don't like about /a/ being merged with /jp/ in holiday threads is that a disturbing amount of /a/ users aren't even serious about waifus and are just doing it for a laugh.

That is an insult to us who are serious, their waifus, and our waifus aswell.

I also grow depressed at how many people on /jp/ are beginning to take it as a joke aswell.

>> No.4384155

Of course they do and if the last moot threads are any proof the lot of said fags are shitposters. On both boards.

>> No.4384161

You're one of those faggots that make anime threads here and say, "WELL THIS BOARD SAYS JAPAN/GENERAL LOL!" aren't you, faggot?

>> No.4384163

>/a/ to discuss anime
Sorry I don't see any discussion of anime in /a/ and I don't read the big3 manga.

I rather go to /bun/ or ghost to post about anime and manga.

>> No.4384181

Yeah not to good when the image is just barely at the file size/dimension limit.

>> No.4384186

/a/ is not really a good place to discuss it, though. I open it every now and then to check out the front page (Im still a rather big fan of anime to be honest) but there really arent any anime-related threads worth opening.
Just opened it, seems like the front page is ''WHAT WOULD YOU DO..''-threads, imagedumps, etc. Just no actual discussions.

>> No.4384193


Seemed like more people on /jp/ were taking it as a joke this time to me. Regardless, I think the antagonism is silly.

But whatever, I usually spend most of my time in /m/ anyway.

>> No.4384203


/a/'s really not that bad as long as you go there at the right times (evening/early morning EST mainly) and there's decent anime/manga on (not much to speak of right now).

>> No.4384218
File: 1.66 MB, 2000x4835, 1261843736828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the image OP. I can always count on /jp/ to make me feel better about myself.

>> No.4384235


And yet you're still here with us, alone, on a valentines night.

>> No.4384251

>You're one of those faggots that make anime threads here and say, "WELL THIS BOARD SAYS JAPAN/GENERAL LOL!" aren't you, faggot?
Ah anon, this reminds me of when I used to browse /a/ and "saw through" an anon with one line of post.
Silly times. I am giving you one more chance.

>> No.4384255

Another reason for me not liking the board is the stupid elitism and acting like stereotypical x.
I still remember how pissed off I was because of the ''MOEFAGS VS GARFAGS''-shit when K-ON! and Sengoku Basara aired. I stopped going there completely after K-ON! ended.
''THAT SHOW IS SHIT GO WATCH REAL ANIME LIKE X, Y, Z'' is also annoying, because I've almost certainly already watched X, Y and Z which doesnt stop me from enjoying other anime shows as well.

>> No.4384276

You already lost if you didn't leave after february 2008.

>> No.4384296
File: 442 KB, 640x480, 1265130355198.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>making assumptions

.gif related, it's you. :)

>> No.4384305


It's difficult for a fact to be an assumption, unless you are implying you are not actually here.

>> No.4384309

How did I lose? Browsing both /jp/ and /a/ wasnt so bad, in my opinion.

>> No.4384321
File: 196 KB, 604x1190, sure-is-tear-inducing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same could be said of all of 4chan.

>> No.4384325

The only exercise of this kind made with some sincerity was the one from Xmas of '08. This feeble shit only made with the intention of mockery can die in a fie along with it's promoters.

>> No.4384333

someone disagrees with /jp/ and they assume it is /a/.

remind you of anything

>> No.4384349

If you mean the collections, yes they're either too bloated or they leave some good ones out.
If you mean the pictures, many of them were very heart-warming in my opinion. It was also kind of sad to see people taking a cup of (something), placing it before their monitor and taking a picture.

>> No.4384379

Of course we have our born and raised here shitposters like you, hellbent on ruining the board for everybody.

>> No.4384384

How did all of those Lucky Star/Toradora/anime screencaps get in, but more obvious /jp/ submissions like negi Miku, hamburger Saber, and the Marisa with the fuck-ton of food not?

>> No.4384412

He took them all from one thread and didn't wade through the previous two threads to find them. Or those threads were already dead.
Whatever, I'm just glad it's over.

>> No.4384416

I dont think its really about the characters though, that'd just be mockery of the love of the anon who took the picture.
But true OP:s pic isnt that great, I might try to make one myself. Not sure though, I'd probably place my priority in choosing good pictures, not "/jp/" pictures.

>> No.4384423

+ Im not sure if we want more of this

>> No.4384438 [DELETED] 

UUUU~ so now you are supposed to be all kind, rational and shit? I think is really faggy you are trying to exclude a lot of the great works many anons did. Please gtfo and take your fail with you.

>> No.4384443

He should have downloaded this.

>> No.4384447
File: 29 KB, 300x251, cat-tie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UUUU~ so now you are supposed to be all kind, rational and shit? I think is really faggy you are trying to exclude a lot of the great works many anons did. Please gtfo and take your fail with you.

>> No.4384466

Now now, don't make fun of my waifu simply because she's in an anime that you don't like.

>> No.4384467

Lets all wish this gentlemen the best.

>> No.4384476

But doesn't it take 20 to kill you?

>> No.4384483

>kind, rational and shit
No. I hate /a/. I had no intention of portraying any of those adjectives. Back to /a/ with you.

>> No.4384501

To be fair, you did a rather nice picture but from following all the threads yesterday, you could have done a lot better one so I kind of understand the negativity of some people

>> No.4384581
File: 14 KB, 308x451, 20%20CAT%20TIE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UUUU~ well, you are trying to sound like that. But truth is you are a big fag, I mean do you really think that tiny little faggy pic is worth excluding lots of great anons pics?

>> No.4384602

No, but on the other hand the gargantuan collage made earlier was filled with stuff that was pretty obviously half-assed. I was hoping the person making the huge one would reach a happy medium between the two, but...

>> No.4384628

I did, too, after seeing the first bloated one someone made.
Sadly I'll have to get out of /jp/ for 6 hours pretty soon, I might actually start making a pic otherwise
Yeah, I am not a ''true NEET''

>> No.4384637 [DELETED] 

UUUU~ half assed? How? You do realise each pic has its own nice touch right? They took the effort of choosing a pic, pick something nice to go along with it and post it. But you are just too much of a faggot to see that.

>> No.4384640
File: 76 KB, 400x533, stewieTie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UUUU~ half assed? How? You do realise each pic has its own nice touch right? They took the effort of choosing a pic, pick something nice to go along with it and post it. But you are just too much of a faggot to see that.

>> No.4384669

No, really: There were some pretty half-assed ones which were just made by taking a random drink (and maybe eve a snack), putting a picture of a random animu girl on your monitor and then taking a picture.
You can see if the one who took the pic put any feelings in it just by looking at the picture.
Of course the OP:s collection isnt very good and unfair considering many anons took great pictures, but maybe we'll manage to make a better one later.

>> No.4384670
File: 98 KB, 640x512, Image020a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one loves her more than me in this board.

>> No.4384675

Yes, but he'll be bleeding by the time he gets a pat on his back, tomorrow.
That, or he'll bleed to death asleep, while he accidentally bumps his head to the wall in his sleep.

>> No.4384685
File: 7 KB, 120x160, 14Feb_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But, do you lend her your blood for her drinking pleasure?
I only do as she desires.

>> No.4384687

>You do realise each pic has its own nice touch right?
Yes, the ones where their desk was covered in random junk or where they took whatever they happened to be eating at that moment, held it in front of the monitor and took a blurry or tilted photo with bad lighting obviously were a heartfelt valentine's gift to their beloved.

>> No.4384690
File: 433 KB, 585x618, fH2zW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4384691

I know I`ve seen that Kyou picture somewhere but I can`t seem to find it, can anyway be a bro and post it? ;_;

>> No.4384702


Scandaroon's camera is shit. He apologizes for nothing!

>> No.4384718

/r/ing all the versions of this years.

I remember mine being on a different one, but didn't save it because it was no were near completiont.

>> No.4384721
File: 140 KB, 1296x972, no nice touch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you say that something like this has a ''nice touch'' in it, just please, keep your opinions to yourself.

>> No.4384723
File: 223 KB, 1280x995, Yuno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmmm Coffee

>> No.4384729

i laughed

>> No.4384734
File: 1.08 MB, 1536x2048, IMG_0073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told them that if they didn't manage to finish the chocolate by the end of Valentine's Day, they would get a beating in the morning. Well, it's beating time.

>> No.4384745

Can't help but notice KS character with some cup of whatever and Tomoyo with a bowl of cereal? included. I'm tempted to say OP is just some elaborate troll.

>> No.4384763


It isn't cereal, it is home made potato soup.

>> No.4384765

He is trying to include ''/jp/'' pictures, I think.
I know mai waifu isnt very /jp/ (she is Konata), but its still kind of hurts somebody assumes I browse /a/ just because of that ;_;

>> No.4384766

Fucking kids making this into a complete insult and mockery.

You guys ruined this community.

>> No.4384785

If anything a Lucky Star waifu would have made you a shoo-in, judging by OP.

>> No.4384789



I'm older than you, bro.

>> No.4384792

Why did you throw cake at (what I assume to be) Takano?

>> No.4384794

This is another reason why I wish /a/ and /v/ users were autobanned from other boards.

>> No.4384795

It is.

>> No.4384796
File: 2.77 MB, 5000x5000, valentinesDay2010FINAL_ib4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4384799

see >>4384466

>> No.4384804

Looks like Alicia (Aria) to me.

>> No.4384808
File: 794 KB, 912x684, DSCN0083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4384812

27, and I'm sick of you all treating this as a fucking joke.

So ironic.

>> No.4384819


Well damn, 24. I stand corrected, but you're still upset over something inconsequential as dick.

>> No.4384823

my dicks rlllly big

>> No.4384831

No, because nearly everyone of you are thinking this is a joke.

>> No.4384839

I think some of you are taking things too seriously. /jp/ has always been about taking it easy.

>> No.4384847

Can YOU make a collection of the good ones, then? Id surely like to have one good collection in addition to the huge, bloated one.
You can DL all the pics from http://www.megaupload.com/?d=N37OHHMM

>> No.4384848


>> No.4384886

delicious artifacts

>> No.4384892

...You missed the point.

There shouldn't be a college or a collection or even pictures of this shit.

>> No.4384916

>Maximum file size allowed is 3072 KB.

It is to be expected.

>> No.4384925



>> No.4384927

Just ignore it. It'll die out soon enough. It's just a passing holiday disease.

>> No.4384937

Seriously, this is insulting.

>> No.4384940

...called loneliness. ;_;

>> No.4384960

Not true.

This shit is ALWAYS here and the mindset also pledges the community.

>> No.4384968
File: 31 KB, 400x326, coolface1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey, guys?

Wait until Christmas 2010.

>> No.4384969

I've never quite understood where the "line" is in /jp/. We've have threads about wearing diapers or freezing onaholes so it feels like you're breaking Cirno's hymen, but then stuff like this is "insulting".

>> No.4384973


>> No.4384983

Jeez, a few threads get more than a two posts in an hour and /jp/ is up in arms.
Give it a rest Eva; 4chan isn't the same place it was four or five years ago.

>> No.4384990

We've been making the christmas/vday waifu tribute posts and whatnot for years. I don't see why we should stop, but hopefully the popularity surge of it will end after this year and it'll be back to the usual polite low key annual posts.

>> No.4384993

The "frozen Onahole" threads are bad and are a pain to look at, but it's these threads that truly show just how awful you are all and how "light-hearted" you take all this.

>> No.4384995

Low blow towards the userbase, faggot. Or at least the ones with a serious waifu.

>> No.4385006

Tone it down a bit, guys. You're acting like furries.

>> No.4385017

It's stuff like this that reminds me just how much I loathe this place and having default association with the community.

>> No.4385021

my pic didn't make the cut ;_;

>> No.4385027

nor did mine - but hey, 'twas only for fun and I'm only a passing /g/denizen

>> No.4385034


>> No.4385036

salutations to a poster of a good board

>> No.4385037

You could just leave, you know. No one is forcing you to stay here.

Same here, bros. ;_;

>> No.4385040

Mine made it in one of the earlier version but not the last few.

>> No.4385043

how could this happen to us ;_;

>> No.4385048

Mine didnt either, but I dont care, it doesnt affect my love for Kona-chan at all!

>> No.4385049

Wow fuck this image. This ruined it. HURRDURR ONLY SUPERIOR IMAGES.

>> No.4385051

cool collage

>> No.4385053

Not possible.

Also, all of you crying about this just further shows just how insincere and insulting this shit is.

>> No.4385055

No Mir/Jakuri cookie = no good.

The Sakura pizza dinner is sort of excellent, though.

>> No.4385060

Not all of those are new, I recognize several as being old and/or from 2ch

>> No.4385064

Mine either. I don't even like hamburgers much, I went out and bought it just for Saber. Though I can understand how it could be taken as a joke or a "whatever I happened to be eating" contribution, so I hold no ill feelings.

>> No.4385065

sup ZUN

>> No.4385068

Now I am hungry.

>> No.4385084

Not surprising.
There were a shitload posted after the big collage was finished that never made it into a larger or separate version.
Hamburger saber warmed my heart though.

>> No.4385086
File: 861 KB, 1764x2259, P214003aaa3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4385089

yeah some were lovely - gummi bear rika was <3

>> No.4385110
File: 41 KB, 800x417, shin453288888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got the icy Blanc Neige/Cirno pic?

Sure is TaiBRO around here!

>> No.4385122
File: 348 KB, 1280x960, untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just made it for you /jp/...sorry I'm late to the party.

>> No.4385129

Mine made it into A big version, but got cut as th thing got updated.

>> No.4385140

yours is in another collage, look around it was just posted here. congrats <3

>> No.4385142

The collage wasn't handled by the same person over the entire day. As far as I know, three separate people worked on it.
The guy who took over after I did was a bit selective with what he wanted put in.
Maybe he cut it out afterwords.

>> No.4385155

Yeah almost forgot about that.
well whatever, not a big deal.

>> No.4385160

Thank you for including mine. I know my half-assed attempt earlier was laughable, so I worked harder to show my love.

>> No.4386471

Christmas might not be so crowded, valentines is not such a big thing that you'd celebrate with your family like Christmas.

>> No.4386638

>three pictures with konata
haha newfags

>> No.4386644 [DELETED] 


Scandoon chose an awful picture of Satori, and he failed even more by putting the powered heart cookies on top when the ones on top should've been the chocolate heart ones (which are in the middle)

oh well, can't win them all

>> No.4386677


>> No.4386725
File: 73 KB, 640x480, AK000032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see mine anywhere. I feel a bit left out of the good will ;_;

>> No.4386742

The collaboration images weren't done out of good will. It was done with hate, anger, rage, and more anger.

>> No.4386750
File: 55 KB, 402x381, cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That makes me feel sad.

>> No.4386757

Not really, many people just got angry at them. Okay, maybe the one OP made was made with anger, but ValentinesFag certainly made his with good will. Be it a good thing or not.

>> No.4386762

>hate, anger, rage, and more anger
Just like a normal Valentine's Day, then?

>> No.4386767

OP's was done out of frustration that there were 3 or 4 threads about the damn thing on the front page, and that /a/ was using it as an excuse to invade us.

It'd be fine if they stopped trying to bring the two boards together and collaborate.

>> No.4386769

Your pic must be very bad if it didn't make it.
Even my crappy picture done with no effort just to make a mockery and joke to the whole tradition made it.

Seriously, it doesn't matter if it make it or not, you still love the object of your affection. I have come to the conclusion that majority of you doing it are doing it for attention whoring and just want to be on the SUPER COOL COLLAGE FOR COOL KIDS SUCH AS MYSELF.

Fucking disgusting.
Can't wait to see Christmas 2010 when every tom dick harry want to be on it.

>> No.4386776

Yes, I'd definitely prefer it if the two boards just made their own versions.
I thought about making a new thread about this later today or some time tomorrow and ask /jp/ users to repost their waifu pictures, then somebody could edit them into a collection but it might just make people angry so I probably wont.

>> No.4386787

OP.s pic seems like it was done pretty randomly so I wouldnt blame the pic for not ''making it in''. Its no good to actually care about getting your pic there or not though.
Oh and we might not have as much people here during Christmas, most people dont do anything that special during valentines unless they have a date or something but many people visit their relatives etc. during Christmas.

>> No.4386797
File: 296 KB, 660x1000, Sakaki_x_Kaorin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I have come to the conclusion that majority of you doing it are doing it for attention whoring and just want to be on the SUPER COOL COLLAGE FOR COOL KIDS SUCH AS MYSELF.

It would have been nice to have been included on a collage, but it was something I did as what I would have hope was going to be a fun extra, sharing my happy day with others. I was going to, and did for the most part, enjoyed my Valentines day with my waifus.

If people will persist in being mean and nasty on a day that is supposed to be joyful, that is their choice.

>> No.4386799

How about White Day?

>> No.4386802
File: 114 KB, 763x598, OH DESIRE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4386808
File: 151 KB, 640x480, DSC05854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4387395

>If nothing else, it beats two 5000x5000 images where /jp/ and /a/ combine their pictures. God, I hope they don't do that again, for many reasons.
Cant really see many reasons for that.
I think the quality control should be a bit more strict, though.

>> No.4387456
File: 69 KB, 730x280, sob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.4388373

Kind of surprising how suddenly almost everything related to valentines ended.
