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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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43833639 No.43833639 [Reply] [Original]

Anon's Dolls Edition V I think

BJD thread, primarily for vinyl dolls with an anime aesthetic.
Previous Thread: >>43657315
Resin Dolls Thread: Dead Again (but you can post here, too.)
Fashion/Other Dolls Thread: >>>/toy/10467050
FAQs and Links
New Guide: anime-dolls.moe
Old Guide: dollfaq.buyfags.moe
Booru: bjd.booru.org
Telegram: https://t.me/BallJointDolls
Sewing pattern books:
Doll Calendar Project: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1abqGwCjvHI0DalA13tDVTwtgYyXPgG1UXJ98AcNCeQk/edit?usp=sharing
/jp/ BJD QnA Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SJPKqCd8YX5_JcB7NWjRS5Zy4dKeKMg5l-YmoHZgFZk/edit?usp=sharing

Current Photo Challenge: Hats, Headwear
Previous Photo Challenge: Swimwear, Water
If your doll is for fucking, go to /ona/:
(The thing you're looking for is made by Six House Dolls.)

>> No.43835986
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>> No.43836079
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seller still has not sent my imomo doll despite buying it over a week ago, sent him an ebay message yesterday but no response. I just home it comes before the wig from parabox gets here.

>> No.43837442
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I've had the same thing happen to me with my older SW DDH-10, at some point I'll try to use Loctite to patch it up but the crack isn't that bad. This thread might help.


And if you want to be really fancy google ソフビ盛り, I'm not the most familiar with the process but you could weld the crack with vinyl.

>> No.43837866
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Nice view

>> No.43838298
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sorry for being retarded but what's the deal here, I thought MDD style heads would look out of proportion with bigger bodies, is this a DDP? wew, now I want a DDP body with MDD head

>> No.43838623

all dd heads are the same, you know this right? There is no mdd head, only dd head on different sized bodies

>> No.43838933

umm but I remember someone telling me awhile ago that some heads wouldn't look good on mdd as they were too adult or more suited for DD (you know, the very pointy heads), I mean all custom heads for MDD are usually like the same number (01 think it was?)

>> No.43839111
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01 is the classic but 10, 27, 28, and 29 are all intended for mdd/ddp. You can technically use those heads on the full sized bodies but it'll look tiny.

>> No.43839287

Yeah that's what I was trying t say, I knew heads had the same peg or w/e so they're technically interchangeable but they wouldn't look good.
Anyway, gonna take note of those numbers, guess then the rest of the head numbers are suited for DD/DDS/DDdY or is there other distinction?

Taking the chance to ask, hows the clothes market for DDP? as I remember MDD are the ones w more props n clothes sellers

>> No.43839311

I'm going to be blunt:
I want saucy pics of dolls.

Also as a /tg/ dude who paints for wargames I am really impressed with this hobby. The amount of skill, money and dedication is insane. like the work that goes into making a doll is bonkers.
Hell I'd consider making these things purely to sell at auction

>> No.43839456
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Hello /tg/ anon. The models people create for your games are also incredibly impressive and detailed, especially if they do a whole unit of matching individual figures. I really respect the work that goes into it. What kind of saucy are you after? Subtle? Overt? Lolis? I'll try to find you some photos since you took the time to drop by.

>> No.43839479

big meaty knockers.

>> No.43839509

DDP clothes continue to be troublesome, but many MDD things will fit. The only real difference is longer legs, so some socks/tights/stockings will be short, skirts might have less coverage, and so on. One-piece apparel is the most troublesome. There are some who make clothes specifically in DDP scale, thankfully -- check http://cheerydoll.com/product/list.html?cate_no=51 for some options.

>> No.43839534

>The only real difference is longer legs
The longer arms are a bigger problem for me because I like long sleeved tops.

>> No.43839574

Make a twitter, take a peek at the #MDD tag n dive into the rabbit hole
Instagram has dolls as well, but I think it's not as spicy as they have stricter policies over there. In Twitter everything goes.

>> No.43839580

Yeah but that would mean going on twitter.
Place is not worth it even for the porn.
I might to a quick peak but thats it

>> No.43839622

good taste

>> No.43839927

>What kind of saucy are you after?
overt and blunt

>> No.43840453
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I can probably do that.

>> No.43840502
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>> No.43840536
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>> No.43840549
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Romina is an Angel Philia, and they can look quite salacious.

>> No.43840578
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>> No.43840606
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>> No.43840656
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>> No.43840667

bjd bros are the best,
any twitter accounts that post this kind of stuff?

>> No.43840686

>mini pocki

>> No.43840718
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now that i'm not sure about, but hopefully another anon can hook you up. romina's owner is over here on flicker, though. https://www.flickr.com/photos/115442148@N03/

You can find doll-scale versions of damn near anything. This is for larger 75cm dolls, but here's a scale bedroom someone built for their dolls. (The people sitting in the middle are full-sized human beings, for comparison.)

>> No.43841927

Oh to be a girl in her 20s with the time, money and space to build something like this and friends who will help and enjoy it with you

>> No.43842007
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I would settle for basically any one of those things. Youth, time, money, space, local friends.

>> No.43842019

You know, I always wondered why I was born with a one and a half inch penis, but looking at some of these dolls....Now I understand.

>> No.43842050

Bottom of the OP, anon. >>43833639

>> No.43843009

oh wow, im flattered my pic made the thread opener. i tried taking some more during an indoor photoshoot this evening, but i just couldnt get things to line up the way i wanted them too. I'll try again tomorrow maybe.

What do you guys do when you cant get the shot thats in your head? Also why are wigs such a pain in the ass?

>> No.43844105

You put in good work, anon. Even if you didn't get the shot today, you've got more practice under your belt for next time.

As for getting the shot, I'm going to break this into paragraphs for readability. The first thing I do is get everyone posed and ready before I start shooting. Take a few test shots as you do this to make sure everyone is doing what you want -- making eye contact, holding things naturally, not in some awkward pose, and the like. This also gives you time to try and manage wigs -- Volks' styling products are worth it. I have yet to find a dupe of their water wax. On the other hand, in my photos a lot of the time the wigs are far from perfect -- the wind blows, after all. I just roll with it because the alternative is to slowly go insane. Short hair is always easier to maintain than long hair at the end of the day, and complex styles (braids in particular) can look messy in an instant if you're not careful. One thing I know Zodake_Ekadoz does is to use transparent fishing line or even small doll stands to help his Miku's hair look dynamic and caught in motion, but that guy is really good at what he does in general.

Beyond that, always try new things when you're out taking photos! Maybe you need to be closer to your subject, maybe you need to be further away. Lay on the ground (even if it's muddy- many times I have said "I don't want to do this" as I begin to lay in the mud, but the results were worth it,) or elevate the camera, or see if it's better as a vertical shot instead of horizontal. Put your camera (phones can do this too!) on manual and start messing with settings! You won't break anything. Learning how to make the best use of the tools you have, whatever they may be, is always a worthwhile endeavor. You don't have to do it all the time, but it's good to know how your gear works whether you're taking photos or doing anything else. Sometimes it's productive to just carry out your camera and shoot whatever you see just to see how they come out later, and other times it's necessary to set up a shot in advance and pull out a tripod to do what you're thinking of. (I honestly hate using tripods because I'm impatient, but it's a necessary skill to develop.)

More than anything else though, experience and repetition will get you where you want to go. I've been taking photos for a long time, but I've only started to really feel satisfied in them within the last few years -- and that's not a bad thing. I took some good ones along the way that I can look back on and be proud of, and one of my best (non-doll) photos is from 2017! But my consistency has gotten far better from when I started, and that goes a long way to getting results.

So keep working at it, anon. Eventually you will be able to make the images in your head into reality.

>> No.43846961


>> No.43847792

Sir this is a blue board. We're birds of a feather, along diorama anons from /toy/, hope you enjoy this thread. On a more detailed answer, the onahole general is what you're looking for:

>Seamless bodies
Evoke and LD Doll. Sometimes people photoshop joints, like hachikoromura @ Twitter.
Most dolls in the 1/4 scale are, like MDD. 1/12, Nendoroid or Obitsuroid may qualify too.
>Thighs, ahegao
Angel Philia, Imomo Doll for loli pick.
>Anime face
Dollfie Dream from Volks. /cgl/ may still have their mobile game thread, and Dream Girlfriend is the closest style that goes lewd.
>Anime, as drawn by the West
Smart Doll
Dollfie Dream Dynamite. Obitsu has soft bust pieces. They're squishy, but not flesh-squishy, if that makes sense.

Back on topic, I might make mini sewing notions for the next doll, having a little helper feels nice.

>> No.43848142

Bonnie season 2 up for preorder, crowfunding was completed really quick. They're cute, but not fully human-faced.

>> No.43848309

A bow came off of a doll shoe. Any recommendations on what kind of adhesive I should use to fix it? The shoe is a fairly hard rubber and the bow is a plain old fabric bow...

>> No.43848506

Low temp hot glue would work best, and is the most forgiving if you mess up. Apply a small dot to the ribbon bow and stick in place. Done.

>> No.43848759

Okay, thank you for the advice.

>> No.43849724
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I respect the work that went into this SmD custom but I also fear her on a personal level.

>> No.43850003

neither my proudest nor most shameful nut

>> No.43850014

I want to change the eyes of my SD Girl, but I'm terrified of damaging the faceup while trying to get through Volks' 10 lbs of hot glue.

Never had an issue getting the glue out of my DD heads since they're a bit malleable but resin is intimidating. Please pray for me bros. Going to try gentle heating with a hairdryer on low/medium but if it proves too tough I may need to order the Tamiya paint thinner

>> No.43851420
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Good evening everyone.

>> No.43852210

nta, but this is great advice, thank you!

good luck!

>> No.43852946

Oh, well that sure is a unique doll. Honestly the longer I get into this hobby, the more I crave this craziness. It reminds me of the good old days.

DO NOT USE PAINT THINNER. You risk damaging both the resin and the faceup. If you have needle nose pliers, try gripping onto the glue and yanking it.

I just ordered a bunch of sewing supplies and have a sewing machine sitting in my Amazon cart in case it goes on sale for Prime Day. It might be time for me to rediscover my love for sewing. Wish me luck.

>> No.43853288

I usually freeze my heads and try to pry it away with various tools.

>> No.43855200

The X-20 enamel thinner is what Volks recommends. I ended up ordering all of the tools they recommend just to have as a back-up in case the hairdryer method or your unga bunga pliers method doesn't work

Doesn't that risk condensation getting on the resin and messing up the faceup?

>> No.43856953

Condensation is just water and poses very little risk to the faceup, the sealant on the faceup is meant to protect the faceup against things like surface moisture and light abrasion. Paint thinner will dissolve sealant.

>> No.43857832

I really regret not picking up this girl, you made her look stunning anon. Might I ask where you got that dress?

>> No.43858575
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>> No.43859468
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>> No.43859908
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>> No.43860032

good luck, anon! i need to do the same—i haven’t been motivated to sew anything for too long.

>> No.43860047
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Honestly, the weird dolls are more fun for me. Pic very related.

>> No.43860203

Thanks! I really stretched myself getting her but i absolutely have no regrets. she is absolutely stunning to me and i couldn't be happier!

it was this same dress i ordered and it is actually pretty nice for the money. really happy with it.

>> No.43860258

Thanks anon! I'm beginning to plan a wedding between two of my dolls because I've gone insane.

>> No.43860840

based insanity enjoyer

>> No.43860989
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very unusual pair of vmf50/AP thighs up on manda right now, never seen these before
they've got built-in thigh-high sock indents, might be of interest to anons here with Obitsu-body girls

>> No.43861621

I've seen console modders use a cotton ball lightly soaked rubbing alcohol to debond hot glue from PCBs. They just press the cotton into the glue for a minute or so and gently lift it up with a small pick or tool.

>> No.43862796

That seems way more controllable than Volks' dropper method. I think I'll try a tiny amount on a cotton swab if I can't remove the glue without it. Thanks for the tip.

All of my removal tools + new eyes will be here next Monday so I'll use the July 4th holiday to work on my girl

>> No.43865634
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My photos might be unremarkable at best but I still love doing this and how she looks in my desk.
This pose was simple but putting on the stand was a challenge

>> No.43866058

Can't tell if boyish girl, or girlish boy.

>> No.43866074

Does it matter, anon?

>> No.43866288

She is adorable! I also love the GochiUsa nendos in the back.. very nice photos! Is her head from Parabox or what type of doll is this?

>> No.43866829 [SPOILER] 
File: 486 KB, 1500x2000, IMG_20230625_134901-4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An Obitsu original, an Azone collaboration due to the maid uniform she came with. They're still selling the same face and body with blue eyes and straight black hair in school uniforms.
I hate how this photo came out best

>> No.43867243

very cute! the colors of the print compliment her so well

>> No.43868555
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>> No.43868563
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I love dolls with glasses

>> No.43869543

I LOVE dolls.

>> No.43869570
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Me to.

>> No.43870448
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>> No.43871340
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>> No.43872235
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>> No.43873008

These hands. Where do you get them?

>> No.43874041
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>> No.43875083
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>> No.43875265

Hornier thread than usual innit?

>> No.43875282
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I blame the weather. It's hot for a lot of people right now.

>> No.43875340

I hope they've sent your doll by now. Will your next doll have white hair too?

You can get some from Gensoudoll.

>> No.43877615
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>> No.43877648
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>> No.43877814

Where does one even get scale vehicles like this? I see them around but I imagine they cost a fortune.

>> No.43878013

Nice Yashicaflex, is it any good?

>> No.43878094

Model kits, that one in particular goes for close to a thousand US. It's cool, but I'm fine just looking.

>> No.43878731
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>> No.43878766
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Got a wild hair and took some quick snaps of a dress I've had for a while and never used.

>> No.43878772
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Just the two, working on my normal monthlies too, but had a quick idea.

>> No.43878850

The earrings are so cute. Always glad to see your girls posted, anon.

>> No.43879142

she got here today. this one I'm probably going to go with a black hime cut and red eyes. still waiting on the wig to come and I I need to get some varnish to seal up her face since the seller said it was unsealed. also I need to check if she can fit in a mdd body suit so I dont get any stains.

>> No.43879726
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>> No.43881721
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>> No.43882622

Thank you! I made them myself, I just wish the cherries were a little smaller. They're almost too heavy for the magnets, so I had to take them off each time I adjusted her.

>> No.43883633
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>> No.43884053

So is the endgame of this craft to just make dolls to go for auction?
Like selling 1 complete doll might bankroll the creation of maybe 1.5-2

But as a /tg/ wargamer its really hard to part with something you made. its your vision and kinda a part of you. I always feel a little regret when I sell models.

>> No.43884092

>So is the endgame of this craft to just make dolls to go for auction?
If you're a skilled faceup artist with a decent following, maybe, but that's not really the case for most people in this hobby. I doubt most people are selling or making any money from these things, it's just because they like them

>> No.43884231

People are really attached to their dolls, they often don't sell them.

>> No.43884239


>> No.43884256

Man, I intend to have my dolls until I die, I don't give a shit about resale. This hobby is whatever you want it to be. For me, it's learning new skills to make better props/jewelry/clothes/pictures. It's something to do that engaging and isn't video games and staring at a screen. Feels good.

>> No.43884290
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Some talented people do that. I take photos of my dolls, instead -- the endgame for me is to dress them up and use them as models. The endgame for others might be just having them sit around and look nice. Others might use them as clothing models to practice tailoring, centerpieces in dioramas or roomboxes. There are a lot of ways to interact with dolls and the majority of them, rather than making money, are just a money sink. But most hobbies are like that.

>> No.43884993

>used to go everywhere with my doll
>now have a human partner I go everywhere with and my doll stays at home
Its sad. I don't dress my doll up much these days

>> No.43884998

>your human partner doesn't share your hobbies
That's pretty sad desu senpai

>> No.43885008

Do you think this person would judge? Maybe explain you like to have them with you for fun and see how they respond. You never know, maybe they'll join you in the hobby! And even if they don't, they can support you. But if your interest has naturally petered out, that happens too. Give it time -- my interest in dolls waxes and wanes, so if I don't interact with them for a while, that's normal as well.

>> No.43885138

They are very supportive of it but have zero interest in it themselves, they aren't a weeb at all.

No they wouldn't judge me, I guess its actually myself who judges me now that I know someone else is watching me do this stuff. They are really supportive and do ask me about my doll, but the idea of me taking time away from them when we go places to take photos of my doll that no one will ever see when I could be taking photos of them instead I think is what gets me the most

>> No.43885193
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The endgame is having a satisfying collection of dolls, I guess. But that is the catch. Most collectors never stop collecting, because there is always a new doll that can be added to the collection. The people that are paying those insane prices at Yahoo Auctions just for heads aren't new to the hobby, most of them own many dolls. It's not something people collect to make money. Usually when you sell a doll it is because you want to finance another purchase, or because you are leaving the hobby altogether.

>> No.43886113

this is why I will maintain solitude. I do not want to leave my dolls or my chickens or my goats. they are all I need.

>> No.43886680

Anon, it's possible to find someone who will support and even share your interests. If you are happy with your solitude, that's fine, but you don't need to be intentionally lonely for fear that no one will accept what's important to you. I'm personally happy on my own, but I know many people do prefer some sort of companionship -- and if you do, you need not settle for someone who doesn't support them. There are plenty of people in the world. Also post chickens and or goats, I love them both.

>> No.43886756

There are varying degrees of supportive spouses in my local group ranging from partners who don't know what's happening but kind of love it anyway to partners who ended up getting into the hobby and that gives me a lot of hope. It's so cute when their dolls have characters and the dolls are also in a relationship. Heals my jaded heart every time.

>> No.43887037
File: 1.42 MB, 900x1350, peas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone likes resin and wants to get into tinies, Frappzilla have a sale on some of their tinies to clear house before releasing new dolls July second. They're mostly $20 - $50. They are 3D printed resin, and you will have to assemble them as well as do any sanding, painting, etc yourself, but if I can manage it, it should be doable for anyone. Their head sculpts aren't personally for me, but their tiny animal dolls make me happy, so I thought I would share. Pic related is Peas, who now lives on my keyboard -- I'll take some proper photos of my actual doll as soon as I get some 6mm eyes.

(No idea why the code is "blackfriday" but that sorts by what's in stock, though some things have sold out.)

>> No.43887842

why would I want to sell my daughters?

>> No.43891158

It's cute, thank you anon.

>> No.43892798
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>> No.43893895

what? No

>> No.43893912


>> No.43893946

I wish I could have a cow

>> No.43895367
File: 255 KB, 1364x2048, 1637305875518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon but one of my goals in life is to get some miniature cattle one day. I hope we can both have cows.

>> No.43895865

Just took almost 150 pictures of my girls. I should bite the bullet and make an insta now that the bird site is dead.

>> No.43895908

return to flickr

>> No.43896299

Not to blogpost, but unironically people are returning to tumblr since twitter's dying, half of reddit is closed, instagram is shit, and so on. I literally made a website to host my shit, not even because I think it's worthwhile, but just to have somewhere to put things so I can at least show friends. Lots of people make discords, and I have a personal one for long-time friends and I, but... big community discords are a nightmare. People talk about bringing back forums, as well, but more than anything, places like this and IRC are the most comfortable for me. Email for one-on-one keeping in touch... individuals will mostly be alright, but I worry for small business that survive mostly on word of mouth like many doll creators do. Times are weird, but... I saw the rise of modern social media, and I'm not surprised to now see its fall. Whatever happens, people find ways to keep in touch, so I'm not too worried. Say hey to the people you love, anons. What matters at the end of the day are the connections we make, not the way in which we made them.

Whatever happens, at least this dinosaur of a website is probably sticking around for a while to come.

>> No.43896315
File: 2.37 MB, 3967x4971, IMG_0314 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its summer clothes time.

>> No.43896320
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>> No.43896323

The 1/3 Imomodoll boy bodies and heads are back in stock for preorder in Milk and Tan colors. They are 68cm. Finally the boy drought is ending. I'm tempted to buy more, I really am. If they release a 55cm boy as well, I will literally drop a grand.

>> No.43896329
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>> No.43896350
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>> No.43896372
File: 1.78 MB, 2969x5564, IMG_0372 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swapped out Hibiki's eyes. Its odd how they make her look brighter and more tsun at the same time. Too bad I hairline cracked on of the original pair.

>> No.43896395
File: 1.82 MB, 4110x3912, IMG_0389 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definite bratyness increase. The eyes are rather nice for being considered defective.

>> No.43896411
File: 2.42 MB, 3998x5809, IMG_0397 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brats get what they deserve.

>> No.43896424

Those shorts look comfy.

I've always liked Hibiki's expression, and these eyes are beautiful.

>> No.43896689
File: 1.82 MB, 5378x3605, IMG_0417 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now onto Rin, who after 6 months of wearing the same thing, has a new outfit. imsorryimsorryimsorry

Its just the right amount of pout to be cute and bratty. The eyes (Rin's as well) I got from Tenshi226, and I'd probably buy from them again.

>> No.43896712
File: 1.72 MB, 3401x5501, IMG_0431 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a bit cheeky with the angle on this shot.

>> No.43896741
File: 2.03 MB, 3352x5940, IMG_0434 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any more cheeky than this will cost you 4.99/month.

>> No.43896768
File: 1.66 MB, 3448x4709, IMG_0450 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last up is Sakura, who looks like she's going out for mocktails rather than the beach.

>> No.43896791
File: 1.20 MB, 3705x3478, IMG_0452 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

head empty no thoughts
my feeling after six hours of dressing, brushing, shooting and editting in this heat
Hope you enjoyed my latest misadventures in doll photography.

>> No.43896810

what's your experience with obitsu wrists?
I see you have Hibiki's hands rotated
did you use a heat gun? I've heard that suggested
why couldn't they just have used wrists like volks

>> No.43896836

I really like the shape of the Azone bodies, they're pleasingly full and round in the right places
I'm happy for you anon, I'm waiting on the other boy body they teased because this one is too muscular and tall for what I have in mind but I hope the skeletons work well on the v1 with their history of revisions to their frames - hopefully they learned from the 1/4 body

>> No.43896904

They have another one in the works? Be still my bleeding wallet! What scale will it be? (Also, what happened with their 1/4 body?)

Sakura can be the designated driver for everyone! Seems like you had a lot of fun anon, thank you for sharing!

>> No.43896927

Pinchable cheeks

>> No.43897002

The one they have up is their 75cm body (68 not including head) whereas the slightly smaller male body is meant to be 68cm (including head) so about 7cm shorter! It was actually meant to be released before the 75cm but the files were lost at some point according to their weibo so it's being rebuilt, it was slimmer and less muscular. I also saw they teased a 1/4 boy body but I doubt it's coming too soon either. As for their 1/4 that just came out, there were issues with the lengths/diameters of some internal pegs, requiring people to sand or thicken or cut pegs to work properly. However they know about it and announced a v2 of the frame so those issues should be fixed going forward with their bodies, hopefully.

>> No.43897048

I hope you can have one anon
though let me say I want a full size cow, maybe more than one, and other animals as well, in a big piece of land... guess my goal in life is to have a farm kek.
farming with dolls

>> No.43897061

What makes Instagram so bad for dollwatch, I literally can't get used to it. Twitter format is so much better. Guess I'm more used to it or idk.

Maybe Instagram is way too portfolio like for my taste, Twitter flow feels more natural. oh idk maybe I'm rambling

>> No.43897066

>but the files were lost at some point1
it just boggles my mind that anyone running a business can just "lose" business-critical data
like come on, there's a million different backup solutions, and a lot of them are free

>> No.43897075

Yeah I don't know the details but it seems they smoked their hard drive, I believe they did have a backup but it was an old enough version that it significantly delayed it

>> No.43897193
File: 536 KB, 1320x1649, DSC_0020 edit shop small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instagram is really good for following shops and makers to find out when new stuff is coming out. But it's really hard to find people who just take pictures and share their dolls. It's a bit frustrating.
Anyway, monthly photo bomb. I did a little anime cosplay this month.

>> No.43897203
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>> No.43897211
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>> No.43897221
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>> No.43897229
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>> No.43897241
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Last one, only did the two girls this month.

>> No.43897485

i love this! she makes a great Sailor V

>> No.43898168
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>> No.43898379

>But it's really hard to find people who just take pictures and share their dolls. It's a bit frustrating.
They recently made an update where you can no longer see the latest posts in a hashtag, only the top posts from that hashtag, which has completely killed the ability to find new accounts in the first place. I have half a mind to return to tumblr. Is BJD tumblr still plagued by confession blogs and literal children?

>> No.43901222
File: 3.89 MB, 1486x1934, 1688307333847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't help it but fall in love all over again for my dolls when I get new clothes and accessories for them.

>> No.43901577

I made alot of changes to the fox doll so she is pretty much a new doll at this point. I couldn't figure out how to make her chubby aswell as have decent waist articulation so I just made her slimmer and taller.
I also forgot to make her tail so I need to go do that. I want to use this for cg animation aswell as printing so I made the fingers ball jointed but I will just print them as one piece in the final build.

>> No.43902261

Yes, but alternatives are slim pickings these days.

I can see you've made a lot of improvements anon, keep going! I would recommend elongating the profile of the hands a bit- it will make it easier to try and articulate them once you print your first prototype.

>> No.43904556
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>> No.43904644

Have you seen any pissed jp dollfag with the twitter limit lol

>> No.43904719

probably, but I can't read japanese. I like leave and like and save the photo

>> No.43904827

I had a stroke while typing the second sentence, sorry

>> No.43905174
File: 286 KB, 1154x1344, 20230702_174702~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's just a pervert but he's kind.
Please forgive my master, God.

A prayer for all the horny posters.

>> No.43905460 [SPOILER] 
File: 51 KB, 849x337, QfkcVk0cPU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well finally im gonna have western fags and jpfags in a same place

>> No.43905513

Do you think the jp dollfags will fuck off to a western site like tumblr or to one of the little niche jp-only sites? There are so many microblogging sites I've never heard of until I try to find out who made a specific doll-adjacent thing and wind up trapped in a modern-day webring of what might as well be japanese geocities. It's very charming but also very hard to navigate.

>> No.43905606

Would you mind sharing some sites if you can?

Personally idk, I think the average jp dollfag (and society in general) have already tasted the comfort of using a massive social app, so I doubt they will make their own pages (I know some have, but doesn't seem to be the norm and it's mostly like sellers and stuff). I think they will move to Instagram (do jps even know about Tumblr?)

I don't want to go off the rails here but, like some anon pointed out on /g/, this is most likely consequence of big tech companies not having access to federal reserve money anymore or whatever the US is doing with interest rates, so they now have to cut down costs and show that their big businesses are... actually profitable outside of speculation. Twitter is not profitable at all, same shit happened with Reddit API, no more money etc. I wonder what move is Instagram pull now, maybe Reddit/Twitter want to sell data for AI training or something. Who knows, interesting times ahead.

>> No.43906230

cute cute!

>> No.43906238

Yeah, I hashtag my photos like crazy and I get some traction, but I imagine if I can't hardly find any it's the same for mine. I don't know why these social media sites just can't leave well enough alone.

>> No.43907835

>They recently made an update where you can no longer see the latest posts in a hashtag
annoying but they do that occasionally, it's been temporary before
who know why they do it, it's meta

>> No.43908827


>> No.43908992
File: 384 KB, 1395x2048, 1624321699423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon, sleep well!

>> No.43909120
File: 71 KB, 1316x371, gross.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never liked twitter to follow dollfags/artists/etc as I generally only care about their works rather than their lives. I'm not interested in their glamping trips.
But I've also seen the horror of japanese website design. Geocities is a really good analogy. Attached is one of the better examples...

>> No.43912479


>> No.43912621
File: 3.32 MB, 2500x1667, 1631400075081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much obliged.

>> No.43913460
File: 240 KB, 1080x1015, 1637348297745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope to go camping with my dolls one day.

>> No.43914119

Do jp dollfags not make campfires or something? I'm pretty sure the smoke would get everywhere in/on the doll and be impossible to get out

>> No.43915224
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>> No.43915875
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>> No.43916520
File: 2.26 MB, 4032x3024, 49C740AE-C201-4C32-AF0C-9635EAB7E8BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is gonna be sideways

>> No.43916940
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>> No.43917053

I'd be more worried about heat damage. I've seen siding get melted off houses adjacent to fires.

>> No.43917855
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>> No.43920917
File: 1.74 MB, 2731x4096, 1637341993291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43921082

I can't believe they really made a doll(male) with huge tits (pecs). I'm interested in the idea for photo ops.

>> No.43923134

So the largest common scale doll is a 1/3 scale, roughly 2ft.
How easy is it to find clothing for them? Like if I wanted to dress a doll up as Aqua (best konasuba girl), a gyaru or Yamato, is there a good company story for that or am I gonna have to learn to sew?
on that same note, do they make clothing for dolls 30' doll?

>> No.43923245

It's easy as fuck to clothe them. Between Volks, Etsy, Taobao, Booth, and hundreds in-between you can find just about anything.
A thirty foot doll on the other hand, not so much. They do make clothes and dolls 30 inches tall, and there are options, but not as as many as the 22-24" range.

>> No.43923274

>30' doll
ok I goofed but that is a funny concept

>> No.43924267

>do they make clothing for dolls 30' doll?
Maybe. What's the doll?

>> No.43924305

A doll about halfway between here and /ona/
a Sixhousedoll knock off on amazon. body is great but the face looks like shit. might try to make a bjd head to replace her shit face

>> No.43924338

beautiful doll and photo.

It does bring up the debate on doll joints.
from these pics I personally like when they are either not blured or cleverly hidden like >>43917855 body suilts work too. Not the biggest fan of spotting blurr'd spots though. the joints have an appeal to me

>> No.43924362

post pics and amazon link

>> No.43924377

Option A look is a butter face but is larger and has milkers

Option B is smaller and cuter but like a drive from Fort Worth to Dallis: No curves

B https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C6K4RQRW/ref=sspa_dk_detail_6?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B0C6K4RQRW&pd_rd_w=oHt7A&content-id=amzn1.sym.f734d1a2-0bf9-4a26-ad34-2e1b969a5a75&pf_rd_p=f734d1a2-0bf9-4a26-ad34-2e1b969a5a75&pf_rd_r=CDFTDA4F85GSR0NZ46KH&pd_rd_wg=Oor21&pd_rd_r=7964503b-48cc-4bbe-ab70-8d46b1c4e871&s=toys-and-games&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWw

>> No.43924932

Where does one get ears and tails like these?

>> No.43925071
File: 333 KB, 811x1024, f6252eca-93f0-4644-b437-f00020ae61fd_base_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those exact ones I think are custom, but for other options, the answer is usually Etsy and Booth

>> No.43926252
File: 862 KB, 1440x2558, 20230705_024709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I should of went one size bigger on the wig. Also im not sure if im missing something for the head/neck because it pretty loose

>> No.43926781
File: 972 KB, 4096x2731, F0Mh96daYAEMnca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where to find these extremely long wigs?

>> No.43929220

You can probly find an Aqua cosplay if you look around and if not you can absolutely find someone to commission to make one. Hell, ShiNeS Workshop does full doll customs -- pricey, mind, but if you want someone specific and don't want to have to hunt for multiple people to do the work, they're always an option.

If it's a hybrid, there might be some fiddling to get things to sit right. She looks cute, though!

Dollmore might have them? I can't remember if they're the ones, apologies anon.

>> No.43929296

Because DD heads are all pretty much SD sized you can get the effect of super long hair on an MDD by buying a long wig for a 1/3 sized doll, though maybe not quite that long. I would warn you if you're planning to do this because they will get extremely messy every single time you move the doll or even if a breeze hits them though.

>> No.43929349
File: 60 KB, 736x620, cde9c89e37c3b57e469ca8cea591a318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/tg/ guy again.
I grow tired of being horny.
Post doll make up jobs that take your breath away. The artistry of some really are incredible

>> No.43929358
File: 770 KB, 1350x1800, 1686983122750724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one I posted before has great colour composition.
This one is just cute

>> No.43929740
File: 121 KB, 499x750, 1380723799096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you'll appreciate this

>> No.43929994

Thats a dam good goblin kin recreation

>> No.43930410
File: 132 KB, 683x1024, 24766205177_56239fa9dc_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn. That's masterful.

Koala Krash's work can be quite stylized, but I really like a lot of it personally.

>> No.43931615
File: 503 KB, 4096x2304, 20230705_142333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enjoying some banana

>> No.43932686
File: 804 KB, 2276x2707, 20230704_070308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dolls are the best.

>> No.43933466
File: 2.23 MB, 2255x2928, IMGP1078.darktable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but also this >>43929296
dealing with Yuzu's hair easily adds an extra hour onto whatever I do with her besides basic reposing

>> No.43933696

This is a very nice beginner's guide to doll photography that I think people here might enjoy.

>> No.43933941

>>43933466 Does dollce regularly restock wigs? The only "long long" ones I can find are in dark brown or pink, but I'm looking to get one in blonde like your one
Also >>43929296 I don't mind the extra styling, I've had experience with shin length doll wigs before anyways

>> No.43935547
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>> No.43936160
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>> No.43936325

If anyone knows where I can get an accurate doll-scale fishing pole like this, I would be incredibly appreciative.

>> No.43936403
File: 3.99 MB, 608x1080, qMY809pMnSD7I6g.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some webms

>> No.43936462

ahhh my laptop encodes so much slower than my desktop, I wont post them as quickly as I thought

>> No.43936508
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>> No.43936579
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>> No.43936646
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>> No.43936650
File: 3.72 MB, 4032x3024, 231356151321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SD Anon reporting on my eye-changing project. Was able to remove the glue from one eye with pliers easily. The second eye necessitated the use of the Tamiya enamel thinner. Lightly dipped a cotton swab in the thinner and dabbed around the glue, and within a few minutes I could easily pry it off with a spatula. I see why Volks recommends it - it made the job so easy and there was no damage to the faceup at all (the eye-well shape inside the head makes the glue sit very far back from the face while prying it out).

Here's my SD Mel with her new 18mm eyes. The 20mm default eyes were too big IMO and made her look expressionless.

>> No.43937526
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>> No.43939331
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'why am i, who am i'

>> No.43939567

Still patiently waiting for my doll.

>> No.43940708
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>> No.43941012
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>> No.43941940
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>> No.43942110

This is beautiful

>> No.43942692

try asking them, I found them to be pretty communicative
even though they refused to speak japanese to me
for example the honey long long wasn't on their RoW site but they put it up when I asked for it
though seeing as they're OOS on the jp site you'll probably have to wait
based on their blog they do do custom wigs so even if they don't intend another batch of long longs you can probably get one made

wig honestly looks pretty good
new dolls always look awkward until you get used to styling them, in my experience
unless you meant it doesn't actually fit her head

>> No.43945471
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>> No.43949134
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>> No.43949160

dolls in the hood

>> No.43950238

damn, massive horde of jpfags on Instagram/threads, massive.

>> No.43950829

my faceup is wack and my lambo is blue

>> No.43952460
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>> No.43953515
File: 256 KB, 1125x1687, 20230707_082922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love a Dollfie Dream x Azur Lane collaboration

>> No.43953518
File: 305 KB, 2048x1363, 20230707_180336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43953614

I really want them to release a DDdy version of Ryza from the Atelier series. She'd look so good.

>> No.43954178
File: 213 KB, 1080x1350, 143677626_163677451961862_1247776406006521074_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine those thighs.

I made an account on Threads and was surprised that many of the jp dollfags I follow on Instagram are also on Threads.

>> No.43954306

Did volks announce the results of the anniversary poll for a new collab?

>> No.43955343
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>> No.43957476
File: 1.18 MB, 2730x4096, FxtE7CMakAAlS--.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43957684

That's because they're already on Instagram.

>> No.43959394
File: 449 KB, 1000x750, 2014-07-01_06-38-57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want this so bad, but I want it when I can afford them. So this would be my worst nightmare if they release any soon. Otherwise I am right there with you anon.

>> No.43962986
File: 1.28 MB, 3072x4096, 20230707_224637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43963231 [DELETED] 

The Cocks Last Rise

>> No.43963233
File: 174 KB, 550x829, 283F1F96-1682-413B-AD6D-91F705371F08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did a collaboration BJD a while back with dolk station. She’s very pretty!

>> No.43965202
File: 1.62 MB, 2508x1672, 1584334917632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43965397

please talk me out of buying this


>> No.43965415

The scale won't match the way you want it to probably.

>> No.43965579

thanks anon, the problem is i saw it in-store, and it is pretty perfectly 1/3 scale with very nice construction and materials. i’m not even into handbags, but it’s cute and so ridiculous…

>> No.43965613

Ah... in that case, think of it this way.

1. Are all your needs met? Bills, groceries, obligations, and the like naturally come first and foremost.

2. Have you tucked away any savings for the month? Even if it's not much, always try to sock something away. Not even in case something terrible happens -- you never know when That Thing You Want might come up on the market. Always good to have a buffer.

3. Can you use it? You've seen it in person, so yes!

4. Think of all the other things you could get for the same amount of money. Does this make you happier than any of those other things? For this, let's only focus on other silly things- games or something like that, nothing essential, because we already considered these things in the previous step.

If the answer to the above four questions is "yes", then I think it's fair and reasonable to treat yourself to whatever silly little thing catches your fancy, anon. As long as you and yours are looked after and you're not being too frivolous all the time, it's your business what you decide to do.

That said, if that bag is imitation leather or pleather, I'd strongly reconsider purely on the basis that pleather falls apart if you so much as breathe wrong in its direction.

>> No.43965839

Actually, it will. I own a bunch of these. Coach releases them pretty often, so don't be bummed out if you can't afford it now >>43965397. Another bag will be mini-fied.

>> No.43966532
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Not that anon but now I'm thinking of getting my dolls Coach bags. I've never been into designer things, but somehow if it's doll sized, suddenly...

>> No.43967426
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>> No.43969498

thank you for the advice, anons! all signs point to yes, lol. maybe the question now is if i should wait for a color that i like even better.

>but somehow if it's doll sized, suddenly...
1000% this

>> No.43971961
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Staring at cute dolls on taobao again.

>> No.43973590

long time no see

>> No.43974063

I like dolls a lot but I feel like dolls would not like me

>> No.43974759
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One day, I'll have a beautiful doll diorama set up. Though first, I should probably get a doll. Or space.

>> No.43975637

they might not like you as much as you like them, but they will never betray you

>> No.43976788

You and me both anon. We will both get there one day, it's only a matter of time.

>> No.43979001
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>> No.43979085

What doll is this, Imomodoll maybe? She's beautiful.

>> No.43980491
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>> No.43980617
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>> No.43980714

Is doll madness real?

>> No.43981499

is your doll a blood or a crip

>> No.43982081
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No, but the bills are.
Speaking of, I know there are a lot of you who wanted the Orione Anubis outfit, thought I'd share they're working on Ver. 2 and should be released soon. Pic related.

>> No.43982328

the doll squad is coming, better hide your onaholes

>> No.43982706
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I admire dollfags that go on trips with their dolls

>> No.43982760

Had I one I'd take her to the barbie movie

>> No.43984828
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>> No.43986024
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>> No.43988594
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>> No.43990901

there was a huuuge increase of new dollfag accounts in Instagram as well. I don't know anything about Misskey and the likes

>> No.43990904

btw Threads is shit, half of the content is people I don't even follow. Disgusting algorithm

>> No.43991858
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I kinda stopped buying Azone/Obitsu dolls, but this doll is really cute.

For anyone that is interested:

>> No.43992374

I want.

>> No.43992431
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stream died rip

>> No.43992476

What were you watching, anon?

Same. Curious what they're going to do with the new adaptation, excited to see they got the original voice actors back in the booth for it.

>> No.43992501

Who's that doll? It sooooorta looks like Kafuka.

Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei. It's the 7+7th anniversary of a silly gag we're all laughing at.

And yeah I'm cautiously excited for the new BB as well. Reading the manga right now in anticipation since I'm an >animeonly.

>> No.43992719

>What were you watching, anon?
7th anniversary of the 7th anniversary of "remember to laugh in 7 years"

>Who's that doll? It sooooorta looks like Kafuka.
just my humble Elle sporting her new AP shirt

>> No.43992739

What do you guys do want you’re parents come over?

>> No.43992767

They'll start talking to you in a Transatlantic accent and ask for long out of bussiness candies.

>> No.43994325
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Involve 'em in my bullshit. If your family don't support your hobbies, they're kinfolk, but they're not family. As long as it's not hurting anyone, your people should want you to be happy, anon. Dad would have wanted all of you to be happy, too.

>> No.43994658

Doll say NO to human

>> No.43994792

It largely depends on the person. It's the same as how I wouldn't bring up the fact that I watch anime to most people. Some of my friends still think it's for kids or porn. My parents barely accept my time-wasting gaming hobby let alone something like dolls. It's needless drama but that doesn't make them any less supportive in other ways.

I'm still jealous though. It's nice to see you still around hope you are doing well.

>> No.43994921

Wtf david bowie?!!

>> No.43995678
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Hi anons! I got my first doll in May after enjoying the hobby vicariously for a few years!

>> No.43995716

She's very cute anon, welcome to the hobby!

>> No.43996585

Based dad

>> No.43997375

Glad to see you around again, hope you've been well anon. Your girl is super cute as well!
Congrats! I actually have the same TF girl and I love her to bits, inspired me to do some sewing for the first time in ages.

>> No.43998449
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Hello /bjd/, I saw ChocoBana's Hololive dolls on twitter and was absolutely entranced. I am in no position to even think about buying such things right now but somewhere down the road, I'd love to have a 2-3 dolls of my favorite chuubas, like Pomu, Selen, Gura and Bae. Would it be bad form to commission someone using pictures of someone else's dolls?

>> No.43998497

A lot of faceup artists do not like to be given other people's finished dolls as reference, it's generally frowned upon to copy and can be seen as insulting (in that you'd be asking for someone else's style and not their own). However you can give them things like the actual art/vtuber model reference sheets, it's totally fine to just tell them what character you're commissioning and let them work off of that. Just make sure you find an artist with a style you like and check that they'll do mockups before starting work and you should be able to get something you like out of it.

>> No.43998563

>doll: No you can't imply these dolls are for lewd things. Go to /ona/ you pervert
>also doll

>> No.43998614
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It isn't that the dolls can't be lewd, it's they have nothing to penetrate (and are made of materials which wouldn't be good for that in the first place,) thus /ona/ is better suited for dolls of that nature. No shame towards the horny as far as I'm concerned, this is a matter of pragmatics.

>> No.43999457
File: 699 KB, 1425x1213, Screenshot_20230712_171131_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JP dollfags posting their first and last photos to show how much they improved over the years. Meanwhile all my photos look like the left one.

Btw this is the hashtag:

>> No.44000445

Colour composition and framing are cool skills to learn. You'll get there, just watch some photography guides

>> No.44002046
File: 1.51 MB, 1960x3081, 20230713_012003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a facesless-chan of my own hanging out but it had been bothering me cuz i felt she wanted some expression. It was my absolute first time ever doing a faceup and i only had hobby lobby brand watercolor pencils on hand as my tools(ofc i also used a few coats of mr. Super clear as well to protect her.) I'm not ecstatic but i feel it is an okay job til i can get her a professional faceup done and sharpen my skills a bit. Do you think she will forgive me anons?

>> No.44002063

Of course, the faceup is an expression of your love for your doll. I've been putting off doing my own faceless-chan because I don't have a proper respirator for spraying sealant but this reminds me I should buy one soon. Don't be worried to try and practice multiple times, but she looks cute and since you sealed her it should come off when you feel like it's time to redo it either yourself or by another artist

>> No.44002290
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I saw this doll and I thought she was really cute, but turns out she's 1.3M tall. I wonder who ended up getting her.

>> No.44002596
File: 750 KB, 1440x2558, 20230713_021335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was a bit of a tight fit and I couldnt use a headcap with it. I got a new one today though, fits better imo.

>> No.44002698
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>> No.44002886
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all the girls

>> No.44004313
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>> No.44004574
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The way to get better at something is to do it more -- and taking the first step is usually the hardest. Your girl's faceup shows a lot of character and I really like her freckles, anon. I'm sure you've made her very happy for showing so much care.

That's Beatrice. She and her sister Darlene were extremely limited (and huge) releases from DollZone. There are five of each and they cost almost $5000 -- possibly more after shipping. But given that they're the size of a small child, I can't say that's unreasonable, either. Whoever are lucky enough to have one of these two, I hope they're very happy. Dollzone basically have the market cornered on "just unreasonably large dolls" but I really respect the artistry which goes into them.

>> No.44004590

I love your little doll family, anon. Always good to see them.

>> No.44005297

That one looks awesome too, I love the cute/creepy aesthetic.

>> No.44005478

Dollmore has a line of 105cm dolls (their Trinity line). They always intrigued me but their faces are too mature/realistic for my personal taste. I prefer the sweeter stylized sculpts from Volks and some Korean companies.

>> No.44006117

For Dollmore, I think their lusion dolls have much cuter faces. They're pretty big, too.

>> No.44008031

me, my dolls, and I.

>> No.44008309

Got my Imomodoll from the Aliexpress shop that was posted a few threads back. For about 100 cad it's not too bad. I knew going in that the frame needs modding. Wasn't expecting to give her a full bath with all the mold release and dirt she was covered in.

>> No.44008603
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>> No.44009018
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Ahhh, She is so cute lads, I want her specifically! Ahhh, why couldn't she be a standard model. Fuck its not fair!

>> No.44009029
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>> No.44009189

They're adding this makeup option to Dream Choice so you can either proxy or wait until she shows up second hand.

>> No.44010710

And how do you know this

>> No.44010859

NTA, but it was in the blog announcement of the new MDD bodies, and posted in a prior thread.

>> No.44011626

She looks really neat with her straight hair.

I think the new wig is better too.
Yay all the dolls in one pic. They have taken over your shelf.

>> No.44012703

New Thread. I feel like I forgot to add something and if so, I apologize.

>> No.44015609

I want to fuck a doll anon
