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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4367435 No.4367435 [Reply] [Original]

New Thread


Q: What Game is this?
A: Aika Online (In Closed Beta)

Q: Where can i get a beta key?
A: Google. A lot of your standard MMO sites are still giving away keys.

Q: When does cb2 start?
A: We don't know yet, hopefully soon.

>> No.4367461

Fuck, announce CB2 already!
I wanna grind!

>> No.4367467

So much for the rumor that it was getting announced yesterday ;_;

>> No.4367483

Sorry ;_; I was hoping for it to be true too

>> No.4367486

Why don't you guys go do something and cleaned up Feonir forum.
Those vocal minorities running the forum now are terrible.

>> No.4367511

Because Namae got mad at us for trolling too much.

>> No.4367519

As closed beta was ending, Guinevere quit the game and sold everything that she had for 1g each, including 50~ Caelium, 18 Enriched Caelium, 50 Steel Bars, and about a hundred mushrooms, among other stacks of consumables.

I also got high level Paladin gear. Greens and blues.
Too much paladin gear to put in the guild vault.

If anybody needs it, hit me up when CB2 starts.
I'll be looking for warrior gear.

>> No.4367536
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>> No.4367541
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>> No.4367600

Hey guys, find me something to do while I'm waiting.

>> No.4367613

Hotglue is supposed to take it easy ;_;

>> No.4367620

I stopped posting on the forums, and now I have nothing to do.
Guide my free hours, NEETfriends.

>> No.4367633


You should play this beta /jp/ or

Battlefield Bad Company 2 beta

>> No.4367647

get out of here /v/

>> No.4367677

Well you can post on the forum and not troll.
For example leading the nation but I know that is not in our nature. Guess we will just take it easy while we let them destroyed the nation dohohohoho.

>> No.4367717

The kid saying a whole guild can enter in a castle siege is full of stupid shit.

The devs understand that the game lags badly even in groups of 20+ people doing PVP.

There isn't any way they'd be dumb enough to let 200 fight at once.

>> No.4367728

I forgot that I don't have a video card installed. I bet that I can still run this Korean game though.

>> No.4367734

add: Knowing this, it should be quite easy for us to hold the castle and keep our gamebreaking buffs for quite a while, given the quality of our competitors.

>> No.4367747

But you still can't PK hjones since he's inactive. Isn't it sad?

>> No.4367751 [DELETED] 

Why must you stupid guys constantly spam and attack www . anon
talk . com for? Please stop. We don't want any chanturds there.

>> No.4367767

hjones != jones
Jones usually go by Touhou name. He was Remila in ECO so just pk anyone with Touhou name in the guild.

>> No.4367778

Worst comes to worst, CB2 starts at the 20th after the shitty Valentine's event is over.

>> No.4367785
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Sorry about what I'm going to do but I must.

>lags badly
>devs understand
>There isn't any way they'd be dumb enough to let 200 fight at once.

>> No.4367802

They aren't that stupid right?
Not even wintergrasp has 200people fighting at once.

>> No.4367807

Are there polearms in this game?

>> No.4367832

>>pk anyone with Touhou name in the guild.

Isn't that the whole guild?

>> No.4367857

>implying that WoW is the epitome of PvP

>> No.4367863

Moar like pk anyone with Zun in the name right?

>> No.4367877

Wintergrasp was bad.

Well, in the nation relic raid, about 200 odd people were on screen and it wasn't lagging for me though.

>> No.4367921

It wasn't lagging for me either. I live very close to where the server is located, though.

>> No.4367932

Wheres the server located?

>> No.4367953

California. Most likely.

>> No.4367958

Blizzard hasn't released a good "mass" PvP instance in a while. I really like AB and sometimes WSG, though.

>> No.4367972

Blame the fucking expansion and death knight.
PVP was great in vanilla wow.

>> No.4367996
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For me, it seems things ranging from a few groups up to 50-100 people is as lag-free as the rest of the game.

The biggest "normal" raids produce the odd bit of lag for me (such as when we threw about 70 people at Alethius's 100+).

And then the final event where clumps of lag showed up fairly often. There were quite a few people who were half stuck in the ground or dead but still attackable on my end. Not sure how many were there, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was up to 500 at some points.

>> No.4368002

Yeah, DKs destroyed the little balance there was before completely. It's going in the right direction again, though, but I imagine it gets ruined again with the new expansion, with hunters getting focus instead of mana, spriests getting a spammable nuke, warlocks having a cooldown that gets rid of HoT/deathcoil cd and all.

>> No.4368012

WoW is not /jp/ material. Please post about FFXI/PSO/SMT:Imagine. Thx

>> No.4368035

Sorry. ;_;

>> No.4368041
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Now I get all the 4chan hate in the forum.

>> No.4368065

Even within that cluster I didn't get any network lag. 15 fps... but that was due in large part to 8x anti aliasing and 16x anisotropic filtering. Which was quickly remedied as soon as I left the mob.

>> No.4368072


>> No.4368075

Odd that you guys don't see much of a problem, when I'm near more than 20 or 30 people my FPS never goes back above 60~

>> No.4368092


That'd be your shitty computer, nothing to do with lag.

>> No.4368097


>oh look, /jp/ trolling. i fucking owned their Kino a few times. I think i've killed quite a few of them.

Hahahaha. There is two Kino.

>> No.4368101

>Playing Eve Online
>Warp into Jita
>Game breaks internet

Oh, those were the days.

>> No.4368107

So what makes this MMO different from all the other ones, or at least what makes it good enough for me to want to play it?

>> No.4368109

You can raise a loli. Like Elona.

>> No.4368130

lol, which faggot guild are they from?

>> No.4368133

running 3.0 dual and 8600GS, pretty satisfactory for this

Stay edgy, hostile anon.

>> No.4368146

>running 3.0 dual and 8600GS, pretty satisfactory for this

That is a pretty shitty setup, namefag. Not sure why you're so up in arms about it.

>> No.4368151

tohnochan is their name. see >>4368041.
They're pretty harmless and a small /a/ based guild, so I don't see why we should be concerned with them. Just leave them alone.

>> No.4368156

I have a E6750 core 2 duo OCed to 3.2ghz and a ATI 512mb 4850.

Will it run the game decently?

>> No.4368166


Thanks for proving my point, enjoy your "pretty satisfactory" computer.

For future reference, might wanna think before instantly blaming everything on lag/whoever's running the game/anyone but yourself.

>> No.4368170

Its a pretty okay setup for this stuff, anon

edgy, etc

>> No.4368173

>1.8ghz laptop dualcore
>8400m GS
>30+ people

>> No.4368180

Lrn2play on shitty resolution.

>> No.4368181

Even my factory-spec tablet PC can run it. I don't see anyone having major issues unless participating in a player-heavy PvP situation.

>> No.4368195

Aika is a game that was created for nearly the sole purpose of having 1000 vs 1000 PVP events. I doubt it'll work on that scale outside of Pepsiland, but they'll probably damn sure try.

>> No.4368198

This is not a modern PC. Sorry.

PCs don't work like consoles, you have to upgrade them. I suggest you stick with the Nintendo Wii. I hear Mario Kart is great this time around.

>> No.4368205

in der temple attacks, it is not uncommon to see 40-50 people using all of their abilities at once. given how well this works for the game, 1000 vs 1000 just doesn't seem feasible. Have they implemented this shit in corea/japan yet?

>> No.4368214


Oh hey I killed him with regular melee attacks as cleric

>> No.4368234


Apparently it's not uncommon for battles in the upper hundreds on the korean side, but who knows.

>> No.4368247

Minimum Requirements:
CPU: Pentium 3, 1.0GHz
RAM: 512MB
Graphics: 128MB w/3D Acceleration

>Pentium 3

I think that's self-explanatory.

>> No.4368252

The Cleric Beatdown, soooo cash.

>> No.4368254

>/a/ based guild
No, we have nothing to do with /a/.

>> No.4368262

Haha. The /a/ guild is following the /jp/ threads now?

>> No.4368270

But we were always here!

>> No.4368289

/jp/ and /a/ are the same people.

Sorry to break this to you.

>> No.4368297

Go back to /a/

>> No.4368304

Well why didn't you say so sooner? Make PizzaClub alts.

>> No.4368310

Go troll aika forums, its so dull there. Make anime threads or something.

>> No.4368328

gb2/tg/ touhoufag

>> No.4368341

But then glorious leader will get mad

>> No.4368342

>AriaCompany/AriaCo/AriaCorps then?

>Also, anyone good at making a banner?

>sorta like how the hotglue fags have theirs, maybe? or something, no need for a guild name added just yet though of someone wanted to.

Ho ho oh

>> No.4368343

Oh shit guys I'm being countertrolled


What I do?

>> No.4368350

I like how he's using no spaces in his paragraphs to counter your overspacing between them.

>> No.4368355

I haven't played an MMO in forever since I end up not talking to anyone when I do and grind alone.

Feels bad. Really bad.

>> No.4368376

Sion is playing this game?

>> No.4368387

I can't tell if this is /jp/'s or just a regular VC fan

>> No.4368401

Why do MMO treads always end up a massive dick-waving contest? Well I'll probably see what the fuss is about in the next beta.

>> No.4368403

You'd fit right in with half of our guild! Or you could decide to speak, and enjoy our friendly and awesome members who share many traits with yourself.

>> No.4368418

Somehow i think /jp/ would make a better guild than most guilds out there.

I remember this Eve online corporation i was a member of.

Asstards from the same corporation would randomly camp the stations i was in and taunt me to go out and fight them. FROM THE SAME CORPORATION.

And the corp leaders were like "meh".

>> No.4368426

Thinking about giving this a chance, anyone know an MMO site that still has keys?

>> No.4368440


Over 700 left.

>> No.4368489

I've been messing around on the Japanese version, what with CB2 yet to be announced and all. By far the most crushing realisation was that the speedhack bug is not going to be fixed. The Japanese have it in all its dungeon party wiping, PvP breaking glory, and if they didn't get a fix after all this time, it's really implausible that a joke company like gpotato will.

>> No.4368491


there is nothing worse than uppity healers.

>> No.4368515

Maybe the koreans just hate japan that much. We gave them starcraft so they can at least give us a patch in return.

>> No.4368534

Thanks. I can guess by looking at the thread Hotglue is already full up right now?

>> No.4368592

I recall there being a handful of spaces left. We ought to be able to raise up the limit next CBT if we work together and grind those guild points.

>> No.4368700

Totally full as of when CB1 closed, but hopefully some people will help me grind the guild quests a bit when CB2 opens so we can extend the capacity by 20-some people.

>> No.4368746
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I tuned it up a bit. But we should really get a professional to work on it.

>> No.4368760

I like it

>> No.4368767

I don't see a loli in it. Why is that? Make that thing squirt glue on a little girls dfc, then it'll be jp-related.

>> No.4368776
File: 155 KB, 405x389, Untitled-3 copxy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And since people use the logo for topics, here is a lightblue one.

>> No.4368824

>>4368746 >>4368776
lookin' good man

>> No.4368838


>> No.4368849

Looks nice.

>> No.4368887

Yeah, I hope so too, I'd like to help out (if I knew how, haven't played/tried it yet) with those quests when CB2 starts up (and there's enough room).

>> No.4369197

Looks nice.

>> No.4369640
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I was bored so i went ahead and edited our name in instead of feonir. I'm not the best shooper though.

>> No.4369654

Looks nice.

>> No.4369831

I'd prefer we kept the nations name on the logo. It's more in line with taking it easy. Putting the guilds name on it makes it look like we're out for personal fame.

>> No.4369859

I intended to be a thread starter, not a forums thing.

>> No.4369945


which ever DG Kino was part of the final day raid on Lenaria...

i don't ever recall being killed in melee by a cleric, but if you did i was likely stunned by a warrior or held by a DG and health pots were in cooldown.

that or it was when i was below level 20 and you were level 30...

>> No.4369972

Why is this thread full of people that have to blame every problem on someone/something else?

>> No.4370006

why cant i log into the game.

>> No.4370026

Because we're in between closed beta's. Ex, servers are down.

>> No.4370027


Because you are a credit to mankind.

>> No.4370038

Downloading now.

When I can log in what should I be expecting?

>> No.4370050

Why is this thread full of retards? Example

>> No.4370060


Fairly standard Korean MMO, but less grinding and a fairly large focus on PvP. That and loli raising.

Make sure you join Hotglue when you can, pretty much every other guild is nothing but drama.

>> No.4370072


It hasn't been a good thread, has it? I wonder if they'll progressively get worse as people get tired of waiting for the next beta.

>> No.4370073


>> No.4370126

It's a troll. Rather than inciting rage he's gunning for confusion. We've been good. Mostly.

>> No.4370196

So how can I get invited to the guild,

I'll just say I'm from /jp/?

>> No.4370212

Post your name here once the game returns.

>> No.4370221

Will do

>> No.4370314


You need to be a part of a nation (Feonir, specifically) to join.

That'll take lvl 10, which can either be one hour of rabid grindfest or five hours of slowing getting used to the game and finding quests.

>> No.4371189

Why the difference?

>> No.4371258

The quest mobs spawn is shit.
Depending on your luck you might not be able to find them.

>> No.4371273

I just found out that the beta already ended when I tried to log on earlier today. Then again I'm not sure if I missed anything good.

>> No.4371305

Wait, Surtic is from tohno? Derp, he was bad.

>> No.4371319 [DELETED] 

Well yeah, there were the guys that told the whole aika forum that we come from 4chan.
No idea why they want to do that.

>> No.4371336

Well yeah, they were the guys that told the whole aika forum that we come from 4chan.
No idea why they want to do that.

>> No.4371426


Really? That's a pretty dick move.

>> No.4371541

Have you have proof of this?

>> No.4371645


>> No.4371648


I don't quite recall, but I'm pretty sure it was more of a "we fucking owned" and not a "I fucking owned" situation. Oh well though, people boasting about killing me either way is interesting.

>> No.4371656

You should feel proud.
Owning Kino is an accomplishment in their eyes.

>> No.4371680

Does hotglue have a channel on irc?

>> No.4371703

Wow, dejanji is a huge faggot.

>> No.4371733

I'm not about to say anything about it on the forums, but I am ashamed that /jp/ is a part of 4chan.

Our representation lies in far too vocal, far too prevalent groups for anybody from outside to really understand what /jp/ is like.

>> No.4371794

/jp/ alone is very different from the public concept of "4chan", and when you compound that with nearly every person acting much more mature in-game, you get a situation where calling us a "4chan guild" could not be more incorrect.

Not that it matters at this point, unless that guy is indeed a member of Tohno-chan, and he wants to be an awesome dude and edit his post to have no text.

>> No.4371886

In the first place, 4chan is a place where mature people gather to act like kids.
Sadly this statement isn't true anymore.

>> No.4372021

So whats the fastest way to level up then? I thought we were supposed to grind quests.

>> No.4372057

A person well-versed in the quests can blaze through them accumulating far faster gains than a person simply grinding, yet a person simply grinding moves quite a bit faster than a person feeling their way through the quests the first time.

A quest to kill "Bekun" may send you bizarrely into a corner of the map that nobody would ever voluntarily go, wasting time if you do not know to run straight there ignoring everything behind you.

>> No.4372061


He's exaggerating, it shouldn't take you more than 2 hours to hit level 10 and even then that's only if you're taking it really easy.

The quests are the best way to level, you shouldn't ever run out except for a specific level range (16-17 or something similar). The only problem is if lots of people start at the same time you do, killing quest monsters that there's only 1 of becomes a problem. Although you can just skip them, it doesn't make much difference in the long run.

>> No.4372064


I actually never had problems with quest mob spawns, I guess it's because I tagged them faster than other people though. The only thing I remember sucking was those fucking Nerine Scales. Fucking Nerines.

>> No.4372065

Yeah I've seen that before too.
I mean proof he's from tohno-chan.
Honestly I thought he was from /jp/

>> No.4372070

Here's hoping CB2 starts soon, I want to get in on this shit.

rolling a paladin

>> No.4372078

Any guides up yet for quests? E.G. Where to go, etc.

Or is it REALLY simple and the game gives you waypoints and shit?

>> No.4372089

Game sucks shit. NEO online is shit tons better. I don't understand why /jp/ didn't eat that shit up. It has lolis.

>> No.4372110

The game tells you where to go. The uniques you have to kill wander around their general area though.

>> No.4372121

You and your game are both a piece of shit, sir.

>> No.4372144


Woah, back the fuck up. I think you're way too EXTREME for this here board.

>> No.4372365
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>> No.4372425

Newcomer here.
I can't decide between DualGunner and Riflemen. Can someone explain it better to me, please?

>> No.4372457

I think Dual Gunners have more maneuverability while using skills, while riflemen need to stop to use some.

This is just observation though as I've played neither.

>> No.4372473

Are there polearms in this game?

>> No.4372489

Is there a range class?

there should be a range class.

>> No.4372514
File: 144 KB, 677x450, bleach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is tehre a bankai class? There should be a bankai class.

>> No.4372515

Only if you count the Warlocks pimp cane.... and you most likely don't. So "no". You'll have to look elsewhere to JAM IT IN.

>> No.4372538


>> No.4372567


Snipers have longer range and higher spike damage. Duals have medium range, doesn't hit as hard as snipers in single hits but I THINK is a bit faster so maybe a bit higher damage over a period of time.

>> No.4372587

Polearms are for villains or side characters.

Main characters use swords most of the time.

>> No.4372605

Dual Gunners are girls (with gratuitous sexy pantsu), and Riflemen are guys.

>> No.4372620
File: 85 KB, 700x500, HECTOR, FUCK YEAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real main characters use Axes.

>> No.4372636

How does single target DPS compare to AOE in this game?

Is it easier to just spam AOE? Especially in larger battles.

Most MMORPGs are easy modo if you have a tank aggroing mobs, a healer spamming heals and a mage spamming AOE.

>> No.4372639

Lets not forget "I'M PARKING RIGHT HERE."

Wait... that's taking it easy. I guess Rifleman is the obvious choice.

>> No.4372666


Single targets usually hit harder while the AOE does more damage to a group. The AOEs also usually takes up a lot more MP and the best non event MP pots only recover about 500 with a few seconds of cooldown. It's almost impossible to keep up continuous high level skillspam with just potting.

>> No.4372672
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>> No.4372682

Haven't tried it yet, but it would probably work out well in some parts of the dungeons.

>> No.4372683

Could someone provide me a graphic depiction of this amount of sexiness?
I'd also like to know if it look like a slut.

>> No.4372713
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>> No.4372724
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>> No.4372725
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dat underboob

>> No.4372737

I hate short hair... damn.
I'll just roll a rifleman.

>> No.4372746

Anyone rolled a Warrior? Looking at their skills they have a lot stun skills yet, this one person that wrote an skill guide thinks all of them sucks but one.

>> No.4372748

>male paladin


>> No.4372753


That's the Rifleman.

>> No.4372774

I hate you for your opinion on hair but that's not a bad choice. This game is extremely balanced. You can make a case for any character. It's not just rock, paper, scissors either. Any class can shine. The one exception with the level 30 cap would probably have to be Paladins. But they're well on their way to being amazing at higher levels.

>> No.4372776

Oh god, it looks like a faggot.

>> No.4372778
File: 304 KB, 1440x900, Capture0033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That ass compels me to roll a dual gunner.

>> No.4372784 [DELETED] 

Why must you stupid guys constantly spam and attack www . anon
talk . com for? Please stop. We don't want any chanturds there.

>> No.4372790

oh shit there's a ginner class? I want to play now but I'm still busy with dungeon fighter

>> No.4372805


>> No.4372813

That one skill is extremely good. Instant cast. Lets you charge forward a good distance. The cooldown isn't terribly long either. From what I can remember.

>> No.4372814


2 gunner classes actually.

>> No.4372850
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>> No.4372860


Fuck I want to be a Paladin.

Oh well. Assuming they're the tanking class, I have to be them whether they suck or not.

>> No.4372869

is this korean? is the combat like everquest/wow or is it actually good?

>> No.4372871
File: 25 KB, 362x406, herpaderpdurr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4372884

Paladins are incredibly good in PvE, and pretty good at PvP at higher levels.

>> No.4372893


I don't think any of their skills has cast times. Additional status inflicting skills is never a bad thing even if you only drop one point into it, you can rotate between them while your other skills are cooling down.

>> No.4372896

Are dual gunners good at PVP? Or do they just get stun-killed?

>> No.4372941


Getting stunned is deadly to anyone really, even a tank if he's in the middle of a mob of enemies. Dual Gunners are pretty good in PVP they have a pretty nice damage output and can stealth to run away or break skills that targets you.

>> No.4372965

They're rumored to be good in other versions but a number of people are underwhelmed by their performance at levels 1 through 30.

>> No.4373024

I really don't get that part about Paladins not shining at 30.

What do they want Paladins to be? High-def high-damage can-do-everything character? The class that totally pwns in nation raids? Out DPS the nuker classes? Reap PvP kills as easily as clicking a button? Run in the enemy swarm and kill everything and still be standing at the end?

Granted, all those are not impossible, but it would require a lot patience and skill to pull it off. Those whining about paladins are probably those who rolled that class expecting the same damage output as a warrior or warlock.

>> No.4373050

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>> No.4373053


Is that really surprising? The Cleric dominates the 1-30 bracket since they already have their best AOE at lv 27. It will balance out later when everyone else gets new toys to play with at higher levels, and they'll only be getting more healing spells.

>> No.4373106 [DELETED] 


While they will get better at tanking, don't expect them to be dishing out the same amount of damage as a Rifleman/Dual Gunner/Warlock in large group PVP.

>> No.4373113

Do you have need of another Cleric? Looking over the classes it's the only one that looks good to me since warriors can't be female.

>> No.4373118

i wasn't level 30 nor did i have the best stuff i could have. besides, i've never been a big mmo player and it's a new game, gimme a break.

none of us have posted in that thread, i've avoided contact with you guys except for one time i said something about your excess bragging.

stun killed if you're stupid enough to attack a warrior by yourself without ivy. excellent in groups though, dot effects and a hold ability to stop runners.

i usually died from being held and gang banged or a warrior stun locking me, shit suck.

>> No.4373130


Go ahead, they can double as an AOE DD in addition to the usual Cleric duties if needed.

>> No.4373135
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> excess bragging
> /jp/

We're Hotglue, not Resonance.

>> No.4373151

We always need ACTIVE Clerics. The guild had plenty of Clerics, for the most part they weren't on when we needed them.

>> No.4373160

Yeah, like 5 minutes before finals.

>> No.4373161

They're upset because at level 30 they don't even excel at a defensive role in pvp. It isn't until they level up Divine Ward and get EL Aegis that they become truly frustrating.

>> No.4373298


I'll bet you most of them expected to survive charging right into a group of 50 and then whining that they died from it.

>> No.4373301

hey what's wrong with everquest combat? unless you mean pvp, which the game was never really intended to be for

>> No.4373342

targeting an enemy and hitting 123 until it dies isn't very exciting

>> No.4373367

We waited for you, Raymoo.

>> No.4373390

You can't rely on divine ward, the cooldown on it is horrible. And you once you get El Aegis, the other classes are also gonna have their own damage skills, like Riflemen Blowback or Warlock Darkness Fall.

>> No.4373404

Hm, I suppose. There are many activated abilities now so there's a lot more button pushing, but after that still end up pushing the same 3-4 buttons til mob dies.

>> No.4373455

Probably the case a good percentage of the time. There's no denying it.

Definitely true. However I'm not going to waste my time and mana trying to strip Divine off them only to have to contend with Aegis. I'll be moving onto the next target instead. Defensive role fulfilled.

>> No.4373518


Managing your skills is always important. Those two are great skills but you're not going to be throwing up them out one after another. Anyone that relies completely on 2 skills and uses it up in every little encounter deserves to get killed when they're staring at the cooldown when they really need it.

>> No.4373555

>>4373298 >>4373455
The bigger issue I had was that every class has the same HP, except Paladins don't have the offensive skills to compete in dps (obviously), and the defensive skills at 30 are sub-par.

Although I really can't complain about jack shit now with my +40% HP and -25% dmg taken (THANKS A-TEAM).

>> No.4373589

Not quite true. Level 30 Riflemen had like 1.9k (I think that's what Lyin had in his screenshot), while my Paladin was sitting at around 2.6k.

>> No.4373597

Namae? More like Hannibal

>> No.4373598

I know skill management is important. But what you have are retards who think they are untouchable because they rolled a Paladin. And thus, whine about Paladins not being "defensive" enough, because they ran headfirst into the enemy lines by themselves.

>> No.4373618

Once you get Divine Emission, team up with a Cleric and SMITE everything they cast Holy Signet on. Then you too can quote Gilgamesh.

>> No.4373621


Dear god, what the fuck did I do wrong. I only have 2001 HP before the buff.

>> No.4373627

shield absorbing damage, tell me that ain't cheap

>> No.4373641
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I just had some upgraded level 32 equips, and usually went through a process of get new equipment -> enchant -> toss the equipment and find a new item if the enchant wasn't +hp.

>> No.4373674


Yeah, I hope the rest of those faggots be like guinevere and just quit/reroll another class because apparently, the Paladin isn't an invincible death machine like they had imagined.

>> No.4373678
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I'll have to aim for that with my next set, my equipment is still like L24 green junk (hence why I didn't want to compete in the tourney). Probably for the best anyways since Nilli did great.

Hopefully I can get massive amounts of materials while doing the endless guild quests on the way to guild level 4.

>> No.4373700


Actually, since you already have a +40% HP bonus, I would suggest either going for more defense or MP recovery rate.

>> No.4373710
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Yeah, I noticed I was pretty lacking on defense. I think I ended up with slightly less than 800; felt bad man.

>> No.4373802

Derp. No Paladins charge into group of 50, the complains came from the Battlefields, in which everyone has boosted HP. Paladin's at Lv. 30 don't have many skills catered to PVP, hence the complains.

Might change with tier 3 skills, there's one that might be a major cockblock since it's an AoE silence.

>> No.4374013

What, they want to damage like warriors? Paladin in battlegrounds are for support, that's why they have a basic 12 sec CD, 3 sec stun skill, a long range slow, and Martyr. Hell, the stun and martyr by themselves already offer a lot of help, especially for their cleric's survivability. Except the retards DON'T have martyr, and instead charges in like a warrior. BRILLIANT.

>> No.4374075


Possible cb2 announcement tommorow?

>> No.4374089

This reminds me of Japan time.

Inb4 stupid updates like trophies.

>> No.4374092

We shall see.

>> No.4374117
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I want to believe.

>> No.4374133
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All the great DG skills are tier 3-4.

>High Powered self-center AoE
>Low Cooldown Stun
>Low cooldown flashbang that white-outs opponent screens

And that's just tier 3.

>> No.4374135

well you got me hyped up to play a ftp MMO. thanks /jp/

>> No.4374140

Relax and take it easy. No need to be so defensive. It is not like we are in the same nation.

You clearly have a strong dislike toward hotglue, did they rape you in some other MMOs or something? I believe most of the mmos that hotglue take part have always been PVE based.

>> No.4374154
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Believe me, the wait for the next CB is killing me. It actually made me want to grind again.

Not quite enough to go back to ECO, though.

>> No.4374182
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>> No.4374192

Just remind yourself that it's a Korean game. You probably have to grind into the stratosphere for this one.

>> No.4374193

ワハハ might be getting you your bunny sh
oes soon

>> No.4374197

I'll powerlevel you.

>> No.4374198
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Why you gotta tempt me, Lyin?

>> No.4374206

I will help you PK jones. Don't worry.

>> No.4374207
File: 45 KB, 600x218, res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Resonance ripped off some Saya no Uta artwork.

>> No.4374219

I bet they don't even know what Saya No Uta is.

>> No.4374234


Ripped off? It's pretty much copy pasted.

>> No.4374241
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>> No.4374256

Inverted image, plus lens flare and some added angel feathers.

>> No.4374262

Why are you discussing a 4th place guild?

>> No.4374265

Whats resonance?

>> No.4374275
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This will be the Feonir #1 guild.
You heard it here first.

>> No.4374299
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>> No.4374303

Our comrades in arms. They seem to have a hard time taking it easy. We'll have to set a good example come CB2.

>> No.4374316

Whoa chill there, you have something against Paladins?

>What, they want to damage like warriors?
Nobody mentioned that, Paladins just weren't useful at for PvP at Lv 30, using ranged Slow and Stun would just make you an easy target since 1) you can't kill them and 2) ranged characters would just disable you even before you reach them.

Like you said, Paladins are just for support at Lv 30, most were disappointed by the fact that most others classes could out damage them and are ranged to boot, with disables. Look at DG or Warlocks, they can decimate a Paladin with slow and movement seal.

Anyway when it comes to normal PvP in armies or whatsoever I have yet to encounter Paladins who "charges in like a warrior". They don't even have AoE, why would they do that?

>> No.4374323

I think they have some drama with vanguard.
Vanguard seems to have a grudge on them because of the favoritism shown by the GM. Can't blame them as they are pretty bossy and arrogant for a 4th place guild.

>> No.4374334


Does this only apply to PVP?

I want to play a Paladin and am never PVPing, so

>> No.4374367

More prominent in Battlefields, since your low damage and everyone with boosted HP just make you a sad Paladin.

You probably wouldn't die nor score a kill in normal PvP and in a one-on-one situation, but Divine Strike (ranged Slow) and Shield Bash (Stun) are really useful when someone strays to close to your group.

>> No.4374391

Oh and Paladins are superb in Dungeons, they reach their full potential in there.

>> No.4374398
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I'm quite pleased with Paladin performance in PvE, personally. Tanking is so easy you could face-roll and keep aggro, while solo grinding and solo questing is easy thanks to your high defense, mitigation skills, self-healing, and high hp.

>> No.4374411

They're very important in instanced dungeons.

My favorite party would have to be-
Paladin. Holds aggro.
Support Cleric 1. Heals Paladin only.
Support Cleric 2. Heals damage dealers only.


>> No.4374430

I PLAY a paladin, and whiners piss me off.

>most others classes could out damage them and are ranged to boot, with disables
Of course other classes can out damage them, they are not meant for damaging. And if those DG or warlocks disable YOU then that means less disables for YOUR team's warlocks and DGs.

>why would they do that?
So they can whine about how useless paladins are with the lvl 30 cap.

>> No.4374436

I propose an alliance with the BR guild.

>> No.4374452

How about 4 paladins to hold aggro, 1 cleric to run into the mobs to cast AoE, and 1 rifleman to take it easy?

>> No.4374463

So how welcome is a pure buffs/disables warrior going to be in pvp and pve?
Is downtime enough that the hp and mp recovery buffs will be useful?

>> No.4374466

Nope. Not enough dps

>> No.4374469

Just try it and see how it works.
Resetting skill point is cheap.

>> No.4374501

>I PLAY a paladin, and whiners piss me off.
That's just you, bro. and people are bound to whine, don't let it get to you.

I admit I did whine when I first started PvP but after a while I devoted myself to Dungeons and material farming.

>> No.4374504
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We beat Marauder (Cabin, I think) with 3 Paladins, a Cleric, and a Dual Gunner.

>> No.4374515

I don't think you need dps when you can tank/shield bash it to death.

Then again I had connection problems later on where it'd randomly disconnect me for an undetermined amount of time so I didn't do much dungeons.

>> No.4374516


But if the cleric is AOEing then who's healing? But jokes aside, it's probably doable but will take much longer than a cookie cutter party.

>> No.4374522

5 Paladins, 1 AoE healing Cleric. How's that?

>> No.4374531

Speedhack-tan is moe~ and she is never going away even after CBT.

>> No.4374538

Gonna have a hard time soloing. PvP parties would kill to have you, though.

>> No.4374547


He could just hit then cap and then reset to that build.

>> No.4374586

Never got a warning for speedhack, it was just my internet connection itself.

>> No.4374589

The AoE heal draws ridiculous amounts of aggro. It's uses are extremely limited. But with 5 Paladins... I suppose the Cleric would still be safe... maybe.

>> No.4374604

With 5 paladins it'd be impossible for anyone else to gain aggro.

Even if you had a dps that was double the paladins level, as long as the paladins had that one instant attack that made the target focus on you for three seconds the paladins would still hold aggro.

>> No.4374646

Don't underestimate Healing Corona's ability to strip aggro. I once cast it immediately after the tank provoked a group of enemies. ALL of them came after me. It must have a threat value of 20 or something. Perhaps the initial threat value is multiplied by the amount of targets healed. I don't know.

>> No.4374653


Any idea on what level the provoke was?

>> No.4374678

I don't mean impossible in threat way, I mean literally impossible.

The skill even at level 1 forces the target to focus on the paladin who used it while totally ignoring any other targets. It has a very short cooldown so 5 paladins alternating that there is no way possible for anyone else to be hit unless it misses, and I've never seen it miss.

>> No.4374701
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I've had it miss tons of times. Hell, even my provoke misses sometimes.

I would think it was a higher base aggro than a regular healing spell, and since healing also increases aggro, I'd imagine that the more people you heal, the more your aggro is increased.

>> No.4374702


I believe I've seen it miss, but that's not a problem with so many paladins.

>> No.4374715

It was likely low. It'd be interesting to test and find out the minimum safety level.
I know. I was half joking. I just felt like ranting about that skill since it scared the fuck out of me. The situation turned out to be relatively painless.

>> No.4374726
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I wish I knew how many threat points were in a threat level. That way I could test just how useful leveling Provoke is. Also, I wonder if Enrage has the bonus threat applied to every action (autoattack, using potions, etc.), actual skills (including Perseverance, Transference, Vanguard, etc.), or only offensive skills.

>> No.4374733

Vita, make duplicates of this pic >>4374198. It just snags attention on post.

>> No.4374763
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>scared the fuck out of me

>> No.4374790

That's strange, I've never had it miss once. Provoke misses sometimes but never had the instant attack miss.

You've always had some bad luck Vita.

I thought so somewhat, I'm not good at noticing when someone is joking or sarcasm unless it is very obvious though..

>> No.4374956

The game is extremely ressource-eating.
Quad Core 2.5Ghz here with 4GB RAM and it takes 3GB RAM to play.

>> No.4375006

It's greedy and uses what it can get. I can run it just fine with nearly maxed settings at 1440x900 with a P4 3.2ghz, 2gb of ram, and Geforce 7600GS. Was a little laggy during the PvP event at the end of CBT1 but other than that it ran smoothly.

>> No.4375015

What about your video card? If it's shit the game is going to try and utilize other resources. I'm going to bed. I'll let someone else play /g/.

>> No.4375020

GeForce 8800GT. Is that bad?

>> No.4375677

lol Vanguard is a fail guild who get butthurt easily.
They get butthurt over every little thing.
Look at Crood's post and chibi cat's QQ.
Bro was just stating the truth of what happened.
