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File: 551 KB, 683x900, 32985051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4366829 No.4366829 [Reply] [Original]

Voting is over
<-- most popular UFO characters without Byakuren

>> No.4366838

>5th place.

Not bad.

>> No.4366843

I won't lie and say I am not surprised. But Kogasa is an hentai touhou after all...

>> No.4366850
File: 17 KB, 300x342, 1260722268398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if I'm reading this right Sanae is more popular than Marisa and Sakuya.

>> No.4366852


Fifth place out of, what, eight characters isn't bad?

>> No.4366855

Why do nips like Reimu? She's the worst.

>> No.4366859
File: 133 KB, 500x600, 1229169562677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself. Seriously.

>> No.4366860

>the worst.


>> No.4366861


Scarlet Sisters theme and border of life at the top as expected.
感情の摩天楼 ~ Cosmic Mind on the other hand came from nowhere. Surprised that this became majority of everyone favourite UFO theme.

>> No.4366866

You should end yourself, easy mode faggot.

>> No.4366867
File: 313 KB, 1250x1425, sanae_smirk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take that marisafag and sakuyafag.
I am the new #2.

>> No.4366877

Nuclear fusion is awesome

>> No.4366879

Why "503" all the time when trying to view the results?

>> No.4366882
File: 192 KB, 490x560, 1d118620d7c2007a8537a9e873630516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fucking nips. Bounce a pair of tits on their face and they are your bitches.

>> No.4366892

Eight characters?

>> No.4366903

I'm disappointed. I've never recived my voting code.

>> No.4366906




>> No.4366911

Satori, which position?

>> No.4366912

Rinnosuke has more tits then Marisa

>> No.4366914


Missionary, all night long.

>> No.4366916


Allright, thta's a good one, didn't expect it.

>> No.4366917

Can someone post the results, my connection to that site keeps timing out.

>> No.4366918

I was talking about Sanae's.

>> No.4366921

She's in 8. The sister's 22.

>> No.4366922

Will the Touhous really do anything if you promise to make thier boobs bigger?

>> No.4366925

Well, Sakuya has pads.

>> No.4366928

Kogasa is the 21st most popular touhou

Byakuren is 15th or so.

Sakuya is fourth, Marisa is third, Sanae is second, Reimu is first.

All the other UFO cast is below 21st (easily spotted as they have no results on teh second and third tab indicating this is their first entry).

OP means that the pic includes four of the five most popular UFO touhous.

Oddly, Nazrin is also damn high on the list.

>> No.4366931


Awesome, top 10 is good enough for me.

>> No.4366933

It's thanks to her tactical genius.

>> No.4366940



>> No.4366977
File: 163 KB, 300x300, 1264071992605.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did my waifu rise from 13th?

>> No.4367054

Yes, and don't use the term "waifu". It's called either a "wife" or more realistically "unobtainable"

>> No.4367057
File: 53 KB, 423x297, u-mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4367064


I'll call her whatever the fuck I want, anon.

>> No.4367065

Fuck off faggot

>> No.4367081
File: 72 KB, 850x478, 1265517278674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself

>> No.4367249
File: 21 KB, 475x358, yousad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4367321

No I'm just some Anonymous faggot who likes voicing his pet peeve, like that Walfas hating faggot.

>> No.4367340

Some interesting results there. Characters like Iku (16 to 28) and Orin (34 to 46) take notable falls, while Utsuho (28 to 14) and Koishi (35 to 22) make pretty big moves up. Wonder why?

I'm impressed by Byakuren, Kogasa, and Nazrin's pretty high debuts. The others did okay for their first time, though Ichirin's further down than I would've guessed.

>> No.4367355

Everyone I voted for did worse this year.
I don't know how to feel about that.

>> No.4367366

Sanae more popular than Marisa? Fucking slut

>> No.4367374

Renko and Yumemi did worse, fuck this.

>> No.4367377

>女性 1952人 9.34%

>> No.4367380

7 9 20 風見 幽香 5764 1122


>> No.4367392

Shit, I forgot all about this. I'm sure my favorite Touhous made out okay regardless, so it's all good.


I'm going to guess the big shifts in the lower ranks can all be explained through random variation from year to year. Fewer votes at that level, so it wouldn't take that much to bump someone ten spots in either direction.

>> No.4367394
File: 46 KB, 516x911, graf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, this is revealing.

And if I read this right, it means probably that C77 and this coming Reitaisai will be the peak of Touhou-popularity. If this few people became Touhoufags in the last year or so relative to two years ago, it can only be downhill from here.

>> No.4367396

I hate that slut Sanae
Stealing Marisa's place
I hope her armpits grow hair like she was a fucking bear
Lick that shit, japanese faggots

>> No.4367399

>60歳以上 25人 0.13%
What the hell?

>> No.4367400

Uh, guys. I don't think I'm reading this list correctly. Can someone translate it. Did Marisa really beat Sakuya by 3 votes?

>> No.4367403

I'm raging so hard at Rinnosuke beating out Wriggle, Yamame, and Akyuu...

>> No.4367406
File: 395 KB, 640x1600, Yuka yukkuri abuse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4367407


By 3 points, some votes are worth 2 points, after all.

>> No.4367408

Nope, you're right. Just a three-vote difference between the two.

>> No.4367410

>Youtube・ニコニコ動画で知った 6150人 27.77%
>知人の紹介で知った 7412人 33.46%

>> No.4367412

20 22 19 紅 美鈴
33 30 23 蓬莱山 輝夜
Nips are fags as always.

>> No.4367417

Actually, I mean three-point difference. And that's with Sakuya getting more first-place votes (which are worth 2 points each).

>> No.4367419
File: 208 KB, 800x800, Mokou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4367424
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>> No.4367425
File: 357 KB, 973x1364, 7311468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And how can some flower-girl that hasn't had a playable-role in years beat out Suwako-sama, by 10 ranks???

>> No.4367426

>84 73 60 エリー
Seems like stale apple didn't help her popularity one bit.
Also how the hell does Yuka rank up so high consistently without appearing?

>> No.4367434
File: 59 KB, 638x365, Yuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad

>> No.4367441
File: 155 KB, 800x800, b12096ffd0066b75e6703e5754339c27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not just that, look at how Yuyuko ranked so much higher than Youmu.

This is nothing short of a Tit-fag conspiracy.

>> No.4367443

True, plus you have the new characters debuting, which would knock the lower characters' ranks even lower through no fault of their own.

Still, moves like Utsuho's can't just be random variation. There's like a 1500-point gap between 14th and 28th. Maybe her presence in Hisoutensoku made a difference.

>> No.4367450

>48 50 52 秋 静葉
The only one I voted for that improved.

>> No.4367459
File: 222 KB, 581x800, 1256815860739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a confession to make /jp/.

I voted for Marisa via 6 gmail accounts and 6 proxies. Assuming Japan counted our votes, I just handed Marisa a victory over Sakuya. I'm still shocked by this.

I'm also that guy from the other thread that insulted Sakuya fans and suggested that we should group vote in order to make a difference. Check the archive.

>> No.4367468
File: 461 KB, 600x839, 7688636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I spam it with Yuka votes thats how.

>> No.4367472

Of course not.
I am just wondering how the nips vote.
Elly appeared together with Yuka.
Elly Bad Apple song was spammed to moon and back but her popularity didn't even moved 1 bit.
Granted she appeared in PoFV but her popularity didn't seem to drop 1 bit.

>> No.4367473

Oh, so you're that moron secondaryfag.

>> No.4367482
File: 857 KB, 915x1280, 8776539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4367484

Why are you such a dick? you like her alright, but no need to impose it.

>> No.4367485

1. Septette
2. Border of Life (longer version)
3. Cosmic Mind
4. U.N.Owen
5. 3rd Eye
6. Necrofantasia
7. Nuclear Fusion
8. Native Faith
9. Reach for the Moon Immortal Smoke
10. Faith is for the Transient People

generally good choices: 2, 3, 6, 9, 10 are also part of my top 10

>> No.4367490

You did the right thing.

>> No.4367491

Yeah, neat to see the Aki sisters are slowly moving up the rankings, and that's even with all the new characters from SA and UFO showing up.

>> No.4367497
File: 15 KB, 170x228, 121359864167.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, actually, Sakuya is more popular than Marisa?

Well, you've come a long way since EoSD, perfect and elegant maid. Congrats.

>> No.4367508

Knock them down a couple of pegs.
Sanae>reimu though.

>> No.4367509

Yeah right.
Are you really implying the sakuyafags didn't spam vote for her?
They probably all went PADS PADS PADS while spam voting.

>> No.4367510

Reimu being the main heroine, doesn't make her anymore interesting. I don't understand Japan.

>> No.4367518

No, I was the guy that was insulting the "secondaryfans" along with another Anon.



I never thought a vote, let alone my vote(s) could make a difference. Did it really come down to a 3 point difference? That means we all had some effect on this poll, regardless if we cheated or not.

>> No.4367522

i'm surprised to see septette (and remilia) rated so high, i didn't really like EoSD that much myself

>> No.4367527

If only we didn't know the most popular ones get all the votes from secondaryfags.

>> No.4367537
File: 18 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosmic mind: Best UFO song and third overall.
Byaku: best UFO NPC and 15th overall.

What the fuck, she really is a Youkai Jesus

>> No.4367555


byakuren and her theme are great

>> No.4367556

I still don't know why people forget about them

>> No.4367559

Who's this? Sucks to be her whoever she is, she came last.

>> No.4367573

As expected from a last stage boss.

>> No.4367584

I probably shouldn't have voted for Reimu.
Has she ever even tasted 2nd place?

For the same reason they kept voting for the LDP all these years. You vote for the guy with a good chance of winning, I guess.

I voted for her because I usually play as her, I like her theme, and I can't help but feel that she represents the whole series.

>> No.4367585

Assuming AoC wasn't being sarcastic. How much other Anons voted up their character. I'm curious.

>> No.4367606

I didn't, I actually have morals.

>> No.4367617
File: 878 KB, 1000x1200, 6552055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only voted 3 times, since I use 3 emails, I didnt make any fake emails just to vote.

>> No.4367629

Wow, the comments are so sad. And some idiots actually wrote them in English.

>> No.4367636
File: 55 KB, 742x584, 1216870244499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>103 80 - ハートフェルトファンシー

>> No.4367650

>She has homing bullets.Those are really helpful.(無名の猫 )

>> No.4367660

永江 is Iku, but I don't recognize the reading for 浦島子 (officially, 衣玖).

(Poor oarfish ... )

>> No.4367661
File: 3 KB, 126x126, Th01singyoku03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

117th, ya'll better respect.

>> No.4367671

Iku is 28

>> No.4367676

That's not possible, let me check.

>> No.4367687


>> No.4367694

Having checked out all the other ones at the bottom, they all seem to be nameless, probably the canonfodder characters: Big Tengu, Moon Rabbit, Big Toad and so forth. Sucks to be Shingyoku though, being lowest ranked character with an actual name.

>> No.4367709

Where's Udonge?

>> No.4367712

永江 is Nagae, What's the other thing? I usually know this stuff, I mad.

>> No.4367716


That's against the rules.

>> No.4367727


>> No.4367732

Well he/she's a pretty shitty character, even though quite important.

>> No.4367746 [DELETED] 

Why must you stupid guys constantly spam and attack www . anon
talk . com for? Please stop. We don't want any chanturds there.

>> No.4367739

Mizue Urasimako?

>> No.4367742

Some are quite retarded, like UFO(赤・青・緑、その他)

>> No.4367752

lol Rikaichan

>> No.4367756


Cirno is only 23rd. The presence of secondaryfags should be fairly low in this poll.

>> No.4367769
File: 245 KB, 1280x740, Top10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4367775

I won't even check what position Meiling has on that list. She'll always be number one for me.

>> No.4367779

Mizue no Urashimako, ranked last with 3 points, is a historical character mentioned only by name in Bougetsushou, Cage in Lunatic Runagate, I think.
I don't know the details because I haven't read it.

>> No.4367782


Septette is probably the best thing ZUN ever composed. It's also translated to remixes in fantastic fashion, particularly in IaMP and SWR. Remilia doesn't deserve 5th place, I'd put her in the teens, but I agree with the music top 10.

>> No.4367784

I can see why Marisa dropped to 3rd.
Her UFO silly dress is horrible.

>> No.4367791

Honestly I can't make head nor tails of the ranking. Some kind anon help out:

What ranks was Suika, Hong, Reisen and Tei? Those are the ones I voted for.

Also what ranks was Moku's theme? (reach for the moon)

>> No.4367794

God, not even the obscure characters are safe from stupid comments.

>> No.4367795


>> No.4367813
File: 291 KB, 500x1502, 1263270249158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotta say, for such a deformed character, Miss Komeiji's rise is impressive.

>> No.4367815

I spat out my spit when I saw Sanae beating Marisa. The fuck?

>> No.4367820


There are no obscure Windows Toehoes, and there will never be. There are also only a few obscure PC-98 characters, and they're mostly early stage bosses.

>> No.4367824

Just read the list moron.

>> No.4367828

Sanae and that mind reading bitch shouldn't be in the top 10. Fuck. At least Mokou got what she deserved.

>> No.4367830

she'll always be 20 for those of us with taste

>> No.4367837

Mokou's them was #9

>> No.4367843

List is in Japanese faggot.

>> No.4367846

Yeah, those are what I meant, your point?

>> No.4367851

how to draw a touhou.jpg

>> No.4367856


>> No.4367866

So, if you like them so much you should at least know how to write them in japanese. Also it's not like you can check the wiki and Ctrl+F their names, faggot.

>> No.4367880

Kisume tied with a nameless book-reading bird...

>> No.4367885
File: 556 KB, 736x1176, Sakuya66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4367889

>Weeaboo retard thinks everyone memorizes the Kanji of video game characters.

Okay faggot.

>> No.4367895


>Septette is probably the best thing Beethoven ever composed.


Now, don't take this as me hurr durr shitting all over Septette, but it's a *very* derivative work when you listen to Rondo Op.13. Does that make it bad? No, I still love septette, but I can't really say it's 100% ZUN original.

>> No.4367901

How did Satori get to the top 10?

Every other character in SA is more interesting than her.

>> No.4367903

What the fuck?
How hard is it to memorize Touhou name in japanese?
I mean you automatically know them after hours of lurking in pixiv.
>紅 美鈴
>伊吹 萃香
>因幡 てゐ

You can solved the rest by yourself I hope.

>> No.4367905

And you tell me you are mad?
Fuck people, stop making tewi fall on the rankings, she fall 10 positions or so every pool

>> No.4367908

Yeah, obviously a matter of opinion. Being a classicalfag I was unimpressed with the direct lifting from the rondo from Beethoven 's 8th Piano sonata. It's not a bad song, but it's just not stellar in my opinion. Personally I think the man has made much better tracks. EoSD was a low point musically, I only enjoyed China's stage and boss theme and Patchy's theme. I also liked Flowering Night in PoFV better as Sakuya's theme. Heaven knows why UN owen is rated so damn high. If there's one overrated song in the touhou fandom, that is it.

Then again this is all lol opinions.

>> No.4367909

Just get out

>> No.4367912

suika 27
hong 20
reisen 32
tewi 54

>> No.4367917

Or, you can look for the names on the list on touhou wiki, and vice-versa

>> No.4367941

Suika is 27th, Hong 20th, Reisen 32nd and Tewi 54th. Mokou's theme is 9th, like Mokou herself, appropriately.

>> No.4367946 [DELETED] 

or i could post >>4367912 and there won't be 7 or 8 bitching posts that looks like it's from elementary school kids.

>> No.4367960

If you have lurked /jp/ enough, you should know that we do not encourage spoonfeeding.

>> No.4367989

I think Sanae deserves her rank actually. She's adorable in UFO.

Yuuka on the other hand... has supporters that are the over-zealous maniac-types that vote-bombed for sure.

>> No.4368017

No, we encourage being a douchebag for no reason.

>> No.4368024

My explanation for Sanae and Reimu being in the top 3.

2channers must have done a vote for the worst campaign.

>> No.4368052

We don't take kindly of ignorant idiots like you, get out.

>> No.4368054


Kill yourself.

>> No.4368056
File: 267 KB, 600x600, 8776744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4368068

Go back to /a/
Geez, what's with people actually spoonfeeding this moron, is it because it's Saturday or something?

>> No.4368073
File: 161 KB, 500x500, 8776771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8th Place!

>> No.4368074

Get over yourself, its just a name with a number by the side.

>> No.4368079

>Baaaaaaw, I'm too stupid to copypaste some words.

>> No.4368087

Yuka 7th and Mokou 9th. And here I was thinking Japan had forgotten about them. I am impressed.

>> No.4368093

>If I call him a newfag it makes me an oldfag XD
Keep on being edgy and cool. Only the cool kids know know Japanese. Man I sure envy you.

>> No.4368103
File: 126 KB, 800x600, Mokou Twintails.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more I think about it, the more I rage that Mokou's popularity goes unanswered by ZUN. Come on, put her in any game! A Yuka is fine, too.

>> No.4368104

>Hurr derp I know touhou jap names, am I a primary fag yet?

>> No.4368110

That rather goes to you

>> No.4368117
File: 436 KB, 1000x800, 8777376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys still arguing about that?
Here, easy summary.

>> No.4368125

Take it easy gentlemen.

>> No.4368139

How about you faggots arguing shut the fuck up and stop shitting up this thread?

>> No.4368140

How is copypasting from the wiki knowing the names, idiot.

>> No.4368154

What on earth is the point of throwing personal insults or, let alone responding to them, on an Anonymous message board?
I don't think I've ever seen that on Futaba.

People there will just say "go die"/"fuck off", and that's the end of that. There's no retort; the person just leaves or backs down when he knows he's not wanted.

>> No.4368159

That isn't the point you moron.

>> No.4368161

I'll take it easy when that fag goes back to whatever shithole he came from

>> No.4368164


And delete your posts please.
That delete button isn't getting nearly enough use.

>> No.4368165
File: 161 KB, 555x637, 8769587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I consider dropping 1 rank an actual win.

Satori on 8th is nice too.

>> No.4368172

>implying you speak Japanese well enough to understand 2chan

>> No.4368177

Resident /jp/ police. Enforces those rules. Do it enough times and we'll give you a medal.

>> No.4368178

You are making absolutely no arguments, you are just denying the fact that you're an idiot for not being able to use the wiki to find the names in japanese.

>> No.4368182
File: 183 KB, 400x323, nicethings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sanae over Marisa and Sakuya

>> No.4368186

But Japanese men are inferior to us in terms of masculinity. And I use the word 'men' loosely in this context.

And their e-penises are smaller than their tiny penises so yeah.

>> No.4368196

I'm not arguing with a retard. You think this is some debate? This is just you being a faggot and me calling you out for it. I already got my answer.

>> No.4368206

Go back to /b/, fag.

>> No.4368216

Kill yourself asshat.

>> No.4368220

Americans aren't known for accepting people

>> No.4368228


You can't win that way, Anon, but had you just ignored the kid(s) and moved on, we could have had a nice thread without it getting it fucked up like this.

>> No.4368240

Are all americans this stupid? you people sure have your reputation well earned.

>> No.4368250
File: 219 KB, 512x384, 8777525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just going to keep posting form Pixiv until you guys shut the fuck up.

What a bunch of babies.

>> No.4368256

I'm deeply sorry for that

>> No.4368258

>Post a single troll post
>Enjoy shitstorm
>Laugh when it gets blamed on America

>> No.4368261
File: 100 KB, 800x650, 8777290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4368272
File: 364 KB, 700x990, 1265740037404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.4368273

Moku is baka.

>> No.4368287

Only about 4% of pollsters got into Touhou last year. So unless we assume all the newfags didn't vote, it would seem the Touhou boom is finally dying out.

>> No.4368307

Oh Croatia.

>> No.4368319
File: 37 KB, 501x566, 8776380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Well it is the middle of the night after all.
I'm sure we'll get better art tomorrow.

>> No.4368330

~22k votes from people who KNEW about the poll, that seems like a lot to me.

>> No.4368339

Remi is 5th, and her theme is #1. Nips don't have entirely bad taste after all. It's also nice to know that Aya, when she was ZUN's slut, was up to #3, and has fallen down to almost #20, a trend I expect Sanae to follow when ZUN stops putting her in every fuckin game.

>> No.4368352

but he won't. JK
don't worry, popularity come and go. unless you are worried that after sanae falls, she might be still above sakuya
only time will tell.

>> No.4368411

Now that it's over. Can everybody that took a part in the argument delete their post. It turned this thread into an eyesore.

>> No.4368423

What else can you talk about? Who's more popular than who? that seems rather stupid.

>> No.4368447

Yuuka 7th, Satorin 8th, Sanae 2nd. Best results ever.

>> No.4368459

The word 嫁 is present quite a few times in the results... does this mean my waifu is a slut?

>> No.4368472


嫁 = waifu

>> No.4368476

But where's Yukari? Nobody mentioned motherfucking Yukari! At least in top-20 I hope.

>> No.4368486



>> No.4368493
File: 268 KB, 800x600, Baldr226.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oo Mokou o/ This is a surprise.

No one cares about Patchy and Alice. Feels bad.

>> No.4368503

>5th place

>> No.4368525
File: 155 KB, 524x586, 1266078258936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2008: 29
>2009: 29
>2010: 36

>> No.4368528


Except that, Remi is 5th...

>> No.4368540

Learn how to read KoG, you moron.

>> No.4368549

more like last 4 months. look at the dates.

>> No.4368550
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>> No.4368570
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From 37th to 35th

Not bad.

>> No.4368585

Ignore KoG. He's just butthurt that Cirno is now in 23rd place and dropping rapidly. By the end of this year, she'll be lucky to be in the top 50.

>> No.4368601

Well yeah when something gets really popular the only place it can go is downwards, especially in Japan which is the epitome of a fad nation.
Kind of hard to believe that some characters that have only appeared in just one game can break the top ten, but then again its the fanon that really drives the series.

>> No.4368604 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4368636


I haven't seen you around in ages!

>> No.4368744

You both disgust me.

>> No.4368781
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I have no life, so here's a half-assed top 20.

>> No.4368810
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>Constitution: 9

>> No.4368932
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>> No.4368977


I like how no matter what poll people take, the main character(s) are always at the top spots.

>> No.4369018

My Marisa is in the top 3. How does it feel Sakuya fans?

>> No.4369093
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>my face when there were no Eientei-fags in the top 20

>> No.4369118


Be glad you're still in the top 20. Sanae replaced both you and Sakuya simultaneously.

>> No.4369145
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>> No.4369247

Ooh. Good job.

>> No.4369310
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Sanae? Why Sanae? She's not cute, funny, or interesting. Her plot, music, and stage was pretty lackluster in comparison to other stage 5 bosses. The only thing she has in abundance over the other Touhous is her amount of /h/ material.

I used to mock people for saying she was a slut but they weren't kidding. What a whore.

>> No.4369352

sure is butthurt in this thread

>> No.4369365

>Yuyuko, 11
>Yukari, 12
I'm happy.

>> No.4369384
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The only reason I care about this is that the most popular characters are more likely to appear in Touhou fighting game expansions.
>Tewi 54th
30-40 more characters before I can hammer people in Touhou fighting. ;_;

>> No.4369393

I like how whenever Sanae is involved in anything or accomplishes something or whatever, people interpret it as her being more of a slut.

Oh wait, no I don't.

>> No.4369404

>The only thing she has in abundance over the other Touhous is her amount of /h/ material.

You have your answer as to why she's so high.

>> No.4369407

In that case, she still loses out

My unbiased collection indicates that Sanae is still light years behind Reisen in number of porns.

>> No.4369413

Only five of the top twenty aren't in Hisouten Soku.
Yuka, Satori, Mokou, Flan, Byakuren.
My hopes for Mokou vs Kaguya patch rise again from the ashes.

>> No.4369423
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>> No.4369431

Reisen is a working class moon rabbit.

>> No.4369433


If she was so clever she would have found a way to the top 20.

>> No.4369464


>> No.4369469

So where are the Soku characters who didn't make top 20 ranked?
Suika, Cirno, Reisen, Komachi, Iku?
Are they all top 30?

>> No.4369476


>> No.4369478

She lost the battle, but she's going to win the war.

>> No.4369480

It seems like the Japs only vote for characters if they were playable characters. Just look at the list. The most popular ones: Marisa, Sakuya, and Reimu have appeared in the most games. If Sanae wasn't a playable character in UFO she wouldn't have been there.

>> No.4369485

top 25

>> No.4369486

how about Rin?

>> No.4369492

Yuka is above Yuyuko and Youmu

>> No.4369506

Can anybody give me a good reason why Fujiwara no Mokou is Top 10 material? I don't dislike her, but there's nothing about her that really stands out, and she only appeared in one game. So did Satori, but she's newer, plus a loli which always helps.

>> No.4369509

Do "you" really root for your favourite characters to come out on top, vote multiple times to "help" and complain about really popular characters being (for example) 2nd place?
This isn't a fight about "my touhou is better than yours and if yours has more votes, she's a slut". It's a statistic showing the randoms preferences.

>> No.4369511

yuka was playable.

>> No.4369514

Yuuka's been playable in more games than ghost team. Not counting fighters.

>> No.4369517


>> No.4369521
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>Not counting fighters.


>> No.4369525
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> Fujiwara no Mokou
> I don't dislike her
> her

>> No.4369539

There are some exceptions. But the top 4 are always the ones that have been playable the most (e.g., Reimu, Marisa, and Sakuya).

Sanae being a next gen Touhou has been playable more than the other next gen Touhous so she topped the list. Sanae was playable in UFO and the fighting game.

>> No.4369546



>> No.4369547
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>> No.4369559


>> No.4369562

Marisa and Sakuya fans are the worst.

Wait, let me rephrase that: Anyone who doesn't have Sanae as his favorite Touhou is an eienfag.

>> No.4369566

Don't start shit. We'll lose.

>> No.4369570

Oh you.

>> No.4369578

my bad, fixed

Yuka: MS, PoFV
Youmu: IN, PoFV

>> No.4369582

I'll take your bait. Why Marisa?

>> No.4369593

Because fake votes.

>> No.4369597

I always liked Sanae, so I'm fine with this.

>> No.4369622

I don't know myself, she's just sort of there, nothing bad about her but nothing that makes me want to vote for her over others

>> No.4369665

Powerlevel time?

Shiki >= Yukari >= Watatsuki sisters > Kanako >= Suwako > Eirin >>>>>>>> Reimu > * > [insert_weed_killer] >Yuka

">=" means greater than or equal to.

>> No.4369667
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What is this faggotry?

>> No.4369809

How would you place Yuyuko on there with her ability to kill any Touhou except Mokou, Kaguya, and maybe Kanako, Suwako, Shiki, and Komachi.

Eirin being below Wakatsuki sisters is also debatable.

>> No.4369825

>Shiki at top
I dunno...

>> No.4369903

She most probably can kill Yukari.

Maybe not the moon sisters though.

>> No.4369932

>Can invoke death in mortals
Youkai by definition are immortal.

>> No.4370019

Unlike humans, youkai do not "die when they are killed", but still have limited lifespans that are just many times longer than humans. It's been said that Yukari sleeps so much because of her age, and eventually she'll just never wake up. Of course, this is a mixture of PMiSS CANON and speculation, but I think most people agree that youkai do not have Kaguya/Mokou level immortality.

>> No.4370215

>and some idiots actually wrote them in English

The rules said English was fine too.
