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File: 1.24 MB, 3840x2160, 989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43647543 No.43647543 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>43615826

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.43647601

Any eroges where family ties are just a suggestions and everyone in the family fucks around with everyone, or at least close to that?
I'm talking depraved shit

>> No.43647604
File: 411 KB, 1920x1057, yukime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new mangekyou website is up

>> No.43647679
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I wasn't expecting much and I still got let down. Some really good faps, and a decent attempt at keeping their established formula fresh, but Dessert Soft is clearly in decline.
Complaints: No group H-scenes despite teasing them, no pregnant H-scenes, one of the characters has her first and only H-scene AFTER the ED movie plays, fewer H-scenes than Tomefure despite having a bigger cast, the art is noticeably worse than the two Tomefures, the list goes on.
I am a huge fag for 十全 scripts, but I don't know if I can be convinced to read the next game Dessert Soft makes.

>> No.43647696
File: 2.39 MB, 1913x1435, n129_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good JK game, the only downside is the lack of group sex, but fortunately the remake fixes that.
Time to decide the next VN.

>> No.43647713

Those aren’t JKs

>> No.43647775
File: 1.81 MB, 1661x913, cool guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice de gozaru

>> No.43647840

this looks disgusting

>> No.43647947

Uhmmmm but this isn't Yuzusoft??? Can we get a real OP please???

>> No.43648032

is it the first 拙者 mc incoming?

>> No.43648378
File: 74 KB, 1253x298, 1673539946773591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My way of life

>> No.43648534

they have the seifukus, the vitality and the attitude, thats enough for me

shut up

>> No.43648598

The Tsurumiku talk reminded me they haven't made anything new in two years. Kinda worried.

>> No.43648602

Don't worry you still have /jav/ to rely on.

>> No.43648938

explain this >>43633249 then

>> No.43649041
File: 1.20 MB, 944x703, ApplicationFrameHost_rL9a7vUENV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just started this vn. his dad joke really got me i even feel sad. Already found the best imouto. can't wait to do her route after I finish all other route

>> No.43649075

based op the only route worthwhile

>> No.43649134

I'm usually not the type to care/whine about donkan protagonists etc., but holy fuck Riku is so stupid and gay in Orie's route it's unreal
Orie deserves to be treated so much better oh well

>> No.43649167 [DELETED] 
File: 113 KB, 1280x720, 「千の刃濤、桃花染の皇姫 -花あかり-」 ユーザーインターフェイス愚痴ガイジ発狂町.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be honest thats pretty hot.

>> No.43649174
File: 113 KB, 1280x720, 「千の刃濤、桃花染の皇姫 -花あかり-」 ユーザーインターフェイス愚痴ガイジ発狂待ち.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be honest thats pretty hot.

>> No.43649220
File: 275 KB, 1600x900, 彼女は友達ですか?恋人ですか?それともトメフレですか?Second_Version_1.0.0.0TomefureS (27).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's disappointing to hear. Their games are so close to being kamige and yet they always fall short and they seem to be falling shorter and shorter each time. With just a few tweaks they could have something really incredible. They need to hire me and listen to all my ideas.

>> No.43649430

Kazato twins are so unbelievably cute and funny. We need more twins routes.

>> No.43649634

looks great

>> No.43649747
File: 311 KB, 1280x960, 黒人VS白人~パワーセックスの虜になった妻~黒人VS白人 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The crossover hit that will help break down racial tensions. Just what our society needs in these trying times.

>> No.43649752


>> No.43649789


>> No.43649837

hey is it you who was reading that ugly ass vn from the same artist?
looks better now right?

>> No.43649848

>I am a huge fag for 十全 scripts
he produced gold with tomefure 1 that game just had this perfect vibe but i can't stomach his writing in other titles
he has this weird thing going on where after every couple lines of dialogue he goes on a little pseud-rant about how special and weird the situation the mc and the girls are in right now are and what it was caused by and where it might be headed
this happens both in shimakiss and in harem mura, it completely breaks the flow and artificially lengthens the script

>> No.43649857

>he produced gold with tomefure 1 that game just had this perfect vibe but i can't stomach his writing in other titles
You really think Tomefure 1 is better than 2? I think 2's way better.

>> No.43649923
File: 1.36 MB, 944x698, ApplicationFrameHost_TlfpE0USui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it's look better now and the sumetai onee san lovely too

>> No.43649941

i hope you continue to enjoy the vn esl-kun. it's very comfy

>> No.43650012

It wasn't even close for me. 1 was way funnier than 2.

>> No.43650045
File: 1.17 MB, 1600x900, 彼女は友達ですか?恋人ですか?それともトメフレですか?Second_Version_1.0.0.0TomefureS (8).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? I thought Tomefure 2 had some great gags.
And also some great tits and better h-scenes than the first and isn't that what we're here for?

>> No.43650054 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.30 MB, 1280x720, 源平繚乱絵巻GIKEI源平繚乱絵巻GIKEI (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh goddammit, seriously? You reveal this a route and a half into the game?

>> No.43650059
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As someone who has played neither I prefer the designs of the first one.

>> No.43650075

It's not even spoilered on vndb

>> No.43650094

kousei is a fucking retard

>> No.43650118

Then that means somebody on vndb screwed up when adding the entry

>> No.43650378
File: 586 KB, 1920x1080, 2023-06-04 04_34_13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird conversation for a middle schooler to have. Toneworks games have tonal whiplash sometimes, they try so hard to be down to earth but then every once in a while they throw in some weird out of place shit because it's an eroge and you have to constantly comment on how hot all the girls are (like you can't see it for yourself) and how soft their titties are no matter how unnatural it is to do so.

>> No.43650386

>they try so hard to be down to earth
tsukikana begins with a girl shooting herself in the head and then there's time travel

>> No.43650401

I haven't played Tsukikana yet, just Hoshiori. Wonder what made them go in that direction. There's enough shit with time travel and magic bullshit.

>> No.43650412

I was mostly joking, despite Tsukikana going down the path of KEY nonsense quite a bit it's still like 70%-80% a slow-paced down to earth romance.

>> No.43650595

>a girl shooting herself in the head and then there's time travel
The only Tone Works route I managed to finish without falling asleep

>> No.43650601
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>> No.43650621

Why are you playing kuzuge?

>> No.43650626

It's a side effect of having a massive brain

>> No.43650638

Believe it or not but one usually engages in non-work related activities because it is enjoyable.

>> No.43650665

riddle joker is great

>> No.43650798

I'm a few hours into what I think is Uzuki's route in Akai Ito, and I'm not feeling it at all. Has my brain just been fried by normal VN pacing or something? I'm not emotionally attached to these characters at all yet, and that's especially more so with Kei, who's a literal moeblob at this point. You have shit like Kei and Uzuki "making up" despite the latter simply folding as regards a decision to keep away she literally made the night before. Am I supposed to feel the catharsis that comes with her 絶対守るing Uzuki and saying she's at least slightly fallen for her when it's been like 4 days with them only actively interacting for 2 of those if that? And it feels like normalizing the magical aspects of the world was glossed over too. I don't think Kei's questioned why Sakuya knows about youkai stuff even once. The initial attack by Mikage and Nozomi gets handwaved away in 2 lines of text. Does this get any better?

>> No.43651234
File: 127 KB, 800x600, Kazoku Cuckan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite literally

I vaguely remember it having a bunch of extra content that took me a while to hunt down and download before I realized that the entire thing wasn't worth space it was taking on my HDD and deleted everything except for something called kazoku-DLSS4.exe. No idea why I kept it.
DDL (mediafire btw) is on A-S somewhere

I'd rather read Selen stuff instead though. Bloods was also alright, at least the ane route

>> No.43651446

>this will never be your job

>> No.43651743

>can anyone here manage to hook literally any purple software vn? i swear they're unhookable, every single one of them
The vast majority of them have x86+x64 .exe's, just hook the x64 one with ITH64. Its raison d'etre (pardon my French) is specifically Purple Software's engine. Last I checked (like a year ago) Textractor x64 still had no built-in hook for it, although it might have changed with the updated hooking DLL which should've been merged with the hooker itself long ago had its dev not stopped giving any fucks about his own program two years ago

>> No.43651759

once again incestfags btfo

>> No.43651872 [SPOILER] 
File: 82 KB, 544x174, ものべの-happy_end-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the umbrella really was the best character...

>> No.43651954

can someone help me find this vn? tried a-s and nyaa, got nothing

>> No.43652009

Anon, you can use kana yk

>> No.43652074

I know this isn't very helpful, but I remember liking it. As for Kei, she's basically retarded; you just have to learn to like it. If you pick the smarter choices which are along the lines of "get the fuck out of here", she actually goes back and of course the game ends. Basically if Kei isn't dumb, there is no plot.

>> No.43652088


>> No.43652097

Should be up on pornolab.

>tried a-s
Try harder. It's up on hentai-sharing therefore it should be on A-S too. H-S admin crossposts on A-S.

On an unrelated note, he has recently uploaded some DLC for インターハート games I haven't seen uploaded before.

>> No.43652136

I love the contrast between them (funny that they reflected that in the names). Heroines like yoru especially are my favorite

>> No.43652148

u don't know Japanese?

>> No.43652192

thanks, I didn't know about hentai-sharing. I found it now
what does that have to do with what I asked?

>> No.43652216

>she's basically retarded; you just have to learn to like it
Seems to be the case. I'll try going through a bit more, I guess. At least the music's nice.

>> No.43652447

i didn't even think to try with ith, that shit hasn't been updated since like 2012
i'll download the vn again and try

>> No.43652566
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>> No.43652584


>> No.43652721
File: 1.93 MB, 1280x720, ものべの-happy_end-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't a joke btw

>> No.43652732
File: 1.26 MB, 1406x742, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, through some loops and turns, i finally fucking got it working. normal ith doesn't seem to want to hook at all, but ithnvr works like a charm
thank you very much anon >>43651743
and fuck that retarded shitskin that made textractor

>> No.43652840

All good then, but that's not what I said.
What I said sums up to
"hook 64-bit CMVS process with ITH64 because it has built-in hook specific to that engine which other text hookers lack"
.which was true at least up to Seishun Fragile, and possibly still true now. Not ITHVNR, not ITH, not VNR (these all are 32-bit and often need H-codes for Purple Software games), but specifically ITH64

>> No.43652935
File: 1.60 MB, 1773x1075, 321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first thing i tried doing is hooking with ith64, downloaded it exactly from the link you posted
here's the thing, cmvs.exe doesn't appear in the processes tabs. i think it's because there IS no cmvs64.exe for this game, just a normal 32bit one
next thing i did was try normal ith, but see pic for the error it gives. from what i've read it's some bullshit related to windows 10
i read on fuwanovel to try ithnvr and it works i guess

>> No.43652951

her route was better also i hate that there isnt an ending where they both welcome you again despite the fact that the 3 wanted to be together forever

>> No.43653380

Not clicking your spoilerbox but she's 100% my favorite right now.

>> No.43653807

Any cool doujin/ci-en projects anyone here's following?

>> No.43654211

I'm looking forward to what AVANTGARDE, StudioPork, miconisomi and Level1 are cooking.

>> No.43654228
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>> No.43654388

Misuzu a cute

>> No.43654426

Ouch... Not laughing now.

>> No.43654453
File: 1.04 MB, 1920x1074, rj_19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43654472


>> No.43654527
File: 1.71 MB, 1110x833, Jkゲム.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright after moto yariman this seems like a good vn to read

despite oneesans being my favourite characters i like shion route more than suirens since there is an actual goal in there.
At the end you will probably think the game was better having just a single route instead.

>> No.43655025
File: 770 KB, 762x1022, 1667074004901400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recognize that girl

>> No.43655811

Can I expect any good writing from this series? I keep hearing good shit about it but I got filtered by the first game which mostly felt like 90% porn, 10% plot/story/character crumbs. Does the ratio get better in the latter games or are they all just nukige?

>> No.43655849

I haven't read any of them but I feel like they were mostly notable for the quality of their porn more than anything. Or at least, that's the impression I got from people talking about bimans over the years

>> No.43655878

The writing is better than the vast majority of nukige, but if you didn't like the first game it's probably not for you.

There are better games later in the series- especially 3 and 5- but i doubt they'd convert you.

>> No.43655890

That's the impression I got from the first game but I wasn't sure if all the games were like that. Oh well. The first game did have pretty good porn though.

>> No.43655912

What you didn't like the 4 hour H scenes?

>> No.43656826

Is SANA EDITION the only "big" game coming out this month?

>> No.43657155

I wonder if our "sana edition" anon is still alive

>> No.43657197

your translation coming out this month?

>> No.43657788
File: 1.55 MB, 1280x720, ものべの-happy_end-ものべの-happy_end- (11).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not a joke, the umbrella is a ride or die bro and one of hte best characters in the VN.

>> No.43658328
File: 347 KB, 440x448, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He even gets his own heroine. He was the true MC all along

>> No.43658521

Get the fuck out.

>> No.43658971 [DELETED] 


>> No.43658982

I hope not

>> No.43659033
File: 432 KB, 1920x1080, 48936789346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im here and waiting, anon. I stopped posting it for awhile as you probably noticed. I'll be marathoning the anime again before release to get me in the mood for Sana Edition.

>> No.43659162
File: 915 KB, 2160x2160, 38496789346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do they usually have a master up announcement for these type of games? I guess when you have advertisements like this posted its pretty much good to go.

>> No.43659209

Probably unnecessary considering its just an hd remaster with some new scenes and ui.

>> No.43659709
File: 218 KB, 480x692, package.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get into stuff by light and am deciding to start with Dies Irae. I can't really find much info online about the newer Japanese versions.

Does the "HD Animation Anniversary" version of Acta est Fabula have all the stories in Amantes amantes? I know the originals of Acta est Fabula doesn't have the extras, but I'm hoping they fixed it in the HD release.

>> No.43659745

>2009年に発売した『Dies irae ~Acta est Fabula~』の内容をそのままの形でお届けします!
Doesn't look like it. It's literally just a higher resolution

>> No.43659800

>I can't really find much info online
it's literally written here what else do you need to know https://vndb.org/r52325

>> No.43659810

I think to this day, the only single release officially available with all shit in it, is in English. And even that is two programs, just that your save and all should be automatically detected and are cross compatible. So it's easy to switch between all ages and adult. Or so I heard. Didn't try it myself.

JP really sucks at bringing that as they (probably) wanna cash in double. You might still be able to do the same thing though. I think someone mentioned that copying the save files works between the two newest versions.. or something.

>> No.43659892

just follow this guide if you want to see all content https://old.reddit.com/r/visualnovels/comments/85hgr2/anges_guide_to_reading_100_of_the_available/

>> No.43659903

The HD version Acta est Fabula doesn't have the extra content of Amantes Amentes. Whilst the extra content of AA is very good, and very important. I'd recommend you read the first 3 (Kasumi, Kei, Marie) routes in AeF first since AA omits some less than savory background details for characters. I'm not sure if the saves are compatible like the other anon suggested but you can just f7 to skip everything in AA to unlock the extra content concurrently with your AeF playthrough. Rea's route has substantial additions to the first ending and as well as a 2nd ending, which makes her route worth going through in AA alone.

>> No.43660388

>Acta est Fabula HD
is there a trustworthy crack for whatever's on their package eds? am payfag, would like world box, but I draw the line at online activation. limited, too

>> No.43660406

The world box isn't an online activation. You just type a serial code. But yeah there should be cracks for it.

>> No.43660422

Imagine not starting with the real kamige

>> No.43660464

you sure? pretty certain I've read it actually checks the number over the net and that there's an activation limit. defeats the purpose of getting a package, if so

>> No.43660481

>that there's an activation limit
I've activated my copies a million times going across machines so I'm pretty sure there's no such thing at least.

>> No.43660483

it's a terrible idea to start from it
i remember how i got baited to do it and i didn't understand a shit what it was about until i read the dies and rest
if anything reading it last and before the avesta would make the most sense

>> No.43660518

Personally I think it might be better to read it before k3 to understand all the references

>> No.43660547

I read Paradise Lost after Dies and before KKK. That part in KKK makes it make sense if you care about the universe/world lore (honestly I don't really).

>> No.43660634

Ashbros, I had forgotten how kami this is

>> No.43660968

crazy how takahama just declined after trinity

>> No.43661003

It's like narahara, he used all his power in trinity and was consumed

>> No.43661073

Has anyone played this one? https://vndb.org/v33911
I've seen people saying it has like the best 3d h scenes ever

>> No.43661093
File: 959 KB, 688x1069, rj_21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuzusoft fail because they refuse to pay attention to the OL crowd ;_;

>> No.43661102
File: 641 KB, 586x809, 1685833277437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby steps. They've only just gotten brave enough to put a blood-related sister in their games.

>> No.43661113

>they refuse to pay attention to the OL crowd

>> No.43661115

where are the blood-related sister mesubaba characters?

>> No.43661175

marrying haruna ren

>> No.43661260
File: 238 KB, 1510x849, 相州戦神館學園 八命陣.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished the Ayumi route today. I am quite fond of it for the team fight. I prefer this over the Akira route, even though the backstory of the Akira villain is quite sad.

If I finish this game, which game should I read next? Is the sequel worth it?
For now, I am interested in the Silverio series and Dies Irae series.

>> No.43661287

You haven't even seen anything yet. Enjoy Ranko.

>Is the sequel worth it?
Yes absolutely. 100%. If you haven't read Masada's other stuff (which it sounds like since you mentioned Dies Irae), it's well worth your time too.

>> No.43661288

they also gave an H scene for a non-heroine. I hope that'll be a recurring part from now on

>> No.43661328

Bansenjin is pretty fun, though I liked the first game more. The new music is really great.
Rest of Masada's games are a must if you enjoy Senshinkan

>> No.43661518
File: 699 KB, 1189x1128, 1681427604689481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did I listen and read はっしゃくさま...

>> No.43661550

That's why Houka is the superior hasshaku.

>> No.43661639


>> No.43661646

Is that the protagonist?

>> No.43661664

mc is kinda cute

>> No.43661676

Does anyone have the crack for DI Acta Est Fabula? I fiddled with the files and now I can't play it anymore. Was thinking of doing a fresh install instead. It's the original 18+ release by the way.

>> No.43661720

That's pretty hot

>> No.43661723

Bro, trust me, dies irae h-scenes are peak cringe. Just go for amantes amentes

>> No.43661724

4n0n f1l3s

>> No.43661725

cain and liza was alright

>> No.43661741

I liked the Kei's, Marie's, and of course Rusalka's. Honestly that's pretty good for a chuuni game where the average for the H is "fucking terrible".

>> No.43661752

NTA but that was the only Dies Irae h-scene I coomed to and I'm kind of ashamed of it.

>> No.43661762

how do you expect me to decipher that

>> No.43661768

didn't we have this "discussion" one thread ago already

>> No.43661794

Damn i look like THAT?

>> No.43661793

Fuck off. You're not me.


>> No.43661800

you motherfucker stop pretending you started it

>> No.43661805

>Fuck off. You're not me
sorry anon, >>43661768 I refuse to let that hilarious moment die

>> No.43661810

what do you mean Ichijou h scene was the hottest i ever seen

>> No.43661821

Assuming you mean Muramasa's H, it was honestly all fucking terrible.

>> No.43661837

I have to wonder why they didn't keep Konatsu being fully amputated in the full game during the Tadayasu H-scene. I'm sure I saw a variant with that somewhere.

>> No.43661855

Wild guess here but maybe they didn't want people to have the wrong expectations and expect more guro or something.

>> No.43661897


>> No.43661937

Masada babby here. Is there a point to get Also sprach Zarathustra version of Dies Irae?

>> No.43661953

Other than morbid curiosity about how badly they fucked it up, no. One of these days I'll check it when I'm bored I swear.

>> No.43661956

Eleonore's alt Beriah chant, maybe? Not really to be honest.

>> No.43661993

Historical value I suppose. same reason to read サクラノ詩 ~春ノ雪~

>> No.43662485

no, that shit is literally a beta version

>> No.43662519

Don't call me that.

>> No.43662929

The snippets I've seen a hilariously bad. For instance, this exchange between Machina and Ren
> 蓮  「こんな馬鹿な……」
>蓮  「一撃……?」
> 蓮  「……まさか」
>マキナ「機械仕掛けの神(deus ex machina)。幕引きの一撃」
> 蓮  「一撃で……」

>> No.43662961

whats the story behind 07 dies irae anyway?

>> No.43662997

To be honest without any context this doesn't seem so bad, but quite obviously there's no reason for Ren to act so shocked about Machina's fist given all the shit he's already been through.

>> No.43663041

>masada and light are in disagreement/at an impasse with one another, likely weren't willing to meet his demands at the time
>masada fucks off
>light scrambles and hires 6 writers to write the routes since all that was finished at the time was the common route
>game comes out with only 2 of the 4 promised routes
>a bunch of writers when it was advertised as a game by masada
>the routes they wrote were considerably worse than the common route
>light gets masada back on board to finish dies irae properly and they offered a free upgrade to everyone who bought the initial release

>> No.43663073

the story is that F/SN was big so they get the paradise lost guy(masada) to make F/SN except not really because the game has 6 fucking other authors for absolutely no reason so the entire production goes down the shitter and they get flamed so hard that every other Author is fired and Masada rewrites the whole game and puts the missing routes in. Shit was so bad that if you bought the original release you actually got the reworked script for free as a patch, just not any of the routes.

>> No.43663126

You got a link to any interviews on this?

>> No.43663243

i thought muramasa H was good. not too long, still story relevant but still hot. i hate H with that cringe loop of the VA moaning and the same 3 schlop schlop schlop sound bits

>> No.43663471

imagine if they didn't bother to get him back, we would literally lose a whole chuuni epoch

>> No.43663566

Very hot.

>> No.43663582

what's your favorite eroge name?

>> No.43663617

Background H sfx is indeed fucking garbage but most games let you mute it so it's not really a problem in practice.

>> No.43663655
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>> No.43664085
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>> No.43664212


>> No.43664286

why hags always take the best of the industry

>> No.43664775
File: 528 KB, 994x2904, 8875868987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Sana edition, give me Yutsuki edition.

>> No.43664907
File: 372 KB, 2560x1440, amaenbo_2023-06-06_02-21-42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this so damn cute

>> No.43665878 [SPOILER] 
File: 159 KB, 1280x960, E0100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck bros, he is literally me

>> No.43666022
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>> No.43666146

It's so strange. I passionately love ロリ but I passionately hate セロリ.

>> No.43666176

Didn't they already use this guy in a different VN?

>> No.43666208
File: 347 KB, 1280x720, 源平繚乱絵巻GIKEI源平繚乱絵巻GIKEI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The further I get into this game the more I realize it's completely insane that none of these girls have routes and it's only the future heroines.

>> No.43666294

is there an explanation for the glasses?

>> No.43666325
File: 1.86 MB, 1280x720, 源平繚乱絵巻GIKEI源平繚乱絵巻GIKEI (14).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, actually. They're a spare pair that Shizuka had when they all wound up in the past and they gave them to Tsugunobu when they found out she had vision problems.

>> No.43666409
File: 2.68 MB, 1920x1080, 1675868676587309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all i can do, i have no idea how people can finish all the routes of a moege in a row, it ruin the feelings you built towards the heroines in their routes.
I'll do the remaining routes in a couple of weeks while i read other stuff.

>> No.43666657
File: 1.30 MB, 974x711, f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its over...

>> No.43666974

Wanting to play 闇の声, is this the best download? It's the only working link I could find. The description mentions that this version doesn't have CD audio though.

>> No.43666984
File: 1.40 MB, 1280x720, 源平繚乱絵巻GIKEI源平繚乱絵巻GIKEI (8).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this referencing?

>> No.43667210

rules are meant to be broken

>> No.43667509
File: 799 KB, 2560x1440, 48936346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant go wrong with more OLs

>> No.43667578
File: 754 KB, 640x761, _11-2020-02-12-21-52-08-e1581511966641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably MMR.

>> No.43667791

doing more than 1 route in moege is 浮気

>> No.43667810

Sick keyboard

>> No.43667850
File: 490 KB, 809x382, chcchpcndm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Condoms are great though

>> No.43667893

Play Kanna's route you bastard

>> No.43667907


>> No.43667940

Not this

>> No.43667978

Anon already read the only important route (natsume), there is no point in reading anything else

>> No.43667988

overrated heroine

>> No.43668013

My deepest condolences anon, it must be hard to live with shit taste

>> No.43668051

Natsume is a good heroine, but Natsumefags are always saying shit like >>43667978 when Nozomi and Kanna were also good (and honestly had more memorable routes in my opinions), thus she is overrated.

>> No.43668064

bestiality bros?

>> No.43668122

Would you guys recommend Extravaganza? I've heard it isn't quite the H-scene fest it seems, but I just want to be sure.

>> No.43668391

Mei's route is also great

>> No.43668603

nah can't stand behind that one

>> No.43668620

Only thing I remember is the naizuri scene.

>> No.43668726

It's probably too late by now but I wish vndb had different rating systems depending on whether someone read in Japanese or English. TL readers always give exceedingly high ratings because of how casual and impressionable they are.

>> No.43668803

Not sure about that, I've seen a lot of 9/10 and 10/10 votes for Tenshi Souzou.

>> No.43668867

Sakutoki already had like 20 10/10 votes before it even came out

>> No.43669175

You can just use egs? personally I wish vndb had an option to follow other users. Yeah, I can add bookmarks, but it's really annoying to have to organize them. I just want to easily stalk those who have similar tastes to me

>> No.43669207

>blowjob before first kiss
literally a nukige route

>> No.43669231

They tried to kiss before that but freaked out and backed out and then the next day they got lost in the momentum

>> No.43669876

EGS pages show way too many CGs right up front, on vndb you don't have to look at them

>> No.43670082
File: 25 KB, 768x300, Yumemi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know how H heavy it is compared to other black cyc games but you should just read it because it's a kamige. Really good coming of age story with one of the best female protags in eroge if you don't get filtered by bug porn.

>> No.43670145

How true is it that only at the beginning there is a lot of hardcore content and then it's just plot?

>> No.43670280

Pretty true since the beginning first arc is yumemi being used as a 苗床 Hardcore stuff still happens past that but mostly for bad endings or when it makes sense for the plot

>> No.43670446
File: 1.04 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot 2022-04-03 23.20.24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best thing is what happens next

>> No.43670497

As anon said there are too many CGs that reveal way too much. I think vndb often strikes a good balance in this regards in comparison, often just enough to give you a feel of what to expect for.

>> No.43671083
File: 20 KB, 839x144, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like some retard tried playing the amakano 2+ fandisk without reading the base game first.

>> No.43671123

pretty accurate review

>> No.43671491

I tried to get into amakano but it was a bit confusing desu multiple games with fan disk and shit and different editions too.
ended up with a limited edition and a daki idk why they gave me the daki.

>> No.43671539

i was going to say "just go with release order" but that's not always best idea with some vns

>> No.43671552

Which ones?

>> No.43671562

dies irae

>> No.43671571

off the top of my head, dies irae, fortissimo. there are some other but i'm currently drawing a blank

>> No.43671668

Has everything pre-amakano 2

>> No.43671675

I hate guro stuff but honestly i didn't feel anything toward the art here even despite it being really hardcore, it has some kind of soft coloring so even bugs don't look that disgusting
The hardest part was the voice acting for me, the vomiting sounds in the background were impossible to stomach, but at least you can turn the volume down

>> No.43671716
File: 70 KB, 1552x303, wersdf12さんの「天使☆騒々_Re-BOOT!」の感想.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least he knows Japanese.

>> No.43671736

>The hardest part was the voice acting for me, the vomiting sounds in the background were impossible to stomach, but at least you can turn the volume down
I didn't play that one in particular, but I'm always impressed when some seiyuu can do bloodcurdling rape screams while the character is getting pierced by some lovecraftian horror.

>> No.43671764

I really wonder how much you need to pay to force them to simulate the literal vomiting of their insides, like there is no way they can make it sound so real without actually vomiting shit for it

>> No.43671882
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>> No.43671902

The worst decision in his writing career

>> No.43671907

My wife

>> No.43671939

>bloodcurling rape screams
what is THE #1 vn for this

>> No.43671965

Umi Kara kuru Mono had a gangbang elevated by top-tier screams.

>> No.43671981
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>> No.43672003

Thank you.

>> No.43672036

>be a gaijin
>refrain from sullying EGS out of respect

>> No.43672054

I bet my range got blocked because of retards like that

>> No.43672056

at least you can spot gaijin without trying
much harder with chinks

>> No.43672086
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There is nothing confusing about it, it looks like he wanted to read the fandisk because he liked the new heroine which has no connection to the original.
Speaking of amakano, now that the dust has settled it seems to have an unusual high score for a moege.

>> No.43672116

Pretty impressive that they've managed to one up the previous title with each release. I'd be interested to see a new non-Amakano project from them and see how it'll measure up.

>> No.43672122

75 is pretty average, the sequels are obviously higher because it's mostly people who liked the original one are buying them

>> No.43672145

That's the all-ages switch version. The original has a 78.

>> No.43672154

Do you guys have any advice for gently easing myself into really chuunige or more difficult stuff? I tried reading some urobuchi nitro stuff and got btfo almost instantly, had to lookup a word or more almost every sentence so I stalled them because that shit isn’t fun. When I was learning English I read stuff mainly aimed towards teens but still had flowery/more archaic language like Redwall before moving into Tolkien and Lovecraft. I thought VN was supposed to be kind of a similar equivalent but a lot of Nitro and light games still fuck me up. Any reccs or advice appreciated.

>> No.43672156


>> No.43672159
File: 1.34 MB, 700x1138, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was referring to the 2, the 75 one is the bastardized switch version.
And as for the sequels argument it doesn't really make sense since they are pretty much standalone

>> No.43672161

Stop being a little bitch and suck it up and read one you're interested in.

>> No.43672172

You learn how to read these by reading them. Just deal with it and read one while checking every word and eventually it'll suck less.

>> No.43672194

Try Tokyo necro, it was my first chuunige and it was rather simple while also introducing you to all sorts of battle vocab and testing your wikipedia articles' reading skills

>> No.43672229

Just jump into one you're interested in and deal with it
Yeah that game was easier than I expected

>> No.43672242

I just can’t enjoy shit if I have to lookup 1-2 words every single sentence. I’m not going to sacrifice a vn I’m interested in to mine words and do trial by fire. If you like doing that, cool, but it’s not for me which is why I asked for stopgaps.
This reminded me I read a shit ton of Wikipedia when I was learning English, maybe I should do that in Japanese. Thanks for the recc.

>> No.43672257

Then too bad you won't ever read any chuunige.

>> No.43672258

1-2 words a sentence isn't even that bad. It's not like you're spending 10 minutes googling each word

>> No.43672263

>oh no I have to learn something!
how they flying fuck do you even function in everyday life?

>> No.43672327

Don’t listen to those fags, they’re just mad because they spent 20 hours reading the prologue of DI
If you need to look up a word every sentence in a work you’re not ready for it
Time is limited and it’s much more time efficient to read gradually harder works that you’re still interested in
You’re still learning and you read more volume in characters than something thats way above your level. Greater volume = more exposure to different words and grammar patterns
If you don’t care about time efficiency you can listen to them
If you care about your time look at these suggestions https://forums.fuwanovel.net/blogs/entry/2164-clephas-guide-to-a-fun-untranslated-chuunige-life/
If the T1 chuunige are still too hard then you need to just suck it up

>> No.43672328

Weak, having so many unknown stuff should actually motivate you because is a lot of knowledge that can be acquired.

>> No.43672337

If you really force yourself to read something hard it gets easier pretty fast desu.

>> No.43672358

Oh no oh no oh no

>> No.43672364

>TN in sparta tier 4 section
Easy way to tell the dude doesn't know japanese

>> No.43672366
File: 978 KB, 1690x1633, 1440808184424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says this
>links clephas

>> No.43672373

this must be a troll post

>> No.43672389

I read about 20 times faster than most of the rest of you - with the exception of a few bibliophiles. What is a true chore, taking up tens of hours for you, might very well only be a short eight to ten hours for me.

>> No.43672398

>33 years old
ahahah what a fucking loser

>> No.43672404

That image was made in 2015.

>> No.43672413

Did he manage to learn Japanese in the end or he dropped already?

>> No.43672412

The real issue is that you just haven't read enough in general, not even specifically chuuni. You suck at Japanese, so just read more easier shit until you get good at Japanese. Then you can start worrying about reading things with difficult words.

>> No.43672416

The reason I like chuunige is because to me, the stimulation from a good chuunige is actually better than sex

>> No.43672427
File: 156 KB, 1291x726, 1672509529920197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure he's reading 400 lines per second nowadays.

>> No.43672432

I remember how I was thinking my Japanese is good because I could comfortably read moege without a hooker but then I tried out Kikokugai and it made me realize I don't know shit in Japanese so there is definitely a middle ground.

>> No.43672446

I don't get why some of you guys are freaking out, if something is way too hard, why not read something a bit easier? I'm not saying there that you shouldn't challenge yourself, but there are obviously degrees of difficulty and if it's difficult to the degree that it isn't fun, then there is no need to force yourself, just read something a bit easier. Learning Japanese is not a goddamn race.

>> No.43672449


>> No.43672452

Does anyone know a way to get the bgm loop to work on old eroges? other than inmm, because it didn't work

>> No.43672456
File: 1.35 MB, 2723x2004, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read all of these and you'll have built the foundation in order to step into chuuni

>> No.43672465

If you want to read something really bad it makes sense to get yourself used to it instead of checking yourself with easier things you don't really want to read that probably don't actually teach the vocab you need anyway

>> No.43672496

no it doesn't
it's like trying to a read a journal article about doctorate level mathematics while being unable to keep up in calc 101

>> No.43672515

Well you’re right about that, I’ve only read a few vn and a couple of manga in Japanese ever. I just want to read Saya no Uta and Kikokugai in Japanese but I don’t want to read it at 4k characters an hour. No amount of trying to gaslight me into joining the rest of the masochists in this thread is going to change that.
Yea exactly, like cool if you wanna do that, I don’t though.

>> No.43672528

The gap between moege and chuunige is not that big anon

>> No.43672530

>don't want to read hard thing because too slow
>don't want to read easy thing because ... ?
ye bro i think you're boned time to quit and piss off

>> No.43672545

Kikokugai is like the hardest vn available outside of Mareni shit so you just jumped over your head
I find Shimokura stuff being the most down-to-the-ground from Nitro games

>> No.43672549

the gap between understanding moege extremely well and keeping up in chuunige is not that big
the gap between thinking that you can read moege when really you've only read a handful and are actually missing half of what's going on and keeping up in chuunige is huge

>> No.43672565

I hope your Japanese is better than your English reading comprehension. I was asking for easier game reccs.

>> No.43672576

The other trick that's worked for me before is using winmm.dll. I'm not sure if there's a better fork/updated version nowadays but in the past I used the dll from this github fork.

>> No.43672578


>"read something easier"
>Yea exactly, like cool if you wanna do that, I don’t though.
??? are you sentient

>> No.43672589

just read nigga

>> No.43672621

Just read. Read stuff whose premise you'd personally rate 6-7/10 so you won't mind if you completely fuck it up. Light nukige are great for this.

>> No.43672624

Cool, I’ll check Tokyo Necro and his other stuff out then. Thanks.
Anon, your English needs work. I feel bad for you so I’ll explain it clearly to you
>cool if you want to do that
“That” implying forcing myself to read Kikokugai even though I wasn’t enjoying it because it’s too hard. This should be obvious considering I agreed with >>43672446 and my original post was asking for easier reccs.

>> No.43672639

i can't read
i don't even know why i'm here
i can't understand anything you people are saying

>> No.43672641

casual sex shit on top left

>> No.43672648

casual sex is based

>> No.43672674

I think most chuuni fights are very very boring to read

>> No.43672687

Get out GPT-chan

>> No.43672699

If you don't enjoy autistic descriptions of the battle moves + the inner struggles of the characters in the fight, you aren't human.

>> No.43672709

Written descriptions of fights are always boring

>> No.43672729

that's why they have epic bgms, pretty illustrations, tons of effects and voice actors putting their all into it

>> No.43672737

They aren't that bad if your reading speed is fast, but if you have to stop and look up words in every other sentence it becomes a chore and breaks the immersion

>> No.43672748

It depends. In my experience FSN and Rewrite fights were really fun to read, but in two other VNs I read I remember it being extremely tedious.
If I had to explain why I'd say that FSN and Rewrite well directed and makes it entertaining. These other two were almost nothing but text.

>> No.43672778

>Rewrite fights
I'm still mad that Romeo skipped the dino fight in the Terra route.

>> No.43672783

Fucking legend, I love you bro, it worked. Thank you so much

>> No.43672799

pretty sure you could find about it after 2 min of googling

>> No.43672886
File: 1.10 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your dino fight.
Jokes aside I liked the adaptation. It was fresh.

>> No.43672899

The anime made me so mad that I dropped it after one episode.

>> No.43672938

You either born to like or hate it. The ludicrous writing, music, sound effects and empathizing with the characters' internal and external struggle is all part of the enjoyment. It's basically just shonen/seinen in word form but under a layer of sheer autism.

>> No.43672970

anyone mentally unable to read a vinnie by a writer unless you read his earlier games first? i think i actually have undiagnosed autism

>> No.43673007

The ending was epic, much better than the vn

>> No.43673025
File: 522 KB, 628x480, 541564165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43673032

fate has really good fight scenes imo

>> No.43673057


>> No.43673093

Speaking about chuuni anyone knows some truly chuuni girls like Fischl from genshin who just go all in with it so you have no choice but to play along?

>> No.43673100

Fate is the best chuunige

>> No.43673118

Fate is the best vn*

>> No.43673130

One extra thing, on vndb you will see that there is a game under the """Same setting""" tag.
That game is actually mistagged. It is a sequel and not just an irrelevant same setting game so don't forget to play it after finishing DI.

>> No.43673214

tomo love

>> No.43673228
File: 221 KB, 1440x900, doot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if I don't like the girls I'm not playing the previous games, ebi as

>> No.43673241
File: 2.35 MB, 960x540, 1665119174823717.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43673320

Then they lived happily ever after!

>> No.43673335

Is this list actually as bad as you guys make it out to be or is this just eceleb drama? I coincidentally followed that list to the T when I was starting out and it seemed fine. I was able to read Muramasa and Bradyon at least. I don’t know anything about clephas though

>> No.43673336

best place to find a girl like tomoyo?

>> No.43673339

>playing chinkshit

>> No.43673381

Imagine missing out on hot girls because of some chinks

>> No.43673384

Still my favorite episode from this series, Kyoani did a fantastic job conveying an entire route despite only having 25 minutes.

>> No.43673408

You can just get the doujinshi off of sadpanda. Not sure what else you need

>> No.43673428

What's missing out when Genshin writers can't write anything good? You can wiki the characters and that's literally it for gachashit. No need to play it.

>> No.43673462

I remember being excited that maybe other studios would learn to adapt different routes into 1 episode ovas, sadly not only it never happened, vn adaptations died as well.

>> No.43673476

The 3d models are hot and the seiyuus are top tier, what else do you need from gachashit?

>> No.43673496

The 3D models is ugly Koikatsu tier shit, dude.

>> No.43673568

I remember watching it after S1 and it got me so much I had to wait a few days before jumping into S2 since I couldn't get it out of my head.

>> No.43673590

Have you played the vn after?

>> No.43673613

>genshin le bad
>gacha le bad
>t. tryhard contrarian unable to form unable to form an opinion that isn’t “popular thing bad teehee”

>> No.43673627

Thinking gacha is bad is not contrarian, it's common sense.

>> No.43673658

This isn't /gig/ nor /v/, retard. Here's your (You) anyway. You can enjoy it all you want but it doesn't change the fact that it's low effort goyslop. I played the game myself. Nips like Scaji even shit on it.

>> No.43673663

I mentally put gachafags in the same category as "people" that don't change the batteries on their smoke detectors.

>> No.43673666

scaji plays gacha?

>> No.43673672

i'm not gonna die from some smoke lmao

>> No.43673674

It was well over a decade. It marked me deeply and I read the VN and Tomoyo After a year after, but translated, then started learning Japanese shortly after.
I've yet to re-read those in Japanese but I intend to someday, especially in their now definitive states.

>> No.43673685

Was vn better than anime?

>> No.43673695

You're more likely to die from smoke than from actual burns. Learn some basic fire safety.

>> No.43673728

The VN naturally covers a lot more content, Yukine and notably Kappei get proper routes. Getting more Clannad at all was just great.
Now I can't say the VN is better (or worse). KyoAni did a stellar job when adaptating Key works and it's difficult to beat the peak moments of Clannad in animated format. So all in all I think you want to consume both to get the optimal overall experience.

>> No.43673776

yes and he loves blue archive

>> No.43673778

I will never play chinese garbage no matter how popular it becomes, i won't insult japan that hard.

>> No.43673783

>the seiyuus are top tier
the voice direction for their games in japanese is garbage

>> No.43673803

What's the point of any of this if they don't have sex scenes

>> No.43673816

true dat

>> No.43673824

If people really wanna fuck genshart characters, all they need to do is install Koikatsu. same ugly models

>> No.43673880

This old fart is based. You guys are just jealous lol

>> No.43673897

No wonder Sakutoki turned out to be so shit if *this* was the peak of writing for him

>> No.43673916

Can you like use your imagination for example or eroge completely rotten your brain already?

>> No.43673944

I skip all h scenes and look at the h cg later in rapid succession.

>> No.43673965

I don't play gacha games or Genshin but to say the models are bad is sort of weird. Likewise regarding Koikatsu, it can look pretty good as well when modded and using well-made models.
I can only think of games like the Atelier series as having tasteful ones too.

It makes me wonder what your standards are when it comes to 3D models to find these ugly.

>> No.43673970

but you will miss out on the voice acting if you do that

>> No.43673977

why do you need to play the game in the first place if you can use your imagination?

>> No.43673998

>caring about what scaji thinks
>caring about japs at all
you don’t even need to make up the shit midwits say

>> No.43674075

Enjoy your chink gachashit if it makes you happy anon, fuck the haters.

>> No.43674106

Scatji is the only good eroge writer left. You should stop playing gachashit and buy his game.

>> No.43674124

you on his payroll or something?

>> No.43674125

Everyone learning japanese care about japs, even the seaniggers shitting up their works with shitty localizations since japan lives rent free inside their heads.

>> No.43674128
File: 2.07 MB, 1920x1080, 1665704842639965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretty good
Out of dozens and dozens of crap, yeah.

>> No.43674149

Imagine paying for porn

>> No.43674162

Yeah, so what? The same goes with VNs or anything. This is why good artists/creators are prized no matter the medium.

>> No.43674174

Good luck waiting another 10 years for his next kusoge

>> No.43674276

Is there any theoretical chance that Marble CandySoft will come with another game one day?

>> No.43674294

Yes, but that chance is closer to 0% than it is 10%

>> No.43674520
File: 64 KB, 680x535, desu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but you can like Japanese art while thinking actual Japanese culture and society is kind of a dumpster fire. I enjoy a lot of American movies and lit, learned English to enjoy both, but I'd never want to associate, emulate or live in burgerland for example

>> No.43674543

Learning english made me hate movies altogether

>> No.43674564

>wojak posting
These threads really have taken a turn for the worse

>> No.43674586

Learning English made me hate all of you, because I can understand all the shit you always talk
Nah, I love you fucking faggots

>> No.43674817

>read 1st VN in a series and put off the sequels for a year
>want to start the sequel and the first game gets translated
>different niche VN I started last week just got one of those MTL patches
What do you do when this happens? I know it's childish to care about vndb opinions, but I don't want to appear like I used those patches. Because of those fan trannies I now have to quickly read a multi part series before they release them.

>> No.43674826

literally just don't care; why is this hard for people

>> No.43674829

This is a mental illness.

>> No.43674866

what? surely this isn't serious

>> No.43674868

It is quite common in some jops tho. I know people who will no longer read muramasa or dies irae because they are translated. Personally I don't give a shit, it's not like I can put on my resume that I read an eroge before it was tainted by eops

>> No.43674871

Yeah mental illness is common these days.

>> No.43674901

It's utter and absolute faggotry. Imagine being so dedicated to your hobby than the average EOP that you learn the language at least in part for it then fucking lock yourself out of enjoying it because someone else gets to read a potentially inferior version. The only way I can justify this kind of behavior is by believing the time I've put into studying the language has somehow been invalidated, which is indeed peak mental illness.

>> No.43674924

I understand the mentality because EOPs are retarded, especially if they're from Twitter or Reddit but it ends up not mattering at the end anymore when you stop visiting their spaces. Those JOPs who just drop their interest in Muramasa/DI are mentally ill for thinking they're special snowflakes and likely never genuinely enjoyed those VNs in the first place.

>> No.43674927

>letting eops live rentfree in your head

>> No.43674929

I don't care when it happens to popular VNs like those. The "random vndb ID" category is different. I don't care if that's mental illness. I'm annoyed. Why can't those faggotlators stick to popular VNs I don't read.

>> No.43674960

All the people I know who read vn are playing diablo so that’s probably why the thread is so random lately

>> No.43674962

>because they are """"translated"""""

>> No.43674971

After 300 posts is quite common off topic content
I'm playing diablo too by the way

>> No.43674974

You are not an eceleb nobody is microanalyzing your vndb page, what the fuck

>> No.43674976

In fairness, there is seemingly at least one guy that stalks people's vndb pages in this thread

>> No.43674984

And it’s very important that he knows what a good JOP you are

>> No.43674993
File: 14 KB, 100x100, e28534cfad253ebcaf0375c3e3c131f4bc9944df795a23be963df6ab1f397e37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can put "dont read mtl trash" and praise glorious nihongo and how superior it is in your review if that makes you feel better
you can also leave review in unstranlated VNs to feel better, but i dont think i even have this class of autism

>> No.43675056

It works sometimes, I've found good shit on some random vndb/egs profiles

>> No.43675077

And on the ither hand, I don't need to read your Euroschlock to know that your continent is on the verge of collapse.

>> No.43675098

Dies Irae or Muramasa?

>> No.43675134


>> No.43675138

both are shit

>> No.43675146

Reading Dies Irae will make you invested in Masada in general assuming you like it so it's a bigger time commitment. Muramasa is more "one and done".

>> No.43675154

the state of this thread makes it plainly obvious that /vg/ is raiding this place

>> No.43675160

Is there a rec chart or list for loli vns? I'm just going down the VNDB catalog sorted by rating. I've only started playing recently so I'm a total newfag.

>> No.43675164

/vn/ has retards spamming Genshin and Muramasa/DI at the same time so that's actually correct.

>> No.43675180

Is there a good loli plotge

>> No.43675206


>> No.43675267

Have you already tried monobeno?
to be honest the gacharetard is not new, he was trying to shill that jun maeda gacha here last month.

>> No.43675347


>> No.43675352

nukitashi has a loli main heroine

>> No.43675388

Harem of Lolita Twins

>> No.43675595

has anyone ever tried to backport the voices into the doujin release? original uses krkr engine

>> No.43676078

I used to be able to fap to every h scene
Now my dick stays limp 90% of the time
It's fucking over

>> No.43676090

You used to be able to do so because you were a newfag. Now you've graduated from said bubble.

>> No.43676095
File: 628 KB, 484x643, Gadou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry anon even I never fap using vn h scene only read it.

>> No.43676103
File: 1.54 MB, 1440x810, 天使☆騒々_RE-BOOT!tenshi_sz (80).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even read h-scenes, I put them on auto mode and leave the room to give MC-kun and heroine-chan some privacy.

>> No.43676114

What the fuck is this

>> No.43676123

It's called an aspect ratio. The number on the leftis the width and the number on the right is the height and together they tell you how big the image is.

>> No.43676133

You don't use an x to represent a ratio, you dumb fuck

>> No.43676202

That series is loli philosophyge, not plotge

>> No.43676269

take the skip pill

>> No.43676620

Based retard.

>> No.43676640

This, eromanga is just superior anyway.

>> No.43676968

Yeah there’s an old patch somewhere

>> No.43677212

you're probably just gay

>> No.43677623

I'm glad I don't have ED

>> No.43677649
File: 108 KB, 360x386, 1671775034817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations, you may be an eroge protagonist now. Do you have recurring dreams about a fire growing inside of your soul that make you wake up in a sweat every morning, too?

>> No.43677807

Riddle Joker and recently Tenshi are the only Yuzu games I've played since I never really paid attention to the studio but now decided to move through their catalogue. Currently struggling to get through Sanoba. Does this ever become more focused? I'm only at 3-2 but it's an almost unacceptable drag as of yet and worse the grills aren't really interesting to me except for Nanao who is just a side character.

>> No.43677912

Nowadays i only bother to read the first time, after that i just speedread and skip everything else.

>> No.43677922

maybe you read too much moege. you should try plotge or chuunige. for sanoba I don't remember much except the final route.

>> No.43677955

You're just half way through the common route.
Sanoba Witch was quite awesome for me in its routes, especially the Nene one. I liked the Tsumugi one a lot too.
But if you're struggling this much in the common route then I'm not quite sure you'll like it.

>> No.43678156

I guess I'll box through and read Meguru's route and then del.

>> No.43678390

Don't drop Sanoba without reading at least Nene's route. And you should read Wakana's one too, especially as it's a quite short one.

>> No.43678559

First scenes are usually the worst with all the cringe "it hurts but I'll bear it for you!" lines, though.

>> No.43678621

>all the cringe "it hurts but I'll bear it for you!" lines
but those are cute

>> No.43678717

They are actually the most impactful in the relationship and most important, that's why i never skip them, but then again i speak from a point of view of romance, for nukige i guess they are just as the rest.

>> No.43678846

that's crazy, I never skip anything and I still get hard just from 立ち絵s

>> No.43678913
File: 961 KB, 636x706, 1675167421863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes the outfit hits just right.

>> No.43678960


>> No.43678982

i'm 29 already though

>> No.43679109

I don't see what age has to do with anything. I'm older than him but if the art and composition is appealing then it'll have its effect.
If one suffers from an overall desensitization then I think the problem lies elsewhere.

>> No.43679121

It's probably just americans with mutilated penises and ED.

>> No.43679246

Im pretty sure it has to do more with young people, specially teenagers being really, really horny.

>> No.43679262

Ever had an VN related dream? I just had one where for some reason there was a youtuber who released a review of Albatross and he kept saying it was just Jojo's but in VN format and it pissed me off so much that I woke up.

>> No.43679350

While there may be biological factors affecting libido, it remains pyschological for the most part. You can grow older and still continue being in touch with your sexuality.

>> No.43679567

Sounds like that's an opinion your subconscious secretly has considered

>> No.43679591

Probably but I don't remember

>> No.43679642

I had sex with a gacha character without my consent. does that count

>> No.43682140
File: 62 KB, 688x511, hrms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43682160

what are the odds of this happening

>> No.43682176

Pretty much zero.

>> No.43682186

no don't crush my dreams

>> No.43682212

Sperm is very heat sensitive. It's why testicles get so droopy when it's hot and shrink up when it's cold -- it's your body regulating the temperature of your balls so you can still produce viable sperm. A typical bath would just fry the little swimmers before they had a chance.
