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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 35 KB, 316x400, dia_haagendazspot1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4364200 No.4364200 [Reply] [Original]

So... guys, how do you do it?

I mean, completely kill of that feeling of the want to have a 3D girlfriend. I come here because you guys are the experts at this field of loneliness, and /r9k, and /adv/ will only give me replies filled with tripe that can be read in shitty magazines.

While I never even touched a girl in my life like the rest of you, I still can't avoid feeling envy and jealousy at all the guys around me that a pretty girl in their arms.

I tried drowning myself in vidya. I tried focusing hard in my studies. I even tried to ask a girl or two out, but of course, I failed that hard since I'm a loser to begin with. Nevertheless, the feeling still resurfaces every once in a while, and when it does, I feel like complete shit.

How the hell do you guys do it? Is this shit unavoidable? Fuck, man, you guys must be manly as fuck to bear this kind of shit.

>> No.4364213

Drown yourself in vodka.

>> No.4364219

Not kill off but just completely accept that no one, male or female, would ever come to like us.

>> No.4364220

I...have no desire to have a girlfriend ever.

They're all whores. Obnoxious whores who can and will fuck someone behind your back who has a bigger dick or is better in bed. Relationships are lies, and a waste of time.

>> No.4364225

get a waifu

/a/ has plenty in stock .

>> No.4364230

Jesus christ, I love Haagen-Dazs. If I ever make enough to buy it more than once or twice a month, I'll probably turn into a fuckin whale, then I'd fit right in with /tg/.

>> No.4364236
File: 613 KB, 2894x2040, 7416747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Face forward without hesitation. Truth is on your side. Everything that you truly want lies ahead.

Have no regrets, for this is the only path.

>> No.4364238

Realize that video games are more fun than having a girl will ever be.

>> No.4364240
File: 15 KB, 248x300, SpockVulcan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because, logically, there is no reason to desire the companionship of a female of the species.

They will, statistically speaking, always drain your reserved of money and precious time. A platonic companionship with a member of either sex will generally be lower risk and higher reward.

If it is orgasm you seek, I venture you've already used the eternal solution attached to your right forearm (left if you're a devolved monkey)

>> No.4364254

>While I never even touched a girl in my life like the rest of you
Excuse me?
Personally, I had enough girlfriends and I prefer 2D, women are too much of a hassle, not worth the effort. As simple as that.
Maybe you should get a girlfriend and realize the truth.
If we had resources for gynoids nobody would bother with women.

>> No.4364261

>implying left isn't superior

>> No.4364262
File: 60 KB, 481x361, abd78eddf990084f716d429568b592ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well stated.

>> No.4364268

Scoops~ Häagen Dazs!


>> No.4364272

I fucking love Haagen Dazs.

>> No.4364278

I have the desire for a 3D boyfriend.

>> No.4364283


Speaking of which, I work in one of them shops. I'm still honestly surprised on how I'm now completely obese now. Though, I'm pretty sure I'm already diabetic from the shitloads of ice cream I ate there since I've worked.

>> No.4364296

Believe that you do not need them. Weigh heavily on their cons and shun their pros.

Find a waifu.

Drown yourself and find perfection in the world of fantasy, Be it anime or whatever you desire. Relinquish your worldly desires for some pussy in favor of a platonic desire to admire perfection. You can never reach either anyway, why not aim for the higher one?

Drink lots of water.

DON'T go to /jp/ more than once a day, more than 30 minutes a day.

NEVER visit /b/ at all.

Aim for self perfection.

Congratulations. You've forgotten your desires of getting a 3D pig bitch.

You are now capable of living in recluse while keeping the minimum recommended amount of sanity. You are now happy.

And you didn't even need some cunt to get it

>> No.4364299

>working in an icecream shop
I..HATE you.

>> No.4364302
File: 42 KB, 560x420, 1263814382451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now /jp/ related


>> No.4364305

Play eroge.

>> No.4364306

I stopped being interested in real life women when i realised most of them were talking to me to get some material benefit out of it(free drink/free food/free movies/etc).

Oh and raging after listening to my female colleagues brag about how they milk their boyfriends dry and then dump them when they can no longer get anything useful.

>> No.4364308

i had an older sister
i have no desire to hang around women at length

>> No.4364314


>Drink lots of water.

Wut? And this helps how?

>> No.4364324

Makes you pee a lot. Even if it's only a few fractions of a second, you forget your problems.

>> No.4364325

Cute looking lesbian older sister is. where it's at.

>> No.4364326

Reduce hangovers, I imagine.

>> No.4364333

Don't hang out with guys who have regular girlfriends. Find yourself a circle of fellow nerds/fags/perennial bachelors to fill your social needs while keeping relationships out of sight and out of mind.

Focus on your work. Study, work crazy overtime, and try to build a career. Get good enough that you can get respect and validation from what you do for a living. The money doesn't hurt either.

Channel your sex drive into progressively more weird porn, and your desire to nurture into moemoe games and animu.

Develop an attitude that you could get a woman if you wanted to, but that they're not worth the time, the money or the effort.

>> No.4364341


1) Be born rich.

>> No.4364345

If you need the companionship of friends then you've already lost.

>Develop an attitude that you could get a woman if you wanted to, but that they're not worth the time, the money or the effort.
This one is good.

>> No.4364346

>Develop an attitude that you could get a woman if you wanted to, but that they're not worth the time, the money or the effort.

I pretty much had that attitude before I had any real esoteric interests.

I guess I'm ahead of the pack.

>> No.4364353

You desire companionship? Intimacy?

How weak. You of all people should be adjusted to being on your own.

>> No.4364355

>Don't hang out with guys who have regular girlfriends

The opposite works for me since all I ever hear/see is the arguments and bitching

>> No.4364356

Listen to this man.

>> No.4364357

Not being a normalfag would help tremendously.

>> No.4364373

Doesn't work all the time since, like for my case, I'm surrounded by normalfags that actually have good relationships going.

>> No.4364375


>> No.4364379

how does a true /jp/er put up with the envy you ask?

Truth is, there is no envy. To me, everyone is 3d pig disgusting.
In fact, I can't even get a hard-on anymore unless it's from something in an anime or loli.

I have no interest in getting banged by anything else at all. It's the truth.

>> No.4364389


>> No.4364408

Even I am not quite to that level yet.

A true anon appears!

>> No.4364411

I used to want a girlfriend. I began fantasizing about it so much, though, that there's no possible way I could have a girlfriend without getting disappointed on how depressing reality is compared to my fantasies. The bar is set too high, and I have no desire to lower those standards. I like where the bar is right now. Every day, I get to go on dates to the beach, even though I've never been, to a forest, even though I've never been, to big cities to window shop, even though I've never been.
I've romanticized things so much that it would be absolutely impossible for reality to compare.

So I'll die alone, but I'll die happy in my delusions.

What? No shota?

>> No.4364415

man just get angry, seriously anger is the panacea of the soul. plus you shouldnt really be worried about scoring a pair of tits until your on your path to success.
just figure out what you want out of life, then start on the road to acquire it. womenz will be drawn naturally to your determination.

also it helps to do a situp or 2.

>> No.4364420

For some reason, an actual "ronery" thread took off.

I don't know whether to be disappointed or impressed that /jp/ remembers its misbegotten roots.

>> No.4364427 [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 706x455, 1230276522430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Develop an attitude that you could get a woman if you wanted to, but that they're not worth the time, the money or the effort.

My normalfag friends and everyone around me kept pestering or asking when I am gonna get a girlfriend.
Some of even has the balls to ask me to lower my standard.

As if a real girl that is up to my standard exist.

>> No.4364439
File: 93 KB, 706x455, 1230276522430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Develop an attitude that you could get a woman if you wanted to, but that they're not worth the time, the money or the effort.

My normalfag friends and everyone around me kept pestering or asking when I am gonna get a girlfriend.
Some even has the balls to ask me to lower my standard.

As if a real girl that is up to my standard exist.

>> No.4364447
File: 7 KB, 128x128, KreiaPortrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Few are the thoughts that can hide in the shadows of your mind, Anonymous, and such passions are not strength, but erosion. They should be controlled, suppressed if possible.

>> No.4364450

If you're a virgin, fuck some whores just to get it out of your system. 3D sex is a lot less alluring once the mystique is gone and you realize that you can give yourself far greater pleasure than a partner ever could.

>> No.4364475

Yeah, like one's left hand.

>> No.4364488

I like straight, but what I like even more is loli, shota, and futa. What turns me on the most these days is futa on female. Even more particularly the internal cumshot

>> No.4364536

Get a waifu, have conversations with her frequently. Get videogame and animu addictions. Spend all remaining time on studies to become successful. A combined approach works best. Altering perceptions is best and is real easy. If the only thoughts you ever have on the subject are that 3d females are pointless and there's nothing attractive, your emotions will soon follow.

>> No.4364559

What do people normally talk about? Or talk about at all?
I can't even remember the last conversation I've had, real or imaginary.

>> No.4364560

what a terrible thread.

>> No.4364584

You're technically talking to people here, though. I'm not sure as to whether the person you're replying to is a bot or not, but yeah. Conversation.

>> No.4364605

Vidya, animu, work, random shit found on the internet.

>> No.4364638

Hi /jp/ I never come here.

Is this thread a joke or no?

Are you guys really this pathetic?

>> No.4364640

Confront the reason why you're having a problem with this. I can't possibly speak for /jp/, but I always thought that I didn't need something like a girlfriend, ever. Everything I can gather about it sounds terrible.

If you feel you need one, then yes, you'll always feel like shit. I don't 'bear' it, I'm just thinking differently.

>> No.4364643

Are you really that fucking stupid?

>> No.4364652

Get out.

>> No.4364658


No. I want to know if you guys are serious or not, because it really sounds like you are.

u butthurt?

>> No.4364663



>> No.4364668

Reminder: don't respond to trolls.

>> No.4364671

"Hey, I read this funny thing on the internet..."
Isn't that boring and inane? Why would I want to bore my waifu like that?

>> No.4364674

>So... guys, how do you do it?

>I mean, completely kill of that feeling of the want to have a 3D girlfriend.
I didn't kill off anything.
Reality did a good enough job of that for me.

Oh god this.
It's like he's attracted to all the worst women out there and vise-versa as this isn't the first one of these dumb cows he's married.
Everyone is tired of her, but he doesn't seem to understand that having sex =/= a good relationship.

I'll stick to my hand if that's what I have to put up with to get sex.

>> No.4364709

As for me, the desire subsided after I'd watched a couple hundred anime series.

>> No.4364721

sometimes, i want one, but i really just want sex, like hardcore nasty sex, the relationship part not so much.

>> No.4364722

Watching the news helps, surprisingly.

Desire for companionship predictably wanes when you are filled with absolute disgust and disdain for your fellow man.

>> No.4364752

You guys still haven't answered me.

Is this for serious?

>> No.4364757

Are you for serious?

>> No.4364759

Why wouldn't it be?

>> No.4364773

Mine doesn't come from 2D or anything like that. Mine stems from, for most of my life, living in a household where my parents would constantly yell at each other, and in rare cases, be violent with each other. I think it just became ingrained in me that there is no such thing as love.
I don't take waifu's or anything like that either. I simply don't care about intimate relationships at all.

>> No.4364779

>Are you guys really this pathetic?
The enlightened have been called everything from "evil" to "pathetic" for millennia
It does not faze us.

>> No.4364787

Why not try to help him, instead of turn him into a complete social introvert with not chance a real, existing happiness instead of a delusion?

>> No.4364796

Densha Otoko was a brillant marketing scheme.

>> No.4364798

Wait, you've never been to a forest or beach? Do you live in a fucking desert?

>> No.4364799
File: 55 KB, 190x209, 1258764525792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying you have to be in a relationship to be happy

>> No.4364804
File: 11 KB, 242x251, socash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>delusions of happiness
Pot calling the kettle black, pic related

>> No.4364806
File: 32 KB, 500x375, viagra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny this thread shows up.
I was invited to a female friend's 18'th today, and it starts in two hours. I just told her I'm not coming.

I guess my disinterest with reality has left me in a state where I just do not give a shit any more. Answer me this; If I've never been happy, why would a having a girlfriend change that?

Pic mildly related.

>> No.4364807

Why should real, existing happiness have to incorporate a 3D girlfriend?

If your innate temperament tends towards the introverted end of the spectrum, there are plenty of ways to make yourself happy that don't involve outside dependence.

>> No.4364809

I used to want a girlfriend but then I realized that I just wanted someone that I could rape at any time. And so, I fap to rape and all is well.

>> No.4364811

Because there is no chance at happiness in this world. Do you really think normalfags are happy?

>> No.4364814


Are you implying I'm a guido? Cuz I'm not.

>> No.4364816

Find a very time consuming hobby.
Strive for perfection at that hobby.

>> No.4364818


Being a normal guy, I'm pretty happy. It saddens me you guys think this is impossible to achieve when it's really not. I'm very happy with my life. I've got a wonderful girlfriend, family, a nice house over my head, a car, a job, and I attend school full time.

>> No.4364820

The feeling of wanting a 3D girlfriend usually only stays with me for like 3 seconds once every few months. I'm perfectly fine with being alone, whenever I imagine being in a relationship I think I would just get bored of the person and start neglecting her/him anyway, like I do with most stuff.

>> No.4364834

I skipped most of the replies here, but I'm also shocked how you guys can reply to such a normalfag question with some kind of seriousness.

>> No.4364835

The odds are that you're close enough.

>> No.4364841


Hey look, another delusion /jp/ guy. Surprise...

>> No.4364842

Quite happy with my life, my job, my hobbies, and my friends as well, in spite of not having a 3D girlfriend in over a decade.

>> No.4364845
File: 68 KB, 800x600, OgAAAH3VC5_e7qI0okd9HM479Y59EFt6doknTnUBQ_Nr6fVCxz7wi2FXIE7ty68A5pX1OLOoOVepjodB7wn-yWIpAygAm1T1UHfyesRaRdDgdhZPOZTb9VnisnB_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow, this.

I feel/think the same.

>> No.4364849

Who are you trying to convince, me or yourself?

>> No.4364854


You. Are you really so incapable of social interaction, you can't even carry the flow of this minor conversation?

>> No.4364855


Oh guys, It's a troll.

>> No.4364858

Glad to know I'm not the only one that shall enjoy a life of fantastical joy.

>> No.4364878

With how defensive you're getting it makes me wonder.

>> No.4364884
File: 73 KB, 435x436, 1249646179053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread.

>> No.4364888


Defensive? I'm answering your questions and assumptions.

Looks like you're trying to cop out. How cute :-)

>> No.4364891

To yourself

>> No.4364895
File: 44 KB, 480x324, 1232665240015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've got a wonderful girlfriend, family, a nice house over my head, a car, a job, and I attend school full time.

Doing exactly as you're told, I see.

>> No.4364904
File: 254 KB, 446x298, 1265482516425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Oh yeah, let the Gyaru fashion thread, full of futile arrogant whores slip out, and attack this one far more related to our lives (not that it should be welcomed, anyway).


>> No.4364915

this thread = a ronery thread therfore reported.

>> No.4364918


Really? Who's telling me to? "THE MAN"? Big brother?

You sound pretty paranoid.


>implying I give a shit enough to samefag

>> No.4364935

OP here, thanks guys, you've strengthened my resolve. Even if 3D women find me absolutely repulsive, and that my chances of having a relationship are nil, I'll simply shrug it off and create a reality of my own.

I like drawing, always has been, ever since I was a kid. I really wished that my interests when I was young was science related, but alas, my gifts were in the arts.

I'll use my passion for drawing comics to create a world, my own world, where me, and guys like you and me, can escape reality.

>> No.4364939
File: 23 KB, 400x500, 2311358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who's telling me to?
Societal expectations

It's pretty obvious when you sputter out that oh-so-typical laundry list of conditions to be considered "normal"

>> No.4364946 [DELETED] 

Why must you stupid guys constantly spam and attack www . anon
talk . com for? Please stop. We don't want any chanturds there.

>> No.4364943

The birth of a drawfag. Welcome, and enjoy your stay.

>> No.4364945

And if it's good enough, you could tweak it up, add some dragons, and sell it as a book for children.

>> No.4364949
File: 65 KB, 379x600, 379px-SonichuPedo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chris-chan, is that you?

>> No.4364952
File: 396 KB, 1920x1200, kafuka smile5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true, isn't it, /a/non?

You can't possibly be unhappy just because of the lack of something as common as "relationships". You are your own man, and you know what makes you happy! Don't listen to others, /a/non! They just want to put you down, since you've basically found the cheatcode to happiness, while they're struggling, with their misconceptions about happiness, which was brought to them by the society in which they participate in - that is, a society of unhappy, mislead individuals; infinitely searching for their narrow notion of "love" like zombies would blindly go for flesh!

No, /a/non, you know better! You are happy in and of yourself. You don't need "girlfriends", mere money sucking, dick loving, emotional vacuums that can be bought from any side street almost _anywhere_.

You're great, /a/non! Other people break upon losing contact with their beloved in a day's or week's time, but you - you don't even have one! It takes more than a normal man to live without fulfilling one's needs, and you should be proud of yourself!

Never hang that head of yours, /a/non, you're not a loser - you've never been!

>> No.4364958

Get out avatar-tripfag

>> No.4364961


Ah, assumptions again. I never said my list was what counted as normal - I said it is things that make me happy, and what I am grateful for and blessed to have.

Plus, laundry list? Who makes a list for laundry? I think you mean grocery.

>> No.4364962

lol obvious pasta is obvious.

Thanks anyway.

>> No.4364965

The different between a NEET and a normalfag? A normalfag fails with women more times in one day that a NEET does their entire life. You can only succeed if you try.

>> No.4364970

Actually, the difference is that a normalfag potentially goes to school or work and a NEET definitely doesn't.

>> No.4364971

hmm your example points out that being NEET is better than normalfag. I think you failed a bit there.

>> No.4364975


whats a neet

>> No.4364976
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>> No.4364978
File: 223 KB, 700x560, 2d9c168519fe969abe463ab4cb0eb562..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4364979

whats a gtfo

>> No.4364982
File: 112 KB, 563x700, 2faba68713ca161b71aa867f75d95448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4364983


It does if you can only read two sentences.

>> No.4364985
File: 78 KB, 550x550, 1245270261045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never said my list was what counted as normal
It was very heavily implied. Even if it's not what you meant, you made no effort to dissuade anyone from that thought.

This also contradicts your first post when you said that he would have "no chance at a real, existing happiness instead of a delusion" without a relationship. If the things you listed were things that made you happy and not necessarily universally desired things, then why would he not be happy without them?

>Plus, laundry list? Who makes a list for laundry? I think you mean grocery.
Uneducated too? This is really going places for you.

>> No.4364988
File: 350 KB, 1000x800, 4d995e3a5cad2ccaad02461e21970b80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4364989


A miserable little pile of lolicons.

>> No.4364990

hitbox of my touhou, no regret, only path, etc.

>> No.4364991
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>> No.4364997
File: 398 KB, 1150x900, 8a60b843d5dfd98f1edbdc2c353fb732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4364998

I could if your third sentence was an example.

>> No.4365001
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>> No.4365003


Holy hell, that was nice.

>> No.4365006
File: 245 KB, 505x480, angrybern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/jp/ is always serious you maroon.

>> No.4365007
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>> No.4365008
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>> No.4365011
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>> No.4365014
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>> No.4365016
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>> No.4365021
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>> No.4365022
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>> No.4365023

I see women as a commodity: One I don't need.

>> No.4365024


I don't really have a tablet though. Plus, I haven't drawn seriously for years. Funnily enough, I DID used drawing to stave off my mind from desires of the female flesh; ended up making a half finished comic about lesbian rape.

Maybe one day, once I sharpen my skills and afford myself an expensive tablet, I'll be able to repay the joys/advice/wisdom you guys have given not just to me, but to every lonely guy here as well, by contributing drawings that might bring a smile to your faces.

Anyways, that's enough for me, back to lurking.

/v/, /m/, /jp/, /co/, and /tg/ are my bros.

>> No.4365025

I wonder which specific line set off the roneryfag with the image dumper.

>> No.4365026
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>> No.4365029
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>> No.4365030

What the hell is that brown stuff poking out the ends of the sandwich?

>> No.4365033

see ya later, fellow/m/an.

>> No.4365035
File: 198 KB, 1275x2000, 717a3c1f36586e71a93a5f10989398dad8653580_5_ib4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4365038
File: 128 KB, 820x1168, 757b3775951a135b99d9cd59eb3f764a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4365041
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>> No.4365042
File: 13 KB, 197x201, shi_ugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, this is a bad post and you should feel bad.

Do penance -- become a monk.

>> No.4365045 [DELETED] 

Why must you stupid guys constantly spam and attack www . anon
talk . com for? Please stop. We don't want any chanturds there.

>> No.4365043

Am I the only one bothered by the guy that imagedumps Cirno ?
1- Dumping from Danbooru.
2- Without sage, effectively keeping the shit thread on the frontpage.
3- Dumping Cirno, of all things.
The guy is so obviously from Pooshlmer.

>> No.4365044
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>> No.4365047
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>> No.4365049

Maido is making the rounds. This thread is still up because:

1) He likes the OP and is trying to encourage the rest of you to make something of yourselves.
2) He hates the OP and wants to see the thread get auto-saged by itself.
3) He just doesn't give a rat's ass.

>> No.4365054
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>> No.4365055

He posts Cirno because he knows we hate it.

>> No.4365056
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>> No.4365057

And why is the faggot that spams Cirno everywhere not banned yet ?

>> No.4365059


I'm bothered by people who sage a thread that's being imagedumped. Really, you might as well leave the e-mail field alone since the thread isn't going to hit Page 2 for some time now.

>> No.4365060
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>> No.4365064
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>> No.4365068
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>> No.4365072
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>> No.4365073


He's venting his displeasure

>> No.4365075
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>> No.4365080
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>> No.4365081
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>> No.4365084

Oh, this thread's being spammed?

I'm a shut in with parents too poor to afford vacations.

>> No.4365085
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>> No.4365089
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>> No.4365092
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>> No.4365098
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>> No.4365101
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God, whining about it is so fucking pointless and juvenile.

The whining is easily thrice as annoying as the spam.

>> No.4365104
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>> No.4365108
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>> No.4365110
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>> No.4365114


For $20 you could give yourself gas and a meal to go somewhere.
Pretend like you're there to meet a date, but they ditched you.
Walk up to a pretty girl who looks like she lives there and is just trying to go about her business and tap her on the back saying "HEY, you made it!"
"Oh, sorry, I thought you were someone else. Care to join me for lunch anyhow?"
If denied, repeat once before moving on to a different street.
Keep at it as long as you can.
Go back another weekend, and this time you can try with more girls (and a better pickup line).

>> No.4365115
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>> No.4365119
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>> No.4365124


I feel the need to hug you. ;_; Hang in there.


>> No.4365125
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>> No.4365129
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>> No.4365130

Besides, I've not a car, and I hate driving anyway.

Am I in pain?

>> No.4365131
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>> No.4365133
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>> No.4365139
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>> No.4365141


Because it's something different. You could deal with it now, or you could deal with it when you're truly bored and don't know what you're doing.
You live with your parents, you can borrow a car and $20.
Take a bus if you have to. The bus would actually be a much better idea. Routes are posted online.

>> No.4365143

Is there a picture of Cirno getting stabbed?

I can't cum without a bleeding Cirno.

>> No.4365145
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>> No.4365147

also i do believe most ppl here are incapable of walking up to a stranger and doing that. well at least i am

>> No.4365149



>> No.4365150
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>> No.4365151
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>> No.4365152
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>> No.4365157
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>> No.4365159

I have absolutely no idea how to read those bus route maps.
They could be upside down, and I'd be none the wiser.
Also, if I were to tap a girl on the back, mistake her for a date, then ask her to lunch, wouldn't she think I was abandoning the previous girl?

What do you mean?

>> No.4365161
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>> No.4365163


The problem is that most of you are capable of doing it, and are sometimes forced into social situations anyway. Be a NEET all you want, but being afraid of someone you don't know is a silly phobia that is easily overcome and makes your life much easier.

>> No.4365164
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>> No.4365165
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>> No.4365167


>but being afraid of someone you don't know is a silly phobia that is easily overcome

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.4365168
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>> No.4365169
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>> No.4365173
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>> No.4365176

>I tried drowning myself in vidya. I tried focusing hard in my studies.

You didnt try hard enough, I have so meny vidya animu series movies stidize that i drown my self in the bliss of information all day long, I cant remember feeling lonley for ages.

Since I'm like 19 I stoped being "lonley" it was more a puberty thing when I wanted a girlfriend. Now to be honest I don't fucking care about girlfirends, I'm renting a room to my friend in my house, he has had like 2 stable girlfriends and countless affairs in the last 2 years of staying at my house. Seeing him and his girlfriends even more so reinforced my notion that you don't fucking need one.

I may wasnt one later in life when I finish my university and start working but thats like 5 years from now or something...

>> No.4365177
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>> No.4365178


They're not as bad as you think. At least where I live, you can just plug in which address you want to go to and it'll tell you exactly what busses you need to take and where to get off. If you want to know which direction the bus is going, you just have to pay attention to what side of the street it's on. Worse come to worse, busses eventually circle back to where you came from in no more than 2 hours.

You shouldn't give a damn what the hypothetical future girl is going to think of your story. What makes this so easy is that you shouldn't care at all what a stranger girl will think of you, because even if it goes really sour then you won't have to see her again anyway. If the girl gets skeptical, tell her that your date is an hour late, isn't answering her cell, and you were getting ready to go back home anyway. It's not that hard to lie to girls.

>> No.4365179
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>> No.4365185
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>> No.4365188


I sure hope that the imagedumper posted that, because I laughed like an idiot.

>> No.4365189
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>> No.4365190
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>> No.4365193
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>> No.4365195

Okay, that's nice and all, but why should I want to?

>> No.4365199
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>> No.4365201
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>> No.4365210
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>> No.4365211
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>> No.4365213
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>> No.4365215
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>> No.4365216
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>> No.4365218
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>> No.4365224


Because you're going to be too scared of it when you actually want to.

>> No.4365226
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>> No.4365227

how many spammers are on /jp/? just one guy?

>> No.4365230
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>> No.4365233
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>> No.4365236
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>> No.4365237

But if I overcome that fear when I want to obtain this 'goal', isn't it better that way? Rather than go out and do what you say when I don't really give a shit either way?

>> No.4365238
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>> No.4365241
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What you want isn't necessarily what will make you happy.

>> No.4365242
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>> No.4365243


It'd be better if you could actually go through with it. Not that I'm losing faith in you here, but why make it harder on yourself?

>> No.4365245
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>> No.4365249

Because I see no benefit in doing so.

>> No.4365251
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>> No.4365252
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>> No.4365253


The benefit is that you're doing something you'll have to do anyway when it's still easy.

>> No.4365255
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>> No.4365256

Why will I have to do it anyway?

>> No.4365257
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>> No.4365261
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>> No.4365266


Thanks man. I can finally cum.

>> No.4365267
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>> No.4365271
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>> No.4365272
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>> No.4365274
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>> No.4365279
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>> No.4365280


a) You do/will socialize anyway. As much as you're convinced that you'll stay in your room forever and you'll die before your parents do, there's still moments where you have to get the hell out and do chores.

b) NEETs never, ever push away the roneriness. Getting socialization done with late is better than never. You don't want to snap at the age of 50 and marry some hideous Thai mail-in bride, do you?

>> No.4365281
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>> No.4365282
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>> No.4365283
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>> No.4365284
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>> No.4365288
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>> No.4365289
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>> No.4365291
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>> No.4365292
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>> No.4365294
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>> No.4365295
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>> No.4365296
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>> No.4365299
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>> No.4365300
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>> No.4365304
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>> No.4365305
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>> No.4365307
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>> No.4365308
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>> No.4365310
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>> No.4365312
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>> No.4365337

Burying yourself in fantasy is crap. The reason you have urges for a girlfriend (what's this "3D" crap?) is that you're a human being. Therefore, you want other human beings. Rosy Palm and her five sisters can't keep you content forever unless you're a total loser.

Here's how you get a girl: Turn off the computer and the video games, throw out all those stupid illusions you've gotten from porn, and then you'll find yourself drawn to women who AREN'T bitches. But if you want a woman IRL who acts like a slut in bed, don't whine about her acting like a slut when she's not in bed. Sluttiness isn't something women can turn on and off with a switch. If she's a cunt who has no emotions during sex, she won't have any emotions for anything else, including you.

Want to prove you're a man? Quit being a coward who whimpers because the first few girls didn't work out for you. Keep trying until you succeed. Enjoy anime, video games, porn, or whatever, but don't bury yourself in it because you're too damned scared to face real women.

>> No.4365351


If you need a girlfriend to live you're far more of a loser than a shut-in NEET like me.

>> No.4365360


I'm sure you're just some Zen motherfucking master there, champ.

>> No.4365427

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>> No.4365452


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>> No.4365455


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>> No.4365462


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>> No.4365464


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>> No.4365470


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>> No.4365478


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>> No.4365486


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>> No.4365494


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>> No.4365498


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>> No.4365501


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>> No.4365510


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>> No.4365523


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>> No.4365532


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>> No.4365536


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# # [14:39] * Topic is 'Pursuing conformance solutions for the N-body gravitational system known as "the Web", and in general, collectively performing various acts of unparalleled hubris (This channel is logged: http://krijnhoetmer.nl/irc-logs/)'
# # [14:39] * Set by MikeSmith on Thu Jun 18 06:02:08

>> No.4365542


# # [14:38] * Disconnected
# # [14:39] * Attempting to rejoin channel #html-wg
# # [14:39] * Rejoined channel #html-wg
# # [14:39] * Topic is 'Pursuing conformance solutions for the N-body gravitational system known as "the Web", and in general, collectively performing various acts of unparalleled hubris (This channel is logged: http://krijnhoetmer.nl/irc-logs/)'
# # [14:39] * Set by MikeSmith on Thu Jun 18 06:02:08

>> No.4365565

...you've been bombing fucking manually? Jesus christ.

>> No.4365595


Why don't you shed some more tears for him OP.

>> No.4365632

Your /r9k/ thread got hijacked by a bored troll. It didn't belong here in the first place. What's done is done, get over it.

Also, your tears is what motivated him. You were nothing but trollbait.

>> No.4365655

>Implying that you're not the troll
>Implying that you weren't butthurt about a thread pointing out your eternal roneriness.

>> No.4365758

>>4365655 Bawwwwww my thread got hijacked.
Hahaha oh wow. I can almost taste your frustration from here. Your uber butthurt is palpable.

Again, get over it. Your thread that was getting a lot of replies got hijacked. It might have become a thread with 250+ (serious) replies had it not been for the spammers. In the end, the spammers got the last laugh. Keep giving them attention /jp/, bravo.

>> No.4366073

I am a female and I want to live this life of only 2D loves and bury myself in fantasy. I aspire to be the female version of the guys here except I do not hate the opposite gender nor do I expect the worst from them (even though I am pessimistic and that is all I have been shown time and time again).
