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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4363557 No.4363557 [Reply] [Original]

>everybody at work discussing their Valentine's Day plans with their loved ones

>> No.4363568

This is the part where you delete your thread.

>> No.4363564
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>> No.4363578

Normalfag leave this place

>> No.4363574

I'm getting a booth at the karaoke place. What about you?

>> No.4363572
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>> No.4363569

>goes to work

>> No.4363573

>everybody at work

>> No.4363591

Honestly, i love /jp/ from time to time.

>> No.4363595

How does having work equate to being a normalfag?
I need money to pay internet bills and buy figs.

>> No.4363599
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> guy on /jp/ talking about how he has a job

>> No.4363602

Why would I be at work? it's late night

>> No.4363603

not everyone can leech off their parents faggot

>> No.4363613
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Not everyone can be on /jp/ either, what's your point?

>> No.4363611

and you assume everybody in 4chan is on the same timezone...

>> No.4363608

Because you should still be in school to post on /jp/

>> No.4363617

There was a booth with a sign reading "Free condoms, don't be shy <3" on campus today.
Don't you love the way they go out of their way to bring Singles Appreciation Day to your attention?

>> No.4363626
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I bet you wish you could be an easy rider like me.

>> No.4363633

The point is, not everybody here are people who live off their parents.

>> No.4363635
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Damn, how can I satisfy my waifu with a valentine's day present if the firearm commerce restrictions are so strict?

>> No.4363639
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>Free condoms, don't be shy <3

>> No.4363645

Why exactly do you care?

>> No.4363648

Thank god it's on Sunday this time. I'd hate to see my co-workers look happier than usual.

>> No.4363651

Let me fix that for ya OP

>So yea i was taking a shit on the floor cuz im TRUENEET when I heard some "normies" outside the window talkin about what they were gonna do on valentines. man lol dem normalfags huh?

>> No.4363655

Did you pick one up anyway? Can't pass on the free things in life!

>> No.4363664
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>> No.4363657
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>not everybody here are people who live off their parents.
And that's a problem.

>> No.4363668


u jealous?

>> No.4363672

I didn't let it show on my face, of course, but mentally I was making that reaction exactly.

Of course not, what would be the point?

>> No.4363681

If there were booths like that here I'd pick up one even if I'm not going to use it in my lifetime.

>> No.4363683

>live at home
>parents have plans
>both younger sisters have boyfriends
>parents purchased awesome chocolate in case i want to give to girl

yeah, being 22 is awesome ;-;

>> No.4363684


>> No.4363692

blow them up as balloons. Throw them in an air with a fan on and practice RL danmaku

>> No.4363694

How can we fix that?

>> No.4363701

Try being 25 and still living with your mother.

>> No.4363704

I bought chocolates and gave them to my cat

Am I a faggot?

>> No.4363700

>parents purchased awesome chocolate in case i want to give to girl

I lol'd uproariously. Enjoy your chocolate bro.

>> No.4363705

I was considering taking one to store water (you never know when you might be stranded in the jungle without a canteen) but I decided not to in the end.

>> No.4363707
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Post pics.

>> No.4363709


it's fun to fap with no cleanup, anyway

>> No.4363716

Isn't that extremely deadly? Or is that just dogs..

>> No.4363719

I don't think chocolate is good for cats

>> No.4363722

It's deadly or harmful to quite a few varieties of pets I believe.

>> No.4363733

ITT : a stupid anon kills his pets with chocolate, making him even more lonely.

>> No.4363739
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>> No.4363751
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Chocolate is even more toxic to cats than it is to dogs.

Cats are just less prone to eating chocolate because they can't perceive sweetness

Thanks, 2-seconds-on-wikipedia!

>> No.4363762

I wish. I've fapped with a condom on before only once, not fun. I spent like five minutes trying to take it off without getting jizz on my hands (it was not easy). After I flushed it (because I didn't want to put it in the wastebasket and risk it being seen) I had to clean off my dick because there was jizz all over it. Thank god for a couple of baby wipes. Then I noticed that there were some drops of it on the floor by my feet. So fucking mad.

I honestly don't know how normals manage.

>> No.4363753

Theobromine in chocolate is very dangerous to both cats and dogs.

>> No.4363768


Sounds like you did it wrong, friend.

>> No.4363770

I know a "worse" case. I know in real life a 40-ish guy who's about to get divorced because he spends his entire fucking life in front of his three computers (has shitloads of money so he doesn't needs to work) and pays little to no attention to her wife or children. He's about to move back to his mother's home in a couple of days.

>> No.4363773
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I'll be spending the 14th with my darling. Sucks to be you, lonelyfags.

>> No.4363777

Full Metal Panic?

>> No.4363780

sounds like the life to me!!

>> No.4363788


>> No.4363789

Yeah. Except that he's a hardcore gamer instead of an otaku.

>> No.4363807

same shit. i do both.
too bad i need a new power supply to use both my 4870s though.....
damn, i need a part job

>> No.4363811

Saw this about a month ago, it's not so bad living at home.


>> No.4363817 [DELETED] 


Enact this in Japan. NOW.

>> No.4363855

I agree with that law.

Being a NEET is okay as long as most of the population (percentage-wise) is not one. If suddenly 50% of the world's population decided to stop working and start leeching off their families' budget, the economy would implode.

>> No.4363860

>He was once one himself - admitting that before he left home at 30 he had not even learned how to make his own bed.


>> No.4363882

Talk about fascist.

>> No.4363888


What if I don't give a damn about the economy?

>> No.4363889

>They should be forced out at 18, he says - if needs be by law.

Oh, come on now.

>> No.4363904

Well, do as you wish then.

>> No.4363914

For once, the pejorative "fascist" term used CORRECTLY.

>> No.4363961
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>everyone having someone to socialize with, and having a potent someone to offer their valentines to

>> No.4363976
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>my face while ignoring valentines and acquiring more currency

>> No.4363992
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>my face when I spend Valentine's day smelling my dad's farts.

>> No.4364001
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>Valentines Day

>> No.4364020

Don't be such a worry-wart /jp/. Now let's just take it easy on valentine's. Come on, forget about all those troubles and have a drink with me.

>> No.4364035

Why the hell do you spend Valentine's day smelling your dad's farts?

>> No.4364035,1 [INTERNAL] 

Very much so.

>> No.4364035,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.4364035,3 [INTERNAL] 

How autistic can you get?

>> No.4364035,4 [INTERNAL] 

We're yet to discover.

>> No.4364035,5 [INTERNAL] 

Why was this bumped?

>> No.4364035,6 [INTERNAL] 

The thread seems to be jacking Jonesy's greentext meme.

>> No.4364035,7 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

Did your phony ass watch Sasami-san@Ganbaranai?

>> No.4364035,8 [INTERNAL] 

Not yet. I have it downloaded though.

Right now I'm watching Hanasaku Iroha. It's pretty OK so far. I can see why /jp/ liked it back when it was airing.

>> No.4364035,9 [INTERNAL] 

Saten dies

>> No.4364035,10 [INTERNAL] 

Excuse me, this isn't a Trevor thread.

Why are you posting in here?

>> No.4364035,11 [INTERNAL] 

I'm really hyped for that episode.

>> No.4364035,12 [INTERNAL] 

I really want the next episode of Tamako Market to come out, it seems like it'll be really cute.

>> No.4364035,13 [INTERNAL] 

Reported. Take it to the anime thread, newfriends.

>> No.4364035,14 [INTERNAL] 

