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43613032 No.43613032 [Reply] [Original]

What manga am I supposed to start with? If any in specific, at all? Is there some sort of "order" I'm supposed to do it in? Are there any I should avoid for now? Do any of them just straight up SUCK?

>> No.43613052


>> No.43613373


>> No.43613443

Silent Sinner in Blue is uneventful and really requires additional reading (Cage in Lunatic Runagate, which is also hit or miss) to give you a full picture.

The fairies' manga series can be either fun or a slog depending on how much you enjoy the premise.

FS is great from start to near the finish, where it peters out a little.

Lotus Eaters is cool, has some great worldbuilding, but it's SO FUCKING SLOW.

Cheating Detective... who? When was the last time she even appeared? Jail Breaker "appeared on screen like twice" King? Who?

>> No.43614831
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thank you for the serious reply anon :)

I forgot to mention that, context-wise, I'm pretty well-versed in the lore, but only if it encompasses the main games and the characters in it (so for example I know next-to-nothing about Yorihime and Toyohime, but I can explain everything about WBaWC and its' cast to you)

>Silent Sinner in Blue
This was one of the ones I was most curious about because I wanted to know more about the lunar war (and kingdom) as well as Yorihime, Torihime and Rei'sen. The wiki mentions not only Cage in Lunatic Runagate but also Inaba of the Moon and the Earth are necessary for context. I'll won't read it first but I'll keep it in mind thanks to what you said

>The fairies' manga series
What exactly is the premise? I saw Okina strangle Clownpiece and was kind of interested lol

Great to hear, it's the one I was the most interested in. I really want to learn more about Akyuu and Kosuzu. Would you reccomend it as a first, then?

>Lotus Eaters is cool, has some great worldbuilding, but it's SO FUCKING SLOW.
I was curious about the whale girl, but I wasn't planning on reading it because I heard it's ongoing and I don't like waiting for chapters.. I'll wait until it's finished to read it in that case.

>Cheating Detective... who?
That's sad... I saw someone else talk about the same thing, Satori is one of my favorite characters (top 10) but apparently she's barely in the manga isn't she? That sucks, probably not gonna read it in that case. It's ongoing as well though, right?

I noticed you didn't mention Wild and Wicked Hermit at all, why's that?

>> No.43614866

Didn't you already make this thread?

>> No.43614884

no, you're mixing me up with some other anon

>> No.43615607

>What exactly is the premise?
Fairies doing fairy things, occasionally butting heads with a domestically preoccupied Reimu or, for some reason, spiralling into un-fairy-like philosophical debates. For the most part, though, it's a slice of life... of a fairy's life. Whether that appeals or not is up to the individual.
>Would you recommend FS as a first, then?
Not to a complete newcomer, perhaps not, but if you've already played the games then you should be fine. A newbie might get the wrong idea of the series' focus, as FS is very much a departure from the usual tone/matters, being told from the perspective of human villagers.
>I noticed you didn't mention Wild and Wicked Hermit at all, why's that?
Sorry, posting from work and got called to other things. WaHH is fine, but may be a bit odd to read in one sitting due to the sheer evolution the series went through over its looong serialisation period. It's fine, just don't get suckered into the "mystery" surrounding Kasen's nature. The series more or less stepped back from itself in favour of weekly shenanigans later on. The "plot" is resolved, just don't approach with the expectation of it being the "main" thing.

All in all, besides SSiB, which doesn't deliver on the front, the Touhou manga steer away from telling overarching stories and tend toward showing Gensokyo's day to day or recurrent troubles from the varying perspectives of their characters (depending on the manga).

>> No.43615839
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Alright anon, I think I've decided then

I'll read FS first, then I'll check out the fairy mangas. Then I'll read SSiB (and the mangas related to it) and I'll finish it off with WaHH

>the Touhou manga steer away from telling overarching stories and tend toward showing Gensokyo's day to day or recurrent troubles from the varying perspectives of their characters
I see, that's good then, I was kinda worried about proper order

I'm definitely interested in the day-to-day life of gensokyo so I'll probably enjoy them all (the games already do a good enough job at showcasing the flashy incidents)

>> No.43615848

I liked SSiB
It was interesting

>> No.43615884
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I hope it is!!! I've been curious about the characters involved in it for the longest time, but never got around to reading about it despite being in the fandom for 10 years now. I hope it can answer many of my questions.

>> No.43615917

About the moonies?
Absolutely. As far as I know, it's the first real appearance of Toyohime and Yorihime, and is before LoLK was the only real source on the Lunar Capital.
I thought it was better than the fairy mangas, since they are a little repetitve.
For the first (and last) time, ZUN had a coherent plot that he stuck to without all that much filler, and the end result is a fairly good manga.
The art is good, but not great though. A little boxy/jagged at times.

>> No.43616318

SSiB is 100% required reading if you are interested in the lore, and so is CiLR
Inaba can be skipped as its a gag 4koma

As for order, its best to start with the order of release. Read the whale and satori manga last as they are still ongoing.
and check out CoLA afterwards.

>> No.43624028

I started FS, really enjoying it so far!

>> No.43624636
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>Do any of them just straight up SUCK?
You need to see them for yourself honestly to decide that, every manga was called boring and uninteresting when it was still running, even FS and It's my favorite, probably because all of them were monthly.
