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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 156 KB, 359x373, up3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4359844 No.4359844 [Reply] [Original]

New thread?

>> No.4359869

Run your client, it will patch to v1.04.

>> No.4359878

Already did. Still can't do anything with it though.

>> No.4359905

Wait, what is this exactly?

>> No.4359917

/jp/ guild on Aika. Hotglue.

Now, with extra Lingo butthurt.

>> No.4359927

I didn't play the first CB. Can I join anyway? And is this the one where you raise lolis? If so, then count me in.

>> No.4359934


Sure, but the only thing is, we have no idea when does the next Closed Beta start. Yes, loli raisan gaems.

>> No.4359942

Why does Gpotato do this with ALL it's games? Allods Online had about 5 Closed Betas, complete BS.

>> No.4359953

I bet people still don't know our website

>> No.4359974

How balanced are the classes in this one?

>> No.4360086

Fairly balanced, as far as i can tell.

>> No.4360099

Can I still play this even if CB1 is over with? Probably an obvious question, but I still need to ask it....

>> No.4360117

Once cb2 starts, yes. Until then, no.

>> No.4360128

Is there a download mirror for this, their client doesnt seem to be working atm

>> No.4360133

>>CB1 closed
>>their client doesnt seem to be working atm

Facepalm'd so hard.

>> No.4360255

I think it's cute how Blessings likes to pretend that's she's an English teacher in a foreign country. Especially, since the time frame in which she's most actively posting, is during the school day of just about anywhere in Asia.

Granted, she could be a teacher somewhere else, but I bet if asked, she'd say somewhere like S. Korea.

I can't help but find it hilarious how serious some of these people are taking the game (which is still in CB at that), and preaching about what needs to be done so we can all work together and make Feonir the greatest nation of CB.

I sure am glad we're just taking it easy, comparatively.

>> No.4360356
File: 395 KB, 1920x1200, ss_name_02-12-10_15-07-50_(zaton).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking it easy, and making sure everyone in the guild can as well, is my primary objective. I just hope our friendly trolls can ease off the forums a bit so we don't end up with everyone hating us.

Picture related, it is bloodsuckers taking it easy.

>> No.4361115

Hey guys, tone it down some on the forums, and take it easy. Nothing wrong with some subtle trolling here and there, but no need to outright attack another guild in their own thread.

We were able to figure out who you were, so they could possibly trace it back to us too. We do want to play nice with everyone.

>> No.4361216
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>> No.4361262

Off-topic is fair game, imo.

>> No.4361549

>From: blessings1
>To: forte24x
>I'm not sure what Nanme's name is on the forums, >and you're the only person I could find from Hotglue >.<

>Check out my guild roll call thread :D Would love to >have you guys up there with some up-to-date >information! Thanks! ;)

What do I do guys?

>> No.4361583


Be like a politician and deny knowledge of anything and everything.

>> No.4361588

[x]Post here

>> No.4361641

English tutor in the US.

>> No.4361644

>Its rumored that CBT 2 will be announced tonight. Someone heard that from a non-aika GM.


>> No.4361651
File: 91 KB, 367x358, 7320297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd really just prefer we return our forum presence to non-existent. Not only would that have maintained our status quo, but also driven people crazy since they have no idea who Hotglue is nor how they won the tournament.

Unfortunately, neither is the case now. I sad.

>> No.4361656

Where can I get keys/client for CBT2? Are keys being given out still?

>> No.4361667

If you dig back a few threads, one of them has a couple CTRL-F'able www. addresses.

Either that or check mmorpg.com

>> No.4361675

I agree with this. I don't want mongrels thinking they're allowed to talk to me in game.

>> No.4361678

There should be a few left.

>> No.4361691

Just tell that guy we aren't recruiting, so we would rather abstain from being on the list. Problem solved?

>> No.4361698

That's no fun. Stay on the list but only communicate through press releases.

>> No.4361703

Tell him we are already full and doesn't plan to recruit.

>> No.4361708

Does anyone know where I could get the client without using that retarded Downloader from Gpotato?
Also, how will I find you guys ingame tomorrow?

>> No.4361720

Thanks. I managed to pick up three for myself and two friends.

>> No.4361732

I just had a totally original and outragiously ingenious idea!
How about we tell any forum users that The clan isn't recruiting anymore!
That'd give them a scare!

>> No.4361733

That's kind of elitist, isn't it?

>> No.4361741
File: 49 KB, 813x647, hotglue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4361743

Hmm. Maybe we should say its a group of friends? Or an IRL guild?

>> No.4361745

I love how no one knows what the name means. Please no one ever tell them.

>> No.4361749

But it's true. People had to be kicked out just to make room for the new /jp/ers who wanted in. On top of that, recruitment so far has only come from /jp/ so why bother with the list?

>> No.4361754



Megaupload link in there.

>> No.4361756

Let's leave it at that and never post as Hotglue members on the forum again.

>> No.4361755 [DELETED] 

What's wrong with sayign it's /jp/ only, other than attracting them to /jp/ to get run off?

>> No.4361760

What's wrong with saying it's /jp/ only, other than attracting them to /jp/ to get run off?

>> No.4361767

Yes. From now on we will post as PizzaClub members. All hail PizzaClub, the single most elitist guild in the land!

>> No.4361768

Thanks a lot! I was just looking in the forum, too.

So I was just wondering, am I going to be the only new person? I don't want to be left behind because everyone started from the beginning of CB and is thirty levels past me. ;_;

>> No.4361769

Because then it wouldn't be a supercoolsecretguildlolz

>> No.4361770

Hotglue, the bond that holds bros together

>> No.4361773

No, it doesn't take that long to level.

>> No.4361774

Also aside from the elitism, we actually don't have any room for public recruiting, even if we wanted to.

When we extend to 96 member capacity, we're going to be fill up again very quickly, and I don't know if we'll ever bother going to guild level 5 in CB.

Hahaha, I'd almost forgive the emoticons for that.

>> No.4361775


But we are full. We've been at the member cap for a while now.

>> No.4361779
File: 129 KB, 359x373, Pizzaclub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody say PizzaClub?

>> No.4361781


From the past few threads we've had there should be quite a few newcomers so no, you won't be the only new person.

>> No.4361784

Speaking of, is doing the guild quests enough or do you actually have to turn in the points somewhere, like in mabinogi?

>> No.4361788

Hell yeah, motherfucker. We better actually do this.

>> No.4361826

Tombstone here. Prans: "Pepperoni" and "Cheese."

>> No.4361829


Once you complete whatever the guild quest asks you to do, you instantly get the rewards and point, no need to turn it in.

>> No.4361833

PizzaHut. Prans: "Stuffed Crust" "Pan"

>> No.4361838

If Hotglue fills up, Pizzaclub sounds like a great alt/fodder guild. I'd join.

>> No.4361844

Good to know I'm not gonna be the only new one...

>> No.4361853

I'm going to be starting also

>> No.4361854

LittleCeasar, Pran: Hot&Ready

>> No.4361857

Table, Pran: Round

>> No.4361868
File: 4 KB, 120x120, 7988555.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Official Guild Rules:

1. Don't do anything that would jeopardize the guild's ability to take it easy.

>> No.4361870

BagelBites, Prans: Morning, Evening

>> No.4361874

It would be pretty great if we fought that person's guild as PizzaClub and beat them. Delicious forum posterior soreness.

>> No.4361880

So who is going to lead PizzaClub?

>> No.4361890

Doesn't really matter, it's just gonna be an alt guild.

>> No.4361902

That means I'm gonna join PizzaClub?

>> No.4361935

Only the best pizza in the world is capable of heading the PizzaClub.

>> No.4361944

I'm tempted to post PizzaClub on that roll call post... oh so tempted...

>> No.4361950

Why pizza? Why can't it be KFC or Taco Bell?

>> No.4361955

It might be an entire day before we have more room in Hotglue, when it reopens.

We're completely full right now; there's probably 3-4 kickable alts, I think, at most. It'll take a fairly concerted effort to grind the guild up to level 4 as well. Hopefully people will be willing to help.

I think we're something like 50000 guild points away? If we start clearing mostly tier 3/4 quests, that'll be about 140 quest completions, and they take about 4-8 minutes per.

>> No.4361962
File: 154 KB, 344x244, 193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DominosJP, MayoJaga, CaesarSalad

>> No.4361966

>The thing that is frustrating me the most if how all the guilds winning have horrible names... Im really picky about names, so give me a break

>FinalBoss? HotGlue? Equally? Whats next, PizzaClub? Cmon.. make some decent names next time, not something a 5 year old would come up with

To piss off the guy who said that.

>> No.4361967
File: 247 KB, 500x706, 1235476316976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you have to run all the way across the map and the quest requires that creatures drop a certain item. Then it can take upwards of 30 goddamn minutes.

Because PizzaClub is special.

>> No.4361979

Why not a combination pizza hut and taco bell?

>> No.4361982



>> No.4361991

I must be the first person to create an alt named Tacohut

>> No.4361995

What are the differences in Pran elements again? Any recommendation for a warrior?

>> No.4362001

So what class does Hotglue need?

>> No.4362008

A Pizza Hut and Taco Bell alliance?

>> No.4362011

Water: Defense Oriented
Air: Balanced
Fire: Offense Oriented

Air seems to be the overall best.

>> No.4362012


Fire for additional damage, water for more defense, wind for dodge rate/less MP usage.

>> No.4362014

Fire. Always fire!

Anything male.

>> No.4362022

>Registration attempt could not be completed. Error connecting to https://mpsnare.iesnare.com/.. If this problem persists, please contact us at gpotatosupport@gala-net.com for further assistance.

Anyone else getting this?

>> No.4362027


Not quite, Air is mostly about saving MP/faster MP recovery and dodge rate.

>> No.4362029


>> No.4362032

Some minor points of guidance for the new players:

1. There's only one server, nation is Feonir, doesn't matter what channel.
2. You can get your Pran at around level 7, you will need essence to get her, 5 of the main element and 2 of the sub elements.
3. You need to do the citizen quest before you can join the guild, and that requires level 10 and 5 fire essence.

When it gets back up, you can just post your name on here or try and catch someone you in town, and we'll pass over some of the required essence, as they can be a pain to get.

>> No.4362039

for most errors, just reboot once.

Also compatability mode XP SP2, run as admin.

>> No.4362045

Tip: open the random chests you see lying around. They gave me a lot of essence.

>> No.4362051


You must be thinking of the passive bonus they give. It's pretty minor so don't make your decisions based on that alone.
Fire = + HP
Water = + MP
Wind = + HP/MP

>> No.4362052

Thanks for the tips.
Also, is CB2 really starting tomorrow, or is it just some circulating rumor?

>> No.4362058

are the Pran elements critical enough that you'd want to reroll if you took the worst one?

>> No.4362059

Rumors at this point. The client updated today but we haven't heard anything official yet.

>> No.4362067

Nice, I'm in.

>> No.4362069


You can have up to 2 Prans on one account and they can be used by all the characters on that account.

>> No.4362073

You can repeatedly do the pran quest. You would need to level it up again though. Your prans (and your bank) are shared between any characters you make (at least once you become a citizen, I'm not sure about what happens before that).

Should also note that once you complete the citizenship quest on a character, you are tied to that nation and any alts you make have automatically completed that quest.

>> No.4362075

It's a website error.
From aika.gpotato.com when I try to redeem my beta key.

>> No.4362076

I thought they were just going to announce when it was tonight.

>> No.4362097


Another tip. Don't worry about your skill distribution at all, you can reset it anytime you want as long as you can pay for the cost of it, which is only 500 x level.

>> No.4362099

>>4360356 what game is this?

>> No.4362106

Oh sorry, hmm, not getting any search results on the tech support forum.

Where is it happening? At the create your account step?

>> No.4362108


>> No.4362117

So since the noobs won't be able to join up in the guild until lvl 10, we should post our IGNs so we can play in parties once CB2 is released.
Don't know how leveling takes though.

>> No.4362126
File: 312 KB, 1920x1200, ss_name_02-12-10_13-55-29_(zaton).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STALKER: Call of Pripyat.

>> No.4362127

Yeah, after I put in my e-mail, desired account name, dob etc.

>> No.4362153


You can hit lv 10 in an hour or 2 just doing quests. Once you hit 10, just ask your nearest Hotglue member for essences to complete the citizenship quest. We have hundreds stockpiled in our warehouse. Same goes for your Pran quest if you need it.

>> No.4362171

Weird. Maybe try in a different browser?

I had to do the beta code attachment in internet explorer.

>> No.4362179

essences used for anything else? don't like asking for handouts

>> No.4362196


Crafting and quests. Don't worry, everyone has hundreds of them and they aren't worth much at all.

>> No.4362208

Not in numbers that it's worth worrying about.

We've got extra for the sole purpose of giving them out.

>> No.4362218

IE fixed it. Thanks.

>> No.4362219

This is why Hotglue is the strongest.

>> No.4362246


Everyone remembers when they first got the quest for the loli and most people didn't have the essences yet. Que people collectively shitting themselves when they release they have no idea how to get them, plus every mob in sight already being tagged and you have people making sure no one has to endure that ever again.

Plus, you know, just giving people the materials allows them to take it easy.

>> No.4362252

Updating my sig with this.

>> No.4362292

I did mine in Firefox. Worked just fine.

Also, what are the requirements for this?
I dug up an old tower of mine since my usual laptop has a failing logic board and the newer card for the tower won't be here for another week or so...

>> No.4362305

Requirements should be on the official site.

>> No.4362313



>> No.4362440

The search function wasn't showing results for my queries...
I'm gonna go cry in a corner now

>> No.4362468

Oh damm this doesn't have transparency.
Anyone with photoshop care to make it transparent?

>> No.4362471


Don't worry, we haven't even heard when CB2 will be yet.

>> No.4362473

Are there really this many people on /jp/? It's hard to believe that there are over 50 people here.

>> No.4362480

Also Kritz, seriously, drop the forum trolling. There are like 45 boards you can be trolling on here without hurting the rest of the guild.

I don't get why you keep doing this.

>> No.4362481

Crap, did i screw that up? My bad, i'll go and fix it.

>> No.4362487

Kick him from the guild when the next phase starts if he posts again.

>> No.4362503

It's pretty surprising how large the guild got.

I was kind of expecting us to end up at like 12 members, rather than pushing 70-80.

>> No.4362505

Relax. I don't see much trolling anymore and that thread isn't even locked.
I wonder why?

>> No.4362528

Because children can't understand what it means to take it easy. Looking at those replies it's like watching brats flaunting over who's superior to whom, it really must be hard to understand what causing unnecessary attention brings.

This is the main reason I never bothered to join any /jp/-related guilds in all the games we played so far. Morons like these always ruin it for the rest of us and bring the guild down.

>> No.4362569

There's usually 10+ people on at most times. I'd say at least 30-40 are active.

>> No.4362571
File: 128 KB, 353x373, pizzaclubfixed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think i fixed it.

>> No.4362579

Wow i'm bad, fix it then save it in the wrong format.

>> No.4362586

>This is the first Valentines Day you will get to experience in Aika. Why not write a friendship Valentine to your Pran? You have the choice of writing a Valentine as yourself addressed to your Pran, or as a Pran addressed to your Master. A winner will be picked for each category.

>- All entries must be sent by Saturday, February 20th at 11:59 PM PST.
>- Entries must be in the format of a Valentine. This means it can be a poem, or a card. Cards can be made on the computer using 2-D or 3-D programs, or hand made. If you make the Valentine by hand, please take a picture of it and post the picture for it to qualify.
>- The Valentine can be made by a Master for it's Pran OR by a Pran for it's Master.
>- You can enter as many Valentines as you like. There is no limit.
>- You must specify if your entry is made for a Pran, or for a Master.

What does /jp/ think about this?

>> No.4362588
File: 157 KB, 353x373, Pizzaclubfixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One last try.

>> No.4362598

Roses are red
A deep crimson hue
Omae wa mo...shindeiru

>> No.4362608

Here's a diff of the changes to the skills between v103 and v104: http://privatepaste.com/download/9a23a8d8f3
And here's the new list as of v104: http://privatepaste.com/download/cb4db49986
The cooldown part removed since as someone posted out in a previous thread, mine were completely wrong. Oh well.

Here's the code I wrote to decrypt the .bin which contain this data in case anyone else wants to poke around: http://privatepaste.com/836abc7c02 Compiled and tested with gcc version 3.4.2 on Windows.
Usage is pretty simple, "decrypt.exe SkillData0.bin SkillData0.dat" will try to search for the key used (if one is detected), otherwise it'll default to key 1. You can also do "decrypt.exe SkillData0.bin SkillData0.dat 1" to force the use of key 1 (which SkillData0.bin uses).

Interesting files:
UI\BW.bin - Banned word list
UI\PI.bin - Cash shop information

>> No.4362649
File: 424 KB, 1680x1050, Capture0038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
These lolis were bred,
Solely for you.

>> No.4362809

Good to see you're not actually playing White Knight Chronicles. The single player in this is terrible, and the plot is retarded. I'm still going to grind through it anyway ;_;

>> No.4362834

>This is the main reason I never bothered to join any /jp/-related guilds in all the games we played so far. Morons like these always ruin it for the rest of us and bring the guild down.

There haven't been any issues in the guild when the game has been up, as of yet--everything was going fine and dandy. Couldn't have asked for anything more really.

>> No.4362859

I procrastinated over unpackaging it, then kept hearing about STALKER so I ended up wanting to it play it instead.

So it really does suck huh? Might have been fun to play it with you, but at a risk of $60, maybe not ;_;

>> No.4362893
File: 1.11 MB, 1680x1050, 125813598551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Morons like these always ruin it for the rest of us and bring the guild down.
From past /jp/ flavour of the month Mabinogi, ECO, SMT, Valkryie Sky to the current flavour of the month Aika /jp/ has been pretty successful. You are bound to get a few pubbies wanting to join hotglue.
Pic related.

>> No.4362907

The problem is rarely in the start but mostly in the ensuing time when it starts to spiral out of control in a most negative way.

Savour it while it lasts, Anon. Depending on the guild's initial luck with it's members and who learned of it's existence, it sometimes might last more than a month.

>> No.4362995

Top 3 reasons to join a /jp/ guild:
1. Punctuation
2. Capitalization
3. Complete sentences

>> No.4363000

I have no intention of letting it spiral out of control, even if it's just a closed beta. I just have inadequate direct control over a guild in a game that isn't currently online.

>> No.4363011

>I just visited your forum, half your topics are about you hating Resonance. Same goes to HotGlue on 4chan! You both love them!


>> No.4363016

>The problem is rarely in the start but mostly people getting bored of the game after the initial hype and by the 3rd or 4th week everyone already left the game and you are left alone with an inactive guild grinding alone.

>> No.4363103

They are still frustrated over this.
>Reso + Vanguard = tied for third
>Lingo gave Reso treasurer...that's how it basically went

>> No.4363154


Where is this?

>> No.4363170


>> No.4363208
File: 343 KB, 1680x1050, Capture0065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take it eazy, and stop reading those forums. It's unhealthy.

>> No.4363795
File: 127 KB, 1280x768, Capture0030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4364127

Does anyone in game have any idea that this is a 4chan guild?

>> No.4364140

I thought it was just a /jp/ guild. I certainly hope there are no /a/ or /v/ faggots up in here.

>> No.4364143

JBCS here. I'd like to talk about my forum posting.

I'd like to apologize to everyone.
I was bored, and I spent that boredom fucking around and making things worse for everybody.
I'm cutting my damage caused at 8 posts.
Sorry Namae, I won't do it again.

>> No.4364151

Sorry might not be good enough. I think you need 10 lashes.

>> No.4364163

Clearly there are some other faggots from other boards.
Just look at some of those thread. There are people posting /b/ type related reaction images, XD SO RANDOM and lolcats.
They made hotglue look like gentlemen.

>> No.4364166

ITT unrealistic expectations

>> No.4364178 [DELETED] 


You do realize the 3 you mentioned have large overlapping user bases no?

>> No.4364183 [DELETED] 

Nah, blessings said he got them off ihasacheeserburger.com
>image macro

>> No.4364190


You do realize the 3 you mentioned have large overlapping user bases, no?

>> No.4364194

Nah, blessings said he got them off icanhascheezburger.com
>image macro

>> No.4364206

Didn't some people on that forum already pointed out that Hotglue is a 4chan guild?

>> No.4364226

yes, think it was on the last page of one of the links in this thread

>> No.4364244

Send it

There was some butthurt anon from /a/ that said it in the forums.

For WKC, get on multiplayer, some people found some bugs/glitches and manages to solo a boss that isn't possible if it was done legitly. Also, delicious leeching.

>> No.4364246

Person A
>I've actually seen the guild name HotGlue in a lot of games.

>Hotglue is affiliated with a certain online community transcending many MMO's. Although, I think we've seen, by far, the most participation in Aika than any other MMO to date.

Person B
>So you really want to avoid admitting that community is 4chan it seems.

I mean are we really that famous?

>> No.4364284

See the HACKERS ON STEROIDS news report.

>> No.4364331

It's fine, everything will be cool as long as we keep to ourselves. I figured you guys were just bored as no one had even bothered posting there prior to the game going down, even though I was starting to get pretty frustrated. areyoufrustrated.jpg etc.

Hopefully Kritz stops as well, and soon. It's a lot worse in that case with his giant Hotglue signature.

>> No.4364370

I think Kritz is trolling on purpose, that faggot. He's probably a secret /b/ fag in disguise or some shit trying to rain on everyone's parade.

>> No.4364392

I now have the desire to sign up on the forums and troll everyone into thinking hotglue is a bunch of leet hackers on steroids.

>> No.4364461

Haven't really read these threads but I find it humorous how some of you are trolling the fuck out of the forums despite the fact that you'll most likely stop playing once OB ends.

>> No.4364476 [DELETED] 

By that time hopefully one of D3, S2 or FF14 is out of them.
I give it a month top before 3/4 of the current /jp/ers got bored of this current flavour of the month.

>> No.4364497

Everyone on the internet goes on 4chan.
Even more know 4chan memes
A good lot of them know touhou
and some of them know about other boards than /b/

>> No.4364515

Yeah, I've heard the multiplayer is much better than the single player. In all honesty, the storyline is what I find the worst about this game. The battle system is alright, the AI can be retarded, but for the most part, rarely die. I think I'm almost halfway done with the single player campaign anyway.

>> No.4364614

I'm going to venture into DFO, anyone joining me?

>> No.4364625

I'd play again, but I would just suck. I was never great at it anyways.

>> No.4364644

But between this and ECO, I'll rather try something new than grindan all day.
inb4 >implying you don't grind in DFO

>> No.4364677

lol already started playing on Wednesday since no news on CB2

>> No.4364686 [SPOILER] 
File: 614 KB, 200x72, v6i2vs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4364700
File: 1.03 MB, 2986x4223, 3821553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problem, officer?

>> No.4364733

Hmmm can't connect to the servers due to shitty country. Back to ECO I guess. ;_;

>> No.4364765

Feonir Forums - /b/


>> No.4364771

The servers aren't up right now, unless you're talking about DFO.

>> No.4364774

Playing it since CB. Although I'm taking a temporary leave because of class works.

>> No.4364783
File: 91 KB, 403x403, 1264890567810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>icanhascheezburger watermarks

>> No.4364784

I am guessing that this is a MMORPG. Count me in if I can PK Jonesy.

>> No.4364792


Let's pretend it doesn't exist?

>> No.4364800


DFO IP bans everything outside of the US.

>> No.4364802

I'm not playing, never was into animal girls.
Maybe if the prans had normal ears...

>> No.4364803

You can PK anyone in this game. You will have to ask jones if he is playing this.

>> No.4364813

So that's how it is, but I'm too lazy to get a proxy. Thanks for the info anyway.

>> No.4364837 [SPOILER] 
File: 37 KB, 515x188, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oppression of free speech makes brasileño very very sad sir.

>> No.4364846


What did you do this time?

>> No.4364859
File: 46 KB, 178x178, 1264633908879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I deleted my most recent post and haven't made one since the last thread got auto-saged (yesterday). Don't blame me if the kingdom is on fire.

>> No.4364879

is that you, s3p1r0th1999?

>> No.4364903
File: 250 KB, 620x767, 3137164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as you're done with that, everything is peachy keen. :3

>> No.4364907

Same person?

>> No.4364921
File: 49 KB, 545x401, WGF-3002L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone is curious, this was the hotglue gun I used for that coat-of-arms edit.

>> No.4364928


>> No.4364933

You've managed to fan the flames of a small fire into a conflagration - of course there's nothing left to do now but sit back and watch.

>> No.4364940
File: 36 KB, 512x384, pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone is curious, this was the hotglue g-... err pizza I used for that coat-of-arms edit edit.

>> No.4364948

Conflagration is an uncontrolled burning that threatens human life, health, property or ecology. A conflagration can be accidentally or intentionally created (arson). Arson can be accomplished for the purpose of sabotage, diversion, and also can be the consequence of pyromania. During conflagration the property is destroyed by fire. Sometimes the conflagration produces a firestorm, in which the central column of rising heated air induces strong inward winds, which supply oxygen to the fire.

>> No.4364954

It almost looks like it belongs in some sort of club.

>> No.4364966

Sounds delicious.

>> No.4364972

I do NOT want to see Zun ingame talking about how awesome he is.

>> No.4364993
File: 338 KB, 640x427, connies_09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4364995

Yeah, that's my job. Oh wait.

>> No.4365013

Guild Warehouse: found!

>> No.4365031

That is one badass looking Pizza up in the corner.

>> No.4365034
File: 1.41 MB, 301x262, Cute&#44; just cute.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>4364921 >>4359844
If I can ever figure out how to set our guild emblem in game, this is probably what it'll be. Either that or something Pran related.

>> No.4365037

What thread was this? It seems to have been removed.

>> No.4365051

GMs hate brazilians. Racist pricks.

>> No.4365052

A troll post about that account being banned.

>> No.4365076
File: 72 KB, 881x456, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had almost forgotten about this. Good to see the results ended up correct.

Also the first reply to the thread is awesome.

>> No.4365090

Any classes you all are already overflowing with? Thinking of rolling cleric in CB2, but if there are already a ton of them, might try one of the male classes.

>> No.4365095

Most people rolled female. But play whatever you want.

>> No.4365096

Make an awesome non-heal cleric.

>> No.4365105

Cleric is a little girl, and Paladin has a visual emphasis on purity.

Its plain to see why /jp/ all ended up as female classes.

>> No.4365112

question about leveling, do you need to grind?

>> No.4365113
File: 669 KB, 2762x1080, cleric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were a ton of clerics initially, but a bit less so now. Clerics are awesome anyways, so this wasn't really an issue.

We only have 1 warrior and 1 rifleman or something though, and considering there are 72 characters in the guild, that's a pretty small ratio.

>> No.4365122

Fear not Namae, I will be crunching incredible hours into focused Basaka grind in CB2.

>> No.4365128


The ass on that critter looks otherworldly

>> No.4365132
File: 107 KB, 850x850, 1256566574253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as I don't have to repeatedly run through Zant because of people disconnecting. I am so goddamn sick of that place.

>> No.4365136

The only time you might need to grind is halfway through level 18 to get to lv 19. Other than that, it's pure questan.

>> No.4365134 [DELETED] 

Why must you stupid guys constantly spam and attack www . anon
talk . com for? Please stop. We don't want any chanturds there.

>> No.4365140

I hope this isn't in reference to the time I got a Mcaffe antivirus popup while being rez'd.

>> No.4365146

I think i'll reroll a rifle, considering most of the new people want to be warriors and such.

>> No.4365153
File: 106 KB, 582x617, 1229689290521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I was around for that. It was more a reference to "ohey Vita run us through Zant" "lolk"

>5 minutes later someone disconnects

"Oh well keep going"

>finish the dungeon, start running it again
>someone else who needs the quests disconnects

>> No.4365160

The one thing that is really annoying is the cleric resurrect pop-up is EXACTLY the same as the one for you to revive at your save point. This can get really nasty.
Oh and if you stay dead for too long in a dungeon you'll get sent back to your save point too.

>> No.4365166

>ohey Vita

You coming back for CB2? Didn't see you much towards the end of CB1, unless I just kept missing you when I was online.

>> No.4365170

>finish zant normal without getting the quest
>finish zant hard
>disconnect on second zant normal
>level to 30
>solo zant normal

>> No.4365172

Sounds good man. I'd keep playing my warlock to bolster the AE support lines, except it'd be really dumb of me to not take advantage of my paladin now.

I think Archtos is a warrior too, almost forgot since he just joined. We might end up with a whopping 3 warriors.

>> No.4365180


Was me. Depends on what the newcomers roll.

>> No.4365181


Because of the GLORIOUSness of Paladins or because of that buff?

>> No.4365191
File: 80 KB, 800x600, Natsuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't worry Vita we'll keep you occupied with running new and exciting lost mines.

>> No.4365197

I hit level cap really early, Paladins were sorta bad at PvP at 30, and guild quests were boring. There wasn't too much for me to do other than grind mats, and tank dungeon runs for other people, and I couldn't be assed to roll a Cleric or Warrior.

>> No.4365202

I'm very undecided on whether I should play my Warlock or Cleric when CBT2 comes. The characters are the same level (15/16) so that's not an issue. I'm perfectly fine with both of their play styles, although I dislike the fact that DoTs cannot kill an enemy. Suggestions?

>> No.4365203
File: 362 KB, 1680x1050, Capture0040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both the new skills and the ridiculous buff.

Well, don't be too quick to jump off him. Warriors seem pretty awesome.

>> No.4365208


A leaders buff is pretty boss no matter what character it's on. It was like +40% HP and -40% damage taken?

>> No.4365209

>lost mines.

Who is gonna run me through marauder? ;_;

>> No.4365219
File: 77 KB, 800x600, Empty x Embryo_0201A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh I'll still come for those as I still have quests for that.

>> No.4365223
File: 170 KB, 640x480, 1258049846445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got really sick of Marauder, too.

>alright guys, we finally cleared out most of this trash let's go actually fight a boss n--
>OHWAIT some people didn't get the drops needed for the quest, restart!
>ALRIGHT, this time for su--

At least I didn't have to go through it quite as many times as Zant, though.

Glad to know you're looking out for me, Nacchin.

>> No.4365231


Keep in mind the higher the level cap, the more Clerics become just healers. So depends on whether you'd prefer healing or damage dealing.


40% HP, MP, +40% damage in PvP, -40% damage taken in PvP.

Upgradable to 100% in everything, somehow.

Fairly sure the regular buffs (for every guild member) caps at around 40%.

>> No.4365244


Warlocks is going to be getting new skills that's going to be hitting a lot harder. Clerics already got their only offensive AOE at 27 so it's all healing and debuffing skills from here on out.

>> No.4365246

40% is massive. It makes 60% done in a burst attempt into 80%.

Thats huge.

>> No.4365260


Seems like it would work well for any class.. You can drop people like flies with +60% damage on a sniper or any hard hitting class.

>> No.4365262

>+40% damage in PvP

-Tier 3 Skills-
Blow Back
Level Learned: 40
Level 1 ( Level 40 ): Does 1409 Damage
-Mp Consumption: 814

Damn, it would be so useful to me!

>> No.4365268

Any ETA on CB2 yet?

>> No.4365290

I don't know. Holy Signet + Holy Tempest seems like it will stay fairly good throughout. It was 750 damage every 3 seconds to a swarm of people at level 30. I can't see it ever becoming totally obsolete.

>> No.4365301

There was a patch earlier today, but whether that means anything is anyone's guess.

A better sign will be they send out the information on how to redeem our tournament prizes, or just plain announce it on the website.

>> No.4365302
File: 925 KB, 1040x804, megaten.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None at the moment, but rumours says that GM will announce it tonight.

Not topic related: Wow, I didn't knew that megaten updated their skills list!

>> No.4365321

Been quite a while since I played that. Since I quit though, they changed around the skills so much that my character is kind of ruined.

>> No.4365326

I see, thanks.

Still need Warriors, right?

>> No.4365332

Warriors: 3 (Me, Mal, Arch)
Clerics: 0 when they say they will be on.
Paladins: Too many.

>> No.4365335


The guild's generally lacking in Warriors, yeah, but play whatever appeals to you. Whether you play a Warrior or not won't make much difference to the guild in the long run, you might end up hating them though.

>> No.4365340

You should play whatever that you like.
Nobody should be forced to play something just for the sake of filling up needed spot.
It is not like we are some hardcore super leet #1 guild in the world.

>> No.4365342

>Paladins: Too many.

A fair few quit/rerolled so Paladins aren't the majority class anymore. Dual Gunners were towards the end of CB1, at least.

>> No.4365344

Newcomer here. What's the level cap right now? Also, is there any wiki for this game?

>> No.4365352

Of course if you can read korean.

>> No.4365353

I don't really like being the over populated class.

I usually play support.

Is that a jab at your clerics or do you really need them?

>> No.4365354

It was 30. Will likely be higher in CB 2.

Japanese wiki.

Skill calculator.

>> No.4365355
File: 9 KB, 96x96, 18800470f97251_96x96.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4365357
File: 893 KB, 1022x766, haxjackfrost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Level cap for CB1 is 30. Would be raised to probably 40 for CB2.

The english wiki, is as good as what can be read ingame.

>level 11 jack frost with Blizzardo Cannon

>> No.4365362


You could go cleric too, they can also do decent AOE damage in addition to keeping everyone patched up.

>> No.4365372
File: 8 KB, 100x100, gaiafag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4365373

I downloaded the installer to install the game first but it keeps insisting i have no internet connectivity. Wtf?

>> No.4365374

Out of cleric and paladin, which has more utility abilities?

>> No.4365377

Definitely cleric.

>> No.4365378

>out of a military swiss knife and a pencil, which has more utility abilities

>> No.4365387

Does dual gunner's stealth have any use in pvp or is it purely pve skill?
Does hotshot stack with poison ivy/other skills?

>> No.4365394

Alright. Think I'll be going cleric, sounds like the most involved class to keep me entertained with.

>> No.4365395


Stealth is never completely useless..unless you use it right next to a cleric with insight. You can use it to flee, snipe some loner grinding his quests, go on a recon mission, the possibilities are endless!

>> No.4365400


He's referring to the final match when the cleric in our line-up had the time mixed up and showed up 2 hours and we were saved by another 30 cleric appearing minutes before having to send in our roster.

>> No.4365408
File: 294 KB, 640x480, dfoscreenshot00018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I deleted my entire SMT screenshot folder. Probably had a bunch of screenshots with Hotglue members.

>> No.4365412


IIRC, Cine got on about three minutes before we needed to send in the roster.

It was 30 minutes before the actual tournament match.

>> No.4365414

Yes, it applies to PvP too.
Yesh, DoTs does stack

>> No.4365418

And you guys still won the tourney easily even with a last minute replacement.

>> No.4365422

I downloaded the installer to install the game first but it keeps insisting i have no internet connectivity. Wtf?

>> No.4365425

Just used the megaupload links.
Your ports are probably closed/blocked or some shit.

>> No.4365429

Haha, oh wow. Megaten.
Great times I had with that game. Used to run SugiGold with a few members late at night.

>> No.4365492

That's because the enemy didn't know how to handle a gimpy pve farming cleric.

>> No.4365500

Will that work at all? Since you need to update the game anyway...

>> No.4365512

You update through the game client and not through the installer downloader shit that they put on your computer.

>> No.4365516

What should i be searching for on /rs/? Aika Online gets nothing.

>> No.4365533


Ctrl+F megaupload in this thread. I posted the link earlier.

>> No.4365570

Hey guys, how does Martyr ability works anyway?

>> No.4365580 [DELETED] 


Cast it on someone and you'll take 30% of it while they take the rest. Lasts like 3 minutes or until the maximum stated amount is reached.

>> No.4365591


Cast it on someone and you'll take 30% of the damage they would have received while they take the rest. Lasts like 3 minutes or until the maximum stated amount is reached. Cannot be casted on other Paladins.

>> No.4365606

Got it, thanks. Teto, Namae, Vita, DFC, did anyone use this skill at all?

>> No.4365611


You can drop one point into it. Might be able to prevent an instant death for a cleric or something.

>> No.4365625
File: 302 KB, 848x681, 1257790108806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stealth is easily one of the best skills. In PvE you can drop aggro and escape brutal monster rape.

In PvP you can dodge targeted spells and safely heal up with pots since they have a 4 second cooldown.

>> No.4365649

Yep. I don't know how effective it is, though, since I don't let any mob hit the target I marked.

On the other hand, one should never use it on bosses with AoE. I got downed in one shot when I got martyr on two guys and Gressil AoE'd.

>> No.4365667

So I log in and pick world Arcan and then people run around on a bridge.
Am I doing it wrong?

>> No.4365679

server not up

>> No.4365717

Yes but is there a point putting point into it beyond level1?
Is it useful to stealth longer besides honor farming?

>> No.4365784


I did, but you didn't ask me.

I wonder why.

>> No.4365814


Obviously you weren't cool enough for someone of his caliber.

>> No.4365817


The most useful part of increasing stealth is to increase movement speed to help avoid Insight or AoE skills. The time increase is useful mostly for hiding. It has pretty much no use for PvE, though.

>> No.4365836

Thanks for the tips.
Level1 is enough then.

>> No.4365847

Sorry I didn't mention you. Those names just came off the top of my head when I typed that post. Anyway did you ever use it?

>> No.4365881


Having 1 point in it seemed to help in most situations, most of which involve keeping the healer up a little longer. That goes for PvE, general PvP and that tournament at the end of CB1.

If you're wondering whether it's worth taking or not, I'd recommend putting 1 point in it. The return for adding more doesn't seem worth it, as it only adds an extra 2% and 200ish damage per point if I remember correctly. Though I guess if you're going for a pure tanking spec that might change.

>> No.4366387

So when is CB2? I've been waiting all night. Will they probably announce it today?

>> No.4366416

Your guess is as good as ours. Apparently some GMs said it'd be soon or something.

>> No.4366423

hey do u have any coarse skin?

>> No.4366930

no yuhzen, kill some boars

>> No.4366930,1 [INTERNAL] 

Could you repost the source to privatepaste.com for "decrypt.exe" the 1 month already expired.

>> No.4366930,2 [INTERNAL] 

Could you repost the source to privatepaste.com for "decrypt.exe" the 1 month already expired.

>> No.4366930,3 [INTERNAL] 

Asking for decrypt source too !
