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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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43583367 No.43583367 [Reply] [Original]

I got my first Fumo today. I have 2 others I ordered, but they’re custom, not related to Touhou and won’t be shipping till at least 3 months. I love her a bunch.

>> No.43583388

Don't stick your dick in it please

>> No.43583430
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I don’t have any plans to mating press her. I want to learn how to take cool pictures of her

>> No.43583438

Thank god, have a cookie

>> No.43583448
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finally someone on this god forsaken board who doesnt want to fuck their foom

>> No.43583462

Fumos are for hugs! Not for sex!

>> No.43583465

I heard a bunch of threads cropping up about fumo fucking. It just sounds all wrong. I got a few things around for props, but I need to buy some tape to stick stuff to her hands if needed and lean proper maintenance so I don’t get her messed up. The book she came with said to use a lint roller for any dust and toy cleaner for any dirt.

>> No.43583487

There's only one guy who even put in effort to make it look real, although I'm not convinced he actually did it.
The rest are actual plebbitors who think they can get away with posting trash-tier bait.
The big one is just a reddit post minus the spacing. No one asks questions int the post title unless they have no clue where they are.

>> No.43583565
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I read one where they said like “removed the stuffing and then fucked her”. It was interesting fanfic, but just not real. I’ve worked on emptying plushies before to insert NFC Chips or replace styrofoam with stuffing. First it’s time consuming. Second to fuck just the fabric is the equivalent of using a pillow case or a rag. Unless you’re a real freak, it’s not worth it in both instances.

>> No.43583577

Was there some big reddit post, or a famous person or something who talked about fumos? The board is being spammed with these random fumo blogposts by newfags for some reason. You should just post this stuff in the general thread, not make an entire thread for it.

>> No.43583605

I think it's just bait farming.
Poor quality at that.

>> No.43583610

I’ll be honest. It’s my first time on /jp/ so I didn’t know there was a main thread or at least didn’t see it. My bad anon. I just wanted to make a post about her since it’s my first one and it’s fumo friday.

>> No.43583620
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4chan always has obvious newfags that creates shitty greentexts just for the sake of screen capping it and post it on reddit or whatever, it happens more often on /r9k/ and /b/. it also happens on /x/ too with obvious horror youtubers baiting for content to put on their shitty narration channels.

honestly here on /jp/ the jannies do put on a effort into trying to gate keep it still, deleting shitty low effort memes like giga chad and basedjak, i do not understand why they do not ban these people too.

>> No.43583635

Would plap.

>> No.43583639
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NO fumo sex

>> No.43583688
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That’s on me and I’ll lurk more. I’ve used mostly /r9k/ and /a/, but wanted to give /jp/ a peek

>> No.43583692

You're at least a sincere newfag so I won't be mean to you. You did pick a terrible time to post here however as the entire catalog has been spammed with fumo fucker threads by more obnoxious newfags for the past few days. The general has more innocent and creative posts usually, perfect for these kinds of things.

Congratulations on your soft naz, anon. Take good care of her.

>> No.43583765

I'll fuck them for you if you won't. I'll sneak into your house at night and seed them, I'll seed you too If you get in the way.

>> No.43583771

>/jp/ Jannies
>Caring about anything other than protecting vtuberfags when you tell them to fuck off

>> No.43583773

Quit the fumo act and just cum in OP

>> No.43583790

I will stop you! Don't fucking try!
Inb4 the mokotard comes here

>> No.43583796

I love that guy

>> No.43583803

>I love that guy
Anon, no! What would your 2wife think!?

>> No.43583822

Gotcha. My bad for not looking further. I will do my best to take care of her and take cute pics of her!

>> No.43583823

I meant that as in "He's cool". Also my 2hu wife just left me, i'm going to kill myself

>> No.43583924
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Him and I won’t let you. Plus that would make you a homosexual.

>> No.43583955

I'm not gay plus i'm also trying to stop him, i don't know why you also replied to me

>> No.43583974

Because you're the 'him' he referred to when he said 'Him and I won't let you.'

>> No.43583975

Ah, i understand

>> No.43584007

Anon, no! She only left to the store to pick up groceries for dinner!

>> No.43584020

No she send me a letter telling me she found another man. Also i am already dead, i am now a ghost forced to lurk around 4chan... forever!!

>> No.43584025

I'm not gay if I rape you, It's me making you gay.

>> No.43584046

Wait... people fuck their fumos? For real? Is this a troll?

>> No.43584051

You will never touch my ass you fucking
There's one guy who fucked it for real, he even sent proof

>> No.43584067
File: 125 KB, 620x550, c1b173be.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to blow my brains out, anon.

>> No.43584073

Me too man :(

>> No.43584435

Instead of blowing your brains blow each other

>> No.43584459

I can't, i'm dead

>> No.43584467

No excuses

>> No.43584479

Bro i'm a ghost i can't touch anything, let alone fuck someone

>> No.43584878

um, it's like one person?

>> No.43584919

What the fuck is than tiny tv and tiny console
Tell me now

>> No.43584999
File: 1.19 MB, 1452x1500, 612Elim2LbL._AC_SL1500_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to ask my bro as he gave it to me as a Christmas gift. it's a bootleg console and controller that plays NES games. It's got fairly good sound and plays nicely. Albeit the menus are a bit weird to navigate. for $30 it's pretty cool. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BCY63148/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1

>> No.43585015

Note, it is a bootleg console so outside of Super Mario Bros, you'll be getting mostly bootleg games in it unless you can mod it

>> No.43585364


>> No.43585386

Somebody burn down leddit

>> No.43585582

kill redditors, behead redditors, curbstomp a redditor in the face on the street
