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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 362 KB, 450x600, 1265907275556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4357117 No.4357117 [Reply] [Original]

You will never be able to speak Japanese as quickly and concisely as a native speaker.

However, you will be able to speak slowly and deliberately, in the manner of Mr. Claude Oishi.

We trust this is an acceptable compromise.

>> No.4357119

I have no interest in Japanese.

>> No.4357125

Add a car with A/C and you'll be rolling in ladies in no time

>> No.4357129

Uh, yes I can.

>> No.4357132


I don't think you did.

>> No.4357128

>You will never be able to speak Japanese as quickly and concisely as a native speaker.

They said the same shit about english. Yet I proved them wrong.

>> No.4357133

I won't have someone's butt telling me what I can and cannot do!

>> No.4357134


>> No.4357135
File: 32 KB, 400x543, 1186619741709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4357137

I speak Japanese quickly and concisely.

>> No.4357148
File: 159 KB, 704x396, 1196296513244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maebara Keiichi-saaaan?

>> No.4357158

Oh I did and not just with english, with german and czech too.

>> No.4357164

But I don't care about speaking. I just want to be able to read my Japanese eroges.

>> No.4357170


You might THINK you are...

>> No.4357171


Protip: you cannot speak any of those languages as well as a native speaker.

>> No.4357176

I'm a passive speaker. Like the guy that takes your orders when you go out for Mexican food but can't answer any questions.

>> No.4357177

if you want to be a definition purist, of course he can't
but using the realist and common sense definition, he can

>> No.4357202

Do you have any more pictures of that quality?

>> No.4357232


It's quite possible. It just requires a lot of work, years of immersion, a lot of work, talent, and a lot of work.

My mother learned to speak Chinese in college and spent 2 years in Taiwan. As her job involves talking in and reading Chinese nearly every day, she became so good that she was mistaken for a native Chinese over the phone--by native Chinese.

And Chinese is even more difficult than Japanese.

>> No.4357236

With enough daily practice and exposure to the language, anyone can. All you have to do is not settle for "I can speak and understand the language", and try to go above that, master the accent as well. It might be more difficult as an adult, but it's not impossible.

>> No.4357247


Oh, and I forgot to mention if it wasn't clear, she's Caucasian. Which of course results in really hilarious situations whenever she deals with Chinese who don't know her (they're completely shocked that a foreigner can speak Chinese properly). I imagine it's the same with a native-level Japanese speaker.

>> No.4357249

Oishi's manner of speaking is quite delicious.

>> No.4357266

Brotip: Yes I can

>> No.4357691



>> No.4357699

Who cares? It's not like there's a time when I'll ever need to speak Japanese quickly.

>> No.4357729

If you speak it for a while, of course you will be able to, that goes for any language.

>> No.4357743

OH, JP...

>> No.4357741 [DELETED] 

OH, JP...

>> No.4357745


>> No.4357747

It'd be really horrible for me if you don't post source and or more of the type of picture you have OP. More specifically women in office lady attire bending over with a huge ass and their panty lines showing through. I'll be back in a few hours to check on this thread in hopes that you have updated it with something worth while. Thanks in advance.

>> No.4357760

Fuck off
Fuck off once again
You fuck off as well normalfag.

>> No.4357865


Here comes a special boy!

>> No.4357881
File: 174 KB, 557x392, dat aaaaaaaass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4357885
File: 21 KB, 355x212, dat ice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my

>> No.4357901
File: 13 KB, 300x300, dat ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4357917


Good luck finding a working site rip though.

>> No.4357947

If you're at the point that English, German, and Czech is almost like Croatian for you, please tell me you're actually putting your lingual skills to use making money.

>> No.4357975 [DELETED] 

Why must you stupid guys constantly spam and attack www . anon
talk . com for? Please stop. We don't want any chanturds there.

>> No.4357981

take it to /v/

>> No.4358136

my penis seemed to greatly enjoy that picture OP, thankyou.

>> No.4358253

>You will never be able to speak Japanese as quickly and concisely as a native speaker.

what would be the point if you could? You'd still be fat white foreigner to the japanese if you could.

>> No.4359709

Proof that our anti-3D rethoric was bullshit. A lot of Anons wanted a piece of dat ass.

>> No.4359743

>You will never be able to speak Japanese as quickly and concisely as a native speaker.
ha ha. You underestimate how fucking retarded some native speakers are.

>> No.4359759

Proof that one person can post multiple times. No one gave a shit till 10 posts in.

>> No.4359776


Gonna need a sause on dat azz.

>> No.4359816


This is how failure canadians speak japanese.

>> No.4359843



>> No.4359871

If you think learning another language to fluency is impossible you're probably American.

>> No.4359883

>Proof that our anti-3D rethoric was bullshit. A lot of Anons wanted a piece of dat ass.
Half of /jp/ are idol-fags half are 2d/doujin-fags. Are you blind?

>> No.4359888

Or Japanese
Or French
Or English

>> No.4359985
File: 123 KB, 900x773, 12584980050028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have the source for that ass in particular, but you can find lots of pictures like this here: http://ws1.y-bbs.net/tousatu/test/read.php/nozoki/1258498005/l50

There are more threads of you course, I just linked the first one I found.

>> No.4359993
File: 48 KB, 277x288, 1265944828284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dat ass

>> No.4360015

> .3gp

What is this?

>> No.4360026

Men are such disgusting fucking perverts. I hate them.

>> No.4360056

but thats moe moe kyun~~~

>> No.4360066

cellphone video format.

>> No.4360067

Sorry for having testosterone, it messes with my brain.

>> No.4360088


>> No.4360194
File: 37 KB, 240x219, ber_waraia2 c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather sound like Kuraudo Oishi than like a normal Japanese.

>> No.4361391

Step 1- Hire professional translator.

Step 2- Go to Japan

Step 3- ???

Step 4- Profit, because I refuse to act like some stupid Otaku.

>> No.4361454

Women are so fucking hysterical. I hate them.
