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File: 173 KB, 800x600, chaos-head-title-screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4354665 No.4354665 [Reply] [Original]

They kind of did too good of a job making Takumi disgusting. He's TOO disgusting and it pisses me off.

>> No.4354670

He isn't that unusual...Fuck off normalfag

>> No.4354669

I'm not bothered by disgustingness. More the fact that he's a fucking idiot.

>> No.4354679

Did it hit a little too close to home, OP?

>> No.4354684

Yes, this too.

>isn't that unusual
Are you fucking retarded or something?

>> No.4354682 [DELETED] 

Why must you stupid guys constantly spam and attack www . anon
talk . com for? Please stop. We don't want any chanturds there.

>> No.4354689

Uhh seeing as how he's schizophrenic and has dissociative personality disorder, I don't think it can.

>> No.4354699

Nanami is too good for that trash.

>> No.4354707

Here comes the unwarrented C;H hate train.
All aboard.

>> No.4354708


>> No.4354711

Remember that Noah patch?
I don't.

>> No.4354716

It pisses me off that he doesn't get to bang any of the girls.

>> No.4354724

>implying there is anything good about C;H other than Seira

>> No.4354734

So how many people have not read this yet?

I hoped the translation group would reach 100%, they never did, and then Support JAST USA's official localizations of Nitro+ games! happened. I'll probably never get back to it unless the Noah project actually finishes.

>> No.4354738

He's normal.

Doesn't even piss in bottles.

>> No.4354744

I started reading the translation right around the time the Noah project started and put it off due to that. I'll get around to reading it one of these days.

>> No.4354767

What title is JAST closest one for release?

>> No.4354770

But it's not a Nitro+ game.

>> No.4354774

Demonbane, perhaps?

>> No.4354778

thats worth getting I guess?

>> No.4354797

It's painful how fucking stupid Takumi is.

>> No.4354809

Not worth buying, as if Nitro+ cans the deal with JAST due to the 2 titles doing poorly it will help to correct the SUPPORT JAST shenanigans.

>> No.4354808

I hated Takumi too much to keep going, which is a shame as it's pretty well made and interesting enough. Totally overwritten as all modern VNs though.

>> No.4354830

I thought it was Jingai Makyou.

>> No.4354832

Takumi is dumb as hell. Few satisfaction is to pick the red choices.

Nanami is the only reason I keep going so far.

>> No.4354861

I still haven't read C;H because I was holding out for Noah. Then JAST happened.

Fuck you JAST, I could've had Sumaga by now.

>> No.4354870

JAST as planned.

>> No.4354884

Noah is just cocktease bullshit and bad ends.

>> No.4354901

I guess its not worth the wait.

>> No.4354903

>cocktease bullshit
And this is a problem, how?

>> No.4354899

I thought.... there were some good ends?

>> No.4354917
File: 539 KB, 1280x960, ev121_01_1_セナキス_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy this being the closest thing to sex in the game.

>> No.4354921

I will, thanks.

>> No.4354947


>> No.4354950
File: 484 KB, 1280x960, ev131_02_2_あやせ指なめ_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy this too, then.

>> No.4354952

I play YMK and i always skip the sex part. u mad?

>> No.4354957

I would, but I find that character's design completely unappealing.

>> No.4354968

Honestly I was too upset by how bad other aspects of the story were to really care if the protagonist was bad.

>> No.4354979
File: 592 KB, 1280x960, ev124_01_6_優愛脱ぐ_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this one?

>> No.4354990

She's looking kind of cool there.

>> No.4355013

Not quite. Once they've bought the rights, they're going to keep them either forever, or until they sell them. Either way, TLWiki (and most likely everyone else) won't be doing any voiced Nitro+ translations.

In effect, we're never going to be able to read Hello World.

>> No.4355027

From internet hearsay, it was mentioned that Nitro+ only licensed Demonbane and Jingai Makyou I believe, but of course take this with a grain of salt.

>> No.4355109

If that's the case, then why was Sumaga (kind of) dropped?

>> No.4355113

It's got to feel kind of drafty in there, especially with no top on.

>> No.4355130

With that being said, let's just be thankful it's still being translated at all and TLwiki devs have said if JAST has no plans for releasing it, they'll leak it.

>> No.4355132
File: 345 KB, 800x600, yummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The translators couldn't handle all the tail cum.

>> No.4355291

I wish I could cum through my tail ;_;

>> No.4355296

I wish I had a tail.

>> No.4355324

I wish I could cum.

>> No.4355338

An admirable wish.

>> No.4355358

A sad one, you mean.

>> No.4355366

I cum through my wish tail.

>> No.4355369

You would be mistaken if that is what you truly believe Anon. Where as most of us at least have a chance, no matter how small, of experiencing the pleasure of cumming inside, this poor Anon, truly has no chance of ever experiencing such a thing.

>> No.4355391

I tail through my wish cum

>> No.4355401

I wish through my cum tail.

>> No.4355415

Cumming inside isn't that great, really.

>> No.4355423

As if you would know, Anon.

>> No.4355437


>> No.4355447

I know, that was a low blow and for that, I apologize.

>> No.4355475

It's okay. I believe there's a lonely, desperate woman out there for all of us even if it isn't true

>> No.4355478

He's not dumb, he's just braindead. A natural stupor. I'm surprised you guys couldn't empathise.

Oh right, normalfags. Don't you have school tomorrow?

>> No.4355491


>> No.4355510

At least we have our 2d waifus.

>> No.4355527

explain yourself

>> No.4355549

He didn't want to fuck his sister.
He didn't even triied hard to rescue her.

I hate him.

>> No.4355592
File: 544 KB, 1280x960, wincest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, she is his incestuous waifu.

>> No.4355613

When he acted cold to his sister, he crossed the line. Fuck Takumi.

>> No.4355617

She's not even really related to him. Fake incest fails.

>> No.4355624


Give back Nana's bangle.

>> No.4355640

Fake incest is better. That way you won't have retarded kids.

>> No.4355656

If you don't have kids you won't have retarded kids.

>> No.4355664

How is she not related to him?

>> No.4355668

Kids are a nasty side effect of the pleasure of being cummed inside.

>> No.4355761
File: 543 KB, 1280x960, senababy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worth it.
