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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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43537654 No.43537654 [Reply] [Original]

Previous >>43472925

A thread dedicated to mainstream idols but local and amateur idols are welcome here too

>> No.43537665

great OP

>> No.43537669

yeah it is way better than the last one for sure, I think this will turn out to be a good thread

>> No.43537675
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>2 IPs
Weird to call your own OP great but whatever, no meltdowns this thread please

>> No.43537683


>> No.43537691
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>> No.43537700
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>> No.43537701
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Best majipan things

>> No.43537723

Red is pretty cute

>> No.43537725 [DELETED] 
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>> No.43537737

now this is /main/

>> No.43537743

she was at the swimsuit festival too, awesome girl that also does a lot of bikini 2 shot chekis

>> No.43537798
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>> No.43537813

Lily has a couple of chunky girls now, I kind of miss the older lineup. Misa is hot as ever though

>> No.43537823

I noticed that too. It's so weird when anons take advantage of the anonymous nature of this board to support their own posts. I get that some people can't use normal social media because their reputations make them untouchable but it's cringe when you see them pretending to be their own friends

>> No.43537829

Please support Umi in all her endeavours

>> No.43537842

you should never visit /h!p/ whenever a new thread gets made.

>> No.43537851
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>you should never visit /h!p/
Good advice

>> No.43537853

I'll have to incognito that thread next time. It can't be any worse than what we see in alt and main can it?

>> No.43537860

>one of the five posters here is an hptard

>> No.43537865

Surprisingly the shitposting in /h!p/ drove me away

>> No.43537879

nobody posts on /h!p/ besides you.

>> No.43537884

must be bad if you consider this an acceptable refuge

>> No.43537891

I don't post there anymore
It was awful

>> No.43537903
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>> No.43537909
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>> No.43538461
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>> No.43538675

One of the derpiest but cutest idols.

>> No.43538813

i like the chunkers

>> No.43538907


>> No.43538943
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I'm not normally a fan, but it's hard to argue against this

>> No.43538946

Cherry Cherry RIP.

>> No.43539143

this is based
so glad we have cheeky lillies like this now

>> No.43539196

I love big girls, big girls with nice plump thighs and pudgy bellies

>> No.43539258
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pure idol on idol love

>> No.43539938
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>> No.43542060

why do you think this is so weird, I didn't claim to be a different person, I was just stating the fact that this OP was better than the last one, regardless if I made it or someone else did. you are reading intention into it that wasn't there. yes, I made this OP, and yes, it is better than the last one, fact

>> No.43542140

Congratulating your own post is corny in any circumstance. You were trying to make it look like you had allies on a topic that nobody cares about and that's just sad

>> No.43542292

wasn't trying that at all, I just wanted to state a fact, the last OP sucked, this one was way better, on to better positive threads now

>> No.43542327

Some groups have so many great members it is hard to pick one oshi

>> No.43542682
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>> No.43543243
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>> No.43544587 [DELETED] 


>> No.43545276

I have 3 oshis in my favorite group

>> No.43545558

looks like 50/50 masks/unmasked.... Japan is finally making some progress

>> No.43545801

what is oshi and how do i make one?

>> No.43545827

favorite girl, you just pick one and support her, buy her merchandise, etc

>> No.43547141
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>> No.43547148
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>> No.43547236

Sweet Perorin always being generous to her fans.

>> No.43548337
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>> No.43548348
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>> No.43548587

looks talented

>> No.43549840
File: 1.12 MB, 4096x4096, imosenbon-1659562546964365313-20230519_161159-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know about talent but she's the cutest

>> No.43550361

ah, cute

>> No.43550459

I wish I could understand Japan's idol culture, but I just don't.
It's one of the very few things about Japan that I don't understand

>> No.43550535

what is to understand?

middle aged salarymen work like slaves all day and like to unwind by going to see a cute teen girl dance and sing and give them attention for a minute of two when they buy a cheki, then go home and sleep and work all day the next day in a job that goes on for their whole lives

in the context of Japan's working culture it makes perfect sense to me

>> No.43550565

It's not that different from any other forms of "fan culture". But using the previous is just a shortcut.
If you want to really understand, you have to get into it yourself. It's possible. After enough exposure, you will get it. I believe it is possible to "get into" pretty much anything as long as you are exposed to it enough times, you start to develop taste. I believe this is true for literally anything, you might that thing is stupid waste of time, but after enough exposure you notice you aren't that different from those people you previously thought were idiotic fans.. But be careful.

>> No.43550861

Wow! Manami is really hitting it out of the park lately!

>> No.43551793

why does japan allow preteens to participate in this industry?

>> No.43552190

why wouldn't they? talented people in many fields get started at a young age

>> No.43552211

Stop asking dumb questions and post more talented idols

>> No.43552305
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>> No.43552331

who are some talented up and comers I should keep my eye on?

>> No.43552355

Kagami Shuna (加賀美シュナ)

>> No.43552415

sir this is a porn actress

>> No.43552488

sorry, thought this was the jav meltdown thread

>> No.43553349

so true it makes that sad faggot's ass hurt

>> No.43553641

I've seen /main/ bumped with 1IP, OP asking and answering his own question before, I didn't say anything because I actually felt bad for the guy. I figure that was you considering your mental state in the last thread.

>> No.43553845
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>> No.43554009

the last thread was kind of an abomination desu

>> No.43554027

Do you intentionally try to irritate people? I'm concerned you might not be living your best life anon.

>> No.43554028
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>> No.43554035

I'm confused to who is talking to whom, and I wonder if the OP that started all the trouble in the last thread is posting here now too. This whole drama is confusing, wish we'd just get back to posting talented idols and stop with the arguing, and wait until page 10 to post new threads. It is not that difficult.

>> No.43554072

The guy who had his OP deleted and spent the entire last thread having a meltdown I imagine is posting here

>> No.43554075

I'm not arguing and I don't have a cock in this fight. I just dropped in and caught up on the thread and I remarked on anon's apparent schadenfreude.
Delighting in another's (real or imagined) ass hurt is a sign that anon himself might be ass hurt and I'm worried about him. This isn't exactly friendly conversation but it's not really drama either.
I don't think anybody pays attention to OPs. I couldn't tell you what one of the ten previous OPs has been, including this one.

>> No.43554080

those two aren't even the same person, the guy that was upset and posting a lot wasn't the same guy that posted the OP that got deleted

are you the OP of the last thread? I can't even tell who is who anymore, I don't even want to see arguing anymore, just idols

>> No.43554213

Apparently he is very sad, extremely irritated, and having meltdown in multiple threads... all are caused by his imagination

>> No.43554365
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>> No.43554397

Hello newfig here, greetings from s4s
Is I'Ris still a thing in Japan? Serizawa soon be 30

>> No.43554433
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>> No.43554516 [DELETED] 

>soon be 30
get out, now

>> No.43554533

>soon be 30
get out, now

>> No.43554542

Shut up

>> No.43557058
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>> No.43558756

why do people think that monoeyebrow is attractive?

>> No.43558796

>Sasaki: How does Mofuku-chan see the current idol scene?

>Mofuku-chan: To put it simply, the ratio of male to female fans has changed. The number of female fans has increased overwhelmingly. That's one chance. Most of the fans of the kei groups that have gone viral on TikTok are girls. Popular idols are supported by female fans now.

>Sasaki: In other words, it can be said that the number of male otaku is decreasing. It's not just limited to the idol scene. For example, even if you go to a manga specialty store, it used to be all men, but from around the middle of the 2010s, the number of female customers has increased noticeably. In short, she's a female wota. Now that I think about it, it was a forerunner of the weak men theory.

>Mofuku-chan: The number of host clubs in Shinjuku's Kabukicho area has also increased rapidly in the last 10 years. I used to be a cabaret club. In the world of barber shops, the male-female ratio must have reversed long ago. It is said that it is happening in the world of idols.

>Nanba: I think one of the reasons idols have come to be supported by women is that the number of female producers has increased. The same goes for Mofuku-chan. By being handled by women, there are more points that can be liked by people of the same sex.

>Mofuku-chan: Certainly. The number of female producers has increased rapidly in recent years.

>> No.43558872

Idol has.. changed

>> No.43559966
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>> No.43562477


>> No.43562907

they're both terrible

>> No.43566176

if you can do better make the next one then, I think this OP is fine

>> No.43568041
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>> No.43568580
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>> No.43568597

I guess this one goes better with the photo

>> No.43569176


>> No.43569524
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>> No.43569606
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>> No.43569743

mad skills

>> No.43569784
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>> No.43570418
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>> No.43572087
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>> No.43572098
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>> No.43572515
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>> No.43573367

OMG she is so talented

>> No.43574074


>> No.43574120

Do the Japanese look as pale in their skin tone as celebrities do on photos and video in real life, or do they have a yellow/dark tone when you meet one in person?

>> No.43574204

you don't know any Japanese people in real life? wow, life must suck for you

>> No.43574664
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>> No.43576449
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>> No.43576534

tenderizing meat to this image right nyao!!!!

>> No.43576543

been a huge Misa fan for a long long time

>> No.43576849


>> No.43577425


>> No.43578040


>> No.43578051

I looked into the yepda girl who was posted here but didn't find anything interesting beyond a few swimsuit pictures. Is following her worth it?

>> No.43578073

I like her because she screams a lot and you can tell she's embarrassed to be an idol.


>> No.43579547
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>> No.43579568


>> No.43579579


>> No.43579610
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>> No.43579889



>> No.43582400

is that the name of the group or the name of the festival? kind of looks a bit /alt/ to me though

>> No.43582983
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>> No.43584483
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>> No.43584856
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>> No.43585439
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>> No.43585592


>> No.43585714

I want to fuck Suzuka so badly bros, her voice is like sex in my ears.

>> No.43585729


>> No.43585772

which Suzuka? Tebasen?

>> No.43586052

I woke up late for this, but here's TIF2023 senbatsu stream

>> No.43586102
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>> No.43586109
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>> No.43586260
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No, the one from Atarashii Gakko, they're super popular on TikTok and /v/.

>> No.43586431


>> No.43588178
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>> No.43588354
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>> No.43590915
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>> No.43590991

refresh my memory... didn't members of that group do gravure?

>> No.43591020
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>> No.43592897
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>> No.43593124
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Your opinion on hafus in the junior idol scene?

>> No.43593344

I could support half chinese or korean maybe but judging by the comments she's not one of the acceptable hafus

>> No.43593723


>> No.43594632
File: 2.30 MB, 2752x3778, roliken-1661851428456120320-20230525_234710-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43594651
File: 248 KB, 2048x1365, AuTrueno-1662388980925734912-20230527_112313-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43594655
File: 230 KB, 2048x1365, AuTrueno-1662388980925734912-20230527_112313-img2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43594660

Shuna is very nice. I support her.

>> No.43594870

she seems quite talented

>> No.43594909

what is her other half?

>> No.43595337
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>> No.43596832
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>> No.43597774

I knew I saw that location somewhere before
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCwzaTPARtU behind the scenes

>> No.43598973
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>> No.43600679
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>> No.43601877
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>> No.43602115

Scottish, as indicated on her Insta.

>> No.43602540

Momonyan is incredible!

>> No.43603343
File: 1.20 MB, 2731x4096, Fw01iTJaIAAcvBN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43604680
File: 403 KB, 1536x2048, nanane_7010-1658401668474494977-20230516_111904-img4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my gf

>> No.43607588

look at all that booze

>> No.43607980

Is that Yua on the right?

>> No.43608879


>> No.43609369

she is pretty amazing desu

>> No.43609786

I need strong drink..

>> No.43610658

Strong Zero?

>> No.43610923
File: 165 KB, 768x1024, Sakura_Stars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43611574

I'm not much of a drinker really so not familiar with this drink but I'm always up for trying new things

>> No.43612177
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>> No.43612178

I really want white superiors merch even if just for the joke

>> No.43618507
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>> No.43619491
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>> No.43619569
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>> No.43619699

She looks like the aliens from the clone wars, kamino I think?

>> No.43622728

go on..

>> No.43623046
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looks like STU's alien

>> No.43626130
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>> No.43629374
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>> No.43633720

Momonyan new video is SOVL

>> No.43634537
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>> No.43635366
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>> No.43636435

Manami Chopa is a beacon in the idol scene, idols with better voices and hotter bodies need to model themselves after her, she's a gem.

>> No.43636680
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>> No.43636685
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>> No.43636894
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>> No.43637811

cool bait

>> No.43637960

It's not bait I just think she's great.

>> No.43638093

Manami's lil sis Mii-chan is great too, I took a three day trip for posting one of her fancams ^_^


>> No.43639136

She is targeting an extremely specific subsection of fans as of late.

>> No.43639212


>> No.43639742

she has been posting blatant foot pictures.

>> No.43639945

she is raising the bar higher, very good to see her influence in the scene, although I wish she would avoid the aspirations to market to the west

>> No.43639949

I hope she doesn't attract attention from the wrong crowd.

>> No.43640127

I miss black superiors :(

>> No.43640148

I wish they didn't kill FPGr for this shit.

I am guessing Haruka is some stuck up bitch with how much they have to swap out members in her groups and how all the old members of FPGr seem to hang out together still but she doesn't.

She's hot though, so she got that going for her I suppose, even though she's getting kinda old.

>> No.43640890

her big catalyst to fame was how she looked 14 when she was 19, and she is starting to look older now

>> No.43641137

Homare Kitten is another up and coming talent that kind of looks like her

>> No.43642002
File: 3.82 MB, 1920x1080, hinata sanrio puroland.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43643175

nice ears

>> No.43644302
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>> No.43645347
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>> No.43646879
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>> No.43647932

love her enthusiasm

>> No.43649119
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omedetou gozaimasu

>> No.43649128
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>> No.43649912
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tall giantess has to bend down

>> No.43649915
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>> No.43649932

funny thing is it is all relative, she looks super tall but she is probably barely 5 foot 4

>> No.43651893
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>> No.43654597


>> No.43654715

mitsui aika

>> No.43656340
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>> No.43657996
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>> No.43658910
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>> No.43661016

cat with long hair

>> No.43663663

nyan nyan

>> No.43665449
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>> No.43666390

Hello. Is there a tier for idols? I was assuming an idol group which has less than 500 followers is a z-tier group and AKB48 are S-Tier idol group

>> No.43667450
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>> No.43667703

I mean that's just measuring popularity. Why make it into a "tier" ?

>> No.43667867

She lost what made her good and she never even got to show it as an idol.

>> No.43672309
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>> No.43674170

I haven't noticed her much since Lily desu

>> No.43675714
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>> No.43675752

Just noticed Momonyan has a new official website! Omedetou Momonyan! Ganbaremasu!

>> No.43676168
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>> No.43676742
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>> No.43677896

Aww. It's a sweet little website.

>> No.43682436

she is really awesome!
hoping she has great success!

>> No.43684164
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>> No.43684580
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>> No.43685660

noticed Chihiro (Chichan)'s twitter is gone :(

hope she didn't quit or get banned

>> No.43685687


>> No.43686047


>> No.43688874

she performs in the same scene as Yua and Hiyori and WS

>> No.43689273

anon's 11 year old pretend-gf

>> No.43694122
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>> No.43695093
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>> No.43695224
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>> No.43700074


>> No.43701562
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>> No.43702603

Rabbit Hutch Sakurako

>> No.43707237
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>> No.43708971
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Wah, she's so cute. Also, I showed this picture to my sisters saying that only girls can sit in this position and turns out they can't neither oh...

>> No.43711397
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yumeri is graduating in december

>> No.43714950
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miss her yet?

>> No.43715265

is this kona? filters are crazy nowadays and i miss rion/miyu more

>> No.43715552
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>> No.43715596


>> No.43717162

me in the green suit

>> No.43719144


>> No.43721547


>> No.43721751
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>> No.43721776

Respectfully, how old is Momo Nyan?

>> No.43722029

No one really knows but some say she is 2 in cat years

>> No.43722333

get in

>> No.43722658

why god

>> No.43722763

>complaining about HD
grow up faggot. All the best shit is 360i at best, lot of it is 144 and lost forever unless someone uses AI to upgrade it.

>> No.43723090


>> No.43723434
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>> No.43727296

who here likes manami chopa?

>> No.43728583


>> No.43729374


>> No.43729479
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>> No.43730055
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>> No.43731428

are there any idol concerts planned in the second half of september?

>> No.43731496

in tokyo

>> No.43731548


>> No.43735616
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>> No.43738390
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>> No.43738627
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thank you for always making sure I check her twitter regularly

>> No.43743466


>> No.43747254
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>> No.43747311

wait a minute
there are more of them now

new members

>> No.43749974
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you did back up her socials, didn't you anon?

>> No.43750123
File: 1.81 MB, 2999x1692, 69cd78_72d85d8cac2e41fd9b2b61a38353328e~mv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uraidol question here /jp/. What can you tell me about the KABUKIMONO'DOGs production company?
I started following Babuga's youtube about a year ago, and then a couple singles ago, I followed one of their composers' twitter, who was very friendly, and led me to gradually follow the whole group, and I'm enjoying it.
However, I pretty much left the idol fandom a few years ago, after a decade of heavy AKBfaggotry, due to my oshimen always having scandals. It's like I always picked the ones that would scandal between 6 months and 2 years later.
And I was just backing everything related to Babuga from twitter now, when I started looking into some of the group's past members, and the last one who left, Nazuna (white and blue swimsuit in the GO NUTS MV), appears to just have left without notice so she was graduated about a year ago, which is normal I guess, but if I check her twitter, @babuga_naduna, which is now protected with 0 followers and following 45, there's some dude in the pfp, which would normally lead me to believe it's all management retaliation for scandaling. But if I look for her in 5ch matomes, I can't find anything relating to such an incident. Just a bunch of people talking about her termination seeming arbitrary.
And there's also the amount of idol groups managed by KABUKIMONO'DOGs. At least 8 currently, plus 4 groups comprised of KKS. In their talent page, there's 62 girls, so I hesitate about calling them a black company. Sure, I know makura eigyou is supposedly rampant in the uraidol scene, but the one group I'm following, though they do have some of their members heavily lean on gravure, do appear innocent and fulfilled enough in SSN.

tl;dr: I'm an insecure faggot who is was very superficially following an uraidol group called Babuga, after being burned for a decade by AKB, but I've inadvertently been gradually getting more and more into them. I've noted very few but existing patterns I don't like about their management, KABUKIMON'DOGs, so I'm asking if you know anything about them that should dissuade me from getting more into Babuga, or if I'm just paranoid, they're cool, and there's other groups they manage and I should follow, I guess.

>> No.43752132

great OP

>> No.43753809

i... i didn't...

>> No.43753844

>I'm asking if you know anything about them
i've never heard about them and i know a lot of idols, they are probably nobodies, sorry

>due to my oshimen always having scandals. It's like I always picked the ones that would scandal between 6 months and 2 years later.
>he fell for the 釣り師 meme
rookie mistake

>> No.43753925
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>> No.43755157

Cocokame Hype

>> No.43755692

2 Options:
/alt/ where there is 0 discussion and is just a spam war between the mugitard and the natsukitard

/main/ where there are 2 posts per day

fuck this gay world

>> No.43755767

you're better off following the idols on twitter, where it's more active.

>> No.43756454

I wasn't much into tsurishi. My type was either very humble country bumpkin, or young and so cute I fell in love at first sight.
I think Shawako, my SKE oshi while she was active, was the only one who didn't let me down. And I went on to bump into her again while playing Bang Dream, so fuck yeah.
As for KABUKIMONO'DOGs, it looks like the production company was called Ragdolls before the pandemic, when they rebranded god knows why. Definitely indies though, so calling them nobodies is fair even if they manage a fuckton of talents.

>> No.43756520
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So what you're saying you want to talk about Natsuki on /main/. What do you think of her latest instagram post?

>> No.43757363
File: 1.23 MB, 4096x2832, Fyp7g76aUAIrj2L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New project / group / franchise from Akimoto Yasushi


>> No.43757405

The "wrong crowd" it's the only crowd that follows her.. not a bad thing

>> No.43757830

In the end there is only 3 types of idol you can trust:
Girls that say and ACT like they are majime, Kitagawa Yoshino from said SKE is a good example, a negative example is Okada Nana who loved to say she was majime but always acted like a cheap whore.

Girls that join the group very young, like the lolis from HKT (you have to drop them when they reach 15 though)

Lesbians or almost lesbian bi girls like Takita Kayoko (if you thinking dating girls is not a scandal)

I think i heard this name before, i just checked the wiki page and they manage Panimon, wich i've listen before, like you said they are heavy on gravure, usually a sign for makura or scandal, but in the end who cares, just have 2 back ups from other groups and drop the girls if they reveal themselves as whores.

>My type was either very humble country bumpkin
Literally Yokonyan

>> No.43757838

I follow 200~ idols already

Fuck off you tard

>> No.43757842

>Fuck off you tard
Lmao you realize a post like this is just begging for me to post more often

>> No.43757866

I saw at least 3 tier S cutes, but honestly i think this shit is gonna have very average sales/success, these wishy washy gigantic groups is already a saturated market IMO with Nogizaka and Hinatazaka

>> No.43757892

That atrocious goblin is so fucking cringe, but imagine if a very cute girl dressed like her and had decent dancing skills, the idol world would be much more interesting that's for sure.

Funny thing is her (also atrocious) sister started even younger than her, god their parents must be ugly.

She is going to the USA, girl ACTUALLY things she is gonna be Ariana grande or something, can't wait for her to appear in the news for shaking her ass in a stage.

>> No.43757907

How the fuck are you even able to reply so fast? Do you spend your entire day in /jp/?

>> No.43757909


>> No.43757977
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They're marketing them as the official Nogizaka rival, like how Nogizaka was marketed as the official AKB rival. It'll be interesting even if just from a neutral perspective if they're actually able to compete. The industry hasn't seen a shakeup in a while, with Nogizaka/Sakamichi being on top for like 7 odd years now.

>> No.43758920

she is getting more cute every month that goes by, perhaps the last year was her awkward stage

>> No.43758935

Babuga? is that any similarity to Beboga! ?

>> No.43758958

I mean I really like her, but for the wrong reasons

>> No.43759207

jej. Nah, no av debuts afaik. Also, Baseball Girls (beboga) makes sense, and Bubble Bobbdie Gum (babuga) defo doesn't.
Fuck it though, let's shill. This is the song that hooked me. Chick that left out of the blue is the white and blue swimsuit one.
Latest song. Kinda denpa, I like it, and the composer is a total bro.

>> No.43759512

>The industry hasn't seen a shakeup in a while, with Nogizaka/Sakamichi being on top for like 7 odd years now.
Using the same clothes, the same songs (at least from the presentation that's what it looks like) and the same Aki-p? Hard to believe.
Even that K-pop copy by 2 giants of the industry (JYP and Sony) is already flopping, things will stay like this for a long time.

>> No.43759527

First thing that came to my mind lol

Yeah, i'll admit that she got a little less ugly, she still ugly as fuck though

>> No.43759543

Impressive not gonna lie.

>> No.43759632
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>> No.43760397

cool, thanks for the info

>> No.43760542

>heavy on gravure
Hot damn, some of them have some wild twitters. Thanks for the recommendation.

>> No.43760647

After searching for hours i realized that there is not a single idol group in japan (4+) where all the member have longa (at least shoulder lenght) black hair.

I am talking about idols that go to festivals etc, not these dance/cover groups full of kids

>> No.43761130

To be honest Sakamichi is littered with scandals if a new group like this won't make fans leave I don't know what will

>> No.43761295
File: 221 KB, 1474x1110, Fyzvy6QacAA8TkJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say Azu has short hair but it touches her shoulders

>> No.43761308
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Ignore me I missed the black part

>> No.43761326

not sure of your take on the idol culture, there is really no separation of these concepts in Japan, idols are idols and they are everywhere and they play everywhere

>> No.43761374

Former companies of the two remaining Japanese contestants of HYBE's newest survival show whose surnames are uet to be revealed:
RN Entertainment Studio (Okinawa-based local idol agency)
Was part of sing-and-dance performance duo "SooPink"
Left the duo and company by end of 2020 (the other member is currently a member of RN Girls from the same company)
StarLight School (based in Nagasaki)
Her former group was SASEBO GOLDEN HALF6 / GOLHAF (a few future members of AKB48 and HKT48 were also there) that managed to release a few singles unlike SooPink. She left that group around the first half of 2020, replaced by that eventual HKT member. GOLHAF also had two members with foreign blood in the original lineup.

Sauces for all of these: twatter

>> No.43762310
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>> No.43762389
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>> No.43762550

up and coming superstar

>> No.43764245
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>> No.43764277

Sweet Cherry Peppers Ruka > other /main/ thots

>> No.43764459
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>> No.43765339

There is ALWAYS a girl with short hair or dyed like the second pic you posted, it's uncanny.

you are wrong, but i won't argue

>> No.43765351

deleted, what was it?

>> No.43765375

I will find one, まかせて

>> No.43765486


>> No.43765656

performance in same outfit

>> No.43765676

You found one, i concede. Going for younger girls was a good strategy, after a very long time the closest i've found got was O2

i-col ripoff?

meh, if at least it was the police outfit then it would be a loss

>> No.43766487

She has incredible stage presence for her age. Natural performer.

>> No.43768078

