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File: 52 KB, 256x512, Parsee_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4352701 No.4352701 [Reply] [Original]

Extreme envy turned this former deity, although minor, into this green eyed monster. Thus this might be an interesting subject of an analysis so... I am going to try an analysis of this, and hope it goes somewhat well.
For the purpose of this analysis my sources are:
The Touhou wiki, Reimus SA scenario, Parsees entry. The tale of Genji is also a source of info. I will also try to look at this from a Buddhist point of view (I am Christian IRL though.). Lastly I will view the design and use a Freudian analysis of it, an example of this is the faith of the Native American religions. I have also tried fooling around with her name in Google translate. I am going to ignore Fanon entirely.

>> No.4352704

Deity? She's a youkai, not a god.

>> No.4352703

hate that bitch.

>> No.4352707

First we will start with her ingame theme; I do assume you have read ZUNs comment, as found in the music room of the game. As he states she is a youkai with a wounded heart, thus she is not at peace. She is like water, stirred up by the wind. Her music fits this as well as ZUN finds a way of making her theme somewhat orderly but still somewhat "stirred up." This does indeed seem to fit well especially as Mizu (Water) is part of her name. The whole bridge people no longer cross thing supports this as well, as a bridge is in many cases is situated over water. When seen from a Buddhist point of view, Parsee is a giant warning sign. Buddhist texts make use of the example of water (as the mind) being stirred up by the wind (emotions) in their texts. As stated in the comment she is extremely emotional and wounded.

>> No.4352709

On to her ingame dialogue, I do assume that the translation is accurate; my regret is that there are not other sources of these dialogues... The point of interest here is Reimu and Yukari´s scenario, as it clearly tells most about Parsee, which is a contradiction to Marisa who just screws around. Her first three lines as she enters clearly introduces her emotional distress. Jealousy that has developed to an all purpose misanthropy. She clearly starts out asking whatever or not Reimu is a human, one who is free to wander the world above and around her. She then asks whatever or not they are there for her powers, which would warrant rivalry which would lead to more jealousy. Then she comes with the whole: "I'm jealous of the light above ground. I'm jealous of the gentle breezes." disclosing her true self. Parsee attacks Reimu and is defeated after which Yukari comments: "She is a youkai of jealousy binding this world to the next through her regrets." Here the Buddhist view is important again. The Buddhists see our feelings as what binds us to the wheel of Dharma (the cycle of life, reincarnation.) and the related sufferings. To be free of the wheel of Dharma we must ignore/forget/discard all material needs, feelings and emotions lest our souls/minds will seek to satisfy these emotions in a new body, thus starting the cycle of pain and sorrow anew. I personally believe that she became the guardian spirit(kami) as a punishment from the gods(somewhat similar to Sisyphus) just instead she has to guard an unused bridge in some far off cave in hell.

>> No.4352711

Her visual design is somewhat blatant showing her connection to the waters and the bridge. If you look at the lower part of her dress and view it upside down, you will see something very similar to a bridge. On the lower parts of her clothes, you can see the black wood even separated into big planks by small ridges, then you can see the red railings and in the middle of this bridge it lacks the protective railings. It is incomplete in that sense and that is probably a symbol of Parsees longing for that which she cannot get. You will also notice the blue/purple with a white criss cross pattern across it, I interpreted this as the water that has been stirred up, making waves. As the waves clashes an organised pattern emerges, probably telling us that there is something organised in her chaotic feelings, the fact that all her suffering has ONE reason. Did I mention that she has small boobs, and if Komachi was around, Parsee would throw a tantrum out of pure breast envy?

>> No.4352714

The original Hashihime was a guarding spirit (Thus I refer to her as a deity.) of Uji bridge in the tale of Genji, and even has its own shrine. I have failed to find out more, however I will provide a link to the chapter she should be featured in, in hope of other more learned people figuring it out:
Also worth noting is the whole "Green eyed" thing, as it is a Shakespeare reference. I presume you have known it all along, as it has been blatantly posted on the wiki.

>> No.4352716
File: 196 KB, 950x1331, touhou_monster_16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4352718

The spellcards are interesting and extremely important. Sucks that I have not got much in the danmaku study department... But I will take a look at some of those I like the most.
Green eyed jealousy is my favourite spellcard. It tries to trap you, follows you everywhere you go, giving you only little relief from its constant attack. This card ultimately symbolises jealousy for me. Also its green and the name is a Shakespeare reference (I assume you know that as you know about the character.).
The spellcard that leaves flowers after the bullet is a symbol of the desperation that this jealousy drives some people into, those who fall for this desperation instead of toughing it out, or directing it away, will lose a life between the flower petals that provides a fake escape.
Next up is the spellcard “Egotistic Animosity to the Humble Rich Man”. Based on an old Japanese tale that shows the consequences of one persons greed. This greed is a consequence of jealousy while egoism is a cause of it, drawing the line back to her theme: Jealousy. In the game choose the one that shoots small bullets to win, if you have read the tale you will know why... A link is in the wiki. The thing with this is that a greedy person wouldn’t go for the larger package but be satisfied with the smaller. Did I mention I hate that spell card...?

>> No.4352720

It is also fun to note how her stage is called path to hell, which is what jealousy and the actions it causes is. The more you know!

>> No.4352730
File: 61 KB, 300x325, tldr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4352737

Wait what?!

>> No.4352785
File: 423 KB, 1096x1123, 54ef854d2310a3d7d28a58d3fb8db3c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i ship parseexyuugi

>> No.4352951

>Her visual design is somewhat blatant showing her connection to the waters and the bridge. If you look at the lower part of her dress and view it upside down, you will see something very similar to a bridge.
Well done OP, you have severely blown my mind.

>> No.4352958

Parsee? More like Link's waifu, mirite?

>> No.4352983 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4353664
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>> No.4353688 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 111x107, 1263789510754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4354799

Did this just pop out of the fucking blue?!

>> No.4354807

Someone making words come out of their brain and typing them???? what gives????

>> No.4354831

I read every word and do not regret it.

>> No.4355568


Thanks for the positive reply. Shows that my work wasnt for nothing.
