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4350060 No.4350060 [Reply] [Original]

Your parents remind you that both you and they aren't getting any younger.
They calmly but sternly ask you to consider starting a family and give them grandchildren.
How would you refuse?

>> No.4350065

With a grunt and a head nod, the same way I respond to everything.

>> No.4350062

They already know I'm asexual.

>> No.4350067

My sister already gave them two grandchildren, I'm free.

>> No.4350068

Fuck you for reminding me this.

>> No.4350071

My mother never asks. My sister pops out babies like a mormon whore.

>> No.4350091

I've never once been asked this by any of my family members. I do have two younger sisters however, and the way things are going now they'll be having children by the time they're 20.

>> No.4350103
File: 31 KB, 550x419, schenkopp-smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rape lots of women and girls so I probably already have a lot of children. Some of them have no doubt been aborted but I'm sure the pro-lifers saved a few.

>> No.4350112


Wouldn't. Make excuses if I were unable, maybe.

Not the culture I'm from, tho.

>> No.4350127


>> No.4350132

With my parents' health problems they'll probably both be dead before the nine months are up so I don't are.

>> No.4350142

My parents agree with me that breeding is stupid and the world needs less people. I don't call them on their hypocrisy, they don't call me a disastrous accident. Everything is peachy.

>> No.4350147

ジュニアアイドル thread?

>> No.4350152

...also, probably a dumb question, but what's with your choice of "won't let me post without a picture" picture?

>> No.4350154

I use that line and my mother gets frustrated and says "but I want MORE" and I say, well, bother my brother about it then, he's the married one.

>> No.4350156

Nice. You poor or just stupid?

>> No.4350163

Would be if I had kids.

>> No.4350171

guaranteed replies

>> No.4350175

Then tell her to have another kid herself.

>> No.4350198

no wait, have a kid with your sister, and make her and her husband raise it

>> No.4350254

>thread about grandchildren
>op pic is a little girl
dumb question indeed

>> No.4350273

I remind them of how much it cost to raise me, put a roof over my head, send me to school, etc. and tell them that I have no interest in making such an absurd financial commitment.

If they want grandkids, they can foot the bill.

>> No.4350323

My sister just had a baby.
And I wouldn't refuse, I'd make a joke, laugh with them and go cry into a pillow knowing that while I want a family I'll never have one due to hurr anxiety.

>> No.4350484

Actually, it's hurr pedophile.

>> No.4350499

thats a cute little girl
