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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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43497487 No.43497487 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>43469404

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.43497501

Stop it

>> No.43497533

it hasnt even begun

>> No.43497597
File: 336 KB, 1920x1080, 天使騒々_screenshot .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good secondaries this time around. Ended up liking Orie more than sensei. Chika and Kaede route never

>> No.43497643 [DELETED] 
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>> No.43497657

isn't that a spoiler?

>> No.43497674 [DELETED] 
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not really

>> No.43497677

yes it is

>> No.43497679

Everyone who cared finished it already yeah?

>> No.43497682 [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 1600x900, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zero spoilers here, friend

>> No.43497685

Dont come to the thread if you dont want to be spoiled is common sense.

>> No.43497686


What are some VNs with top tier animated sprites? Bonus points for animated SEEEEEEX scenes too.

>> No.43497689

Maybe not everyone, some people might've started a week late who knows. It's just common decency to use spoiler and the guy should delete his posts and repost them with spoilers to be honest.
That's nonsense, we can spoiler text and images on 4chan for a reason.

>> No.43497706

This is very un/jav/ like behavior.

>> No.43497708 [DELETED] 
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guys, I would never spoil anything here

>> No.43497712

>Is another episode of anon wanting to rationalize "moege has no spoilers".

>> No.43497740

Nevermind, he's going all out with spoilers for some reason.

>> No.43497748
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Ropleplayers has some really good animted hscenes but no animated sprites outside of blinking eyes.
Most games made by ANIM have both.

>> No.43497757

Thanks. The truth is that I'm looking for inspiration to make a VN with as many animated parts as possible.

>> No.43497760

Sometimes I wish these thread had some level of moderation, schizos that want to spoiler shit to proof some retarded point can't even be reported, and the faggot off-topic ritual poster doesn't get banned/deleted either. Jannies too busy with the hololive thread I guess.

>> No.43497771

whoah...well good luck then.

>> No.43497979

I wanted to read it but Zelda leaked at the same time and I'm still not done with it.

>> No.43498228

Just have a bad memory so you won't remember the spoilers, problem solved

>> No.43498698

I take it back good job jannies, now if you also ban the ritual poster I'll never talk shit shit again.

>> No.43498754

Saw a synopsis of this and it seems weird af but it made me curious
MC is reincarnated as a girl and has two sisters, finds a ring that gives him a dick but the sisters find it and yada yada
I wanna know how far it goes but at the same time I don't

>> No.43498773

that only sometimes works
>i had this vn in my backlog and bookmarked in my browser
>when i first saw it i thought "oh wow nice art"
>i go to its discussion page on vndb and see the only thread there
>"question about time loop".
>i think to myself "shit i just got spoiled, that shit doesn't even appear if you click minor spoilers at the tags section,but whatever"
>downlload vesual novel but forget to play it
>scrolling through bookmarks a few days later
>see the same vn
>"oh wow nice art why did i bookmark this and never read it"
>go to discussion thread
>this cycle unironically repeats for 3 more times till brain learns lesson
i was so frustrated when i finally started the vn and thinking "jesus christ i forgot about that shit a whole total of 4 times"
if you have shit memory and forget getting spoiled, you'll most likely just get spoiled again

>> No.43498788

well is it far enough for you?

>> No.43498805

depends on how the story leads to that, I think I'll read it
kinda hot though

>> No.43498832

I often look up cgs and if I find them interesting I put it into high priority wishlist and when I get to read it several months later I don't remember that I even looked it up

>> No.43498849

that's smart, but the photos from vndb are enough for me to decide if it's worth it or not
if i look up cgs, see what i like and read the vn after like, 4 months, when i do get to the cgs in-game i feel like i've seen them before and it doesn't sit right with me

>> No.43498872


>> No.43499165

I remember there was someone who read Harutoma, do you need to read it for this one or they are unrelated? https://vndb.org/v2969
I just want the cute cousin route

>> No.43500421
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This turned into a nukige as soon as they have their first time

>> No.43500435

Welcome to single heroine moege.

>> No.43500472
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...Not that there's anything wrong with that!

>> No.43500481
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This game really feels like it would be best read after coming home from work. I feel like I'm not getting as much as I could out of it by being a NEET at the moment.

>> No.43500741

Being a NEET for those kind of games is the best experience since you are basically immersing in the story, you don't know what is to arrive home at night and being completely exhausted from work to the point you don't want to read anything, end up maybe reading 30 or 45min and take 1 month to finish one vn.

>> No.43500816

a few days ago I saw a post on /v/ about a guy who wanted to quit his job and break up with his girlfriend for the launch of elden ring because his job was ripping him off and his girlfriend was being an annoying bitch. His boss decided to give him a raise and his GF actually changed herself because she was so afraid of losing him, so now 15 months after elden ring came out he sitll only has 60 hours in it and hasn't beaten it.

>> No.43500876

how come lolige are so unpopular on egs?
i checked many and most of them barely have sub 100 votes
i really expected more from japs, no shit lolige are fucking dead now when barely anyone buy them

>> No.43500878

good for that guy desu

>> No.43500904

It's been a dying genre for years now.

>> No.43500906

You can even advertise lolige in dmm anymore, is a banned tag.

>> No.43500969

most of the popular lolige are more than 10 years old from the times it was at its peak, how after all those years it still can have several times less votes than on vndb?
the cancer cowtits culture has really ruined their minds

>> No.43501418

what are the best in your opinon? now I'm curious

>> No.43501441

Hopefully japan snaps up once they start getting less and less school settings.

>> No.43501457

School settings are good (for moege at least). You can not change my mind on this.

>> No.43501476

i'm still of the opinion that the main reason school settings are so popular is that they allow you to safely date underages without out of place feeling

>> No.43501486

It's because it's the most relatable and also the easiest setting for the characters to interact with each other.

>> No.43501495

School settings are good for most romance stories since that is the most important part in someone's life to experience love, not to mention the whole first love matter.

>> No.43501505

I want underage dating with an age gap

>> No.43501508

Read damekoi or something then.

>> No.43501519

workplace or uni are still easy and relatable for 90% of the eroge audience and yet so astonishingly rare because you can't just throw in underages here without turning it into a grooming simulator

>> No.43501575

Dating young females isn't grooming.

>> No.43501598

Now tell that to america.

>> No.43501603

Most university games have at least one JK heroine, I don't think that's the main concern.

>> No.43501612

But it's actually believable hanging out with friends all the time while at High School. Uni/Work you have significantly less time.

>> No.43501699

I actually really liked this vn. Asuka was totally my type.

>> No.43501706

Just started the Astral Air FD, and my God that opening has to be one of the greatest openings in eroge history. Too bad I already listened to it a million times playing Osu!

>> No.43501722

>playing Osu!

>> No.43501731

i-it's fun. Got back into it after not playing for seven years and discovered to, to my dismay, that only 14 year olds SEA's play it now.

>> No.43501734

Do you really? I get the middle school but in hs especially in the 3rd year I barely had any time to go out at all because of the tutors and exams and given how seriously they take school in Japan I bet they aren't much different
Meanwhile in the first 3 years of uni I had the most freedom in my life where you take a few classes in the morning and then just go ahead and hang out in the city with friends as much as you want

>> No.43501745

I had lots of free time.

>> No.43501778

I had more way more free time in university than high school but I had no friends in uni so high school it is.

>> No.43501798

is it because I'm really obsessed with grades or something? I feel like I barely have free time during uni, I'm always doing something

>> No.43501823

She was cute, i actually liked that they took their time to build the relationship before dating but my problem was the nukige part, they could have removed at least 3 H scenes and add more icha icha and relationship development, instead you get bombarded with H-scenes back to back.

>> No.43501841

feels pretty average, sakumoyu was better

>> No.43501842

are you the asian stereotype that studies 24/7?

>> No.43501849

What the opening or the game in general?

>> No.43501855

Not really, I just hate knowing I could've done better. I don't burn myself out studying, but I make it a priority.
Maybe helps that I don't have many reasons to go outside and do stuff so I don't make time for it

>> No.43501871

opening, esp 2nd one

>> No.43501880

Agree to disagree I guess. I don't dislike the Sakura Moyu songs but Euphorium just hits different.

>> No.43502168

many such cases

>> No.43502279

been thinking of replaying summer pockets on iOS while Im away from home, but it seems data doesn't carry over between devices?

I have an ipad pro, a mini and an iphone pro max, if i cant pick up where i left off in either one of them shit sucks familia

>> No.43502323
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>> No.43502370

is the game any good? i also wanted to try for her but the unlockable routes tag is always offputting

>> No.43502387

NTA but it's pretty meh. Umi is good though.

>> No.43502394

It's OK but I like the porn.
>unlockable routes tag
It's just the 3P and Nagisa I think.

>> No.43502415
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I need a Hazuki imouto

>> No.43502431

Use magpie, please.

>> No.43502439

Never use magpie.

>> No.43502442

Well if he doesn't he should at least play at native res.

>> No.43502445


>> No.43502796

What's your take on cousin incest?
It's not as forbidden but you still get that crucial blood relation that you can't escape from

>> No.43502847

absolutely pointless
if you want incest go with close relatives like mom or sister, cousin is pussy shit

>> No.43502856

I'd be open to some cousinge if you have any recommendations.

>> No.43502859

Your kids won't come out as retarded as if it was your sister, nevertheless they will still be special.

>> No.43502899

I know one guy whose parents are cousins and they are your typical バカ両親 who earnestly love each other even decades after marriage and never quarrel with each other
It really feels like that relation plays some big role here

>> No.43502930

damn i wish I could be a wincest product

>> No.43502948

need a cousin bros...

>> No.43502952

Does the guy have any mental or physical abnormalities?

>> No.43502964

Mental defects only really start appearing if you inbreed for multiple generations.

>> No.43503002

Not really he is just a nice guy with a high iq and a good job
I feel like parents have a way bigger influence on your mental health than random gene mutations

>> No.43503035

Outbreeding is probably worse anyway. Play it safe and keep it in the family.

>> No.43503209

The hate for incest is such a meme honestly. The chance you get a deformed or retarded child from a mother in her 40s is way higher than from one generation of incest. Of course that isn't outlawed because it would hurt people's feelings. Incest Statistically happens so little laws surrounding it actually don't matter and are just moral fagging.

>> No.43503222

>The chance you get a deformed or retarded child from a mother in her 40s is way higher than from one generation of incest
Even for full brother-sister, surely not right?

>> No.43503246

Literally nothing wrong with siblings.

>> No.43503341

Inbreeding isn't related to retardation. All it does is increase the chance to pass the faulty genes to your children because there is a much higher chance for siblings to share the same damaged genes and there won't be any healthy ones to replace them
In theory, if you just go ahead and examine your genetical code on any faulty genes that you share with your sibling and don't find any it would be completely safe to go for a child

>> No.43503350

My genes are the best. I have no faulty genes.
I will impregnate my sisters again now.

>> No.43503370

I can't be fucked to find exact stats with actual sources for that specific case of incest, but according to the children's hospital of Philadelphia the chance your kid gets down syndrome if the mother is 25 is 1 in 1,250, and by the time she is 40 that chance is now 1 in 100. Incest actually increases the chance of down syndrome by absolutely nothing because it doesn't give a fuck. Take that into consideration when somebody puts a gun to your head and forces you to impregnate either your sister or an old hag.

>> No.43503402

>Take that into consideration when somebody puts a gun to your head and forces you to impregnate either your sister or an old hag.
I think you'd have a lot more to worry about than that if you managed to get yourself in a situation like that

>> No.43503517

let's talk about eroges in this eroge thread
who's the absolute best fuckable imouto?

>> No.43503532

All this incest talk makes me want to fuck Amane and Sana again.

>> No.43503539

The only good imouto are the unfuckable ones

>> No.43503544

or onee, for that matter
and they are...?

>> No.43503553

Hinako from Hentai Prison. Speaking of which I gotta do Asane's route someday.

>> No.43503557

I miss when you could romance kindergarteners.

>> No.43503591
File: 298 KB, 1282x767, best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the best imouto all around therefore by the transitive property she must also be the best lay

>> No.43503593

now that I think about it I'm pretty sure I got sexually molested by my kindergarden teacher. Oh well

>> No.43503594
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Marry and reproduce

>> No.43503602

Nevermind forgot Hinako's the older sister.

Horokofrom Ambitious Mission's pretty nice though.

>> No.43503603

Being Filipino, those are the two things we don't need.

>> No.43503605

Most women are shotacons. Some are just better at hiding it than others.

>> No.43503606

god I wish I was you

>> No.43503631


>> No.43503635
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Thankfully we have vns to fill that need

>> No.43503647

I decided to check her spoilers but now I'm interested in the vn and probably fucked up her route by spoiling myself
many such cases

>> No.43503655

If it makes a difference it happens really early on, you can still read it

>> No.43503657

On the positive side, whatever you're imagining is probably wrong.

>> No.43503726

why are you a self-hating filipino

>> No.43503741

You and me both doing my part.

Wanting less shitters in this shithole means I hate myself?

>> No.43503745


>> No.43503750

no but you hate your race is what it sounds like from your comment

>> No.43503756

That's a (You) problem. I'm for depopulation in general and Filipinos are the ones fucking too much.

>> No.43503757

Flips wish they were oriental, many such cases.

>> No.43503761

Well, they can never be white no matter how they forcefully inject Burger lard into their brains.

>> No.43503764

whatever you say anon
ive seen my fair share of them online

>> No.43503772

You're not going to get your Peenoise Pride validation here. Try /his/ /pol/ or /int/

>> No.43503787

woah... a based flip

>> No.43503813

I'm happy for that guy. In retrospect, I regret a bit the way I've used my time

>> No.43504210

As a filipino I wonder what the japanese commenters would think of my エロゲ淫夢実況 videos on nico if they ever found out.

>> No.43504402

I was informed that that is how real high-school relationships work

>> No.43504405

You're already past N5 which is is more than 99% of the Jap learners in the shithole.

>> No.43504598
File: 1.81 MB, 1440x810, 天使☆騒々_RE-BOOT!tenshi_sz (37).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm only three routes in, I'm taking my time. No need to rush it.

>> No.43505326

Same I'm busy so I've only done amane and kaguya
Gonna try and pick up the pace in the next several days though

>> No.43505514

Has this ever been uploaded anywhere? https://vndb.org/r70864

>> No.43505568
File: 1.72 MB, 1609x908, 冥契のルペルカリア_2022-06-05_20-11-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43505601

NBR, but I've always had a soft spot for https://vndb.org/c17470..

>> No.43505608

is the game worth it just for the imoutos?

>> No.43505618

Yes, if you don't mind a little bit of melodrama,

>> No.43505802

I really really really REALLY wanted to like this. Alas, I did not.

>> No.43505816

It's fine you just don't hate yourself enough

>> No.43505849

why so?

>> No.43505857

Before reading this I was mostly neutral towards imoutos, now I love 'em
It's fine man, when I was finished I felt disappointment, primarily with how it ended up being a little busters scenario, how kohaku was a throwaway character despite being so prominent at the start etc . I really wished the played it straight since the quality goes downhill after the common route and until you get onto the true route. I felt disappointed at first but it stuck with me for awhile after finishing it which is rare for me.

>> No.43506053

I wish the ending was better but I can forgive all the downsides just for how bold they went all in into imouto and showed how double-edged morality can be
It was exactly what I was looking for all this time in imoutoges

>> No.43506058


>> No.43506076
File: 222 KB, 769x710, Screenshot_20230514_004403_Dropbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this exact model

>> No.43506274

I love her and her VA is a genius but in so many ways they feel more like long time best friends to lovers than siblings

>> No.43506308

If NBR isn't a complete deal breaker for you then Aki from Reminiscence

>> No.43506333
File: 1.29 MB, 1280x720, nine_yukiiro_2020-04-26_15-02-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43506350

Which one?

>> No.43506388

He probably means Riddle Joker if I had to guess

>> No.43506406

>don't wont to work

>> No.43506440

why is yuzu soft? can't it be yuzu hard?

>> No.43506448

Cause you'll be rocking a soft cock while playing their games, dumbo.

>> No.43506545

why is nbr such a deal breaker for some people?

>> No.43506549

Do the different imouto types change anything in the story? Or is it just personality?

>> No.43506568

Some people are attracted to the immorality/背徳感 associated with incest, others just really dislike how NBR is used to skirt the incest, meanwhile others just like the concept of imoutos and BR and NBR doesn't really matter

>> No.43506585

Read Riaimo, it goes very well on the br vs nbr subject

>> No.43506590

i guess i found the seethe weird because for me it doesn't really matter if they're br or nbr,
the taboo aspect of it is still somewhat present in nbr's case because, while they might not be actually blood related, by law they're brother and sister

>> No.43506667

People get excited by the idea your kid may come fucked up i guess. i find pretty much the same if the person you grow up with is related by blood or not.

>> No.43506802

I find exciting the idea of throwing everything for the sake of love
You know that you won't get 祝福 from parents or friends, won't be able to have kids, and will have to hide it from society for the rest of your life without being able to experience normal happiness, and knowing all this still you decide to sacrifice everything for that one person

>> No.43506901

it's the down's syndrome gacha.
impregnating your sister is like rolling on a rate up banner, you have a higher chance of getting the down's baby

>> No.43507020

The situation you described would be good but is never done well or i haven't read enough BR stuff, also bittersweet stuff don't seems to be popular nowadays.
Ideally it should be happen like the start of touko's route from damekoi.

>> No.43507115

the Engrish is charming

>> No.43507126

there's this anal focused incest nukige where he just decides to stop giving a shit and sticks it in her vagina anyway at the end and then the epilogue is him fucking his pregnant sister and ranting about how he kind feels bad for the baby but it's whatever.
pretty good.

>> No.43507130


>> No.43507174

Think about the unfortunate but true difference in the bonds of a parent to an adopted child and one said parent had a hand in creating. Blood relations just make things different.

>> No.43507201

妹アナル ~恋するHなピンクのつぼみ~

>> No.43507226

> actually looks decent
Ty anon

>> No.43507334

Just personality and appearance.

>> No.43507349

Coincidentally, this is what their most recent game is about

>> No.43507821

Is there any recommended route order in Sakutoki?

>> No.43507970
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Flatokano when?

>> No.43508026

Both Makoto and Shizuku's routes are skippable.

>> No.43508066

What Porori games outside of the Lolita series are worth playing?

>> No.43508303
File: 282 KB, 630x630, 1625194608316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the -nbo games
(including kakurenbo, which was without his credit)

>> No.43509268

what's that from
i want to fuck her

>> No.43509315

Not a VN, or really much of anything.

>> No.43509531
File: 1.74 MB, 2539x3600, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here's your 17 years old bro
>Actually looks like a 29 years old cosplaying

>> No.43509597

They seems done with amakano, so they could do something else

>> No.43509609

Not cute

>> No.43509610
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I've been conditioned to chuckle every time I come across title drops, they're so cheesy yet I love 'em

>> No.43509632
File: 392 KB, 1920x1080, 天使騒々_screenshot 2023_05_17 23_11_25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43509638

this is kind of hot if i pretend it's a hag

>> No.43509645


>> No.43509654

Just encountered it in the AstralAir fd an hour ago. Coincidence.

>> No.43509666

Suicide squad and its consequences have been a disaster for storytelling

>> No.43509694
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>> No.43509700

Oh yeah I enjoyed that PA works anime :^)

>> No.43509925
File: 419 KB, 2560x1440, sakuranotoki_2023-05-13_17-35-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually a good one

>> No.43510773

Give me your best 熟女 game anons

>> No.43510789

How old are we talking here?

>> No.43510794

love me some 熟女s. Where were you on Mother's day?

>> No.43510895

I've been out of the scene for a few years. Has there been anything super cool since like 2018 I wouldn't have heard about? Especially any chunnibyo type stuff.

>> No.43510932

9 nine? You've probably heard of it though and you have to get past the first 2 episodes to get to the real meat.

>> No.43510986

I had vaguely heard about it. Maybe I'll check out that and the main game of this thread. is the new Key robot girl VN any good?

>> No.43511233

It's pretty good but the production values are shit and it's Kinetic.

>> No.43512079

From chuuni it would be Tsukihime remake at best
From the other cool stuff it would be Nukitashi and Henpri, Hakuchuumu if you like melodramas, Sakura moyu if you like nakige, Lupercalia if you like utsuge, Musicus and Black ship town if you like Setoguchi, KnS 3 if you read that one, Dead aegis if you don't mind dark and fucked up stuff, Sasasagu if you don't mind allage, Tsui no Sora remake and Sakura no toki if you like scaji, and Rance X I guess

>> No.43512165


>> No.43512627
File: 1.61 MB, 1280x720, RE:D_Cherish!_-Eternity_Blood-red_cherish_eb (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like chuunige the first Red Cherish is alright but the second one is excellent.

>> No.43512649


>> No.43512710

Better kinetic than garbage choice spam that ultimately means nothing.

>> No.43512718

Maybe there's a medium between the two?

>> No.43512762

Does anyone know if there is a way to fix a very strange shading that ends up leaving the characters colored instead of white in old eroges? makes it very difficult to read. I don't know if it's a font problem or an incompatibility with win10

>> No.43512766

Which games specifically? Are they all on the same engine (i.e. pc-98)?

>> No.43512808
File: 66 KB, 640x480, 空の浮動産.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one for example (this is not eroge tho, but in the past it also happened to me with other games and I just had to give up). As far as I remember, they did not share engine

>> No.43513077
File: 296 KB, 1290x912, 3749451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will it be better than futakoi?

>> No.43513147

Their designs keep getting more generic

>> No.43513166

More like ass project, am I right fellas!

>> No.43513176

I'd they do more unique stuff you people just call them "Vtuber designs"

>> No.43513276

i like orange and purple
pink is meh
black looks retarded

>> No.43513495

Fuck asacucks for stopping making flat girls

>> No.43513517

futakoi was the best asaproge, hard to make something even better
also art looks worse now

>> No.43513670

Anyone read Da Capo? Are there any good titles and do you need to read all in order?

>> No.43515761

What's the oldest eroge that you consider a masterpiece? And what the most recent?

>> No.43515779

SCA-Ji told me on twitter to read yuzusoft games.

>> No.43515785

Rance X

>> No.43515822

bible black
red cherish

>> No.43515834


>> No.43515867

You won't bait me into posting my favorites so they can get trashed again

>> No.43515869

No wonder he can use the same onani joke 20 times in 2 hours

>> No.43515872

there are no masterpieces
every vn has a downside or something holding it back one way or another

>> No.43515906

a masterpiece is allowed to have flaws, anon

>> No.43515913

not as i define it, and that's fine

>> No.43515922


>> No.43515924

masterpiece != literally perfect with no downsides
masterpiece means literally "work of art that is considered to be a supreme achievement in its field"
so if there is an eroge that is superior to everything else in its medium it would still be considered a masterpiece

>> No.43516067


>> No.43516087


>> No.43516094


>> No.43516098


>> No.43516115

https://vndb.org/u236735 why this bot is still not banned?

>> No.43516116

Did they change the artist or did he get worse?

>> No.43516121

You have no proof he's a bot.

>> No.43516129

you're just jealous of his reading speed

>> No.43516140

I've noticed no one ever mentions Noble Works. Is it the ugly duckling of Yuzusoft?

>> No.43516143

It's literally their best title.

>> No.43516145

i mentioned it a few threads ago and no it's a good game

>> No.43516152


>> No.43516156

it's probably their best

>> No.43516159

Come on bro, I don't think you have such shitty taste

>> No.43516162

this track always reminds me of the secret of monkey island

>> No.43516179
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>> No.43516183
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>> No.43516187

based bot

>> No.43516194

the old maid in noble works was fucking hot

>> No.43516204

same i also read vns on panda on release day

>> No.43516856

I just played sayooshi

>> No.43516893


>> No.43516916

My condolences.

>> No.43516927

Any thoughts on it at all?

>> No.43516952

Back when I was an EOP, I used to read vns on auto but obviously couldnt manage for a while when starting out reading stuff in japanese
Go to the point where I can and god it's so comfy to just sit back and read on auto

>> No.43516960

there is probably a more root cause (and solution) than this but it can be 'fixed' by forcing CreateFontA and CreateFontIndirectA to look for unantialiased fonts (setting Quality argument to NONANTIALIASED_QUALITY)
if u upload the games i can probably make a patch

>> No.43517020

Why yes i also enjoy spending 1 hour reading H scenes, how could you tell?

>> No.43517081

Why would you learn japanese to read VNs, when all the good ones are translated, and the rest are just worthless slop?

>> No.43517084
File: 248 KB, 401x362, FireShot Capture 007 - oyama mahiro and hozuki kaede (onii-chan wa oshimai!) drawn by nekoto_ - danbooru.donmai.us.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it triggers me a little when non voiced lines appear for a split second even with maximum delay, now I only turn it on when I'm snacking and/or reading through an insignificant section

>> No.43517096

You learn Japanese by reading VNs, not just to read VNs. Also your statement is just completely false, I haven't even read that much but I think most of my favorite ones haven't been translated.

>> No.43517105

the opposite is true so

>> No.43517134

There are vns that will never be translated even in chink like Saihate, Oretsuba, or Mareni, live with it

>> No.43517147

There are zero translated VNs.

>> No.43517191

VNs stopped being translated after 2009, all VNs after that are localizations

>> No.43517215

Hibikiworks vns will never get translated, they are one of the few based developers that hate gaijin.

>> No.43517234

Oneyuu got a fantl a year or so ago and so I decided to check it out since I love the original and it was comically bad. The translator for some reason decided to make Yuu standoffish and a character that swears a lot.

>> No.43517256

is hibikiworks even still alive ? it's already been 3 years since their last one

>> No.43517263

Does anyone have the oretsuba prelude crack? Cant find it anywhere else

>> No.43517279
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>> No.43517290
File: 203 KB, 1055x207, 1683234224832239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this from /v/
Seems like their only hope are those patreon f95 mtl patches that are getting popular now.

>> No.43517337

Speaking about hibiki works, how is this one https://vndb.org/v14005? It's their only game that has a flat girl

>> No.43517364
File: 931 KB, 1024x768, 1681515795571678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's their only game that has a flat girl
Did you somehow forget about best girl/their best game?
PxC sucks by the way.

>> No.43517369

The russian girl has the most annoying voice you could ever imagine and makes me sad they did that to her.
>It's their only game that has a flat girl
Try looking better next time

>> No.43517390

Hinata and Hime my beloved

>> No.43517411

Oh this one is pretty nice
Idk why they make all girls look fat on posters

>> No.43517419

Speaking of moege, the sousaku kanojo team might have an announcement in summer if the author's tweets are any indication
is it still up? I hope they find someone

>> No.43517422

Oh yeah, that was this disaster kek

>> No.43517424

because I did it 13 years ago

>> No.43517438

It's like someone trying their best to do Touyama Nao's foreigner accent, but failing miserably.

>> No.43517439

is she just pretending to be retarded or all her roles are like this?

>> No.43517474

She's the only route I have yet to do because of this, I guess you could just mute her voice if gets that bad.
At least for the most part other characters don't show up much in each girls route.

>> No.43517483

More than half of their games have a flat girl or at least someone with small chest.

>> No.43517508

Flat chest is unironically not fitting to this face

>> No.43517568

Who thought that this was a good idea?

>> No.43517587

what if japs actually fap to broken gaijin accent?

>> No.43517596

If you think that accent is bad you should listen to the VA work in https://vndb.org/v21116

>> No.43517599

On paper, foreigner with a cute accent sounds good but in reality they just made the seiyuu speak like a retard.

>> No.43517600

Don't give me hope

>> No.43517625
File: 203 KB, 1280x720, 1678692193359257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im sorry to hear about that, i hope you get better.

>> No.43517708

anyone here read this first iris vn https://vndb.org/v6684?
it looks way too dark for moege, is it just nukige or there is something more to it?

>> No.43517850

jesus christ why

>> No.43517995

They are dramafags. They like incest because of the packaging (immorality) and not the insides (bond).
The true indicator of a sister(bond) is the time you spend together.

>> No.43518068

>married heroine

>> No.43518074

Nbr imouto can just eventually grow up, change her mind and just go away and live her own life and you are basically just strangers or old friends at best
Br imouto can't leave you, even if the love will end eventually you still will forever be a family

>> No.43518148

I liked 彼女、甘い彼女 quite a lot. Just take a quick look and play the game that looks interesting to you.

>> No.43518500

Can women comprehend eroge?

>> No.43518610

I actually follow a girl who likes to play moege, nothing about hardcore eroge though.

>> No.43518666 [SPOILER] 
File: 332 KB, 1920x1080, さくら、もゆ (102).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm always weak to mom shit man

>> No.43518668

otomes are generally much more hardcore than your traditional eroge for a male audience

>> No.43518971

Is France Shoujo worth reading?

>> No.43519041 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.46 MB, 1920x1080, さくら、もゆ (108).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking hell more time fuckery

>> No.43519689

It was great. Reminded me of my mental breakdown.

>> No.43519728
File: 676 KB, 800x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never get over how fucking terrible Serika's route in cafe sourire is. She deserved better

>> No.43520034

I've never read a story with an NBR heroine that didn't feel like a story that should've had a BR heroine but the author or editor chickened out.

>> No.43520073
File: 326 KB, 1600x900, フタマタ恋愛_Ver1.00フタマタ恋愛 (28).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The designs look a lot worse than futakoi, but futakoi had two good routes, one alright girl (haha she's a cat) with a decent route and one horrible awful cunt with a route she didn't deserve. Asage live and die on their writing anyways, I'll wait and see what the gimick is.

>> No.43520113

God, is the artist regressing?

>> No.43520131

Artists regressing seems weirdly common

>> No.43520291

There is this one oldschool bi girl that is really good at it
I have watched her Subahibi, Saihate, and Cross Channel playthroughs and she really thinks like a dude most of the time

>> No.43520832

Who hasn't regressed yet.

>> No.43520852

expectations in /jp/?

>> No.43520881


>> No.43520895
File: 549 KB, 1118x2500, 月白_外套web用.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aye, literally me. Absolutely wicked.

>> No.43520916
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>> No.43520928

Which Favorite VN?

>> No.43520960
File: 2.43 MB, 1920x1080, 1674174721867128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoshimemo. The first VN I've (started to) read in Japanese. Finished Asuho's route and now reading Aoi's.

>> No.43520972

I want to impregnate flat tints.

>> No.43520989

There's three Favorite VNs being read this thread, we're taking of over...

>> No.43520992

There will be 3 disappointed anons soon.

>> No.43520996

I didn’t get off an H scenes since the first Roleplayers, didn’t vibe much with the second one
Is there more similar moege/nukige mix with good H stuff?

>> No.43521017

oioi, can understand iroseka, but sakumoyu is cool

>> No.43521041
File: 1.95 MB, 1920x1080, trueiguess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like favorite

>> No.43521073

Hoshimemo remake music was so good, if only it had better writer

>> No.43521146

Any artists have insight? I think that with a lot of skills you can grind hard until you reach your peak (whether peak means your potential or just the max you push it to personally in your lifetime), then just maintain it by practicing regularly without grinding hard as when you were getting good. Why is draughtsmanship seemingly different. Does it rely on decaying ability like sports and games or do artists just get bored of it and stop practicing?

>> No.43521182

It's about motivation, when it's your debut work or when you get a new job you have to motivation to tryhard and show the best you can do, but when it's your 10th work all you think about is to make it good enough for the payment and call it a day

>> No.43521198

But this is the yuzu general

>> No.43521215


>> No.43521219

but he regressed after K3

>> No.43521222
File: 381 KB, 1365x2048, 3143953F-3050-45E4-A243-6762FA00549A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fucking theater reading play sequel of all things
They clearly didn’t think of overseas fans
Do we have to wait for blu ray or something

>> No.43521229

His males still got it but I don't think his females are as good as they used to be
Senshinkan was great but there was a lot of effort put into K3, so I can't blame him for scaling it back/not replicating it

>> No.43521234

You're bad at noticing. I said how I hated its entire cast (minus the spaghetti spiller) in this first and likely last Yuzusoft VN for me several threads back. Not him btw >>43516145

>> No.43521241
File: 124 KB, 630x780, queen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't think his females are as good as they used to be
b-but bro

>> No.43521262

Only for now, most people have finished Tenshi Souzou already

>> No.43521314

Probably dramafags, for me BR is nothing but NBR with unwanted baggage, it's literally literally NBR-.
NBR can do everything BR can and then some, most importantly the generic "happily ever after" true marriage end. Blood transfusions and organ transplantation aside.
BR is not a deal breaker per se, but a clear indicator there will be a need to hold CTRL here and there in at least one of the routes.

>> No.43521325

What about half-sisters?

>> No.43521341


>> No.43521351

Any vns with characters with this body?

>> No.43521368


>> No.43521387

I've played quite a few games with is art already, just wanted to know in general

>> No.43521396

>with is art
Assuming you meant "his", she's a girl.

>> No.43521420

yeah, it was a typo
had no idea she was a girl. her art was probably the main reason I liked most of the bare&bunny titles

>> No.43521422

They are too rare to be worth mentioning. It's ether full BR or full NBR with an occasional "but you're actually NBR" plot twist, at least from what I read/hear about. Would love to see them more because the writer hopefully wanted to do something uncommon with this.

and go from there.

>> No.43521425
File: 868 KB, 1930x1080, avesta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sana op https://youtu.be/j19Ykiee8jQ
at least post one from his most recent vn

>> No.43521436

good stuff

>> No.43521465

>sana op
Complete dogshit compared to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8A-wMHPpIA
I hate how every female Japanese vocalist nowadays tries to sound like aimer/reona. I've started skipping anime OPs for the first time in my life because of this.

>> No.43521491
File: 2.19 MB, 1280x716, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least post one more hype

>> No.43521512

I think Dead Days might have been the last time I heard a male sing an eroge opening

>> No.43521528
File: 1.69 MB, 1930x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chuunibros, we are almost there

>> No.43521541

>Senshinkan was great
Dude, did you see Ayumi's Bansenjin H-scenes?
What the fuck up with Light and Masada in particular's post-K3 obsession with Dutch angles?

>> No.43521572

>What the fuck up with Light and Masada in particular's post-K3 obsession with Dutch angles?
I imagine it's to make things seem more dynamic, like how they splice cgs and rapidly alternate between them

>> No.43521584

Last one I heard was Einstein op but it was more like just another ver

>> No.43521589

Do BLge not have male OPs?

>> No.43521612

I wouldn't know, I don't read BL. I was just saying Dead Days was the last time I personally heard one

>> No.43521646

which favorite do I play first

>> No.43521666

is this game even any good

>> No.43521693

Not really.

>> No.43521696

Depends on what you're looking for. If you want something cute and comfy, Hoshimemo. If you want something with story, Sakura Moyu.

>> No.43521703

I've only read Astral Air and Sakura Moyu, but I liked both of them. Sakura Moyu is the most highly rated generally so probably that one. I personally liked the heroines in Astral Air more though.

>> No.43521705

if you like moege yeah, it's really cute

>> No.43521729

iroseka if you like shinku but you will have to sit through extremely boring 2/3 of the game first

>> No.43521740
File: 23 KB, 250x300, oniichanoniichanoniichanoniichanoniichan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mute the imouto if you do.

>> No.43521742

the power of music in vns cannot be understated
any scene can be elevated with the right track

>> No.43521760

cinema started with wagner

>> No.43521762

she was literally the only good thing in that game

>> No.43521794

bl have some really cool openings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eERcySioYsE

>> No.43521796

i like a good story but i'm also a big characterfag and they can carry unremarkable stories for me easily if I like them. I guess I'll just pick one and find out if I like Favorite's style, they all look kinda neat

>> No.43521834

shinku is easily one of the greatest characters in eroge history and she also gets a dedicated sequel and fandisk so you probably will like it if you don't mind getting through some boring parts

>> No.43521869

I'm almost at the end of my rope. A lot of these look cool, but I'm not into gayshit. I'm only gay enough to want more male characters overall. Are the H-scenes skippable for most of these? I've been recommended Shingakkou and Togainu no Chi, so how about those?

>> No.43521891

lol there's truly no need to be so desperate for male characters that you read gay porn, just read LNs/watch anime with normal male characters in them instead

>> No.43521908

>watch anime with normal male characters in them
They're almost all hetare faggots though. That and there are too many girls. I don't mind that all the time, but sometimes I want an even balance or more males overall.

>> No.43521914

I would say all nitro chiral games are worth reading even if you are a homophobe, h scenes are easily skippable but that true old nitro atmosphere and music is just something you can never get enough

>> No.43521920

>that true old nitro atmosphere and music
I'm looking for that too, yeah. I guess it's time...

>> No.43521938

I get that, but they really go overboard with it in more recent titles. Fucking slice of life scenes have changing dutch angles. I mean come on.

>> No.43522198

I have a game for you.

The game that made me hate the entire male population of a VN other than (Me) ever since I've read it many moons ago. You will probably like it, though, and maybe even reconsider because too many girls is much, much, MUCH better than too many boys.

>> No.43522328

Please flop please flop please flop

>> No.43522779

All incest is good

>> No.43522839

even father son?

>> No.43522933

All incest is good

>> No.43522956

still remember the first time I read hakuchuumu, never thought that three years later I would be wishing absolute failure to laplacian
just die already

>> No.43522975

Not familiar with the situation, quick rundown?

>> No.43522982

quick rundown on laplacian?

>> No.43523044

every single VN/eroge would be massively better if every heroine had several oshikko scenes

>> No.43523124
File: 1.42 MB, 1423x803, 1658795446429835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43523225

That's what ono said in response to those who criticized the huge change he made in case 1, completely affecting the atmosphere and strength of the story (in addition to the erotic content).
Basically ono is a pretentious bitch who is now too good for the medium and no shit related to them should be mentioned here

>> No.43523288

any other heroines that do the extremely high 感度 thing really well like in her scenes? i loved that shit especially in the one where she sits on his lap

>> No.43523342

bold words for someone about to get parquet'ed

>> No.43523374
File: 737 KB, 1598x300, sakuranotoki_2023-05-19_17-56-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always knew that scaji is projecting himself into Naoya

>> No.43523686

qrd? did yuzusoft's all age venture fail?

>> No.43523768

I don't know about failing, but it certainly didn't do anywhere near as well as one of their eroge titles.

>> No.43523800

they seem to consider it not one of their mainline games in the first place as well, the countdown videos referred to cafe stella as the 前作

>> No.43523858

Well yes, it was a different brand altogether

>> No.43523972

Imagine how high on your own farts you need to be to actually say this in public.

>> No.43523994

oh my god why are the Senshinkan dutch angles back

>> No.43524015

>it's obvious that you're self-censoring to sell it oversees, instead of just admitting it or even ignoring it you decided to be as pretentious as possible whilst talking the maddest shit
Personally I don't care too much about companies going all ages or re-releasing an all ages version with extra content, but the guy's just an asshole

>> No.43524077

Given that he didn't write any h scenes in all of Laplacian's main games and had to outsource them all I would guess he is just a faggot who was forced to include them and now is trying to put himself above primitive eroge readers when he got a chance

>> No.43524094

That explains why the h-scenes were the best part about Newton.

>> No.43524100

>a big part of arima's story is how much of a loser he is and how hard his dream to become a writer crumbled down
>goes from being a part-time high-school literature teacher to a university professor

>> No.43524130

Going all ages is probably the best case scenario if a company stops doing eroge. August just fucked off and are doing their gacha and don't get me started on Nitroplus

>> No.43524157

Cases like these make me appreciate scadi even more. He's the closest thing to an anon in this thread that you can find in the industry. schizo, argues about fucking chickens, is obsessed with futa porn... in short, a proud degenerate

>> No.43524180

, loves Yuzusoft

>> No.43524201

If only the music was looped properly.

>> No.43524216

Show me any company and went into allage and got a success
Allages have far bigger competition with other games and making people buy and read your 40 hours long novels without any additional reward at the end like h scenes isn't an easy task in the age of zoomers with fucked up attention span

>> No.43524235

I agree but then that has its own problem where a company will just milk its one successful IP never releasing anything else like aquaplus does with uta

>> No.43524248


>> No.43524250


>> No.43524256

even that speaks well of him. the guy is genuinely happy about competitor successes like yuzusoft or qruppo... and then you've got ono saying >if you want inferior content, then go read the work of other companies

>> No.43524305

Yeah literally this >>43524235
They tried with mahoyo, failed and just continued endless fate milking

>> No.43524314

Unbelievably based

>> No.43524339

He is smart enough to realize that Yuzusoft is the last pillar of eroge, can't let it go down

>> No.43524349

Mahoyo was a success, it's just that FGO became a cash cow they never expected and there's way too many parties involved for typemoon to just stop. The game is apparently a zombie for it's former self in terms of content from what I've heard.

>> No.43524385


>> No.43524398

why are you posting your own tweets faggot

>> No.43524420


>> No.43524424

>Mahoyo was a success
Was it? I swear I read in an interview when the remaster came out that Nasu said it wasn't.

>> No.43524483

You fell for the memes apparently. Mahoyo sold a fuckload. If you don't want to count Type-Moon, there's also Key.

>> No.43524513

Are we sure about that?

>> No.43524581

It sold more than rewrite going by physical sales.

>> No.43524972

What was the change?

>> No.43525042

One of the stories focuses on a 40 something year old high school teacher getting into a relationship with one of his students
They changed it to university/college which fucked with the overall atmosphere as pointed out by >>43524100

>> No.43525054

Yeah I was looking into it. Are the changes and new stuff in the rest of the story in the new version worth reading? Trying to figure out if I'd be missing anything if I just ignored the new version entirely

>> No.43525071

There's new epilogues I think, I never bothered with downloading the all ages version to read it
The aforementioned change to case 1 is the most egregious thing I think that and removing the hot hscenes

>> No.43525103

>A fucking theater reading play sequel of all things
What did you expect? Ono Wasabi is already working on their next VN for 2024, can't manage 2 VN projects at time

>> No.43525123

>The aforementioned change to case 1 is the most egregious thing I think
Case 3 MC's age was changed too. It's even more schizophrenic than in Case 1, because they couldn't adjust text properly and 15 years old boy into college student

>> No.43525146

Didn't know they changed Kanna's age too damn

>> No.43525173

Is Baldr sky considered as chuuni or it's just a default plotge but with robots?

>> No.43525192

FGO is honestly barely even all ages with how every females dresses like the cheapest fucking prostitute, they even have erect nipples in artwork and storylines about servants having literal sex orgies.

>> No.43525264

How much of those storylines involve the protagonist?

>> No.43525377

all of them, in the sense that he gets cucked. None in the sense that he gets laid. They literally married the main heroine of the game to a lion, although she didn't have sex with him.

>> No.43525400

As someone who’s been following Ono Wasabi youtube radio show right before hakuchuumu release, all that all ages shit came on much later
In fact, he went non stop on how non virgin heroines are good and wanted to show their charm in the h scenes even if it turned the users off

>> No.43525480

is the japanese side of the vn industry as dead as the english side?

>> No.43525493

>he went non stop on how non virgin heroines are good
so that mf really had the potential to be one of the best writers in the medium. sad. i wonder what happened along the way outside of the need to sell and be more mainstream

>> No.43525514

The english side was never even alive

>> No.43525547

Not particularly, every once in awhile you might get something of a sleeper hit of a vn that you didnt expect. Every year there's been a vn or multiple that were surprisingly good

>> No.43525571

are big chuunige like dies irae/muramasa still being released?
i'm planning on learning japanese

>> No.43525589

What were the good VN in the last year or two

>> No.43525661

Just last year:
Hentai Prison
Jewelry hearts
R:ed Cherish

>> No.43525679

A new Masada VN is being made. I guess the WN he's currently writing could possibly get an adaption in several years

>> No.43525693
File: 926 KB, 1930x1080, 388be673-93cc-4474-8484-b9fd561b6cb1 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are big chuunige like dies irae/muramasa still being released?
A new game from Masada is in the works, 黒白のアヴェスタ
When light went down he was writing it as a WN with illustrations from G Yuusuke, with light back it's being made into a vn as seen with some screenshots posted earlier, last I heard they finished voice recordings
He's also currently doing a WN about the world before the throne and is chronologically at the start of the series - 事象地平戦線アーディティヤ, which is also really good
That's probably next up for a vn adaption after Avesta

>> No.43525702

ooo nice to see that light is back

>> No.43525717

Same to Ikiru Nanokakan was also good

>> No.43525735

Oh that's what you meant by Samanana, never mind. according to vndb the abbreviation was Samenana, hadn't seen either before.

>> No.43525747

Next month!

>> No.43525762

By the way no one make a thread until this one dies, /jp/ has been so slow lately, if you make one now we'll have 2 threads for like 20+ hours.

>> No.43525779

Masada is weird to me because I read dies and didn't really like it but for some reason every 15 months or so I will get a sudden urge for his writing style and pick up another one of his games.

>> No.43525780

what is the OP going to be now that people have finished tenshi souzou?

>> No.43525783

it means you're tsundere

>> No.43525786

Are the other light chuuniges worth it? vermilion at least looks pretty good
I have only read masada and silverio series

>> No.43525795

flyable heart

>> No.43525806

just be honest with yourself

>> No.43525807
File: 3.39 MB, 2225x1252, sakuranotoki_2023-05-20_00-04-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>google this dude
>his art is basically a wet dream of a pedophile
>decide to read his wiki
>in 31 he started to live with his 19yo model
>they married 8 years later after having 3rd kid
>all his 5 kids and wife died at an early age from tuberculosis
Damn what a life to live

>> No.43525830

Can't wait. Yui best girl!

>> No.43525907

For me sharkge is easier to remember at this point

>> No.43526024

Tsukihime broke records years ago

>> No.43526177

light is not back, or at least not with shinza
these last titles have all been masada and gyuusuke on fantia

>> No.43526236

The recent screenshots have the exact same interface as light's latest vn (magatsu barai) so presumably they have involvement

>> No.43526262

>light is not back
They've been back since Magatsu Barai and their post detailing they've paid off their creditors
>these last titles have all been masada and gyuusuke on fantia
as the other anon mentioned, Avesta is running on the same engine as Magatsu Barai. As much as I hate light, or rather greenwood as a business, all signs point to them developing the VN

>> No.43526344
File: 199 KB, 1600x938, malie_WH7LyIVfDI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's good. I enjoyed reading it and the soundtrack was great

>> No.43526463

Is there any Black Cyc without a ton of H? I like horror stuff but I started with Yami no Koe 1 and 2 which mostly revolves around H scenes which I got bored of pretty quickly despite them both being pretty short. That isn't to say those games were bad but if all of their catalogue is like that then I'll probably lower their priority in my backlog.

>> No.43526473

extravaganza has fucked up shit only at like beginning then it goes all into plot

>> No.43526834
File: 1.07 MB, 1285x965, LOVELY×C∧TION2_2023-05-20_03-49-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any difference what you choose or she will call you senpai anyway?

>> No.43526958

Once you become a couple new options appears iirc.

>> No.43526995

Is my JP or eyesight just bad, or does that have two cases where it just has 先輩 on there? What for?

>> No.43527108

are there any father daughter incest vns? I feel like any sort of incest other than siblings has very few if any good vns

>> No.43527128

That's because sibling incest is the only good kind

>> No.43527140

Father-daughter incest is natural order though. A good daughter belongs to her father for eternity.

>> No.43527143

Imagine being so cucked you'd let your cute sister fuck your dad

>> No.43527152

what if you're the dad

>> No.43527156

To be your sister's dad you'd have to fuck your mom. But that means your mom wasn't fucking her dad. Unless...

>> No.43527163

now that's a good plot in the making

>> No.43527211

It's possible for me to have a daughter in the future but not possible for me to have a little sister, so no NTR for me.

>> No.43527247

unless your daughter fucks your wife, then you'd be NTRd twice at once

>> No.43527301

Speaking of Sakura Moyu, it's a shame that none of the heroines really interested me and the ones that did Asahi, Nana and Mashiro weren't heroines to begin with

>> No.43527708

why the fuck is sakura moyu 720p

>> No.43527734

So they can sell people a 1080p version in 1-2 years.

>> No.43528381

New thread?

>> No.43528563

alot of shit's in 720p max like August's latest game. I typically dont read fullscreen so I literally need to project their crap on OBS Studio and enlarge it.

>> No.43528603

why not just use magpie instead?

>> No.43528625

Magpie only supports fullscreen. Won't work for him if he doesn't want to go fullscreen.

>> No.43528688

at least tooya has route

>> No.43528765

how about Sizer or Sandburst?

>> No.43528781

>He's also currently doing a WN about the world before the throne and is chronologically at the start of the series - 事象地平戦線アーディティヤ, which is also really good
Masada is truly the Brandon Sanderson of visual novels, he'd be a much better writer if he just wrote stories and dropped le epic interconnected universe. All of his works would improve if you dropped the references to the others.

>> No.43528789

Should I play the original Himawari or the remake? I heard the remake supposedly is better written but I like the original art so much better

>> No.43528855

>heard the remake supposedly is better written
It's same text minus 3 h-scenes and alcohol references

>> No.43528861 [DELETED] 

No I don't mean the H-scenes I mean the art. Specifically I just think Aries looks way cuter in the original, even though otherwise the art is technically a lot better

>> No.43528865

he still hasn't given up on his fgo gacha game that brings all those characters back to kill le big bad. Surely when that releases in 2042 he will move on

>> No.43528868

Light is STILL trying to do that fucking gacha after it bankrupted them TWICE???

>> No.43528939

Don't know about Light but Masada has said he wants to buy the development assets back from the last company they hired

>> No.43529049

Should we do another Yuzu thread?

>> No.43529062

everyone heroine already got an OP

>> No.43529069

chika not yet tho

>> No.43529216

New thread:


>> No.43529326

Sana Edition
