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43491192 No.43491192 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.43491218

Birthday stream literally was just FC advertisment.
She doesn't see Canan as anything but extra income now.
But that's probably for the best.

>> No.43491461

Well she does seem horny today.

>> No.43491898

She said there's more stuff for kaigainiki to look forward to in the 1 year anniversary of FC

>> No.43491929

it's mostly the new tier / payment system for foreigners that she talked about before

>> No.43491944

She said something about a lottery, separate from the talk event lottery.
And she talked about it when mentioning the postcards stuff, so imagine it's something for foreigners to get physical stuff.

>> No.43492020

"50% rate hike for gaijin"

>> No.43492028

God I hope so it gave me an option to put an address for them this time hopefully it will be possible to change it from digital to physical for the 1 year.

>> No.43492827

It seems her strategy this year to not have a menhera attack was to keep it business only, birthday stream was basically just the announcement and advertising FC, Nico was just normal earlick.
It kinda worked but it ended up just feeling kinda empty and boring.
Now she regrets it.

>> No.43492981

She may regret it but I think it was for the best. Once you get to her age, your birthday isn't a fun thing anymore, even if you have a decent/good life (ie, you make good money, have a good career, etc.). It's moreso a reminder of all the things you haven't done yet, the things you wished you did, and that you're getting older. Chat would have asked questions that would have magnified those reminders and I guarantee she'd have another breakdown. If you want to make your birthday's fun, you want to hang out with people or do something that will make you forget those reminders or at the very least, make you appreciate the journey you've been on and where you're at.

>> No.43493169

2023 05 13 canan nico asme please

>> No.43493299

Probably trying to stop piracy but will just drive people away. She really thinks only overseas guys are pirating her work. It's mostly Chinese but they put it on English websites because US porn sites are the most trafficked.

>> No.43493815

Can someone please give me a quick rundown on what happened? I couldn't watch because I had to get up in the morning.
What's the deal with the new plans and FC? Is she really getting greedy or is it something else? I'm reading the thread and last one and getting mixed messages.

>> No.43494326

Farting asmr stream when?

>> No.43494338

Just ignore >>43492020
Everything was on the last few posts of the previous thread.

>> No.43494471

She's still going to go menhera she just won't do it in public. I'm 30 soon and I despise people talking about my birthday, I really don't get why adults feel the need to celebrate them, especially when the person in quesiton hates them. It just means another year without reaching your goals.

>> No.43494534

It's a shame she doesn't have any friends left from her old Nico days. They all retired or became vtubers. So now all her friends are from hololive or old school friends. The stream did feel pretty lonely.

>> No.43494596

She did get a superchat from that one girl, the same one where she and Marine's RM showed up for a stream last year.
And it's not like it'd be weird for someone like Mel or Matsuri to show up, but that's just not the kind of stuff she wants for her birthday.
Maybe she'll do something once she turns 30 though.

>> No.43494660

Well HL cant publically associate and obviously their RM is a privacy risk.

>> No.43494669

Kururu literally left a red Superchat on her YouTube stream

>> No.43494757

>once she turns 30 though
She'll want to be far far away when she's 30

>> No.43494824

Sometimes they might try extra hard to get over it, like I've seen girls do 24h streams for their 30th birthdays.

>> No.43494904

I don't think she's ever done a 24 hour stream

>> No.43495289

how did she even meet kukuru anyway?

>> No.43495504

Nice, she's done with that birthday bullshit and two Canan streams, finally getting some 6 PM Noel again.
So much for Dark Souls 2 during weekdays.

>> No.43495657

She's live.
It's over

>> No.43495974

Fuck no archive. Anything interesting from this stream?

>> No.43496041

She announced her retirement

>> No.43496052

And her marriage to me.

>> No.43496217

If I caught it right she’s feeling slightly down for the talk event, didn’t catch why but I’m guessing either she is feeling sad because she knows people will feel down if they aren’t chosen or maybe some people are already complaining it’s a lottery system. It also sounded like she was signing stuff. And a bunch of other small topics, was also sleepy so she might not have gotten too much sleep.

>> No.43499384

I think her birthday got to her down anyway. She was feeling sad that she didn't do more for it. I think she regretted it being just a shill stream.

>> No.43502449
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I’m tired of loving this menhera, I don’t know how anyone else can do it. The constant need for her to take her BPD medicine, the endless accusations, the emotional outburst, it’s all so tiresome.

>> No.43502559

Can she be saved?

>> No.43502917

took you long enough

>> No.43503165

read the part about japan

>> No.43503491


>> No.43503493


>> No.43503548

She lets piracy hurt so much, really believes they're all antis that are only doing it because they're evil and explicitly want to hurt her

>> No.43503554

I mean, she's half right.

>> No.43503565

How? People just want to fap, they don't give a single thought about her.

>> No.43503592

>I have friends that do earlick
Mel, Choco, anyone else?

>> No.43503628

Aki, Miko, and at this rate fat cat's dangerously close

>> No.43503722

>dwango staff will be listening on the call
That's going to be so awkward

>> No.43503876

>200 people will be selected

>> No.43503992

Also Macoto. Believe it or not they do get along.

>> No.43503996

Business friends

>> No.43504043

they should have sex and record their docking

>> No.43504264

Dwango needs to throw them a bag they can't refuse for a collab FC stream

>> No.43504347

Seriously. Make that shit a one time PPV. People will pour money to see that. It'll also be the most torrented stream from either of them.

>> No.43504432

Wait Aki does ASMR or is dlsite ASMR

>> No.43506573

She's been wanting to do this for years so I'll let it slide. But I won't be taking part in it.

>> No.43506661

It's crazy she's still talking about still signing the 6 month rewards for people that joined in July last year when we are 2 months a way from a year, that video is going to take for ever to get sent out.

>> No.43506972

Do they even know each others or you're pulling this outta your ass?

>> No.43507744

I got my 6th month digital reward at the end of last month, so yeah, I don't expect to see the 12th month before September.

>> No.43507956

Already I didn’t get my 3 months until February and that’s that I signed up the first half of July. And now I just realized I don’t think I ever downloaded the voice file for joining in July

>> No.43508144

she's mentioned macoto by name in community streams before.
She said she doesn't think of streamers who do similar content as rivals but as friends who understand each other because they've been through similar things.

>> No.43509390

She's very naive. Macoto is a cut throat.

>> No.43509807
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Duality of her.

>> No.43509926

Dude, she went to bed happy and woke up sick, that's not duality.
It would be funny if she had a depressing tweet on Canan right after that Noel 最高 one, like Azki does.

>> No.43510220

3 straight days of community streams. Will she make it 4 today? I'll go with no

>> No.43510282

that would just make the sex hotter

>> No.43510395

How do japanese seemingly all do stuff like that lol.
Doesn't seem that their constitution is ever very strong, seems that a strong wind could knock them over or kill them oftentimes.

>> No.43510674

Being isolated on an island doesn't build much of an immune system

>> No.43510726

They must not be as isolated as you think if they're getting foreign diseases all the time

>> No.43511802

Why is she so involved with dwango staff? Is pissing me off

>> No.43511864

Wdym why? She's using their site, of course they're involved

>> No.43512429

Her bf's working for Dwango. Her doing lewd asmr's back in 2020 eventually turned him into a cuck. He needed more stimulation so he talked to Dwango upper management and convinced them to start the FC site. That's why she was so happy and excited when FC was about to open because she was going to make her bf happy while practicing her sexual skills for the day they get married and start having baby making sex. The nip slip happened and she wanted to stop but at this point her bf's a huge cuck and that stream was the hottest shit her bf's ever seen so he's kept pushing her to continue despite her wishes to stop. However, she's too much of a people pleaser to put her foot down. This eventually leads to him suggesting the call in event to her and getting management to approve it. Why do you think she's been so unhappy these past few months? It's because her bf's keeps pushing the envelope to satisfy his cuck fetish when she wants to stop. It's really sad actually. I can't believe you guys never figured this out.

>> No.43512472

This is what schizophrenia looks like

>> No.43513024

At least this schizo is far more creative than any of the other schizos we have here. That schizo post was entertaining.

>> No.43515516

Source: "my ass"

>> No.43517095

She stayed up all night with the sick hamsters? I hope her boasting about their longevity won't end up becoming a bad prophecy.

>> No.43517159

I swear they better be ok, she really loves them. I just hope the No is for her not realizing the time.

>> No.43517312


>> No.43517670

>She'll want to be far far away when she's 30
Did she say that? Does she want to live in a diff country?

>> No.43518761

If a hamster died you guys thing she'll still be able to do the Canan streams left for the month?
I don't remember how much it affected her the last one, but she's in a different mental state right now anyway.

>> No.43518803

She's done. She'll pull her veto power and reschedule or cancel

>> No.43518887

She only took a week off when she panicked over two of her hamsters getting an infection and didn't have a vet to go to. When Gu-chan actually died later she took a day off to mourn and she was fine.

>> No.43519555

Why doesn’t Canan just go after a shota if she’s scared of men.

>> No.43519658

I hope she's okay. Complete radio silence after that very strange tweet.

>> No.43519712

Do we know which one died? It's probably Pop-chan since she was the oldest but since she said sick maybe another one got sick.

>> No.43519720

I imagine it isn't Pop or she would have said the name instead of just Hamu-chan, that's for the other three that she hasn't said what their names are.

>> No.43519760

She's shown off two in Canan and one on Noel. But I think she has another one or two.

>> No.43519843

It was Pop

>> No.43519947


>> No.43520238

May he rest

>> No.43520428

Goddamn this hurts. Popchan was the first hamster she introduced to us as Noel. I know I had a few fanarts of her and Popchan. Popchan was the one where we found out about Noel's habit of sniffing hamster crotch. Popchan was the hamster that her fan mascot was designed off of. Popchan was a fat hamu but he was endearing and cute. He lived for a surprisingly long time and now he'll live on through her fan mascot. RIP Popchan.

>> No.43520781
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Pop was a girl. She'll be missed

>> No.43523745

Getting Zelda today I guess but I imagine she's not up for sexy Canan streams.

>> No.43523955

Even without this I wasn’t going to expect another one until Monday which would have been a cooking stream.
And then a Earlick on Friday ending either Saturday or Sunday with FC.

>> No.43524735

So the nu tweet was when it died? I still don't understand what it meant.

>> No.43525167

I think at that point she realized pop was going to pass. Since she says she passed at 11:50 so she probably just spent the entire time with her until she did

>> No.43525508

That must have been rough. But at least she was with her at the end. She could have easily been at work or asleep when Pop passed.

>> No.43526409

Well, at least she has more time for FC now.

>> No.43526774

what are you implying? That she doesn't have to care for her hamsters anymore? You do know that she has 3 other hamsters right?

>> No.43527114

Yeah I didn't think she'd recover so fast.

>> No.43527184

She just needs a dick.

>> No.43527765

I mean, It's understandable because after all they are her companion pets but, they are hamsters, literally the most temporary pet you can have.

>> No.43527801

I say fish are more expendable

>> No.43527805
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Well being a hamster that she got with Flare, has been with her most of her life as Noel, and got used as the base for dan'in design is going to make her extremely attached to it, were it any other of her hamsters it wouldn't hit so hard.

>> No.43527843

Pop was her first hamster too and what created all of this. She takes care of them every day and plays with them. Plus she's a girl. Why are people downplaying this? She can feel however she wants when a pet dies.
>It's just a hamster
That she took care of and loved for two and a half years.

>> No.43528795

>She's happy after her hamster died
How bad will her depressive streak be when that hits?

>> No.43531315

Oh nice finally getting a FC on a Saturday again.

>> No.43531974

You're taking it out of context. She was tweeting that Subarru gave Valefor the same name she did when she played FFX.

>> No.43532217

She's bipolar, of course she's going to react weird

>> No.43532234

There's nothing weird about her reaction, she took a day off to compose herself and that's it. Even if she's still feeling sad about it she never lets her emotions show on Noel much.

>> No.43532683

Wonder if she decided to do the Donation reading instead of a cooking or a community because she doesn’t want to read comments bringing up her hamsters.

>> No.43532753

Well that stream shouldn't count as part of the 4 for the month so I imagine she'll still do cooking at the end of the month after FC.
If she was scared of comments like that she would do the Noel zatsu tomorrow, it's more likely people will bring it up there.

>> No.43533271

I’m thinking she wants to keep them all isolated to Noel instead of having people bring them up on Canan where the chat is more readable for her. Doing a Donation reading lets her keep her eyes away from chat to read the donations and then answer them. Vs a cooking where she actively reads chat. That or I’m just reading too much into it and she wants to save the cooking stream until the end of the month so it’s closer to the cut off date for the birthday events

>> No.43533510

Idk I think this donation stream will be counted towards the 4. If she were to do a cooking stream she probably would've put it on the schedule as well already. Also the title doesn't say it's not counted as previous donation streams were.

If someone brings up her hamster death in this upcoming stream they're just an asshole. Even if that's not their intention. She has made no mention of it as Canan so there should be no reason to bring it up. People would merge what Noel says into Canan are annoying.

>> No.43533543

You guys are thinking too much into it. She probably just wants to read donations to feel better because she's still sad and reading donations make her happy.

>> No.43533620

It does say it not counted towards the quota. She added it a bit after.

>> No.43534934

As far as mentioning the hamster goes there were a couple of superchat about it last night, she didn't read any out loud and kinda just clarified that she said everything she wanted over twitter, no matter the account I guess she won't bring it up no matter what.

>> No.43534992 [DELETED] 
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People should make more NoelCanan fanart

>> No.43535129

She should do a Noel cosplay on FC

>> No.43535727

Listening to her now maybe this anon is right, not necessarily just "time" but Pop was deteriorating for a while already, no teeth and she was taking it to to the vet quite of then, and giving it special food.
It certainly should clear a lot of stress from her life, and emotionally she was ready for it.

>> No.43535796

>Zelda at 4 PM
So at most 6 hours before switching to Canan
And retards on chat were telling her to do it at 5 PM instead, do they really not know?

>> No.43535913

Not every Noel fan follows what Canan does. They probably know she also does Canan work but don't actually care what she does there.

>> No.43537989

the succubus's stream was peak, now its just downhill from there...

>> No.43538026

You're not seeing her nipples again

>> No.43538047
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>> No.43539198

>first chat comment she reads is "are you ok to be string right now?"
Fucking retard

>> No.43539207


>> No.43539307

Damn Hoshinegai too horny with that one.

>> No.43539686

>pay attention and she's taking about morning wood
Man I didn't even notice how she got here

>> No.43539754

I will, when I marry her

>> No.43539767

>people don't have sex doing papakatsu right? That would be illegal
Yes Canan, people never break the law

>> No.43539798

Damn, all these Hoshinegai drawings.
She must have done some great stuff for FC too, but a FC donation reading seems unlikely for a while.

>> No.43539860

I hate her so much

>> No.43539862

Lol she's talking about gaijin complaining that the Nico outfits are better than FC.
Is she really looking here or did people mention it somewhere else?

>> No.43539993

>Canan could be checking this thread daily google translating your shitposts
Please behave yourselves accordingly

>> No.43540070

>fanart hashtag

>> No.43540336

Told you there would be some dumbasses bringing it up.

>> No.43540361

I love it when someone ask something dumb and she goes "as I just said..." Or "like it says in the screen..."
She always wants to be nice but you can tell she gets tired at the idiots.

>> No.43540447

people post URLs in this or the /t/ thread which someone inevitably sends over to her, so of course she google translates them
that or twitter, because foreigners were saying that everywhere, not just here

>> No.43540482

Why the hamster emoji?

>> No.43540509


>> No.43540660

People post URLs here? I don’t think I’ve seen any even though I frequent here. /t/ on the other hand it’s obvious when they come over here. Since they talk about the succubus stream like it was a holy grail.
She might also see it on the Japanese side talking about us talking about the outfits.

>> No.43540665

>Pink nipples

>> No.43540706

What's your point? That's the character design. She technically doesn't have blue eyes either.

>> No.43540742

Well there's a reason she always calls the fanart with that design "that girl" while "Canan" is supposed to be the pig.

>> No.43541068

fuck pop chan

>> No.43541094

little rat is finally dead

>> No.43541427

Go fuck yourself with a cactus

>> No.43541466

Donation stream worth listening to?

>> No.43541560

Nice samefagging. We love Pop here.

>> No.43541810

I would say so

>> No.43542106

kys Taiga. Mio prefers Tawa

>> No.43542449

She also hates herself.

>> No.43543198

I need crying asmr of her

>> No.43543269

You brain deads still think she's a virgin

>> No.43543307

want to shove my dick down that throat

>> No.43543321

Her pussy is so brown, disgusting

>> No.43543337

She need filters on her camera, the fantia past streams look better then fc

>> No.43543351

FC is too HD, can see all her ugly parts

>> No.43543362


>> No.43543367

No menhera breakdown on youtube saying she wants to get gang banged? Fucking boring

>> No.43543388

Macoto more pale
Pink nipples
Not fat

Why watch canan

>> No.43543413

Quality posting as always, gents.

>> No.43543425

Is this a 5ch jap that read >>43539862 or something?

>> No.43543549

Whore needs to fucking show me her asshole already

>> No.43543713

It's all from one dude. Every post is within 1-2 minutes of each other. Dead giveaway.

>> No.43543722

It's hard as a sane person to this on the level of this schizo and what causes him to type such things.

>> No.43544590

Did she announce the next FC yet?

>> No.43544619


>> No.43544718

Any tips on picking her up? Need s girlfriend.

>> No.43545108

As the schizo who wrote >>43512429, it disgusts me how the other schizo is going about his business. Such a lack of effort, energy, creativity in his schizo posts. That dude brings same to other schizos. Utterly pathetic.

>> No.43545694
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x1080, 20230522_002638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is way better than FC.

>> No.43546657

It had been a long while since Noel last retweeted art, interesting she choose this timing since going into the tag right now meant seeing all the Pop art

>> No.43546923


>> No.43546976


>> No.43546983


>> No.43547013


>> No.43547142

What triggered this guy?

>> No.43547474

Probably some attention seeking whore who wasn’t getting it from his parents so they decided to come onto here instead

>> No.43547620

>free parts are now just FC advertising without even a blurred camera

>> No.43547645


>> No.43547650


>> No.43547660

What's so cow about this outfit? It's just a white dress

>> No.43547662


>> No.43547747

Imagine paying for the fc when its trash

>> No.43548057

>up 4 kilos
Her arms do look a bit fat

>> No.43548150


>> No.43548184

I wish she still the occasional ass or feet stuff on Nico again, now it's only for FC.

>> No.43548197

>random Goron joke
People really can't help themselves

>> No.43548216

It kind of reminds me of a dirndl but more lingerie. Could also be the white with patterns kind of looks like a cow

>> No.43548317

She has her talk with Yua today.

>> No.43548367

She used her real name for a previous Yua thing and is afraid it'll get revealed if she talks about this call on social media.

>> No.43548434

Care to explain what is this talk with Yua thing?

>> No.43548437

If you're 180 cm Canan will talk to you while looking at your crotch, did I get that right?

>> No.43548450

She won a 1-1 talk event with her favorite JAV actress

>> No.43548461

Is she talking about what she wants to talk with her about

>> No.43548475

She wants tips to lose weight

>> No.43548481

She wants to do papakatsu situation for FC.
She really loves prostitute situations, what happened to being our girlfriend?

>> No.43548493

Too much doujin

>> No.43548499

she said she will be wearing a pacifier and diaper for the FC on 27th

>> No.43548538

She has no experience being a girlfriend and knowing how Japanese porn and doujins are she has a bigger pool to get scenarios from.

>> No.43549761

>papakatsu on her birthday month
Probably wearing a school uniform, does she want to feel young again?

>> No.43549787

There's plenty of vanilla situations to get from porn too, she must like this whoring more.
I guess it's as a response to the "younger girl" some people asked for last month, but I would have preferred imouto or kouhai girlfriend stuff.
Like she's autistic about not repeating outfits much but two prostitute situations in a row is fine?

>> No.43549948

Macoto more pale
Pink nipples
Not fat

Why watch canan

>> No.43550000

I feel honored this thread about a lewd streamer has it's own schizos and ritual posters. It shows how far it's grown that it's making the big leagues.

>> No.43550017


>> No.43550036

You mean Mikarin*
Learn to type

>> No.43550050

Mikarin* will never know what its like to have a loving mother.

>> No.43550532

if Yua convinces her to do JAV I'll laugh my ass off

>> No.43550620

She wouldn't do that.

>> No.43550880


>> No.43550895


>> No.43550953

Marine's mother hates Marine

>> No.43551054

Coomer here, should I just give up on her showing her nipples ever again? Even if by accident? Considering the giant ass pasties...

>> No.43551162

Damn where the random schizo who can’t spell to save their life come from

>> No.43551171

Pretty much. Sge is not going to risk it anymore

>> No.43551182

Yes you should give up, she hasn’t done any teasing I think since January if I’m remembering right.
Yeah there is vanilla but you can’t deny the more eye catching scenarios with great art are on the more degen situations like prostitution, NTR and so on.

>> No.43551394

I wish she did more vanilla ASMR.

>> No.43551675


>> No.43551725


>> No.43551844


>> No.43552336

Unfortunately yes, I'm a big nipple coomer as well and I can't even remember the last stream when she was playing with her pasties

>> No.43552351


>> No.43553244

You think she'd want to invite other men into the bedroom with you?

>> No.43553450

She is a fucking multi millionaire you delusional fuck

>> No.43554132

pop chan dead lol

>> No.43554236

I think he's acting out because he read the post that she might read these threads but I doubt it. Probably someone saying the same thing on 5ch or something. It's not exactly a hot take, I think everyone has noticed the outfits lately have been lacking on the FC.

>> No.43555377

>multi millionaire
citation needed

>> No.43557388

Well taking what we know from the FC side at least where she has had to do 4 digits of signing so at the bare minimum you can do 1000x 5500yen or 1000x 11000yen to get 5,500,000 and 11,000,000 so you can average it out to 8,250,000 yen a month from FC take half to include what would be taxes and DWANGO cut for 4,125,000 yen using current exchange rate of 130 yen to $1 makes $31,730.76 a month from just FC that’s not including fantia stream labs and NicoNico. And also doesn’t include all the Holo stuff.

>> No.43557574

She has mentioned that her tax accountant has told her she's rich enough to never have to work another day in her life again.

Ah yes, someone who is choosing to retire from JAVs is going to convince someone else to join the industry

>> No.43558038

Oh yeah in case anyone wants to, I was able to change from digital to physical goods. After changing my address to my tenso one and then sending them an email, they just said if it doesn’t arrive it’s not our responsibility.

>> No.43558151

If true then that's generational wealth. And she's on the fast track of having no kids. So her brother and his family will get all her money.

>> No.43558724

Yeah a lot of the top earners don’t worry about money and instead put back into projects could be unique merch expensive MV solo concerts and so on some have bought their own places as well instead of renting

>> No.43558736

So did the call with Mikami Yua actually happen? I thought it would be like a big event but I don't see anything on Twitter.
If it happened maybe she was so happy she felt like singing.

>> No.43558983

She will make Yua her girlfriend

>> No.43559031

She did karaoke because that's her go to for 1 hour streams. She just wanted to do a quick stream before Subaru's outfit reveal and Roboco's 3d

>> No.43559068

Even mori with ONLY Holo makes about 400k a year only
And she cant be compared to Noel or Pekora who also has huge ass 2nd Channels w "Erotic Accounts"
There was multiple anons saying she makes about 4+ million$ yearly

You dont need to think that your poor sad girl makes a few bucks only:(

>> No.43559362

Why did she take such a deep step into these weird kinks like prostitution and ntr? I want vanilla back. What sort shit is she reading and watching where she thinks this is what we want?

>> No.43559412

just continue spamming your "pop chan is dead lmao"

>> No.43559519

In specific for the upcoming papakatsu stuff she talked about it on a community stream, said those accounts are showing up a lot on her twitter feed.
Chat seemed interest enough, and people praise the prostitution streams while the Calvin Klein one got bad reception, maybe she thinks this is what the audience wants, or she feels it's what she needs to really get into the mood.
Don't just deny every criticism just because a new schizo popped up, I think it's genuinely worth discussing, clearly something its making her think this is what FC is about. Like go look up 彼女 on FC, it's only the Christmas, light NTR, and the Calvin Klein one.

>> No.43559741

The issue with her doing vanilla is the genre itself and her audience. Let's face it, her audience are a bunch of coomers. Coomers are desensitized to cookie cutter vanilla. You're gonna need some real build up, great situations, dialogue, and payoff if you want a coomer to cum to vanilla. This is the issue with vanilla in general. A 21 page vanilla hentai is not gonna get someone going if they've read a lot of vanillas already unless the art is god tier. They need all of the things I've mentioned above to even get a rise out of them. But that to pull that stuff off you need a big page count and good writing. Going back to her, all of her vanilla situations are cookie cutter vanilla tropes. Plus, she's too sexually and romantically inexperienced to come up with anything remotely close to the stuff I mentioned earlier. So it's easier for her to default to stuff like prostitution and NTR scenarios. The inherit spice of those scenarios can make up for her lack of experience.

>> No.43559919

I could argue her audience is a bunch of lonely guys wanting a girlfriend and if you look at her comments, donations, and Twitter this is true.
I feel it's more of her keeping a boundary between her and her fans. We saw before the FC launched that she's lonely and maybe going too hard into the GFE is bad for her too because she gets dependent on chat and members. This might be more for her benefit than ours.

>> No.43560017

Stop cross posting in /hlg/

>> No.43560939

>Slept for 12 hours
She's dying

>> No.43561724

The Calvin Klein one wasn’t as well received cause she turned off the camera for what 30-40% of it. If it was camera on the entire time it would be remembered very fondly since it’s when we actually hear her orgasm. The scenario themselves are fine but the execution for it ends up falling short. I’m in the camp of I just want her to enjoy herself, however the camera being off for the important stuff is a let down.

>> No.43562060

I want to see Canan's brown nipples and pussy before I die

>> No.43563333

Chances she cries? Is this a sad movie about pets?

>> No.43563508

>actually hear her orgasm
anon, I...

>> No.43564123

pop chan is dead lmao

>> No.43564965

Damn can’t believe I’m missing the Marineschizo now that we have this spammer. Unless it’s a new approach by the schizo to have fuel to shit on Marine again.

>> No.43565008

Marineschizo is around but mostly on weekends. I agree though, at least he has some creativity even if it's usually the sand points week after week. The spamming schizo just spams thinking she'll read it and be hurt but neither is true. There's nothing to his posts except low IQ anger just lashing out.

>> No.43565203


>> No.43565822

I wonder if she ever talked with Laplus about her small menhera freak out that one time.

>> No.43565832

Which one

>> No.43565865

The only one involving Laplus.
Bath water

>> No.43565894

Considering they're still on senpai-kouhai ~san formality I doubt it

>> No.43565967

Oh yeah I forgot that happened wasn’t that around the time of the slip

>> No.43565999

Or was that when she had the all night collab with koyori and when koyori went home she had that community where she broke down crying.

>> No.43566088

I can't remember when but it was after a FC got cancelled or moved because she said she was sick and she freaked out because that Laplus tweet made it sound like she went to her house.

>> No.43566095

It was after the nipslip and she delayed everything so the dust would settle.

>> No.43567612

>Zelda at 6 PM
Kinda lame if she'll only play for two hours and stop for Laplus.
Should have left it for after Laplus' 3D

>> No.43567636

She'll stream over.

>> No.43567732

I hope so, but she already wished her happy birthday, and Subaru is on it.

>> No.43568530

Ok I watched the end of the members now, you're right, sorry.
And also from what she said, made me realize that Pop tweet with a picture taking about it's long age right before it died was pretty much a goodbye already.

>> No.43568557

Wait, is she actually going to stream over Laplus? I was joking.

>> No.43568584

She said so at least, doesn't want to start too late to get a normal sleep schedule, but Zelda for only two hours is too little.
Here's hoping people don't start being annoying on chat because of it.
Knowing Laplus it's probably just going to be some 30 minutes unfunny zoomer crap anyway.

>> No.43568645

Yeah, it'll probably be quiz, trivia, gameshow like Haachama has done. If it was a concert then she wouldn't stream over it.

>> No.43569552

Lap+'s birthday stream is titled tokubetsu bangumi 特別番組 some it's definitely meant to be some kind of TV-style variety show.

>> No.43571236


>> No.43573491

Live with no TS

>> No.43573534

My にこさぽ browser extension broke and now it doesn't open the stream automatically to start the download

>> No.43573539

Why is she always cleaning?

>> No.43573562

because she's not actually cleaning
she procrastinates because she's terrible at organizing while it weighs on her mind until the day before someone comes over

>> No.43573576

>period near FC again
Maybe she should consider doing them at the middle of the month instead

>> No.43573611

>talking about her friends getting kids again after saying on Noel
Really affecting her, and also mentioning her eggs rotting

>> No.43573628

And freezing her eggs too

>> No.43573656

She needs to suck my cock clean

>> No.43573665

She did. She said that her scheduled period is early in the month and this one is irregular.

>> No.43573687

When she says medicine for the period is that just the pill?

>> No.43573715

yes, which is why this one shouldn't be happening.

>> No.43573725

Is there differences in the pill between countries or is it all 1 universal thing

>> No.43573742

What she say on Noel, and did I catch it wrong or did she say something about her brothers wedding

>> No.43573754

The exact same thing on Noel earlier when playing Zelda, did the usual joke about being "18 and some months old" and then said that she jokes like that but all her friends are getting older, married and with kids.

>> No.43573759

she said she never gets invited to weddings and doesn't have that friends that close, then said brought up that her brother said he won't have wedding ceremony but she personally doubts it and just thinks she wasn't invited

>> No.43573773

>Oshi no ko OP
I haven't been paying much attention but is she singing the same stuff as Noel two days ago?

>> No.43573817

If she is at her worst pain right now it'll be fine be Saturday right? That's like the end?

>> No.43573832

I’m assuming her college friends.
If true on not being invited I’d imagine her brother being wary of since we know he knows of at least one of her accounts and both bring their own issues

>> No.43573840

Yes, 学び舎 friends in her own Noel RP terms, it meas college.

>> No.43573859

Should be but I wouldn’t be surprised if she delays it to Sunday

>> No.43574318

Why is she like this?

>> No.43574426

She wants babies

>> No.43574461

She's like this often when she's on her period. It's just hormones.

>> No.43574622
File: 178 KB, 750x1219, Screenshot 2023-05-25 132925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she okay?

>> No.43575003

her menstruation started irregurarly so she's having a schizo moment

>> No.43575585

Ever had an emotionally immature girlfriend on her period? I have. And shit like this normal. You get used to it. The mood swings are crazy. If you're squeamish just pray she doesn't ask you to fuck her while she's menstruating.

>> No.43575721

Three hours sleep after saying she would play Zelda over Laplus to go to bed early and fix her schedule

>> No.43575722

Did she sleep at all?

>> No.43575728

ew go away non-virgin

>> No.43576140

She was up last night because she wanted to clean before some worker comes to her place this morning, but then period cramps happened so she slept it off for 3 hours.

>> No.43576290

Who is she dressing up for?

>> No.43576376


>> No.43576441

C uck replies

>> No.43576658

She's not dressing up for a date.

>> No.43576699


>> No.43576779

I hope she feels better and takes the pictures for the FC thumbnail today.
Though from what Noel said she's working until late and getting home to do that ASMR?

>> No.43577468

Yeah I doubt it will be today. I do wonder if that’s why she asked for places she could buy clothes, for the theme of the FC a more casual start would make sense and I highly doubt she would want to use her usual stuff.

>> No.43577532

It doesn't have anything to do with streams. She says she already picked the outfit for the FC and has plenty of outfits ready for Nico streams.
She just doesn't have any normal clothes to wear for going out and doesn't care enough.

>> No.43577570

That makes more sense. She should ask one of the girls, I’m sure they would love going together to pick stuff for her. But then again that would require her asking and she is still really weird when it comes to that.

>> No.43578181

She goes shopping with other Holos all the time. Usually with Flare.
She has clothes, this is just her being a girl, "oh, I have nothing to wear." And then having a dozen outfits.

>> No.43578513
File: 1.01 MB, 1920x1080, 20230526_034810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43578571

Well hopefully she does something interesting cause that outfit is not working for FC.
Pull out the transparent chair or something.

>> No.43578603

Are you fucking kidding with that outfit? I understand that she wants her outfits to be easily removable but the quality of them are seriously lacking, especially in comparison to her NND streams. This is the third straight month where every single NND earlick stream has a better outfit than the FC stream. It's ridiculous. If it's too annoying to remove certain layers because she won't be able to do certain things, then just don't do those things!

>> No.43578691

It's another prostitute scenario? But this time it's more like a "getting money via compensated dating" deal? Is that right? Looks like there's gonna be some master & servant dynamic going on. Anybody else notice that she likes using scenarios that involve that dynamic? Starting to think that she's into that kind of stuff.

>> No.43580193

It definitely is a compensated dating scenario. She says she’s been seeing it more often, and with how prevalent social media is now a days I wouldn’t be surprised if it is showing up on people’s timeline over there.

>> No.43580252

it became trending on JP social media because of a TV show drama

>> No.43580333

Did the tv show show it or was it drama involving the tv show that involved compensated dating

>> No.43580381

topic of the drama show, like a plotpoint of the episode

>> No.43580602

Ok good. Was the better of the two options

>> No.43580623

Work? Maybe it's an excuse to get ready for the FC? She always leaves weekends free of work.

>> No.43580691

you know that's not true, she's had to skip plenty of weekends before

>> No.43580708

Maybe for Canan stuff, or when close to a live, but she always calls it lessons or rehearsal, never work.

>> No.43580725
File: 75 KB, 1200x99, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol what a moral fag
>papakatsu is causing a syphilis epidemic, she shouldn't use that as material

>> No.43580737

When did I say I was talking about Canan stuff? She has plenty of weekends where she didn't stream before.

>> No.43580746

Sex causes STDs, what a surprise

>> No.43580870

Even then the way it’s worded the scenario makes it seem like it’s her first time trying it with you being her first pairing but you end up making her your personal girl instead.

>> No.43581035

Doesn't this look exactly like Mel's outfit from last year?

>> No.43581119

Pretty much only difference between the 2 is hers doesn’t have exposed shoulders and the x ribbons on the arms

>> No.43581138

Well it's generic 地雷系 outfit, you could find Matsuri wearing the same shit.

>> No.43581225

Now that we have seen the outfit any particular hopes for the FC. Like this one
>>43578571 I’m hoping she does the transparent chair again. Maybe a domination control loss scenario those are always fun to read in doujins when they involve compensated dating.

>> No.43581255

i dont think she will do transparent chair this time because she's on a period

>> No.43581590

She should really schedule FC stuff for the third week of the month instead of the last, so she can delay if something like this comes up...

>> No.43581871

Yeah if she went ざこちんぽ at the start and ended with 分からせ it could be pretty nice, I don't know how doable that is with just her alone roleplaying thought, it works on doujins by actually having a male.

>> No.43582140

I just need a blowjob scene with both her tits out. Preferably with her fondling her tits. I'd also like her to remove the ribbon and unbutton most of her top. She doesn't need to take the top off, but I want to see more skin from her chest/ shoulder area (kinda like the One-piece swimsuit FC). I'm getting tired of boob windows and she has great skin. She should show it off more.

>> No.43582189

It could work solo, it would be the usual start of her doing a hand job taking control of the pace leading to a paizuri and then blowjob. Go at it slow at first and by this point take out one of the vibrators. When the vibrator comes out is when the domination loss begins to happen, which can be shown with a couple deep throats. From there whatever situation she decides to go.

>> No.43582287

The tít drop she did in the swimsuit one was peak when she exposed both it’s one of the reasons that one will be my favorite until something can surpass it.

>> No.43583373

It was the first time she exposed that much of her upper body as well: both tits, upper chest, shoulders, and upper arms. And this was while she was wearing that tight one piece swimsuit. The tit drop was the icing on the cake. That stream is in the top 4 for me without question
