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4345455 No.4345455 [Reply] [Original]

So, what's your thoughts on Shkanontrice?

>> No.4345526


>> No.4345541

Doubletrice is better.

Jessica is taking advantage of her crazy meido BFF. In some games Jessica makes Shkannon commit the murders, in some games Shkannon snaps on her own and isn't forced to do anything, in some games Jessica commits the murders herself when she can't sway Shkannon.

But I like Teatrice.

>> No.4345552


>> No.4345558
File: 688 KB, 2048x2048, batrice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about... Batrice?

>> No.4345564

Beartrice is superior.


>> No.4345596

Boatrice. The boat that was supposed to bring the Ushiromiya members to the island crashed into the mansion, killing everyone. The reason Battler fears boats is that they subconsciously remind him of the promise he made to Boatrice 6 years ago.

>> No.4345629

No one likes it.
I think it's most likely the answer.
Although, Ryukushi can only have TWEEESTS, so, yeah.

>> No.4345631


A vicious bearshark find the speed of the modded boat threatening and chases it through water and land, rushing into the mansion and mauling everyone, then dragging their corpses back into the ocean.

Maria gets a gentler death because she reminds the bearshark of its own retard cubsharks.

>> No.4345639

Fuck yeah, another doubletrice bro.
Shkanontrice and the servants doing everything most of the time is a bit of a cope-out.

>> No.4345659

Infinitely better than Jessitrice.

>> No.4345664

I'd lol if within the first five minutes of the game he denied Shkanontrice. I wouldn't put it past him.

>> No.4345676


>> No.4345706



The combined faggotry of both theories, of course, but this is /jp/, where faggotry is worshipped and traded like gold.

>> No.4345740

Oh god. the faggotry....it's too much! It's too much!

>> No.4345774

Exactly. But then our /jp/edo minds start to think OH GOD TOO MUCH FAGGOTRY IT WON'T FIT IN MY MIND -> OH GOD TOO MUCH IT WON'T FIT -> "Ah, o...onii-chan! Th-that's too much! It won't fit inside of m-IIIEEE! Please...please stop it, onii-chan! Stop...please....I can't take it...ah! Ah~n!"

Doubletrice is great.

>> No.4345850

Doubletrice and Fusiontrice are for trolls.

Shkannontrice and Moon-chan are for lazier trolls.

Only new and original theories will get us anywhere, and only they will lessen the amount of horrible circlejerk over Shkannontrice/Jessitrice. Remember when someone came up with Teatrice out of nowhere and it ended up actually making sense? Like how Natsuhi drinks tea with Beatrice in EP5, or how Rosa offers tea to everyone. Crack theories can turn into something legitimate.

>> No.4345921

Well, apparently, in a recent interview, Ryukushi has said people still haven't found the truth.
So perhaps Fusiontrice/Doubletrice may not just be a great way to piss off the followers of the Moon and the Meido.

>> No.4345942

Beatrice is Kinzo.
He didn't actually die.

>> No.4345947

He never said that.

>> No.4345996

You want crack theories? I think Teatrice was a one-in-a-million chance of crack ending up plausible, but whatever, it's worth a shot.

....fuck, I've got nothing.

>> No.4346008

The issue, is that Shkanontrice in and of itself is a crack theory.

>> No.4346019

So let's make a crack theory that isn't quite so OH RYUKISHI YOU SO CRAZY.

>> No.4346028

Yeah but it's a crack theory with a lot of foreshadowing and that make sense in context.

Those who deny it are people who still think Ryuukishi is a good writer and that he will write a good and satisfying conclusion with lots of bricks everywhere.

Basically the deluded fanboys, I can see Ryuukishi for what he is and that's why I think ShKanontrice will be the answer.
Enjoy your disappointment.

>> No.4346033

>"Ah, o...onii-chan! Th-that's too much! It won't fit inside of m-IIIEEE! Please...please stop it, onii-chan! Stop...please....I can't take it...ah! Ah~n!"

Your brain will never be an imouto ;_;

>> No.4346035

I said it was a crack theory.
I never said it was incorrect.

>> No.4346070

And yet, you continue to read his works.
S-s-s-tupid Ryukushi, it's not like I l-l-like you or anything, Dai just makes decent piano pieces!

>> No.4346079

I actually only read episode 1 to 3 properly.
Started episode 4 properly and got really bored, so I just skipped all the way through, reading only the important scenes.
Same for episode 5.
Got pretty much everything this way so I guess it's okay, most of the things I missed I got from second hand knowledge.

>> No.4346088

Meh, the fact you're willing to talk about it shows an interest, if nothing else.

>> No.4346097

Just bored.
And I enjoy seeing you guys reactions, that's why I started ShKanontrice here after all.

>> No.4346119

Hm? Well, whatever entertains you, I suppose.

>> No.4346133
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That's not very JUST of you, Mr. Anonymous.
But don't give yourself that much credit. The folks over at 2chan thought of the same thing.

>> No.4346148

Oh yeah, I forgot that we came to the Shkannontrice thing at around the same time as 2ch.

Either it's because Shkannon is painfully obvious and the truth or it's because Ryukishi is forming a trans-Pacific hivemind.

>> No.4346162

Chp 7, battler flips out and kills everyone.
game over

>> No.4346166

Look, I don't even like Shkannontrice, but all these people coming up with shitty ____trice theories to avoid it are being ridiculously delusional.

EP6 made it pretty clear that we're dealing with Shkannontrice.

The real question lies in whether Shkannontrice is the culprit or not.

>> No.4346171

Shkanon is painfully obvious, and quite frankly, Shkanontrice is too.
It's just a bit dumb, really. I mean, I hope you'll agree that the concept is a bit silly.

In the end, though, the story is good. And the characters are enjoyable too.
Except for George. Creepy pedo-bastard.

>> No.4346174

>EP6 made it pretty clear that we're dealing with Shkannon.

Fixed that for you.

>> No.4346187

Never said otherwise, normal considering it's the logical answer of episode 6.

Honestly I came with it on the spot to annoy some faggots who came from /a/ and claimed PONY CONFIRMED and other shits like this ad nauseam.
I realized it made sense a bit after.

>> No.4346188

Culprit Kyrie is clearly the best route.

No DID. No stupid motives. Just pure yandere.

>> No.4346189

Explain why Beatrice disappeared when Shannon won the duel.

>> No.4346192

to troll you.

>> No.4346196

But there's already a yandere in Umineko.

>> No.4346197

ShKanontrice is the culprit.
The real question is what her motive is.

>> No.4346203

Believe it or not, Ryukishi doesn't really troll his readers like you guys think he does. People just like use "LOL RYUKISHI IS TROLLAN LOLOLOL" as an excuse to ignore the information presented to them in canon that conflicts with their shitty theories.

>> No.4346204

shipperfags who thought pony theory was confirmed after EP 6 are delusional. If anything EP 6 destroyed the pony theory.

Beatrice is imaginary - no lolitrice who switched with Shannon or anything.

Only thing that came from it was that the sin is a broken promise, but that was so obvious after EP 5 it technically doesn't even count as a pony theory confirmation.

>> No.4346205

Three, counting Shkanon and George.

>> No.4346207

There's no proof of that.

>> No.4346210

Who is Kyrie.

No one else is a confirmed yandere but her and, to some extent, George.

>> No.4346214

My money is on a Kyrie+Rosa alliance.

>> No.4346219

kanon and shannon are different/seperate beings in at least 5
(since the detective sees them as such)

>> No.4346220


I hope if i reread 1-4 that will happen to me too.

>> No.4346247

> The real question lies in whether Shkannontrice is the culprit or not.
She most likely isn't. Ryukishi07 stated in an interview that the revelation(s) of "Land of the Golden Witch" (which at this point is most likely Shkanon(trice)) could lead to a certain misunderstanding if you focused on it too much. Anybody have the relevant interview snippet? I keep forgetting to save it.

We never see things from Erika's POV in Episode 5, so we don't know what the fuck happened then, because even if the detective is there the narration is unreliable if the detective isn't the one narrating. In fact, that fact makes the ending of Episode 2 start to make sense as something more than a drug-induced hallucination: when Kinzo starts speaking after Battler enters his study, the narration suddenly switches to third-person.

>> No.4346251

You just reminded me of that line in the EP5 drama CD. ;_;

Also the "Uso...tsuki..."


>> No.4346259

That Battler is pretty good. I read/listened to them together a few times now, really ups the feeling.

Although I can't say I'm a fan of Dlanor or Bern's actresses...

>> No.4346260

I'm fine with Shkanontrice, really, I am, but if it ends up that Ange's world is what really happened, and we get this whole HAPPINESS IN DEATH end for the whole family, I will rage.

>> No.4346261

It's only natural that Bern's VA wouldn't be as good. No one can beat Yukari Tamura at her roles.

>> No.4346262

The important elements of Land of the golden witch was put in episode 5.
Considering that Ryuukishi said that Land was the hardest episode, it's quite easy to see what the "misunderstanding" would have been.

Probably would have been an episode without any reliable narrator or POV.
And no guideline like Knox either.

>> No.4346264

What if Shannon died just prior to Battler's arrival to the island. Kanontrice, who is already on the edge, after having had lost the only true friend she has copes by pretending to be Shannon. Then Battler's arrival causes the last string in Kanontrices sanity to snap, and then she becomes a murderous yandere.

>> No.4346266

That won't work, Shannon is shown to love George.
And we all know Kanon is the fucking (wo?)man, so he wouldn't fake his feelings.

>> No.4346267

the guy who copied it here put an incomplete interview. There is an interresting part just before.

People also wonder whether content from "Land of the golden witch", which was removed from EP3, was included in EP5.

Ryuukishi: I definitely can't tell you that! It's true that the most vital part of "Land of the golden witch" is in there, but it's such a terrifying bit. Furthermore, it's something that neither Battler nor Erika nor Bernkastel has ever brought up in discussion. Maybe they didn't even realize that it was a riddle. Well, you'll probably find out soon. In EP6, a huge bit of red text info will appear regarding this point......according to the current plan.

How many players have noticed what this content is so far?

Ryuukishi: Zero. ...Well, I'd like to say that, but I can't. This content is extremely venomous. Very powerful.

Is this content deeply related to solving the crimes?

Ryuukishi: I think people who have found the "answer" probably won't have any problems. I wonder if they've realized it's a trick...... It's a very dirty trick.
I understand why people want this "land of the golden witch" being Shkanon.
1/ we don't have any proof.
Furthermore, it's something that neither Battler nor Erika nor Bernkastel has ever brought up in discussion

>>Implying Lambda, or Beato in ep.1-4, talked about it. Well both Lambda and Beato know the truth, so.
I don't remember Beato saying anything about Shkanon, personaly.

>> No.4346274

If friendship can make for miracles, love surely can.

>> No.4346278

Knox 4.

>> No.4346287

Let us not dwell on it.
Seriously, if Shkanontrice is the answer, it is the answer. Just give me a decent end for the series, and I'll be happy.

>> No.4346290

Reposting EP5 drama CD Mediafire links, in case someone hasn't downloaded it and bawwwed yet.


>> No.4346293

>This content is extremely venomous. Very powerful.


>> No.4346296

>>4346287Believe that it is the answer if you want to. But here, about this " land of the golden witch", it is everything but sure that he was talking about Shkanon. And that would mean that there is another big thing.

>> No.4346301


I don't think you get it. The only way, in R07 universe anyway to create or produce any sort of miracle is to do it yourself.

>> No.4346304

Then.... surely Battler can pull something off.... maybe......hm...

>> No.4346306

Wasn't there an additional sentence or two at the end of the interview snippet? I seem to remember that being so.

Also, the majority of red text in Episode 6 is involved with the closed rooms at the end, so unless R07 changed his plans between the time that interview was held and the details of EP6 were finalized, it has something to do with that.

>> No.4346309

Or to ask Bernkastel to save you from a boat which have sunk in the middle of the ocean.

>> No.4346316

I wouldn't say that for certain. Ryukishi might have just done episode 6 to prove Shkanon to throw us all off by having something in mind to counter it when he made the next. At least I hope so.

>> No.4346331


Is it just the shipperfag part of me, or is this a lot better than the EP4 drama?

>> No.4346344


To put it another way, is it possible to reach the truth of the crime if you haven't noticed this trick?

Ryuukishi: That's hard to say. If you don't see through the part from "Land of the golden witch", you definitely won't be able to reach several vital answers.
However, that content was never really necessary in the first place, so you can reach the truth of the crime with it or without it. Still, it's just so venomous that there's a chance you'll be totally confused. Depending on the situation, it's likely to cause a certain misunderstanding.

>> No.4346356

the problem is that everyone here is only looking on ONE side.
for example, Ryukishi says himself, at every occasion, that we have to be careful with the red text. He says himself that it is dubius. But nobody is reading and people only read what they want to.
It could be the closed room, WITHOUT being Shkannon. Or the closed room WHILE being Shkannon and something else.
There is even more chances for this second solution that for Shkannon alone. Shkannon let too much of the meta-world aside.
But well, we "have" shkanon, even it COULD only be a troll or just our ignorance", so it have to be Shkannon/trice and nothing else.
Could someone remind me what Ange was saying ip ep4 about the blue truth? And the way everyone was using it in ep5?

There was a lot more sentences. But I just took the part who had been forget last time. Here is the link:


>> No.4346363

Well for me the VA are a lot better in the 5th drama (even if Dlanor is too... lively) but I still like the 4th

>> No.4346391

> the problem is that everyone here is only looking on ONE side.
No, the problem is that no one can come up with a good solution to the closed rooms of Episode 6 without involving either Shkanon, which is very very very hinted at in ALL Episodes except 5 (and possibly 1), or the Kanon-is-Kumasawa's-grandson theory, which has little to no support in-game.

Not to mention that if Shkanon(trice) is indeed the case, it is indeed true that you don't need it to solve the mysteries if you take the track that Episode 3 was a hijack by an alternate culprit (most likely Kyrie).

>> No.4346396

Kyrie died, though. But whatever, let us not bicker.

>> No.4346406

You forgot ep3.

>> No.4346411

> Kyrie died, though.
Everybody died. But there's no reason Kyrie couldn't have died after everyone thought she did, and couldn't have survived long enough to kill Nanjo.

>> No.4346426

Episode 3 doesn't have the numerous hints of other Episodes, but it does have a few.

>> No.4346482

Yeah, and before accepting a theory, I think it should be a good thing to have the game translated.
It is the main problem with umineko, a lot of people are trying to guess everything without playing the game, only with red truth, spoiler, or summaries.
Anyway Shkanon is ONE solution. You could, for exemple, says that the red truth is subjective, or whatever, but people don't like this, so it cannot be this neither.
Battler was also supposed so escape easily from this room, by exposing a part of beato's heart.

You don't need to solve the mystery? So if it is Shkanon/trice, you just give up and forget the "why"? It is supposed to be the toughest part, by far, according to Ryukishi himself.
Anyway, Shkanon just throw away too much things. Such as Beato being a rule, what the fuck is supposed to be EVA, or almost every TIPS existing. Especially Bern's letter.

>> No.4346490

According to episode 3 Shkanon is not possible at all. So finding hints here is a bit difficult.

>> No.4346524

> You don't need to solve the mystery
I did not say that. I said "you don't need it to solve the mystery." Meaning "Shkanon(trice) is not necessary to solve the mystery." If Shkanontrice is the case rather than simple Shkanon, Beatrice isn't the culprit.

> Such as Beato being a rule
Beato is a rule. She is also a being created to love Battler. And she is also the witch of the legend.

> what the fuck is supposed to be EVA
Either a representation of the "chain of pain" mentioned, or she really was a secondary personality of Eva.

> or almost every TIPS existing. Especially Bern's letter.
Shkanon doesn't destroy those TIPS at all.

>> No.4346536

Was it ever stated in red that Kanon's body was actually in the chapel? Do note that Battler never sees Kanon's body in Episode 3. In fact, he never sees Kanon's body in ANY Episode.

>> No.4346546

Other than to help Battler, I always though EVA's existence made it clear that someone can claim that as their name to commit these murders. And to extend the notion that there are multiple culprits.

EVA's form was used to mask Nanjo's murderer, but it wasn't Ushiromiya Eva that killed him.

>> No.4346568

It wasn't stated in red. There is one time he comes into contact with Kanon's 'dying' body and that's in the episode 1. But Kanon was taken away to the servants room and never seen again.

>> No.4346573

Personally I think that Eva-Beatrice more than anything symbolize a strong emotion on the gameboard, same for Beatrice.
Eva-Beatrice obviously symbolizes greed, basically that is what killed most people in episode 3.
It doesn't mean that Eva killed anyone.

>> No.4346585

EVA can also symbolize the presence of a second culprit, who is killing everyone rather than the original culprit.

>> No.4346609

Well yes, the original culprit obviously can't be driven by greed.
Eva-Beatrice hijacked episode 3 so it's pretty obvious that this episode have a new murderer.

Also would explain why Eva-Beatrice appears near Kasumi in episode 4, remember what Kasumi goal was?

>> No.4346634

I don't think Kasumi was motivated by greed. She seemed more motivated by hatred for her situation.

>> No.4346670

Aren't we're told straight-out that that witch wasn't the same witch as the EVA from Episode 3, and that she only looked like her because of the residual hatred Ange still held towards Eva?

>> No.4346679

>>Either a representation of the "chain of pain" mentioned, or she really was a secondary personality of Eva

Virgilia said that for now, Battler should take it as a different being inside of eva, so the 'for now' should imply that later it will have to change

>> No.4346696

I would have said that she is wrath

>> No.4346746


George is a more of a wrath guy than she is.

>"I'll kill everyone for the one I love!"
>"Their Just pieces"

>> No.4346757

Georgetrice is the truth.

Eat that fags.

>> No.4346771

Well, I said that because Ange described her as a "black witch". And Maria was saying that her mother was possessed by the black witch when shen got angry.

>> No.4346778
File: 33 KB, 499x480, Ange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creepy Virgin

>> No.4346792

The funny thing is that people point Jessica as being the mastermind and fucking up Shannon's mind when George has thousands of more foreshadowing for being a evil and manipulative bad guy.

>> No.4346796

EVA could also be linked to Rosa, it would not be too surprising. After all, Eva take or the gold the in front of her

>> No.4346806

Well, Jessica is blonde, just as Beatrice, you know. It is the ultimate proof.

>> No.4346825

I love the fact that people disregard Jessica as culprit because she is blonde, because it would be a obvious clue to her being Beatrice, and r07 could throw all the evidence in the world in the face of everyone and nobody would suspect her.

God tier counter trolling.

>> No.4346826

Oh, that's not it at all.
It's mainly because George doesn't interact with Kanon, at all, really.
Jessica interacts with both of them, she's close with both of them.

>> No.4346839

But foreshadowing and magic scenes imply that Jessica is good natured, willingly to sacrifice herself and loves everyone.

While George is portrayed as a full of envy prick that would kill everyone who stood in his way just for the sake of him having what he wanted.

He said severall times that would sacrifice the world for Shannon, for fuck sake, he is the psycho fucker.

>> No.4346852
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>> No.4346873

His background in ep6 is also really cheerful and doesn't help, jealous of Bttler and Erika because they were less "shy" and more open than him, etc.

>> No.4346875

Of battler and Jessica*, sorry

>> No.4346877
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>> No.4346878

Still, he has no connection to Kanon. And he is yandere for Shannon, but I doubt he'd allow anyone to share.

>> No.4346884

Because it isnt show that he talks to ''kanon'' doesnt mean that he doesnt. Its a devil's proof.

>> No.4346894

Still, we know that Jessica chats with Kanon and Shannon.
We don't know George does.
One is fact, one is a possibility.

>> No.4346902

But there's no evidence for Jessica being a manipulative bitch, or even a bitch at all.

Its a stalemate.

>> No.4346905

Even so, it doesn't imply that Jessica have to be the culprit. Even if Shkanon is real and if she knows about it.

>> No.4346910

Well, if she knows about Shkanon, she's at the very least, allowing and aiding murder.

>> No.4346946

Dislike Shkanontrice, but it's at least better than Jessitrice.

>> No.4346952

>at least it's better than Jessitrice
....how so?

>> No.4346960

Two people with DID is dumb. Shkanon is pretty well confirmed at this point.

Also lol xd shes blonde shes obv in luuuuuv with batora xdxdxd

I'm fine with her being a crazy killer, but she's not Beato.

>> No.4346961
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>> No.4346962

Because Jessica is BLAND.
And she's a hypocrite, because she complains about her parents dying.

>> No.4346965

Why does Beatrice have to have DID?

>> No.4346970

There is pretty much no chance of a human 'Beatrice' existing on the island. She was literally created to love Battler.

That means Shannon or Jessica.

>> No.4346972

Perhaps "Shkanontrice" devotees are focusing too much on the "Beatrice" aspect. Say there is no 3rd personality, or any "Beatrice" at all, for that matter. Why, again, does Beatrice even need to be 3rd personality. I'm fairly certain if Shkanon is true, there's only two people in there, and when Shkanon wears the dress and acts like Beato, she's just Shkanon ACTING LIKE BEATO. Not a 3rd personality. 3 personalities seems like overkill to me.

>> No.4346977
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>they still think Beatrice is just one person

>> No.4346983

Listen carefully.
I will turn over my love for Battler to you.
Become the woman Battler desires.

I will give you the blonde hair he desires.
I will give you the blue eyes he desires.
I will give you the new personality he desires.
And... In place of me, love him.
And if possible, be loved by him.

I can no longer love him.
The feelings I could not obtain...the feelings I could not bear...please obtain them.

From this day forward, you are no longer the phantom of Rokkenjima who only plays tricks.
From this day forward, you are the ruler of Rokkenjima, and the one who waits for him to return until he fulfills his promise.

From this day forward, you will inherit that in my place.
Thus, from this day forward, you are no longer me.

I will push all of my suffering on to you... Please forgive me for being the only one to become happy.

From this day forward, you have the qualifications to detest everything.
You are the Golden Witch, Beatrice.

And someday.
Destroy everything, revive everything.
...Bless all lovers.

At that time.
...For both you and I to find happiness together...I will be wishing for from the bottom of my heart.

From this day on, you are not me.
From this day on, I am not you.
We will divide one soul, and share.
That naturally won't fill up one soul, but. (? not 100% sure about this line)
Surely it will allow (us/you/me? no subject defined) to see more dreams than a person.
May we be blessed...
My cute Beatrice...

Nigga, she is a personality.

>> No.4346988

This also seems plausible too. But once again, I restate that there isn't likely a Beatrice persona in Shkanon. Shkanon may very well be the girl Battler broke the promise to, but I'm thinking different people may have been Beatrice in different games.

>> No.4346990

Reading Umineko at face value, etc.

>> No.4346994


>> No.4347004

It's one of Beato's memory and kind of an important one, I don't see why it would be cryptic at all.

EP6 starts out by saying that there are no more riddles, only answers.

>> No.4347010

Episode 5 said the culprit was cornered. So I suppose Erika did everything!

>> No.4347012
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You'd be very surprised at what Ryukishi07 puts out in plain sight and obscures via trolling.

>> No.4347014

Whoops, I mean, Natsuhi did everything.
But I'd be fine with Erika doing everything too.

>> No.4347015

Doesn't have to be a mental disease, could be another part of your personality. You know how you act different in front of people you don't know, it's like that.

>> No.4347023

The culprit WAS cornered. But not in the way everybody has thought. The culprit being able to pull of their plan successfully requires the epitaph remain unsolved. And what happened early in Episode 5? Battler and Erika solve the epitaph, locate the gold, and reveal this discovery to the family. Thus, the culprit becomes cornered in a figurative sense, and has to resort to a different plan.

>> No.4347025

Well, if we go with Shkanon/trice, Beato could easily be the "old Shannon" before she was loving the other dumbass, And who don't wanted to fully forget Battler

>> No.4347026

That is rather poignant for something so simple, wouldn't you say?

>> No.4347028

Where did this come from anyway? Ep 6?

>> No.4347030
File: 147 KB, 593x1021, The Moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Doesn't have to be a mental disease, could be another part of your personality. You know how you act different in front of people you don't know, it's like that.

>> No.4347038

DUM tick tick tick tick tick tick..
DUM DUM tick tick tick tick tick tick

>> No.4347039
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And yet you jump to something retarded, like multiple personalities.

>> No.4347048

In fact, now that I think about it, the little tidbits on the start menu of each Episode do indeed accurately state aspects of the Episodes. EP2's text says that its difficulty level is high; EP3's text says that it's difficulty level is low, both for the reader and for the witch/Battler and Beatrice; etc.

>> No.4347059

You can deny it all you want, it's just going to be that much worse when it's true.

>> No.4347061

Well, that's like, your opinion, man.

Say Shkanontrice is the total truth..

What happens from there?

>> No.4347064

The problem with Jessica is that she is not happy whith Kanon actually. And it states

Please forgive me for being the only one to become happy.

>> No.4347065
File: 505 KB, 1280x720, problem10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool story, bro

>> No.4347070

The culprit will still need to be revealed. Because if Shkanontrice is true, Beatrice isn't the culprit and is only an accomplice.

(In my opinion, Doubletrice with the culprit being someone other than Jessica and Shannon is the most likely, knowing how Ryukishi07 rolls.)

>> No.4347072

It also says the feelings the speaker can not obtain. There's more to Beato than Shkanontrice methinks, but that's not to say Shkanontrice isn't correct.

>> No.4347076

Same here. Doubletrice just kinda fills the holes in the monologue.

>> No.4347087

There are probably at least 5 people involved in the whole conspiracy and there are at least two factions.

When Bern writes her letter, she mentions that there is a Rule that obscures the other rules-- my opinion is, that rule is the fact that multiple people have come to the island with the ability and will to kill, and certain events will either trigger or not trigger that.

The game ends when one faction of murderers successfully wins-- the real Beatrice dies early in some of the scenarios or in others executes her plan to completion.

>> No.4347094

Yes, if possible I would want to avoid Shkanontrice too. In any case, Battler have made his princess waiting for a too long time, and now she doesn't want him anymore/Throw him for another man.

With the Shkanon possibility, the most interresting part is that Shannon and George never died at the second twilight. Even they are the most obvious target.

>> No.4347096

Beatrice isn't the culprit anyway, stop using her to fill in for the murders.

>> No.4347097

Even if they*

>> No.4347109

Rosa, Maria, and Battler are the only characters to never have been staked, discuss.

>> No.4347114

Battler's been Staked in the Meta World quite a few times.

But yeah, it's an interesting observation.

>> No.4347117

> Battler's been Staked in the Meta World quite a few times.
And his revenge for it in R07's latest TIP was quite delicious.

>> No.4347125


>> No.4347126

Well, on the fantasy side, the stakes cannot hit anyone who didn't do any sin. It explains Maria... But in fantasy as in mystery, I don't see for Rosa.

>> No.4347127

"The six younger sisters are fine~ But I sure owe Lucifer for EP3~ You gouged me so many times with that stake of yours, grinding grinding, grinding grinding grinding! Aah, just remembering it pisses me off!"
"Ahh, in that caaase, I think this time Battler-sama should gouge into Luci-nee instead."
"I think that's a great idea! Until Battler-sama feels satisfied, I think he should bully her all night loong!"
"Wh...What are you guys talking about?! H-Hey, let go of me!"
"Oh, I know, Lucifer-onee-sama. Your back is your weak spot, right...?"
"Wai... L-Levia?! H-How do you know that?!"
"Everyone knows your weak points! You were the only one who thought we didn't know, weren't you?! You're too careless, onee-sama!"
"Hoh-hoh-hoh-hoh, so her back is her weak spot, is it, hoh-hoh-hoh-hoh!"
"St-Stop! Do you think I'll surrender if you do that?! Do you really think I'll cry and beg for forgiveness?!"
"Ah, shut up, shut up! Know my grudge from that day you tortured me by grinding and gouging into me! Is it around here? Around here? Take that, there, there, there!"
"Or is it around here?!"
"Ahaaaaa! Noooooo, please forgive me, Battler-samaaaaaaaa, auaaaaaaa!"
He finally got the chance for revenge he never had in the original story. Battler complacently ground against Lucifer's back...

"How do you feel, Battler-sama? Are you refreshed?"
"Yeah, I feel great... My long-standing grudge has been totally cleared up, and I feel all fresh, like I've finally shed my skin!"

Lucifer's shoulders heaved as she caught her breath. She had collapsed with her clothes in disarray, and it looked very much like the aftermath of something.
...It was a bit obscene.

>> No.4347145

You know, Lucifer x Battler is my OTP.

>> No.4347151
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Your OTP is shit.

>> No.4347153

What is it with R07 and pseudo-rape scenes lately? First the scene with Erika in Episode 6, and then this bit of his latest TIP...

>> No.4347159
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It's cute, if nothing else. Don't tell /a/ that though, they'll have your testicles if you suggest anything other than BeaBato.

>> No.4347161
File: 310 KB, 637x478, regret.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After reading that a few times, I'm strongly reminded of this scene.

>> No.4347163

BT is gone. Ryu has no one to rape/be raped by.

Battler is his self-insert, clearly. Or Erika is, because he wished to be the little girl.

>> No.4347166

Shkanon is such a loveless theory. I don't see it fitting into umineko at all.

I honestly think Erika-is-a-phantom-comprised-of-the-personalities-of-everyone-alive-on-the-island to be a better fit than shkanon, let alone shkanontrice. Especially since if shkanon was real, Kanon would be the only one of the two confirmed to be alive on Rokkenjima.

>> No.4347169

Doubletrice - Because you really thought it was that simple, Battleeeeeeeer?

>> No.4347173

Doesn't work. It was stated in red in Episode 5 that Erika increased the headcount by 1.

>> No.4347176

I hate that Doubletrice seems to be popular for only trolling purposes.

I actually like the theory and think it could work. Not trolling. I mean, I know that's completely useless to say, but whatever. $0.02.

>> No.4347180

Phantoms don't work in mysteries, and Erika definitely cut 5 heads off in EP6.

Nevermind that you can't solve EP6's logic error without Shkanon.

>> No.4347187

Solving it with Shkanon is very shaky too.

>> No.4347195

Doubletrice is good for trolling, but Shkanontrice is also good for trolling.
The best way to troll is with the truth.

>> No.4347205

If you go with (>>4345541), then it's both, because "in some games Shkannon snaps" and murders everyone without Jessitrice's influence.

>> No.4347210

I use it to troll. But I also think it's the truth. With two episodes to go, there is more to this tale of woe than we have been told.

>> No.4347215

Yes and "Beatrice" killed battler at the end of episode 4.

And shkanon is a terrible way of solving the logic error. It's a horrible cop-out

>> No.4347223

Everything that needs twisting for Shkanon has been twisted in the story already. Even the final riddle (Erika introducing herself as the 18th person in red then being denied with 17) proves that the definition of 'person' can be twisted with the red.

Dunno how else you'll get Kanon out to rescue Battler.

>> No.4347227



What Erika is has no impact on the story; she has no influence on Episodes 1-4 and can not be the culprit in the subsequent episodes.


It's an interesting idea but I think it's too much of a compromise and distorts the true identity of who the Beatrice that Meta-Battler has challenged really is.

>> No.4347228

But in the beginning, Umineko is not a classical mystery.
Erika could be a title, or Beato have high chances of being playing with words as she always did in the past.
In fact, thoses who think that " It is a pure mystery, so THIS is impossible" should not even give a damn about Beato's red.

>> No.4347230

Bitches don't know how to troll then.

>> No.4347232


Erika drowned before she reached the island! Therefore she is dead before the games started! This line of reasoning is possible for 2chan!

>> No.4347234

Shannon (who's Kanon persona is dead at the moment) jumps out of a window with everyone watching. No one finds this strange. Shannon then revives her Kanon persona and kills her Shannon one. "Kanon" goes into the room, rescues battler, then "dies" again.


>> No.4347239

I might have been the one to coin the term "Doubletrice", and when I came up with the idea it was because I realized that both sides have interesting arguments to support their sides, and that said arguments don't necessarily contradict each other. ...But also because I was sick and tired of the way the two sides kept ripping into each other (and still do at times, for that matter), and wanted to throw something new into the mix. In fact, after I'd mentioned the theory, someone else mentioned that Episodes 4 and 6 provide hints towards the possibility of Doubletrice with the scenes where the two Beatrices talk to each other.

>> No.4347242

>>4347228 In fact, thoses who think that " It is a pure mystery, so THIS is impossible" should not even give a damn about Beato's red.

Why not?

>> No.4347255

That's another good thing about Doubletrice. Shkannontrice vs. Moon-chan circlejerk is reduced greatly with Doubletrice.

Also, kudos for coining the term, it's a catchy one. All I've ever done is accidentally start a flurry of "breaking Cirno's frozen ice-hymen" shit. ;_;

>> No.4347256


It took you until Episode 6 to realize that Shkannon, as useful as it may be, is a bad idea? Episode 1 clearly established the biggest problem with Shkannon.

>> No.4347257

Slight correction: I came up with it as a spur-of-the-moment thing because of somebody having mentioned the idea of Fusiontrice, and only after I stated it did I realize how possible it was.

>> No.4347258

Which is exactly why Erika removing the heads of the first twilight victims is a non-issue. Either they were already dead before hand, or "Erika" is a cloak being used by the real culprit. She should have no effect, yet it appears as if she's having an effect.

>> No.4347260


Dualtrice sounds better

>> No.4347265

Well, tracking the fandom, after episode 6, we had two factions emerge.

The Moon-chan people, and the Shkanontrice people.

Oddly enough, some Moon-chan people caused a revival of Jessitrice due to ONE KILOMETER 6 YEARS, and some Shkanontrice people came up with the Fusiontrice idea, noting the odd nature of the monolouge, specifically the redundancy of it.

And Doubletrice is basically combining the evolution of the two. It's like Jefferson's black baby.

>> No.4347266

No, it doesn't.

>> No.4347268


I never said she has zero influence in the Chiru arc. All I said is that Erika is not the culprit; she can still kill people.

>> No.4347269

> Episode 1 clearly established the biggest problem with Shkannon.
You remember those bags of fertilizer Kanon had earlier in the Episode? Kanon probably arranged the bags in the shed previously to seem like a corpse from outside, then convinced Hideyoshi to go along with him pretending it was Shannon.

>> No.4347276

You're being led around by text that is supposed to be certain, which is also known to be horribly misleading. Sherlock Holmes would walk away in disgust.

>> No.4347281

Shkanontrice versus Moon-chan was pretty GLORIOUS in how over the top it was, though. Seriously, who would have thought that Shannon and Jessica would became the new Fantasy and Mystery camp?

>> No.4347291

>She's not the culprit
>She can still kill people

>implying that having the culprit use her as a tool for murder does not make her have any impact or influence.


>> No.4347293

>All I've ever done is accidentally start a flurry of "breaking Cirno's frozen ice-hymen" shit. ;_;



>> No.4347301

An additional note: my version of the theory, at this point, has the Jessica-Beatrice being the Beatrice created to love Battler, while the Shannon-Beatrice was created because of Kinzo forcing the concept of Beatrice onto her, and thus she is the Beatrice of the legend. Meta-Beatrice consists of a combination of the two, plus being that whole rule-thing. (After all, Bernkastel did state that Meta Beatrice is not necessarily "one individual person". You can take that as her referring to Meta Beatrice's status as an embodiment of the rules of the island, but the fact that she specifically says "not necessarily 'one individual person'" rather than "not necessarily a real person" makes that statement quite interesting.)

>> No.4347302

# I properly re-killed them.
# [She killed them in various different ways, but afterwards] she completely severed all of the victims' heads.
# All five of the people I killed... were perfectly alive until the exact moment I killed them.

If you are going to argue that Erika is a representation of the culprit, then the culprit must be one of the people in the neighboring room (Hideyoshi, George, Kumasawa, Shannon, and Nanjo)

>> No.4347308


The fertilizer/corpse things isn't the problem with Shkannon that's presented in Episode 1.

The problem with Shkannon is that everyone who lives on the island should know that Shannon=Kanon, yet unless everyone on the island is in league with the culprit, no one bothers to wonder how "Shannon" can be dead yet "Kanon" is walking about just fine. And no, the idea that after the first twilight, only the culprit/accomplices from the island are still alive is impossible, as Natsuhi is not in league with the culprit.

>> No.4347309

>I will grant you blonde hair

>> No.4347311

Knox 2. I haven't seen many red truth in pure mystery novel.
And in the other case, there can also be "fantasy" thing other that the red truth which give life to shkannon.

I don't think that it is the case, but here, it would just be taking the part of fantasy which advantage shkanon and throw away the rest.

>> No.4347316

Well, Moon-chan friend here, that's why Jessica is sketchy. She should know, and she sees not only Shannon's "body", but bros out with Nanjo and Kanon's "body".

>> No.4347317
File: 112 KB, 800x1360, hotkyrietrice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet they all don't see yet that Kyrie is the best solution.

No stupid DID.
No stupid One Kilometer
Pure yandere awesome

>> No.4347319

> Erika drowned before she reached the island! Therefore she is dead before the games started! This line of reasoning is possible for 2chan!
Y'know, if this is actually true for all the games except 5 and 6, where she was saved due to Bernkastel's influence... that's pretty fucking sad, because it means that unless Meta Battler somehow totally changes his opinion of Erika, she's the one person whose human form has almost no chance of surviving to the end of Umineko. (Kinzo is not included because he's already dead, of course.)

>> No.4347321


George being the Culprit would be the opposite of Higurashi in my humble opinion. At this point all the mothers have been framed in every episode..., it's like they want you to think the CULPRIT is FEMALE.

Also if you notice Shannon only calls herself furniture around George. So maybe Shannon = George's furniture?

>> No.4347324


I never made that implication. The culprit had no way of knowing that Erika would act the way she did, and could not "plan" to use her in such a fashion.

Erika, being the parody of the golden age detective that she is, made sure those people were dead so that she could force the facts to fit into her theory.

>> No.4347325

Actually I am going to argue that the culprit is one of those who you mentioned.

It's George.

>> No.4347327


Kinzo is hiring the one-eagled servants. Why would he give one person two checks?

>> No.4347329

Doubletrice guy here again. I, too, think Kyrie probably has some involvement in all this.

>> No.4347330

>George being the culprit
Eh.... nah.
Maybe he could do it because all his victims would laugh themselves to death.

>> No.4347334

The only problem I see with Kyrie is her motive.

>> No.4347336

She found out about the baby switch.

>> No.4347337


The Red Truth can be used by the human side so long as supporting evidence can be provided for it.

>> No.4347342

Then she shouldn't be torturing Battler, he's just as much of a victim as she is.

>> No.4347343


So that leads to her killing everyone on the island, including her own child, how exactly?

>> No.4347344

# All five of the people I killed... were perfectly alive until the exact moment I killed them.



>> No.4347347

Well, about the mothers, it is true that it is REALLY insistant. Especially with their
" I would become the worst kind of demon to protect you"

>> No.4347349

It doesn't. The boiler explosion is caused by someone or something else. Most likely something arranged by Kinzo before his death, in his will.

>> No.4347354

Let's not forget FEMALE witch acting as the scapegoat. FEMALE instruments of death.

Either it's misogyny, or it's a red herring.

>> No.4347357


>> No.4347360


You can not prove that Jessica was with "Kanon" while Nanjo was examining "Kanon". Nanjo could have forced Jessica out of the room on the basis that her presence would negatively interfere in his attempts to keep "Kanon" alive. After "Kanon" was confirmed dead, Nanjo could have prevented Jessica from inspecting the body to keep whatever evidence that wasn't contaminated from his efforts pure.

>> No.4347361


EP 6 proves that she would do anything to either be with Rudolf or protect him.

>> No.4347363

The fact that the majority of meta furniture is female is probably because R07 likes making female characters or something.

...And I don't really mind that too much, because I like them.

>> No.4347364

Objection! Let it be known, that Jessica, in episode 3, yanks the stakes out of her parents bodies.

Presuming innocence, it would be rather odd for Innoncent!Jessica to be ushered away from the scene.

>> No.4347365

This might actually work well with EP 3.

>> No.4347367

Yeah, even if I'm more dubius about thoses red truth ( after all, if Beato's red truth are killing the devil's proof, thoses red truth are depending on something material, so it's the opposite) and for Beato's red truth at the end of ep6, I don't see any proof.
As it is say on the corpse of Kanon in the tips of ep4;
"Truly anti-mystery"

>> No.4347371

Except for the whole, confirmed death in the middle thing.

>> No.4347374


All this proves is that Erika is a vindictive bitch, which should have been obvious by now. She hates anyone who tries to wreck her theories, countering them with extreme viciousness.

From her viewpoint, the 5 people pretending to be dead must have been in league with the culprit. Thus, killing them would prevent the culprit from using them for future plans.

>> No.4347380

She's not confirmed dead in EP 3 until after Nanjo died. Battler never examined her wound either.

Besides, you can't explain Nanjo's death without someone still being alive. 6 twilight victims are confirmed to be dead, as well as Rosa and Maria.

>> No.4347387

But that would satisfy the deaths in the first twilight, which as we know by now, is something that the culprit wants. WOULDN'T THAT BE PLAYING RIGHT INTO THE CULPRIT'S HANDS? LIKE IF THEY KNEW HOW TO FLIP ERIKA'S CHESSBOARD?

Also, doesn't her vindictiveness remind you of someone? Eva perhaps?

>> No.4347392

But she is confirmed dead, and locked in, in episodes 1 and 2.

>> No.4347393

the thing that makes me laugh in ep3 was that EVA's red truth was saying that
"Her eyes were completely blocked."

He, before being completely blocked, even without that, I don't think that she would have been able to see anything.

>> No.4347398


Jessica killed Battler by accident in EP3 while trying to get Eva. Doesn't count as "murder".

>> No.4347400

Eva side-stepped like a motherfucker there.
Battler was too flustured in solving Nanjo's death that he didn't realize.

>> No.4347404

Eva killed Battler in episode 3. Duh.

>> No.4347407

Technically she's not confirmed dead in EP 1 - all it says is that the body in the shed is her body. The shed is also dark, so you can say Kyrie used that to her advantage and faked the wound. EP 2 she isn't confirmed either.

>> No.4347409

I think he meant Nanjo.

>> No.4347410

EVA is the dumbest witch of umineko;
"Yeah I'm a witch but the one who illed him was an human with a gun!"

I think ep7 should have EVA as a main antagonist, it could be funny.

>> No.4347411


No, she didn't. Eva didn't kill anyone. The narrative was unreliable.

>> No.4347414


Not saying I like this theory, but AS came up with a theory that maybe her sister Katsumi murdered Kyrie before oct 4th and dressed up as her when they went to the island. Then she planted her corpse there later.

Knox would hate Ryukishi for that though.

>> No.4347415

Murder is murder, involuntary or not.

Besides Eva killed Battler and Jessica exploded.

>> No.4347419

AS comes up with a lot of silly theories.

Like Nanjo being his granddaughter.

>> No.4347421

Murder =/= manslaughter.

>> No.4347423


Setting aside the explosion, you're still arguing that Kyrie planned to kill a large portion of the Ushiromiya family because of them switching her child with Asumu's, even though the Ushiromiya family is the only group that can provide the evidence as to whether the child switching rumor is true.

Sorry, I'm not buying this.


Jessica also discovered the corpses before Nanjo had a chance to react. Your point?

>> No.4347427

Nope. Sorry, but after Battler and the others view the bodies, the shed and chapel are locked from the outside. This is confirmed by Battler's point of view. So the shed is locked, and the only way to access the lock is from the outside. It becomes a locked room.

In addition, in Episode 2, when George and the rest go back to the chapel, Not only is it still locked, but the bodies are still present. Granted, less reliable, but still.

>> No.4347428

How is it unreliable? Battler wasn't drunk and it was only 11:00pm. He didn't surrender either and directly saw Eva shooting him.

Eva was clearly delirious by the time she shot him though. It isn't hard to believe that she thought he was the culprit.

>> No.4347429


Can you post this? I don't want to have to search through their faggotry.

>> No.4347434

My point is that, even after Nanjo established the whole DON'T TOUCH DEM DEAD BODIES in episode 3, Jessica still blatantly disregarded that. And that if Jessica was innocent, she would totally yank it out of Kanon, or something.

If she was innocent.

>> No.4347435

I am still confused about this " black witch" thing; she is supposed to be EVA-beatrice. So everyone would say that it is Eva.
But Maria call Rosa like that quite often, and, by the most extraordinary, of course, Eva meets Rosa right before the golden land. so wtf?

>> No.4347437

Eva did kill Battler, but she was obviously insane and thought she was the culprit who killed her husband and son.

>> No.4347438


Not really. An accomplice that has full freedom of movement is a valuable asset. Erika denied the culprit the use of that person by forcing those 5 people to be dead.

>> No.4347439

Maybe because it was her parents and she pulled it out because there was something lodged into their bodies?

Jessica isn't the most rational character. EP 1 she goes and accuses Maria of being a culprit, even though it's obvious Maria is just a gullible kid.

>> No.4347444


The narrative was by an unknown, not by Battler, it wasn't by Battler's point of view either. Ergo.

>> No.4347447

Accuse the loli who is laughing and troll facing about the dead bodies? How ridiculous!

>> No.4347452
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The Black Witch is a personification of the person the viewer hates the most inside.

For Ange it's Eva. For Maria it's Rosa.

>> No.4347455

It doesn't mean that it is not Eva. It just means that it could be anyone else.

>> No.4347456

Yeah, this. Moon-chan debate aside, if people were getting slaughtered and a 9 year old was acting as sketchy as Maria does, I'd suspect something.

>> No.4347458


The narrative after Battler died, certainly. Until Eva shot him, it was still Battler's point of view.

Still, Eva killing Battler doesn't make her the culprit.

>> No.4347460


God yeah, that makes so much fucking sense. Now you're just grasping at straws to get out of your own logic error.

>> No.4347465

That makes sense, thanks

>> No.4347476


Those innocent could have been rendered unconscious against their own free will.

>> No.4347481

Actually, the whole thing with that was that the family was pissed at Erika and wanted to play a prank on her. There was no culprit in Episode 6 besides Erika.

>> No.4347489

Ushiromiya Family: Real Fucking Mature People.

Seriously, it's called "giving the cold shoulder". Just ignore Erika, I mean god.

>> No.4347492

And then it would be that the culprit was using them in order to use Erika to kill them. Meaning that she would have influenced the game. Which is impossible.

>> No.4347502


I can understand Battler or Jessica thinking to do something dumb like this, but did any of the adults think this was a stupid idea just for a moment?

>> No.4347511


Nanjo granddaughter culprit theory!
Here is the link

also an additional Asumu (off island) culprit theory

>> No.4347515

one question;
on the umineko wikia, in ep6's red truth, what is the last part which is sometimes present?

[Request: I am not the rescuer.] Of course not! [You're the detective, aren't you? Relax, I'll respect that!]

in this case, "you're the detective", bla bla. I mean, why is it separated from the rest?

>> No.4347517

Let's not start with the 2ch Featherine = Asumu speculation now.

>> No.4347524

It's not in red. That's why. The I'll accept it is the only part in red.

>> No.4347527

Wel, it is stated several times that in umineko, the adults are less mature than George. Look at Rosa, who still behave like a kid many times.

>> No.4347535

Thanks, I was doubting because in the previous eps, white text was in black

>> No.4347538

Yeah, but I can't imagine that Natsuhi or Kyrie wouldn't object to it.

>> No.4347554

Considering that the stuff about deriving Hachijou Touya's name from her online pseudonym comes straight from Episode 6 itself, that stuff about deriving Asumu's name from Touya's isn't as much of a stretch as you might think.

Also, if it _is_ true, then Rudolf is even more awesome than we thought he was previously. He fucked a freaking GOD!

>> No.4347555

Well, we sould suppose that the whole family have a very special humor

>> No.4347565

"Hello Battler, your mother is a witch, by denying witches you just have kill yourself :)"

>> No.4347579

Rudolf >>>>> Battler

Who has Battler fucked? Who has Rudolf fucked?

You know it to be true.

>> No.4347580


Actually in the theory her real identity is 07151129. She sends letters to Rudolf and Shannon with that Pseudonym and threatens to kill Battler. So Rudolf kills people to protect him. It also makes use of the letter in episode 4.

oh and Shannon tried to Kill Asumu to get revenge on Battler..... Yeah everyone at AS seems to think she's a crazy bitch.

>> No.4347584

You know the worst part about the Nanjo = Nanjo's Granddaughter theory?

The person who made it is the head translator from Witch Hunt.

>> No.4347601
File: 17 KB, 320x240, manbearpig2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


are you serial?

>> No.4347618

yes I'm serial, just look>>4347511

>> No.4347676



>> No.4347919

If you were the one that gave the possibility of Doubletrice as a joke first i guess its okay, but the term on its own were not yours to coin. I know who did it though.

*Guy who made the kilometer screen, moon card-kanon screen and the jessica wants battler to find out the truth.jpg speaking*

These days were a lot of fun anyway, the moon and Jessitrice fags had too few ways to fight and were almost overwhelmed by Shkanontrice fags when suddenly millions of theorys and clues.

>> No.4347928

At least he's not stuck with Shkanontrice....

but its almost as bad as that.

>> No.4348033

Just you fags watch, Kanon != Shannon, Jessica != Beatrice, and Erika exists in ep7. Then we'll all be screwed.

>> No.4348510

Isn't that what we are all hoping?
