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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 88 KB, 1632x612, my phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4341131 No.4341131 [Reply] [Original]

just wondering if anyone has a japanese cell/mobile phone. if so the model and whatever you have accessorising it

model : samsung 707scII
colour: red/black
accessorie: - kingdom hearts riku phone strap
- stainless steel NERV logo
- kaworu nagisa screen protector

>> No.4341137

Oh god, I feel sorry for your phone.

>> No.4341138

why is that?

>> No.4341153
File: 108 KB, 800x600, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is a better photo

>> No.4341181

Samsung is a Korean company.

>> No.4341194

its distributed in japan only and its under one of the phone service providers

yes i know it was made in korea but it is sold in japan only (exept if you import it)

>> No.4341219

I don't have a cellphone because I don't have friends and don't leave the house.

>> No.4341226

>made in korea

It's a Korean phone.

>> No.4341227
File: 63 KB, 1280x720, snapshot20100104050849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what kind of phone this is?

>> No.4341230
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>> No.4341237

im pretty sure the brand is WIN

im not sure about the model

>> No.4341281

Having a fun time searching for that, all I get is "win a cellphone" spam.

>> No.4341303

sorry do you have any other information at all?

like a release year?

>> No.4341326

No sorry, but it's from a new serie so I'm guessing it's not an old phone.

It's okay though, you don't have to waste your own time looking for it, a brand name should be enough to get me somewhere, thanks.

>> No.4341336
File: 438 KB, 1152x864, 12012010(004).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the service provider for most of WIN's cell phones is called AU

BTW NEW STRAP CAME IN YESTERDAY forgot to have that up

>> No.4341343

Corea invent keitai.

Kyon-kun, denwa━━━━━━<`∀´>━━━━━━!!!!!

>> No.4341358

OP's gotta be a woman lest he needs to get shot on sight.

>> No.4341368

i (op) am a guy and yes i have a bigger penis than you now keep on topic plz

>> No.4341478
File: 28 KB, 300x225, Japanese_Phone__Softbank_810P_by_namja01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is mine it isnt flippy but i got it when i used to live in japan

>> No.4341489

Go back to /int/ please.

>> No.4341495
File: 12 KB, 264x208, kinzo unpleased.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4341517
File: 19 KB, 500x330, softbank304T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is is the phone i had when i was living in japan.
no camera, no usb, no internet, no memory card nothing.
where i lived, this and another phone were the only prepaid phones available from softbank.
(you have to be 21+ to get a plan started; i was only 19)

>> No.4341523
File: 338 KB, 810x360, decora___docomo_by_Autumn_x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

phones are one of the main forms of communication in japan now so leave anon alone

>> No.4341533

it looks good however but in japan most people get their parents to sign the contract and they pay it themselves but if you were living there alone i guess you had to take what is there

>> No.4341546
File: 19 KB, 300x225, SH906i_by_eddieroolz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got this as a present from japan's duty free stores ....the guy was nice enough to give me one that wasnt fixed to japanese phone simcards

>> No.4341573
File: 34 KB, 300x301, Japanese_Cell_Phone_IV_by_japanstocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes anon is right most win phones are with AU sin company here is mine

its a 2005 model so yes it looks bulky

>> No.4341587

I can't help but feel it's the same idiot replying to himself and possible one other person.

>> No.4341603
File: 132 KB, 600x450, keitai_by_pamdemuth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jap phones are expensive

i spent $700 on this baby and $100 on the decos

but she looks soo pretty i love jewlia

>> No.4341612

this post is fail

>> No.4341616

Reading this thread really makes me miss living there. It was a good life. Now I'm a NEET with my shitty verizon phone that I never use anyway. ;_;

>> No.4341628

yeah im stuck with a sony ericsson that looks like a brick

i want the jap phones have you guys seen the nerv mobile

>> No.4341633

What no iphones?

>> No.4341646

yeah thats how it was.
i asked my supervisor to sign me up, but she was leaving back to canada in two months.
when i asked my japanese supervisor to sign me up, she wouldn't.
something about reputation. like if i didnt pay a bill or missed one, it would reflect on her credit and if she wanted to buy a new car in like x years, they'd look at it and say "hmmm looks like you missed a payment on your bill, sorry we cant sell you a car".
so i ended up getting a prepaid phone.
man there were so many phones i wanted then

>> No.4341687

I still have my nice black Softbank phone even though it isn't activated back in the States. When I came back and saw my round Verzion phone with a postage stamp-sized screen for the first time in months, my stomach sank a bit ;_;

>> No.4341719

im pretty sure you guys can get a sotware unlocked from verzion coz i got mine there ...they might charge a samll fee but if the guy is a douche it might ocst around 100 ish

>> No.4341799

Sorry I'm not very good with these types of things, but could I order a japanese phone and have it work in the states?

>> No.4341804

most sellers bundle japanese phones with a software unlock or somethign called HYPERsim which is an adaptor to fool the phone into thinking your using a japanese sim card

>> No.4341825

Why do Japanese phones look much sleeker than American phones? Over here, the touchscreen junk is all the rage.

>> No.4341827

touchscreens bug the shit out of me

all the new japanese flippy phones can now swivel around become an indipendant touchscreen by itself

>> No.4341880

Is there an easy site that sells Japanese phones to NA? I need a new phone, but I don't know where to start looking.

>> No.4341889

Thats odd ive never seen Japanese phones here.

>> No.4341903

I couldn't tell if you were trolling or not at first, but now I know you troll. Nice Kingdom Gays strap

>> No.4341916

why would i troll
these people are actually talking

your the troll buddy

>> No.4341995
File: 170 KB, 800x600, sh06a0022lb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its people like you who are slowly killing 4chan go die in a hole

here is the one i have from my site

>> No.4342019

man i wanted a phone like that.
when i got mine i was looking through softbanks catalogues and booklets and they had the specs all over them with things like GPS, global roaming etc.
i wanted to buy one and have it unlocked because my supervisor told me she found a store in tokyo that unlocks japanese phones, but i never got the details off her.

>> No.4342036
File: 40 KB, 848x480, snapshot20100121192016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>- kingdom hearts riku phone strap
>- stainless steel NERV logo

>> No.4342052

i thought japanese phones don't work anywhere else in the world other than japan?

>> No.4342061 [DELETED] 

i am 17 thank you verry much

i love your ignorance keep it up you may be flamed

>> No.4342067 [DELETED] 

Why must you stupid guys constantly spam and attack www . anon
talk . com for? Please stop. We don't want any chanturds there.

>> No.4342073
File: 57 KB, 478x361, 1264706228476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Must be 18 to view 4chan

>> No.4342077

reported for underaged b&

>> No.4342080

just fuckoff namefag nobody wants you here trolling anyway

>> No.4342086


>> No.4342089
File: 59 KB, 625x500, umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4342094

He mad

>> No.4342104

me annoyed because this board isnt even in the 18+ range

>> No.4342118

u banned

>> No.4342124

anon is in the right

he is in a non-age-restricted bard there is no reason why he/she should get reoprted

>> No.4342135
File: 754 KB, 1024x588, 1264387656978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup same underage fag

>> No.4342137

On a completely different note than OP talking to himself.

Are straps considered gay? I had to get a souvenir for a friend when I was there and I got him a cell strap.

>> No.4342142
File: 470 KB, 900x1255, 1242626909697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All of 4chan is 18+, even the worksafe boards. Get the fuck out retard.
>GLOBAL RULES: If you are under the age of 18, or it is illegal for you to view the materials contained on this website, discontinue browsing immediately.

>> No.4342148

straps should be seen as functional before ornamental
that said, it depends on the design and color of the strap

>> No.4342151

you know there's a function called "hide thread." how are you guys so easily fooled? there's kingdom shit in the op

>> No.4342155

Are you still in High School? Why do you care what other people would think?

>> No.4342165

Just a small little blue strap with a bear in a lantern that says gate. It was kinda something I saw at the last places I went to when I remembered to get something. Oh well.

>> No.4342192
File: 218 KB, 724x1206, Yuka Mobile Closeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4342220 [DELETED] 

Why must you stupid guys constantly spam and attack www . anon
talk . com for? Please stop. We don't want any chanturds there.

>> No.4342238

Samsung is not Japanese company.

>> No.4342251 [DELETED] 

Why must you stupid guys constantly spam and attack www . anon
talk . com for? Please stop. We don't want any chanturds there.

>> No.4342268

Stupid Korean is here.

>> No.4342269

weve already clarified this

>> No.4342309
File: 109 KB, 900x1200, img00156491700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4342336
File: 25 KB, 604x402, kayties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only person here with a nice phone is me and this dude
707SC is fucking old and shit.
Right now i'm currently using
930SH factory unlock, but i've been in this game for a while. Had the 903SH back in 05 and used it for 3 years.

>> No.4342344

May I have that Yuka picture?

>> No.4342346


Why are you still here?

>> No.4342352

because i am the op

>> No.4342353

I was considering buying one with minimal features because I like the designs, but then I realized the only person that ever calls me is my mother and I have no friends to exchange numbers with. What's the point in owning a cellphone?

>> No.4342359

vodafone in japan ...what model is that one (red)

>> No.4342360
File: 303 KB, 1536x1152, phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my phone is awesome

>> No.4342363

you must have some friends

dont tell me you people hang out on this all day long go to school/work then come back and do this

>> No.4342367

I haven't worked or went to school in a few years.

>> No.4342369

i agree where did you get the hatusne miku "doremifasolatido" face and where did you get the luka in the ball

>> No.4342372

Obviously the point is for people who actually fucking talk to people besides their mother.
>dont tell me you people hang out on this all day long go to school/work then come back and do this
Try again with school/work subtracted.

>> No.4342375

>hakurei shrine omamori
i actually want it

>> No.4342378

dont they all hit eachother and get scratches on the paint there is soo many O_O

>> No.4342380

miku face from some some small shop in akiba by jeans mate, forgot the name of it.
luka in a ball at one of corporate booths at comiket 77, also don't remember the name of the company

>> No.4342381

he probably just attached everything he has for the picture, i can't imagine walking around with something like that.

>> No.4342382

People who put dangly shit onto their phone are double gay.

>> No.4342388

i got a len one from CM77 i was wondering why i was the only one with lem

>> No.4342409 [DELETED] 


this guys right, I only had the thin metal marisa on before the picture

>> No.4342413
File: 522 KB, 760x1014, full force dangle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this guys right, I only had the thin metal marisa on before the picture

>> No.4342429

lol at the epicness

>> No.4342434

some japanese girls put that to shame. they fucking love to fill their phones/digicams/anything with these types of things.

>> No.4342441
File: 174 KB, 800x600, photo(8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tthats why i only have these 2 on they look good and there sint too much shit

>> No.4342447

are any of you guys buying these phones outside of japan? Based off of a quick google-search, doing otherwise seems kinda impossible

>> No.4342449

Samsung softbank 1.3 megapixel camera phone.

Nothing special about it I pay 50 bucks every 3 months and I get the service I need.
There are some drop out areas but that's mostly cause of me going into the mountains on occasion.
Towada has ZERO reception on softbank.

>> No.4342451

i got mine from an australian seller on ebay , he ofered me half price shipping due to the fact that we lived in the same city

>> No.4342455

we would like an image plz

>> No.4342476

nope, i live around tokyo

>> No.4342480

I just checked eBay for japanese phones, actually. Found a seller called Justin in Japan that was selling him, so I emailed him and asked him to hook me up. Don't know if this will go anywhere, but it's a start.

>> No.4342535

what city and how much did you pay?
also does it work? melbfag here, just want to know so when my girlfriend comes to australia she can bring her phone and maybe it will work / i'll get her a new phone.

>> No.4342558

>underage fags

My god /jp/ sucks at these hours.

>> No.4342564

I have a W53S from when I lived there. Too bad I can't unlock it and use it in amurika.

>> No.4342656

Finally, found something.

>> No.4342670

>Cheapest phone is $350 and goes as high as 800 without shipping.
Do you want to be Japanese that badly?

>> No.4342697

They're the main form of communication everywhere in the fucking world. No excuse.

>> No.4342710

Don't Japanese phones use a completely different frequency than American phones? How are you getting them to work in America by just unlocking them? Or can this frequency difference by changed via software?

>> No.4342716

Some of us have this commodity of a substance called money.

>> No.4342769

Some of use have the commodity of reason.

You could buy a console for that money, fuck.

>> No.4342773

And I already have all the consoles, what's your point. Quit being poor.

>> No.4342781

When you have money, you no longer need reason.

>> No.4342818

LOL spoken like a Asian. The only thing you people care about is money and status items. This is why most of you are so crass despite all your status items.

>> No.4342829

Better than caring about bitches and whores.

>> No.4342843

So you are gay too.

>> No.4342845

>consoles are so expensive, someone with all of them certainly is materialistic!

and other various durr hurr, poorfag

>> No.4342849

google crass

>> No.4342851

google derp

>> No.4342853

I'm asian but I couldn't give two shits about expensive phones with fancy features I'd never have a use for even if I was wealthy. Minor interest in straps since the little faggot inside me likes them and they make it easier for me to grab the phone out of my pocket.

>> No.4342863
File: 8 KB, 232x230, 1215988472623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4342880

Buy a Car, buy a Bickickle, buy clothes buy something that has a normal PRICE/VALUE ratio.

And even if you have everything you need, I'm sure theres better way of spening your money then a 800$ phone, I'd rather buy 8 100$ figs.

>> No.4342881

oh hi i spent a lot of money on ricer shit for your computer because i am very crass as everyone who has roots in that entire region of the world

>> No.4342883
File: 43 KB, 420x297, fat_kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4342900

I went out with my project team tonight for dinner, and the bill was comped by the company/supervisor. My friend told me he usually tips 20%, and he left $140 on the table.

We all had a nice night and meal and had some of the more introverted people spew out some usable ideas after getting a little wine into them.

Fuck your figs.

>> No.4342924

yeah I wish I had rich parents too.

>> No.4342933

You're pathetic.

>> No.4342936

Says you.

>> No.4344461

Nobody has the same values. Whats valuable to you could be trash to me.

>> No.4344466

So anyways, where do you guys buy all your charms? Is it from that strapa site?

>> No.4344488
File: 78 KB, 450x450, sharp_920sh_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4344528

I have a DoCoMo SA702i, pretty decent but outdated and virtually nothing works over here.

Got one key strap thing, it's a small human-thing with "Manipulator" written on one side in kanji and a heart with a face reminiscent of "u mad" on it.

>> No.4344576

I'll get one when I'm in Japan the next time so I can play The After.
