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43388224 No.43388224 [Reply] [Original]

A place for discussion of the great works by Kinoko Nasu / TYPE-MOON.

Medea edition

>Type-Moon Visual Novel Collection (Japanese)

>Mahoutsukai no Yoru
Mahoutsukai no Yoru:
Mahoutsukai no Yoru PC:
English Patch (Partial):
An Adventure of First Love (Mahoutsukai no Yoru complementary short story):

>Kara no Kyoukai
Kara no Kyoukai Novel (Japanese):
Kara no Kyoukai Novel (English):
Kara no Kyoukai Animated Films:
Kara no Kyoukai Manga:

Tsukihime VN Collection:
Shingetsutan Tsukihime Manga:

>Tsukihime Remake
Tsukihime Remake:
https://pastebin.com/QSz8A5Jf (embed)
English Patch (Arcueid Route):

>Melty Blood
Melty Blood PC Collection:
Melty Blood Manga:
Melty Blood - Back Alley Alliance Nightmare Manga:
Melty Blood - Type Lumina:
Melty Blood - Type Lumina Community Translation Patch:

Fate/Stay Night [Réalta Nua] Ultimate Edition:
Fate/Hollow Ataraxia:
https://pastebin.com/Vgy14rSK (embed)

>Other Type-Moon Works
Angel Voice / Notes:
Fire Girl:
Mahou Tsukai no Hako: Starlit Marmalade Manga:
Tsuki no Sango:
Tsuki no Sango Manga:
Haru to Tsuki to Sora to:
Clock Tower 2015:

>Type-Moon Miscellaneous
Encyclopedia of Type-Moon:
Type-Moon Comic Ace:
TMdict Glossary:
Tsuki-kan (comprehensive record of real-world statements, interviews, Q&As, feature articles, etc):
Tsukihime Archives:
Tsukihime Tokuhon:

Previous: >>43339553

>> No.43388380
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>> No.43388406
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the sovl...

>> No.43391655

Neco-Arc best girl

>> No.43391873

it's 100% edited text of the existing TL which means it's pretty hard to make it any worse. I assure you, It'll still read like shit and be inaccurate to what Nasu wrote, just like how English Fate has always been.

>> No.43392107
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>not a Ciel OP on her birthday
yeah, cringe

>> No.43392213

What kind of job Illya could do/would have if she worked?

>> No.43392230

Massage specialist

>> No.43392356

Illya is a magical girl and a legitimate heroine.

>> No.43392372

But she can't be a neet like Saber

>> No.43392632

I'm getting tired of early threads

>> No.43392768

how did Father Eiri manage to "kill" Aozaki Sr. ?

>> No.43393072
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We don't respect the fr*nch

>> No.43393477
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I love Arcueid so much
She is never will be real

>> No.43394533
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>> No.43394538
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>> No.43394543
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>> No.43394550
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>> No.43394556
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>> No.43394565
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>> No.43394881
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Very based

>> No.43394964
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>> No.43394977
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>> No.43394989
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>> No.43395041

the maids are _____

>> No.43395117
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I had been thinking about getting into tsukihime the whole week and i somehow pick today, my birthday, to come to this thread and i find out it's her's too? This has to be a sign. Is there a FAQ on how to install and play/can i play blind or do i have to follow a strict order to the routes?

>> No.43395119

pure excluding Kohaku

>> No.43395161
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Read the op. Arc -> Ciel -> Akiha -> Hisui -> Kohaku. There's no strict order but this route flow will give you the best understanding of the story. You can go blind too if you want but you won't be able to access the far side since it requires you to complete at least a route.

>> No.43395188

The fact that the OG Tsukihime doesn't have enforced route order is insanity.

>> No.43395288
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og ciel 4head does things to me

>> No.43395742
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>Chronologically speaking, she is from after Hollow, but before the Aylesbury Geocentricism (Tsukihime).
We're so back.

>> No.43395873

Will I ever get to see my wife, Altrouge?

>> No.43395909
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>However, until things are settled with Altrouge, a being 'that forms the celestial' on the same scale, she cannot be referred to as the 'ONE'.
Yeah probably.

>> No.43396107

>Aylesbury Geocentricism
Is Nasu...trying to make it all about Astromancy now?

>> No.43396303
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>> No.43396424

Isn't Marisbury's plot involved with geocentrism as well?

>> No.43397744

I had read conflicting stuff about it being okay and encouraged to play blind. Didn’t realize it was pretty straightforward to install, I was reminded of when I played f/sn and for some reason have the memory of that being a little difficult to work out.

>> No.43398443

>MD > アルクは他の真祖いよって作られたかのような記述がありますが、どういう風に生まれたんでしょう? (2/17(土)1:08)

>ほんきのこ > KMDさん>はい。本来、神祖というのは自然に発生するのですが、アルクだけは神祖たちによって人工的に摘出させたモノです。 (2/17(土)1:10)

>ほんきのこ > 痕>はい、プロットの段階で武内くんから「秋葉のシナリオは痕に似てる」と言われました。もう、色々とむ言われるのを覚悟して通した記憶があります。……というか、ああいった展開と見せ方はミステリーではむしろオーソドックスなんじゃないかなあ、とそっちのわうの意見が怖かったぐらいです。 (2/17(土)1:14)

>kagami > 「神祖を産み出した自然が意志を持っている」というのはガイア理論的な生態系での意味なのか、もっと超越的な存在(神)が存在する意味なのか、他世界(精霊界)からの干渉の意味なのかを知りたいのです???質問が増えて申し訳ない>きのこさん (2/17(土)1:20)

>ほんきのこ > kagami さん>ガイア論です。それと同種にして対立、というか目的は同じようでまったく違う人間側の意識の統一存在がいたりいなかったり。 (2/17(土)1:21)

>福外鬼内 |> 月姫の吸血鬼(真祖と死徒)って人間と子供作れるんですか?<きのこさん (2/17(土)1:28)

>ほんきのこ > 福外鬼内 さん>今のところ、成功例はただ一人みたいです。 (2/17(土)1:29)

>kagami > アルトルージュは黒ナコみたいな黒いアルクェイドなんでしょうか?(^^;>きのこさん (2/17(土)1:32)

>ほんきのこ > アルトルージュ>アルトはロリ……いえ、ナンデモナイデスヨ? (2/17(土)1:34)

>B46 > 真祖に吸血されたらその支配下(人形)になるという記述がシナリオ中にありましたが、ロアや他の使徒が真祖から独立できたのはなぜですか?>きのこさん (2/17(土)1:56)

>ほんきのこ > B46さん>いやもう、単純に精神力の問題です。あ、あとたいていの真祖は使徒を吸血袋として認識してますから、逃がしません。真祖の支配=単純な力関係、とも言えます。真祖が自滅するか、夜中こっそり抜け出して隠れるか、正面きって破るか、の三択かな、と。

>kagami > 空想具現化は量子論で、ラプラス的な計算による干渉で自分の世界を作り上げると考えて良いのですか?>きのこさん (2/17(土)2:05)

>ほんきのこ > kagami さん>えっと、一応見解としてスタッフ座談会のほうでチラッと流れてます。けど、ほぼkagami さんのおっしゃるとおりです。

>kagami > the dark sixとアルクェイドには関係があるのでしょうか?アルクェイドが産まれた頃、もう前者はいなかったと思いますが>きのこさん (2/17(土)2:13)

>ほんきのこ > kagamiさん>the dark sixはまだ誕生していません(にやり)。とまあ、あとは秘密のあっこちゃんですよ?。 (2/17(土)2:14)

>kagami > えっ、アルクの方がふるいんですか?予想外です?(^^; (2/17(土)2:15)

>kagami > でもそれだとオルトとかアインナッシュの方がthe dark sixより古い死徒になってしまいますが????ここらへんについて多少ヒントでもお教え願えませんでしょうか???>きのこさん (2/17(土)2:18)

>ほんきのこ > kagamiさん >正確に言うと、the dark sixはアルクより古いです。情報はほんとにここまで! (2/17(土)2:19)

>> No.43399182

kagami really made this whole thing worth reading.

>> No.43399542

Which bad end in Tsukire has Nanaya?

>> No.43399574

Why is type moon so homo

>> No.43399636

The one where you kill Arc in her route on day 10.

>> No.43399672


>> No.43399687

You'd have to ask Nanaya.

>> No.43399769

This stuff is from like 2005.

>> No.43399813

From 2001.

>> No.43399907

I wonder if this means Nasu's kept Bazett as a Tsukihime character too.

>> No.43399957

It's a keyword in last encore too and the extra setting as a whole which is the result of a ritual similar to Aylesbury. Also in the latest fgo event which is strongly tied to last encore the new servant has a geocentric form and a heliocentric form.

>> No.43400089

When will Baz finally get to play around with Lancer’s lance?

Nasu hates her for some reason. Doesn’t want her to be happy and win for once.

>> No.43400138

lancer belongs to archer

>> No.43400355

But he put her in a wedding dress.

>> No.43400433

So why is heliocentric form so tiny compared to the geocentric form?

>> No.43400516

I thought there was a bad end where Nanaya helps Noel kill some DAs?

>> No.43400598

Because her geocentric form is closer to the ソラ.

>> No.43400709

I feel like that's more Roa's influence, and the bad end it results in only comes a few days later after Shiki kills Akiha and Hisui without realising it. It's the Arc bad end that has the unmistakably Nanaya dialogue.

>> No.43400852

>Marisbury's plot
i dont read fgo. Can you give all details what entails this guy's plot?

>> No.43400872

Why did some people in this thread think Arc fought Nrvnqsr before the story began and the dog Vlov killed was one of Nrvnqsr's dogs?
Arc did state the reason Shiki was able kill her was partly because she had finished a big job and she was a bit weakened so her resistance to death was lower than usual, but I'm not sure that's enough to lead one to believe she was fighting Nrvnqsr.

>> No.43400907

It's not even clear yet. But it's implied he wants to extend the texture of humanity over the universe to the detriment of everything else.

>> No.43400950

why did you ask a question and then immediately answer it

>> No.43401133

What you said but also the DAA goo Arc rubs into Shiki after the Vlov fight, Mario saying he heard a rumour that another DAA had come to the city, Arc saying the DA that uses lots of 'familiars' has already been dealt with (possibly Arc misunderstanding how Nrvnqsr works, so maybe she really believes she had killed him), Nrvnqsr being interested in Vlov in his conversation with Roa, also obviously from a meta perspective the Vlov/dog scene is the remake's equivalent of Nrvnqsr's scene.

>> No.43401167

I just thought there might have been more evidence of Nrvnqsr being present. It's kinda weird because Chaos is stated to be Vlov and Shiki's natural enemy in the Materials, yet there is little to no sign of his presence in the story at all.

>> No.43401186

Hmm, I see. That works for me.

>> No.43401196

>little to no sign of his presence in the story at all
There's a monologue that's almost certainly him or it was a Roa monologue where he talks to Nero (forgot which way it was).

>> No.43403299
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Last Encore had a deleted section in the script about something related to mages did that fucked the Earth completely (Twice alluded was mages with "you people" toward Leon who is from a mage family). For years nobody knew what was (though most speculated Marisbury, and I'm sure the fucker is still behind it, it didn't seem like a person name). Aylesbury didn't fit in the spaces, though. But after Karen mats with Aylesbury Ritual renamed on Astromancy terms as Aylesbury Geocentrism, it made nips give a click in their heads. Last Encore has two titles, the first one, Oblitus Heliocentrism, actually fits in. The Oblitus stuff. They never understood the FUCK does that subtitle mean years ago, but now? It's a reference to Astromancy rituals. Oblitus Heliocentrism means "Forget about Heliocentrism" so it's Geocentrism anyway.
Case Files filler episode (written by TM as clear foreshadowing) mentions the antagonist of a Branch Animusphere family failed because he tried to do shit with a heliocentric model when Animuspheres favor Geocentrism. Hope this helps.
Roa's ritual in Lumina, also had to do with astromancy at least Mashu pointed out it's similar to stuff in Chaldea. This guy, the Count, and other disciple with Kotomine, is probably a What IF Roa who possessed older Dantes. Which is symbolic the two iconic antagonists of main TM works are the big bad of the most "crossover" big stakes work right and left hand.
Nasu's like those middle-aged women going through an Astrology craze with the way he's wanking Astromancy.

>> No.43403344

We don't know what the fuck he wants yet. But Daybit says he's an enemy of the universe, instead of an enemy of humanity. He may want humanity prosperity (or his idea of it) and fucking over every single lifeform and celestial body that is not humanity related.
But Nasu's going superhand wank on that branch of magecraft (even the DAA ritual is a form of it) and Malicebury is the literal Lord of Astromancy.
I wonder if Nasu will have someone turn Kirschtaria into a DA, because if DAA wants astromancers, he's the other prodigy of that field with Marisbury.

>> No.43403395
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>> No.43403482

>something related to mages did that fucked the Earth completely
It's believed the thing might have extended the lifespan of the Earth. Main Fate timeline and Extraverse diverge in the 1970s. The world of the former is supposed to die in the early 22th century but the latter can hang on for much longer. So whatever the ritual did slowed things down. How does mana drought fits into this? Perhaps it's an equivalent of reduction in metabolism associated with anabiosis.

>> No.43403656

I think most of it was false flagging. Not much to be concerned over when Nasu bent over backwards to keep the Tsuki versions separate from the "fleeting dream" version. The other characters and probably Shiki too will get similar fanservice tease. There obviously isn't any relationship between A3 and the player and it's not like they're going to actually develop anything meaningfully in the game so it is pointless to care. I actually liked the content since it gives you some things to think about for Tsuki/Tsuki 2 while showing that A2, who encounters her fate, is special. She's the one who gains her off-brand love for humanity and maybe someday will be capable of rejecting her completion given Shiki bugged her out and made her experience emotion overload. That might be related to her holding onto her name and identity as foreshadowed in KT.

>> No.43403674

Nasu rewrote shit and in Lost Encore script it describes that it damaged the Core of Earth, starting the Age of Ashes or something like that because the planet is agonizing. Because Leo's family had hoarded and forbid the space career, it fucked humans to stick to earth, but moving into Mooncell would solve that.

>> No.43403685

I thought Roa's ritual was just as complicated but not necessarily about astromancy. I saw nips saying that the keyword is different in Tsuki worlds since the culprit is different than in extra.

>> No.43403761

Her name is actually an interesting point. AE is their true name but only A2 has attachment to Arcueid. A3 should go by the name too but clearly doesn't despite Arc having had the name for ages. A1 also mentions having yet to gain a name despite being the future(and blueprint technically) and Nasu made a point to not call the servant Arcueid so I do wonder if it plays into her whole identity scale with CM. I wonder who gave her the name. With A1 it might actually have been Shiki when he called her by it in the dream hence "True Ancestor Arcueid" in later appearances at times. Arcs weird because of time axis stuff and A1/A2 dream ability though.

>> No.43403818

Arc also apprently met young Shiki in a dream when she was a child. So it is indeed weird.

>> No.43403855

It might not have been young Arc which makes it weirder since it means Arc from the future of one route is linked to the base Nanaya from the outset. Eco-Arc will probably show up somewhere though besides Melty since Nasu from the beginning drew the parallel between her and shotaShiki meeting Zel/Aoko, being told about tripping over rocks etc before her long dream towards her "one final cruel encounter".

>> No.43403884

I don't think it's either Nanaya or Roa desu. Feels like Shiki when he's cool and collected but not bad end 11 alleyway Nanaya deep.

>> No.43403991

I think it's likely to be child Arc and child Shiki though, for the parallels you mentioned. But it's hard to tell.

>> No.43404176

Ya, I guess time will tell. I don't expect Arc True until at least 2025 but probably later with how TM is nowadays. It feels like everything is delayed.

>> No.43404268


>> No.43404291
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>> No.43404314
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>> No.43404411

for real though is Nasu dead? no blog or interview for months.

>> No.43404418

If Nasu is dead I'll kill myself

>> No.43404462

Nasu will unironically probably go out of this world leaving most of the good shit incomplete(DDD, Mahoyo, Entire Tsukiverse).

>> No.43404502

I'm still holding hope he'll finish at least Red Garden and Tsukihime 2. As long as those two works are complete I'll be satisfied.
Remake already happened so it's not like it's impossible.

>> No.43404560

>I'm still holding hope he'll finish Tsukihime 2
the ironic thing here is that there was another human being before you who typed the exact same thing almost 20 years and died of colon cancer 7+ years ago.

>> No.43404561

They could do so much Tsuki stuff with all the DAA, Church, Oni/Hunter, more elemental/monster/gaia aligned OC shit and characters like Lorelei and what have you. Too bad Nasu is not a prolific writer. We'd be lucky to get Tsuki 2.

>> No.43404579

Tsuki2 feels like Nasu's dream. That thing to complete at the end of his life. That thing he'll fail to conquer and his assistants will try to patch together and sell as an approximation of his vision.

>> No.43404580

too busy writing galaxy scale powerlevel shit. Even groomed the demonbane writer

>> No.43404679

Nasu isn't doing a good job presenting power level shit if he's trying to go big. He's kinda mid. His one v one small scale shit is always more engaging and tense but holy hell I guess he hasn't really had a protag who facilitates it in a long time(reusing his 2000 protag doesn't count).

>> No.43404695

Shit happens. I've been in this fandom for almost 20 years too. The dude you mentioned was also unable to see the Remake, sadly.

Yep, and the reason he doesn't is precisely because Nasu wants to set a groundwork for maybe other writers doing side stories. Remember Nasu himself apologized to the artists who drew designs for the DAA, and how they can't be shown at the moment, saying "to wait for him". It's no secret he plans to expand the world of Tsukihime going forward.

>> No.43404743

Nasu plans a whole lot of shit and delivers very little. Where is extella 2?

>> No.43404766

If nothing else, the lack of anything remotely worthwhile with the TM stamp means we're free to be productive for a good while.

>> No.43404795

>demonbane writer
I miss that guy. I wish he'd make a VN again or something.

>> No.43404802

left nitroplus to become freelance and just wrote his first FGO event. Wouldn't be surprised if that's all he does now, it's certainly a trend for VN writers.

>> No.43404813

Shit he actually did something new? I was under the impression he was MIA for years. Well writing gacha crap isn't exactly the comeback I was hoping for obviously.

>> No.43404831

Difference is Remake had great reception. A writer can only do his best works when they try to live up to other people's hopes for them.
But of course it doesn't depend on Nasu alone.

>> No.43404880

RE is probably his best work. At least way better than anything else in the last decade. If it's because ppl had sky-high hopes, Red Garden and Tsuki2 would have to be unreal for how high the expectations are.

>> No.43404900

Gotta put bread on the table somehow.

>> No.43404902

Mahoyo had a great reception and look where that got us. Tsukuri Monoji isn't even at type moon anymore

>> No.43405047

On the other hand you've had 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Fate Extra works with the movie in rather quick succession. So I guess it depends.

>> No.43405073

Not him but I've read random korean webtoons with better characters and relationships than the extra shit so... I guess maybe mushroom really does need high hopes and like a decade of build up for a good showing.

>> No.43405121

I suppose. Tsukihime Remake is definitely far better than any Extra instalment.

>> No.43405682

Well, there was a time when Nasu could write 5000 pages of Tsuki in a few months, but I guess it's because he was young and full of energy

>> No.43405694
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the weak should fear the strong

>> No.43405890

Now that he's like 50 he has one foot in the grave and the other on a bananaya peel.

>> No.43405934

It involved stars and constellations. Magecraft to do with celestial bodies is Astromancy. Makes me wonder instead of vamping literal who, they don't go and target the big shots of Astromancy if their ritual requires that shit.
>I saw nips saying that the keyword is different in Tsuki worlds since the culprit is different than in extra.
The culprit has nothing to do with each other as far we know. In Extra, those were mages. So we have a number one suspect family. We still don't know the origin of Astromancy in general. It's older than the Ages of Gods. I still find fucking hilarious how housewife mentality Nasu has to go Astrology crazy.

>> No.43405940
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A reminder that Kohaku is an overrated piece of shit no good slut who does not deserve half the praise she gets.

Truly the worst of the Tsukicast.

>> No.43405962
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He wrote the current golden week collab with Arcade (and extra touch) yes. He was celebrating it his first work as freelancer.

>> No.43405982
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Imouto has posted.

>> No.43406164
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First time playing a VM

Just got to Arcueid true end, I cried. Not even tearing up, full blown tears. I haven’t cried like this since I was a kid. I guess I like VNs, I don’t think any other piece of media has ever elicited a reaction like this from me before

>> No.43406192

Arc is hanging out with Halman now.

>> No.43406452
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Very nice

>> No.43406886

Was it kino?

>> No.43406915

Do be fair Nasu just made Tsukihime 2 canon in the remake's continuity so things could be worse.

>> No.43407686

I agree, just like with Sakura, but in case of Kohaku it's mostly because of how bad her route was. Though everything that happened in school is pure kino.

>> No.43408137
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He just blueticked my ass instead of replying

>> No.43408431
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>> No.43408634

Roa's goal has nothing to do with Astromancy and the Aylesbury ritual is also not implied to have anything to do with stars and constelations at all.

>> No.43408674

It's not as good when you realize Arc loves Guda only

>> No.43408688

Weak bait. Not giving you a (You)

>> No.43408750

>Makes me wonder instead of vamping literal who, they don't go and target the big shots of Astromancy if their ritual requires that shit.
Probably because the Dark Six > Astromancy.

>> No.43408819

Imagine the sex between Kotomine, Shirou and Gil


>> No.43409347


>> No.43409571

Check the manga then remake which is also beautiful. It's less the VN and more that the story is timeless. It's gotten sweeter with each adaption especially since Nasu plays with the idea that Shiki and her encounter was a miracle of fate and seems to be expanding the what if/dream stuff.

>> No.43409638
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>> No.43410034

I tried reading it but it's the same usual FGO trash where they do a bizarre mix of comedy and serious plot while recycling 8 year old plot elements. It's apparently being well received though so good for him I guess

>> No.43410075

>the one who stopped time, was me

>> No.43410212

Uncultured folks are easy to please. Color me shocked.

>> No.43410282

This is why the I liked the remake so much. No mix of comedy and serious plot, and no recycled plot elements.

>> No.43410298

>no mix of comedy
the whiteboard scene exist

>> No.43410345

gay month is in a month

>> No.43410430

kek, that's just one of Arc's many applications of Marble Phantasm.

>> No.43410434

Rather than comedic, doesn't it feels more like a requisite infodump? At least not really atmosphere or character breaking.

>> No.43410484

There is also Arc showing up as a teacher in Shiki's school. That was comedy I think.

>> No.43410503

>No mix of comedy and serious plot
No there's plenty of comedy in Tsuki R. It's just actually funny though that's the difference.

>> No.43410546 [SPOILER] 
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the white woman...

>> No.43410558

Fine but at least it's all original.

>> No.43410682

Has anyone tried to port the Mahoyo tl and voices from switch/ps4 to PC?

>> No.43410705

>Eyes not red
One job.

>> No.43410775
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>> No.43410796

VNs have the depth of a novel while also possessing an intimacy that can't be portrayed in a medium limited to solely text. When they're good, they're great.
Guy posts his genuine reaction and you post some smarmy sarcastic shitpost nonsequitur. Are you that insecure? What the fuck is wrong with you? Take a shower.

>> No.43410816

Indeed but more importantly it didn't feel jarring. Like Shiki going STYLE during Ciel's infodump phase is just in character, funny and fits the point of the scene to beat around the bush and drag it out before laying into the sensitive issue at hand.
This is a piece of tmg history. Arc is a regular tmg poster.

>> No.43410931

There are more routes.
Akiha's route would be the saddest.

>> No.43410972

Finish Red Garden. Akiha Tohno Route Ending only. Wait x number for years for Tsukihime TA(True Arc and True Akiha). What do.

>> No.43411006

You can't really finish Tsukihime without finishing all the routes.
You're missing a lot of background knowledge and good stuff if you do. You're not getting your full value's worth if you stop before the end.

>> No.43411115

I think you misunderstood. The post is implying RG will do Akiha the same they did Arc.

>> No.43411122
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Why did she do it?

>> No.43411152

Nii-san is too good.

>> No.43411181
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he should've listened.

>> No.43411202

Akiha is not important enough to guarantee Arc's treatment. She'd get a True and Normal end in the same game most definitely.

>> No.43411242

Not sure about that, she's the best representative of the other half of Tsukihime, the Tohno drama and the Oni/DH stuff which appears as though it is going to be expanded upon with how they're treating her.

>> No.43411272

If it just stayed as a family drama that is one thing but they already are linking the Tohno to DAA and vampire shit too so all bets are off where that side of the story develops and ends up. If they really go deep on Shiki's Nanaya past and such then it might as well lead to an entirely different sort of future setting.

>> No.43411275
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Why is there blood on the curtains in the bottom right?

>> No.43411356
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Payback for THAT ending

>> No.43411362

Never noticed that before

>> No.43411403

Because RG is where the true nightmare exists. Oni-kind are pathetic if you only know them through the mobile, never forget what happens with a properly adult-rated story.

>> No.43411416

I can hear this image.

>> No.43411455

THAT SCREAM leading into it. Many RE is so fucking good.

>> No.43411712
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Akiha deserves a good ending this time.
As a heroine, her conclusions are by far the most bitter not only in her own route but on the others as well.

>> No.43411730

Poor Akiha. In the near side, Nii-san is a terrible brother that's too busy running around at night with white women. And then in the other far side routes, he fucks maids.

>> No.43411788

I mean it's not like Shiki is obligated to choose her but she did give a part of her life so he could live.

>> No.43411799

You are always obligated to pick your imouto.

>> No.43411807

She'll get the best ending where Nii-san stays and helps her run the family business while keeping all the other Oni yakuza/conglomerates terrified that he'll stealth into their home while they're sleeping and erase them.

>> No.43411823

Literally bound & connected to her nii-san. What a setting.

>> No.43411828
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>Nii-san, I...
>Akiha, I'm fucking off to Italy. See ya.
her suffering already began.

>> No.43411908

Shiki fucking off to europe to merc vampire gods is pretty metal.

>> No.43411929

It was kind of funny how even in the remake Shiki never talks to Kohaku again after raping her.

>> No.43412239

Probably a hint that it maybe didn't happen. When ambiguity is actually beneficial and adds to the fear factor.

>> No.43412294
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>> No.43412380

He have to live with Italians now, that is the punishment for leaving her
>t. Italian

>Captcha: KYSR0A

>> No.43412557

If you got Isekai'd into any TM story as the protag, which is the one that would be considered hardmode(to clear) or just survive and not go crazy?

>> No.43412746

I love Arc, she is my favorite TM character. But I don't think I would want to be Tohno Shiki. That's just how hard his circumstances are.

>> No.43412926

His ritual in Melty, Mashu recognizes has similar elements to Animusphere shit. Get over it. Alesbury Ritual has been renamed as Alesbury Geocentrism. It's magecraft, idiot, that has to do with celestial body. THAT'S ALWAYS ASTROMANCY YOU STUPID NIGGER.

>> No.43412931 [DELETED] 

Dark Six aren't even mentioned that existed at all in Tsuki Re. You don't even know the fuck that was anyway.

>> No.43412939

Astromancy = Magecraft that studies (and controls) celestial bodies (and humanity). Geocentrism and Heliocentrism are two models of Astromancy. If a magecraft ritual has that, it's astromancy. Like how Zelretch uses mineralogy for his magecraft.

>> No.43412941

The dark six is still in the DAA list, and the thing the DAA were doing in France was called the sixth ritual.

>> No.43412977

Mash explicitly stated it uses a different system to that of the Animusphere, but it's equal in terms of complexity. We already know Roa's goal is to have the cosmos unveiled, as he explicitly states it himself. He doesn't give a damn about astromancy, and in fact even removing the canopy covering the cosmos is a means to an end.

>> No.43412978

I deleted it because I misworded it: it's literally unknown what was and what was about, but now that ritual gets called Alesbury Geocentrism. It's just a part of Astromancy practiced by them. The DAA were still humans (and some of them mages) with weird exceptions like ORT. Any magecraft related to celestial bodies IS astromancy.

>> No.43412990

She described there are constellations and that shit too. Don't try to get cheeky.
>he cosmos unveiled, as he explicitly states it himself.
So Astromancy. Do you really understand that Astromancy is EVERYTHING that deals with that? Like what merem solomon did is invocation.

>> No.43412993

Hello, I need cool and edgy pictures of Okita. Give me

>> No.43412998

Aylsebury Geocentrism is likely unrelated to the DAA. Given this ritual was explicitly performed in Extra, a world where DAA don't exist. Caren't profile also implies Aylesbury Geocentrism follows from Fate Hollow, so it simply cannot be related to Tsukihime.

>> No.43413012

By that logic literally everything can be said to be Astromancy, given every form of magecraft involves celestial bodies (Earth) in one form of another. The DAA are not practicing astromancy.

>> No.43413021

>She described there are constellations and that shit too
No she literally does not. She mentions patterns, but not any sort of constelation.
>So Astromancy
Shit that deals with manipulation of texture has never fallen in the category of Astromancy. Either post quotes or shut up.

>> No.43413028

>Aylsebury Geocentrism is likely unrelated to the DAA
It's literally stated to happen in Tsukihime in Karen's mats. It's not saying that Karen is from the same world but a timeframe of "before the Aylesbury Geocentrism" of Tsukihime to say she's between 2005-whenever that happens in Tsukihime. Since she's not even from FHA but Capsule Servant Universe. It's to give a rough estimate of dates.
>Given this ritual was explicitly performed in Extra
Can you read up to what the other anon posted? The ritual in Extra world is Oblitus Heliocentrism. It's also geocentrism, since it means "forgetting heliocentrism." DAA practice magecraft too, anon. Sion and Zepia still practice the Atlas Alchemy, did you forget? I'm not saying they are trying to do the same as Marisbilly, but are using the same magecraft discipline since Nasu's been obsessed with Astrology lately.

>> No.43413032

>Given this ritual was explicitly performed in Extra
That was a separate ritual in 1970 in extra worlds
>Aylesbury Geocentrism follows from Fate Hollow, so it simply cannot be related to Tsukihime.
>Chronologically speaking, she is from after Hollow, but before the Aylesbury Geocentricism (Tsukihime)
Also I can't find raws anywhere but even from the translation I don't understand how you came to that conclusion.

>> No.43413056

Not really.
Lore studies and sefaguard shit that's outside the planet for the own security of the planet, etc.
But something that will involve MESS with Earth as the ritual seems to imply? It's Astromancy, the magecraft of CELESTIAL BODIES.
>The DAA are not practicing astromancy.
Of course, not all of them can. Dust of Osiris and Wallachia specialized in their brand of Alchemy. Did you forget most of them ARE mages right? Nero was a Wandering Sea candidate member. The real relevant ones who aren't monsters, other than Altrouge.

>> No.43413062

Just speculation but the significance of fgo Arc's second ascension being 3 years after a certain route could be that that's when the Aylesbury geocentricism takes place.

>> No.43413069

>the secondaries in this thread forget the big shots DAAs (organized ones, rather than those weird forest and spider ones) were also big-shot mages
Of course, they practice magecraft. Literally, Dust of Osiris was doing alchemy. Why are you denying it's not Astromancy with that name?

>> No.43413079

Yes, they are mages with longer lifespan so they can keep researching their works past a magus lifespan. Eh, doesn't matter anyway, given there is still almost nothing known about the Dark Six.

>> No.43413084

You mean Arc's second ascension is after Aylesbury or before?

>> No.43413087

Yeah did they forget the big plan and ritual of Dust of Osiris with the Philosophical Stone is actually Alchemy?

>> No.43413095

What I'm simply saying is that they are using Astromancy if that name gives it away because is Nasu's latest fixation. Circa 00s, it was Alchemy that he was obsessed about: Einzberns, Atlas. Now is Astromancy. That's also why he shoved Aoko into that faculty out of all places.

>> No.43413112

I think Aoko should have gone to Modern Magecraft studies myself, so you're right.

>> No.43413153

Challenge for mages to stop fucking up the world.
(DAA are just mages with a liquid diet).

>> No.43413262

I think she's more accurately an amalgamation of her various selves or even more accurately, something unique that happens to have characteristics of the others on something of a sliding scale. Makes no sense to say she's closer to TC than Hollow otherwise while in the same profile mentioning she's post hollow but pre AG(A post Tsuki world story going by how its juxtaposed to hollow).

Also CM established the Aylesbury ritual right? Who knows what it's about or how it relates to the Dark SIx. Since a bunch of DAA are involved even if it's using something relating to an existing school of (human)magecraft it's probably got some special vampire juiced specifics to it.
Seems like she's pre-Tsuki 2 which is probably Aylesbury and Altrouge.

>> No.43413301

Caren might be back in Tsukihime, but she's a hag now considering when the remake's set.

>> No.43413303

She does have a good end though? Her true ending is in Kagetsu Tohya though.

>> No.43413312

She does not have a good end. The Kagetsu Tohya ending is overall positive though.

>> No.43413320

>something relating to an existing school of (human)magecraft
Anon, Dust of Osiris used exactly that for her big plan. It was just Alchemy.
Not sure why you think is "Lesser" because muh human magecraft. Astromancy is older then the Ages of Gods, for the record. It degraded in the human modern world.

>> No.43413330

>Since a bunch of DAA are involved even if it's using something relating to an existing school of (human)magecraft it's probably got some special vampire juiced specifics to it.
I'm not sure when big shot mages are monsters themselves. It's just anything that big shot mages (fangy type or not) will tend to fuck shit up. As happened in Extra too with another ritual. And Mr. Enemy of the Universe in FGO.
Tesla even makes fun how mages whine so much about losing mystery when they keep almost blowing up the world.

>> No.43413332

Oh, I get what you mean. I'm not saying in the literal sense of a "GOOD ENDING" but a positive one yes. She only have true and normal endings. Both of which are sad - but the true ending continues in KT.
>Akiha is not important enough
She's the character that sets all the chain of events in motion - no? She was the one who got Tohno to return.

>> No.43413364

>It degraded in the human modern world
More like it's useless. It needs the AoG texture to be operational.

>> No.43413378

I think is more effective when it's a blank slate, don't you think so?

>> No.43413379

It doesn't matter. You're jumping the gun and making assumptions on the mechanisms of a ritual we have no idea about. I didn't mention anything about it being lesser(Projection?). Just that if it's something created by CM and about the DS system it's probably got vampire fingerprints all over it along with lots of blood and sacrifice.

>> No.43413389

We haven't seen any applications of it in the bleached earth. Unless the fantasy trees count.

>> No.43413419

This is true. She'd be like 13 years older. Tsukihime really does do everything better.

>> No.43413428

It's not even that I hate comedy and seriousness being mixed, it's just the way that FGO does it is really bizarre to me. I've been playing Heaven burns red on and off, the KEY gacha game written by Maeda Jun. It's filled to be brim with unfunny comedy, but it's all just the character saying really dumb shit and I can accept that it's there because all the characters are teenage soldiers coping. In FGO every event has shit crazier than Bersercar

>> No.43413464

Time and place matter. As does atmosphere and how its presented. Actually being funny would help too.

>> No.43413472

Isn't she like 14 in Hollow? She wouldn't even be 30 then, and magi age slower.

>> No.43413491

stfu retard kys faggot

>> No.43413509

The fantasy trees do count. It's obviously an application with the models of galaxy inside of it. Plus Chaldea was built in the "void" if you read the description.

>> No.43413519

Nasu always inserts SOL gag shit in middle of his works, though. It's not just FGO.

>> No.43413523

It overthrew the texture that was on the way, so it doesn't seem like it would stop the mage if they really want to do shit.
And it fucked up Extra, so it's not "Useless." That's just the assumption of the Clock Tower.

>> No.43413525


>> No.43413560

I think is more a "they need very special sites" to be very operational. That's also why the ritual of DAA happens too on certain dates and special places and not just any.
A ritual in a territory using Astromancy is different than a full operational Astromancy to do whatever you want with your magecraft though. You would require less conditions in the former.

>> No.43413564

slice of life gags make sense in urban fantasy because it's about human characters who would actually do that kind of shit
FGO comedy isn't even slice of life, you just absolutely retarded shit like star wars parodies, wrestling tournaments and idol concerts.

>> No.43413584

"It's just an Astromancy ritual guys, it's harmless and useless. What could go wrong?"
Says whoever authorized the Oblitus shit in Extra before it fucked up the Earth core.
I find each time they believe that shit is because the mages who handle it are smarter than them to hide their application. Like how they dismissed Fuyuki.

>> No.43413592

>star wars parodies, wrestling tournaments and idol concerts
I've never read any FGO but please tell me you're joking

>> No.43413596


>> No.43413633

We still don't know the mechanism of it. It's very likely the only way that's possible is because of CHALDEAS. Since Earth's texture was swaped with it. But it wouldn't really be possible to do that without CHALDEAS since there will likely be nothing to swap it with.
Beyond that I think just the Human Order texture prevents most of it's combat applications.

>> No.43413641

They switched the textures of Chaldeas and Earth.

>> No.43413649

Pressed enter too soon, but CHALDEAS is a planet and that was made by Astromancy shit in the 50s.

>> No.43413650

Yeah, that does seem about right.

>> No.43413664

Star Wars parody existed before FGO, newfag.

>> No.43413666

Yes, but the texture was swaped with CHALDEAS, we don't know if the texture swaping can happen otherwise without CHALDEAS being present.

>> No.43413677

I was thinking fullblow Astromancy magecraft as Kirsch had (which was only limited because he was terminal and his body was breaking down) to a ritual as the Oblitus and Aylesbury and what Marisbilly was doing in the beginning. Look at the Fargo family stuff for example in Case Files.
Of course now Marisbilly (or his system) can do both things.

>> No.43413696

Marisbury made Chaldeas with astromancy though. He created a whole fucking planet with his "harmless" magecraft.
He also made sure to cover his tracks in everything he does, so who knows if he purposefully gaslit the Clock Tower into thinking Astromancy was totally just theory. Case Files collab imply he won the mystic eye auction in FGO.

>> No.43413702

When was that?

>> No.43413721

>which was only limited because he was terminal and his body was breaking down
I don't think this is implied.

>> No.43413725

MHX and Servant Universe were made pre FGO. Plus other parody stfuf. FGO just made it applied, but it's no different or less retarded than the Neko Arc shit he inserts in Melty. You forget Melty is full of that parody shit with mecha Hisui? Nasu loves his embarrassing parodies. The idolshit was a thing since CCC with Elizabeth. BB also had random gag scenarios in her BB channel. I assure you FGO doesn't do more than expand what was already there.

>> No.43413738

Re-read the story in Olympus. He could only fight 3 more times because he was dying. He was focused on finishing his ritual as a priority. His body is beyond fucked up as were his magic circuits.

>> No.43413755

Illya doesn't age like Medea's sisters, right? I think Sella implied it, but I'm not sure because it would have some implications for her mother. I'm pretty sure did grow up from being a baby.

>> No.43413766

Nasu never explained why some homunculus age rapidly while others get stuck at certain age as kids.

>> No.43413771

>MHX and Servant Universe
I have no idea what this is.
>The idolshit was a thing since CCC with Elizabeth
extrashit who cares
>You forget Melty is full of that parody shit with mecha Hisui
That's not what parody means. But regardless it's not related to the point.

>> No.43413795

Bro, Arc parodies Sailor Moon (and is half rip off the character in a serious aspect). Nasu's always been like this.

>> No.43413802

Did you forget the magical girl shit from Rin in FHA? Or Phantasm Moon?

>> No.43413846

what are you dorks even trying to argue? What post said "humor bad" or "parody bad"

>> No.43413857

That was never exclusive to fgo. It's just that FGO has more content, so Nasu can put that random shit there more frequently.

>> No.43413870

What was never exclusive to fgo? Bad humor mixed in haphazardly with serious elements? Sure maybe but if something isn't at least close enough to one of the VNs, I don't give a fuck about it.

>> No.43413935

Ryūnosuke is the edgiest fate character isn't he

>> No.43414039
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uh oh

>> No.43414077

what a bizarre fetish

>> No.43414109

i know, i can't believe nasu made it canon

>> No.43414349

Shit taste. FGO is all around trash but Melty is soul done right.

>> No.43414463

Pointing out comedy existed is a poor attempt to defend gachashit when the point people were making was that it's done poorly, jarringly and in an inorganic manner relative to other works.

>> No.43414481

I'm surprised no fags have tried to say that vampire who created an expanding and functional universe was using astromancy since it feels like it's being used in the most widest of ways.

>> No.43414724
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>> No.43415081


>> No.43415820
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>> No.43417161

>i can't believe nasu made it canon

>> No.43417188
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Finally a good typemoon thread.

>> No.43417726

That was astromancy?

>> No.43417816

It's a seething Sakurafag pay it not mind

>> No.43417906

It was probably just related to his personal principle or whatever.

>> No.43417924

Yeah I don't think that's Astromancy. That's more like Magic given Alcatraz is stated to be close to Magicians.

>> No.43418206
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>> No.43418467

What are Nasu's biggest inspirations?

>> No.43418542

literally the only reason the guy wrote mahoyo (novel) is because he saw the evangelion OP in highschool and it blew his mind. He even specifies he didn't even watch the fucking episode, just the OP.

>> No.43418627

Nasu reads a shitload of stuff and gets inspired by almost everything at least to some degree.

>> No.43418694

Nasu is just sees shit from goats and then makes fanfiction. You can see he obviously had a hard on for Trigun.

>> No.43418848

That's just how it is and how it should be for all creators. You don't create something from nothing, you obviously draw inspiration from different sources.

>> No.43418875
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How did Nasu and Takeuchi get away with this?

>> No.43418913

Nasu's "inspiration" is just putting shit in from other works but writing in a reason for why they exist in his universe. Sure would like to know what gave him the retarded idea to make all the greek gods mechas when he was writing Extra

>> No.43419101

That anon is lying. The entire meme originates from this one scene in HA where the joke is that Rin doesn't know what a bidet is and gets literally assblasted by water.

>> No.43419137

Sounds like cope and demeaning towards the ones who others can only attempt to imitate.

>> No.43419145

Aoko and Shiki is Rem and Vash.

>> No.43419157

That's not even the most egregious example. If I had to pick a "how the fuck did they get away with it" thing from TM, It'd be Shiki and Aoko's encounter, it's nearly a 1-1 copy of Vash's childhood with Lem.
The plot bends itself to make it happen since this hospitalised 8 year old can just repeatedly run away from a big hospital that happens to be next to an empty grassy field, it's weird and it occurs to get the same visual set piece from Trigun.

>> No.43419176
File: 113 KB, 1428x1071, 2fa01808a88a0918321e0e010348e1dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to also mention that Aoko in Tsukihime is just Lem with red hair

>> No.43419186

what the fuck, I thought Nasu being a hack was just a meme.

>> No.43419191


>> No.43419238

I love Raito.

>> No.43419263

One of the best, most iconic relationships and scenes Nasu has ever done is obviously his fanfiction for what he wanted to happen after seeing this. Especially with the eclipse and now the crystal Shiki lol. Not complaining since I like it but its true, isn't it?

>> No.43419268

Why does Aoko have Arc's pendant?

>> No.43419295

>Nasu's "inspiration" is just putting shit in from other works but writing in a reason for why they exist in his universe
So yeah, it's inspiration and the proper way to make art. He is not making 1:1 copies of other works, the content is completely transformative.

>> No.43419373

Is there a cracked offline FGO version or a website or something where I can just read the story and look at the compendium in peace, in the original interactive media form, not just extracted scripts?

>> No.43419410

People usually just watch the story on youtube.

>> No.43419441

>the story
lol lmao

>> No.43419788

Sounds like you're an under-read retard and don't understand that all stories are derivative.

>> No.43419901

>the story
Get out retard.

>> No.43420135

This is why Nasu is actually mid. Never had an original thought in their life and can't even hide where they lifted shit from.

>> No.43420161

I disagree. Nasu is a genius writer and his stories are great. Nothing is actually truly original so that argument falls flat.

>> No.43420180

The amount of VN and LN writers that can match Type-Moon's best stuff you can count on one hand.

>> No.43420267

Is the story why tmg doesn't like fgo?

>> No.43420293

He required a lot of money, time and resources to accomplish it. Also if Marisbury is Type CHALDEAS or something similar like some people believe, then he can probably do whatever.

>> No.43420299

fgo, like any gacha game, is a colossal waste of time from any perspective. The medium inherently prioritizes making money over anything else. The story, gameplay, etc. is all secondary.

>> No.43420318

says the guy in a type moon thread, clearly not biased at all. I could go to the archive right now and send you 400 different posts from /vg/ about how Nasu's best stories are fucking gacha chapters where girls beg you to pull out your credit card

>> No.43420326

Yes people have biases when they grade the quality of writing. What a shocker I can't believe this could happen.

>> No.43420404

As opposed to other commercial video games, manga and anime conjointly produced by big companies with multiple levels of suits making final decisions?

That speaks more about the general state of VN and LN writing - scraping the bottom of the barrel.

>> No.43420449

>commercial video games, manga and anime
These are all 3 very different things with several subcategories within them so this is a essentially a meaningless comparison and all you said here was "look these things try to make money too!" which is not the point being made.

>> No.43420453

yes, gacha is literally the most predatory type of video game ever created and worse than every other type of video game. FGO is extra bad even among the genre it is in because they just pocket all the money instead of improving the game in literally anyway at all.

>> No.43420479

>That speaks more about the general state of VN and LN writing - scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Okay tough guy so who's writing anything better right now? Hollywood? Modern western authors?

>> No.43420538

>Modern western authors
Always have.

>> No.43420557


>> No.43420580

Found the guy who needs pictures in their writing.

>> No.43420597

"illustrations are bad" is not an opinion worth taking seriously.

>> No.43420608

Type Moon = Tolkien in quality and rich world building.

>> No.43420609

Hello, man made of straw. Read more novels.

>> No.43420613

I've read more than you.

>> No.43420638

World/setting building is one of TM's weakest points and it is apparent Nasu had no clue what the fuck he was doing when he started expanding the 'mythos' hence your retcons/ world split and the mash of garbage he's incorporated. TM was better when it was a knock-off anime WoD. At least if you're going to talk out your ass, cite the character writing and relationships as the strong point.

>> No.43420641

My dad can beat your dad.

>> No.43420643

This is my least favourite type of discussion.

>> No.43420656

>hence your retcons/ world split
Big deal. Given there is hardly any connection between the characters of different works that's not really a problem. Unless you get people asking questions in interviews.

>> No.43420660

>World/setting building is one of TM's weakest points
Not in the VNs. I don't care about whatever happens in the mobile or other stuff.

>> No.43420688

You can't pick and choose. You gotta include the entire breath of dumb bullshit. But yes, it does matter and is super apparent when an author plans out a long series or setting that gets unfolded overtime from the beginning. It's sort of magical how everything fits together.

>> No.43420717

>VN and LN writers
Way to set the bar on the ground.
There is a difference between inspiration and blatantly imitating things you've seen others output so that there are no illusions as to what you copied. The more you read the less you respect components of works that are lazy, uninspired and hardly the authors own. Thinking nothing can be original or push the boundaries of creativity is just a losers mentality that people have oversold in the first place.
Reminding me weebs analyze the quality of content with their dick.

>> No.43420728

If you consumed and at least partially enjoyed things like the Ufotable anime adaptations and Extella you have no high ground to completely dismiss FGO.

Better than what, TM/Nasu? Well, yes, obviously there would be modern authors who are better. Western or Eastern is not revelant. I barely even read to be honest, but let's see. Right now? Fiction, fantasy/sci-fi? Uh, Neal Stephenson and, uhhh, Iain Banks (died 10 years ago, but it's still "right now" enough, right?). Even just purely literary skill-wise if nothing else.
Better than the average VN/LN? I'm pretty sure we will be periodically stumbling on something better if we start poking sticks at a big fanfiction website.

>> No.43420736

Hell no.

>> No.43420759

Mahoyo outclasses all of that.

>> No.43420762

Rin is just Asuka with black hair

>> No.43420777

it's called youtube

>> No.43420780

>If you consumed and at least partially enjoyed things like the Ufotable anime adaptations and Extella you have no high ground to completely dismiss FGO.
There are several Ufotable anime adaptations of varying quality. Extella is a part of extrashit. I guess you're just saying "lol these are all bad so you can't dismiss FGO if you like some of them", but even if I grant you that premise it's not a logical argument in the slightest. They are all very different things.

>> No.43420783

Asuka has absolutely nothing of Rin's emotional maturity and independence.

>> No.43420798

She has the same PMS as Rin, but even worse.

>> No.43420806

Tsuki Remake >>> modern Western literature, hands down.

>> No.43420818

>You can't pick and choose
Nope. I can and I will. If these things were actually direct sequels maybe you'd have a point, but it's all just shit spinoff garbage. They can 100% be ignored.

>> No.43420867

I think you misread something.

>> No.43420948

I'm not saying "these are all bad".
They all are commercial products first with some amounts of genuine bits in them.
The genuine bits can be good or bad, in various proportions. You can enjoy them, or not. You can enjoy the product as a whole, or not. Your enjoyment does not always directly correlate with the bits or product overall being good or bad.
I'm saying do introspection sometimes and try to be objective - not all the time, but when you make and share judgements.

>> No.43420976

sex with shirou

>> No.43421057
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>> No.43421089

sex bad

>> No.43421097

Being a "commercial product" (no clue how you are exactly defining this) is not antithetical to being genuine. Just to be more specific, I fully believe Ufotable genuinely tried adapt the KnK novels to film format to the best of their ability (exception being movie 6 possibly) and tell a great story. I don't believe several FGO events exist for any other purpose besides milking money. So again, I find this random namedropping utterly meaningless and honestly just flat out disingenuous.

>> No.43421268

Why should anyone give a single fuck what /vg/ thinks? "BROOO LE PEOPLE ON LE FAGGOT I SHOVE DILDOS UP MY ASS GAY NIGGER PLACE SAY NASU LE BAD" give an actual argument you drooling moron.

>> No.43421286

Romance novels written for middle aged women truly are the pinnacle of our civilization and its achievements.

>> No.43421296

>If you consumed and at least partially enjoyed things like the Ufotable anime adaptations
Based on what

>> No.43421372

Some incredibly contrived false equivalence as far as I can tell. Gacha games are so predatory that they literally banned a certain subclass of them in Japan, but somehow an anime adaptation is the same as this.

>> No.43422398
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>> No.43422834
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>> No.43422967

Post feet.

>> No.43423007 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.86 MB, 1800x2500, __artoria_pendragon_artoria_caster_and_artoria_caster_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_xo_xo17800108__0a0e204deddbb4ae72a65ea01b467d6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43423023


>> No.43423038

Good posts

>> No.43423591

why does /tmg/ love Castoria so much?

>> No.43423625
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We all want to cum on her dumb hat

>> No.43423774

That's true for all Aokofaces since Mahoyo started out as Nasu's take on Evangelion. Akiha and Aoko even turn red!
