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File: 298 KB, 869x1228, aef76c1dfe56b2c32d97fce46b399a24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43368756 No.43368756 [Reply] [Original]

Why won't you stay with them like they want you to? They're getting tired of your escape attempts.

>> No.43368874

Because I only have enough love for one, not three

>> No.43369015

Not to worry. You'll learn to love them all, in time.

>> No.43369088

I only want to give my attention to Hatate who I think needs it the most out of the three.

>> No.43369465

Youkai are vulnerable to psychological attacks so all you have to do is say you'll go with the strongest Tengu and sneak away whilst they're fighting over who is the strongest.

>> No.43369488

No I wont, sorry girls, but only one

>> No.43369591

And what if I just grab that sword and stab myself in the heart? Nobody gets to choose my fate for me, fuck all of you.

>> No.43373016
File: 17 KB, 939x355, working together multiplies their individual strength.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That isn't gonna work. They're already commited to the "all for one, one for all" act, you're not gonna turn them against each other.
Stop struggling and save your strength, you are going to need it.

>> No.43373076

they're not gonna be able to pull the 'all for one, one for all' act if it's megumu who has me under her thumb
it'll be her and tsukasa double teaming me for the rest of time
maybe aya will sometimes get to masturbate in the corner

>> No.43373082

What about offering yourself up to the Daitengu instead? Surely she'll be proprietary enough that you'll only have to survive one youkai's libido.

>> No.43373127

I would never settle for common grunts, no matter how many there are.

>> No.43379577

I support Anon's commitment to monogamy.

>> No.43379637

They can do whatever they want to me but that doesn't mean I love them. Only one. Simple as

>> No.43380022
File: 2.16 MB, 1280x1831, Wanwano Kazoku Keikaku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>save your strength, you are going to need it.
Actualy good advice, especially when your half-breed offsprings reach maturity and experience her first mating period.

>> No.43384898
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must be a pretty intense match of shogi

>> No.43387019

Fluffy wolf ears

>> No.43387098

No! I don't want to go back to Megumu! She objectifies me, touches me in inappropriate places in front of her underlings, and makes rude comments about humans while touching me inappropriately! I won't do it anymore! I have rights, you can't force me into marriage!

>> No.43395928
File: 385 KB, 2048x1440, 3b2242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly anon, you consent dost not matter to Tengu who can take what they want, it best to accept your fate and if you well behaved enough, maybe Megumu will give you a nice reward for being a good human pet.

>> No.43396348

touch her back, especially in front of the underlings
establish dominance

>> No.43396511

Anon gets turned into minced meat!

>> No.43396596

Kill, Marry, Fuck left to right.

>> No.43396623

Is that what they want to do to you or what you want to do to them?

>> No.43396655


>> No.43396946

This is terrible

>> No.43397464

Terribly erotic

>> No.43398274
File: 735 KB, 1280x1831, Wanwano Kazoku Keikaku 20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the problem with half-breed tengu, even one contact with their beloved seems enough to impregnate them on the spot.
Coupled with how fast they reach maturity, it's no wonder why they are held on such a tight leash by their hierarchy.

>> No.43398306

Tengu would stop raping men if men would stop acting so slutty.

>> No.43398337

I have no greater desire in life than to be the sex slave of a tengu.

>> No.43398340
File: 179 KB, 850x1202, Aya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And men would stop having sex with Tengu if they don't were beautiful!

>> No.43398349

Or have a Tengu as sex slave

>> No.43401384

I'm not a pet! I'm a human being with rights! I don't want Megumu to make me her husband/pet! What Megumu is doing isn't right!

I'm going to send a letter to the shrine maiden asking her to help me deal with Megumu, I want my freedom and to be seen as an individual to be respected!

>> No.43401478

Can somone please tell me what Hatate's thinking about as she licks her lips holding that rope?

>> No.43401509
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>> No.43401612

I'm not Megumu's husband/pet but I want to be. Can I send a letter to the shrine maiden asking her to let me take Anon's place?

>> No.43401623

no need to worry, i think there will be an opening pretty soon

>> No.43401801

from the thumbnail I thought they were all wearing one giant skirt and exposing their legs

>> No.43403080

I wouldn't mind if it was just those three, but Momiji expects me to service all her patrol tengu buddies too. There's hundreds of them! I'll die of exhaustion if they don't give me a break.

>> No.43403154

This really is an issue, and thankfully for you one that wasn't in their deal.
You might just have a shot at only having two tengu wives if you inform Aya and Hatate *Discreetly* about Momiji's plans for you.
As luck would have it, Momiji wasn't foresighted enough to inform all the other patrol tengu about her little pact, or about you at all!
If you play your cards right, you might be able to convince the other two to "eliminate" her for breaking the deal.
Two is company, three is a crowd after all.

>> No.43403256
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there's a bunch of rumours going around with the other crow tengu that Hatate has a MAJOR sadism streak. I asked around the last time Komakusa-dayuu's gambling den opened out this way and the general consensus is that she might have developed if after she and Shameimaru had that little competition, the one they called Double Spoiler. It'd be best, methinks, if a brittle human like you could get away before she really gets a chance to test it out, but I hear she's got Shameimaru's backup on this.
Well, you'll probably live. You're from the village, right? She can't go all out if you're from the village, after all.

>> No.43408338

I don’t want forced baby making

>> No.43409729

But Hatate does, and she's coming to collect

>> No.43409856

You just don't know that you want it yet.
Like some weird take on a three legged race?

>> No.43411949

>even one contact with their beloved seems enough to impregnate them on the spot
wait so you have to deal with the child but dont even get the pleasure of cumming inside
the fuck is the point, can i trade the tengu with a better yokai

>> No.43411966

No it just means you have plausible deniability when it comes to fucking them.
How are they gonna know if you actually filled them to the brim with spunk or just patted their head unknowingly?
It's a positive, since the way you should be treating them means they are gonna get preggers anyway.

>> No.43412064
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that will become an issue after a while though, eventually it'll just become an endless harem of tengus, and the population will increase exponentially.
now, since they're magic creatures, i (probably) dont need to worry about feeding them, or neglect since they can just go out in the woods and play until they come back home and pass out like cats.
but then it'll get to the point where you wont even know if some the tengus coming into your house at the end of the day are even yours, will i use all the manpower to keep adding rooms to my house to fit more of them? will it eventually become a village? what will all of them do when i die, just disperse like it never happened, or kidnap some young boy to take my place? is this what it's like being a queen in a bee colony

>> No.43412074

It's only an issue if you let it be one.
Child labor is 100% legal in gensokyo, make your daughterwife harem work for you!

>> No.43412089

can you even call them children at this point? they're more like clones, or bacteria

>> No.43412116
File: 405 KB, 759x497, Wanwano Kazoku Keikaku Zouryouban.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what will all of them do when i die
Yeah about that...

>> No.43412123

Immortality from fucking your tengu daughterwives.
>(Can we get much higher)

>> No.43412130

ok dont spoil it anymore, i need to read it now
i guess the secret to immortality is sex with wolf girls

>> No.43412134
File: 436 KB, 1036x1450, Inubashiri's Plan to Make Lots of Babies Peaceful Getaway 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(Can we get much higher)
>i need to read it now
You mean you need to read the 3 of them.

>> No.43412145
File: 99 KB, 850x916, boobbirds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's getting the freakiest in the sheets?
My money's on Hatatatatata, although ayayayaya is looking a little unhinged there as well.

>> No.43412146

whats the third called, i only saw 2

>> No.43412190

this artist has no right drawing such good doujins

>> No.43412203
File: 260 KB, 498x528, Wanwa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part1: Wanwano's Family Planning

Part2: Wanwano Kazoku Keikaku Zouryouban

Part3: Inubashiri Ryousan Keikaku Kanwa Kyuukei

You should read the one with various eldricht beings (Cthulhu Pregnant).

>> No.43412241

>Cthulhu Pregnant
5/10 not enough loli

>> No.43412256
File: 406 KB, 850x2550, hatatters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm serious here.
Hatate's giving me the LOOK.
That's the look you give when you got some issues, and BOY am I excited to find out if we got a bingo winner there.
I simply cannot WAIT to see what this deranged weirdo has in store for me, that rope's just the beginning!
I mean it, I'd gladly have her suffocate me by sitting on my face so help me god.

>> No.43413372

Hatater is so fucking dead…

>> No.43414508

Apparently he's still active on pixiv, he was spotted favouriting shit
So he just took chinky flu as an excuse to bail

>> No.43414559

3 votes against 1, I don't think you're gonna talk them out of it.

>> No.43414610
File: 189 KB, 800x1110, 833806d010d0448fca27987efa82acaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not unique to Tengu at all. At this point it appears most of the Youkai on the land are opportunistic rapists.

>> No.43414618
File: 3.14 MB, 2066x2923, three drunk onis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well duh, why do you think a bunch of ancient monsters decided to specifically appear as cute and sexy humans?

>> No.43415009

please don't tease my weak mind
I need more tiddy satorin...
