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43338971 No.43338971 [Reply] [Original]

Last: >>43320592

Hungry Wife Competition Edition

▶What is this?
/egg/ — Era Games General; also known as "Era games thread"
Era games are a group of (usually) Japanese-developed text porn games.
They're not exclusively related to the Touhou franchise, but it's one of the series with the most era games.

▶Games usually discussed here
eraTohoTW — Comfy Touhou dating simulator with time stop shenanigans.
eraTohoK — Tactical game about conquering Gensokyo through any (absolutely any) means.
eraMegaten — Dungeon crawler based on the Shin Megami Tensei series, with tons of characters from other series (Fate, Touhou, Madoka, etc) included.

▶Useful Links
Guides and downloads for all era games. For TW you should get the eng-development version, eng-release is several years old
Japanese wiki.
Report any bugs you find over here.

Git repository that has latest official builds to any of the games, you can sometimes find more recent versions than the ones on the wiki.
Git repository for a fork of PedyTW maintained by the /egg/ community.

Automatic translator which copies text straight from the game. Comes with an optional customized built-in offline model.
Direct link for the latest version of Sugoi.
Fetches the latest version of TW, K or Megaten from the official git, no login needed.

▶How to play?
Run anchor.exe (or Emuera, depending on the game), japanese locale is advised so you don't run into untranslated text.
If you wish to manually update, delete old files aside the sav and dat folders to avoid any bugs.

If you'd like to either edit or add your own portraits, the files are located within the 'resources' folder in webp format. You can use paint.net to edit them.

>> No.43339030 [DELETED] 

Hello everyone, I'm a thread shitter, and a proud member of this community. I only joined a year ago, but I'm more than welcome and can fit in better than anyone, because I said so.

I spend my days fabricating stories and theories about people far more productive than I am, especially the one who shall remain nameless because he is the devil. All the evils in the world are always his fault. He's the proverbial Hitler that never leaves my head. Every time I think of him it makes me shake uncontrollably and spill my s͏ö͏y latte, which makes me hate him even more. I like to think that everybody thinks like me, and that they also have three or four imaginary friends and enemies living in their heads. I hate it when someone talks trash about characters I like because they're all real to me. It's not fiction, okay? It's real.

My morning routine consists of eating freshly baked insects (parasite-free, it says on the package), then watching three hours of CNN because it's the only trusted source of information. After the power goes out due to peaceful protests in the neighborhood, I get into my brand new electric car (electric because carbon emissions are bad, the TV said so). Then I remember that I don't have a driver's license, so I walk all the way to my clinic appointment (because public transportation is evil) to get my daily dilation and a booster shot.

When I get back, it's already evening, so I do what I enjoy most - shitposting. After unleashing my accumulated grievances against the bad Hitler man (the person in question changes from time to time, but I'm sure it's always him), I make several changes to the game I never play and consider the project I'm a part of to be the definitive version, because anything else is heresy, the god whose name I can't pronounce said so. Also in the event I ever have children, I'm obligated to sacrifice them all, which is a good thing because I hate kids anyway. I pat myself on the back for a job well done.

Later that night, I try to fall asleep, only to fail due to medication coursing through my veins. And even when I do fall asleep, I never dream because I'm incapable of abstract thought. Soon another day begins, and the cycle repeats again.

Then everybody clapped.

>> No.43339071
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>> No.43339081

Let's talk about eraMegaten this thread since the new revision will probably be merged into the translation branch this weekend.

>> No.43339102

You could have put half of that autism into actual character writing, anon.

>> No.43339146

Where do I find the character dialogue files?

>> No.43339153

It will not be accepted. Fuck off back to your containment thread

>> No.43339171

>since the new revision will probably be merged into the translation branch this weekend
Oh? Any notable changes? I'm thinking about starting a new game since I've been playing the actual Persona games.

>> No.43339176

If it does not have a good guy route it is shit and you deserve to feel bad.

>> No.43339227

From what I can see from a quick glance:
Big overhaul to classes (there's now a bunch of roles for deeper specialization)
Nagi's events are back again.
More crossover stuff (Nahida from Genshin and Marlone from the Atelier series)

>> No.43339258
File: 1.11 MB, 2400x3600, unknown076e6c38f7e45d227d76cdacea537679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been reading the first Persona 3 spinoff novel recently and my urge to 調教 Mitsuru rises with every page.
It's set right before the game and Akihiko is the protagonist. Mitsuru spends most of the book committing domestic violence on him.
At one point the anime thing happens where he saves his love interest OC from falling but accidentally grabs her boob in the process. Mitsuru nearly takes a fucking sword to him.

>> No.43339357

>Big overhaul to classes (there's now a bunch of roles for deeper specialization)
All the classes have been nerfed?

>> No.43339361

You know how you could previously get tool knowledge and summoner lv1 from the shinjuku quest line? Well that's apparently gone now(or will be soon if it isn't in this patch). Probably for the best honestly since it was kinda silly to just let every class do it.

>> No.43339367

That sucks.

>> No.43339377

>Big overhaul to classes (there's now a bunch of roles for deeper specialization)
Diva nerfs? Holy fuck is diva overtuned compared to pretty much everything else.

>> No.43339452

Fuck you.

>> No.43339458

Don't blame me. It's coming from the JP side. I'm not even working on the en side, just sharing what I've heard.

>> No.43339466

I know the devil summoner class is OP in terms of how everything is designed around it, but that was kinda unfair to them to reduce them to a "just a guy with a comp" level making everyone be able to have summoner levels. Would be cool if they make an analysis system similar to how they do it in Persona where someone off-battle just does it for you if you assign them to it, so you can be something else freely.

>> No.43339500

You mean a navigator like Fuuka/Rise/the p5 girl whose name slips my mind? We sort of have that already via an accessory you can give characters that aren't with you and a plugin for demons. I don't think it has any actual function like you are asking though. Aside from that there are a few skills that help analize things faster like folklore, high analyze, or comp programs.

>> No.43339576

*Kisses you*

>> No.43339632

>You mean a navigator like Fuuka/Rise/the p5 girl whose name slips my mind?
Yeah, something that makes not being a devil summoner more bearable. Though I admit I don't know how many mechanics are linked to that. Just saying because I'm more of a persona guy myself.

>> No.43339654

Just bring Mirai with you. Or any of the summoners really, Mirai is just the cutest. Ringo is probably the best of them

>> No.43339761

>the p5 girl whose name slips my mind

>> No.43339764

We need Lavenza and the twins. Get some actual lolice in here to slap some handcuffs on us.

>> No.43339835


>> No.43339849

Lolice = loli + police. I'm making a joke on the 'jailbait' thing. Instead of having mere jailbait we should get some actual loli cops to put us in 'jail'. I know we have Nanako and other lolis in the game.

>> No.43339881
File: 1.71 MB, 483x498, 1659513941215365.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have been visited by the Satanic Jewess of good fortune. Good fortune will come to you and your family, but only if you hide and ignore Popsdy posts.

>> No.43339898

And in case you don't have a family, she'll take care of that too.

>> No.43339911

by making you adopt her husband's kids

>> No.43339918

Tube foxes are usually kept in tubes right? How come you can't put her in a tube and use the tube like an onahole? Or at least carry her around like a pokemon?

>> No.43339950

Honestly your obsession with Tsukasa and Tewi in particular gives me the impression that you're a furry.

You know, just a hunch

>> No.43339957

who is "you" and where are they now?

>> No.43340093

What kind of fucking newfag calls kemomimi furry?

>> No.43340127
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Do not question it, it suits his agenda. I personally hope he removes all of the furryhus from his version.

>> No.43340150

He should remove all the y*kai and leave only proper human women.

>> No.43340158

Make your own branch, Reimu.

>> No.43340172

Reimu should be removed too. She is a y*kai sympathizer.

>> No.43340241
File: 7 KB, 856x181, dumbass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stupid fucking rat forgets it can use magic sticks to find its own items, pays me to pay her to do it

>> No.43340249

Pay her to tell you where her own shibbledibble is

>> No.43340256

>He doesn’t realize the subtle seduction
Take the hint, bruh, and spend time with her.

>> No.43340268

i'll fuck her, her husband's kids, and her husband too. don't underestimate my foxlust

>> No.43340286
File: 72 KB, 1200x784, Emuera1824+v16+EMv17+EEv29_FoNqD9z5lQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't I do the request action?

>> No.43340298

Try to enable all the actions (click on the letters after the star) and see if it's buried in any of them.

>> No.43340315

No dice, I can do requests in other places but not at the big old tree in the forest of magic specifically.

>> No.43340320

I guess the giving tree is giving out problems today.

>> No.43340324
File: 2 KB, 344x54, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind, the option reappeared about five hours later.
She didn't move and I didn't do anything to trigger it. No idea what's up.

>> No.43340377

Tewi guy is another person, i think

>> No.43340435

Those request where they have you pick random answers feel kinda bullshit.

>> No.43340464

They're not random, anon, they're trait-based

>> No.43340487

Rabbtfucker confirmed himself as the threadmaker and is obsessed with Tsukasa, so its either him or another person. That said, he is on record for being obsessed with literal every character, so maybe it isn't him. Either way, they both can go fuck themselves.

>> No.43340567

Fuck the rabbitfucker literally

>> No.43340576
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What the actual fuck is the schizo babbling on about?

>> No.43340586
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Inventing more thread personalities to hate.
Because every time someone posts something that triggers **** it's gotta be the a samefag.

>> No.43340623

Didn't you know? There are only two people in this thread, **** and ****, and all of the messages are them roleplaying to fuck with each other.

>> No.43340638

If you think about it all the dialogue by these cute girls in game are made by men. Not only men, but devs who make dialogue solely to get you horny. Whenever you jack off to dialogue in these eragames, remember that a man made that dialogue for you to enjoy.

That is, in my opinion, true love. That is why I jack off to Parsee's and Wriggle's dialogue so much.

>> No.43340664

Men make the most perfect lovey-dovey waifus. Women make the most perfect ball drying porn. Everyone knows that.

>> No.43340670

I don't understand what people have against 4chan threads. They're pretty good if you click "hide post" on the meaningless drivel that trolls shit ou from their mouths.

>> No.43340673

Making eragames is the final and ultimate cuck, think about it logically.

>> No.43340684

Indeed, 4chan threads are great if you don't read anything posted!

>> No.43340687

4chan threads are great if you just hide all the 4chan posts, honestly.

>> No.43340698

>There are only two people in this thread
me and my proxy

>> No.43340700

Breeding like rabbits with Reisen~!

>> No.43340710

yeah but he also said he would stop, but i guess it makes sense to blame him, some people just don't know how to keep their mouth shut
stop trying to have gay sex with internet personalities

>> No.43340713

Bold of you to assume the two of you aren't just me.

>> No.43340740

Is this the real meaning of thoroughbred? Because you bred them thoroughly?

>> No.43340768

Rabbitfucker is "Sleigh", the fuxking dispsjit is responsible for making this thread a general, and he deserves to be raged against. Quit trying to brush his sins under the rug.

>> No.43340770

Nah I'm pretty sure that term applies to horses

>> No.43340781

From a colloquial point of view it could be, but not in the literal sense of the word.

>> No.43340862

But is it because you breed them like horses or because you yourself do the breeding like a horse? Kinda reminds me of the expression "fuck a soccer team into her".

>> No.43341123
File: 198 KB, 734x529, sanaefighting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew it, Sanae wasn't as nice as she looked and acts

>> No.43341167

>Self defense
Pretty sure that's just normal defense.

>> No.43341334
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I want EAT BATTLE in Era games

>> No.43341351

I like that nobody in Gensokyo has any concept of "retreat," so if Hecatia decides she wants Sanae dead for whatever reason, everyone around will suicide themselves fighting her.

>> No.43341375
File: 994 KB, 2000x2000, 296d613fccd7c9d873507ce123305817 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nikocado Avocado reference?

>> No.43341557
File: 109 KB, 96x96, 1663363901913312.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tsukasa's lines about you cheating on your lover by having sex
>All of the hearts everytime she talks

>> No.43341607

You're the chump who did it.

>> No.43341686

It was free money! A profitable venture!

>> No.43341838

It's not cheating if they're part of a harem. Or at least, that's what the haremfags say.

>> No.43341860

Harem"faggotry" is based.

>> No.43342012

Based on what?

>> No.43342091

Does she react in any way if your lover is actually involved when you fuck her? Like walks in and joins you?

>> No.43342808

Odds are that you also had a request for someone who lives in that area. Try using "Visit A Room" first whenever that happens.

>> No.43342821

Yeah, she's surprised your wife has a cuckquean fetish and wrings out your dick harder.
I wish.

>> No.43342836

...I'll be honest, it has been many hours and I've never even touched that button.
If they're not on the whereabouts sense I just assumed they magically did not exist and wouldn't look.

>> No.43342854
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I can't believe someone here actually lacks object permanence.

>> No.43342888
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I've spent this whole time just waiting around for girls with requests to appear when in reality I could've just gone and found them...

>> No.43343990

What's the difference between AnonTW and the one on the era games wiki front page?

>> No.43344127

The "main" branch hasn't been updated in months, while AnonTW is under active development.

>> No.43344505

Is AnonTW planning to make another release soon? I've seen the git has been busy as fuck lately.

>> No.43344593

No idea, but you can clone the repo from the Git and play it directly without having to wait for a release, if you want.

>> No.43344866

I don’t think so, it has been very busy mainly because is rather new, so i imagine it’s all minor changes and bug fixes

>> No.43344904

/egg/ is cringe

>> No.43345708

>Big overhaul to classes
Anything on Devil Hunter specifically? I have a feeling that one might get nerfed to shit

>> No.43345725

Personally I'd be fine with keeping the Summoner Lv 1 thing but my idea was always you should have to buy it. Like instead of Naoya just giving you it there should be a guy selling DS Comps in Shinjuku for an insane price.Also removing Tool Knowledge from that is a bad idea, considering the entire reason it's there is so you dont get soft locked in the Beldr fight which requires spamming an item

>> No.43345796
File: 60 KB, 361x401, 1639244222877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look how /egg/ massacred my touhous!

>> No.43345797

Yeah Ringo existing now kinda means Devil Summoner is overdue for some changes. She wasn't the only Summoner with extra shit attached, like the Devil Colosseum MC actually had her own MP pool if you could find a way to give her skills without a skill card, but Ringo is just outright better than most any summoner now because of the Aion shit. At the very least you should be able to put that on other pure summoners. Plus it'd mean Mirai can finally do something other than spam Power Shots and Corona Shells in battle

>> No.43345916
File: 25 KB, 782x515, Emuera1824+v16+EMv17+EEv34fix_znG8L52NCm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me and seija are getting married!!! it only took 170 fucking in-game days!!!

>> No.43345926

Maybe add it in as a Request? Or as another option for the 'Contribution to the Society' rewards. So instead of getting a random-ish slave, you can choose to receive training instead. After training you become a basic level 1 Devil Summoner, but you can pay macca/yen to raise it further. Meanwhile the actual Devil Summoner start can be modified a bit so that you start as a 'Specialist Devil Summoner', who can get an extra ability similar to Ringo's Aion stuff. Essentially a kind of subclass system exclusively for Devil Summoner starts using the different kinds of Devil Summoners throughout the series without needing to create new 'Devil Summoner but not really' classes.

>> No.43345936

Pure love Seija is the worst Seija.

>> No.43345960


>> No.43345982


>> No.43345986

Before Aion was a thing I tried tossing the idea of an If... summoner class in my head and how that'd work. Essentially if you never played it, SMT If... had a Guardian mechanic which was the precursor to Personas and I was wondering if that could be emulated in a way that makes it like a Persona-lite. I could never find a good way to make it balanced though, I kept thinking it would just end up making an Adept that can also summon, but at this point I feel like there's not a lot of other good options.
As for just getting Summoner Lv. 1, those do seem like decent substitutes. Makes sense Phantom would have people who can at the very least teach you the basics of how to use a comp if they give comps to people who end up using them as paperweights anyway, and it's not like you're missing much picking it over the slave/macca. Though because Harmonizer exists I think there should either be a hard cap on how far you can train it or just straight up cant make it higher than 1 unless you started with it higher.

>> No.43345989

Copy-pasting from the discord:
Patch 147 merged
Huge gameplay redefinition.

Roles introduced
>More rigidly defined roles for playable characters.
>Scoring added to estimate how OP characters are talentwise and some (like P5MC) have an option to be brought down to size.
>i.e "Gunslinger's worth X, Tool Knowledge Y, try not to go above Z with Persona Users..."
>if you don't, the numberwise performance is brought down to compensate for the breadth of capabilities
>before crying, the extra rebalance has an option to retain the old powerlevels

>SummonerLV1 and Tool Knowledge cheese in Shinjuku removed. (Mistletoe's usable regardless for fights that need it)

24 new battle talents to define capabilities further.
>From heal boosts through ST/IN/etc. boosts to ailment resistance
>Gunslinger and Adept are tiered like Summoner.

Character adjustments thrown into CharaERB
>so you don't throw blocks of character redefinition code into request/dungeon and can use presets
>it's also more powerful, as an example, Glasses Homura's gunslinger and tool knowledge level up with her

Skill Emulator
>the other big addition, as if there wasn't enough mechanics tossed in already
>buy for macca, comes in four flavors below:

Assist Skills
>Target skills that require turn passage to become available, small effect, doesn't spend a turn
>small freebie heal, ailment recovery, demon change for shifters, etc
>Think Deep Strange Journey / Soul Hackers 2

Command Skills
>As above, but user spends a turn
>"Lower damage taken and raise dealt for all allies for 1 turn", "cast any skill any demon in COMP knows"
>things worth spending a turn for compared to assists

Leader Skills
>passive effects on entire party works as long as character is alive and well
>stuff like "concentrate power +15%", "chance to recover health of demons in COMP", "more power to skills allies have aptitude with" etc.

Summoner Skills
>passives for summoner (it's just unique passives)
Minor stuff
>No headpieces or Like Burroughs needed anymore, navigator is separate from assistant.
>New Game snazzier
>MAG enhancement snazzier
>skills on items moved around
>Software rework (but only how the backside works)
>overall code reorganisation in MAG enhancement and character status pages
>Hover protips on skills - exactly what their usual descriptions are, but on hover

Nagi storyline rewritten with an ending
>Kurahashi Ouhan added as a character

>5 star Dendro midget added (and constellations for all the Genshins)
>Marlone is her own character number
Expect bugs and untranslated things.
The game got fat and there is a noticeable lag for few seconds on returning to main screen depending on character amount.
If the game cries bout infinite loops, press no or raise the limit in the options.
GLHF, please bring up things that got untranslated or crashes

>> No.43346011

Pure Love K-Seija is also great, in that she chooses to reject her ancestry in order to be with you after going through a journey within herself. Were K-Seija and TW-Seija written by the same person?

>> No.43346027

That almost feels like way too many extra mechanics, but holy shit I forgot Commander Skills existed, that's probably the ticket to making Summoner more than just "You need it for Hyakutaro", way better than my If... idea

>> No.43346067

Seija is a trash gremlin who is made for being burned at the stake together with.
Trying to turn her into the same as every other girl is outright heretical.

>> No.43346094
File: 66 KB, 1511x941, new game interface 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's out of the window now, considering the build management at the beginning. You can still pay for it among other choices though, just no longer an option to drop to get for free later.

>> No.43346102
File: 27 KB, 1513x895, new game interface 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the actual choice to make.
The choice of careers at the beginning really matters now, giving you the options to take

>> No.43346115

>More rigidly defined roles for playable characters.
>Scoring added to estimate how OP characters are talentwise and some (like P5MC) have an option to be brought down to size.
What a shit change. Anyway, I honestly can't say I see a single positive addition, it's either nerfs or adding annoying new things that nobody asked for.

>> No.43346118
File: 17 KB, 952x198, Emuera1824+v16+EMv17+EEv34fix_JbAgRShDRT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's what's beautiful about it anon, with any other girl it would be things normally considered socially taboo that you think of as kinky and get off to but seija is reversed and having a lovey dovey relationship with her is the taboo because of her nature. that being said, I would

>> No.43346155

The devs knew it was controversial to say "-3 to dick size of OP characters", so the game explicitly asks if you want balancing or to keep them as they were and it's added to extra balancing.

>> No.43346163

NTA but thank god, that was the main change I was worried about, good to know

>> No.43346171

>The choice of careers at the beginning really matters now
>Get fucked over for picking heiress

>> No.43346178

Which is a good thing, glad you can opt out of stupid shit. Still a waste of people's time to make stupid shit in the first place though.

>> No.43346195

>Still a waste of people's time to make stupid shit in the first place though
Why do you keep posting then :^)

>> No.43346215

Nerfs are important from time to time. Otherwise things just get buffed relentlessly either through new additions or older stuff updated to keep up, and the challenge gradually drops to nothing.

>> No.43346239

A rebalance was needed. The gap between something like a Diva master and something on the lower end was gigantic.

>> No.43346253

This isn't just about Adepts.
Nerfs are almost always overcorrections that make things no longer fun.

>> No.43346275

Nah, it's lame. Settling for a typical family life with Seija is a complete waste of her character. You can get that with any girl that isn't an evil shitheel like Tsukasa. The dream life with Seija should be you, her, and your thirteen children running rampant across Gensokyo and antagonising absolutely everyone until they all unite to try to stop you and your family of hellspawn.
Anything else is just shameful.

>> No.43346277


I never played any of these games which one is this?

>> No.43346312

Bitch, Tsukasa is pure and wholesome.

>> No.43346330

How does this effect old saves?

>> No.43346337

You have to start from scratch.

>> No.43346338

if you choose to get balanced, you'll have the table shown and have to drop or delevel things.

>> No.43346339
File: 535 KB, 1280x1280, 1671179226563920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am happy that we finally got Commander Skills and more passives.
I am curious about Gunslinger tho, will it affect damage scaling only, or usable bullets/guns as well? Did they fix exploits/features for MC with MAG enhancement, like giving Shifter and Tuner free resistance?
Not sure about nerfs tho, need to play it and check it out. Dunno, on a first glance it is an ok change because with skill card boxes and enough MAG you can shatter balance like a twig and them escalating difficulty even further in later content like in gachas seems like a horrible idea. I don't want more bozos who spam Shield of Justice and Megidolaon every turn with their triple action.

>> No.43346367

I meant the whole 'career based options' part.

>> No.43346372

You have to start from scratch.

>> No.43346397

Well, then you have to NG+ or start over

>> No.43346403

Let's be honest, having asshole bosses who shit on you is going to happen regardless of how weak they make the MC with nerfs.

>> No.43346414

I will sodomize you, dipshit apologist. Fuck the Jap devs. This bullshit is unacceptable. Where the fuck is my good guy route?

>> No.43346423

I am happy that you are still hanging out in threads, goodguy anon.

>> No.43346425

My point is that they're not going to 'justify' the nerfs by making easier content, if they want to make shit fights they'll keep doing it.

>> No.43346440

Tsukasa is one of two characters who can be considered as being unambiguously "evil".
But unlike Seija, who is endearingly incompetent and only vaguely rails against "society", the pipe fox is extremely dangerous and out to destroy individuals, just for the hell of it.
She's pure evil, and you're the biggest sucker if you would ever trust her.

>> No.43346466

She can not be considered evil. The pipe fox is harmless. She is incapable of genuine harm. All you need to do it pat her head. It sounds to me like you and your weakn, pathetic DNA need to be deleted from the gene pool.

>> No.43346470

pipe fox hands typed this post

>> No.43346476

Anon, youkai aren't real... Your family misses you.

>> No.43346489

Yes they are real you motherfucker go fuck yourself and kill yourself you piece of shit go fuck yourself they are real bitch cunt go fuck yourself go fuck yourself go fuck yourself shit go fuck yourself yourself they are real bitch go fuck yourself kill yourself motherfucking bitch they are real they are real real motherfucker

>> No.43346500

I love you /egg/

>> No.43346510

All y*kai and y*kai sympathizers are evil. Remember, only human women.

>> No.43346519

You sound mad. The rebalance is necessary and will ultimately make it a better game.

>> No.43346523

marrying and impregnating the 1X-year-old sumireko!

>> No.43346525
File: 105 KB, 896x960, 1499477_674616619227801_1074551022_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43346526

>stop trying to have gay sex with-
I want to pin Sleigh's petite 165 cm body to a wall, strip him down on the spot and insert my thobbing member in his boypussy while he pleads for forgiveness. I want to hear his barely audible moans as he tries to resist reaction to the pleasure as my cock goes in and out of him.

>> No.43346540

From my point of view, youkai are humans.

>> No.43346542

Prove it.

>> No.43346559

Humans are the biggest source of evil in the world, youkai can't even hold a candle to what people are capable of.

>> No.43346560

Sharing a sake dish with ZUN an shooting Gaijin seed in his Japussy!

>> No.43346565

In which order?

>> No.43346612

Instructions unclear, initiated mass Lunarian impregnation program.
They're basically just better humans, anyway.

>> No.43346625

simultaneously, I'll be carrying her full-nelson down the aisle at the wedding

>> No.43346636

Sleigh isn't actually 165, is he? I mean, he's practically an onahole at that point.

>> No.43346662

I think he said he is legally 5'4? So ~163.

>> No.43346665
File: 55 KB, 680x785, 9c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Load up TWneo
Start new game
Customer character
Name them after myself
Sanzu river location
waifu RAN
Yeah it's all coming together

>> No.43346682
File: 74 KB, 718x593, dolly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slick system. It pleases my build cravings.
You can also restore deleted level-up skills with MAG now, which is a pretty nice QoL.

>> No.43346702
File: 190 KB, 1024x768, yukaris special.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>load up TW
>start new game
>custom character
>real name, address, social security number
>human, physical and mental traits similar to ones i have myself
>waifu reimu or marisa
>human village
Yep, self inserting time.

>> No.43346713

Woah, you are literally me

>> No.43346733

I do something similar, except I waifu everyone, and I move places every two weeks for the first year, and a month afterward. No sex until after confession.

>> No.43346741
File: 61 KB, 696x470, twins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get a "Become a straight trap twin of my waifu" special, please?

>> No.43346777
File: 856 KB, 311x311, hinaspeen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I do with Hina dolls

>> No.43346793

Hina can use them to purge bad fortunes.

>> No.43346858

I think I have a bug. I have never gotten her misfortune command to fire in over an in-game year.

>> No.43346873

You must have some bad luck in the first place. Pay Reimu to tell you your fortune.

>> No.43346915

That's me but I live at the shrine and I fuck half of the girls

>> No.43346943

>I fuck half of the girls
What do you do with their other halves?

>> No.43346963

How does technique level up in TW? It doesn't seem to raise from sex and only option I see is from mail order

>> No.43347169


>> No.43347184

With shinmyoumaru

>> No.43347222

I wish more 2hus reacted to my foreverboner.

>> No.43347230

With you

>> No.43347238

I wish 2hus would react to my boner less often. I want wholesome stuff, not just sex all the time.

>> No.43347281

I'm reading Parsee's dialogue and it's a lot less sex-focused and more relationship focused. Vinny put a lot of passion in it, I can tell.

>> No.43347285

I wish 2hus would take the lead and make you follow them (with your permission).

>> No.43347322
File: 879 KB, 754x1157, __usami_sumireko_touhou_drawn_by_arano_oki__c5f06e1f7db0a221ed845d77065d2712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, that's just inappropriate.

>> No.43347342
File: 10 KB, 743x258, 1669889365063578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remi has died

>> No.43347359

That doujin where Remi gets raped by a pig

>> No.43347373

That real life situation where Remi is just as clusmy sucking the dick as she is at sucking blood.

>> No.43347385

She could do both at the same time, you know? Just like Israel's finest and most prestigious mohelim.

>> No.43347424

So which version of tw should I use now?

>> No.43347440

the one in the op

>> No.43347447

If you're patient and want something very stable you can play pedy's NYE release like I'm still doing, if you want the latest stuff grab anonTW.

>> No.43347453

Imagine having enough babies to feed a Jewish vampire. Oy vey.

>> No.43347466


>> No.43347474

She's not a jew.

>> No.43347481

AnonTW, pedy's has missing characters.

>> No.43347484

I believe you anon, I really do.

>> No.43347562

The nose knows!

>> No.43347641

Day 166, on the 11th of summer in year 2, she gave her first kiss to Anon in a moment of desire in Kosuzu's Boudoir at the
Human Village.
But that's just what she thinks... The reality is:
On the 11th of Summer in Year 2、自分の部屋で情欲を抑えきれなくなり、Anon に大胆なファーストキスを捧げた

Please fix the above, AnonTW devs.

>> No.43347788

Of note, Anontw is missing kasens arm portrait for some reason

>> No.43347821

This is what you deserve for trying to kiss poor sweet innocent Kosuzu when she's merely at Yearning, honestly.
But fine, I'll take a look at Kosuzu's shit kissing code again.
Don't expect any translations, though.

>> No.43347836

Which girls are a guaranteed kiss just from yearning?

>> No.43347839

It also doesn't have the new PC-98 characters yet.

>> No.43347848

Wait so which version on the wiki is this?
It should be Pedy right? Is anon's only available from git?

>> No.43347865

The wiki is ran by the people who did the original english version and still insists on their version as being official despite updating once a kalpa. So it's actually none of the ones we use here.

>> No.43347876

But it says right there that it was updated on the 16th.
Also I just went to check it myself and it says erakanon on the main menu...
What the fuck are you on about anon?

>> No.43347891

There are four English versions, my fine mouth-breathing subhuman tourist friend.
>English dev
The no updates version.
>Neo Dev
Pedy's version where he removed the TH18 cast.
Pops's version where he added Rimworld mechanics and scat/necrophilia.
The thread's version which is Pedy's + the TH18 cast.

>> No.43347904

>Pedy's version where he removed the TH18 cast.
Wait hold on I was taking a break for the past week, he actually fucking did it?

>> No.43347912

This happened over a week ago, faggot.

>> No.43347920

Really? I wasnt counting days so maybe my break was longer but I dont remember him actually having done it before then, it was still shitposting/empty threats at that point Im pretty sure

>> No.43347935

I don't know where this myth that eng-dev isn't getting updates came from, it most certainly still is

>> No.43347941

>A stray discord poster is here to shill the most outdated and feature-poor version of the game

>> No.43347980

I don't use discord and I'm not here to shill anything.
Pedy has pushed 198 commits to his fork
eng-dev has had 47 commits pushed since Pedy forked it
Obviously one has more features than the other but it's still a non-negligible amount of work, which is why it's confusing when you say it's the "no updates version" to a tourist who can visibly see the updates.

>> No.43347983

And is the wiki version of megaten the most up to date one? I'm looking to check that one out now

>> No.43347992

There's only one english version of megaten but you should get it from the git.

>> No.43348006
File: 51 KB, 491x585, 1605631001201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait so why does the megaten version from the wiki has the splash screen say that it's the /egg/ version? So the wiki uses the /egg/ version of megaten but does not use the /egg/ version of eratw? Why is everything about era games a fucking mess?

>> No.43348013

Because the original /egg/ was a cripplechan thread and not a 4chan one. They're not this /egg/.

>> No.43348015
File: 18 KB, 1165x212, eng-dev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of that is just Yuu using it to dump his Aunn dialogue instead of using a fork of his own, for some reason.
Otherwise, it's just a handful a stray "updates" that don't actually matter because nobody actually merges it all into a proper release. Even the last release was obviously never playtested since there's untranslated commands staring you in the face.

>> No.43348016

The wiki build seems to be a couple weeks old so it'd be missing the two latest updates.
If you don't want to make a sapphire account you can get the auto-updater in the OP though it won't work for TW (but that repository is public).

>> No.43348020

Sadly the auto-updated isn't pulling the latest Megaten merge.

>> No.43348024

I just wanted to clarify why it still has new builds. Didn't mean to imply that it was anything but worthless, sorry.

>> No.43348040

It being worthless *is* kind of the most important part, though.

>> No.43348056

Ooookay... Took anon-tw and eramegaten both from the git then, thanks anons.
You know, you guys should really consider cleaning your OP a bit.

>> No.43348081
File: 41 KB, 462x507, 324707cb2c9247f46abbf94bd64ab240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doesn't anything work...
Why won't they make the git public...

Well you see anon, things are a little chaotic because development is being screwed over by discord shitter drama, so the OP is struggling to keep up.

>> No.43348117

Why does TW have all these forks anyways?
I get the deranged version being its own thing, but why isn't "neodev" content just part of the main branch?

>> No.43348123

Because everyone here is deranged.

>> No.43348129

Because the guy in charge of the main branch works glacially.

>> No.43348130

Neo split off because main wasn't getting updated.

>> No.43348140

Because Neo and Nas are both lead by deranged people

>> No.43348527

Autism, lots of autism.

>> No.43348551
File: 77 KB, 590x423, 7jwb9v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it about eraTohoTW that attracts so many autistic peop-

Oh, wait. I know why. I forgot this game was for lonely nerds! Ha!

>> No.43348577

Yes, that's essentially correct.

>> No.43348708

Having played the main branch a lot, I'd assume it's because for the most part that branch is a buggy fucking mess.

Then you have people with specific tastes fixing a lot of that mess, but adding their own strange quirks.

>> No.43348724

>but adding their own strange quirks.
Like egglaying.

>> No.43348766

A guy who is sexual attracted to loli rabbits and sex foxes studying to be a 1st - 3rd grade social studies and English teacher is just too weird in my opinion.

>> No.43348821

It's fine as long as they don't have a class pet.

>> No.43348835


>> No.43348854

You're gonna say anything new or

>> No.43348946

That's a priori knowledge for this entire board anon.

>> No.43349196
File: 48 KB, 180x180, 70_顔.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way TW handles this unknown first kiss mechanic is pretty funny.
When a first kiss happens, it sets a variable to track the situation in which the kiss occurred. Then, it changes or removes the "Never kissed" trait based whether they were conscious or not, if you have that setting on.
The body information display checks this variable to determine whether or not to display it as known or unknown, but the system can only track one first kiss. After the character has a known kiss, what do if we want to display the old unknown kiss too?
Simple, we just add the kiss description strings together, split them into two lines, and check for the new line character instead of the variable.
For Kosuzu, two first kiss descriptions in two separate files are getting concatenated somehow. Someone smarter than me can figure out why. Perhaps they can explain why this system was chosen too.

>> No.43349349

Truly, Kosuzu is the worst 2hu to breed with. This is why I prefer Akyuu.

>> No.43349359

>not making sure to court, get to love and impregnate both at the exact same time

>> No.43349585
File: 3 KB, 856x79, cuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, actually, this is why Kosuzu is the best 2hu to breed with.

>> No.43349871

You don’t say…

>> No.43349884

>While [X] watched
Oh wow, I've never seen that before. Probably because I always go for the date kiss for the unique dialogue.

>> No.43349917

You horndogs would even breed with your own shadows if you could.

>> No.43350045

You wouldn't?

>> No.43350067
File: 130 KB, 1340x2078, d6e3efac85796f0ba055880a0d5c09c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would breed A shadow

>> No.43350657
File: 716 KB, 640x640, marisad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you have to be so mean

>> No.43350696

I have. Shadows have pretty good resistance sets for a back row demon.

>> No.43350725
File: 1.76 MB, 2048x2048, 1666792649336049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no! She is hot.

>> No.43351001
File: 158 KB, 500x500, __kijin_seija_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_meimaru_inuchiyo__12ef9e9c7341505df8156038d2360b31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every plan of Seija's, each of which have been elaborate and at times society-altering, ha either completely succeeded or was only stopped by the most powerful/significant beings in the setting
Plus her silver tongue and machinations are shown to, in the worst case scenario, even get Marisa, Sakuya, and Reimu on her side

Fanon Seija != Canon Seija

>> No.43351012

I can fix her...

>> No.43351083
File: 208 KB, 1440x1440, 305386713_1289866245176317_2974092998024929600_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you spoil your 2hoes

>> No.43351098
File: 204 KB, 1440x1247, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43351115

Fake and gay. Shion can't afford rice.

>> No.43351137
File: 138 KB, 1440x1018, 23331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43351357

He's asking for it.

>> No.43351717

Isn't rice so staple for japanese culture that you can get it dirt cheap or something? I remember reading that somewhere.

>> No.43351731

lmao owned

>> No.43351749

That's for whoring out my wife

>> No.43351833
File: 488 KB, 1500x1000, __kijin_seija_and_sakata_nemuno_touhou_drawn_by_itatatata__74d777a0d004fbf250441c81ac9e06e8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tsukumogami incident had so little impact that Reimu and the others didn't even notice anything happening until much later, and even then, it wasn't any of the society-upheaving Seija desired, but just their tools turning into tsukumogami as a side effect of the mallet being used, which was also considered so minor that it took forever for the protagonists to take action.
The next thing was the amanojaku hunt, which was just almost everyone playing around for their own entertainment, not taking things too seriously, as Seija wasn't considered a real threat.
And the last time was during Sumireko's little fireworks show, when they crashed it and brought in somewhat more dangerous figures, but that didn't become a real threat until Okina decided to bring in some serious nutcases, which was something entirely beyond Seija and Shinmyoumaru's control.

Face it, Seija is small-time. Her "incidents" are barely more threatening than the great fairy war.

>> No.43351863

Not high quality white rice shown on the picture, no.

>> No.43352149

The Tsukumogami Incident threatened all of Gensokyo society, period.

The Amanojaku hunt had Yukari's direct involvement to get rid of her, breaking fundamental rules of Gensokyo.

The fireworks show was a legitimate threat on human villagers and required the intervention of a fate-changing Lunarian to stop.

Face it, you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.43352705
File: 601 KB, 650x650, __hijiri_byakuren_and_kijin_seija_touhou_and_2_more_drawn_by_kataro__d14a51c47ac8d85bd8805622e4747598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Tsukumogami Incident threatened all of Gensokyo society, period.
Nah, the only thing it achieved was to drive a bunch of weaklings into a frenzy and create a bunch of tsukumogami, the major ones not even being malicious in the slightest.
On top of that, the mallet's power was already running dry by the time Reimu and co. intervened, and the incident would naturally disappear. Seija's efforts were all a complete waste of time.
>The Amanojaku hunt had Yukari's direct involvement to get rid of her, breaking fundamental rules of Gensokyo.
Bullying an amanojaku is just a fun little pastime to the youkai. Seija was considered to be such a non-threat that Mamizou, who is a fairly major player in Gensokyo, actually gave her advice on how to use her items better. She clearly wasn't very worried about what Seija was doing.
Seija's interactions with Shinmyoumaru also make it pretty clear that despite all her bluster, she had no hopes of actually accomplishing anything, which is only further proven by the fact that this entire event had zero lasting consequences. She certainly wasn't going to control the youkai with her little cheating toys.
>The fireworks show was a legitimate threat on human villagers and required the intervention of a fate-changing Lunarian to stop.
Because of Okina, not Seija. Yukari didn't involve herself until the Junko and cohorts showed up, who weren't part of Seija's scheme at all.
>Face it, you don't know what you're talking about.
You can make up as much shit as you want, but the simple reality is that Seija was never a significant threat to Gensokyo. She's one of very few characters with outright evil goals, but she's ultimately pretty harmless, so she ends up treated as more of a joke than anything.
Also, I'm not sure why you expect to be taken seriously while reddit-spacing all over this fine website. You clearly don't fit in here.

>> No.43352718

>The Amanojaku hunt had Yukari's direct involvement to get rid of her, breaking fundamental rules of Gensokyo.
What fundamental rules? Yukari has a history of involving herself in incidents in the past.

>> No.43352738

The spell card rules.

>> No.43352766

>reddit spacing

Anyway read the canon and don't crawl to basic bitch "insults". Post formatting on 4chan has always been a norm. Faggots like yourself who reveal their own familiarity with reddit by "knowing how people on reddit type" (I don't, genuinely) really make me laugh.

>> No.43352774

Involving herself in incidents doesn't break spell card rules, does it?

>> No.43352795

Do you not know why Impossible Spell Card is called Impossible Spell Card? Play it, it's fun.

>> No.43352889
File: 676 KB, 966x1417, reimu is lazy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bullying an amanojaku is just a fun little pastime to the youkai
Not how it was presented.
>Because of Okina
as well*

Okina wouldn't have done anything without it being ruined in the first place.

Seija's character setting has never been "a goofball" or "incompetent". Like any of the major antagonists in the series, she can be a sincere threat to Gensokyo's operations if not dealt with/punished. This is basically kind of like acknowledging that Yuyuko can and will kill you at a moment's notice, plunged Gensokyo into like 3 months extra of winter, and tried to revive a tree that coaxes people into death and going "well but she's funny sometimes so ignore that". Also the whole silly bullshit about "it took a while for anyone to act"--it literally ALWAYS does, it's practically a running gag.

>> No.43352942

Nta, but Seija definitely does need rape correction. I mean, what kind of fucking animal tries to radicalize a fairy?

>> No.43353473

I never said that Seija wasn't sincere. I call her "evil" for a reason, y'know? It's just that she's also a weakling and not a real threat to Gensokyo. She can rail against society all she wants, but as long as nobody in power is actually affected, it obviously doesn't matter much.
Most of the people in ISC with dialogue are the ones with more of a personal stake to go against Seija, such as the tsukumogami and Shinmyoumaru. For the others, they're just in it for a vague reward promised to whoever catches the amanojaku. Again, Mamizou was all but encouraging her and made her slightly more dangerous. If she ever thought Seija was going to be a serious threat to her, she wouldn't have done so.
And Okina using Seija's party crashing as a jumping off point for her own, worse meddling is just the kind of person she is. She's not one to take center stage and would've found another excuse to mess with things, either during the danmaku festival or at some later point. Seija was just a convenient tool for her to use.
The net result of ISC was ultimately just Seija running away and losing all her potential allies (for the time being, at least). Otherwise she was left unmolested, instead of Yukari getting serious and sealing her away or something along those lines. She's much more malicious and persistent than the other incident causers, none of whom wanted to destroy society entirely and all relented once the shrine maiden beat them up, because "incidents" are largely just a pretense for youkai to show off. Seija doesn't play by these rules, but the big shots just leaving her alone in the end shows that they don't view her as capable of doing real harm, especially since her cheat items were just going to run out of power sooner, rather than later, anyway.

>> No.43353497

Damn right I do. Also, good morning, /egg/!.

>> No.43353661
File: 1.44 MB, 1022x1441, Religiouss War.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worth cataloguing how lax Gensokyo's Incident-resolvers are
>Scarlet Mist Incident - EoSD
Reimu took several days before investigating https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Bohemian_Archive_in_Japanese_Red/Scarlet_Mist_Incident
>Spring Snow Incident - PCB
Reimu waited until winter had gotten into May (meaning she waited 2 months) plus 1 additional week before investigating https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Perfect_Cherry_Blossom/Story/Prologue
>Night Parade of One Hundred Oni Every Four Days Incident - IaMP
Unclear but possibly up to a month before Reimu investigated this. Several parties happened before the incident was resolved https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Bohemian_Archive_in_Japanese_Red/Night_Parade_of_One_Hundred_Oni_Every_Four_Days
>Eternal Night Incident (actually False Moon Incident) - IN
Reimu didn't notice. It's implied Yukari spent several days bothered by the replaced moon until she decides to force Reimu to help. https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Imperishable_Night/Story/Prologue
>The Sixty Year Cycle Great Barrier Incident - PoFV
Reimu actually investigated this immediately. Incredible given this is the one 100% "not a threat" "Incident" in all of Touhou. It doesn't even have a culprit.
>Shrine Takeover Threat - MoF
Reimu went to deal with this immediately as well, the day Sanae threatened her Shrine. Makes sense, as it was a problem directly concerning her https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Mountain_of_Faith/Story/Prologue
>Empathic Weather Incident/Earthquakes - SWR
This Incident possibly took about a week and was sort of a fucking mess. https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Scarlet_Weather_Rhapsody/Timeline
>Wicked Spirit Influx Incident - SA
Reimu and Marisa take the hotsprings as a boon and relax during the start of this. It says they "built" a hot spring, may have been days? Youkai needed to force them to investigate, and neither was happy about it https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Subterranean_Animism/Story/Prologue
>Flying Ship in the Sky - UFO
Reimu acts on this immediately, canonically because she thinks it's a treasure ship, so whether A or B are canon for UFO, the impetus was the "I'm greedy as fuck!" one https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Undefined_Fantastic_Object/Story/Prologue
>Divine Spirit Eruption Incident - TD
They investigated this immediately, plain and simple. It wasn't a threat, but they were a little bothered by it. Reimu specifically says she ought to investigate eventually. Maybe this many years in, Reimu is getting responsible? https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Ten_Desires/Story/Prologue>>43352889

>> No.43353666
File: 542 KB, 996x1440, Sudden Tsukumogami Incident.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops, double quote, whatever
last ones
>Spreading Nightly Apathy Incident - HM
Reimu didn't notice it at first! This is also called the "Religious War" period, and if Wild and Horned Hermit chapter 18 is to be believed, it seems to have been happening for several days before Reimu really settles it. Actually, Reimu never settles it. Several others helped resolve this Incident, least of which was Reimu.
>Sudden Tsukumogami Incident - DDC
Never mind. Reimu ignores this Incident because it's "convenient". That said it's unclear how long it took her to act, although when Marisa mentions it in Forbidden Scrollery chapter 12 she speaks as if she (and by implication Reimu) ignored it for at least a few days https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Double_Dealing_Character/Story/Prologue
>Wanted Amanojaku - Impossible Spell Card "Incident" - ISC
Reimu waits over a week to deal with Seija (and doesn't--Seija beats her and moves on) https ://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Impossible_Spell_Card/Characters Seija's day 8 message implies that she actually sought out fighting Reimu herself https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Impossible_Spell_Card/Translation/Monologue#8th_Day Of course, Seija was cheating, but so was Reimu and everyone else.
>Urban Legend Incident - ULiL
Unclear. Throughout everyone's routes it's suggested that this has been happening for a while before investigation occurred. Rumors have been spreading https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Story/Demo_Scenario Nobody ever resolved this Incident and it changed Gensokyo forever.
>Lunarian Invasion Incident - LoLK
Reimu is definitely curious about this, but also dismissive (suggests it's probably just the kappa) and whether she would or wouldn't have acted is unclear. Before we can find out, naturally Eirin acts immediately and gets Reisen to force the humans to investigate the moment she notices that a probe/rover thing has landed on on Youkai Mountain https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Legacy_of_Lunatic_Kingdom/Story/Prologue
>Perfect Possession Incident - AoCF
Like ULiL the rumor around this has been around for an unclear amount of time, presumably a while before Reimu begins to investigate https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Antinomy_of_Common_Flowers/Story/Reimu%27s_Scenario Also notable is that Reisen encountered the first steps of this "a decently long time" before AoCF happened https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Urban_Legend_in_Limbo/Story/Reisen%27s_Scenario#Stage_4
>Out of Control Seasons Incident - HSiFS
Infamously, Reimu not only hard-ignored this incident but also attempted to profit off of it until Marisa uncharacteristically actually got angry with her. At the very least, she takes "several days" to deal with this according to Wild and Horned Hermit chapter 41. Game's prologue corrobotates, suggesting that by the time Reimu investigated shit was already completely out of hand https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Hidden_Star_in_Four_Seasons/Story/Prologue
>Animal Spirit Invasion Incident - WBaWC
Unclear, as it's worded as if the invasion "has been happening", but also we do know that when a spirit came to Reimu for help, she listened and acted. I guess Hell is too big a deal to ignore https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Wily_Beast_and_Weakest_Creature/Story/Prologue
>Black Water Incident - SFW
Even Reimu can't ignore something so blatant as petroleum suddenly erupting in water supplies. Both she and Marisa investigate this ASAP https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Sunken_Fossil_World/Story/Reimu%27s_Scenario
>Mysterious Cards Incident - UM
Reimu hears about the cards for an unclear amount of time due to rumors, and cards have already been circulating. When Marisa gets one to prove the rumors are true, Reimu does act pretty much immediately though.

So historically, in 7 out of 20 Incidents, Reimu wasted no time (caveats: only 4 of these were times where she investigated completely on her own out of concern for "danger" or "an Incident"). This has been a nice use of my autism, honestly. Judging by this, it looks like after Marisa yelled at her before HSiFS, Reimu actually had some character development. Every incident since, she's gotten immediately on the ball once rumors start.>>43352889

>> No.43353673
File: 533 KB, 975x1417, Reimu ignoring HSiFS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Mysterious Cards Incident - UM
> Reimu hears about the cards for an unclear amount of time due to rumors, and cards have already been circulating. When Marisa gets one to prove the rumors are true, Reimu does act pretty much immediately though.

>> No.43353690
File: 173 KB, 1408x908, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>The Sixty Year Cycle Great Barrier Incident - PoFV
>Reimu actually investigated this immediately. Incredible given this is the one 100% "not a threat" "Incident" in all of Touhou. It doesn't even have a culprit.

Funny reasoning too

>> No.43353712

MY shrine maiden wife can’t possibly be his lazy. No wonder an outsider like myself beat her in Danmaku on my first try. I might as well take over your job while I’m at it, eh?

>> No.43353778

Reading the titles of all the games hit me with a wave of painful nostalgia I don't really need right now.

>> No.43353994

Oh boy lore thread

>> No.43354108

Give me your best lore that I am guaranteed to not have heard about before

>> No.43354216

Is there a way to make Lunar Incense, or do I have to rely on triggering that one event?

>> No.43354234

Of course there is. Have you ever checked the mixing menu?

>> No.43354237

Remilia Scarlet has a pact with yokai's that snags humans before their suicide to feed her in exchange for not attacking humans in gensokyo.

>> No.43354272

Do odds of twins scale with impregnation chance from the wiki's table or is it random? Is there a way to maximize your odds?

>> No.43354300

What's the suicide rate in gensokyo?

>> No.43354339

Oh I meat victims from the outside world

>> No.43354342

What's the suicide rate in the outside world?

>> No.43354390


>> No.43354400

Jokes on you, retards, Remi doesn't drink much. It's Flan who's the pig.

>> No.43354409

Not high enough.
*Opens up bag to reveal a noose*
You're next.

>> No.43354422
File: 84 KB, 850x825, __flandre_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_artist_luna__sample-4f837207c165d4dab1ba20e8571e9ebc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flan is a big girl!
And one who isn't obsessed with appearing older than she really is!

>> No.43354447

TFW Flan will never become self-conscious about her behavior in an effort to prevent her older sister from stealing (You) away from her.

>> No.43354463

I can't wait for Pedy (our savior) to hyperfocus development on the characters the traitors are working on to cuck them out of spite.

>> No.43354480
File: 618 KB, 1150x555, Koibito wa Kyuuketsuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what?
Just drink back.

>> No.43354505

Can we have one thread without someone trying to restart the stupid faggot drama?

>> No.43354552

Hahaha no way fag. You think stating the truth is stupid drama?

>> No.43354562

Only if you post best girl. No, you have to guess.

>> No.43354569

Remillia also can't feed enough to kill a person before she's full, meaning most people she feeds off of don't end up dying.

>> No.43354581

Which is why Flan is the one you would have to worry about. Apparently every meal Sakuya makes for her is disguised human flesh.

>> No.43354585

And considering she tries to act all high and mighty, she probably doesn't even feed directly and has Sakuya serve her the blood somehow.

>> No.43354588

Flan is just a dumb child who doesn't know anything, Sakuya is the problem.

>> No.43354593

Kissing Vinumsabbathi's quivering womb entrance with my throbbing glans!

>> No.43354606

Sakuya only follows the orders from her boss, so the problem is Remi thinking her sister is too childish to know the truth.

>> No.43354613

I wish Remi had a blood-drinking custom command.

>> No.43354618

Calm down JPTR1

>> No.43354630

I wish all vampires had it, and it had a chance to actually kill you when used.

>> No.43354631

Calm down Jeremiah, I have not even yet begin to harness my Russki power to dunk in the incompetency of "Anon"TW. Weakling can't even port over the new commits I did in my sleep. My game will reign supreme over the thread.

>> No.43354641

>I wish it had a chance to kill you
Fuck off with that Pops-level bullshit, retard. Blood-drinking is only kino if it is safe and reserved for intimacy.

>> No.43354654

Bringing my lips to Vinny's while she leg locks me while making love!

Forced to ejaculate inside Vinny!

>> No.43354658

Goddamnit the thread shitter and his army woke up.

>> No.43354672

It's mutt hours

>> No.43354710

How about you harness your power to fix your godamn fork and stop being a godamn toddler.

>> No.43354737

There is nothing to fix. :) the trash got removed.

>> No.43354754

Why did you do it, anon? Why did you take the bait? It doesn't have to be this way.

>> No.43354784

The >>43339030 poster is here, just as expected.

>> No.43354813

Do you guys think Vinum is "uncomfortable" with anons talking about how they want to breed him just as he is "uncomfortable" with Lain Iwakura porn?

>> No.43354830

You aren't pedy, you're just some asshat.
Pedy would have insulted my race.

>> No.43355054

If he's uncomfortable then he needs to grow a fucking backbone. Where does he think he is?

>> No.43355065

Oh fuck off dude. Not everyone who browses 4chan is a soulless fucking miserable piece of shit like you. Grow the fuck up and get a life.

>> No.43355102

There's being a soulless POS, and then there's being a little bitch that can't take anything that doesn't come with a puppy.
If by being uncomfortable with something he means just that, then that's pretty reasonable, but if by that he means he wants shit changed to suit him better, he can fuck right off.

>> No.43355128

He does not want shit changed to suit him better, therefore, you should not have any problem with him.

>> No.43355139

Then I don't really care.

>> No.43356071
File: 85 KB, 404x468, 1659040680891178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haven't followed era updates for a bit, did unofficial branch update (and remove newhus) already?

>> No.43356117

>Oh since we talked about Lily white and Lily black when we drank, I don't think we ever said it on radios like this
>Wasn't it that the difference in Lily White and Lily Black was just that they were cosplaying as the judge?
>All those black ones were originally just coplaying as the judge
>Shiki eiki
>Really there wasn't an individual like black to start with
I guess lily black never really existed.

>> No.43356149

Tell us something we don't know. That has been acknowledged several times in his very thread before.

>> No.43356171

I just did. The stream link with the source has never been posted before.

>> No.43356182

Which one of you niggas did this???


>> No.43356206

Damn, my Mexican Sinaloa cartel hermanos are playing eraTohoTW


>> No.43356241

Back when Lily Black started appearing in Touhou fandom, I always thought Lily Black was just 'gloomy Lily White whenever it's not Spring'. But then at one stage they became separate characters with Lily Black always the gloomy one but Lily White just only being hyper-happy during Spring, and mellows out every other season. What if Lily White and Lily Black was merged into one character? Does the era system even allow for 'split personality' characters that are vaguely, or fully aware of what their other side does and can react accordingly? The easiest way I can think of is to still have two characters (Lily White and Lily Black), but during Spring, Lily Black 'disappears' (never appears anywhere in TW), while every other season, Lily White 'disappears', except the authors of Lily White and Lily Black must be the same to make the whole split personality thing consistent.

>> No.43356243

Pretty sure Lily Black just being Lily white cosplaying is a stage 2 lore thing

>> No.43356283
File: 62 KB, 1408x324, hkks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first search results that come up when searching for "eraTohoTW" on YouTube. You can't make this shit up.

>> No.43356308

Are you using a clean private tab? I get no suggestions after typing that.

>> No.43356390

nta and I get it too
hit space after typing it in lmao

>> No.43356398

Anon confirmed dead on arrival. Even the normies know better than to support shithus.

>> No.43356414

but pops version apparently has them still in and it's winning
pedytw is a failure through and through

>> No.43356438

It's a bigger shitty mess everybody laughs at. I can't lose by definition, dipshit.

>> No.43356467
File: 29 KB, 841x361, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Results seem more sensible for me.

>> No.43356482

Everybody laughs at you specifically though.

>> No.43356516

Only those too far gone in support of that dreaded cabal, like you and the incompetent fools. Your ancestors weep at your weakness. The rainbow will be the death toll for your civilization.

>> No.43356545

My assistant is at it pretending to be me and shitposting again.

>> No.43356548

Who and who?

>> No.43356556

Nobody. In fact, the comment you responded to is blank. There's nothing there.

>> No.43356561

Me and Me.

>> No.43356593

It's really just a matter of timing. For the most part, dialogue is separate from the game's logic, but anyone wanting to do unique things for characters must put logic into the character's dialogue files, which muddles things.
In some cases, this messes with the order and leads to unexpected behavior, especially when this is done by inexperienced people copy-pasting mechanics from other characters without understanding the underlying systems, and then failing to playtest it properly, which leads to situations like this one.

>> No.43356695

What unique things would people even want the 2hus to do? Fuck egglaying, by the way. It's shit and Sleigh should be executed for supporting it.

>> No.43356710

Lay eggs.

>> No.43356724

Shittalk each other.

>> No.43356729

Who cares about the people? Unique character mechanics should be designed by people creative enough to actually write them.

>> No.43356754

NTA, but these games are made for the people, ergo, suggested character features are worthwhile. For instance, it would allow for gatekeeping objectionable content like Pops' Shinki dialogue away, appropriate toggles for NTR and other content, and allow for a roadmap for features which could be applicable to more than just the one character, such as intimate vampirism for every vampire. These games are meant to be collaborative, are they not? As such, I will always lean toward supporting collaborative debate and whatnot, even if people here jokingly (or not) suggest we execute the devs.

>> No.43356787

Yeah yeah yeah whatever you say attention whore fucktard. Your kind have done nothing to support development.

>> No.43356850

Good post, but replying to bait.

>> No.43356964

>these games are made for the people
Yeah. The people, in this case, being the ones who actually work on the game.
Maybe there would be a reason to care if this was actually a paid product, but as chiefly a hobby project, there's absolutely no reason to care about the audience; it's driven by personal passions, to serve as a creative outlet for the contributors.
"Collaboration" means that many people contribute to the game for their own reasons, but the consuming class isn't part of that. They provide very little of value and don't have any practical knowledge to understand what is practical and what isn't, which is then multiplied by how this thread is 90% shitposting and shit-stirring. Maybe the Japanese can have constructive debates, but you definitely won't find any here.
If you want to have a stake in this game's development, you actually need to put in the work yourself. Otherwise you'll always have zero influence over anything.

>> No.43356980

You sound like you support pops.

>> No.43356996

Since it’s clear you’re gonna do nothing but bait the thread, this will be my first and only reply. People like you don’t understand what it means for a game to be made by the community and, as such, ought to be ignored. The opinion of the player base is crucial for developers to keep in mind, and no, this thread is capable of constructive debate, despite the periodic shitposting and incessant need for people like (You) to rage against it when Anons here try and reorient the thread toward more productive avenues.
End of discussion.

>> No.43357022
File: 408 KB, 777x614, 1654050927395030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i love stuff like this alright. Soul nomad my shit up, senpai and let's get your harem of bitches emotionally conflicted on what to do with you after you shacked up with the amanojaku.
Would anyone inflict greater punishment than the jilted hakurei shrine maiden?

>> No.43357031
File: 455 KB, 894x857, Sunny & Star.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Felt like playing as the Fourth Mischievous Human Fairy, but this time both Star Sapphire and Sunny Milk were in the same room when I met them for the first time. Sunny was the initiator of the 'first meeting' dialogue, but Star was also included into that dialogue, with her saying stuff as well, so it made it look more like a combined first meeting. It didn't repeat it for Star afterwards, so it looks intended. Wonder if I could somehow chance Luna into the first meeting, if she would be included in it as well?

>> No.43357034

I doubt that since there's a 99% chance that's pedy

>> No.43357045

Which one of them doesn't have dialogue again? I remember one basically doesn't.

>> No.43357065

I plan to see if I can do an edited thing to include more interactions among them.
Luna is the one who lacks dialogue (unless you're a shota).

>> No.43357131

How the hell do you come to that conclusion?
Me thinking that the development should be driven by the people doing actual work and me thinking that Pops is a degenerate shit faggot are not mutually exclusive opinions. They go together very well, thank you very much.
You really think that me telling people to contribute or stay quiet is supposed to be bait? That I'm ignorant to the realities to development and the nature of this thread after spending the better part of a year working on this game, playtesting it and fixing bugs, and answering the occasional sincere question that pops up here in amongst the endless sea of shit?
No, I just have a very simple opinion, and that is that people who actually want something need to put in the work themselves, instead of blathering on about nonsense without having to put in any of the effort.

>> No.43357155

Your opinion means nothing, Pedy. Whatever goodwill you had here got ruined the day you sabotaged your own branch. Sleigh has the right idea about how a community-developed game should be.

>> No.43357158

Personally I don't think you understand shit when you thought removing the entire TH18 cast, including a very popular dialogue heavy character, and putting a trojan in your game, was going to go over well and not result in people rejecting you.

>> No.43357172

Why do you keep coming to this shithole then? Why won't you remove the suggestions you got from this thread? I've said it before, I don't want you ruining my ideas.

>> No.43357173
File: 294 KB, 900x1440, 1677031702324711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The moonies, maybe.
Just imagine the looks on their faces when you snub their supposed superiority by deciding to hook up with the local trash gremlin instead, even though you could have literally every woman in Gensokyo and surroundings.

>> No.43357242
File: 1.04 MB, 750x712, 1654915207617571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it funny when the thread schizos think you are me?

>> No.43357250

*Kisses you*
Now what, Russki boi?

>> No.43357252

I thought I spelled it out pretty clearly, but reading obviously isn't their strong suit.

>> No.43357262

And here he goes again, pretending like he's not a confirmed samefag.

>> No.43357269

Futo's soft thighs

>> No.43357273


>tell your lunarian and hourai wives you're willing to continue gracing them with cock if they concede total submission to the superiority of the Kijin clan

i dunno, we might start K-tier wars by that point

>> No.43357278

The only other person who sucks Pedy's dick is JPAnon, who is literally his cockslave boytoy who'll defend him no matter what he does. So with that in mind, he's basically just an extension of Pedy, meaning it doesn't matter which of them it is.

>> No.43357281


>> No.43357323
File: 557 KB, 945x1299, 2092761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Care to elaborate?

>> No.43357332

Seija really looks like a dude in this one.

>> No.43357340

Both you and Pedy are elitist faggots. Simple as.

>> No.43357358

Yeah, it's great. She just has no feminine appeal whatsoever.
She worse she is, the better she becomes.

>> No.43357372

But if looking like a dude is expected and good in your eyes, wouldn't this make her act ultrafeminine?

>> No.43357385

Her acting contrarian 24/7 is a retarded fucking meme and you know it, fucker.

>> No.43357411

She rails against society at large, not individuals. She's rude, smelly, and completely lacking in appeal, but she'd get along just fine with anyone who isn't bothered by all that.
She won't be doing the befriending, mind you, but she's not antagonistic just for the hell of it; she clearly has standards of her own.

>> No.43357434

Sleigh is contrarian because he's a dude but has female height

>> No.43357469

I guess that actually working is all it takes to be an elitist these days.
But hey, put in a little elbow grease and you could join the club, too.

>> No.43357493

Neither of you shitty NEETs work. You "code" for a living, in your parents' basements, raging on a 4chan thread against people who play games for a living, and who also live in their parents' basements, about off-topic shit such as "politics" and "how to live your life". Fuck off and let people request features and talk about ideas. One day, they might become interested enough to learn how the code works and do it themselves.

>> No.43357514
File: 202 KB, 510x414, Moku_hate_this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but I know your 2wife wouldn't like you engaging in anonymous gay sex

>> No.43357527
File: 431 KB, 979x861, Sunny & Luna - Sunny Ver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After reloading a stupid amount of times, I finally got Sunny and Luna together in the same room when I first meet them. Looks like Luna also has her conversation included into it, though I don't know if you need to have Luna's dialogue activated for it to show in the combined first meeting.

>> No.43357536

Hah well jokes on you anon (You) are my wife and we are now married
*Kisses you*

>> No.43357582
File: 786 KB, 1121x1534, Sunny & Luna - Luna Ver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a bonus, Luna's first meeting doesn't go away, but rather Sunny joins into hers as well. Not sure if that blue text is supposed to be the yellow text of Sunny or if somehow Star's dialogue got in there (though Star's text colour is a dark blue), but I like that it has Sunny re-introducing herself again at the end there, since I assume Sunny or Star's intro will kick in first before Luna's intro fires.

>> No.43357696
File: 9 KB, 863x243, philosopher stone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I make this i aint harry pottah

>> No.43357708

Certain recipes are locked until you befriend certain characters.

>> No.43357729

Become friends with patchy iirc

>> No.43357738

i was thinking about visiting patchoulo but the "witch" made me think twice

>> No.43357753

I'm not a knowledgeable witch sorry

>> No.43357779
File: 11 KB, 616x190, Emuera1824+v16+EMv17+EEv34fix_2023-04-29_17-15-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need intimacy 5 with Patchouli Knowledge. Many crafting items are locked behind intimacy checks. Lunar Incense and Gin Gin are locked behind Eirin, Powerful Drug is locked behind Marisa, Rebirth Feather is locked behind Mokou, etc.

Keep in mind that you only need intimacy 5, not yearning. Just spam music until you get intimacy 5 with the girl that's needed.

>> No.43358192

Known relationships (green means approved):

>> No.43358326

Era Harry Potter when?

>> No.43358430

princess trainer is basically a completed era game with graphics.

>> No.43358472

Holy shit Enemy Enhancement Lv.15 Varin Omega is a pain in the ass. I can't believe this asshole took an entire demon stock's worth of Soul Shots and lived.

>> No.43358495

First time playing ERATW any advice please?

>> No.43358503

Don't grope a woman till she has five hearts.

>> No.43358507

Okay but what about for dialogue?

>> No.43358513

Clarification needed.

>> No.43358518

At the beginning it asks you for Dialogue choices for a few girls. Which ones should I pick

>> No.43358522

The ones you want to read.

>> No.43358542

/egg/ Sakuya, rest is up to you I think.

>> No.43358548

I think I picked that, okay also does map animation cause and major performance issues?

>> No.43358551

Depends on how strong/weak your PC is.

>> No.43358567

Thank you one last question, what is a good starting point for a guy who never played this game before? The Shrine or the Human Village or even maybe the scarlet mansion

>> No.43358569

Not really, but animated map does make you suffer if you're using sugoi translator.

>> No.43358574

The Shrine or the Mansion.

>> No.43358575

Thank you I'll go with the Mansion

>> No.43358576

Anon... These kinds of games are neither hard nor unforgiving. Just pick any, you can change whenever.

>> No.43358585

There's no bad spot for you to start out. You're accepted on the moon, even. Just go where your favourite touhous are, man.
You're not a secondary, are you?
Anyway, another hint is that you will benefit greatly from training your skills with someone else amd with a proper instruction manual, and when you're collecting panties make sure you do the entire process in time stop, because they all have an unfair 6th sense regarding finding them on you.

>> No.43358591

It causes major eye issues

>> No.43358606

That's what you say until I get saved locked 20 hours in and all of you are laughing at me

I never played this game anon, for all I know picking the wrong starting point could cause Yuugi to punch me in the ribs

Thanks anon

>> No.43358607

dont pick eientei for your first time.

>> No.43358636
File: 424 KB, 538x1018, Bladerunner Transparent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>game shames you for picking a huge penis
The Burden I have to bare

>> No.43358642

She'll punch you pretty much only if you ask her to do it, don't worry.
Afaik there isn't much you can get locked out of, it's just stuff like conversations changing into their "yearning" or "love" states instead of "strangers". At worst you'll miss out on unique first kiss events with some 2hus.

>> No.43358656

Thank you anon,

>> No.43358718
File: 986 KB, 900x590, eratw mountain shrine.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can switch animation on or off.

>> No.43358729

This shit makes me nostalgic for Dwarf Fortress.

>> No.43358733

New thread please

>> No.43358772

>Still setting up characters
>Have to fight myself not to make every girl have big breasts when they give me a choice

>> No.43358776

I will make one when we hit page 10.
Give me a character?

>> No.43358778


>> No.43358805


>> No.43358875


>> No.43358883
File: 72 KB, 1199x350, ere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently translating Eirin's dialogue. I didn't realize how long these sentences would be when translated into English. I guess I have to make multiple PRINTFORMW's so the dialogue doesn't look hideous.

>> No.43358897

talky girl

>> No.43358907

I would support you, but I doubt that dialogue is anything but a meme you just made up. Almost as bad as the Byakuren "Boob Lady" dialogue.

>> No.43358939

BREAKENG() exists for a reason

>> No.43358942

How do I get money and how do I level up my skills? My 2hu is going to call me a boke busta if I try to hit on her like this

>> No.43358952

I remember this meme.

>> No.43358955

Yeah, but I personally like my spoken dialogues not to be more than one line long, but instead divide them by information.
For example, that would be:
>"Sorry about the wait. Thank you very much for coming to Eintei Clinic today."
>"I'm the clinic's doctor, Eirin Yakogoro. Nice to meet you."
>"Let's see, you're here for... that operation today. Let me ask first, is it pseudo phimosis?"
Meme text aside I guess.

>> No.43358972

Dunno what the best early game money source is. I get cash from logging and foraging but you'll be terrible at those and have no TSP to save time. I just clean constantly to start with which pays a bit and raises that skill.
Make sure to use up all of your TSP every day to increase your max (you can set it to spend it before you sleep in the home settings but it won't do it if you have no ENE).
Raising skills takes forever, once you can stop time for longer you can grind then, but otherwise it's best to do it with other touhous.

>> No.43359250

When the FUCK is ENG EraMegaten gonna get the combat update

*smashes a table*

>> No.43359260

When they finally push a release candidate with all the new class changes so I don't need to make a git account.

>> No.43359262

*fixes the table*

>> No.43359286

Ah ok

*grabs you bye the throat* back the fuck off???!!

>> No.43359289

Hey hey no fighting!
Break it up, ladies

>> No.43359293

*pushes fingers into your eyes*

>> No.43359298

*seduces the table*

>> No.43359308

*nails your balls to the table*

>> No.43359309

*Shoots both anons*
No fighting in my bar.

>> No.43359313
File: 1007 KB, 1000x1500, 5371329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New thread~‼
New thread~‼

>> No.43359383

*shoots back from behind the table*

>> No.43359850

Get along

>> No.43360179

Or else what? Gonna act like a queer in our direction?
