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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.43326753
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>> No.43326764
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>> No.43326779

Only negative thing about this OP is that now I need to jerk off everytime I open this general

>> No.43326946
File: 226 KB, 1080x805, IMG_20230426_143448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well Anons?

>> No.43326976

Well what? This has been known for years. She was also spotted getting guitar lessons for a long time after she left the group and Mikio's death

>> No.43327443

>otoboke gaijin
Is that fucking Otoboke beaver schizo?

>> No.43327543
File: 1.40 MB, 640x800, sakiaflip.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43327600

How many amuse insider are there holy shit

>> No.43327713

i'd go larry nasser on that ass

>> No.43327740

super hot! is there any video of her in that?

>> No.43327852
File: 110 KB, 1080x1080, FkVLWLZVsAA2ihE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This has been known for years
Was it though

>> No.43327891

There are like 10 amuse insiders but they don't ever actually leak anything just say that they work for amuse. Really activates my almonds

>> No.43328071

fapping hard imagining Su wearing that bikini and posing like that

>> No.43328115


>> No.43328439
File: 81 KB, 1200x800, FuqYzLFWAAYmj8b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Momochads rise up!

>> No.43328549

Yawn. Yui with a fucked up back was 10 times more interesting.

>> No.43328709

Yeah if you like girls who sleep in the interviews and look like they want to kill themselves while performing then I guess Yui is superior. Too bad she is dead and buried and will never come back

>> No.43328994

Yui is the Rei Ayanami of BM confirmed

>> No.43329007


Yeah, she was miserable cause she was injured due to negligence on KobaMuse part making her run on an elevated stage with no safety measures. I hope she took Amuse to the cleaners and I hope she’s being paid a percentage of every cent BM is milking you simps for.

>> No.43329025

>I hope she’s being paid a percentage of every cent BM is milking you simps for.
You really don't know how jap contracts work do you?

>> No.43329036

She was miserable after Tokyo Dome. She never liked being in babymetal but her dream was to play there so she faked it and after achieving her dream she quit giving a shit and showed her displeasure all the time.

>> No.43329105

>cause she was injured
was never confirmed
there's no evidence other than "it looks like she's wearing a back brace"
just pure speculation made by internet neckbeards to justify her disappearance
stop making this canon

>> No.43329128

Best are the retards who think her "back injury" came from her falling off the budokan stage like 3,5 years before her retirement

>> No.43329187

Yes, that's what they claim in "their leak" is the story where it all began.
Now, watch the infamous Amuse Insider(s) here reply and confirm this back injury without providing any evidence other than trust me bro.

>> No.43329423


Spoken like true Kobacucks.

>> No.43329476

That's really the best you got? Yawn

>> No.43329482

>*meme word reply*

>> No.43329487
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>> No.43329494
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>> No.43329508
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>> No.43329533

Suzan got the gigachad jawline

>> No.43329545

She has jomon jaw but rest of her face is yayoi. Would make strong boys with her

>> No.43329622


All I need.

>> No.43329659
File: 192 KB, 1200x800, FuZxMErXoAMhDpC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43329956

nigger touched her butt. he is fucking her off camera.

>> No.43330154

it's me bro and there are definitely cameras involved iykwim

>> No.43330250

Su IV when?

>> No.43330564
File: 21 KB, 438x546, YuiBackbrace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amuse insider here. After Ms Mizuno retired we had a little office raffle for her medical brace. I am not at liberty to say who won, but our dear Yui was so tickled by the whole thing that she autographed the brace at her farewell party. Only one or two of us know that she also wrote a little message on the brace. Roughly translated, it says: "Suck it Kei." You may make what you will of that.

>> No.43330702

Does anyone actually believe this faggot with the otoboke screen name actually has any factual backing? It’s more likely he’s just a schizo trying to LARP his imagined conclusion into reality.

>> No.43330725

Where is this written? I wanna trash him in the comments.

>> No.43330735

Ofcourse not. It's the same kind of shit like "my dad works at nintendo". Why the fuck would a insider from a japanese company leak shit in english

>> No.43331247

The only ones who believes their schizoid ramblings are themselves
Whenever I see industry insider claims like those, it just reminds me of that innocently gullible and deluded SEA jennelyn girl who believes she's playing with the real Yui
But we know the truth is that it's actually a child predator neckbeard pretending to be Yui
I hope she's okay

>> No.43331399 [DELETED] 

Yui was clearly wearing some kind of device that made her torso look slightly thicker. Her face showed signs of increased water retention which is usually associated with prednisone use but yeah let’s pretend she wasn’t injured cause Kobamuse would never compromise the girls health in the name of profit.

>> No.43331407

You’re either naive or you really enjoy swinging from Koba’s nuts.

>> No.43331445

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>> No.43331786
File: 360 KB, 1280x756, tumblr_9d0440b13a612d8977f5f35d53451cc2_9481340f_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43331859
File: 705 KB, 2181x1888, rrtypjjzX5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur all fucking retarded

>> No.43331938

You WOULD say that while posting the biggest dummy of all.

>> No.43332128

has Su ever shown bellybutton ever?

>> No.43332216

I can confirm that Yui was indeed wearing a brap brace for months prior to her departure. Working in the Japanese music industry as I do, Yui’s brapper and brap capabilities were well known, especially when she was fat.

>> No.43332503

Please quietly stay banned schizo. Your input adds no value. Arigathanks.

>> No.43332510

where is that picture from?

>> No.43332746
File: 2.83 MB, 720x862, [7226326706037034242].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43332903

If they spent more time on making good music and having personality, and less on generic TikToks, they might’ve actually had some fame by now.

>> No.43332994
File: 231 KB, 2048x1365, 340119870_603180898518793_5609905364660397270_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making good music and having personality, and less on generic TikToks, they might’ve actually had some fame by now
but, but schizos always say thats the key to sold out big arenas around Japan! I mean, look at Babymetal: they never do the latest and hottest (and most stupid) Tiktok´s trend vids and look where they are! Dead as fuck...

>> No.43333012
File: 1.69 MB, 1945x2875, q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same anon here. Ok, ok, thats some big arena show, but schizos are still right. You know why guys?
Because, Tiktok/Youtube views >>>>>> tickets sold out. Come on, everyone knows thats were the real money is!, doesnt it?.....

>> No.43333527

It's from my phone

>> No.43334290
File: 268 KB, 640x360, vlcsnap-2019-11-11-19h14m58s851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather they stay small and do cute and sexy things like normal girls their age than be popular and perform in burqas and talk like robots.

>> No.43335104

>always comparing to BM when nobody even mentioned them
Rent free.

You might as well just go hang out in a mall if you want to watch halfway decent looking teen girls do Tiktok and normal things, or amateur teen gravure for sexiness.
If they bring nothing to the table other than existing while fully clothed, it’s a waste.
You really all riled up over just seeing the legs of 7/10 Tsugumi, when JK bikini girls and beyond are free on the internet?

>> No.43335178


>> No.43335303

To think that Amuse is wasting BM money just to fund this unprofitable failure of a group is mind boggling

>> No.43335342


Kobacuck agreeing with himself is next level cringe. Can somebody atleast pretend to be this nigga’s friend so we don’t have go be ultra embarrassed for him?

>> No.43335419

>schizo pointing fingers calling people samefags
That’s some glass houses shit right there lol

>> No.43335427

>>always comparing to BM when nobody even mentioned them
>Rent free.

The comment I replied to literally mentioned Babymetal, you fucking retard.

>> No.43335493

I wasn’t paying attention to that. Let’s be honest you’re such a miserable hater you would’ve made some “burka” “kobacuck” “dead band” remark regardless.
Smol pp energy is a daily thing here with you so I just defaulted to the usual clap back.

>> No.43335576

Momoe mogging here

>> No.43335803

I really want to buttfuck Momo now

>> No.43335850
File: 1.40 MB, 1080x1350, GUMI1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wasn’t paying attention to that. Let’s be honest you’re such a miserable hater you would’ve made some “burka” “kobacuck” “dead band” remark regardless.
I don't give a fuck about BABYMETAL so no I wouldn't have. I'm a @onefivebro and I skipped all you BMfags' comments until you compared your shitty ass group to @onefive.

>> No.43336857

Needs more bimbofication.

>> No.43337130
File: 33 KB, 557x450, 310430193_5421681517915043_307670910217189180_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>agreeing with himself
Schizos dont even try anymore these days

>> No.43337301
File: 572 KB, 1000x532, 727966_cx_1630_cy_2828_cw_2828_ch_1505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Su looking like a gigachad as always

>> No.43337310
File: 476 KB, 1000x667, 727840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's some momo to piss the schizo off

>> No.43337319
File: 407 KB, 1000x667, 727838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at how miserable Moa looks! She is definitely quitting next week!!

>> No.43337343
File: 1.24 MB, 1200x800, Babymetal-Hamburg-2023_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43337358
File: 1.31 MB, 1200x800, Babymetal-Hamburg-2023_25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43337549

this is just depressing :(

>> No.43337639

> :(
Please don't post here again

>> No.43337758

yuzumi fart on my tits

>> No.43337767

not knowing the song they are playing, they look like they are saying "brapapap brap brap pap brapap brap pap"

>> No.43337819

anal sex

>> No.43337839
File: 65 KB, 960x639, B1VxdiTIQAAEzae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better days

>> No.43337910

Love how during the hiatus schizo was always "trolling" bm fans for posting years old content cause bm is dead. And now that BM is thriving again and people post new content he starts posting old shit to "troll".

>> No.43337923
File: 2.40 MB, 1440x1800, FtrWYWIXsAQxvHN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43338059


>> No.43338061
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>> No.43338065

I agree schizo should take his pills

>> No.43338143

I kind of have the feeling that there are multiple schizos that post in this thread, including >>43337910

>> No.43338259 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.01 MB, 608x1030, [1651649293294379015].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43338318
File: 1.31 MB, 1200x800, Babymetal-Hamburg-2023_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah Momo is the best

>> No.43338468
File: 86 KB, 1438x1710, image45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Momoe: raw animal secksu in the back yard until we are both exhausted and covered with mud and sweat.
Soyo: escort back to special ed class with stern warning to keep a tighter leash on her next time.

>> No.43338621
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>> No.43339172

fuck off loser fatass don't @ me ever again

>> No.43339190
File: 140 KB, 750x750, onlymomothatmatters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I @ you again. What are you going to do?

>> No.43339208

what the fuck is that

>> No.43339213

Read the filename if you can

>> No.43339586

this is just sad

>> No.43339620

Go fap to your underweight teenage boys

>> No.43339723

fuck off schizo

>> No.43340509
File: 624 KB, 1365x2048, 630d9bf5c3658c90cfe15bc5be0d9fd0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43340886

Fucked up back at a young age? Even prowrestlers don't get a bad back until they hit their 30s. I just find her situation really odd with not even a recent picture of her to tell the fans that she is still alive.

>> No.43341097

I know you are but what am I.

>> No.43341104

You know the first episode of Oshi no Ko? It’s the story of Yui Mizuno that they didn’t want you to know.

>> No.43341803
File: 64 KB, 900x900, c94cbaac0928b9540212e65a602a50b67208f5ba_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43342155


>> No.43342232

thread needs more Moa tummy

>> No.43342704
File: 439 KB, 504x896, vlcsnap-2023-03-06-01h56m32s378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here. Have some tummy.

>> No.43342812

Needs more Moa in general

>> No.43342926

This is just sad. She died way too young. RIP Tomato Princess

>> No.43342933
File: 1.98 MB, 210x382, 1629896502235.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only Moa tummy we'll ever get and that's pretty damn sad

>> No.43342935

Yui fags posting decade old pictures again

>> No.43342954

It’s Babymetal bro… we live on scraps and crumbs

>> No.43342992

When it comes to the sex factor then yes. Music and performance wise we are eating pretty good now

>> No.43343017

Yeah, sorry, that’s what I meant. Good new content musically. But it’ll be a barren and empty life if you are waiting for lewd BM girls

>> No.43343152
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>> No.43343157
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>> No.43343168

That's a pretty cute car

>> No.43344053

There's a Moa bikini (blue if I recall correctly) but she's 10 or 11 in a paper ad

>> No.43344237


I just wanna bend monke over on that lounger

>> No.43344257


I mean the general consensus is it’s a weak album but go on.

>> No.43344270

They transformed Kano from wallflower to absolute fucking sex and I love it.

>> No.43344291

>General consensus
Yeah I am going to call bullshit on that one unless you give me some numbers or anything to back up your claim. Remember there are like 10 people posting in this general so comments here are in no way a general consensus

>> No.43344330

The new album is way better than Metal Galaxy so atleast the trajectory is going into right direction again.

>> No.43345232

MG at least had a few memorable, creative tracks. This new one is just soulless and generic. Hope they'll rebound with the next one.

>> No.43345737

>first episode of Oshi no Ko
Ok so I read the synopsis of the first episode. Are you referring to the part where an idol is pregnant and the doctor falls down a cliff which is awfully similar to the Mikio x Yui theory minus the reincarnation aspect of course.

>> No.43345759

I disagree with you heavily but since this matter is subjective there is no reason to argue about it.

>> No.43346184

Momoe and Tsugumi’s new hairstyles and colors are cringe af. There I said it.

>> No.43346220

Side bangs Gumi is 9/10
Straight bangs Gumi is 3/10

I hope this Change thingy be over soon, I need her to back to normal Gumi.

>> No.43346451

that is an insane comment

>> No.43346457

Hopefully her friends understand their mission and come through for us again soon, perhaps a beach outing or something

>> No.43346539

Moa has 2 months free during the summer so that could happen. Other than that rest of the year is pretty much just touring for her.

>> No.43346547

Not really.

>> No.43346556

well here we go, fapping pretty hard right now imagining and hoping ...

>> No.43346563

>bmfags be like it's good they don't have sns it helps them live normal lives
>bmfags also be like oh i hope their friend forgets to censor their faces on their pictures so we can see our girls and then go visit the same spot and sniff the ground she walked on

>> No.43346630

It's pretty retarded how you think that bm fans are some kind of a hivemind

>> No.43346642

they are though. the argument that having no sns helps them live normal lives is frequently used as an excuse here

>> No.43346674

Pretty sure the coomers who want to jerk off to the girls bikini pics or whatever aren't the same people defending the no sns policy of babymetal

>> No.43346739

so which side are you then?

>> No.43346754
File: 1.12 MB, 1125x1395, IMG_1254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miyoshi-bros. I don’t feel so good.

>> No.43346775

Obviously I am one of the coomers and think the no sns policy is retarded. But it's been like this so long so don't really bother to complain about it anymore

>> No.43346840


>> No.43346911

I thought niggas where supposed to be tall and athletic. My man is a manlet and skinnier than Ayaka

>> No.43346917


>> No.43347045
File: 294 KB, 1206x2048, 20230429_014342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sana and her kouhai

>> No.43347071

yami mog

>> No.43347073

It's a fucking crime that Ayami has not done any loli JAV yet

>> No.43347158

Gumi likes to ride up front, if you catch my drift.
I'd like to fry some eggs on those Momo legs.

>> No.43347189

Pharrell tall and athletic? That nigga wears hats that are bigger than him. But he’s rich and famous and almost certainly fucked Ayaka that night.

>> No.43347215

Fucking hell didn't even realize that's Pharrell Williams since he wasn't wearing a hat

>> No.43347331
File: 401 KB, 1080x1920, Fu0gXYkWwAwDvdR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This must be bullshit from the promoters. There is no way in hell that BABYMETAL is doing a meet and greet. Especially outside of Japan

>> No.43347502


Phunky stalker confirmed.

>> No.43347525

They already deleted the tweet

>> No.43347614
File: 3.67 MB, 576x1024, sayameta.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43347696

Change what?

>> No.43347715

Megadeth is a way huger group, what is Babymetal's excuse then?

>> No.43347744

There doesn't need to be excuses. BM just doesn't do meet and greets(except for the two times they did in signapore like a decade ago) and it would be really weird for them to start in a random american festival

>> No.43347798


>> No.43347802

How new are you?

>> No.43347888

I am new, I just got interested in the group and thinking of going to their concert coming up. Maybe they aren't a good group for me I guess.

>> No.43347942

Oh man are you in for some disappointment. Get out now.

>> No.43347945

I mean if the only thing you care about is meet and greets then yes they are definitely not for you

>> No.43347974


If you want a group that genuinely cares about their fans and don’t try to pedal you shit merch and mediocre music any chance they get then GTFO

>> No.43347984

>try to pedal you shit merch and mediocre music any chance they get
They usually have 3-4 year caps between their album releases. Wouldn't really call that peddling mediocre music any chance they get. But you are a misinfo spreading faggot so there's nothing I can say to stop you doing that.

>> No.43348404

>Megadeth is a way huger group
LOL, maybe in the 90s. BM unironically fill bigger venues these days

>> No.43348428

In Japan yes but I doubt they fill up bigger venues anywhere else. Ofcourse I don't really follow megadeath so I could be wrong

>> No.43348442

You better believe it. Even in my hometown that's the case. And Megadeth has to do comboshows with other mid-tier metal bands to fill up arenas, even in the US

>> No.43348480

Damn. They have really fallen off then

>> No.43348581

banging gumi sideways 10/10
banging gumi straight 10/10

>> No.43348590

There's this and kano, they couldn't get a real hot one to comback and got a fat fuck downie instead

>> No.43348598

Yuibro fucking seething that her princess got replaced by Momoko (even if Saya or Kano would have gotten the place you would still seethe just as much)

>> No.43348610


Listen dude. I think both Kano and Saya were just smart enough to turn that down. I mean yeah you get to tour different places but you have to see the same pedofats or angry bulldykes everywhere you go.

>> No.43348627

> but you have to see the same pedofats
You are right about the bulldykes but you are being ridiculous if you think that onefive audiences don't also consist of pedofats.

>> No.43349003

completely wrong, even in Europe Sabaton way outdraws BM and Megadeth is twice as big as Sabaton

>> No.43349060

How the fuck did these bmfags circled to the same questions and conversations they had years ago? y'all cringe as fuck

>> No.43349421
File: 402 KB, 1536x2048, bmmomonyan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43349497

there were other chads on that event. she definitely got fucked but not by pharell, he a soiboi

>> No.43349867

That's pretty cute
It's cute when little girls love Babymetal

>> No.43350103

and cool that she is a pretty famous idol herself

>> No.43350247

Is that grandma moa?

>> No.43350485

Yeah I thought he was a Hapa Jap.

>> No.43350496

You are a pedophile scum of earth. babymetal fans are disgusting pedo cooming everyday go outside touch grass get some help you are reddit user use it to talk to someone for help instead of circle jerking old people metal brazil. idiots really

>> No.43350518

stfu goof, go take some English lessons

>> No.43350704

You are completely out of touch. Sabaton is pretty much the biggest European metal band right now. Megadeth has not been relevant since the 90s.
Megadeth was the opening act for fucking Five Finger Death Punch when those guys played the venue that Babymetal is headlining in Winter. The one thing you can say about them is that they are still billed fairly high at festivals, but their headline shows have not drawn huge crowds in decades, unless they are doing co-headline shows with other bands

>> No.43350823

it's a shame they had to ruin momoe's loli sex appeal by giving her a fucking ramen haircut

>> No.43350842

Drive by tourist here just noticing your OP pic and must say she has an amazingly beautiful crotch, and everything else.

>> No.43350844

Got any good recent Soyo?

>> No.43350925 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.35 MB, 1310x754, momo soyo gape.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If ya missed it here's Soyo's gape

>> No.43350976

>biggest European metal band right now
Europeans have the worst taste in metal music

>> No.43351006

>Even in Europe
Well Europe is Sabatons hometurf so ofcourse they are bigger there. In the US babymetal and sabaton are about similar size and in Asia babymetal is obviously way bigger.

>> No.43351016


>> No.43351330

i will never understand fashion

why he look like that

>> No.43351350

either get out while you're not in too deep, or drop your expectations into the fucking ground

>> No.43351850

Stick around here for endless cycle of repeating arguments and low effort bait shitposting

>> No.43352244

I hope you all are just playing along and not actually believing that was someone new?

>> No.43354047
File: 136 KB, 2048x1366, IMG_1265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a time when we kept up with all gaku birthdays. None of y’all wished Yammers a happy orbit around the sun.

>> No.43354085

Fucking hell this place really is dead. And I am part of that since I also forgot about Ayamis birthday. Well better late than never. Happy birthday lolibaba Ayami

>> No.43354235
File: 814 KB, 2048x1536, Fu4028bagAAAqjN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of elderly gakus who still got the goods . . .

>> No.43354332

Raura is really fucking hot. Nene looks good too but in a "good girl" kind of way

>> No.43354410

They are ready to be wifed.

>> No.43354667

lol nice esl cringe post faggot. sounds like you're projecting a bit.

>> No.43354673


>> No.43355376


Wonder how many elderly patients Nene has had involuntarily euthanized.

>> No.43355395

in the US, Megadeth averages nearly 10000 per concert even playing a lot of smaller cities, Babymetal might draw 2500 in a lot of cities in North America

>> No.43355404

>n the US, Megadeth averages nearly 10000 per concert even playing a lot of smaller cities
Yes, when they team up with Trivium and Lamb of God. And most of those shows do not sell out

>> No.43355577

Dear God, I've asked nothing from you all my life, but please grant my wish this one time and make Nene my wife.

>> No.43355875
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>> No.43355879
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>> No.43357305

I don't listen to any BM stuff past 2014. All the good shit was recorded between 2011 and 2013 anyway.

>> No.43357366

I don't think anyone asked

>> No.43357373

I don't think anyone asked you to respond either, but here we are.

>> No.43357400

>N-no y-you
BM hating fag can't come up with anything original. Pretty typical

>> No.43357844

kekek this is how bmfags sound when they complain bout cute gaks here everyday.

>> No.43357850

no one cares about your feelings redditor

>> No.43357910
File: 71 KB, 334x376, 1679649261567983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Yui being punished by Amuse for leaving BM?

I can't think of another reason they'd keep her signed but not use her, unless Koba and his cronies want to prevent her from having a solo career.

>> No.43357942

just stfu. stop this shit go somewhere else. go outside fuck

>> No.43357968

lurk more or go back to redit newfag.

>> No.43357976


>> No.43358115

i got me some tickets for chicago baby metal

>> No.43358162
File: 66 KB, 1080x1082, Goddess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clothed sex with these 3

>> No.43358173

those parkas are hideous, how can they keep straight faces wearing that joke of a fashion

>> No.43358183


3, 1, then 3 again, then 1 again, then 3 again, then 1 again, then maybe 2 if I still haven't fallen asleep.

>> No.43358269

>the older they get, the more clothes they wear
not even a meme at this point

>> No.43358414

It’s the getup for one song nigga. Shut the fuck up already ya manic obsessed basement dweller.

>> No.43358418

yeah, it really sucks

>> No.43358428

Girl's heads photoshopped onto Koba's body x3

>> No.43358482

kobacuck is mad

>> No.43358521
File: 84 KB, 544x680, YuiTheOne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is Yui being punished by Amuse for leaving BM?
Yes. Company loyalty is everything in Japan. Our dearly departed angel of dance was disloyal.

>> No.43358700

she should do an IV to really stick her finger up at management

>> No.43359007

>N-nobody asked for your o-opinion
BM loving fag can't come up with anything original. Pretty typical

>> No.43359126

Have you ever thought for an instant about the sad state of your existence?
I mean look here. You’re spending your down time just trying to be an asshole to complete strangers who like a band.
How insignificant of a thing to dedicate so much time to.
Have some fuckin dignity man.

>> No.43359254
File: 1.59 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2020-08-28-20h34m23s584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have you ever thought for an instant about the sad state of your existence?

>> No.43359337

She's still signed to Amuse so she can't.

Seems to be some type of perpetual contract.

>> No.43359355

This is a lie. Of course you have.
But you ought to more.
It’s embarrassing.

>> No.43359401

wish you guys would stop all the arguing and get back to posting hot pics of Su and Moa, I have some fapping to take care of right now and can use all the help I can get

>> No.43359630
File: 3.52 MB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2020-12-30-10h49m42s245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is a lie. Of course you have.
I haven't.
Cope more, BMfag.

>> No.43359700


Momoe doing Momoe thing

>> No.43359720

off topic please don't post this in sakura gakuin thread

>> No.43359744

This may sound gay, but I wanna help other people fap. Which gaku should I post?

>> No.43360107

esl bait

>> No.43360265

If you just read the original post you replied to, then right there it crossed your mind. So you have. But nice try.
Very “11 year old at recess” level argument of you. Your caretaker should restrict your internet time.

>> No.43360320
File: 217 KB, 1080x1363, Cro-i0mPsyP_1_1 343805630_629042832027007_7776449818197057322_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43360328
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>> No.43360866

big brapper marina

>> No.43361407
File: 3.57 MB, 1440x1800, 1664958863225738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck! She is a giant!

>> No.43361693
File: 343 KB, 1440x1649, yumejuna_CrqC46QygFJ_1_1 343611619_3747369812162395_7271892805270551311_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43362067

looks a lot better than her side project with "friends"

>> No.43362299

Please, Yume! Show us your belly button too! Just a glimpse!

>> No.43362539

Before/after from a moral degradation hentai

>> No.43362570

all the secks with juna

>> No.43363485
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>> No.43363749

A cute!

>> No.43363805
File: 61 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1682553518409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she likes her tree

>> No.43363815

She looks very proud of it

>> No.43363854
File: 3.02 MB, 1102x1080, 超無敵クラス 山越え連発!!猿&猪のケモノ道(秘)チャリ通ジャーニー福岡秘境編.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43364427

Angel of dance is retiring, I hope she will soon be in dire need of money, so she can tour to NY as one of those hot Japs that been coming through here

>> No.43365543
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>> No.43365856


>> No.43365901

gorgeous legs, my head would whiplash swivel if I saw her walking in the mall

>> No.43366380
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>> No.43366394

How old is she?

>> No.43366677

Please stay pure, Mirena. This is too lewd for you.

>> No.43367133
File: 2.61 MB, 720x1280, 614B20336E44C8B94059327774E5CCB7_video_dashinit-[00.00.000-00.12.833].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woahhh miku's imouto is cute

>> No.43368977

Bought an ticket to see BM in Sydney. I have doubts if it will be good because they're old now. But I figured if I miss them now I'll probably regret it like other bands I missed.

>> No.43369054


If you never saw them in 2014-2017 then you won’t have a comparison and should enjoy it. If you did it’s like watching current Ozzy dying on stage.

>> No.43369315

Falseflag faggotry for attention is not welcome here. kys edgelord

>> No.43369323

koba needs you he just took a shit and his asshole is dirty

>> No.43370375

Oh look it’s the same and only fag whose always posting anti BM garbage.
Still sally you didn’t get to keep your containment thread huh. Poor baby.

>> No.43370507

miku why you post this..

>> No.43370629

can fart on her tits?

>> No.43370860 [DELETED] 
File: 239 KB, 1568x1046, FvB1r75acAIdqaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Good news] ATARASHII GAKKO! on The First Take has over 11 million more views than both BM songs COMBINED!

>> No.43370934

Come on anon. You can hate current babymetal as much as you want but comparing them to a 75 year old drug addict who is fucking dying is kind of a stretch don't you think? I mean have atleast some realism in your shit talk

>> No.43370951 [DELETED] 

[Good news] Gimme Choco has over 100 million more views than every AG video (including the First Take video) combined

>> No.43370957

Poor idol business turned Miku into a constantly horny whore who won't even shy away from exploiting her little sister

>> No.43370989 [DELETED] 

It is sad to look through the drastically declined view count of babymetals videos. The energy is gone. I bet they permanently retire after this world tour. They're barely getting half a mil views on their latest 2 music videos....

The new album has no bangers. Very low energy.

>> No.43370994
File: 2.65 MB, 2516x1440, Moa Cute (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aah nice to see the Atarashi Gakko faggot get rekt again.

>> No.43371003 [DELETED] 

Your post already got deleted. Go cry somewhere else

>> No.43371096

As someone who has seen them in Japan prior to 2014 and also several times in several countries afterwards I can confirm that especially those first solo shows outside of Japan were unique and ruined everything that came after. They didn't go as hard before or after. Those 2014 shows that caused them to pass out and needing ambulances constantly were intense and nothing will ever compare. Those first few bars of BMD would drop and they'd be drenched in sweat from giving over 100% as if this was the only song they'd do that night. They jumped, danced soooo hard. I was getting showered in Moa's sweat it was beautiful. New fans just won't know what they missed

>> No.43371128

Ozzy's last album is better than BMs, Degradation Rules is even about /bmsg/.

>> No.43371156

We weren't talking about albums though? We were talking about stage shows and if you actually think that current dying Ozzy gives a better stage show than babymetal does then you are fucking insane

>> No.43371208
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>> No.43371648 [DELETED] 

You're being emotionally irrational. The views are waaayyy down. Look at the last couple official videos. I'm just observing the facts without taking sides. I bought a ticket to see them next month, I just don't expect much.

>> No.43371701 [DELETED] 

How many times do we have to go through this "views are down" loop. Yes the views are low. Financially it doesn't matter as long as they keep selling out their shows. Financially AG having 10 million more views is fucking pennies since youtube is jewish and doesn't pay but the bare minimum. Financially babymetal is way more succesful than Atarashi Gakko can even dream of at the moment atleast.

>> No.43371720

This comment made the general a bit more alive again.

>> No.43371725

Yes spamming off topic shit is really "based"

>> No.43372106 [DELETED] 

You talk like you're getting a cut of the action. AG are real people playing a ton of different genres, choreographing their own stuff, appearing in their music videos, having social media, doing live streams, TV, magazines, commercials and movies. Otona Blue is a genuine mainstream hit and not a shallow gimmick like BM. They genuinely have more going on than every /bmsg/ member combined.

>> No.43372218
File: 3.07 MB, 1440x1440, 1662939407975804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43372243 [DELETED] 

Then how about you fucking leave and never come back ey?
Nobody is keeping you here.
Oh wait. You don’t believe anything you’re saying. You’re just a dirty little attention rat. Scurrying around looking for people to be mad at you like some beta masochist that wants trouble but online behind the safety of his computer.
Trolls aren’t welcome on /jp/.

>> No.43372257

Dear God, I've asked nothing from you all my life, but please grant my wish this one time and make Sara my wife.

>> No.43372318
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>> No.43372327
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>> No.43372341
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>> No.43372526

Long haired beauty

>> No.43372588
File: 367 KB, 1152x1920, 00017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to like BM to be here for the brappers.

>> No.43372673

i wonder if the japanese diet is more conducive to violent braps

>> No.43373026

show me you’re a faggot without saying you’re a faggot

>> No.43373272

> Those 2014 shows that caused them to pass out and needing ambulances constantly

Wtf you talking about?

>> No.43373277
File: 334 KB, 1152x1920, 00018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think so. Although I wonder if a wasabi brap delivered to the face could make your eyes water.

>> No.43373298
File: 811 KB, 802x800, suc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y'all got more of them cuties?

>> No.43373477

Dear God, I've asked nothing from you all my life, but please grant my wish this one time and make Mirena my wife.

>> No.43373495

This need to be on bed

>> No.43373537
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>> No.43373618


>> No.43373648

who's gonna be the lucky one today

>> No.43373653


>> No.43373660 [DELETED] 
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>> No.43373713

There were couple of shows where Moa or Yui had a headstroke during that period of time. But that anon is a faggot and is blowing it out of proportion talking about like it happened all the time or something

>> No.43373757
File: 127 KB, 1010x1374, rd3FHeV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43373768

They passed out from the smell of each other's braps lmao.

>> No.43373786

Make this the OP of next thread.

>> No.43373829

This but cut Ayaka out

>> No.43373857

Me as Mickey Mouse

>> No.43373860

make this next thread

>> No.43373906

nahh y'all getting a momoe for sure.

>> No.43373971


>Calling someone a faggot for posting Mariri brapper.

BM Pedofat confirmed.

>> No.43374023

Kek. Finally an entertaining post.

>> No.43374565

Lmao they let a rat in sakura gakuin

>> No.43375025


>> No.43375395
File: 188 KB, 1111x1521, Fu7u-bYaMAApO39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She gets better and better.
>and by "better" I mean lewder and lewder.

>> No.43375609

gravure bros... soon.

>> No.43375992

I can imagine my tongue interacting with those lips in ways that would make even Gene Simmons blush with shame.

>> No.43376547

>same ayami sounding song
Ironically better than any of the songs in BM recent album

>> No.43376622

BM living rent free inside your head.

>> No.43376793
File: 110 KB, 700x891, 8c0d3fdad0c2b0dc98b7001700ae7021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watched a couple of babymetals recent live performances in Scotland... I regret buying ticket now.

I only like them for the cute high energy. Now they've grown too big and move slowly. I imagine the crowd will be basedboys and overweight roasties.

I probably won't go. Waste if $100 but I learned my lesson.

>> No.43376812

> I imagine the crowd will be basedboys and overweight roasties.
So you would be right at home in that crowd then

>> No.43376820

Kobacuck giving Koba free money

>> No.43376830

Post a pic of your ticket

>> No.43376838

S o y *

No. I am very good first class male. This is why I only like cute young girl and high energy.

>> No.43376846

And giving Koba free money apparently

>> No.43376903
File: 146 KB, 1468x720, Screenshot_20230502-092033_Drive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a bad decision because I didn't research their recent material or performances. I purchased because I like their earlier work alot and thought it would still be the same.

You want the ticket? I give it for free.

>> No.43376942

Another disappointment is they are bringing no supporting bands with them from Japan. No opening acts at all. It's just them...

>> No.43376950

>and thought it would still be the same.
So you are a kobacuck and a newfag. Don't tell me you use reddit aswell?

>> No.43376956

> It's just them...
Would rather have that than those shitty openers they will have in Europe during the tour in winter.

>> No.43377178

Bro stop fucking larping.
Nobody cares about your psyop.

>> No.43377201

>I bought tickets for Scotland
>the picture says Australia
>typing has loads of basic EFL mistakes
Who in God’s green earth are you trying to fool schizo?

>> No.43377669

can you guys stop arguing for once and post some sexy Moa pics instead? thanks

>> No.43377691

>sexy Moa
There's a reason why you bmgays resort to AI pics. cuz those doesn't exist

>> No.43377772

I am a balding KHV hikki pinoy NEET with no talent or skill and I'm also turning 30 soon. What are my chances with Sara?

>> No.43377872
File: 1.78 MB, 3963x2972, 7B3307F3-1618-418E-9779-DEB944FA3CEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This faggotry has summoned Moa rares

>> No.43377877
File: 1.44 MB, 3875x2906, 7D95FA1A-384E-41D6-BF24-7D38E74345E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43377885
File: 1.97 MB, 3985x3017, C6634C49-4BBD-42D0-A3BE-C18701FF98B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43378005

He said sexy, not stick figure

>> No.43378209
File: 183 KB, 1200x968, Moa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43378348

>not liking slim little girls
you’re in the wrong general

>> No.43378625
File: 64 KB, 474x707, c7ac3c221bad2729a0c28a0e13964a05--sakura-gakuin-schoolgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

False. You misquoted me. I said I bought ticket for Sydney. Then next day said I watched their recent performance in Scotland and now regret that I bought the ticket. This is the correct sequence of my posts.

So you see after first post where I announce buying ticket for Sydney, I return the next day after having done some research on YouTube of what they look and perform like now (very bad, terrible).

I only mentioned Scotland because that was the most recent youtube performance I watched to see what they look like now.

I find it disturbing how large they look and lack of childish cuteness energy in their movements and voices.

The only hope for them now is if they dress cuter and act childish. But they developed very serious and professional attitude I don't like. Almost like robots on stage now.

I still love old Babymetal and listen regularly (just not this recent album).

Better days.

>> No.43378676

Ah fucking messed up post quotes sequence.


And I type in broken english sometimes on imageboards when I'm taking on japanese persona. I could type with decent grammar, but that takes the fun out of larping as japanese otaku, innit lads?

I might still go see them yet, but it'll cost about the same price as the ticket just on petrol driving to Sydney and back. Then I'd have to also look around at the museums and chinatown/japantown to make the trip worth it which will cost even more buying stuff. Idk, I have a month to think it over.

>> No.43378677


Gave up the showbiz and work at automobile company.

>> No.43378682



>> No.43378931

Okay, you got me. I am a Chinese/Russian Ai bot here to demoralise the Chosen Ones who have been located by our top secret intelligence agency as being autists posting in babymetal threads on /jp/.

>> No.43378995

can we get a vintage Su OP for next one? thanks

>> No.43379861

Cum on chest any one?

>> No.43380119

