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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 440 KB, 1920x1080, 31479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43306809 No.43306809 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>43239862

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.43307015

Looking forward to that new Hending game.
I hope that the whole hasshaku thingy won't be an afterthought.
And please don't be a linear nukige.

>> No.43307258

>that imaginary alt CG in 2-5
God, my dong.

>> No.43307504
File: 734 KB, 1920x1200, 101imoutokanojo_promotion_img_01-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imouto to Kanojo website is up

This one is a must play for the "I like incest for the drama" or "I like drama" people. I'm all up for more works going all-in on one premise.

>> No.43307583

looks interesting

>> No.43307584
File: 686 KB, 1920x1200, 101imoutokanojo_promotion_img_03-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although in picrel the author says:
>If you liked our previous work "Hajimete no Kanojo" I suggest you consider playing this one as well.
Well lets just hope that it has a good non-cuck route for men.

>> No.43308066

holy fucking same face, worse than tsunako.

>> No.43308851

did you even read the premise? same face is practically the premise of the game here

>> No.43309081
File: 67 KB, 1877x175, akinochuwaaaan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember seeing this post and it was the sole reason I picked up Hajimete no Kanojo. I wonder if this anon still posts in these threads.

>> No.43309181
File: 3.15 MB, 1916x1440, 2023-04-24_20-40-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tested your 性的交渉機能 yet?

>> No.43309189

ye i tested it on ur mom works fine

>> No.43309774
File: 884 KB, 778x586, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tsui no sora chads, please spoonfeed me on how to make this shit run properly. apparently it uses macromedia or something, and using japanese locale doesn't work

>> No.43309781

that's a man

>> No.43309821

have you tried a dictionary

>> No.43309840

? the font is borked

>> No.43309847

learn japanese bro

>> No.43309859
File: 626 KB, 777x572, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know japanese, fucking retard. kys and don't @me ever again

>> No.43309873

back to >>>/vg/427199039 you go eop

>> No.43309875


>> No.43309885

i'm not the one failing to comprehend n5 level japanese having to pretend the "font is borked" lmfao

>> No.43309890

>>43309885 (You)

>> No.43309953

just do yourself a favor and watch it on nico instead
you can't even alttab from that shit without breaking everything

>> No.43309981

install gentoo

>> No.43310192

i think i'll unironically try running it with proton

>> No.43310687
File: 1.83 MB, 1280x720, 1678297125707129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's badass as fuck.

>> No.43310726

Having a consistent, healthy sleep pattern? It's essential if you want to have a long life.

>> No.43310979

Those glasses of wine are asking to get broken by the slightest tremor

>> No.43311042

Is this Hello World? Can I get a link?

>> No.43311290

What link??

>> No.43311520

Just a download link since I'm lazy but I've been waiting to play it for a while.

>> No.43311577

Just use any nitro collection torrents like https://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2046040
To run it on w10 use the launcher linked here https://vndb.org/r933

>> No.43311823
File: 38 KB, 256x358, 31982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first half of this game was actually on track to become the greatest 男の娘 nukige I've ever used. The H was so good and hit the spot just right. But then the scenes in the second half suddenly got extremely lazy and half-baked with only 1 CG. What a disappointment. Oh well at least the love hotel scene is 10/10. I've already reused it twice.

>> No.43311847

What is interesting in watching a bunch of fat otakus raping another dude?

>> No.43311962

Well you have the usual gap of liking/not liking it, but the story in this is that he's doing the female heroine's lines so you additionally have the gap of acting/not acting.

>> No.43313369

Have you read the Nounai Kanojo / No-strike franchise, or Hinata no Tsuki?

>> No.43313457

But the h-scene.

>> No.43314051

>apparently it uses macromedia or something, and using japanese locale doesn't work
Wasn't a modern/remastered version released not too long ago?
>uses macromedia
You might have to use a JP VM to run it then.
>i think i'll unironically try running it with proton
Unironically you really might have more chances with Wine/Proton.

>> No.43314140
File: 1.58 MB, 1003x753, SETUP_2023-04-25_12-59-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Works perfectly fine on my stock w10
Used the 10th anniv ver

>> No.43314262

wtf how. without j locale it "works" but i get a borked font, with japanese locale the font is somewhat fixed but it crashes after intro

>> No.43314274

You sure you use the updated version from 10th anniv pack and not the original one?

>> No.43314314
File: 331 KB, 690x518, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. this is what i get without the locale, running the setup directly from iso. maybe i need the japanese language installed?

>> No.43314342

This is why I still keep a W7 machine around.

>> No.43314399
File: 543 KB, 800x600, tnsogxpvm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related 1998 OG release works fine as is in a JP XP VM (where pretty much everything does) and on my Win7 machine as is (no shenanigans, only basic JP locale).
Don't you just love MS botnets

>> No.43314430

>1998 OG release
uhm, where the fuck did you find it? i only found the anniversary one

>> No.43314488

I don't remember, should be in the usual places though, maybe hentai-sharing? Here it is:
an onfiles dot com slash kcZ8wenbz6/TsuiNoSora_rar

>> No.43314657

Loving your sister is a God given right.

>> No.43315080

Any reason why you'd go for the OG if the latest one has the best compatibility?

>> No.43315936

I have it too and, if I recall correctly, it came in a torrent pack of several other KeroQ games. It's been years though so even if this is accurate, it probably isn't seeded anymore.

>> No.43316060

Yeah, the 10th anniversary pack of subahibi has both the Tsui no Sora Remake and the original 1999 Tsui no Sora in it. Torrents of this pack should be healthy. I haven't tried running the original TnS though, so I can't speak to how well it runs on something like win10.

>> No.43316893

never realized senren banka was so popular

>> No.43316920

I have not but the Jousou X stuff looks pretty decent, thanks.

>> No.43316930
File: 786 KB, 1440x810, 千恋*万花_1356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43316985

insane ost
hopefully tenshi souzo has a few bangers as well

>> No.43316999

there is no god so there goes all your rights

>> No.43317014

I thought it was commonly accepted to be on the lower side of yuzusoft

>> No.43317080

A real reddit moment. I bet you're an NTRfag.

>> No.43317089

>I bet you're an NTRfag.
NTA but I'd like to inform everyone that I am an NTRfag.

>> No.43317104

steam normies ate it up

>> No.43317168

>the lower side of yuzusoft
There's so much stuff lower than it, dracu riot, tenshin ranman, the esp one...

>> No.43317222

t. things only a real redditor would say

>> No.43317277

I thought people liked draku riot because it had some plot

>> No.43317280

those are all superior tho

>> No.43317623

A horribly shit one, yes.

>> No.43318045
File: 102 KB, 354x388, 1267983302717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Bra-ban.

>> No.43318103
File: 905 KB, 804x604, 夏空カナタ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Natsuzora

>> No.43318169

Any game where the brother is romancing her sister and you steal her from him?

>> No.43318303

Siscon Support Character maybe?

>> No.43318389

Too bad you couldn't steal Azusa

>> No.43318504

That wouldn't be right

>> No.43318975

Close enough https://vndb.org/v11559

>> No.43319977

There's been a severe lack of quality incest games recently.

>> No.43320009
File: 30 KB, 388x79, 1662524730679832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the mental image japan.

>> No.43320054

kek what a dumb simile

>> No.43320415


>> No.43320533
File: 1.30 MB, 1146x643, live2d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a fix ot patch for https://vndb.org/v16099 buggy live2d?

reducing the resolution works to some extent, but it still bug around a 1/3 of the time

>> No.43320542

holy shit that's some of the ugliest eggfaces i ever seen

>> No.43320544

How much of Cafe Stella did Kazuki Fumi write?

>> No.43320578
File: 202 KB, 1280x720, I understood this reference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43320589

Should you save Haruka route in Hello world for last or it's safe to do it anytime?
It seems like some secrit route of sorts but idk if it's on the serious or meme side

>> No.43321431

Mei route. Some vndb faggot (probably eop) keeps deleting this info.

>> No.43321640

Lol, guy literally made a new account to edit out that particular info.

>> No.43321931

VNDB is quite barebone, seems petty to remove info if they are not fake or not properly spoiler hidden.

>> No.43322269

VNDB filled by retards and mtlers anyway, just look at edit history for tenshi souzou reboot characters
most of traits filled by seamonkey mtler based on cg alone, prior to trial release even

>> No.43322414

>I need literal translation for her quote. Most JP people are stumped for her quote:

truly stumped by this extremely high level japanese

>> No.43322491

Apparently KISS shutdown the servers for かのつく2. Sad.

>> No.43322536


>> No.43322751 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 802x627, hw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone played hello, world? I'm trying to get it working and go through all the bullshit of installing each .mdf file one by one, seems ok but then when I launch it it's a black screen. It's a nitroplus game from 2002 so I can't tell if I'm either fucking up the install with daemon tools or it's just windows 10 being shit
>so I can't speak to how well it runs on something like win10
Launches fine but when I tried it a while ago and the game launches in this tiny box in the middle of the screen with the rest of the screen blacked out. Probably an easy fix for someone less retarded than me though

>> No.43322797 [DELETED] 

>scroll up the thread and someone already posted a solution
wow, nevermind
thanks >>43311577

>> No.43322860

recommend me a vn with a decent story that i could play after doing a 2k deck

>> No.43322874


>> No.43322950
File: 10 KB, 187x240, 1555053877983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Stop that kind of tsukommi! I can't argue with that because it's true!"
>"What's wrong with that--Oh? Tanikaze, good morning!"

>> No.43323027

I didn't know Yuzuge had complex prose like that

>> No.43323128

It's been a long long time since I read HW but if I remember correctly Haruka's route is 100% serious and leads to what can be considered the game's true end. I'd recommend doing it last but it can be done anytime you want (or was it after completing at least one route I honestly can't remember). From what I recall all the routes are self contained so you really don't miss out on any crucial info if you go straight away for it. I don't think I read all the routes either since the whole thing is long as fuck.

>> No.43323260

Speaking of Hello World, why did they not bother remastering this for modern OS's?

>> No.43323387

only two days left tenshi souzo-bros...

>> No.43323532


>> No.43323576

They couldn't even be bothered to fix the vista(lmao) version of Phantom, their most popular game
Hello world is pretty much their least known game, unreasonably long and it didn't age well at all with its really low production value
You can consider it forgotten forever at this point if even chinks never bothered to tl it

>> No.43323736

Speaking of Hello, World I will be forever mad you can't fuck Junko.

>> No.43324166

actually made me laugh

>> No.43324403

>least known game
A shame because it's my favorite one by n+ besides maybe muramasa. Partly due to Kazuki's robo autism, cheesy over the top action scenes with cheap 3dcg models and the amazing soundtrack.

>> No.43324536

The writing feels extremely mid so far, really hope it will get better once the actual plot starts

>> No.43324704

Any eroge that feature the husband and wife shouting at each other which leads to DV? I want to relive my childhood trauma.

>> No.43324721

If you use this, then you'll forever be disappointed.

>> No.43324947

The sol scenes aren't that bad thanks to kazukis funny monologues but each time they tried into drama so far went really badly still can't get over the fact how bad that whole scene with doggy getting caught on fire was and how it came literally out of nowhere when I was doing a different girl route and was in the middle of the drama with her but was forced to basically forget about it and spend whole 2 ingame days on different girl i don't care about at this moment because i made 0 choices with her

>> No.43324990

Look back when it was made. The 00's when edge was honest and not some sort of ironic meta "cringekino" bullshit we're being inundated in this current year.

>> No.43325118

Yea it exactly feels like the average eroge from the early 00's with a very chunky branching system and weird dramas out of nowhere
Not outright bad or anything but compared to the rest of the nitro this writing feels very mid
Kind of on the level of Angelos armas (the lack of skill here was very obvious as it was the guy's literal first writing experience), but that one got carried hard by production and atmosphere

>> No.43325195

Why are you even using "mid" when it carries very heavy negative indifferent connotations? Clearly your feelings don't reflect that.

>> No.43325281

Is it? I usually use it as a short for "average" or "nothing special" but i guess the nuances differ between platforms

>> No.43325338

>very heavy negative indifferent connotations
ESL here. What the fuck do you people use to express very heavy neutral indifferent connotations then? "meh"?

>> No.43325370

"People" don't use that in the first place since zoomers aren't people.

>> No.43325377

>Why are you even using "mid" when it carries very heavy negative indifferent connotations?
lol what on earth are you talking about
just admit you're getting triggered by zoomer-speak

>> No.43325393

'mid' is zoomer speak for 'overrated' i.e. just a way to disparage something that's often well regarded
a literal equivalent without the negativity would be decent or alright

>> No.43325416

i thought zoomer speak is more on the level of based cringe and lmfao
even stuff like kek and lol are being considered as boomer speech at this pointy

>> No.43325493

Zoomer normalfags use kek all the time.

>> No.43325510

I had forgotten all about that but you're right. I remember the whole Natsumi kissing scene in the plane and subsequent drama was also utterly jarring when I was trying to do any other girl's route. As far as writing quality goes it doesn't exactly get much better, however a bit after the common route the pace picks up as the story starts to lean more and more towards action instead of SoL. I'd say all the crazy over the top stuff you get in the individual routes and endings makes it more than worth reading, but I also understand why someone would be put off by the overly long SoL stuff or the 00's style often ridiculous melodrama. It's one of the least popular n+ titles for a reason I guess.

>> No.43325561

Zoomers didn't even exist at the time when we had to use kek and its variances because retards from Blizzard banned lol as a slur word

>> No.43325606

I won't let zoomer retards stop me from using kek.

>> No.43325985

I always hoped that when the amatsutsumi TL came out they would finally add harem ending to the tags.

>> No.43326262

No. Only Chinner wannabes do and they're still far from normal despite being posers.

>> No.43326586

Anyone here read Ablue https://vndb.org/v5451 ?
I'm interested to read about some realistic mom-daughter relationships but the protag being some drunkard ojisan is putting me off

>> No.43326620

>protag being some drunkard ojisan
picked up

>> No.43326634

Well thats based on his tags but i bet he will obviously end up some alfa niceguy who makes women wet

>> No.43326991

Post your vndbs pls I need food

>> No.43327066


>> No.43327115


>> No.43327121


>> No.43327135

Damn, Ritterorden looks kind of interesting but that fucking art.

>> No.43327159

Is Omga no shikai remake uploaded anywhere already?

>> No.43327175


>> No.43327380
File: 66 KB, 507x298, dr hirasaka vs saku bros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so who did a better job?

>> No.43327387

I don't understand why anyone would spend so much time on something they clearly don't even like. Even though this dude apparently drops most things, that's still a big chunk of time.

>> No.43327410

You don't get it, he does exactly what he enjoys the most. Rating popular stuff with 1s and writing senseless reviews just for the sake of triggering its fans. It's his literal raison d'etre

>> No.43327427

I guess you're right. Some people are just weirdos.

>> No.43327430

Each whole number is the number of times he cummed. This might be obvious trolling but there might be also some truth to it, in a figurative way, of using his smooth brain as dick.

>> No.43327451

Cumming 7.5 times to daigyakuten... i must admit the dude got some nerve

>> No.43327644

Amakano 2 FD or new Yuzusoft.
Which should I buy?

>> No.43328111 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.26 MB, 1917x1440, 2023-04-26_22-08-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god you weren't joking here... and this comes literally right after i had some extremely awkward h scene with the other girl
This writer really just can't into romcom, why is he even trying

>> No.43328235

Hello world would be great if it wasn't a Mish mash of common events the whole way through.

>> No.43328482

Should have just stick to the plot like the rest of the nitro games, but i guess they tried to catch up with the trends at that time

>> No.43329090

I've realized I have zero patience for yuzusoft games or any ecchi moege. Whenever there's a teasing scene and I get turned on I just switch the game off and jerk one out to one of my favorite nukige scenes instead.

>> No.43329502

My wife Mika on the right.

>> No.43329628
File: 780 KB, 1176x664, 2023_02_08_166_SETUP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on 10 LTSC I had no issues whatsoever

>> No.43329766

Poor girl, got forced into h while sleeping without even going on a date or kissing once, just to get ntr'd the next day

>> No.43329972

>buying porn

>> No.43329979

Not any worse than learning Japanese for porn.

>> No.43330000

I do the same but instead of booting another vn i just open my favorite r18doujinshi images instead.

>> No.43330115

what if i travel to japan? i can actually talk to the staff without them thinking im a stupid gaijin.

>> No.43330127

>i can actually talk to the staff without them thinking im a stupid gaijin
Unless you actively practice speaking I highly doubt it.

>> No.43330275

I need Azusa's kani

>> No.43330549
File: 181 KB, 1280x720, these colors don't run.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love バカゲー

>> No.43330650

i still don't get how he manages to mix his imperialism and amerikafagging at the same time in all his works

>> No.43330673

It's called being a cuck. Also why he is divorced and another man is raising his child

>> No.43331100
File: 166 KB, 1280x720, the real way to defeat BETA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43332747

Anyone can share this, with crack preferrable? The torrent I got is stuck at 0%

>> No.43332765

Really out of touch. Hating America was still in vogue when this came out.

>> No.43333260

im ready for the mashifoni remake

>> No.43333500

It's a part of Mink Final Best pack, and packs are generally better seeded than individual games.
It probably has a working DDL somewhere, google the translitetated/VNDB title too.

>> No.43333503
File: 811 KB, 1280x720, 天使☆多々RE-BOOT!_体験版.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moechads at McDonald's

>> No.43333571

waiting for the goyslop joke

>> No.43334060

Who played both Kizuato, which one is better original or remake?

>> No.43334356
File: 3.60 MB, 1921x1440, 2023-04-27_14-39-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The face of a guy who slept with one girl then ntr'd her with another and now without even trying to reconcile with her going on a date with the 3rd one

>> No.43334742

Yeah, gonna get the pack instead. I always wanted to try the Yatou Byoutou series anyways.

>> No.43335318

I've only played the original, and it gets worse with every route with the final route being godawful. So I imagine the remake is probably better since allegedly the text is rewritten.

>> No.43335534
File: 376 KB, 872x501, 1653524824499574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43335603

Is that the ryuu VIP thing? How did they break street date?

>> No.43335607
File: 1.72 MB, 1280x900, 1679547776819190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43335623

Their art keeps getting worse.

>> No.43335629

some jps got their package today

>> No.43335675

Where did you get this from?

>> No.43335707

Found it in here >>43335534 when looking to see if it was real. No idea how they got the information or the early release.

>> No.43335720
File: 567 KB, 893x466, 1666633588042637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Biman too apparently.

>> No.43335814

I thought the series ended, fuck yes
At this point I don’t want any story, just short nukige is fine to keep regular releases coming

>> No.43335817

Wasn't the artist dying?

>> No.43335821
File: 621 KB, 1240x1754, 1669330785602315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43335824

Would've been nice for them to start something new rather than milking Biman. Will still fap.

>> No.43335855

Oh no not the cowtits again... I thought they have learned since the last one

>> No.43335870

those are medium breast at best

>> No.43335892

Each of those breasts is bigger than her head. That's not medium by any stretch of imagination.

>> No.43335904

>i... must... consoom...

>> No.43335922

anon doesn't know his history
wstar was built on the power of cowtits

>> No.43335949

You have to build the power so you can fight the evil later

>> No.43336016

i have a feeling that it might be from where i know
had people posted the new physical release early too,will post screenshot later

>> No.43336339

So what's the EGS score for Tenshi Reboot? I need a good laugh.

>> No.43336340 [SPOILER] 
File: 188 KB, 1280x720, 君が望む真愛.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a stupid バカゲー fandisc scenario, this was actually pretty touching.

>> No.43336357

It will probably be somewhere around 75-80 like all other yuzusoft games. Really nothing there to laugh at.

>> No.43336361

It hasn't come out retard.

>> No.43336378

Some already broke the streetdate.

>> No.43336389

>Taking seriously the score of someone who read a 40 hour long game in less than 1 week
Speedreaders aren't people

>> No.43336392

And you're going to laugh at one early score?
It's not out so you can't add any score anyway

>> No.43336407

Nigger. I want to have fun, not be a miserable fuck like you.

>> No.43336425
File: 736 KB, 1280x720, 美少女万華鏡-1- 呪われし伝説の少女_304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she looks like kirie with big tits

>> No.43336448

I honestly prefer Happoubi Jin's old artwork.
Actually now that I think about it I can say the same about most of the artists I've followed over the years. I wonder why that is.

>> No.43336459

So, NBR or BR?

>> No.43336466
File: 279 KB, 1920x1080, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more I think about it, the more I have come to view people who binge consume content of any form be it, anime, VNs or even academic journals are the most despicable kinds of individuals.

There is nothing admirable about trivialising what otherwise be a memorable, thought-provoking experience by rushing through it as fast as you possibly can.

Every month around this time, I see posts from people who braggadociously claim to have completed a route, or at times multiple in the span on hours after a game is released. You haven't completed anything, you merely passively consumed media like the disgusting sheep you are, hopping from one world to another aimlessly until you burnout and say "it isn't as good as it used to be".

My hatred for binging really began when Netflix started getting into anime licensing and would destroy entire shows discussions by releasing it all at once. I think it's a similar pattern of behaviour to read a whole book in one sitting as it is to watch a show all at once, so I lump speedreaders and binge watchers together.

I get the impression that the general public is moving towards the expectation that they should be able to watch shows all at once. Perhaps it isn't too pertinent to VN's other than a few speedreaders here, it just evokes the same emotional response from me when I see people thoughtlessly engaging in art.

>> No.43336472

don't reply

>> No.43336482

Real kamige like Sakutoki have 100 10/10 votes before they even come out

>> No.43336487

Reborn from parallel world as your opposite possibility

>> No.43336509

Henkuma and Satsuki Imonet have been two of my favourites that have only improved over the years.

>> No.43336525

If you could just look up simple shit on your own without creating retarded posts like this you'd realize that you can't add ratings prior to release. Usually..

>> No.43336563

i will not reply!

>> No.43336672

So people paying VIP just got it 3 hours earlier? What's the point?

>> No.43336690

those three hours were enough for me to complete it while you haven't even started
now onto amakano 2+

>> No.43336698

Now can some autist rip the script and see if the imouto is BR or not

>> No.43336740

feeling special

>> No.43336928
File: 713 KB, 688x516, yuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now thats some great news.

>> No.43336970


That's a rather big patch on release day. How Yuzusoft has managed to screw up this badly?

>> No.43336982

it's the BR fix

>> No.43336987

Does it not patch automatically in-game? Hentai Prison did that.

>> No.43336989

>wanting a botnet in your eroge

>> No.43336992

>テキスト読み上げ機能に VOICEVOX API 設定等を追加
do they have built-in tts for unvoiced lines or something?

>> No.43336994

Nigga you're running an exe without verifying it just to play the game, if they were gonna do that they'd put it in the initial install.

>> No.43337016

that would be neat
i'll just listen to the whole game as an audiobook

>> No.43337025

Implying implications, really. I throw every exe into x64dbg and reverse engineer to my liking and in order to understand what's going on :^)

>> No.43337037

Just run it in a separate container (note: I don't actually bother doing this).

>> No.43337050

yeah, i just use a separate machine for playing eroge and if it gets owned, I just wipe it
only reason I do that is because i pirate everything and you never know with some of the weird horseshit one has to engage in to find some eroge

>> No.43337115

wheres the cartagra remake faggots

>> No.43337139
File: 1.11 MB, 1282x772, 天色*アイルノーツ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuzusoft had settings for TTS of unvoiced lines since at least Amairo.
I have never used it so I don't know how good or bad that works.

>> No.43337190 [SPOILER] 
File: 620 KB, 1077x395, tenshi souzou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh, that wasn't in the trial

>> No.43337205

yeah but it's not really built-in you need an external app to point it towards

>> No.43337241

call me when it supports microsoft nanami

>> No.43337289
File: 20 KB, 1214x48, 345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wait for 5 years
>all you get is the common route
being an eop must be living hell lol

>> No.43337292

Can't you just like make a hookcode that only ejects protags lines and make the tts autoread the page

>> No.43337364

Do you even need a hook code for that? Shouldn't that setting with 外部アプリケーション呼び出し be enough to hack something around it?

>> No.43337427

Actually speaking about this, will it feel like yuri if you will make female tts read protags lines and pretend that it's just another girl crossdressing? Would be pretty funny cause most of the protags these days act like pussies anyway so you will barely be able to tell the difference

>> No.43337459

Is it repey?

>> No.43337608


>> No.43337658

finally I can read eroge with my eyes closed

>> No.43337663
File: 64 KB, 166x286, screenshot-2023-04-27-141534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoaaaaaa bad girls in MY yumihari???

>> No.43337733

looks like was made using AI

>> No.43337741

Hands look properly. Very unlikely to be AI.

>> No.43337768

there's a reason we call these daddy's girls 量産型

>> No.43337786

>Hands look properly
AI can already do decent hands and you can always paint over

>> No.43337850


>> No.43338023

i bet it's mtl too

>> No.43338076

Any horn handlebar irrumatio? I don't want to check too much.

>> No.43338094


>> No.43338098


>> No.43338175 [SPOILER] 
File: 424 KB, 365x571, 70865404736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koharu my beloved

>> No.43338174 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.91 MB, 1917x1440, 2023-04-27_22-53-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy hell i can't, the threesome was the last thing i expected to see here

>> No.43338202

Imouto confirmed BR.

>> No.43338226

AMAKANO 2+ WHEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.43338235

>Imouto BR
>no preg

>> No.43338246

Didn't it take the perfect edition like a week to get uploaded?

>> No.43338255

What are the absolute best mothercon titles other than Mamagoto?
Also spare me the play-acting bs and rec some actual incest

>> No.43338269

Post proof

>> No.43338277
File: 20 KB, 246x300, 132505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are the absolute best mothercon titles
>other than Mamagoto?
nothing can beat mamagoto and Chikage was the best

>> No.43338284

The company who got the EOP licence for it said so >>>/vg/427624410

>> No.43338288

that's why i gotta ask...
atelier dropped the balls after this very title for some reason.
If i wanna read simple milf there are better places for that

>> No.43338329

more like
>Imouto BR
>not loli
talk about wasted potential

>> No.43338340

>Imouto BR
>not preg loli

>> No.43338344
File: 805 KB, 1280x720, 1665002798344871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43338351

Did you not read the second line of his post?

>> No.43338361

Dont worry you have the amakano FD coming out today as well for your dose of fucked up babies

>> No.43338407

>br mothercon
here you go https://vndb.org/v4909

>> No.43338410
File: 297 KB, 640x480, suigetsu_gp_trial_banner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that Tenshi Reboot turned out to be kusoge. Where the fuck is the Suigetsu remaster?

Fake and gay. She used to be BR but after rebirthing into the current body she's NBR. Kiriya is a retarded EOP, don't believe his lies.

>> No.43338425


>> No.43338427

>She used to be BR but after rebirthing into the current body she's NBR
Post proof

>> No.43338431

>no preg tag

>> No.43338451

if you get mother preg will it be your kid or sibling?

>> No.43338467

I'm disappointed my fellow anons demand proof for something that even common sense can deduce and you'd rather believe a subhuman redditor EOP and localization shill. If you want proof then read the damn game but it's not worth it. Just wait for some retard to make the vndb edits, but I predict her entry will be locked because of an editwar about her status. BR purists will lose again.

>> No.43338469


>> No.43338483

kid, of course
since your mother belongs to you from that point onward, you can't see her kid as anything but

>> No.43338484


>> No.43338526
File: 194 KB, 1280x720, 102089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last work 2020-11-27

>> No.43338529

Is that what the "reboot" means.

>> No.43338547

what is picrel?

>> No.43338561
File: 116 KB, 311x325, 1656771293984186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were hiring staff half a year ago, so I assume they're at least working on something. I think I remember Iizuki Tasuku saying he was working on something too.

>> No.43338565
File: 163 KB, 1280x720, 102087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43338574

I still don't get why does it even matter what label they officially put on a fictional character?
If they were cucked to avoid the direct relation but she behaves exactly like imouto, why does it matter?
And on the other side, if the girl just got an imouto tag but behaves just like any random girl why does this tag make her any more special?
Mikoto from Koisora is still the most realistic and natural imouto heroine I've seen despite the nbr tag that barely even gets touched in the story

>> No.43338584

this one had a pretty good br mom, i liked it.

also those were ok, all inferior to mamagoto sadly.
You could also try any games of the itsu-made mama if you're really desesperate.

>> No.43338589

The imouto route was written by Fumi so it's confirmed BR.

>> No.43338599

>written by Fumi
guess I know which route I'm skipping

>> No.43338602

Ore o Hoshigaru Futari no Haha was really good

>> No.43338605

good art but the synopsis doesn't give away much...
only one title looks promising, but "step", man...

>> No.43338616

>good art but the synopsis doesn't give away much...
It's a wifege about spending time with your wife.

>> No.43338638

Killed by corona
>it has been 3 years since the coronashit
Im wasting my life reading so much kusoge

>> No.43338645

stop raiding /vn/ pls

>> No.43338647 [DELETED] 

amakano is up [/spoiler]chink site

>> No.43338671

oh good. Maybe i'll check it out sometimes
it's just, them incestges have seriously skewered my perception of relationship. These days in my thoughts i always seem to think the only way for romantic relationships to last and be all rose-colored and shit is for both parties to be related by blood...
Disgusting, i know, but normie couples bore me the heck out now...

>> No.43338674

>written by Fumi

>> No.43338681


>> No.43338722

We've known it was 12GB for a month now.

>> No.43338727


>> No.43338759

E-Mote. Same as Perfect Edition.

>> No.43338794

The second season FD was 10gb, they always bloat the FD.

>> No.43338801

When is tenshi souzou out

>> No.43338827

Gee, I don't know, anon.

>> No.43338852
File: 2.71 MB, 1922x1112, 天使☆騒々 RE-BOOT!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's out already.

>> No.43338934

Sara my beloved, im finally going to meet you

>> No.43338964


>> No.43338980

Its not up yet. Unless youre some kind of paypiggy.

>> No.43338997 [DELETED] 

ryuugames removed the paywall a few hours after release

>> No.43339007

The Emperor would be ashamed

>> No.43339068
File: 305 KB, 804x370, 1677588783442411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol 2

>> No.43339090

more like lol 2+

>> No.43339158

but what about sana

>> No.43339326
File: 77 KB, 800x600, 4389678346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what ABOUT Sana?

>> No.43339336

2 more months.

>> No.43339477

Kind of a shame that they didnt give yutsuki the same treatment as well. Maybe she'll get her own version if sanas does well enough.

>> No.43339502
File: 1.44 MB, 1280x720, yuzuchads waiting.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some time ago

>> No.43339635

>guy wearing Natsume shirt

>> No.43339696

i would die from cringe if i had to be that one guy who is encouraging all those fat otakus to buy their shit

>> No.43339703

They don't look too fat.

>> No.43339749

Why are the streets so dead

>> No.43339754

It was probably during a midnight release.

>> No.43339786

Yeah. It's right before midnight. Of course there are almost no people other than those who want to get their eroge on a release day at a game store which has decided to work overnight just for this reason.

>> No.43339801

>中央値 90
>平均値 90
>データ数 2
Based speedreaders.

>> No.43339923

roka my beloved

>> No.43340112

Amekawa Shino is working on her range. I can tell.

>> No.43340160

And Kurumi is a turbo semen demon

>> No.43340164
File: 70 KB, 1552x303, wersdf12さんの「天使☆騒々_Re-BOOT!」.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, this is fucked. Someone who doesn't know Japanese wrote a generic review with GPT or machine translation software or something. I understand why they ban foreign IPs now

>> No.43340196

this kind of person is what we call a "based retard"

>> No.43340200

As expected of best girl.

>> No.43340214

It's up for everyone now.

>> No.43340240

based if true

>> No.43340259


>> No.43340459
File: 8 KB, 626x61, 1672575597209891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

simply ebin

>> No.43340498

That's pretty funny.

>> No.43340566

I hate that I can't buy Zone of the Enders in Japanese. Never seen that warning on a VN though. Common for Japanese text not to be available at all though.

>> No.43340702

I can't stop laughing

>> No.43341045
File: 1.17 MB, 2560x2160, atropos fanficlation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i bet it's mtl too
If only. In the next lines her "くそ!" was translated as "Curses!" Then he says "If you want to call yourself a cutie (their take on 美少女), start by not saying "curses!" " lmao. Half the lines make up shit but at least they use "Onii-san." They should remove that and this is no different than an official lolcalization. Maybe they made the partial only to sell it. Atropos is meh anyway.

They also did weird shit with the files. They put the translated UI files inside the official patch.xp3 but for the translated script they made a new data.xp3.

>> No.43341066

>not translating kuso as "Gadzooks!"
What amateurs

>> No.43341095

They tried their best. English is such an ugly language.

>> No.43341096

lmao what the fuck is this shit

>> No.43341099
File: 22 KB, 413x245, err.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tenshi Souzou doesn't play nicely with Magpie or is something borked in my setup?

>> No.43341109

You fags really are just tsunsluts for Yuzusoft.

>> No.43341125

Not me. The preview CGs on ryuu look so bad it's not even worth the download. Yuzusoft is dead to me.

>> No.43341150

This thread makes me feel like a pleb for not playing any yuzusoft

>> No.43341177

The absolute state of translations that not fucking up easy stuff gets celebrated

>> No.43341240

Translators have to learn to never come between an Onii-san and his imouto (BR) fetish.

>> No.43341326

I only read senren banka

>> No.43341400

Trains stop at midnight too so these guys were obviously camping Akiba all day.

>> No.43341426

Alright, fess up. Who's Saratoga here?

>> No.43341522

>cartagra rebirth still not cracked

>> No.43341795
File: 4 KB, 1241x19, 1658766531078740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite time of the year, when i get to see the upload being higuer than the download!

>> No.43341798

>tsunsluts for Yuzusoft
That's me.

>> No.43341802

Dude just use the OneDrive links from ryuu

>> No.43341810

For me, it's Nyaa and it's still not out there yet.

>> No.43341854

Dude just play something better

>> No.43342073

I've never been tsun for yuzusoft. I uncritically love everything they've ever made.

>> No.43342325

>I uncritically love everything they've ever made.
you forgot they made PARKEK

>> No.43342334

You're totally right, I actually did forget about parquet.
Doesn't count, yuzusoft sour is not yuzusoft. Different label.

>> No.43343010

they put drm on it?

>> No.43343096

Are we having a /jav/ moment?

>> No.43343677

Once upon a time I downloaded Noble Works to see what the fuss is about, hated the entire cast (minus the spaghetti spiller who couldn't save the game anyway), dropped it halfway in and never touched anything by them since.
The kemonomimi looks kinda my type in the latest one, but in my book anything Amakano >>> anything Yuzusoft so she will have to wait, possibly forever.

>> No.43343864

Why did they turn a shy tsundere into an angry femi bitch???
You can say it was done by burgers because women who talk like this are probably an everyday sight over there
In this sense I prefer els translators whose english isn't cursed yet

>> No.43344306
File: 501 KB, 603x751, tenshi_sz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the normal ending on my first try...

>> No.43344343

I got the bad end on my first try. It was worth it.

>> No.43344364

this (of what I've played I still need to go through more than half of their stuff)

>> No.43344428

How do you speedread yuzusoft? Isn't listening to the good seiyuus work the whole point of their games?

>> No.43344443

I already read the trial which is like 2/3 of the common route

>> No.43344457

Where are you getting your "bought" copies?

>> No.43344499

The usual places, of course. Why even bother pretending you've bought anything when they very clearly - and often actively - don't want your money to begin with?

>> No.43344515

How long is the whole route then? 5-7 hours?

>> No.43344522

in mye xperience yuzu common routes are completable in 1 weekend if you do several hours on both days

>> No.43344574

amakano cgs are out, couldn't wait until i get home and can download the vn
piromizu is better than ever

>> No.43344646

Im not paying $100 for a fucking vn dont judge me

>> No.43344792

these threads would be better without the poor people

>> No.43344896

buyfags have no place in 4chan

>> No.43344902

New thread. Now.

>> No.43344967

That's incidentally true, but that's just because poor people tend to be third worlders who aren't human. Otherwise, there's nothing wrong with pirating.

>> No.43345165

New thread:


>> No.43347147

The thread is still alive 5 hours later?
