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43294691 No.43294691 [Reply] [Original]

Which /v/idya character would be able to go against the entirety of Gensokyo?
Which 2hu would be the hardest (or easiest) to defeat considering the matchup?
Please take in consideration the canon power level of each member of the Touhou cast.

>> No.43295014

2hoes cant be phisically killed so all of them die. Maybe dante could catch up and learn to danmaku to defeat them in a spellcard duel i guess. Maye bayonetta too but i dont know shit about her since i did not play her games.

>> No.43295021
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Kirby is the most powerful character of all. Satori is at Kirby's level (it's just that she suffers from anemia). therefore, Satori in good health would be the most indestructible 2hu.

>> No.43295103

Kratos can beat almost all mid bosses but a little few of bosses.

>> No.43295137
File: 920 KB, 800x1000, Hecatia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously, it's difficult to ascertain how strong 2hus are exactly. However, we know some things:
- In Touhou 1, in one of the bad ends Reimu accidentally destroys the Earth using the Yin Yang orb
- Hou Yi, Junko's husband, has literally shot down multiple suns. Junko killed him.
- Shinki created Makai, along with all of its residents, which is a very gigantic realm. Reimu went toe-to-toe with her before the Spellcard rules were a thing.

There's some lower end stuff, too.
- People sometimes forget, but 99% of 2hus can fly. If the person that's fighting them has no way to fly, it puts them in a huge disadvantage since they can literally just fly way above and orbital bombard
- Suika can casually lift mountains, and Oni cannot lie.
- Rinnosuke has mentioned the Hakkero can vaporize mountains, and Marisa uses that thing in danmaku
- Utsuho's a thing
- One of the best speed showings in the series, where Sunny refracts light, Yukari reflects it back to her, and she dodges it. Mind you that Sunny actually uses sunlight for her attacks and powers, and not "magic beam laser". Even Sunny being that fast says quite a bit
- Youkai are immortal, and each Youkai type have specific ways of killing them. Many of them can't be permanently killed via regular physical means.
- Fairies are even more immortal, being that they can't permanently die unless their aspect of nature is completely gone.
- Even greater, Hourai Immortals are super immortal, being unable to permanently die in any known way, even with all the ridiculous powers in Touhou.

Some vaguer stuff:
- Hecatia. If Hecatia is the same Hecate from Greek Myth (and with how ZUN has hyped her up, I'm assuming she is), she's ridiculously powerful. Being a titan, the Goddess of all magic, and a Goddess that even Zeus respects.
- Suika's "destroying the moon" feat, except not really. Hard to say what she actually did.
- Amitabha, a being in Heaven mentioned in one of Music CDs. He is 6x10125 yojana tall. That is WAY more than quadrillion times bigger than our universe. He most likely exists, but we've never actually seen him.

>> No.43295192
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Can Pokeball catch hu's yokai? After all, it seems that Pokemon are some sort of equivalent of yokai in their world

>> No.43295512

>2hoes cant be phisically killed so all of them die.
Yeah, but many /v/idya characters also use magic or imbue magic to their meelee attacks. For example, Dante is half demon and his sword isn't a regular one, it's one that can kill demons and other spirits, Bayo is a witch and can summon demons and use magic, Kratos is a god and he has also killed other gods with his bare hands and can also use magic, Sora can use magic and also have access to the keyblade, something that can purge dark creatures, Scorpion is a spectre from hell, he can use dark magic and teleportation, he might be weak to characters with holy magic like Reimu, Sanae, the Moriya goddesses, and Shiki Eiki completely obliterates him.
The only outlier i see is Raiden, unless you pull some bullshit about his High Frequency Blade being able to vibrate to the memetic frequency in which Yokai exist and is thus able to physically harm them, but that's a stretch.

>> No.43295577

Some 2hus have bullshit powers, so not even Goku would be able to defeat Mokou, Kaguya, Eirin, Yukari, Okina, Remilia, Sagume and Keine, unless Goku somehow gits gud at danmaku duels.

>> No.43295629

Kratos would heem any 2hu. And that is a FACT. But I don't think he would do it just because he could, he'd need a reason to go berserk on them.

>> No.43295634 [SPOILER] 
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>Leave Mokou, Kaguya and Eirin to me.

>> No.43295713

Tf? Just throw her into the sun ez
>b-but fate manipulat-
Even Flandre, her own sister, said that it was bullshit

>> No.43295731
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Assume that all of their usual weapon works on Japanese mythology, how long are they gonna hold out storming the entire Gensokyo realm?

>> No.43295737

I'd love to see Kratos vs Akyuu, haha.

>> No.43300931

They are strong, but the first barrier they have to cross is Sakuya, her time manipulation is the primary filter that would decide which character would defeat Gensokyo.

>> No.43301180

Peppino spaghetti

>> No.43301743

Golden experience requiem, it's more or less in the same level of ambiguous and bullshit as the most ambiguous and bullshit 2hus.

>> No.43301837

Replace the two of them with Julius and the SDM ceases to exist.

Hell, he probably wouldn't even need to use a Grand Cross.

>> No.43302267


>> No.43304212
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Is stealth an option? How long would someone like Solid Snake or Sam Fisher last? Can you sneak past danmaku?

>> No.43304389

Snake would be able to sneak around with no youkai encounter until he reaches the human village. But i highly doubt he could damage them directly.

>> No.43305202

The Pretender gods from the Dominions games have a decent shot. They run off faith like any of the other touhou gods so they know the rules of the fame already, and they have strong magical backing among themselves and their followers so they can dish out damage to youkai. Granted, the Touhou cast is much more powerful then what they'd usually face in any of the games, but drop five of ten of these guys in Gensokyo and the place is going to be destroyed within a few years as everyone gets caught up in the fighting.

>> No.43305274

Speaking of Megal Gear, considering how important memes are for the existance of youkais and gods, could the Patriots (mgs2 patriots, not mgs4 lame reveal) be an actual threat to the integrity of Gensokyo?
