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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 126 KB, 781x800, 1265641915779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4328392 No.4328392 [Reply] [Original]

with or with out glasses --which do you like better

>> No.4328406

Glasses moe is req.

>> No.4328408


>> No.4328414

Senpai isn't senpai without her glasses.

>> No.4328411

With glasses. Glasses are fucking hot.

>> No.4328412

Don't care

>> No.4328432

I don't like glasses, women look older with them

>> No.4328448

With. Only thing better than silly hat is silly hat + glasses.

>> No.4328463

With glasses. Her cuteness is a miracle of the universe.

>> No.4328471
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Glasses! I love girls with tiny glasses! 3D and 2D!

>> No.4328474
File: 94 KB, 419x750, 2007-07-13-62778..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glasses mean defective eyes, which implies frailty and vulnerability, which increases the moe. So of course, with glasses. Doesn't matter which character.

>> No.4328482
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glasses moe

>> No.4328484
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this thread is now about glasses moe

>> No.4328488
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>> No.4328494
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>> No.4328498
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I just realized my selection of glasses moe is pitifully small. Must remedy.

>> No.4328518

Baka forgot her skirt...

>> No.4328522


I'm okay with this.

>> No.4328561

Glasses can make even 3D less PD.

>> No.4328567 [DELETED] 

Why must you stupid guys constantly spam and attack www . anon
talk . com for? Please stop. We don't want any chanturds there.

>> No.4328605


Either way it's a creepy pic

>> No.4328610
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>> No.4328623
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>> No.4328625
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Sempai isn't sempai without her glasses.

>> No.4328627
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>> No.4328638
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>> No.4328655
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>> No.4328666
File: 472 KB, 950x1187, f3f993d7efd75b109b177f7df31a3de2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Momjiglasses is a miracle of nature.

>> No.4328671

give up.

>> No.4328674
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>> No.4328676
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Glasses ℳℴℯ❤.

>> No.4328706
File: 34 KB, 400x400, china ahhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I upgraded you're touhou

>> No.4328726
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>> No.4328831
File: 89 KB, 480x640, 1251699277396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Visited optical shop yesterday.
>500$+ for a not-shitty-looking-frames
>seems like i'm not going to be meganekko.

>> No.4328857

Doesn't matter, Marisa is always cute.

>> No.4328869

Hannies think glasses are moe.

>> No.4328877

just get the damn laser surgery. that's what I did.

best investation ever.

>> No.4328887

I have only -0.5, I don't even needed that glasses at all, just for a new look. And maybe for a cinema sometimes.

>> No.4328893

Doesn't that fuck with your ability to see in the dark?
i.e. You can't anymore?

>> No.4328897
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The procedure sounds scary, but I haven't read about it in a while

>> No.4328913
File: 54 KB, 1049x755, 1256923888160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see perfectly in the dark. I mean, as perfectly as a human is supposed to see. I had PRK operation (oldest method) that despite being more painful and taking 2 weeks longer to heal doesn't produce side effects. I heard early LASIK methods produced some kind of halo-effect around city lights in some cases plus it was twice as expensive so I didn't take it.

I think those problems are history now as well with femtolasers and shit.

>> No.4329165

I'm a meganekko IRL, How does that make you feel /jp/?

>> No.4329171
File: 43 KB, 266x214, batoraohho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Another faggot walfas thread to destroy? Awesome.

>> No.4329203

Without glasses, by a large shot.

I dislike them because I started wearing glasses back in 1st grade, which was quite unusual back then (and probably still today). Obviously, when you stand out in a way like that you get teased for it (the usual "four eyes" nonsense and the like).

>> No.4329457

>I started wearing glasses back in 1st grade
Holy fuck...are you almost blind?
