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43265476 No.43265476 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>43029134

>> No.43265779

for me its kfc with KFC

>> No.43265851

play wacca!

>> No.43266152

play etterna

>> No.43266510

scratching down by default seems unintuitive to me but if it works it works. you can play as retardedly as you want as long as you're good at it.

>> No.43266943

I'm going to Japan soon, and I want to play some arcade games while I'm there. Things like IIDX and Chunithm should be very easy to find, but what are my chances to also get to play EZ2AC?

>> No.43267048

'sound voltex' is such a retarded name

>> No.43267138

get the whole world into the voltex

>> No.43267746
File: 416 KB, 512x512, Tenkuu_no_hana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wallpaper anon if you're taking requests can you make one of either tenkuu no hana or 666 EXH, and if possible have them at 2560x1440. If that's asking too much then whatever resolution you make is okay

>> No.43267759
File: 692 KB, 600x600, 600px-666_EXH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While all the jackets are really good, i like this one the most

>> No.43267950


>> No.43268425
File: 12 KB, 225x225, 32F163C8-9C97-4EFE-9C76-4F9D47B54766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try unlocking the mxm
>hands hit each other at the end jacks

>> No.43268445
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>> No.43268471

I impulse bought a IIDX controller and subscribed to Infinitas so I have to now

>> No.43269007

I tried retraining my brain into scratching up primarily, but it just made everything so much worse for me. Scratching down feels so much more natural

>> No.43269070

Are you me? I did the same exact thing recently. At least until the anon posted the doc in the last thread with the resident data. Now there's no reason to play infinitas, except for the fact that the sync feels better on it. Is data supposed to feel so early? It's not major, but it's enough that I consistently stream late grades if I'm not playing visually

>> No.43269093



>> No.43269479

play bms

>> No.43270138

I would but the sync is off by like 200ms which makes it unplayable. I have to play a full 16th early, even a full 8th on some songs

>> No.43271837

>It's the only arcade in Japan that has it
Good thing I asked then.

>> No.43272019

You can play on TDJ mode which is lightning mode that improves the sync. It’s pretty easy to turn on.

>> No.43272481

Well I wasn't gonna bother with TDJ mode but I guess I should have realized the sync would be different between versions. Thanks for the heads up. It's much much better now, if still just the slightest bit early (though I hear that's how keysounded games are for obvious reasons)

I can AAA 7's again now though, so that's good

>> No.43273600

I can't clear a single 10 bros I should just quit

>> No.43273815

I thought you need a touchscreen to get TDJ to "work" since it won't read a physical numpad.

>> No.43273890

with spice2x you can just overlay the subscreen when needed and click the numbers, no touchscreen or even a second monitor required

>> No.43274442

The subscreen actually isn't working for me, but I'm still able to play the game. It's definitely running in TDJ, but I can still use the keypad on my keyboard for the pin. I wonder if it has to do with the option about monitor errors when patching. Still, I wish the subscreen worked. It would be nice to search by artist.

>> No.43274506

Game would just crash on me on LDJ Mode, even after following the instructions.

>> No.43274577

Did you mean TDJ?

If so, the game also crashed on me a few times after editing the ea3-config.xml

Make sure you change "LDJ" to "TDJ" a fee lines down in that xml, as well as deleting the first Japanese line and the empty line below it. After doing this, it runs fine. Thay doc omits this step.

>> No.43274626

>Make sure you change "LDJ" to "TDJ" a fee lines down in that xml
It works now, thank you

>> No.43274658

Anytime, have fun

>> No.43274680

You actually need the latest version of spice2x.


"Fix TDJ subscreen overlay in FHD mode"

>> No.43274962

Odd, this version won't launch the config when I place it inside the contents folder (I assume I'm meant to replace all my current spice files with the new files), but it will launch outside of it. On top of that, the game refuses to boot using spice64.exe

I'll stick with the old version for now since it actually works for playing the game. I'm almost exclusively playing Step Up right now anyways.

>> No.43275659

if you can use the keypad on the keyboard then you are definitely not running TDJ, there is no key pad in TDJ

>> No.43275809

That’s what I did four years ago in the same situation

>> No.43275848


>> No.43275864

that's because you changed the model code from LDJ to TDJ, you're not supposed to do that (but the 1-see-see figs keep telling people to do this for some reason)

>> No.43275922

I changed it back to LDJ though, and still no dice. The game doesn't launch. It also still doesn't explain why spicecfg doesn't open either unless I put it in a different directory.

I imagine I could get it working if I re-installed everything from scratch, maybe to an entirely different folder, but honestly it's not worth the hassle when I already have the game running. The subscreen is something I can live without for the time being.

>> No.43275936

spice leaves a log file (log.txt) and it's usually pretty obvious what fails

>> No.43275944
File: 1.64 MB, 1920x1080, 20230421_5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you explain this then? Is it literally only displaying TDJ because I changed the model code? I also noticed a massive difference in sync when I switched to allegedly TDJ

>> No.43275950
File: 320 KB, 945x2048, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

david from gamesaru sounds like a good person

>> No.43275958

When trying to open spicecfg, it does not leave a log. It doesn't even seem to get a chance to open at all.

>> No.43275967

yes but if you launch spice64 it would leave a log

you don't even have to open spicecfg in the game folder you can just copy it anywhere and select iidx from the list

>> No.43275988
File: 165 KB, 1189x955, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the end of the log. I'm guessing it either has something to do with my patched .dll?

>> No.43276041

Okay, further tinkering shows that LDJ works but TDJ just hangs with a black screen for 10-15 seconds before closing to desktop. I'm also still wondering about this >>43275944

>> No.43276125
File: 2.19 MB, 1920x1080, beatmania IIDX 30 RESIDENT main 2023-04-21 12_18_10 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

works on my machine tm

>> No.43276158

It's whatever, I'll continue to believe that TDJ is working fine with the old spicetools version until someone can dispute this >>43275944

>> No.43276184

Try downloading this more updated iidx asphyxia file.


>> No.43276205

Also, make sure to patch your bm2dx.dll


And follow https://iidx.org/misc/infinitas_pc for most optimal computer settings.

>> No.43276225

Make sure you're actually running lightning mode properly.

>To launch the game in TDJ, delete the first Japanese line and the whitespace in the second line on ea3-config.xml at the prop folder, enable TDJ mode in spicecfg, and enable the Bypass Lightning Monitor Error option in the patcher.

Remember that deleting LDJ and replacing it with TDJ in the ea3-config.xml only labels it properly in game. It doesn't actually enable TDJ. It's pretty much a rename and that's it.

>> No.43276262

Reminder that the main difference between 120 LDJ and TDJ is their default offsets are -2.00 and +0.25 respectively.

>> No.43276287

you can avoid all these headaches by subbing to INFINITAS

>> No.43276451

I pretty much only play sdvx konasute version now purely because of the convenience of being able to just start the game on a whim rather than having to start asphyxia and turn off my main monitor every time I want to play.

>> No.43276599
File: 1.84 MB, 1815x848, Beatmania_IIDX_28_BISTROVER_LIGHTNING_MODEL_cabinet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only labels it properly in game
do you realize when you go to the arcade and look at the lightning model cabinet it still says LDJ

>> No.43276633
File: 1.84 MB, 1280x1154, ldj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43276658

Or just use -monitor and patch the dll for single monitor valk mode.

>> No.43278259
File: 357 KB, 1524x2048, 20230421_081211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play her game

>> No.43281278

I did all of this, and I just cannot get TDJ working on the newer version of spice tools. Again, I'd probably be able to fix it by wiping all files and doing a fresh install, but it's not worth it imo.

I'll just deal with the lack of a sub screen. At least TDJ works with the old version.

>> No.43281331

I don't want to pay 15 dollars every month, 300-400 dollars for all the song packs, or grind BITs for several hundreds of hours just to get access to only half of the content that's actually in IIDX.

>> No.43281355

Give me a good reason why i should start paying infinitas if i can just play data.

>> No.43281377

The only reason to play Infinitas is if Konami has another crossover event where playing Konasute gives you boosts towards the event.

>> No.43281471

do it like Mahina does it and just one-hand the whole thing!

>> No.43281684

Streaming or >>43281377, it's the worst Konasute game value-wise.

>> No.43282396

does tiredness make you hit late or something my mean is +9ms

>> No.43282485

disregard this post i forgot to look further up on the screen i fixed my issue

>> No.43282568

Game Saru is cancelled

>> No.43283638

both snow phoenix and game saru are run by horrible people so it's amusing watching them fling shit back and forth at each other

>> No.43283738


redpill me on Snow Phoenix

>> No.43283955
File: 1.34 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_9563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Game center is a seedy home

>> No.43285352

david sounds like a faggot tranny

>> No.43285364

I did it bros, I got 6dan after 5 months of playing

Now I gotta figure out how to clear 10s

>> No.43285738
File: 45 KB, 584x300, chrome_C1k0t3OGHk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a new version now.

>> No.43285745

>Have to deal with 720p
>Have to deal with monthly subscription
>Have to deal with daily maintenance
>Have to deal with grinding for song unlocks

No thanks.

>> No.43286101
File: 1.11 MB, 900x563, iidx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex with celica
sex with erika
sex with nyah
sex with iroha
sex with ameto
sex with hifumi
sex with lilith
sex with himmel
sex with tsugaru
sex with xia
sex with sakura

>> No.43286104

No dice. spicecfg works but the game still won't launch if TDJ mode is enabled. Still has the same log as >>43275988

>> No.43288114 [DELETED] 

https://discord.gg/U6KBENvHeX join my rhythm game server

>> No.43288334

not clicking that link

>> No.43288672


>> No.43291365

Found a new guy interested in rhythm games struggling with DDR at the arcade today, taught him how to play and showed how to play/navigate other rhythm games as well. Feels good to get new people to play with!

>> No.43291895

tell me about game saru, how does he afford the space required to store that many machines when he's not traveling to shows?

>> No.43292039

play misterkister

>> No.43292527

You could get a bunch of new people and have a silly gay rhythm game-themed orgy!

>> No.43292874

if you want someone to help troubleshoot yo'ure gonna have to upload the whole log and not just the last part where it crashes

>> No.43292882

you probably forgot to change audio to wasapi

>> No.43293012

play hardpain of hell

>> No.43293960

He does conventions wdym

>> No.43294272

you know what I mean

>> No.43294318

he earns money by illegally importing japan-only cabinets (illegal to export) and charging people money to play them (directly or indirectly through con ticket fees) on illegally modified software

bootleg merch is strictly forbidden in anime cons, but bootleg software? totally a-ok

>> No.43294965

I didn't realize I needed to do this. Maybe I overlooked that step in that doc.

Thank you though, because that is exactly what was wrong. Everything is working fine now.

>> No.43295543

today I played IIDX for the first time in 8 months, following a traumatic experience. I started tearing up. I just love my friend IIDX and missed IIDX very much.

>> No.43296350

i cried playing concertino in blue once so i feel you

>> No.43296415

I cried while playing Macho Gang once. Hand is so cute but also so scary.....

>> No.43296537
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>> No.43296678

Okay wtf so resident omnimix works perfectly for me but the one literal song that has no song preview or radar is particle arts, every time I pick it it just goes straight back to song selection. At least Jive into the Night works perfectly...

>> No.43297395


Run by a bunch of beautiful womyn who don't give a shit about the games they buy, never repair anything, and act like anybody complaining about those facts is overreacting. They got lucky because they were the only game in town after tokyo attack died but haven't made a 100th of the effort to improve or bring something new to the scene they had. Just in general seem to hate the community they serve.

>> No.43297474

hi Anthony

>> No.43297660


Not anthony, just sucks to see people leech off what he established without doing anything for the community in return.

>> No.43297835


Developing your own tools to run these games actually isn't illegal at all, it's using software from others to do it that is the illegal part.

>> No.43298429

>don't give a shit about the games they buy

do you have ANYTHING to back that up? lmao

>> No.43298503


Just off of the top of my head, the snare drum head on gitadora that hasn't been attached for 3 years.

>> No.43298552


Also the pop'n music that gets brought to every con, but has never once actually worked.

>> No.43302711

>>43298429 >>43283738
they got their start buying cabinets from Tokyo Attack originally (at a very nice rate desu) and once they amassed enough their game plan was to undercut the cons Tokyo Attack had by providing the game room for free in return for premium dealer room space. this was a very underhanded tactic and suffice to say it didn't go over well for them.

despite this, TA was growing and they were in demand, beyond what they could provide. so TA throws SP a bone and vouches for them, gives them conventions, teaches them how to write contracts, and how to run a business essntially. and what did they do with this great gift? they've fought with con heads, venue management, private security companies, and union workers. some cons they are Not Welcome at anymore as a result. at this point you see TA doubling down, expanding their collection and doing multiple shows a weekend.

not sure why people simp Snow Phoenix, they aren't very good at what they do and don't seem to care about it either. they've destroyed cabinets in transit as well but they never mention it, that's probably why they stopped listing cabinets in their posts when they announce they'll be at cons - they can't guarantee all them will make the trip.

>> No.43303348

Was playing IIDX and some retarded poojeets start pushing the 1p side buttons and mocking me playing and trying to get me to talk to them unfortunately for them I completely zone everything around me out.
Fake humans feed off the attention of the True Ones. Disgusting retarded narcissistic fake beings.

>> No.43304850
File: 357 KB, 878x1200, FudFS2eagAAOrIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh S-random is here to stay

>> No.43305001

are there limitations on what voltex s-ran can produce? like to avoid 3-handed patterns

>> No.43305132
File: 813 KB, 1200x683, FudFC7WaMAAL3jT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh puffy jiangshi vulva is here to stay

Great, now everyone will know how bad I am at hand trip.

Even regular random doesn't have any protection against that. At most, S-RANDOM seems to avoid making jacks out of zure, similar to IIDX.

>> No.43305394

sdvx seems to have a lot of sex in it

>> No.43306354

That's factually incorrect lmao you're just mad Anthony is gone

>> No.43306417

Sound voltEX
Makes sense.

>> No.43306540
File: 385 KB, 573x699, ii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm mad snow phoenix sucks so much shit and pretends like it's not a big deal.

This is the retard who runs this shit and is constantly posting about how they feel attacked by the community because they run a shit business while also attacking the only good arcade scene the midwest has ever had.

If they don't want the hate then they should try harder or fuck off and give the good spots to somebody who does give a shit.

>> No.43306660


ah yes very convincing counter point! I am sure all of this was eloquently made up and posted here as a story time for all the anons

>> No.43306681


You guys could have just got ranatalus to donate to your gofundme rather than selling out the players to pay for your hormone therapy.

>> No.43306954

where is the attack in that post? i'm still not convinced that people who seethe about snow phoenix aren't just misogynistic or transphobic :v

>> No.43306966

incoherent schizopost

tokyo attack doesn't exist anymore because of how many things can go wrong or be difficult about the business of arcade imports + convention game rooms, do you really think every other similar business doesn't sometimes encounter the same problems?

>> No.43306984
File: 17 KB, 579x120, ee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>rest in piss
>we'll beat you yet
>Continues to not pay warehouse rent or even their email server fees, not using any protection moving their cabinets at all, trying to take a stance on that hill when called out on it, and getting the community to do your warehouse gruntwork for you for free.
>Why do you want us to fail guys???

>> No.43307023

if cabinets are strapped properly moving blankets aren't necessary, just a good idea… do you have any source for the first few lines of your greentext

>> No.43307036
File: 11 KB, 279x96, uhhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you okay?

>> No.43307062

i think that's meant to be interpreted the same way as saying rest in peace

i did forget about the picture from a few posts up though, sorry about that

>> No.43307269

too old, maybe mizuki

>> No.43307469
File: 17 KB, 496x158, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for someone who wants to honor their dead best friend they are doing an absolutely horrible job of it

>> No.43307623


>> No.43309962

>i think that's meant to be interpreted the same way as saying rest in peace
you are a naive retard

>> No.43310848

rich people like ZeronXepher and tomokun will always buy cabinets off him so it doesn't really matter if he gets "cancelled"

>> No.43311201

nuclear blast

>> No.43311203

how are you seething this hard?

>> No.43311377

SDVX is fun as hell when you ain't got a bitch in your ear calling it pedo

>> No.43311726

I just don't like the controls. I will pleasure my penis to the art however though

>> No.43311735


>> No.43312490

>empire of flame xcd
this is gonna be messy

>> No.43312498
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>> No.43313870
File: 466 KB, 1248x1213, 3A8C68A8-EAA8-42C2-8C9F-1C3B48188EF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m a laserlet

>> No.43315082

what is the difference between one hand, hand trip, and tricky?

>> No.43315516

Tricky is soflan and jackhammers iirc

One hand is parts where you press with one hand while turning the knob with another. Hand trip is crosshand bits I think

>> No.43317943

>n-0 sdvx leaks
>cardinal gate seethes
like clockwork

>> No.43318153


>Added support for the leak


>> No.43318178

>Heads up, I'm going to push automatic banning of dev arcades found playing unreleased content.
they always pull this crap when they're mad their exclusive data is no longer exclusive

>> No.43318204


CGdev doesn't provide data, they're just not letting people leak N+1 shit in their channel. I don't understand why you're sperging out, play it locally if you want. The data leaked from 1cc, just go download it and post about it in here lol.

>> No.43318221

they specifically wrote code to ban people, they're enigma tier clowns
keep coping

>> No.43318238


They ban people who DB edit their game to unlock unreleased content, yeah. The leaked update is totally allowed otherwise and again, nothing is stopping you from just playing the unreleased shit locally. It's already out publicly, nobody gives a shit.

>> No.43318276

>nobody gives a shit
obviously they do otherwise they wouldn't take these measures
again, keep coping

>> No.43318324


So Enigma is too cancerous, CGdev has now made your shitlist, I can assume you've been banned from arcana. Where are you playing that doesn't have N+1 rules exactly?

Are you an import tranny mad people have access to data not through you?

>> No.43318363

none of that is relevant to UK retards banning people over muh unreleased songs

>> No.43318407

hope you guys don't have any stigma towards mobile but i've got a quick question
i need to get a new phone since my old one stopped working and was thinking about getting a samsung.
but i've had some troubles with rhythm games because androids in general always seemed to have a problem in terms of audio and tap sync.
is that still a problem nowadays? are iphones still superior when it comes to mobile rhythm games?

>> No.43318446


*Every* non-anonymous RGC will ban for leaking unreleased content because it spotlights the fact that any retard with a dongle can pull data directly from konami's servers without an issue. Download it, discuss it, and fuck those faggots if that's what you want to do but don't be surprised when you're banned. The tools are all open source. start your own server or just play the games locally. It's so tiring seeing you retards endlessly complain about whichever fotm server does some stupid shit this week when they haven't held power over anything in almost a whole decade.

>> No.43318536

you must be dense

>> No.43318540


Get your dick split

>> No.43318615


Unfortunately, yeah; Although I think your game selection is still going to be bigger on android.

>> No.43319685
File: 556 KB, 1200x1600, 107109493_p14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43319888

>anyone with a dongle can rip data

that hasn't been true since 2018 bro

>> No.43321683

1cc is back? discord, site or both?

>> No.43321719

What's the recommended controller for Chunithm?

>> No.43322065

>just go
How the fuck do I go there? Nobody ever posts the link or says where you're supposed to find it. Managed to google it before the nuke but can't find shit now.

>> No.43323444
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I thought it was a cotton ball

>> No.43324078


The board is back, but I'm not sure of the new address. The URL's got weird as hell before the original shutdown.

>> No.43327601
File: 503 KB, 676x676, Okome_no_oishii_takikata,_soshite_okome_wo_taberu_koto_ni_yoru_sono_kouka..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 years later, does it really make good rice?

>> No.43329945

Finally cleared a 7.00 song in Drummania

>> No.43330284

Why is Beatmania so addicting?

>> No.43331594

Somehow, despite many attempts to the contrary, they have managed to not fuck it up badly enough this entire time to kill the series. They seem to understand that the core concept is good and make just enough refinement and revision through time to keep things alive.

>> No.43334622

>beat someone in single match
>rank goes down

>> No.43335856
File: 358 KB, 455x458, choco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

play SDVX

>> No.43338063

sheepychris is the assblasted dude who comes on here bitching about chris4life, game saru, djhackers and mike calfin

>> No.43339522

cool story, bro

>> No.43340523

I don't know who most of those people are but I bitch about indo4life all the time because he's a lying faggot.

>> No.43340726

I don't know who any of these people are either I refuse to interact with anyone else in the arcade on the rare chance I go to one because most other look very insufferable to be around. Except this one severely autistic black dude he's funny

>> No.43340750

I'm not a pedo.

>> No.43340988
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>> No.43341003


I don't know where I can find data, or how to install it

>> No.43341239

Quit IIDX and play Ez2ac

>> No.43341282

Get BMS converts of both and play everything.

>> No.43341293

Doesn't it break unless running on a Pentium 3 or something? Also I don't think I've ever seen data for it.

>> No.43341836

endless circulation used to circulate (no pun intended) places like sows, i never found out how to make the timing work on w7 though

>> No.43341905

what? you mean chris?

>> No.43342277

works perfectly fine on a recent intel i5 + Windows 10, in fact i would say it runs better than actual cab due to faster disk speed

>> No.43342286

and the latest (final:ex) data is on sows and in other places as of last year

>> No.43344901
File: 4 KB, 225x225, 1677225858295395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw sightreading that shit

>> No.43345127

the joke is he was using an Indonesia VPN to connect the cab to eamuse

hence "indo"4life

>> No.43345391

oh, fair enough lmao

i'm mostly jealous that wasn't around when i was a ddr player. setting ea scores on cheatpads and for free is deliciously tempting

>> No.43347365

someones gotta have the link

>> No.43347448
File: 8 KB, 376x133, Screenshot 2023-04-28 155610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they specifically wrote code to ban people

>> No.43347764

>SuddeИDeath can be unlocked in SOUND VOLTEX EXCEED GEAR from March 30th

>> No.43348795

Well I set a score on the chocolate planet remix earlier today and no issues so

>> No.43350756

Chocolate Planet (いるちょこRemix) was released April 27.

>> No.43350774

got my brother a chocolate shake and "chocolate smile" was going through my head the whole time

>> No.43358322
File: 327 KB, 1536x2048, 320059528_539757754714387_6411157412506837521_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play guitarfreaks

>> No.43358354

i will when i can find a V8 cab

>> No.43358529

I don't want to

>> No.43358589

play invaxion

>> No.43358621

play stepping superior

>> No.43358985

play arcaea

>> No.43359029

The guy on the IIDX cab next to me took off his sandals and played barefoot. A height difference obtained by taking off your shoes can't be so great your gameplay improves, or could it?

>> No.43359089

stageless cabs are more comfortable unless you are under 5’8” or so

seems good basically

>> No.43362210

Eh I got used to it anyway

t. 5’11”

>> No.43363374

Why do you think the power stance exists? It's not just a meme.

>> No.43363980

but have you ever played on a stageless cabinet

>> No.43364111

Last time I did that was decades ago so I can't remember

>> No.43364116

a decade*

>> No.43366491
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>> No.43366948


>> No.43368666

who is this and why should I care

>> No.43369286

man what rhythm games are from the us these days except smx and neon fm?

>> No.43369714

Is there a rhythm game hotspot in japan, or does any big arcade suffice? Visiting tokyo later this month.

>> No.43369721

i think maybe he was talking about noisz? wish i knew for sure so i could send them a gift basket

>> No.43371421

It's okay when USAO does it

>> No.43372622

i thought usao was about lolis and feet, not shota, but yeah

>> No.43373916

The latter

>> No.43376093

every single arcade i went to in tokyo had a salaryman playing 12s on iidx or dp

>> No.43376111

I get an erection whenever I play this song

>> No.43376722
File: 316 KB, 640x480, nnms_title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get an erection whenever I play this song

>> No.43377993

why is this plume so damn saucy?

>> No.43378565

Why is this so unkeysounded.

>> No.43378653

nobody uses keysounds in osu bms converts. well i made a few with keysounds but most people hate it

>> No.43378696

I'm thinking to going back to BMS for 9K and 10K2S. What's the state of BMS players in 2023? Are we still stuck with
>LR2 crashing and needing locale fuckery while unzipping charts
>beatoraja screeching "No heckin converterinos"
>Angolmois not compilable unless you're on Linux
>Raindrop not working period

>> No.43378795

>LR2 crashing and needing locale fuckery while unzipping charts
>beatoraja screeching "No heckin converterinos"
yes but i think theres an easy workaround? i dont play iidx converts
>Angolmois not compilable unless you're on Linux
no idea
>Raindrop not working period
no idea

anyways LR2 has gauge autoshift and random chooser tools now which is nice. it's a dll inject. idk anything about raja or lr2raja but they seem pretty good

>> No.43378811

link for LR2 autoshift and random chooser:

also i use this for injection:

>> No.43383585
File: 695 KB, 1050x1050, 100485981_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play scratchy songs in IIDX

>> No.43383723

Technically there's also Soundsphere, but it's a "play any format in mania-like manner" engine made by a 10K player for other 10K players, so it lacks some things that are expected from a proper BMS game like separate upscratch/downscratch keybinds, or correct playback of gimmick charts. Might be good enough if you don't care about either of those things though.

>> No.43384780

i played bsb iimori remix today

>> No.43385585

I think Konami could make DDR and IIDX more gangsta for America by putting in some Lil Jon and Dorrough some Chiggy that'd be ballin as shit like doing some IIDX with Get Low or DDR with Ice Cream Paint Job niggas don't wanna play shitty anime songs niggas want some gangsta beats

>> No.43386764

>Release Bossa Gabba
>"This is a 49"
>Release song related
>"This is a 50"

>> No.43386888
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I thought it was easier 西馬込交通曲, which I keep border failing at the ending. The patterns are really straightforward, just fast, which suits my low IQ. But if they rerate it like they did Bossa Gabba, that's free pop'n class I guess.

The real problem is that 49~50 could be like 5 different levels by itself. Glad that they used the scale expansion to better differentiate between 11s and 12s or whatever instead.

>> No.43386907
File: 420 KB, 641x557, 1654010731064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate spicy gauge

>> No.43387361

DDR X was pretty gangsta iirc

>> No.43387430

>pass a certain notecount threshold
>game is suddenly forced EX-HARD
Spicy judgement is maybe even worse, since that makes it annoying to get Perfects on what should otherwise be easy charts.

>> No.43391436

Yeah angelion and shit like chaos q are worlds apart despite both being 50s

>> No.43392469

yea it had Koko Soko

>> No.43397652

Light and dark, night and day, smile and cry, you and me~

>> No.43402068


>> No.43406282


>> No.43406800

everyone must be busy playing rhythm games

>> No.43411478

I am too busy masturbating to pictures of Nyami and Mimi

>> No.43411488

What are the best rhythm games right now?

>> No.43411632

Pop'n Music & Beatmania IIDX.

>> No.43412053

Gitadora & Beatmania IIDX.

>> No.43412081

>play daily for a week
>constant wrist pain afterwards
am i just old?

>> No.43412093
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>> No.43412096

wacca died so… iidx?

>> No.43414939
File: 9 KB, 225x225, umaru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to arcade with GF
>DDR A cabinet
>Waiting in line
>Everyone sucks but you know, normies enjoying their time and having dumb fun
>My turn
>Play difficulty 10 songs at speed x2
>small crowd of 7-10 ppl gather around us
>The chinese nerds gang who were camping the pump it up cabinet next to us seem to look at us intensely
>Game Over
>One of the chinese comes to me
>"I charrenge you, you want to do versus?"
>we play some songs
>she plays on difficulty 14, rank A on all the songs
>we shake hands
Arcade is not dead my friends, and I live in fucking Paris

>> No.43420863

i love iidx

>> No.43422433

and i love you :)

>> No.43423729

>only As on 14s

Ima be honest that sounds like the DDR scene in France is dead. PFCing the 14 folder is like the bare minimum to claim to even be decent at DDR in the US.

>> No.43427883

has anyone played UMIGURI? looks like a CHUNITHM port.

>> No.43428232

This song out of reflec jail when

>> No.43429944

So, I just unexpectedly gifted a Sound Voltex controller and I'm wondering the best way to get things setup at home. I've got a PC rip of Vivid Wave downloaded but I want to know if it's necessary/possible to connect to an emulated eAmuse system or if it's better to just run it without. Will I be missing songs/features by not connecting it? I normally play at a local arcade that has stuff setup through Eagle and I've been out of the home scene loop for a long time. I previously had a IIDX of Tricoro up and running at home but that was some time ago.

Are there any resources/references that would be useful to read through?

>> No.43430129

hit up nyaa and download exceed gear from there, it should come prepackaged with asphyxia which runs a perfectly fine local eamuse system

>> No.43430481

Awesome, thanks anon. Is it possible to connect to an external eamuse like Eagle or are they restricted to proper hardware to prevent shenanigans?

>> No.43430672

eagle is strictly cabinet-only, but there are other similar private networks intended for home play that you can join, you just have to find someone to invite you into one

>> No.43431745

quit playing for a while because my life is falling apart
any way to play 2dix stuff on beatoraja yet?

>> No.43431973

round1 mpm is too crowded

>> No.43432282

of all the songs you could have linked this was the LAST one i was expecting

>> No.43432496

1-10th style works for me but anything after that refuses to load

Why would you wanna play on beatoraja instead of data anyway? Genuinely curious.

As a side note, is it possible to mod BMS stuff into IIDX data?

>> No.43433706

I simply don't know how to play data

>> No.43433940

nvm figured out how to play data lole casthour here i cum

>> No.43437506

An anon from last thread provided this link


Make sure you use the latest version of spicetools here:


If using TDJ mode, make sure to change the audio to wasapi in the spiceconfig

If you can't get data running through these instructions, you should probably just stop playing video games altogether.

>> No.43437513


Bro we've had Resident data for a while now.

>> No.43437576

ugh... my secondhand cabinet already needs repairing or replacing and the guy i bought it from was wearing a fucking miniskirt and nappy when he came over to take a look at the machine... i don't even want to play on it anymore after that

>> No.43438782

He sounds cute you should stick your thingy into his hole and stuff him up

>> No.43439021
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Guys... DDR... Trans rights... XD.

>> No.43440219
File: 230 KB, 770x282, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it bros, I finally saw an 11 in Step Up mode.

I failed it miserably of course

>> No.43440265

>the guy i bought it from was wearing a fucking miniskirt and nappy when he came over
Is this your average rhythm game enjoyer?

>> No.43440293

You're definitely just wrong here.

>> No.43440423

It seems that way. I remember looking up some stuff on D4DJ and

>> No.43440456

what third world hellscape are you from that "rest in piss" has the same meaning as "rest in peace"

>> No.43443492

God I want to fondle grace all over

>> No.43445426

>bms in iidx engine

yes! it resembles omnimix in design. i can't help you past confirming it used to or still exists though

>> No.43445433

what century or tax bracket are you from where anyone is entirely serious with phrasing their communication on twitter

>> No.43445484

are you one of the snow phoenix trannies?
the way you type and deliberately argue around statements is very feminine

>> No.43446088

no. thanks for the e-passing compliment though

>> No.43446461

over here you're deemed as "good" at an arcade game if you can go past the 1st stage without dying

>> No.43449193

I wouldn't be opposed to being in a Bemani-themed orgy with everyone in this thread

>> No.43449721

really? i can't reconcile that with stunfest being hosted in france

>> No.43449732

What would be Bemani-themed about the orgy

>> No.43449781

So where's DDR A20+ Omnimix anyways

>> No.43449843

we fuck each other while wearing cosplay of Bemani characters while listening to Bemani music

>> No.43450122 [DELETED] 

sp insane bms package 2023-05-06 torrent


yes its a single 7z file feel free to just not download instead of complaining

>> No.43450238

sp insane bms package 2023-05-06 torrent


>> No.43450807

The "Green Number" is a term used in the arcade rhythm game "beatmania IIDX" to refer to a player's average score on songs they have played. The exact definition of a Green Number can vary depending on the game's version and region, but generally, it represents a player's skill level.

Since the Green Number is based on individual player performance, there is no specific "average Green Number" for IIDX. However, some players consider a Green Number of around 800 to 900 to be a good starting point for intermediate players, while more experienced players may aim for a Green Number of 1000 or higher.

It's important to note that the Green Number is just one measure of a player's skill in IIDX, and there are many factors that contribute to a player's performance, such as timing accuracy, combo length, and difficulty level of the songs played.

>> No.43453289
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Steal his look

>> No.43453541
File: 554 KB, 2048x1536, pumpitup pheonix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Pump let's goooo

>> No.43458248


Abi why do you keep fishing for drama all the time?

>> No.43458545


>> No.43458884

delicious bga

>> No.43460011

how did Chuni got that Bocchi collab first bros....

>> No.43460630

I know you're memeing but DDR is kinda dead for me. D&B fucking over American DDR players has really demotivated me. I've been waiting for A3 on white cab for over a year now.

Since then I started playing IIDX, and it's slowly becoming my main game at the arcade instead of DDR.

>> No.43461097
File: 674 KB, 1280x1280, nahida_dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw keep going between hard 11s and easy 12s in step up

>> No.43462647

now find me a pack of every stella chart

>> No.43462666

reminder that iidx is so easy that a joke chart which was supposed to be impossible can be played with freq+4

>> No.43462981


ok dude

>> No.43464196

What the fuck is Dave's problem?

>> No.43464255

They don't give a shit about DDR, mainly. And to be completely honest, D&B really have no reason to give a shit. It's obviously not their main source of income (that'll be booze and coin pushers mostly). I wouldn't be surprised if Konami is trying to strong arm them into changing to revshare by charging ridiculous prices for the dongles. And that's just not gonna be worth it to D&B who have already shown that they're willing to shut off e-amuse access because they believed it was the smart financial move to make. And it kind of makes sense on paper. Why pay a percentage of each credit to Konami when they can just run it in offline mode and not have to share the profits? (Correct me if I'm wrong, but my assumption is Konami doesn't get a cut of offline mode plays)

Honestly, I wonder what Round 1's stance on all of this is. They already have revshare on a few games from what I understand.

>> No.43464671

D&B was already trying to cheap out and Konami hated dealing with them from the very beginning. D&B just didn't have a reason to jump ship until SMX came into the picture.

>> No.43466239

the owner of d&b is a cunt, i think his name is kevin bacchus, that might help you find his attempts at interacting with d&b customers online

>> No.43466793

They're really pushing absolute evil and cue cue rescue and still barely have any merch.

>> No.43466999

now that chris has focused on SDVX and IIDX BPL now finally has an american rep, i can see why DDR is basically abandoned now...

>> No.43467046

The only way Konami can get me interested in it again is if they bring back the Dancemania licenses. I'm just not interested in a lot of the new songs in it. When I do play I almost never choose a song from a game newer than X3, but most of the songs I play are from 1st - Supernova

>> No.43468367

Play ITG tech

>> No.43469312

I'm still having fun with omnimix

>> No.43471598

91bp is good for that density

>> No.43472071

i wnat to play beatmania 2 deluxe like lisu but its so hard :(

>> No.43472691

sure but why would you call the game easy if he got a fucking C or B playing it like that

>> No.43472936

BPL Season 3 IIDX draft. USA rep PHN!X is there!

>> No.43473040

>PHN!X failed to get drafted
jesas they really hate americans...

>> No.43473131

that's really fucked up, doesn't he live in japan now? and know some of the language? and play at a top or just-below level?

>> No.43473714

>hat surprise season 3
hommarju pls

>> No.43474923


don't tell them how to load their trucks tho

>> No.43476136

You could move to Japan when you're 2 years old, live there your entire life, know the language absolutely perfectly and can speak it fluently, and the Japanese will still shit all over you because you're a foreigner. If you are not born and raised Japanese, by a fully Japanese family, you do not belong.

And people think America is racist lmao

>> No.43476993

bruh he got AAA on freq+0 and it's like oj4 difficulty. it BTFOs every other iidx chart. also my point still stands that iidx is an easy game. none of the charts are hard, i could easily hard clear every chart in the game other than mendes black

>> No.43477090

also you don't even know how the scoring works
>C or B
71% is an A

>> No.43477101

IIDX tards will never improve density because they're too stuck up on having perfect timing

>> No.43477166

>omg the safari is so hard!!!!
meanwhile its like 1 nps and i could literally play it with one hand

>> No.43477264

no one cares either post scores or go back to playing bms

>> No.43477510

you should care that you're playing a shit game

>> No.43477514

I wish I was good at iidx but I don't want to actually play it

>> No.43477734

i only remember 89% my bad

>> No.43478676

When mare nectaris first came out you get people asking
>am I paying money to play insane BMS?
that's probably why

>> No.43479034

It's not a secret anymore but expect a lot of DDR White cabs/Pump It Up cabs be removed from DnBs and replaced with SMX in the coming months

>> No.43479064

Reasons being:

No rev share required for eAmuse
Sensors are FSRs, minimal maintenance needed
No need to pay for upgrade kits, new updates are free or optional DLC packs
No more need to stock up on login cards for either game
More """American""" licensing/songs

And the biggest reason:
Operators have unlimited freedom to set pricing/songs per set to whatever the hell they want, Kyle advertises this as fast ROI
Not uncommon to see random venues with SMX set to $2 per song

>> No.43480071

>take cawfee or various energy drinks
>still hitting a wall
>get druk
>make prpgress
wft is this

>> No.43480442


KKM literally could not speak Japanese and was the first pick.

Americans are so self-absorbed to think there has to be a conspiracy for an American to not make it when they allowed someone from a country they don't like to compete without knowing their language.

>> No.43480614

lmfao you wish

>> No.43481292

Playing Pop'n at the arcade hurts my right hand now :( at least playing on the minicon with the PS2 still feels fine for now

>> No.43481774
File: 255 KB, 965x1280, IMG_4052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a scratchlet is suffering

>> No.43481863


I think it's more the JP players don't like the western players because they're obnoxious, cheat, and really loud on twitter. phn!x doesn't really fall under that imo, but we arr rook da same.

>> No.43482898
File: 197 KB, 1200x1108, 20230510_220411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Remove DDR and PIU for SMX
>Still blast the music in the "arcade" to distract players
