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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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43219096 No.43219096 [Reply] [Original]

what is up with japan, why do they hate their government?

>> No.43219108

Their government are traitors. Servants to American jews.

>> No.43219113
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Why do they still wear masks

>> No.43219125

a lot of Japanese are kind of dumb and just follow the herd like lemmings

some are starting to take them off though, there is still hope, it will probably be 50% within a month or two

>> No.43219131

Bane posting in 2023?

>> No.43219332

kishida is a weak leader who bends over to the west and his party

>> No.43219420

is there any hope for them to get mosaic censorship off of JAV in the foreseeable future?

>> No.43219427

If you even have to ask then you my tomodachi don't know shit about the Japanese moral hivemind

>> No.43219435

so the future looks bleak? :(

>> No.43219499
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Detail video here

>> No.43219605

A pipe bomb was thrown at the PM, it landed right next to the lectern but security where quick enough to evacuate him and nab the thrower in the front row. It seems the pipebombs fuse was a bit too long.

>> No.43219613
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Smells like falseflag.

>> No.43219623

forgot link


>> No.43219627

japan has been wearing face masks even before covid you stupid filthy gaijins

>> No.43219657

From my understanding. It's difficult to live in Japan with taxes continuing to increase, wage staying the same, no one can have children even if they want to because they don't have the income. Gov officials don't really do much in trying to fix the problem, mainly just dicking around with half ass measures while they sleep during cabinet meetings.

>> No.43219714

you obviously have never been to Japan, I was there in 2019 and there were maybe 10% wearing masks at the most

>> No.43219736

Didn't Kishida tried to increase the wages?

>> No.43219763

Don't try to apply logic to insanity

>> No.43219853
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>> No.43219969

Kishida is seen as an American puppet while at least Abe wanted a domestic military industrial complex that would start selling Japanese made weapons

>> No.43220024

Birth rate decreasing

>> No.43220033

A domestic military industrial complex to make Japanese made weapons so they can supply Japanese troops to fight alongside American wars and disputes.

>> No.43220087

Their government are members of a gook cult destroying Japan

>> No.43220104

Mad chinks or something?

>> No.43220179

America has been ripping Japan off with the Aegis system for a very long time now. It makes more financial sense for Japan to develop their own missiles.

>> No.43220199

I hate our government as well. Fucking corrupt pieces of shit,


>> No.43220358
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>> No.43220537
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It is the obligation of every patriot to hate his government. Have you fulfilled your obligation?

>> No.43220641

I hate literally every level of my government.
The whole system has been corroborated to benefit the incompetent.

>> No.43220822
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>> No.43221671

his pose will never not be funny

>> No.43221769

Wouldn't that just make inflation worse if they don't grow the economy?
