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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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43181755 No.43181755 [Reply] [Original]

I do content work with my gf, do you guys think there is a niche for making ecchi 3d collages imitating them? Sort of like this one i made quick to show what i mean

>> No.43181770
File: 614 KB, 2160x2123, 26272626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We would put more effort into it of course but just so you get an idea

Does something like this already exist and if yes does it have a name?

>> No.43181775

i always get paid through paypal
don't want shitty vouchers

>> No.43181782

We got an onlyfans, (not shilling that in here)

>> No.43182001


>> No.43183635


>> No.43183818

>I do content work with my gf
I hope you're kidding, otherwise you should put a bullet in both you and your gf's heads. Whoring out your girlfriend is disgusting.

>> No.43189145

ladies and gentlemen these are 2023 nutakos for you. The 3dpd whoring out their counter sex. The Parasites. and a great thread at it!

>> No.43189958

>do you guys think there is a niche for making ecchi 3d collages imitating them
Assuming you are an artist that can draw of course, though I imagine most of people who would commission it wouldn't be paying top dollar for it - they'd likely just as well use a filter embellishment or whatever neural networking solutions there are now.
Now if you are intending on using preexisinting or AI art, I would think most of the egirls could do that much, no? What special value are you adding that isn't easily replicable?

>> No.43190036

I think the idea isn't that great, but they did bring up an idea that is topically relevant to otaku culture (niche for making ecchi 3d collages of IRL models), and you chose to reply in a way that focused solely on that.
Like I can't care much that you hate 3DPD, since being mean to people doesn't make people not post things on 4chan, but I care that you can't contribute to the topic at hand instead of going off on a tangent.

>> No.43190050

Coomoids pay for anything. They are even paying for AI prompts, not even the resulting image, just the text.

>> No.43190088

I feel slightly less bad about the mess I've made of my life thanks to OP.

>> No.43190128

Literally what is the point in mentioning that if you aren't going to link it. Why WOULDN'T you shill it here. Only thing worse than a whore is a whore that won't put out.

Is that your gf in the OP? I can see her reddit user anyway. If the OF is linked through that I will find it, so why not just save me the fucking hassle?

>> No.43190140

you're projecting way too
>niche for making ecchi 3d collages of IRL models
the thing is we don't want your kind in here but you forced yourself onto us, normie-kun

>> No.43190930

>Why WOULDN'T you shill it here.
Because my intention isnt to stealth shill which some might assume but to get an answer for the idea i mentioned.

I would use cool looking preexisting ecchis and replicate those. Sure e girls can do that but we already have a huge following so some of them might be into it and then it spreads more

My question was also if this niche has some specific term for it already, maybe there are subreddits for it already im not aware of

But given the feedback itt it looks like those who are into 2d are 2d maximalists but id still give it a shot

We initially got inspired by ecchis for general outfits and poses so thats why my idea arose to maybe combine both

>> No.43190973

(My gf is also japanese so the appeal might be potentially bigger than if doing it with a white girl)

>> No.43191036

>Sure e girls can do that but we already have a huge following so some of them might be into it and then it spreads more
Already spread. At this point Western young adults being into anime is typical, and when filling requests for account rips, many girls going for the weeb vibe have similar caricatures already. I assume it's one of the many ways new accounts will try and stand out.

Like I am getting you're general idea and your intuition about it catching on is true, it just already has been done for years and unless you are putting in some appreciable creative effort I don't see many people doing more than taking it for free. Now, if you or your girlfriend ever wanted to get into drawing as a hobby, that would be a good excuse to do so and you'd probably get more out of that.

>> No.43191043

Thanks for the constructive input

>> No.43191087
File: 125 KB, 950x600, 106734035_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A thoroughly stupid and low value thread made by a thoroughly stupid individual that doesn't properly value others or himself. How does your soul tolerate inhabiting such an insipid creature? The only advice you deserve is that you should get your act together; if you don't you'll get to experience that strange phenomenon where even with a house full of trinkets and surrounded by "friends" and even "loved ones" you'll find yourself feeling completely empty and devoid of joy.

>> No.43191092

No problem, you'd probably have better luck on >>>/adv/ .
>but we already have a huge following
If you don't mind me asking, how did you guys manage that? (Beyond being attractive and not being unattractive)
Just interested to hear what kind of game there is to getting big on OF these days.

>> No.43191133

>how did you guys manage that?
The best place to market is on nsfw subreddits, at this point 95% of all reddit posts are content sellers. You gain followers on there and you can also share content exclusively for your reddit feed for the followers. You post on around 30-40 subreddits catered to your niche, say feet, heels, tights, cosplay, thighjobs etc

Once you gain around 10-20k reddit followers you start making an OF and link it on your reddit bio, from there on it progresses on its own.

Better than reddit is tiktok but its alot more work because your accounts get banned quickly, its also only for people who do content showing face so that wasnt an option for us.

But yeah reddit is where all onlyfans marketing happen primary. Its a very saturated market though so you really have to find your niches and what works best.

It took us around 6 months until we could slowly started making a living out of it.

>> No.43191256

lol ive seen her on redgifs exquisite taste anon you are living the dream

>> No.43193380

kill yourselves

>> No.43193541

Watch your blood pressure timothy

>> No.43193556

don't shoot up a school incel

>> No.43193557

watch your normie faggotry, coomoid

>> No.43193562

since when simpfags learned to slander other folks like this?

>> No.43193577
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i rather be the so called incel you fags love propagating than a pimp simp who has zero respect and no dignity.

>> No.43193579

Nobody asked you

>> No.43193589

Why did you quote me? I told that faggot OP off for his stupid shit. Also good job getting these niggers to bump the thread again, retard.

>> No.43193601

can we see more of her soles? also you'd be better off just going for cosplay op see r/nsfwcosplay

>> No.43193603

why cant mods just delete it if it's so bad? oh wait mods are clueless cancer enablers right and are discordtrannyniggers? sorry forgot

>> No.43193607

>why cant mods just delete it if it's so bad?
because its unironically otaku culture wether you like it or not

>> No.43193614


>> No.43193638

I don't know why they haven't deleted it either, or at least moved it to /soc/ or /adv/, but going contrary to the will of the board is more or less their modus operandi and I suppose they're simply not pretending otherwise anymore. If it pisses /jp/ off or lowers the board quality? Great, it stays up. Let's fill the board with off-topic shit, especially if it already has a board that it should be on! Who doesn't love shitty porn games with low quality art (monkuso), twitch and youtube streamers who are mostly English speakers (holo/vtubers), and... some faggot cuck posting his girlfriend's feet? Truly otaku culture! Truly /jp/! Oh what about /d/, /vt/, and /soc/? Oh nonono, we wouldn't want to inconvenience those boards with such shitty posters, they belong here!

>> No.43193642

>tfw no nippon gf to inseminate and get paid for
The cruelty and unfairness of this world is truly unmatched

>> No.43193643

>otaku culture
wow *claps* didn't know javfags and simplords forced themselves into my 2d culture? how about go outside and fuck a slut instead if you're at it already and i don't want to see your nigger ass around /a/ ok? noice try
yeah this place is fucked in the ass go figure. i have more problem with boob coomoids though.

>> No.43193654

>how about go outside and fuck a slut instead if you're at it already
who said i am? im not op

>> No.43193673

Why don't you just ignore the thread you autistic cringelord

>> No.43193688
File: 513 KB, 3300x3500, Frzw7EXaQAA0tqJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you suck my cock, dude? Go and put that on your onlyfans.

>> No.43193729

>everyone who disagrees with me is op
Peak autism.

>> No.43193741

No, I'm propositioning you for gay sex because you're a faggot. The fact that OP, too, is a faggot is redundant. OP is always a faggot, but it doesn't stop anyone else from being a faggot, case in point: You. Now get sucking, OnlyFans is otaku culture after all.

>> No.43193743

so why do you love this thread so much?

>> No.43193782

I don't love this thread or ops idea whatsoever I just think the way you are communicating it is completely uncalled for. He just asked a question, tell him NO and simply move on? Also why do you flame the people who tried having a civil discussion with op?

>> No.43193812

more of that braphog pls. is she asian?

>> No.43193853
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Thought I'd wander into this thread and take it easy.

>> No.43193883 [DELETED] 
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Cheers anons. Only positive vibes

>> No.43193923
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>> No.43193929

kill yourself, normalfags.
delete your fucking 2d pics you traitor

>> No.43193967

The majority of males (66%) doesn't have sex. That makes them and you by definition and math a normalfag, not op.

>> No.43193972
File: 36 KB, 500x494, das it mane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43193979

On top of that there exist less people who do content than people into manga and anime. So again, by definition you are the normalfag, not op.

>> No.43194004

kill yourself

>> No.43194012

Kill yourself

>> No.43194049
File: 31 KB, 345x438, 1680957560287756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ripped pantyhose partially exposing bare soles

>> No.43194157

great now i missed it

>> No.43194177

Whoring out your GF while you are the only one fucking her is based.

>> No.43194268
File: 1.66 MB, 2160x2160, 7377337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers anon

It was revealing too much,

>> No.43194338 [DELETED] 
File: 1.01 MB, 2160x2160, 738383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its fun experimenting around. I showed this to a few followers and they liked the concept of it generally speaking

>> No.43194344

If any of you anons have some nice ecchi ideas, submit them in here and we will try to do those

>> No.43194389 [DELETED] 
File: 1.72 MB, 2160x2160, 737373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There ya go, censored it

>> No.43194433

does she share the money with you?

>> No.43194526

50 50 but we spend the money together anyway, mostly for traveling

>> No.43194602

how much do you make if you mind sharing

>> No.43194656

Id rather keep that for myself and stay on topic. I dont want the anons in here to hate me more lol

>> No.43194711


>> No.43194814

then tell me atleast how much you made yesterday

>> No.43194860

320$ which is a good day

>> No.43195053


>> No.43195351

cringe touch grass

>> No.43196165

This one is not bad

>> No.43196469

kill yourself underage nigger

>> No.43196512
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>e-pimping out your love of life to horndogs by making her cosplay and pose as anime art pictures for side-by-side collages
This is so putrid that it's deep within the territory where it's hard to care about it
Honestly, you deserve the money you get from degenerates, at this point
Let the system crash itself

>> No.43196576

Op here. Arent you dramatizing abit anonkun? I get this impression alot with people who are in the anime scene. I dont get these feedbacks elsewhere on chan, i dont hate it really. I like how you put effort into phrasing but it only has entertainment value. It wont change my views or ethics really

>> No.43196633

>>e-pimping out your love of life to horndogs by making her cosplay and pose as anime art pictures for side-by-side collages
It is likely that you simply believe in more sanctity for the human body and romantic relations than OP or the gf, which isn't universally shared. Personally if I had that much reservation about sanctity I'd struggle to interact with anyone, yet alone stuff where experiencing repeated rejection is generally required, like finding the love of your life.

>> No.43196636

they are having fun making pics while getting paid for it you neurotic imbecile. not everyone perceives the world the way you do with your deranged frontal lobe

seethe seethe seethe more

>> No.43196639

>It is likely that you simply believe in more sanctity for the human body and romantic relations than OP or the gf, which isn't universally shared.
thats the whole point i made here in a more modest form


>> No.43196655

people who never had sex tend to believe in idealistic romantic plots inspired by reading the latest manga. many such cases

>> No.43196849

Not the moralist but I'm hitting 30 soon and never had sex or an SO out of disinterest - never had a crush on anyone IRL - but by most other measures I get along OK socially for my needs. So while I don't base my expectations off fictional media as fact, I am probably pretty naive as to what having an SO is like compared to a close friend.

The most common vibe I get from others with SOs is that it is like friends with benefits but with more codependency, more mutual support in private life, and a commitment to common interests and goals where they align.

>> No.43196879

What is an SO?

>> No.43196928

Significant Other (SO) is another way to refer to boyfriend/girlfriend relationships.

>> No.43197040

I see

And yeah i agree with the last part of your post. So out of curiosity, do you critize me as OP for the work and hobby I do with my gf? Maybe you have a unique pov and opinion on it given your indifferent position towards a SO.

>> No.43197147

>So out of curiosity, do you critize me as OP for the work and hobby I do with my gf?
Nothing you've said seems worth much serious criticism to me. While I wouldn't it suggest it if I were in a relationship, I'd be down for my SO doing it on the side, maybe less joining in because I am an intensely introverted person. No shame about it.

The way I see it, beauty and sexual attractiveness is an immensely lucrative asset for some individuals that tends to be gifted most to those with the least ability and experience to make use of it themselves - the young. It might seem weird to frame it this way, but among those who are significantly attractive just note how much you or they can move and influence without words or $$$, or for much less. So as much as society collectively hates it, if you guys can figure out a way to monetize your/her being as a "person other people would do a lot to fuck" while you still have it, I think it is both an ethical gig and a very practical decision if you can balance out the demands of OF with the rest of your lives.

>> No.43197224

not op but what you said is rational, great use of logic. calm. no insults.

you see, i really believe you that you have no interest in a SO and younanalyse it therefore without being emotionally invested unlike the sexually frustrated other anons in here who are filled with hate.

>> No.43197248

Thank you and cheers anon! Did you like some of the content we posted above? Not trying to sell you something, just interested in your opinion. If you have some criticism let me know.

>> No.43197249
File: 34 KB, 259x224, 1681261784917514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vapid and corrosive materialist hedonism is just an ethical gig
>what you said is rational, great use of logic.

>> No.43197275

>papa sky poltard posts le funny meme and tries to sound coherent and not 67 iq throwing buzzwords around
>fails miserably
anime consooomer, the biggest form of escapism, calls somebody else hedonistic. LOL

>> No.43197303

Yeah the hypocrisy and projection is strong in that one

>> No.43197328

umm sweaty, it doesn't matter if you're right because you just got called a projecting dummy, therefore the self-serving echochamber delusions shall continue their circulation. COPE

>> No.43197330

i would bet my whole life savings that he watched some form of porn to get some relief in the last 96h

moralfags are the worst out of all copers, pure projection. they hate themself. sad really.

>> No.43197342

>therefore the self-serving echochamber delusions shall continue their circulation
you mean like they did the first 30 posts in here? thankfully not because logic and life experience then entered the thread, something you dont posses beeing a rotting basement dwelling neet.

>> No.43197380

I don't think my opinion matters that much since I've only used OF to rip requests for other people and don't really fap to much but ideas and some doujin (hentai) these days. I am physically attracted more to girls and your girl is clearly physically attractive, but in terms of fap-fuel nothing that has been posted has moved my needle from neutral.

As for the ecchi thing, that is a massive turnoff from my perspective. Thinking it over I'm probably seeing it completely different to you guys and your subscribers. By instinct, I am looking at the "ecchi" picture first and then comparing that as an ideal to the photo you guys took. This isn't reasonable for obvious reasons, but when someone sees the idealized 2D girl as the standard to meet it's hard not to feel underwhelmed. I imagine this is part of the reason you are getting so much vitriol from others - it's genuinely unpleasant to people who are 2D purists.

With all that being said it appears to have been better received than that.
What did your followers think of it?

>> No.43197381
File: 27 KB, 602x339, images.jpeg-330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an argument.

Great post. Do you think you will change your opinion one day on not wanting intimacy anon?

>> No.43197437

Thats some great imput, thanks anon. And i get what youre saying from a 2d maximalist perspective. It makes sense.

My followers liked the idea but its mostly like a reddit userbase, they are not as authentic in criticism and will blindly compliment anything so im not too sure on it. If i see somebody make a paid custom request, then i know it will be real.

We will probably just end up doing cosplay to fill that anime niche

>> No.43197955

>Do you think you will change your opinion one day on not wanting intimacy anon?
I think I have a pretty regular desire for intimacy - the issue is more a neurotic fear of rejection. I suspect this is primarily a symptom of masking my undiagnosed ASD as a kid (well, parents rejected the diagnosis). I optimized to present an inoffensive, pleasing, useful, trustworthy, and unguarded persona. Academically and work-wise that got me far but it is still just an internalized persona that requires effort to maintain and ultimately denies expression of many of my internal feelings and desires.

If someone could see through the screen in both online and IRL relations they'd likely see I am actually rarely rejected by others these days - but that is also an outcome I plan and optimize for. If I need or highly want some sort of relationship with someone else, I will spend time considering their potential perspective, desires, etc. so as to make the interaction as smooth and complementary as possible. And if I am not interested in a particular relationship with someone, I generically mask and minimize dependency in such a way that I would never be in the position to be rejected by them. Failing that, I make sure the grief of rejection is minimized on my end before anyone else - a selfish act with selfish consequences.

It's actually a good thing you asked, since you made me remember I've been explicitly asked out by girls and a guy several times over the years for dates - most of them I liked as individuals. But because I saw even the first hangout with each other alone as signing on to commitment and potential rejection from them, each and every time I would try to friendzone them as gently as possible with something that probably sounded like:
>it's not you, it's me
And while several of them had bodies I could fantasize about, that wasn't even a consideration in the moment.

I'll be giving more thought about this in the future, thanks.

>> No.43197984


>> No.43198074

LOL what a thread. Norman comes in with vengeance and tanks himself through resistance one by one. You should make a frequent /general/ with this theme. It would provide endless keks

>> No.43198092

Translation: i wish i was in ops shoes

>> No.43198656

>logic and life experience
*bitterness and trauma from failing to get over the curbstombing of life

>> No.43198693

>Not an argument
There's no need for a refutational argument when nothing of significance was said in the first place
Still got the neurotic people defensive over some analysis of OPs actions, for some reason

>> No.43199122

>neurotic people
Projection again, topkek.

I really hope he sticks with us.

>> No.43199141

It is normie advice but have you tried out cbt for the anxiety and rumination on self perception? Do you workout?

>> No.43199150

I am an ethnobotanist I don't need any of that shit.

>> No.43199167

So do you take psylocybin for anxiety?

>> No.43199189

>sexhaver getting flamed on jaypee
riveting tale. not sure what op expected. might aswell play basketball in front of disabled kids and tell them how much fun it is

>> No.43199200

No I take fucking Datura you ass cheeto.

>> No.43199283

>It is normie advice but have you tried out cbt for the anxiety and rumination on self perception?
Oh that's fair to ask and is totally something someone with similar issues should look into, along with other therapy models designed with different goals/frameworks like DBT. I have yet to see a therapist about it specifically, but going over everything I've read about the cognitive process of CBT there really isn't much there I haven't already incidentally encountered in my own thoughts. Especially stuff like considering your emotional state and the bias it has on your thoughts, intentionally replacing more obvious tics with increasingly discrete ones, recognizing settings hat are difficult or induce dysfunction and trying to modify the surrounding situation to make that setting more tolerable, etc. And yeah it comes up naturally when ruminating.
>Do you workout?
Usually run a few miles every day and other cardio, should really get back into upper body as well.

>> No.43199309

Thanks that you keep bumping ops thread, keep doing that

>> No.43199323

I would definitely suggest you give cbt a shot with a good rated therapist anon. Going through it in theory or even practice on your own or doing it guided with a therapist is a worlds difference

>> No.43199340

Think I'll take you on that. Just need to find someone decent who is taking clients.

>> No.43199342

Yeah because everyone else except me was saging you pus brain bag of shit.

>> No.43199385

Stroke one out to JAV and come down timothy. dont shoot up a school pls.

>> No.43199419
File: 93 KB, 450x375, i fuck murder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking loved school. I would never dream of it.

>> No.43201202

