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4316739 No.4316739 [Reply] [Original]

Just downloaded UFO, and it's my first Danmaku game.

Even on Easy, I'm having difficulties--so of the six, which girl should I start with?

>> No.4316755
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>> No.4316752

Perfect Cherry Blossom
anyone suggesting IN is a troll

>> No.4316760

Imperishable Night
anyone suggesting PCB is a troll

>> No.4316756

Start with Reimu, homing. That is what touhou newfags must use.

>> No.4316778

Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
anyone suggesting PCB or IN has bad taste

>> No.4316786

Sanae B is the only shot type worth using in UFO.

>> No.4316787

UFO is the most fun game in the series, good choice OP.

>> No.4316793

Play on lunatic OP. It's nigh impossible but keep at it and you will become a master.

>> No.4316794

PCB, MoF, or LLS.

>> No.4316796

>Which Girl
He means which character/shot type.

Anyone suggesting the name of a game is a troll.

>> No.4316797




>> No.4316800

PCB and IN are the best newbie games. Anyone who says otherwise is trolling you.

>> No.4316809

Choose whichever one you want, taking /jp/'s advice is like accepting a blowjob from a hooker who tells you she has several forms of STD's

>> No.4316818

Sanae B. Great splash, decent forward shot, and a strong bomb that doesn't negatively affect your mobility. Just make sure you wait for the initial explosion to go off before summoning a UFO.

I want to see you actually submitting in the next danmaku thread. Looking forward to seeing what you're capable of, even if a bit out of practice.

>> No.4316819


I chose UFO simply because I had no idea which one to pick, and I didn't think about which one would be more or less difficult.

I'll try Sanae B out, I guess.

>> No.4316820

Download that "all games" torrent.
EoSD, PCB, and IN are the most accessible and PCB/IN are at the same time the easiest games while having some of the best pattern design of the franchise.

IN is better for beginners who've never played a shooting game before because of certain features that make the gameplay more fluid/easy (longer time to bomb during spell cards), PCB and EoSD are better for people who have played shooting games before but are unfamiliar with Touhou or haven't played much danmaku before.

>> No.4316823

Play Dodonpachi Daioujou for an accessible newbie game, anyone who says otherwise is a troll.

>> No.4316824

Start with SA, everyone else is trolling you

>> No.4316825

Yeah, you probably don't want to start with UFO. Dodging is hard enough when you're new that you won't want to have to dance about chasing items as well.

Either Sanae would be good if you do want to stick with it, though. Homing snakes so you can always do damage, or frogs for damage/killing groups.

>> No.4316835

i havent played touhou frequently in years (literally speaking)
last time i did a EoSD hard run and lost a life at Rumia's first non-spell and ragequitted
im rusty as heck

>> No.4316839

Oh, and for difficulty.


Seriously I can 1cc IN and PCB on Normal and I can't even beat UFO and SA on Easy those two are ass-reamingly hard.

Not counting 9 because I never play that one anyway.

>> No.4316843

this, do it like a man, start from the one that started everything.

and yes, the ones below 06 are shit.

>> No.4316845

IN is the easiest, however some features will throw you for a loop on other games if you rely on them. PCB, I think is the best overall, good challenge and varied patterns along with the border bonuses, are godsends for any person trying out touhou.

>> No.4316861


I know you have it in you!

>> No.4316859

I lol'd

>> No.4316880

Marisa A is the true choice for pros.

Every time I rip out a bitchin Master Spark, my hair literally blows backward and my shades glint and I scream into the gale of awesomeness as I crawl in vain toward the UFO I need to complete a chain and a thousand point items roll past me.

>> No.4316884

oh well after i finish playing the mountain of games i have on my list

>> No.4316905

I'm thinking I'll download PCB, but in the meantime, I'm working on UFO. I'm starting to make some progress on the second boss.

One day, I shall be as a god.

>> No.4316916


I think the entire point of this thread is that I am not, in fact, a pro.

>> No.4316919

IN is really only significantly easier if you're using Border Team. The other 3 can take a while to get used to/are just plain bad (I'm looking at you Alice).

>> No.4316937

>crawl toward

What the hell, you still haven't memorized the bounce paths?

>> No.4316993

Holy fucking shit.

I was doing good, and then I saw Kogasa's third Spell Card...What was THAT shit.

>> No.4317039

An awesome fuckin card.

>> No.4317042


what diff

>> No.4317048

Real men play marisa B and kill everything from above.

>> No.4317067

the real troll

Because after that, everyone joined in the debate.
I'm not even going to mention which game you should get first.

But I'll tell you, I started at IN. Pretty good experience IMO.
EoSD or PCB can also be a good start.

>> No.4317070

1) use SanaeB or ReimuB

both are good for stages (decent attack area vs homing), and SanaeB's bomb does massive damage

2) if you're new, start with Imperishable Night. it's the easiest of all the games and has a longer deathbomb interval so you can get used to bombing to prevent deaths
yah i can't get used to that pattern, i always bomb past the night train

>> No.4317071

That one's a real shocker when you first see it

It's actually the easiest spellcard of her main boss fight once you find the method

>> No.4317116

I started with EoSD, and I was very pleased with that start.

Maybe I shouldn't have gone with Marisa (A), while refusing to even try using Reimu, though.

And maybe I shouldn't have started with hard while refusing to even try the lower difficulties.

...I can make it to stage 3 without losing a life, but then, fuck, I always fail completely on that stage.

>> No.4317195
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>I was doing good, and then I saw Kogasa's third Spell Card...What was THAT shit.

Did it surprise you?

>> No.4317381

Just got killed by TAIGA.
What I don't get is what the hell made ZUN think that making bullets and pickups the same colour (NOT TO MENTION UFOs) while spamming them EVERYWHERE ON THE FUCKING SCREEN was a good idea? I died like 4 times in that sage before getting to the boss.
Also, FUCK YEAR CAPTAIN MURASA'S STAGE. awesome midboss was awesome.

>> No.4317417

Ha ha, UFO was my first as well.

Be sure to play on a usb controller. Playing on a keyboard on easy is like doing hard.

I strongly recommend you start with normal though. You'll be cockblocked from beating the game on your first session, for a short while on stage 3 and then ultimately locked down on stage 4.

Keep practicing and the next day you'll get all the way to stage 6.

At least that's what happened to me. It took a couple weeks before I was able to 1cc it though.

I turned around and beasted PCB.

>> No.4317450


YEah, I don't have a controller. so that's not an option. Right now I just decided to move on and try PCB. In some ways, I'm doing better. But easy mode still makes me shit bricks, even with ReimuA.

>> No.4317469

Just go get a usb controller, it's so much better.

>> No.4317493

It's been said many times, but begin with EoSD or PCB. They're both very accessible and fairly easy (on easy modo at least, EoSD normal is another story).

Although Imperishable Night is also quite easy, you have to get used to master/slave system. If you mindlessly shoot nonstop, you won't be reaching the time bonuses plus the game will be harder since there will be more bullets on screen (if you shoot away the slaves before blowing up the master).

>> No.4317536

EoSD easy doesn't let you face remilia though ;_;

>> No.4317539

My first was PCB, then EoSD. They were fun, but I think I just got too frustrated with them (even on Easy) to bother with them for long. It was like over two years before I picked it up again last November or so. But NOW I was getting the hang of it. Somewhat. Ended up getting the rest of the Touhou Windows games.

Anyways, yeah, I'd say PCB or IN is a good starting point for the games. Probably PCB over IN just because the mechanics are easier (you don't have to worry about the "time" bit or switching between characters). UFO is fun, but the idea of collecting UFOs to get extra lives can be a pain, especially on the later levels where it's really easy to be chasing a red one and end up crashing sideways into a bullet.

>> No.4317564

Oh yeah, beating PCB or IN on Easy without continuing allows you to give the Extra Stage a try (the other ones require beating it on Normal or higher). You'll likely get your ass handed to you, but it's still cool to try out.

>> No.4317570

I started with IN and I had no idea what the hell was going on for the longest time. Not only is that game really complex, but I didn't yet know the very important fact that none of the games make clear sense until you read the manual on the wiki.
