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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 204 KB, 516x729, 1230022768738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4314112 No.4314112 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4314122

This brang a tear to my eye ;_;

>> No.4314121

Some of these are from /jp/ 2009 christmas, damn I should of done one!

>> No.4314123

I couldn't find my camera. ;_;

>> No.4314127

Does anyone have the 2009 christmas pic with all of them together?

>> No.4314128

I thought about making one for my waifu... but I'm too NEET for that :-)

>> No.4314134


>> No.4314141

a very merry Christmas indeed

>> No.4314146
File: 1.66 MB, 2000x4835, 1261901545010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one with a believable timestamp, but I didn't look closer at it.

>> No.4314162

Thanks, this was it.

>> No.4314166


I think someone made one more update after that one, but I don't have it saved unfortunately. There was only 1 image difference or what have you.

>> No.4314172

Beat me to it. Oh well.

>> No.4314180
File: 211 KB, 819x819, 1256927812419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Suika one with the beers... ;_;

it would have been better with the akon "mr. lonely" song.

>> No.4314183

There's always Valentine's day '10, just over a week from now.

>> No.4314191

I'm going to make one for that frustrated guy and one for that baww guy!

>> No.4314203

Oh my! I've got to get ready for that!

I wonder who I should have as mai valentine and what I should get for them...

>> No.4314204


I dunno which is more depressing, 2D Christmas or 2D Valentines

>> No.4314210

Stalin is moe?

>> No.4314219

flash thread here >>>/f/1175970

>> No.4314222


>> No.4314248

why the fuck am I crying?

>> No.4314254


because it's pretty sad?

>> No.4314272

Its the best video evahh

Next cristmass I'll make one of those pics too!!!! it will be so cash!!!! uyeajhh

>> No.4314295
File: 200 KB, 1024x768, ronery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alpha-san why can't you be real ;_;

>> No.4314469

feeling ronery now

>> No.4314479
File: 221 KB, 1229x922, waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just married

>> No.4314483


I don't have a waifu. What do I do?


>> No.4314506

Nice tux Anon

>> No.4314517

You will never hug your 2d waifu.

sadfrog.jpg ;_;

>> No.4314519
File: 40 KB, 589x484, 1265307654512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It really does feel pretty bad, man.

>> No.4314557

>>4314519, >>4314517, >>4314483, >>4314295
There is more than one way to do it, actually. Go look up what Maribel Han thinks about reality and then act upon it.

>> No.4314566

Who cares about sex. I'm fine with dying a virgin and never knowing the pleasures of the flesh, but, Oh Gods above, how I wish to be hugged by my waifu. To feel her warm arms embrace me, to smell the shampoo in her hair as strands of it cascade over my face, to hear her heartbeat quicken because of her embarrassment. What I wouldn't give to see her smile at me, to hear her say my name, to feel her warmth beside me, even if it were only for a few seconds. Just a few seconds.

But, no. That'll never happen. No matter how much effort I put into becoming successful, no matter how hard I work, no matter how much money I make, no matter if everyone in the world knows my name, nothing I do on this world will ever let her know even of my existence.

So, like the song says, I'll just be ronery until she comes to me and takes me away with her forever.

>> No.4314615

> Nice tux Anon
but that's shirou on the pic. anon is behind the screen, crying like a little bitch because his waifu married another guy.

>> No.4314625

Oh God! ;_;

>> No.4314644


in b4 balamb garden

>> No.4314659

I lost it at the pencils.

>> No.4314663

Stalin-kun ;_;

>> No.4314673

You'll get over it, give it a couple years.

>> No.4314676


A couple of years of excruciating pain.

>> No.4314683

No, no, I'm not really suicidal. Well, I don't have anything against suicide, but I don't think my waifu would really appreciate my throwing away this life just for the small chance of being with her. Plus, my death will come eventually, so I just have to live through these boring days until I can finally die, until I can finally have an infinitesimally small chance of seeing her in case some sort of after life exists. And if it doesn't, and if I never get my wish, at the very least, she'll be the last person I think of in my final moments. When I finally lose feeling in my arms and legs, and when my vision finally begins to fade away to the cool darkness, her image will appear on that blackdrop. And she'll be smiling.

>> No.4314696

I feel your pain aniki

>> No.4314712
File: 34 KB, 637x360, 1265094048366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4314722

Yeah I had sex with her once too. What a dirty slut.

>> No.4314727

Oh, it's already February? Well, damn. I need to plan what I'll do.
I don't have a camera, being a poorfuck, but I still participate in these things. It's fun and enjoyable, even if no one else is around to watch.

It's been two already.

>> No.4314731


>> No.4314740

It's as bad as you make it. Whenever you start dwelling over it, just force yourself to do something else. Play Touhou until your eyes bleed and your fingers spasm. Or whatever repetitive and exhausting activity you can think of. Stop watching shitty romance animu/VNs, keep away from tv and music with sappy love lyrics, shit just loves to shove the ideea that love is the end all meaning to life and you'll be miserable no matter what you do down your throat. Play some vidya instead.

Start finding things you really enjoy. More often than not love sickness is just a symptom of lackluster hobbies, you're focusing your unsatisfaction with your life on your lack of a partener. Once you get to the point where you can sincerely think 'Well having a girlfriend might be fun, but it'd detract from all these things I do on a daily basis which are pretty fun too', you've beat it. And no, I'm not telling you to go outside or anything like that; there are a shitton of things you could do, learn and entertain yourself with on the Internet.

>> No.4314748

I want to hug a girl, I don't even care if she's 3D like lenfried ;_;

>> No.4314752

I look forward to our big Valentine's bash, but one thing bothers me... What sort of candy would a girl who punches out haywire mechs in her powersuit like?

>> No.4314773


All girls love chocolate.

>> No.4314837

I don't like chocolate.

>> No.4314849


That's beside the point.
