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4312054 No.4312054 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ , /jp/

Melty Blood Actress Again made Evo 2k10.


>> No.4312060

Why should I care, again?

>> No.4312062

Totally worth it if only to make the FTG IS SRS BSNS fags cringe and cry.

>> No.4312161


Stop with that "tier" bullshit faggot

>> No.4312158

I wanted 3s or CvS2 to win oh well. Shit's gonna be hype all the same. BE THERE.

WC Don't shit on me because I really suck tier.

>> No.4312168

Well let's play and you can shit on me then.

>> No.4312171

I just got my Aoko school uniform in the mail today

>> No.4312180
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Shit's gonna be AWESOME, get hype.

My only regret is that F/UC is not also in.

>> No.4312203
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>I wanted 3s or CvS2 to win

>> No.4312211

So since MBAC went ver A (arcades) -> PS2 -> ver B (arcade) -> PC, and now MBAA went arcade -> PS2 -> final tuned (arcade) after it's been in arcades half a year or so can we expect a PC port?

>> No.4312215

french bread has explicitly stated they don't want to bother making a PC version.

>> No.4312239

They haven't. Jesus why do people keep on misquoting this. The guy said that he wasn't interested in making a PC port, but also that what he wants or does not want usually has no effect on what the company makes him do.

>> No.4312238

this is golden.

>> No.4312251
File: 72 KB, 476x356, 1234822930587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. Since super battle opera's lineup doesn't include melty, Evo will house the biggest official melty tournament in the world.

>> No.4312273

Is there a tierlist for Meltan? I want to immediately practice playing the best character so I can annoy everyone

>> No.4312284


Go for it.

>> No.4312303
File: 29 KB, 245x382, 1237284013121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woops, pressed the wrong button. Oh well, GGs. Work on your guard and try using mix-ups because only doing jump attacks become very predictable.

>> No.4312306
File: 394 KB, 580x602, 1c7bdd23a2845852ab78032a8fddd49c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nobody who even knows what F/UC is and that is the hardest fucking fighter ever

It's EVO what kind of players do you expect?

Real shame, why the fuck would they put Basara and AH3 and leave out Melty, that's fucking retarded. No CvS2 either... lame[s/poiler]

>> No.4312308

GGs, I enjoyed getting 16-0'd.

>> No.4312336

Sion-chan moe~

>> No.4312624

I dunno man, FU\C is a hard mother fucking game to do combos in, but I don't think it's the hardest ever.

I for one am hype as shit, I'll be going down to EVO and scrubbing out in the first round with my pink C-Roa.


>> No.4312642

Actually, there's hopefully gonna be an F/UC side tournament. Probably run by the melty community too.

>> No.4312650

Maybe it's just because I play lol 50fps emulator but the execution is incredibly tough. I can barely get 21 hits on Rin's ~55 combo link?

I'm gonna be playing F-Seifuku or H-Vsion because I'm a big faggot but I don't expect to get very far. Probably eliminated 1st round pools but shit's gonna be hype all the same.

I'm prepared to feel the ground shake when the time comes for SSF4, which I predict might bring in about 2000 players this year. Last year I think it was 1200~1500.

>> No.4312648

2AAAAAAAAAA -> bnb -> air throw reset


>> No.4312654

jiyuna get out

>> No.4312675
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Bringing my F-class F-Nanaya to EVO ;_;

>> No.4312682

just stagger your blockstrings with divekicks and hope they CH

>> No.4312733

Oh wow what? They took out BB and put in MAHVEL BAYBEE!!

EVO2010 is getting beter.

>> No.4312760


Never give up 2007, oh my god I will never forget.


>> No.4312768

Yeah, in all honesty, fuck CT.
CS side tourney/casuals is where it's all going to be at anyways.

>> No.4312776

Yeah, Justin Wong is a huge dick but you can't disrespect his skills. I'm sure he's gonna be entering Melty too. Empire Arcadia has a shitload of Melty players as well. sanfordkellyplaysmeltylolwat

>> No.4312782
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>> No.4312908

J wong is free in Melty, XAQshinor, Sp00ky, Zar, or Jiyuna are gonna clean him out.

>> No.4312916

Who knows? He climbed to the top of the US SF4 players in a couple months and destroyed us SoCal players. I mean he's a Marvel player, it wouldn't be surprising if he brings his Melty game up to par with the top too.

But all will unfold at EVO.

>> No.4312922

Ugh don't even remind me. How the fuck did we get rocked by EC when we got the game a whole 6 months before them....

>> No.4312949

jwong's a socal player now

damn if he plays on socal's 5-man team... pretty pathetic how we need to rely on a former ec player to beat ec...

>> No.4312964

The EC (especially New york and Philly) have some strong players;J wong is not one of them. Motherfucker rarely takes non-capcom shit seriously, last game he tried was Blazblue: CT; and he sucked dick at it, he was quite literally free.

He's about half a year behind on it, and Sp00ky, XieXie, XAQshinor, LordKnight, Tonberry, Zar, and GenericSuperhero are quite beastly at MBAA.

>> No.4312970

That's what they say, JWong is a joke at every game except a Capcom game. If only GGAC were at EVO and we can see the Beast BEAST at it but there aren't many GG players left in the US.

>> No.4312989

awesome! i have time to eat somewhere during evo!

>> No.4312991

I imagine there was huge butthurt?

Also :3c

>> No.4313002

Surprisingly not. Fans of the other games are just urging the Melty fanbase to prove that Melty is worth the hype and the time.

>> No.4314072

sup tonberry
