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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4308480 No.4308480 [Reply] [Original]

What is the easiest way to learn Japanese online? Two reasons, I have a couple friends who are from Japan and I find speaking English with them is a bit of a struggle, and I hate dubs AND subs on anime.

thanks in advance /jp/

>> No.4308517

If you have to ask, you cannot do it.

>> No.4308527

Rosetta stone, kanji flash cards, hang out at japanese-speaking forums

>> No.4308528
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>> No.4308542

>Rosetta stone
Anyway, fuck off to /lang/.

>> No.4308545


I googled Rosetta Stone, this looks really good. Thanks.

>> No.4308546

i'll speak japanese with you

>> No.4308552

OP, you can't learn Japanese with Rosetta Stone. It doesn't teach you everything until after you need it.

>> No.4308555


yay japon frend :D

>> No.4308558

Rosetta Stone has some value as a supplement for a real learning program, but alone it's inefficient.

>> No.4308564


What do you suggest?

>> No.4308566

>Rosetta stone

Out. Now.

>> No.4308576

Go get the Genki and Remembering the Kanji textbooks. Also, get "The Difference Between Japanese Particles", and some Japanese grammar dictionaries. Be prepared to practice kanji everyday.

>> No.4308583


I'm actually only interested in speaking and listening to Japanese at the moment, later on I'll learn kanji.

>> No.4308590

Then fuck off back to /a/.

>> No.4308593

>later on I'll learn kanji

No you won't. Give up now, you don't have the dedication to learn a new language.

>> No.4308598

I don't think you have friends.

Learning Japanese to watch anime is a shitty reason.

>> No.4308613
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>> No.4308618

>the british began phasing out kanji

10/10, would rage again

>> No.4308641

The fact that you have a valid reason (friends) will make learning much better because you'll stick with it. Good luck OP

>> No.4308672

Knowing Japanese is a dumb goal. You don't "know" English. Do you know what abecedarian, acouasm, or adelphepothia mean? Nope. Just start trying to use the language and enjoy what you find out.

>> No.4308689

Yes, friends will always be a factor in motivating a person towards years of hard work.

>> No.4308715

>Learning Japanese to watch anime is a shitty reason.
You don't know shit.
I've learned English by and for the purpose of playing computer games, and I'm doing just fine.

>> No.4308734

It's true. Most people only know English for movies and video games. Myself included.

>> No.4308764

>English, 26 characters
>Japanese, 3000+ kanji

Keep on trolling bro

>> No.4308772

This. You should be learning it to play eroge.

>> No.4308785

You're some kind of moron aren't you? You just compared words and word parts to letters. It's not like each kanji is completely unique and shares no elements with other kanji.

>> No.4308789

Look at how oblivious you are.

>> No.4308797

I learned a LOT of Mandarin so I can explain to Chinese Engineers how to manufacture and test our products. We do send instructions in English but only the high up business types speak good enough English to understand them and they don't understand the technical terms.

Still it was pretty fun turning up and being able to chat with people and being made fun of for pronouncing things strangly.

>> No.4308825

クイン ラセ マナトカ トテニカソク ンラナス ニミセナカ リチミキナチキイ ニミカラ マチセチミイトイ チミシ ンラナムリリ リイチスミ カクニト リチミキナチキイ ニミ ミラ カニモイ

>> No.4308831

>no Kanji
>All katakana
I hope you're trying to prove a point.

>> No.4308838

alice margatroid
チリニソイ モチスキチカスラニシ
marisa kirisame
モチスニトチ ノニスニトチモイ

>> No.4308878

A チ
B コ
C ソ
D シ
E イ
F ハ
G キ
H ク
I ニ
J マ
K ノ
L リ
M モ
N ミ
O ラ
P セ
Q タ
R ス
S ト
T カ
U ナ
V ヒ
X サ
Y ン
Z ツ

>> No.4308884

Fuck, are you me?

>> No.4308887

I have a question about kanji. Right now im working through the genki textbooks(just started though)and i was wondering should i learn the kanji as they are taught in the book and pick up the rest afterwords or should i learn them alongside the book with flashcards or something?

>> No.4308895

So you're saying learning kanji is easier than forming words from the 26 characters from the english alphabet?

>> No.4308897


>> No.4308917

OP: First, learn all of the Hiragana. Print out some sheets of them, and test yourself. The japanesepage.com is good to check that you're writing and pronouncing them correctly, along with examples of simple vocab.

Rinse and repeat for Katakana.

Then learn the first basic set of Kanji.

THEN you are ready to start actually learning the language.

Incidentally, this is the point I've got to and i have absolutely no idea how to progress from here without buying a textbook. Anyone have any ideas? (I am willing to accept that I may just have to buy a textbook, though...)

>> No.4308937

There's a tattoo shop in Myrtle Beach that has a sign like this, except some of the characters are written backwards. I always feel conflicted when I see it. Do people really deserve to be permanently branded with nonsense just because they have no knowledge of japanese?

I'd feel better if I knew that the artists were doing this intentionally, but it'd be pretty weird to go in there just to ask.

>> No.4308938

My kanji bank is now somewhere between 200-300.

How much before I can read Flyable Heart?!

>> No.4308943

I'm at 1500 and can't read shit. Goodluck.

>> No.4308956


Day 1: Hiragana & Katakana. All of it.
Day 2-7: Grammar.
Day 8-28: 100+ Kanji/day.
Remainder: Review.

>> No.4308964

And you won't be able to read anything. Grats.

>> No.4308966

Here you go. You asked for it you bitch

>> No.4308971


That's what I pretty much did (except I did it in a week). As long as you're not a lazy retard, do this, and you'll be fine.

>> No.4308974

Just look them up as you read.

>> No.4308984

You better be trolling. Don't expect to be able to read shit before at least 1 year.

>> No.4308988


You should write a book

>> No.4308992


Thanks for that... makes me feel much better....

>> No.4309006

i know not to skip them its just if i use a kanji that hasn't been taught yet in genki how will i know its being used correctly?

>> No.4309017

How do I dictionary?

>> No.4309021

I learnt japanese for playing eroges, anime and vidya.

You lie. I'm at 1000 and i can read almost every manga ever.

>> No.4309025

how did you learn. post tips

>> No.4309033


>> No.4309035

grammar by books.
kanji by checking dics, both english->japanese and japanese->japanese.

>> No.4309045


>> No.4309058

> Do you know what abecedarian, acouasm, or adelphepothia mean?


only some pretentious faggot would use shit like that, to try making others feel they're worse than he is.

it doesn't work on anyone but self conscious losers.

those words have no use in actual conversations.

>> No.4309061


>> No.4309065


>> No.4309073

I'm a native english speaker and I don't know what those mean.

>> No.4309075


When I read that my brain says "this from Japanese only let's talk"

I have to wait a second or two for my brain to process it as "From now on, let's only talk in Japanese."

I don't know how to explain my problem. I guess I'm trying to translate Japanese into English instead of understanding the actual Japanese. How do I get around this?

>> No.4309080
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YesJapan LESSONS ONLY account. Do not interact with George. Do not watch videos.

Supplement with your pirated Rosetta Stone.

>> No.4309086
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Immersion. Same way you learned not to stand there like a chud for 30 seconds to process English.

>> No.4309090


>> No.4309095

If you have a basic understanding of sentence structures, try reading a few interesting Japanese newspaper articles daily and use a dictionary for unfamiliar words.

>> No.4309103
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George and Keiko was tolerable. I cancelled my account after they added Emiry. I cannot stand her. I made a snippy comment about her ONE TIME and now George doesn't say hi when I'm working a convention. :(

Her Japanese is atrocious.

>> No.4309106

Don't think. FEEL.

>> No.4309108

It's just something you get used to after awhile. If you've been studying Japanese for awhile then you might have a problem.

>> No.4309111


>> No.4309113


>> No.4309130



>> No.4309132

>unfamiliar words

Which right now means pretty much everything. Where would one find Japanese newspaper articules, anyway?

Dagh, my computer doesn't even read moon, and I've yet to find a decent walkthrough/download link for it. Only one i find was by going through relgional/language settings and trying to install Asian characters, but my computer seemed to want some kind of CD for it.

>> No.4309134

Really, all it is is practice and repetition, it gets to a point where you stop thinking as a dictionary and just piece words and phrases as they are.

When you think in english, you don't translate it from anything, you just piece what you have learned what represents whatever you're talking about, the same thing will happen in japanese eventually.

This, basically.

>> No.4309145


>> No.4309148



>> No.4309170


>> No.4309177

The Internets. Look up major Japanese newspapers like Mainichi, most of them have English sites, too, if navigation is a problem. For online dictionaries, I can recommend you the Yahoo! Japan Japanese-English dictionary, goo Japanese-English Dictionary, and Tangorin is a fun little search engine.

>> No.4309188

なってると気がする X
なってる気がする ○

usually おたく is written オタク

しらべれる X
調べられる ○

>> No.4309222


By the way, OP, I learned self-study through the internets and here's what I did...
1) Study the hiragana and katakana before anything else.
2) Look up the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) and find vocab/grammar lists for level four. Make flashcards of all the vocab and for the grammar go to jgram.org (There may be a dash in there, I forgot). They have example sentences for just about everything. If there are words you don't know in those sentences, add them to your flashcards.
3) Install JWPCe. It's a Japanese wordprocessor, but really all you need is to use the dictionary in it. It also comes with a radical lookup so it's useful in identifying kanji piece-by-piece when you're looking at a book or something (ie, something you can't copy-paste).

If you'd like more help I can help you via MSN or something if you'd like.

>> No.4309228


also, can't you omit the ら when you use potential form?
ie: 食べられるー>食べれる

>> No.4309236


>> No.4309239


>> No.4309240

I've heard 食べれる but not しらべれる・・・
although when I tried converting it became kanji, so I guess it works too. sorry, my bad.

>> No.4309243

what... the... fuck...

>> No.4309245

Isn't one "to be eaten" and the other the potential form of "to eat"?

>> No.4309247


>> No.4309253


>> No.4309254

Are there 日本人 here?

>> No.4309272




>> No.4309279


>> No.4309280


>> No.4309289
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Was moot lying about /dg/?

>> No.4309299


>> No.4309316


>> No.4309363


>> No.4309366


>> No.4309391


>> No.4309410


>> No.4309456


>> No.4309512

Sir, you utterly failed at understanding the post you responded to.

I was using unused words to show that no one "knows" a language completely. You get a working knowledge of it and dig in. Too often people are scared to use what they've learned.

>> No.4309544


>> No.4309556


>> No.4309560

Oh and, please correct any and all grammar if you can. I lost my little awesome book awhile ago and haven't really studied it since I started grinding kanji.

>> No.4309578

what are you trying to say in the last bit? sorry :/

>> No.4309590


>> No.4309595

orz D: that gets the point across.

I have a lot of reasons for studying japanese, anime, manga, eroge, or just talking with people. is something wrong with that?

(but... i more or less just meant about the eroge and anime...)

>> No.4309644


>> No.4309645

To speak in Japanese, one must think like a Japanese.

>> No.4309660

I am good with chopsticks. I am Japanese.

>> No.4309673


You are very good with chopsticks!

>> No.4309674

No, my good sir, that makes you Chinese.

>> No.4309679


>> No.4309683
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>> No.4309689
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>> No.4309693


>> No.4309701

No, it depends on the chopsticks.

Japanese people tend to use chopsticks with very pointy ends.

Chinese people tend to use chopsticks with blunt rounded ends.

>> No.4309708
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>> No.4309720


>> No.4309721


>> No.4309727

Tl note
は? = HURR?

>> No.4309742



>> No.4309965

If you're going to be learning Japanese, you should learn the corresponding technical Japanese for your fields of interest.

>> No.4309983


Do you know if the Japanese follow the GAAP?

>> No.4310122

I'm just wondering, but is 吾 (ware) used? I'm using Anki, and I don't think I've ever seen that kanji before. ;_;

>> No.4310152


>> No.4310169

I've only ever seen it in names.

>> No.4310179

Alright, thanks. I'm studying hard, Anon-kun. ;_;
I've learned 33 kanji characters today (hopefully I still remember them tomorrow).

>> No.4310181


>> No.4310193

Why would you want to [[learn]] kanji?

>> No.4310197

Why not? You need kanji to be able to read Japanese.

>> No.4310214

And what good is learning to read Japanese? You can't get off to porn without 20 hours of reading beforehand?

>> No.4310224

Why the hostility? I want to be able to play VNs and Japanese video games. As stated previously, people also learned English for that purpose (well, excluding VNs). So what's wrong with that, exactly?

>> No.4310235

Why not read first then pick up? It makes no sense to pick random kanji and learn them individually.

>> No.4310238

Hey guys random question, if my first language is a romanic one, will it be easier for me if I try to learn japanese, compared to someone that has english or something like that as a first language?

>> No.4310243

Well, I assume it's not all random... I think Anki is throwing basic kanji at me (so far numbers 1-10, mouth, day, month, etc).
I don't really know what to read, anyway.

>> No.4310258

It's completely foreign unless you know Chinese. It's gonna be hard. Enjoy your studying.

This is my 5 minute break before I go back to grindan kanji for another couple hours.

>> No.4310262

Read a shounen jump manga and pay attention to the furigana

>> No.4310263

What materials do you use to memorize kanji?

>> No.4310270

Anything good you can recommend, then?

>> No.4310271


>> No.4310299

Anything you can enjoy enough to want to know what's happening without looking only at the eye candy.

>> No.4310303

I have the same question, if my first language is Korean, will it be easier/faster for me to learn Japanese in Korean or in English/French?

>> No.4310322

Alright, I was thinking about reading Neko Wappa. Seemed really interesting. So do all Shounen Jump manga have furigana?

>> No.4310327
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You faggots need to learn to Pimsleur.

>> No.4310330

jisho.org is the greatest site in existence, even though the interface is a bit fucked up at times. Example sentences, fuck year.

>> No.4310344

All of the big three have them.

>> No.4310367

no,not so much..
grammer is a little similar but writing system and reading and pronuncing is totall different.
also chinese

>> No.4310384

Japanese should be easier to learn if you already know Chinese or (to a lesser degree) Korean. By 'know' I mean fluent, not weeaboo-level I'M FLUENT CUZ I WATCH C/K-DRAMA.

English is my second language, and it took me five years to go completely from scratch (not knowing a single English word) to pass the benchmark level (in 6th grade).

>> No.4310532

If you have an iPod Touch or even an iPhone, get an app called "Japanese". It's a gigantic dictionary, which also has kanji inputs, JLPT kanji sheets, kanji input and search, kana charts, stroke order animations for everything, examples for everything, phrases, idioms, radical searches, kanji lookup of specific kanjis within words or phrases, lists of specific technical terms, etc. If you're reading a Japanese book or website just have your iPod next to you running that app, it's the best dictionary I've ever seen. It's $16, but it was worth it.

>> No.4310622

get out dictionary devs

>> No.4310791

Oh, I tought that my "romanji" skills would help me.

>> No.4310959
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>> No.4311033

Example sentences that are usually wrong

>> No.4311059
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My vocabulary is extremely limited at the moment. Anyone know any sites for activities (or even children's stories) that would help me solidify the basics?

>> No.4311281



>> No.4311299
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>Buying ipod apps

>> No.4311306

Read Yotsubato, it's very basic Japanese and pretty simple to understand with a limited amount of kanji under your belt. Just look up whatever you don't know.

>> No.4311330

Hey guys, I've been studying for a while now, I'm grindan kanji and shit. however, I realize that when I read something, and katakana shows up, I still can't fucking tell the difference between shit like ソ ン ツ and シ.

How the fuck do you get used to that shit? I mean when it's written, not when it's typed. I can kinda tell when it's typed, depending on the font used, but when that shit is actually written in manga and such I don't know what the fuck it's supposed to be.

>> No.4311332


>> No.4311344

Context clues. Welcome to handwriting.

>> No.4311496

Strokes. The long stroke in 'shi' starts from the bottom left and goes to the top right, while the long stroke in 'tsu' go from top right to bottom left. You should be able to tell in handwriting by seeing where the pressure is in the pen stroke and the context.
If someone who utterly fails at writing those characters naturally writes them, then yeah, it's almost impossible to tell.

Ditto for 'n' and 'so'.
