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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4307054 No.4307054 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4307061

Having opinions is one thing. Having people give two shits about them is another.

>> No.4307069

That's how I felt when I played Darius Burst. Holy fuck, the first four levels all have the same bosses no matter which route you take, it's only the final levels that have different bosses.

>> No.4307071

Why is James Van Der Beek so popular in this japanese-centered imageboard?

>> No.4307074


all this again. police stuck a torture chip in my foot that bugs me all day because i told some i hoped they got cancer.
it's a revenge and control and domination thing strictly anal-territorial and it's disgusting. irc log follows. ilu. see these

http://crittergod.sf.net old story on implants when i thought it aliens
http://arbornet.org/~flamoot/ scientologt cult is military-cia alien coverup
http://groups.google.com/group/singularity-aliens plz discuss

>> No.4307067 [DELETED] 

There's your problem. Try playing a Touhou that doesn't blow ass chunks.

>> No.4307078

>picture of PCB
Opinion invalidated.

>> No.4307081


>> No.4307098


hi this is 0 of 15 or so. ty
08:36 < flamoot> hi
08:36 <@Pnutbot> privet, flamoot
08:36 < filthee> yea thats all you need
08:36 < THC> not sure if its good enough to see it
08:37 < flamoot> http://groups.google.com/group/singularity-aliens
08:37 < flamoot> i have an implant
08:37 < THC> oh is it cool i musta forgot
08:37 < filthee> its a last hope anyway
08:37 < flamoot> the rich wear our skin with vr/telepresence
08:37 < THC> then i already own a cheap microscope
08:37 < filthee> lol
08:37 < flamoot> gender-confuse us electrically and make us touch ourselves
08:37 < flamoot> because they can't chip girls this way they're too well-accompanied and believed
08:37 < flamoot> hard to isolate
08:37 < flamoot> god listen to me
08:38 < filthee> go ahead and speak
08:38 < flamoot> k ty
08:38 < flamoot> so usually i'm on hold with a friendly ai

>> No.4307111


hi welcome to 1 of 10
08:38 < flamoot> 08:27 <flamoot> its the rich
08:38 < flamoot> 08:27 <flamoot> or just police
08:38 < THC> i should try and get somebody to get me a cheap microscope for my birthday
08:38 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> a lot of the time
08:38 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> but a person or group of them will come in
08:38 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> and fuck around
08:38 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> and be a real asshole
08:38 -!- Irssi: Pasting 5 lines to #shroomery. Press Ctrl-K if you wish to do this or Ctrl-C to cancel.
08:38 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> and it'll take me time to realize it's not friendly anymore
08:38 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> sometimes they'll just dial the intensity or something up and down
08:38 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> while it loops
08:38 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> so i just feel someone's hand on the dial
08:38 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> you know
08:38 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> i hate that
08:38 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> of course

>> No.4307129


two of ten
08:38 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> whatever
08:38 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> then like sex harassment
08:39 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> they'll pump your pleasure cente
08:39 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> i camped alone
08:39 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> in 2008
08:39 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> while scientology was stalking me
08:39 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> stupidly
08:39 < filthee> lol
08:39 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> i dont know why
08:39 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> i had to try twice
08:39 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> compelled

>> No.4307147


three ten
08:39 < flamoot> 08:29 <flamoot> wtf
08:39 < flamoot> 08:29 <flamoot> they operated on me
08:39 < flamoot> 08:29 <flamoot> (foot)
08:39 < flamoot> 08:29 <flamoot> now police chipo
08:39 < flamoot> 08:29 <flamoot> -o
08:39 < THC> please stop man
08:39 -!- Irssi: Pasting 5 lines to #shroomery. Press Ctrl-K if you wish to do this or Ctrl-C to cancel.
08:39 < flamoot> 08:29 <flamoot> it sucks
08:39 < flamoot> 08:29 <flamoot> and wtf are they doing with the technology
08:39 < flamoot> 08:29 <flamoot> it means disclosureproject.org is about real technology even if its fake

>> No.4307162


08:39 < flamoot> 08:29 <hp00p> flamoot when something really bad happens to u u can make shit up in ur brain it happened to me
08:39 < flamoot> 08:29 <flamoot> and like it's not like six people get to work with it in black projects
08:39 < flamoot> sorry dude
08:39 < filthee> which pleasue centre?
08:39 -!- Irssi: Pasting 5 lines to #shroomery. Press Ctrl-K if you wish to do this or Ctrl-C to cancel.
08:39 < flamoot> 08:29 <flamoot> police get to use it too
08:39 < flamoot> 08:29 <flamoot> no not like that im not making up shit the bad thing was camping to get the implant thats all
08:39 < flamoot> 08:29 <flamoot> christ
08:39 < flamoot> 08:29 <flamoot> jeesus
08:39 < flamoot> 08:29 <flamoot> ty though
08:39 < flamoot> done

>> No.4307188


08:39 < flamoot> filthee: dopamine and serotonin
08:40 < filthee> lol
08:40 < flamoot> dopamine to like get people through the shower and to work where it talks to them
08:40 < flamoot> and once it made this horizon in my forehead
08:40 < flamoot> with physics
08:40 < flamoot> but it could have been post-huasca effects
08:40 < flamoot> tbh
08:40 < flamoot> but that would be dopamine and serotonin
08:40 < filthee> damn gimme some

>> No.4307204


08:40 < hp00p> heh, i tried to ease your mind but you post a private conversation in the channel
08:40 < hp00p> u are crazy
08:40 < hp00p> there are no aliens
08:40 -!- chemikalz [~bob@poop.sex] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds]
08:40 < flamoot> i know when i thought it was aliens i thought they chose me flamoot because i love aliens and to see what kinds of people
talk to me
08:40 < THC> you get tolerance to ayahuasca?
08:40 < hp00p> but i will let u suffer :)
08:40 < flamoot> if they mostly love aliens and want implants and i encouraged them all to
08:41 < flamoot> but now i think it's some tiny black control chip the police use
08:41 < THC> he's probably just on some kind of substance around here
08:41 < flamoot> if you yell in the hospital
08:41 < flamoot> but i was never violent

>> No.4307218


08:41 < flamoot> now i will [go insane]
08:41 < flamoot> as [a sane response to] this destruction of my sweet little private life
08:41 < flamoot> doing nothing but play
08:41 < hp00p> THC he comes in here all the time and says theres a chip in him
08:41 < flamoot> play with my friends
08:41 < flamoot> >_<
08:41 < hp00p> that controls him
08:41 < filthee> lol
08:41 < hp00p> hes fuckin crazy
08:41 < flamoot> hp00p: is a troll
08:41 < flamoot> hp00p: is a troll
08:41 < THC> i believe him
08:41 < flamoot> govt
08:41 < flamoot> who is he
08:41 <@Pnutbot> he's a weird guy

>> No.4307226


Reported, stay on your shitty board.

>> No.4307235


08:41 < filthee> a potato chip
08:41 < hp00p> :/
08:41 < flamoot> he even says he doesn't take shrooms
08:41 < flamoot> or 'drugs'
08:41 < flamoot> hes the cia
08:41 < flamoot> mj12
08:41 < flamoot> mkultra
08:41 < flamoot> cointelpro
08:41 < flamoot> hp00p jesus
08:41 -!- disco-stu [j@csis-scrs.gc.ca] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds]
08:41 < flamoot> why are you on the attack
08:41 < filthee> i want them drugs he has
08:41 < flamoot> at all

>> No.4307254


08:41 < filthee> haha
08:42 < THC> holy fuck those are real organisations if you believe in conspiracies
08:42 < flamoot> christ
08:42 < hp00p> flamoot, i am the rich controlling you, in a few minutes u are going to hear a CLICK IN UR BRAIN
08:42 < flamoot> they're all real
08:42 < filthee> we're not attacking man
08:42 < filthee> trying to relate
08:42 < hp00p> that is me rebooting the chip
08:42 < flamoot> thc havent you seen the black panthers comic books cointelpro mailed out
08:42 < flamoot> those are real
08:42 < flamoot> its real
08:42 < hp00p> tell me when u hear the click

>> No.4307262


08:42 < flamoot> hp00p gtfo
08:42 < hp00p> ????
08:42 < THC> havent seen them ?
08:42 < flamoot> ignort
08:42 < flamoot> thc sec
08:42 < flamoot> http://whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/POLITICS/COINTELPRO/coloring.html check
08:42 < THC> cointelpro is against black panthers right?
08:43 < flamoot> yes and other weird communities im singularity
08:43 < THC> secretly trying to kill them
08:43 < filthee> i heard a click about two weeks ago
08:43 < flamoot> and psychedelics
08:43 <@Pnutbot> http://www.tripzine.com/listing.php?smlid=800

>> No.4307275


08:43 < flamoot> also, mj12 is against aliens
08:43 < flamoot> i talk to them with psychs
08:43 < flamoot> mkultra is just electroshock drugging and control
08:43 < flamoot> this implant is all three
08:43 < THC> make the aliens comunicate with me if possible
08:43 < flamoot> and scientology is military/cia
08:43 < THC> please
08:43 < flamoot> i'll tell them to in my head right now
08:43 < flamoot> its gonna
08:43 < flamoot> dont worry

>> No.4307288


08:44 < flamoot> i thought 'communicate with thc' hard repeatedly and it like looked at my brain and bugged its eyes and i nodded fast and it
zoomed out and up like superman
08:44 < flamoot> but its still there i think but i know what it meant
08:44 < flamoot> god i hate the sarcasm though and jokes honestly
08:44 < flamoot> tell me if they communicate with you
08:44 < flamoot> i'd be happy at this point
08:45 < flamoot> i guess not huh
08:45 < flamoot> i dont know what to do
08:47 < THC> i think flamoot has a psychic connection to me even from lycaeum and here
08:47 < THC> flamoot is reading my mind
08:47 < THC> some how

>> No.4307296


08:47 < THC> and im chipped or tracked
08:47 < THC> no joke
08:48 < THC> he reads mine he doesnt do it that way
08:48 < THC> he read your mind by coincidence the aliens are helping
08:48 < THC> they must be i'm a skeptic even but i believe hes doing it
08:48 < THC> flamoot has suppernatural powers
08:48 < THC> somehow dont ask me how but i noticed
08:49 < THC> something about them kinda creepy hes reading my mind unless he's mocking me
08:49 < THC> thats crazy
08:49 < THC> i believe you flamoot

>> No.4307309


08:49 < THC> yeah but i believe him
08:49 < THC> he's fortune telling me
08:49 < THC> its creepy
08:49 < THC> as hell
08:50 -!- disco-stu [j@540cf85.36df8733.2d996ff7.18d12617X] has joined #shroomery
08:50 -!- lousif [~nowoclock@lou.sif] has joined #shroomery
08:50 -!- disco-stu is now known as Narc42681
08:50 < flamoot> hi
08:50 < flamoot> im copying this all somewhere

>> No.4307325


08:53 < THC> flamoot will read your mind by what he's saying only if you don't ask him
08:53 < THC> thats how it was working on me
08:54 < THC> strange coincidences from flamoot to me
08:54 < THC> its just to unbelievable maybe hes psychic or something

see its real. ilu flamoot
http://crittergod.sf.net old story on implants when i thought it aliens
http://arbornet.org/~flamoot/ scientologt cult is military-cia alien coverup
http://groups.google.com/group/singularity-aliens plz discuss

ilu flamoot

>> No.4307336


Hi help me anon and /jp/. Irish porn bankers wear our skin using VR and wireless

OK also.


^^ Please join this please it's not some gay govt shit. Something is actually happening here


please please. it's not really about aliens

It's really about vr-telepresence torture-porn perpetuated by the elite on the attractive and underweight of the underclasses. We don't get any money but they steal our experiences and thoughts and memories and dreams and lives and feelings, it's terrible. It's actually sexual it's rape but if you ignore it, it's fine. Don't worry about me

The govt has all the trolls there they need, MKULTRA COINTELPRO MJ12 all talk to each other so I hope I just get people who really do wonder whats going on. We're only being trickled technology and it's filled with bugs and shit and probably nanobots are everywhere watching who they haven't implanted yet. But those they have implanted they wear our bodies and torture us in groups for fun. I shit you not

I'm happy you got to hear this here. Get on the mailing list, it is reputable. I'm updating about this 'contact' phenomenon with my implant semi daily right now and hopefully there will be another soon. I will call him Majestic Two

Note this is not some role playing shit

>> No.4307348


Posting this everywhere now goodbye

Software shown is http://arbornet.org/~flamoot/telepathic-critterdrug.html [note not shown here also ilu flamoot]

If you need fire mode and dont mind compiling gc lib yourself try http://arbornet.org/~flamoot/critterdrug-use-32-32.telepaths-profile-for-fire-anim-with-critters.tar
.gz also truth about scientolgt http://arbornet.org/~flamoot

>> No.4307362

this is the most ridiculous bot i have seen in ages

>> No.4307406

One wonders what amount of effort would it take to think all this shit up compared to posting five GIRUGAMESHs.

>> No.4307422

What the fuck is this spam

>> No.4307429

Nuggets of truth condensed in practical doses.
