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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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43043230 No.43043230 [Reply] [Original]

>The number of foreign residents in Japan at the end of 2022 rose 11.4% from a year before to hit a record high of 3,075,213, the Immigration Services Agency has said.

>The number of foreign students and technical trainees rose sharply following the easing of COVID-19 border measures, the agency said Friday.

>The total included 761,563 people from China, the largest group by nationality, 489,312 from Vietnam and 411,312 from South Korea. The figures all increased from a year earlier.

>By status of residence, the number of foreign students increased by 92,808, technical trainees by 48,817 and specialists in engineering, humanities and international services by 37,221.

>The number of foreigners granted refugee status under the immigration control and refugee recognition law increased by 128 to 202, while the number of those who were not granted refugee status but were allowed to stay in Japan on humanitarian grounds increased by 1,180 to 1,760. Both totals were the highest on record since Japan established a refugee recognition system in 1982.

>Of the refugee total, 147 people were from Afghanistan, where the situation has worsened following the return of the Taliban regime. It also included 26 from Myanmar, where a military coup took place, and nine from China.

>The number of applicants for refugee status increased by 1,359 to 3,772.

>> No.43043304

They should invite more SEA instead

>> No.43043535

Japan has been receiving Koreans since forever and Chinese since time of Prince Shotoku, so there's no problem there. Vietnamese are southern Chinese. As long as they adapt their surnames I see no problem here.

>> No.43043709

Japan is in an unique position where there are many people across the developed world who want to live there because they like the culture and not just for financial benefits. I don't see why they don't invite more people like that instead of uneducated leeches from third world shitholes.

>> No.43043759

because those people doesn't work hard for a cheap labor + goes back home as soon as there's something slightly inconvenient for them.
People who has "interest in culture", are freeloaders and almost has no use other than being a tourist.

>> No.43043885

>they like the culture
Sorry anon, but Japan's priority isn't yellow fever weaboo incel, they needs workforce that willing to take cares of their old

>> No.43043957

I was talking about people who actually speak the language and are familiar with the culture and would therefore be able to function better in the workforce than some Chink who has to learn everything from scratch.

>> No.43044310

jokes on you, a chink or a gook who has to learn everything from scratch is still closer in culture and manners than weeb gaijins, who for some reasons, LOOOVE to push their own ideals and agendas at the end of the day.

>> No.43044361

Then no gaijin except East and Southeast Asian shouldn't ever migrate to Japan
And no, watching anime for 10 hours and spend $1000 on a gacha aren't Japanese culture

>> No.43044529

A first world country foreigner who mildly speaks their language, but refuses to do a cheap, hard, labor? How is that any beneficial at all, they are no different from a regular Japanese citizen, just with a decent English degree, but balanced by a failed Japanese degree, takes jobs from a middle-class Japanese citizen, and has a capability of ditching the country when accumulated unpaid tax or debt gets out of hand.

Low income gooks, and chinks may cause all sorts of problems, but atleast they are willing to work hard for a job that nobody else wants to take, and that's 10000 times more useful than "knowing the culture".

>> No.43044560 [DELETED] 
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>goes back home
Anon, have you ever looked around modern day Europe?

>> No.43044841


>> No.43044983

>Low income gooks, and chinks may cause all sorts of problems, but atleast they are willing to work hard for a job that nobody else wants to take, and that's 10000 times more useful than "knowing the culture".
Can you say the same thing when you look at Europe and America and see the long-term effects of importing cheap labour? Even if these people themselves are willing to do hard jobs for low wages, their offspring who are born in Japan and will get a proper education won't. So you're just postponing the problem while also adding new problems, related to multiculturalism.

>> No.43045241

>So you're just postponing the problem while also adding new problems, related to multiculturalism.
Retard, those three are basically the same people already and EU themselves already has freedom of movement to from Spain to Finland

>> No.43045291

Sure, that part is debatable, although Japan's case is slightly different from Europe/US as Japan wants them for doing the shitty care work for elderlies, more than just for boosting the economy, but like you said negative long-term affect is still there, and overall I think I agree.
However that doesn't mean Japan should invite first-world weebs with open arms, that makes no sense at all, and no way in hell they are going to either boost the economy, nor take care of granny's diapers. They are nothing but the shitty parts of the globalization. They self-claims as they know the culture, but with time, numbers, and wealth they have they are definitely going to invade and change the culture, so they feel "at home" being in Japan. Tourists are fine, but residents? Keep them out.

>> No.43045440

I would help old people in Japan, but I don't think they'd want me to

>> No.43045457

They need jannies, nurses, truckdrivers, and construction workers. Their ideal social structure would be an apartheid system where foreigners live worse than burakumin and do hard physical labour, while white collar jobs are rserved for nativeborn Japanese only. They don't care if you have N2 and like Touhou, they don't think you have the mental faculty to work in their offices because of your race.

>> No.43045524
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If anything, they should fix their wage to not lose the SEA worker there

>> No.43045551

I wonder if japanese youth would mix with the chineses or Sea forgeiners

>> No.43045714

They already do, gooks and chinks has been nested there for decades. Gooks are especially popular now because of K-pop, Chinks has needs because they can speak, and actually know the culture. Indonesian or Vietnamese is the only exception I guess, but good thing about them is that they often go home after doing their duty of sending money back home.

That aside, what's the point of mingling Amerimutts in there anyways? Are you planning on creating a worse specimen in Japan? Also, why would Japan want an inferior gene of a first-world rejects, who decided to move to Japan because they couldn't fit-in in within their society, and turned into weebs/chuds?

>> No.43045740

They don't even have children with each other, I doubt the rates of haafus would increase that much.

>> No.43045891

>those three are basically the same people already
Japanese don't seem to think so, many seem to hate Chinese and Koreans.
>no way in hell they are going to either boost the economy, nor take care of granny's diapers
That's probably true but I was thinking more along the lines of generally boosting the population and possibly, the birth rate.

>> No.43045897

Indonesian is probably have better perception in Japan than (some) Korean or Chinese because of no nationalist autism between them.
Th anks to Indo-Japan govt relationship, a lot of Japanese company choose Indonesia as their first overseas branch/project like the 48 group or even vtuber shit like Hololive and Nijisanji

>> No.43046102

>That's probably true but I was thinking more along the lines of generally boosting the population and possibly, the birth rate
Boosting birthrate is a terrible idea, especially now when it's about to calm-down after all the Japanese baby boomers dies down. You know the main reason for the low birth-rate is because current gen has no time to raise babies because they have to support the large numbers of elderlies right?

>> No.43046190

That's just because of the tension between their government and the ridiculous nationalism those three have

>> No.43046378

>current gen has no time to raise babies because they have to support the large numbers of elderlies right?
No? I'm pretty sure it's because people just aren't having sex. Aren't like half of young Japanese men virgins? We are actually moving towards a very similar situation in the West.

>> No.43046902

>Aren't like half of young Japanese men virgins?
What gave you that idea? You think half of all young Japanese men are otaku nerds like us?

>> No.43046925

Yes and that's been happening because they are more focused on work to make ends meet, due to the heavy tax rate, on top of being demoralized due to them knowing that they won't be able to retire until 70 or 75, with a very low pension rate.
How is bringing a socially-awkward foreign weeb virgins, who refuses to wipe shit off from the elderlies, but whines about getting a special citizenship treatment, or different culture making them feel not welcomed is going to help that? Only thing they'd do is be a baggage and increase the already-high tax rate, leading to demoralize the population even further.

I think they'll have more needs if they are willing to work from the very bottom, studying while working shitty low-paying jobs, to secure a good, high-skill job in Japan, just like the old first gen Americans. Too bad that's never going to be case as the current gen Americans/Europeans does nothing but babble "we cant' do anything but we can make babies, and we are white!"

>> No.43046960
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They should undergo seppuku

>> No.43047018

Do you live in Japan anon?

>> No.43047191

It's literally the first result you get when you look up "Japanese men virgins', lazy fuck. An article from 2016 says that over 40% of young men were virgins and I don't see why that number would be lower today.

>> No.43047230

>Yes and that's been happening because they are more focused on work to make ends meet, due to the heavy tax rate, on top of being demoralized due to them knowing that they won't be able to retire until 70 or 75, with a very low pension rate.
I think it's just women and men drifting away further from one another, just like is happening in the West. It's not so much couples not wanting to have kids but there not being enough couples in the first place. You're delusional if you think that some young, horny guy is going to refuse sex with a girl of his age because of muh financial concerns. If that's how humans operated, humanity would have gone extinct long ago. Yet people still had kids during famines and wars.

>> No.43047326

yes, why ask?

To a certain extent, it's true, but those articles tend to be an exaggerated bait, and often collects data from a very controlled, biased source to back-up their bait. Just think, which article would most likely to get people to read? "wacky Japanese culture is spawning a horde of anime-watching virgins" or "some random-ass country called Japan is getting a low birthrate, due to the decreased morals from the high tax rate"?
