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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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43036332 No.43036332 [Reply] [Original]

Any of you guys actually planning on going there? Seems to me like it'll just be a bunch of twitterish secondaries, plus it's in LA of all places.
Another thing is If I clearly remember a video (Although I cannot find it anymore for the life of me) from one of the TouhouCons where Mikotan introduces himself as the organiser. Guess who's the organiser of TouhouFest now? Mikotan. Quite suspicious.

>> No.43036651

Not in a million fucking years
If there's one thing worse than an anime con, it's one in a desert.

>> No.43036693

I live like 40 minutes away. I'd go only if a /jp/ anon is going

>> No.43036702

I don't really go outside except for groceries

>> No.43036741

Will it be bookended by a cosplay orgy?

>> No.43036756
File: 153 KB, 333x354, civilians.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I lived nearby I'd go without hesitation just to experience the palpable autism. But alas, god made me a europoor.

>> No.43036767
File: 32 KB, 640x452, warishellze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to fuck a man in a dress, go to scotland
And then leave, it sucks.

>> No.43036827

Do you have firsthand experience with fucking Scottish men?

>> No.43038782

There will be so many tr00mers it will make your head spin.

>> No.43038960
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You couldn't pay me to go to LA. I know the song is about San Bernardino but the same message applies to LA in 2023

>> No.43038975

Technically it's Torrance and Torrance is generally safer than moat of LA

>> No.43038982

I refuse to go anywhere near places housing the affronts to god known as skyscrapers.

>> No.43038993
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Why would I care about c*lifornia lore. Tell me when Touhoucon comes to Boston

>> No.43039042

It's going to bomb just like the last time a western touhou convention was attempted.

>> No.43039718

Its gonna be shit and filled with trannies and retarded leftists. I hope it fails.

>> No.43039748

Honest question. Do they have sex in these conventions?

>> No.43040146

Yes but not everyone and not in the area of convention (those who did it at place usually brought a really bad name on the entire community they were associated with)

>> No.43040159

I keep my head in the mud, lewd shit at the end of a con is expected how bad did it get to warrant a reaction?

>> No.43040213

I don't see any point in doing so unless you want to observe actual weeaboo autism.
It won't be anything like japanese cons like Reitaisai where people show up and put out all types of fanworks just for fun.
It'll be full of fumo normals, vendors selling generic anime shit to said normals, terminally online twitter/discord freaks with even shallower knowledge of the series than /jp/, and maybe a couple of /jp/sies there looking for each other.
Touhou outside of Japan has always been an online nerd thing, unless you live in an asian country.
To this day some 2hu musicians and artists I follow fly to places like Taiwan or Korea for cons. I pray they stay clear of America because of

>> No.43040227

My solace is that in recent years the japs have become disillusioned by westerners so hopefully the amount of actual creators that attend will be minimal

>> No.43041241

I'm going.

>> No.43041326


>> No.43041579

If it doesn't have a huge homosexual 2hu cosplay orgy then it isn't truly a "TouhouFest."

>> No.43041622

hence why it will suck

>> No.43041701

A 2hu cosplay orgy would arguably have a lot more sucking if you know what I mean

>> No.43042373

no i'm a state or two over

>> No.43042433

Part of me wants to go because I've never been to a con and I want to see how much of a shitshow an american touhou convention will be.

>> No.43042649

i will only go if milg goes

>> No.43043571

If I go, I would act like a random guy passing through got interested in the con. I would never actually display my power level

>> No.43043593

I hope my fellow chudcels go there and wave nazi flags and make fun of the trannies. Touhou is for CHUDS ONLY.

>> No.43044184

Last time I went to a con in LA I broke my foot, got strep throat, and got chased by the infamous homeless junkies that litter the area. No fucking thanks.
The amount of people in the western, specifically American fanbase who make enough content to distrubute is also pretty low imo. We also don't have the same sort of "doujin" culture, fandom zines here are just glorified artbooks. I fail to see the appeal in this event.
Isn't she into undertale now?

>> No.43048883

It's gonna be awful

>> No.43049197


>> No.43049231

>literal whos
I expect it to fail

>> No.43050053


I want it to fail

>> No.43050519
File: 115 KB, 1200x1200, ETZZxTxUwAMevc9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not worth it.
