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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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43035759 No.43035759 [Reply] [Original]

If you have a question about a specific product, please LINK it so people know what you're talking about.

Guide to onaholes, dolls, supplements, and so on: https://controlc.com/e322ed43 [Warning, still under construction]

list/guide of plush doll providers: https://controlc.com/705b3aae

OtonaJP a shit. Order from them at your own risk.
OtonaJP has rebranded as Naughty-nippon in the EU and should also be avoided. Don't say we didn't warn you.

- - - Notice for Aussies: Only J-list doesn't ship to Australia anymore (it's their own fault for not discretely packaging onas). All the other retailers still do ship to Australia - - -

>Please read the guide, use the warosu archive, don't shitpost. Follow global and local rules. Don't reply, report and ignore instead.

>Length, girth, budget and geographical location are extremely important in determining your next best course of action!

>Keep it SFW and use spoilers.

>Dolls MUST look 18+. NO EXCEPTIONS! Pedophilia will NOT be tolerated in this thread!

Previous thread: >>42950766

>> No.43035966

Try AstroGlide.
Shit's amazing and lasts ages.

>> No.43036228
File: 47 KB, 565x543, 51B4618B-31AA-433A-B5F9-AE1AF5B90362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brought this as first onahole alongside some pantsu, how would I go about colouring the internals red/pink like what u see with other premium holes?

>> No.43036444

Does having an ona detach you from real woman and make you lose interest? I've had some coworker drop whatever he had at hand and some braincells just to leer and drool at some passing by piece of ass, while I just looked at that direction to know what happened and thought "oh just ass" then returned to my task immediatly, without even having the curiosity of checking if the ass was that great.

>> No.43036844

Honestly they just made it so I fap less, or maybe I'm just more tired from work and getting older, because before onas I'd be fapping every day sometimes twice or thrice a day and now it's like, if I don't have during the week and just use an ona during the weekend a couple times, that's fine, it's not like I don't sometimes use onas during the week multiple times but there's definitely less of an urge for that.
As for women, just depends if they are really hot, but I have started getting more allured by things like lips and hips and not really just tits and ass, I don't think onas changed much but maybe a doll could.

>> No.43037116

>Honestly they just made it so I fap less
It's the exact opposite for me. I used to fap only once a week just to get it over with but using onas feels so much better than using my hand, that I struggle to go without fapping for one day now.

>> No.43037308
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would you ?

>> No.43037357

Hosting her for free in my head?

>> No.43037405

Bit the bullet and ordered my first hip last night. Been doing the pillow thing for a while now with a normal hole and enjoying it, so hopefully this streamlines things and makes it even better.

>> No.43037518

I did use them more at the start but over time the lack of privacy I have right now and the need to clean them has been a bit of a turn off. Over time I also stopped paying as much attention to the cleaning process but also with less use it's not a big deal.

Which one did you get?

>> No.43038268
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it's cool I carded them at the door

>> No.43038522

I can't see myself buying a high quality doll. She would probably need a huge amount of maintenance and I'd be too worried about damaging her.

>> No.43038793
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Cute Aris

>Keep it SFW and use spoilers.
>Dolls MUST look 18+. NO EXCEPTIONS! Pedophilia will NOT be tolerated in this thread!

>> No.43039272

Name of the hole?

>> No.43039545

Sudden urge to breed this Loli arise

>> No.43040016

anyone know where to buy j-lube cheap?

it's double the priced on ebay since pandemic and I'm starting to run low.

>> No.43040182

Bro it's ok. Most dolls are molded after 18-25 year olds. Even that tall Cdoll was

>> No.43040270 [DELETED] 
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>Dolls MUST look 18+. NO EXCEPTIONS! Pedophilia will NOT be tolerated in this thread!
b-b-b-but she desperately wants to show you something senpai!

>> No.43040283
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>> No.43040645

Maga Kore Maji Hada Mesu Dachi Big Booty

>> No.43040948

what aquarium pump should I buy for my doll?

>> No.43040966 [DELETED] 

None. Just use lint free clothes or sponges.

>> No.43040976

None. Just use lint free cloths or sponges.

>> No.43041303

A 15+ dollar pump on amazon works. You don't need anything to fancy.

>> No.43041505

does otonajp do hold for pickup? i'm in the U.S. trying to buy with express
also, anyone have any thoughts on the heaven's fall nine ex-hard and wet chimera hard? about to pull the trigger on those 2

>> No.43041840

I bought the Chichifueta Rockets. They can't come soon enough. If there's one thing I miss about dating fat girls it's the paizuri.

>> No.43042004
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>> No.43044229

How do people usually clean their plush dolls? Sponge bath with alcohol?

>> No.43045441

Does anyone know is Irokebijin and Piperdolls use the same TPE? I've read that Piper has the softest on on the market and i would like to experience it one day. I was looking at 130 phoebe before but now that the new 120cm Irokebijin came out im more interested in that one and its only 2/3 of the price.

>> No.43045905

Your doll review please

>> No.43046221

I'm seriously considering getting a momodoll. How do you like yours?

>> No.43046444

buying consoles for my onawives

>> No.43046552
File: 537 KB, 3000x4000, 20230327_131636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my onahole finally arrived

>> No.43046658

Congrats! Did she come with the outfit and where did you order from?

>> No.43046684

it did actually. I bought it from myrobotdoll

>> No.43046835

I have the 132cm one. The sculpt is decent and the TPE could be a little softer on the butt. Still feels very good. It is durable and has held up to abuse. Except the ona sculpt is tearing but that's to be expected after a while and it isn't as bad as other dolls I've had. If you are into the sculpt it is a solid purchase and holds up to other low cost tpe dolls. Especially for cosplay.

>> No.43047971

Stop making changes to the OP, it's clearly someone pushing an agenda now
>Please read the guide, use the warosu archive, don't shitpost. Follow global and local rules. Don't reply, report and ignore instead.

>Don't post infant dolls you dumb fag.

>Length, girth, budget and geographical location are extremely important in determining your next best course of action!

>Keep it SFW and use spoilers.

>> No.43048329
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>> No.43048366

Report and ignore anon.

>> No.43048508 [DELETED] 

kill yourself tranny, you will never be a women

>> No.43048817
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I've tried only 2 onaholes, a Venus Real that I've had since 2016 or so and a Lolinco, the Lolinco ripped after a few uses but the Real lasted for years. It's falling apart now, so I'm curious if there are any loli holes that are about as durable as the Real. Should I try another Magic Eyes hole or a different brand entirely?

>> No.43049331

I might be getting my house fumigated got some termites in the garage and maybe elsewhere. Will the fumigation have any effect on the TPE or is it fine to just leave them in my closet?

>> No.43049474

Fumigation leaves residue behind that you'll need to clean up, seal your stuff in an airtight plastic bag if you're going to leave it behind
Also get ready to wipe down literally every surface in your place and do a shit load of vacuuming and laundry

>> No.43049660

I don't think it leaves residue, otherwise they would tell us to take plates and shit. Any food and medicine is all they told me initially

>> No.43049732

tldr: the people doing the fumigation say it doesn't leave residue but it does, especially in the mattress and couch cushions

>> No.43049802

I think they might use a different gas, but I will ask them worst case I just bag the toys and leave in my suitcase in my car while the house is airing out.

>> No.43050728

Hey bros how do I last longer? Used to be able to edge for hours in my teens and now I can't just past 5-10mins of stimulus.

>> No.43050944

Stop edging start going twice.

>> No.43051743 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.43053275
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>> No.43058332

I fell for the character onahole meme.

>> No.43059123
File: 493 KB, 1638x2048, MLW-MZR 148cm B-cup Silicone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>week two of four
>it's Tuesday
I hate this part. Hoping for factory pics this week. Hoping butt isn't too hard. Hoping the "voice" isn't shitty. Wishing I had gotten rotating hips instead of sucking vagina.

>> No.43059157

anyone know what that type of dress would be called for..uh..research

ones with lots of lace points like that are great for dolls.

>> No.43059244

jesus fucking christ why would you get the "voice" option just put a speaker in her mouth or put on headphones

>> No.43059438

High quality dolls don't need anything aside from douching out the love holes if you ever use them and maybe a regular wipe down with a moist towel if you are keeping them out of storage, to keep the dust off. That's as far as you need to go with regular maintenance, if you buy a good one. Not really much.

Only thing you need to be careful with is not treating them too roughly (like dropping them, standing them on their feet or on all four of their limbs for long periods of time, and being careful with their fingers (wired or articulated), and leaving them in poses that stretch the silicone for long periods of time.

>> No.43059559

what furniture is the one in the corner?

>> No.43059575

What doll did you buy and from where?

>> No.43059615
File: 501 KB, 1707x2560, ali-1-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheongsam. The lingerie versions are really low cost. I just got one of aliexpress for like four dollars. There's some nicer ones I am looking at and for those exact reasons. Being able to remove an item easily is far more valuable than being able to put it on.

In hindsight I would have held off on my order and asked for more information about the features or asked they not include it at all. I have been experimenting with voice options for a while now. I got it because it was included and I'm curious as to how good their version one is. If it sucks I'll be stuck with it and I'll let everyone know. What worries me the most is where they put it. Right in the back below the neck. This sculpt has a great back sculpt and I'm worried this is going to fuck with my impression of the doll.

MLW/MZR/Jiusheng 148cm B-cup Silicone with Ali/Mia head. Purchased from Dollter.

>> No.43059631

how is it compared to real thing?

>> No.43059637 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.45 MB, 2685x2561, DSC_1264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahh so its just a lingerie version of a cheongsam. time to start searching

>> No.43059644

If it's silicone it'll take a while to make. I usually recommend if you have the money to have a TPE doll first to hold you over.
Here in brazil it takes a long time for anything to arrive via shipping

>> No.43059655 [DELETED] 

tried an onahole for the first time today. Had a hard time getting in if I wasn't rock hard and I think it was tight enough that it fucked up the bloodflow so I quickly lost my erection soon after insertion. Any ideas on how to mitigate that?

>> No.43059664

tried an onahole for the first time today. Had a hard time getting in if I wasn't rock hard and I think it was tight enough that it fucked up the bloodflow so I quickly lost my erection soon after insertion. Any ideas on how to mitigate that?

>> No.43059672

more lube, wait a day or so to build up dick strength

>> No.43059719

If you got an hard ona then that's just nornal, you need to be rock hard and can't just stay still inside it or it'll cut the blood flow and you'll go limp.
If it's a soft one then I mean, you shouldn't really have issue other than just going limp because it's not stimulating enough or you're 60 years old.

>> No.43059829

You know, fair. It was an attempted 3rd time for the day and I kinda lost the 'strength' after struggling to get in due to too little lube at first.
I'm not sure what constitutes a soft one,and what isn't one. It's one of those small, kinda cheap ones that just has the vag and asshole

>> No.43059910

Try to get the aquarium pumps with two separate outlets.

>> No.43059922

The dolls look great, the neck area kind of destroys the immersion though.

>> No.43059931


How are the holes?

>> No.43059987
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>> No.43060022
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There are a billion of them on aliexpress. I'm certain Shein and I'm certain amazon has them marked up 3x with reviews for reference. If you find anything impressive that can be tied up/removed easily please pretty please please post here as I'm in shopping mode!
They said 14 days for MLW manufacturing and then 10 days for shipping. I just assume 4 weeks total if all works out.

>> No.43060047 [SPOILER] 

here's the one I'm talking about, I just got the black version which was just under five bucks instead of three.


fucking love ali.

>> No.43060281

So weird that opening on mobile it says it can't show the page because of regional laws but then on desktop mode it can.
Also careful with those blacks.

For sure and dolls with attached head can fix that but I think you're limiting yourself with 1 head. Stuff like long hair or not putting at such an angle definitely help as well but I think in general catdolls do suffer from this the most, but this could also be the person swapping heads on the wrong body.

>> No.43060292

>High quality dolls don't need anything
Silicone fags are delusional, silicone dolls thing powdering just as any doll, and that powder will need to be washed off and reapplied as often as a TPE doll would.

>> No.43060354

>no fangs
absolutely ruined

>> No.43060420

I have some tpe toys that require powder ever use and some tpe that never required powder ever. The materials even in the same general type can vary widely.

>> No.43060446

All the positive reviews I've read on silicone say they require less maintenance. I have to powder the hell out of my TPE dolls to keep them from seeping oil. Silicone just doesn't do this.

>> No.43060944

Any mexanons having trouble with AmazonJP? It keeps rejecting my payment info for a CQ Roll Soft.

>> No.43063023
File: 260 KB, 1078x2048, 20230328_234644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>irokebijin now selling dolls with implanted cat ears and tails
>not a word about it here

>> No.43063342


>> No.43063495

compared to actual sex you mean?
Apart from the fact that it's not a living organism and doesn't fulfill you on an emotional level, it's very good. I like it a lot. Your sexual experience depends a lot on your partner and their genitalia/experience. With dolls they're usually a bit tighter and generally better 'optimized' for pleasure so to say.

If the aforementioned downsides weren't a thing I'd say it's straight up better.

>> No.43063844

>ToyDemon BOGOHO sale
Any recommendations on the higher end of onas?
I guess there are a lot of Meiki no Syoumei in there, but I really haven't hard much aside from ZXY

>> No.43063859

Good sex with a real woman that's active and engaged > doll sex > sex with a lazy woman that just lays there
The doll doesnt complain when you stick it in her ass, she's up for every position you can think of, will wear whatever fetish stuff you like, is always ready whenever you are and never turns you down saying she's on her period, has a headache, or feels tired
All those positives aside dolls still aren't active participants and can't wrap their legs around you on their own, or dig their nails into your shoulder or any of the other little things that goes alongside good sex with a real woman

>> No.43064012 [SPOILER] 
File: 71 KB, 683x1024, Doll-Castle-Anime-TPE-Sex-Doll-–-Buckle-26-683x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice. Now I want one even more.

>> No.43066431

Tomax Venus have been known to be good and durable aside from the Syoumei series.

>> No.43066724

Implanted tails would be wicked if it could be an on/off thing, in my opinion. Same with ears, even. My imagination and conscience are too limited by either/or.
Oh well, "modular" dolls can only come so soon, right?
Looks incredibly cute either way.

>> No.43066843

did they add a tail socket? not seen anything on their head addon yet. im guessing that fur cover is fixed.

wonder if they used a generic tail socket or you need some very specific thing

>> No.43067071


A little too realistic but I like pig girls.

>> No.43067581

Its pretty new, isn't it? Also, looks like its only available on the 95cm size so far, so....meh. But I love me some catgirls. Maybe if they did it on the 140cm. I want to get one that size, but I keep putting it off, hoping they'll fix/add some things.

Hopefully they can putt the ears and tail on the Abby model. Would jump at that.

>> No.43067602

This was my exact reaction. Great concept though, I hope they continue expanding on other aspects of doujin/hentai fetishes with their dolls. For now, a 135 or 140cm cat girl would be great

>> No.43067648
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>> No.43067693

I have a hanidoll and it's really bad. The holes don't have any suction at all. They just open all the way up.

>> No.43067799

how tf all y'all affording these expensive dolls I'm out here reusing a $10 onahole

>> No.43067874

same reasons some people have savings accounts with $10 and some people have savings accounts with $10,000.

>> No.43067911

Skillup, get higher pay, and get a war chest saved up. You want to look out years not months. First goal is to get one full month of savings that would cover all expenses for your average month. Next is three months, then six. You grind and eat cheap until that is done. Then you can relax and reward yourself. Then you start investing. But you never dip below that savings number unless there's an actual emergency. In my case I can just buy a new doll cash right now but in the past that wasn't the case. If I wanted another toy I'd budget for it and buy it after I had the money. I generally still do this for purchases as a habit. Putting off things until you've hit money goals is way more rewarding once it kicks in. It takes time to see that. If you set an immediate goal, even just save a hundred bucks that you'll never touch, you will see that really quickly. That hundo will be yours forever. And the next one.

It's like working out. You gotta do it to see results. If you decide to sit around and eat all day then you'll pay for that consumption instead. But over time the effort will obviously pay out more.

>> No.43067917
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These should be your core hobbies. After this I chose musical instruments as it's a one-time investment and free to learn after that. You do you.

>> No.43067936

really this should read
All of that produces more than it consumes. After that your hobbies are your pick.

>> No.43067941

How young are you, unironically. Even if you have a low-end job saving a thousand bucks over a few months isn't that hard.
The key point here is investment. You save up because you know you're getting something in return that's going to last for a few years, assuming you take good care of it.

>> No.43067966

I have a security job and one day of OT is like half the cost of a doll for me, when I feel like splurging and buying a bunch of shit I'll just ask around at work and see who wants a Sunday afternoon off and go in and read manga and shit post on my phone for 8 hours and get paid for it

>> No.43068035

Can you bring a laptop in or a tab with a keypad? I'd do this almost every week if I could.

>> No.43068062

Depends what your post is, it's an office park and there's a front gate and if you're up there in the gate shack you can take that stuff but fuck working the gate when the weather starts to warm up, the AC breaks all the time and the thing is an oven
Patrol is nice since you just roam around, scan some barcodes, and occasionally radio in your location, as long as that's done you get left alone and on the weekend no one is there so theres even less chance of being hassled

>> No.43068079

Where do I get a doll that looks like THAT

>> No.43068332

Autome dolls did a Bache cosplay

>> No.43068682

what about the soft lolinco virgo? it's soft but pretty tight and it makes me go limp if i try to edge with it.

>> No.43068693

agreed, but you can always add a cute bow tie choker or a bdsm collar. high necked sexy lingerie is another option to hide the neck crease.

>> No.43068702

saw those last week. cool dolls, but you're basically paying $300 extra for a normal irokebijin 95cm anime doll with a tail and some ears bolted on. you could very easily diy those things yourself

>> No.43068707

catdoll has a 102cm doll i believe with a tail socket that fits a tail

>> No.43068978
File: 105 KB, 750x844, H6508965b53734621aa9f679a56a40be5H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way better options out there too. Just search cosplay ears and tail on ali/amazon. Tons of custom stuff out there. Keeping stuff attached is difficult when you're playing with a doll. If they're gonna include accessories they should make them modular/swappable.

>> No.43068997
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I hate this. Are the Astroglides any good? If so which one should I get?
I've been using the magic eyes Ubujiru.

>> No.43069029

>2k yen
Isn't this like 15 dollars? Sounds reasonable to me if you're importing literally from Japan.

>> No.43069056

Yeah on a second thought the astroglides are even more expensive considering the ml difference.

>> No.43069065
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>> No.43069203

bigger and sharper

>> No.43069388
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hey guys got any recommendations for good Hips something thats not too heavy?

>> No.43069402

I really like this one

>> No.43069458

That's why you wait and buy more shit together.

>> No.43069477

>something thats not too heavy
I disagree. Take something heavy. You'll both get pleasure and be lifting while doing it. It's a win win.

>> No.43070729

Whats a good first time onahole for a guy like me in the 50-70 range, I have a dad that has power tools so I can't use a safe box to hide it in

>> No.43070871

>guy like me
is your only characteristic a dad who has power tools... ?

>> No.43070892

I think you're fucked if your dad is going around breaking open your secured boxes.

>> No.43071175
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time to fkn cum uwu

>> No.43071405

wew lad I check in on you guys after a few months and its straight up turned into /doll/

>> No.43071421

I ended up ordering a Venus Real (soft) and ZXY. I was planning on making a separate purchase earlier in the month, but I guess this was an excuse to pull the trigger. I actually wasn't even planning on getting a ZXY yet in spite of the good reviews, since I was hesitant of its durability, but the discount was too good to pass up.

>> No.43071873

>also careful with those blacks.
Words to live by.

>> No.43072418

If you don't mind we're trying to solve a serious issue here. Another anon has a father who owns and is not afraid to use power tools. They want to purchase an onahole for a good price, around fifty to seventy dollars. You can get a quality ona for that budget but their dad will tear open any secure storage that they may hide this in. Clearly not a good situation. We need to figure this out anon.

>> No.43072546

Just buy one more onahole for the dad.

>> No.43072564

>Whats a good first time onahole for a guy like me in the 50-70 range
If you're 50-70 years old, your dad must be close to death anyways. Just wait a little bit.

>> No.43073370

Wondering if onas just naturally degrade in quality or I did something bad on mine

Got Venus Real Soft about 2 months ago. Used it about 3 times a week. I dunno if I just got used to it but I feel like it's not the same anymore. When I first used it it came in like 10 pumps. Now I dunno if its looser or the texture isn't the same anymore. And I'm even smaller than average in size

>> No.43074354

Im stupid, I should've said dollars.

>> No.43074526

>These should be your core hobbies
It's not a hobby if you need it to keep yourself healthy. Eating fast food, living in a dirty cockroach infested enviornment, being fat and wasting money will probably result in you dying in your 50s as a homeless bum.

>> No.43074724
File: 84 KB, 679x679, 818bpyQ1rDL._AC_SX679_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anyone seen or tried one of these yet? I am curious how it compares to the massive ass ones from Vorze. Not really clear if you can swap to different sleeves or anything though.

>> No.43074932

Looking to get my first onahole, do you think this would be good for someone that’s never used one before?

>> No.43075652

Are these the onaholes they send out to the Japanese military for the soldiers?

>> No.43076244

Fitness and cooking are excellent core hobbies to work on.

>> No.43076531

That anon has more pressing matters than storing an onahole if his dad ransacks his room every day in search of boxes to pry open with his power tools.

>> No.43077003

Therein lies much opportunity. Imagine having an onahole powered BY power tools.

>> No.43077038

>Attaching the onahole like a drill bit and having it spin around your cock

>> No.43077072

Imagine what possibilities there are with a belt sander.

>> No.43077259


A circle of small belt sanders could give you the feeling of your dick flying through an infinite vagina.

>> No.43077337

>1 Kilogram
the fuck

>first onahole
>go to onahole.com
i shoulda done the same

>> No.43077338

>>Attaching the onahole like a drill bit and having it spin around your cock

>> No.43078252

I feel like weight is half the draw of a hip, if it don't bounce back when you slam into it then you wasted your money.

>> No.43078517

whats the difference between the venus real soft and rich real soft
which one should i get

>> No.43078551

Is it normal for my glans to chafe when using an ona or do I need to lvl up my chinpo?
Uncut btw.

>> No.43078594

More lube sir. Or different lube.

>> No.43078664

>for the first time in my life I want to fuck a conveyor belt
We have got to be on to something here. Anyone have access to this or maybe even an escalator?

>> No.43079127
File: 533 KB, 1333x2000, 218D3961-78A9-4E15-93DC-711162756B60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have wanted to make one for a long time ever since I tried using one of those water wigglers as an onahole.

I’m sure the necessary parts could be 3D printed. But the actual belts would need to be some kinda skin safe silicon or tpe.

I think a minimum of three belts to make a triangle would give full shaft coverage

Belts could be driven forward or backwards to simulate thrusting or just forward to simulate endless vagina.

Belts could be designed to have different amounts of material along them to create tighter and looser sections. These tighter sections could be used during climax to simulate the muscle convulsions that milk you at the finish.

The toy would almost be self cleaning as you could just have it run itself while under water.

>> No.43079188

More lube, use a heavy water based lube and thin it out as needed.
Also a cock ring is nice sometimes to stop the natural gliding for more friction.

>> No.43079425

It would be literally like swimming in pussy. lol. Dive in and keep diving forever.

>> No.43079458
File: 149 KB, 689x1033, a74eb0b7284dcd4edb28d7fde749dd65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>celebrity sex doll
what celeb is this?

>> No.43079479
File: 188 KB, 689x1033, f4e9df75f4789e87f7f9fbc98fb34ebf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Marty, did you bump your head?

>> No.43079529

Lol. Just get meal prep.

>> No.43079750

I had both the piston and the cyclone and disposed of the cyclone recently. Unfortunately I'm a disorganized retard and somehow mixed up the hole/sleeve/insert holder thing between the two, the black plastic part Now I'm kind of fucked. Anyone know where I can buy a replacement, if anywhere, or am I stuck with a $600 paperweight?

>> No.43079787
File: 205 KB, 2000x1109, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually live next door to a meal prep company's main kitchen. It gets old and if you at least take the time to learn your favorite takeout dishes you can avoid a lot of garbage. And that anon is trying to save money. I can outcook almost any takeout place for my favorite dishes. Then cooking for friends and get togethers is really fun.

>> No.43079897

that one is really cheap and not too good from reviews I read. it's mainly a parody of Girls und panzer. There's a couple of others but they binned cheap

if you want a decent sub 20 dollar entry I liked the AV mini series. they are a bit bland but feel very nice to just be in for the price point. Easy to clean and mine has lasted me a few months of 3-4 weekly uses at most.

currently upgraded to a mouth of truth and a japanese real hole dual layer and those feel a lot better. but if you aren't willing to drop 40+ the AV mini series is a nice testing the waters to see if it's your thing.

also any tips for cleaning mouth of truth it's a pain in the ass

>> No.43079922

That's something I've been meaning to figure out. What kind if legal problems would there be to basically going
>make the doll look exactly like Heather Langenkamp from Nightmare on Elm street but yknow change it just a little so that it's totally not her"

>> No.43079983

Isn't this a lot more expensive than simply buying ingredients?

>> No.43080017

Which Tomax hole would be the best for my death grip bloodshot semichub penis?

>> No.43080024

It probably is but I'm disgustingly lazy.

>> No.43080044

Is this thread just for onaholes or does anyone here know anything about fleshlights too?

>> No.43080078

this is /jp/ we're not into Western fleshlights

>> No.43080123
File: 75 KB, 1024x577, your own personal hentai experience.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait. are we sure?

>> No.43080138

They've already done this a few times with other media figures. Even copyrighted game characters. I am really surprised there isn't an Emma Watson doll by now.

>> No.43080376

What's the state of onas as digital peripherals? Do any vendors make onas with support for documented protocols (not locked to a specific application)?

>> No.43080496

3d print it?

>> No.43080667

My Misaki Rola cup has shipped from Aliexpress, can't wait to use it soon rip nofap

>> No.43080933
File: 566 KB, 768x1024, b8341449807cff4e8df2d743778dc96f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /jp/ I am looking into buying an onahole, but I notice that they are all very small, on average 13 cm in tunnel length. Does it need to be the same size or longer than the cock? I am 19cm in length (7.5 inches) and I want the most suitable onahole that is also discrete and easy to hide.

Thanks very much

>> No.43080987

I wish someone at least made a non-human hip.

>> No.43081397

Are doll skeletons all the same?
Tried this one doll and its so clunky to get her in the position i wanted i just fap instead

>> No.43081404 [SPOILER] 
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Any chinks or japs making toys I will pay generously for what Anon is suggesting >>43080987

>> No.43082956

Bad dragon has a kobold

>> No.43083262

fleshlights are generally on the firmer side from what i generally hear. Way more expensive than typical onas and onas are softer and tend to feel better/tighter.
Not sure if all fleshlights are still made out of silicone or not as well, but if you have an issue with TPE that might be an option.

>> No.43083272
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most are simlar, but it depends on the mfg exactly what they did or how well it works/bends.

>> No.43083733

i saw this, looks kinda fun.
but i would not like to try speedrunning.

>> No.43084991

>Does it need to be the same size or longer than the cock?
Yeah, especially if it has an uterus. It creates a nice sucking sensation on the head.
>also discrete and easy to hide
If you can hide a bottle of water then you can hide an ona.

>> No.43085857

>mario party with friends

>> No.43086033

>Tfw I work in an industry that actually makes this type of steel piping/tubing
>Its possible that I've partially built some of our doll skellies.

>> No.43086164
File: 249 KB, 600x900, midget quinn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes i think i have bad taste, but i want this.
or something like cartoon mom.
small waist with a really big ass, like elastigirl or dexter mom

>> No.43086396
File: 56 KB, 480x680, 26017690-FB36-4F15-8C38-645BABD56A97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a doll like this.

>> No.43087167

Jokes aside and to answer you question: any ona you'd like is fine. You really need to work through a hiding spot that is just convenient enough to use while being obnoxiously inconvenient for someone to search in. A box spring under a bed can be this. As can a box under a box under another box with a bunch of shit inside of it hidden in plain sight. If someone was looking for drugs and determined, where would they look? Great place not to hide a sex toy you don't want found. They won't be looking for a sex toy. That makes this easier. Pick up some guides on "how to hide something" and may as well learn basic tech security while you're at it. You'll be more advanced than someone with powertools within an hour of reading.

>> No.43087358

Alright, I'm currently using homemade lube (xanthan gum + glycerin), I'll try changing the ratios and if that doesn't work I'll buy actual lube.

>> No.43087375

>xanthan gum + glycerin
what are doing to mix these two substances?

>> No.43087388

I dissolve them in water.

>> No.43087520

thanks anon

>> No.43088114

I like mobface/simple faces, but Funkos just look soulless as fuck, like, getting a blank doll face and drawing on eyes would be more soulful than a funko face.
I agree with you on a more cartoon-y body though, shame the body is the most expensive part, so companies aren't willing to experiment unless it's a custom order.
IIRC the joints will eventually loosen if you move them enough, that or you'll get strong enough that moving them isn't a hassle.

>> No.43088189

Are onaholes just less pleasurable in general if you have a cut dick or is there no significant difference?

>> No.43088196

everything is less pleasurable if you have a cut dick

>> No.43088220

Agreed. Anyone know how to move the dolls spine? Can't unarch my dolls back.

>> No.43088231

press down on her stomach and try to pull up her hips

>> No.43088362

So not worth getting an ona if you're a cutfag?

>> No.43088461

Cut here, onas still feel far better than using my hand

>> No.43088491

i have never ever seen any of the penetrables in stock

>> No.43088609

Wrestling moves required for stiff doll joints.

>> No.43088887

The joint is tight. You need to lock the hips so you can leverage the spine. Pressing your knee on the hips will typically achieve this. Put the doll into default/factory minus the arch. Get the hip secured and then work the spine front/back or side/side.

>> No.43089938
File: 26 KB, 300x400, $_1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great taste. Simplistic faces on thicc bodies are god tier

>> No.43090673
File: 100 KB, 1000x635, drive-up-storage-best-time-to-rent-storage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a doll but still live at home with my family. talk me out of renting a storage unit to keep the doll in.

>> No.43090695 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.43090850

...Actually not the worse idea, but I'll give you some negatives.
>They're unheated, which means the doll will be cold as shit and need reheating in the fall/winter.
>Lack of privacy, you can't lock the door from the outside, and management could open it on you while you're with the doll, this may or may not count as public indecency.

>> No.43090937

>talk me out of renting a storage unit
Idk where you are, but around here they all have cameras....
Depending on how shite your senpai is I'd say get an onahole for now and save to move out.

>> No.43091062

what if I take the doll to hotels/motels of varying prices to do the deed?

>> No.43091067

>rent storage unit
>store your doll in there
>get morning wood
>drive towards storage unit with a massive hardon
>get stuck in traffic
>struggle to keep your boner for 5-10 minutes
>doll smells like grandma's attic
>bang her with a half chub
>clean doll with bottled water and towels
>pray it doesn't mold
>repeat tomorrow
You might as well just get an onahole because you'll stop fucking her after a week tops, I mean plenty of dollfags who store their dolls inside those fancy flight cases become too lazy to unbox them after a while.

>> No.43091153

What are some good lube brands in EU?

>> No.43091949

any torso out there with huge tits and areolas/nipples?
looking to upgrade from my puriana dx

>> No.43092078

>tried out my Magic Face Custom for the first time in months
>actually have a pretty decent experience with it, albeit with some struggling to keep it in in various positions
>realize after cleaning it that the base also functions as a suction cup for facefucking
This thing is pretty damn cool. It's a bit large, though. I'd like to store it in something outside of its box. I use pillow cases for my hips, but not too sure about this one.

Anyone know how to find other wigs that'll fit? I'm not sure how to look for this sort of thing.

>> No.43092745
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>> No.43092931

FUCK! I totally forgot to masturbate yesterday. God damnit.

>> No.43092978
File: 831 KB, 1278x2000, FlqrNywXgAEy_8Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really glad we are getting attractive dolls finally. Took over 20 fucking years...

>> No.43093003
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>> No.43093375
File: 231 KB, 1366x2048, 16803536969907200253751646137680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really need to order this 8 years old doll and pump the fuck out of her<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.43093444 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 794x794, il_794xN.3201362681_rzzj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks older than eight to me.

>> No.43093568

kys chlomo

>> No.43093600

Looks older than eight.

>> No.43093933

has anyone tried peeing in their onahole...

>> No.43094352

When I was young, like elementary school I thought to make a baby you would pee in a little girl and I convinced a girl to let me do that to her. I thought fertilizing the egg meant peeing on it. I always thought back about the patch of lawn that was always green because my dad peed on it when he got home from town.

It was a mess, the girl pulled down her pants and I put my flaccid tiny dick up to her cunny and peed. Then I couldn't stop and she stepped back and I ran over to the handicap toilet to finish peeing. That was a day in my life I will never forget.

>> No.43094732

Just Glide.

>> No.43094746

Puni Ana Miracle DX.


Puni Ana Miracle Bakunyu DX.

>> No.43094766
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>> No.43094992

>Puni Ana Miracle Bakunyu DX
I meant i already owned this one. Should have clarified

>> No.43095659

Oh, shit.


This has no torso version though.

>> No.43095699


Maybe consider half torsos as an upgrade?


>> No.43095737

What character is this supposed to be?


>> No.43096113



i know there was another one, but i don't remember it. i think the ana is best

>> No.43096511

are doll heights and weights with or without the head?

>> No.43096594


>> No.43096664 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.43097185

Nix is good. It's like a small hip which makes it the best value out of all of their penetrable toys, given they're the same price.

It's one of the most popular ones, so it shows up in many of the daily drops. The really annoying part is waiting until there's one in a color you want (or making an order while customs are open).

>> No.43097236

Same problem as this >>43091067

>> No.43097331

You guys should have just bought a home last year when the interest rates were at ~3%

I have three dolls and some minis around my house all dressed for the part of home that she is in. When it comes summer, I will be taking one outside on nice days by the pool and hottub. I affixed one yesterday to my four wheeler and my backpack and checked the fence line. She got to watch me for about an hour tensioning a few wires.

>> No.43097805

Pretty much everyone who wanted a home has a home by now. Those who don't are either too young or are incapable mentally or physically for home ownership. (Aka they are lazy)

>> No.43099331

More of this buttercup?

>> No.43099443

~8in tunnel ona where?

>> No.43100310
File: 2 KB, 211x368, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there something like tube-shaped tenga egg or thin onahole that can be folded and flipped easily, and doesn't require stretching during use?
I tried tenga egg and I don't like it. Had to pull it hard to stretch and the end pops easily. But otherwise it's perfect for use in bathroom when I'm feeling lazy to clean the mess.

>> No.43100385

Or they're broke.

>> No.43100512

In my country it costs about 2-3 millions to own a room in an apartment. Or if you choose to rent a room, it costs about 80% of your monthly wage.

>> No.43100649
File: 1.91 MB, 1736x3549, ECE7A7E1-A099-4376-8928-B59F41BEBD02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The regular tenga hole when disassembled contains exactly what you’re after. Though it’s slightly thinner and less robust then the egg it is much longer.

I just tried to use a tenga inner as a female condom for my doll (seen here in build a bear hula outfit)

Didn’t work well. It popped and got messy in her. I need to find a source for actual female condoms. Fuck FC2 insurance racket<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.43100663
File: 3.31 MB, 2558x4020, EA90B78B-80E0-4D2F-8D7F-E005D80151C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you and your friends should invest in a guillotine.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.43101427

anal or regular?

>> No.43102646

If you can afford to rent a hotel room every time you bang your doll then you can afford to live alone. Faggot.

>> No.43102652

Has anyone here bought something from isexy.shop? The site seems sketchy as fuck. Tons of spelling mistakes, free shipping everywhere, no taxes/custom clearance, no info on where they're based. It does accept Paypal though or more like it's the only thing they accept.

>> No.43102782

>house and apartment prices are still skyhigh
>inflation in my country is the highest out of all EU countries
>friend and aunt who took out a mortgage now pay almost double every month because of inflation and the people in charge say that it'll only keep growing in the foreseeable future
lol no. My aunt is now worrying that she might not even be able to afford it anymore if it keeps going up.

>> No.43102877

Who are you quoting?

>> No.43102932 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.43102976


>> No.43103346
File: 137 KB, 800x800, ereshkigal_cherry_onahole_pussy_xray_hentai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am thinking of buying Ereshkigal Cherry. is it any good?

>> No.43103348

too short but still hot

>> No.43103358

dont forget to post your pool parties

>> No.43103363

>powered by GPT-4chan

>> No.43103394

It looks really expensive for what it is. Bought a 6kg Eimi Fukada hip on amazon.jp for half the price.

>> No.43103469

am i the only to think that's hot?

>> No.43103477

4chan isn't what it used to be man, they added some bots so threads can still generate some discussion.

>> No.43103812
File: 450 KB, 1421x2017, Screenshot_20230402_100935_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43103826

Someone be a high test chad and stuff his face into sexdoll panties

>> No.43103947
File: 336 KB, 1060x1884, Screenshot_20230402_102245_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43103964

interesting idea, but good luck washing her with no running water.

>> No.43104350

true that it is expensive. wondering if anyone here tried it

>> No.43104416
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>> No.43104507

so fucking hot I can feel myself getting cured

>> No.43104604
File: 1.21 MB, 1439x1912, Screenshot_20230402_114353_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43104624
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>> No.43104626

very nice

>> No.43104949

I bought this maybe two months ago it feels amazing, it heavy and jiggley. If you can afford it you should buy it.

>> No.43104975

The prone bone must be amazing.

>> No.43105032

idk if my dick is just super short but I can never get inside my doll in pronebone
like the geometry just doesnt work because the doll doesn't angle her hips and push up against you

>> No.43105175
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>> No.43105191

Which Brand and model?

>> No.43105194
File: 1.44 MB, 3072x4096, FstTZF3aQAALFaB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90lbs is light
I lift for the day when these dolls are even a little mechanized and their weight jumps up to human level because of the metal components

>> No.43105333
File: 808 KB, 1258x1292, Screenshot_20230402_130509_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

piper doll 160cm akira eco affordable tpe version

>> No.43105340

tpe is nice and jiggly but its basically impossible to repair
no matter what you try it just doesnt hold together after you have to melt/glue it back together

>> No.43105372

TPE is also cheaper so you get a new one after a few years.

>> No.43105388

yeah but its going to start shredding after just a year or two of regular use and before it really break you'll be dealing with a visibly damage/breaking down doll

that being said it's not like the silicone dolls don't have skeletons that are just as fragile. god I wish the chinks would beef them up a little bit

>> No.43105410
File: 218 KB, 2048x1366, FstV-jOaMAAJbGL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new iroke size and head. 147cm kasumi
cant tell if it is that new tall body they showed before

>> No.43105428

this looks so much better than their older dolls

>> No.43105617

now make her tits 5x the size

>> No.43105821

>amazon jp says it'll be arriving april 10
>order some cheap local lube a few days after cause I really need one right now
>wake up
>check tracking updates
>it's already in my country

Is it possible to expect that it'll be delivered tomorrow?

>> No.43105830

How big is she? Are there any fairy-sized touhou fairy dolls?

>> No.43106003

not as far as I know

>> No.43106184

seriously wtf are they doing with these sizes if you're going to make a certain character than do her right

>> No.43106583

That looks very promising.

Just needs articulated fingers and feet with a bone structure and i'll buy it.

>> No.43106671

honestly dolls in general need ribs hips collarbones etc
TPE wouldn't work very well with such a thing but silicone-foam construction works fine
I want to be able to feel the bony ribs of my next loli doll

>> No.43107240

I wonder if it's a matter of making the skeleton too complex to be affordable or if they just haven't been able to make thinner bones like collars and ribs durable while keeping overall weight down. Idk, I'm with the guy earlier in the thread that can't wait for fully realized dolls that are human weight and everything

>> No.43107265

human weight is a big minus unless the doll can move on it's own

I think the chinks are just cheap, a beefed up aluminum skeleton with some solid plastic parts for the hips, collarbone, etc wouldn't be expensive at all, tpe isn't exactly cheap either and they make most dolls practically solid TPE

>> No.43107271

not to mention silicone dolls with articulated fingers are only around 2k, something with a super durable and advanced skeleton would sell at a 3k price point pretty easily

>> No.43107524

A full scale sex doll that can move on its own. The dream. How far away do y'all reckon we are out from actual sex droids?

>> No.43107584

Ask Chatgpt

>> No.43107898

actually being able to walk around and stuff is probably a couple decades off
but something simpler that just makes sex spicier is pretty attainable, I think a company already has a doll that can move it's own hips around a little bit

>> No.43108112

Walking is something even people with military money have a hard time getting to work.
I saw some university guy get doll to take on different poses on her own, we're more likely to see something like that+hip gyration like >>43107898 said. Walking will probably be the last thing to become available.

>> No.43108136

having a doll able to lift up and move her hips from 3 or 4 points of bed contact or even be able to hug you back would already really be something
but with all the possible positions you would really need a pretty comprehensive set of actuators and a very advanced controller and that sounds like integration hell and totally out of reach for your average chink sex doll company

>> No.43108339

Prone boning a doll is fucking magical. Seeing their ass jiggle from your thrusts alone is almost enough to make you cum

>> No.43108512

Just ordered a Lolinco Virgo bros, what am In for?

>> No.43108639

Guys, someone is making a onahole based jerk off instructions video, they asked for recommendations on a regular sized onahole that is not too expensive, what should I recommend them? They asked me cause I'm the only person who they know uses onaholes, but I've only used like 5 different ones

>> No.43108657

Oh perfect so a love droid can run out of my home and scream rape.

>> No.43108668

if that happened the company that produced it would go out of business the next day

>> No.43108737

tenga flips

>> No.43109263

Never owned one but I'm thinking of ordering one. People seem to mostly be happy with how it feels but almost every one complains about how difficult it is to clean and durability is hit or miss, probably depending on if you pass the toilet paper roll test.

>> No.43109293

my dick is definitely at least average (6in?), and I have the same issue.

>> No.43109757


Same. Anal works, but not vag for prone bone.

>> No.43110098

>pass the toilet paper roll test.
What's that?

>> No.43110617

you see if your cock fits into a toilet paper tube by length and or grith

>> No.43110699

I feel like I kind of made a mistake by only buying the "tried and true" onas so far. Plus most of them have been fairly realistic in their tunnel structures, so I haven't experienced a variety of textures yet...

What's your best impulse buy or best thing you've gotten without many prior reviews?

>> No.43110812
File: 50 KB, 700x700, thumb_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm really into dick destroyers, like the carnivorous mermaid one, and was wondering what your guy's recs for a good incredibly stimulating blowjob ona would be.

I'm looking at the mouth of truth hard, because the teeth sound great to me, but if theres even more extreme ones out there lemme know

>> No.43111737

Get hard and stick your dick into a toilet paper tube, if it fits you failed the test, if you're too thick to fit then you pass
Average dick girth is a little under 5 inches, toilet paper rolls vary anywhere between 5.1 and 5.5 inches

>> No.43114176

This looks really good. Probably one of the best faces in a long time, up there with the Abby and Akane faces. I just wish they offered all the different heads on all the different sizes of dolls, since some heads seem to be exclusive to some sizes of bodies.

>> No.43114246

My penis girth is 12 cm.....

>> No.43114935

>my fap is like a video game trying hard to beat the stage
> All while I am still shooting sperms
>Trying hard to cum on girls, obstacles, I'm fapping hurdles I'm Cumming up

>> No.43115257
File: 1.66 MB, 2448x3264, 1673988868491714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen shitposts about this thing before. Anyone actually try it yet?

>> No.43115588

Haven't touched my onahole in 4 months because even though I remember drying it properly I'm scared its moldy. How do I work up the courage

>> No.43115908

It's probably fine, but better to deal with mold sooner than later. Don't give it time to spread. check the outside, and give it the sniff test. If it seems okay, grab a flashlight and something to hold it open. Check the inside for dark spots or discoloration. It's pretty normal for the insides to be rough and faded. but if there are any kind of dark blotches or funky smells, it's time to toss her

>> No.43116337

is there a good way to make a doll carton look unopened so parent(s) aren't tempted to peak inside? you can obviously tape it up in advance, but that doesn't work if they come across it at an unexpected time when you're out

>> No.43116387

put a lock on your closet

>> No.43116409

Seriously, just get some locks if your family are such nosy shits

>> No.43116653

You should of got the flight case along with it. Yeah its heavy as fuck but its a sturdy solid lockable storage option

>> No.43116955

This. Locking is the only solution after obfuscation. You are not able to obfuscate with masking tape. A flight case solves both.

>> No.43117151
File: 1.92 MB, 2508x3541, 103553705_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can finally bone Asuna irl, what a time to be alive

>> No.43117173
File: 868 KB, 3001x4000, media_FsJkpmLaIAIH1XK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monday of week three. Still no factories. I really hate this part.

>> No.43117385
File: 160 KB, 788x1074, Game-Lady-Doll-Votes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only requirement is to email them your choice/vote
>highest voting category is 9
I have no idea how these businesses make money.

>> No.43117571

Unfortunate that 2B is on there. Just put a white wig on a generic body.

>> No.43117575

The west isn't really that big of a market, I would guess they aren't marketing this on the Chinese market where they sell most of their stuff.

>> No.43117713

Looks like Hanidoll is offering custom builds now starting at a little over 5k

>> No.43117716

because people can buy dolls and then forget about the company until they want to buy another one

>> No.43117771

Where can I buy this?

>> No.43117794

Pretty sure it's not available yet. Any decent shops that sell Irokebijin dolls will have it.

>> No.43117802

I don't know shit about dolls, where do I get irokebuijin dolls?

>> No.43117811

Doll Channel or HGDoll

>> No.43117821

has anyone fucked a real human onahole before

>> No.43117850

Scratch that. She's listed here: https://dollto-china.com/irokebijin-147cm-silicone-asumi.html

>> No.43117937

The west will increasingly become a worthwhile market. Less and less of us are getting sex, and a fair number of us have disposable cash that is currently being thrown at e-thots that could instead be thrown into a doll.

>> No.43118374

Most manufacturers sell through vendors and many vendors obscure their sources. Marketing is fraught Because game lady is also pursued for copyright violations.

>> No.43118384

We don’t have a population imbalance in that large of a population.
Nearly 35 million more men than women. It’s a god damn hell scape.

>> No.43118705
File: 2.06 MB, 2730x4096, Fr6hCdnaUAIgLDM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one guy is always spamming that average as fuck butt like he's never seen a girl before (well, doll owners) but for me it's more something like this.

>> No.43118811

>Someone wanted Ruby

>> No.43118933

Thanks for giving me courage anon. She seems fine. Insides looked whitish-pink and no weird smells

>> No.43118949

>Someone wanted Astarion

>> No.43118966

nothing wrong with that though I'd pick Weiss.

>> No.43118971


>> No.43118973

Sure but pick characters that have semi-realistic faces

>> No.43119002
File: 230 KB, 1920x1080, Ruby smile 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ruby is literally the best though

>> No.43119014


>> No.43119141

holy FUCK drunk doll sex is something else
I came, passed out for like an hour still on top of her, and when I woke up I was so fucked up I forgot I had cum in the first place

>> No.43119166

That sounds like a really great experience, honestly
Maybe I'll try that once I get my first doll

>> No.43119593

Hi, I bring gifts from /h/.

>> No.43119689

i was in tokyo but couldn't find the venus real anywhere. how can i get it? got some onatsuyu though. this shit is good lube.

>> No.43120133

I mean, they just did an anime face with that Edgerunner doll.

>> No.43121047
File: 2.90 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20220908_1508242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes already listed by the main brand zelex

big agree on the fact any doll can cosplay her

>> No.43121270

Bros I accidentally drank some onahole lube, should I worry?

>> No.43122083

New thread?

>> No.43122537

u become the onahole now

>> No.43122803

Honestly I respect that

>> No.43123512

Haven't bought an onahole in years, but now I'm looking ho buy one. I used to buy off en-nls before they stopped shipping to NA. I used to use OtonaJP, but OP says they are a shit. Can anyone summarise what's wrong with OtonaJP? I like their large selection but I don't want to get ripped off

>> No.43123899

I wanna buy a sex doll but idk where to ask about it.
Id like something like a torso for starters around 40cm tall. As cheap as possible as it would be my first toy and dunno if Id like it.


>> No.43124035
File: 229 KB, 961x1280, BE2C57CA-C243-4A86-B1B2-7C0DFC1A7CA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

40cm is very rare and in the realm of onaholes with lady shapes rather then a doll with actual skeleton with joints.

60cm and made of Silcone is more likely functional and cost around $500

I went with a cheaper tpe option 60cm doll $130 and it wound up giving birth to a metal nut. (The vendor my mini sex doll dot com only offered a half refund for the defective doll)

Even without the nut or it’s vagina opening to its skeleton that will eventually cause rust and bacteria infection the cheap TPE is too soft for the amount of friction that happens on the skin when the doll is used.holding the doll by the waist has started to tear the surface of her skin. Her skin is too delicate to support holding her own weight.

>> No.43124119

These are all inexpensive dolls and torsos
This is 45cm
Most mini dolls are in the 60cm range, check out brands like AXB, Mozu, and Six House

>> No.43124238

im in eu and these prices are x2 for me, sad.

>> No.43124313

Find the config options on a reseller then email the manufacturer directly with what you want for the real price

>> No.43124623

There are euro vendors. Celest dolls is a good source for info
