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4295044 No.4295044 [Reply] [Original]

How can you play Touhou windowed but without the white screen at the menu and all?

>> No.4295104

Also when I played windowed, the game keeps lagging.

>> No.4295127

Never happened to me

>> No.4295149

I can't fix it D:

>> No.4295150

I'm not sure what kind of terrible computer you'd have to have to get lag in Touhou of all things.
Was it made this century?
Does it have more than four kilobytes of ram?
If you said yes to both questions, there may be a serious problem.

>> No.4295159

Post some screen shots, I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. (sorry)

>> No.4295171

Computer Specs are:
3 GB of Ram
Intel Core2 Quad CPU Q9550
BFG 285 OC Videocard

>> No.4295183
File: 496 KB, 2880x1024, TouhouShitGraphics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4295190

I have a goddamn Netbook,Win7, 2GB RAM and 1.6GHz, runs every game smoothly.

>> No.4295297

Reinstall DX?

>> No.4295506
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>> No.4295524

I've run every touhou game smoothly on a laptop with a single shit core processor, a garbage graphics card, and half a gig ram.
You're definitely doing something very, very wrong.

>> No.4295522

I am tripping balls. I'd played the shit out of quad-vision touhou.

>> No.4295530

Yeah, and I don't believe it's all vista's fault.

>> No.4295553

I tried updating but didn't work.

>> No.4295560

Yes it is

>> No.4295620


>> No.4295744

Touhou 7 doesn't work anyways.

>> No.4295756
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>> No.4295759
File: 437 KB, 2880x1024, TouhouShitGraphics4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4295773

I had the same problems with Win7, but not when I had RC, which is weird.
I still use XP on another partition though, Win7 could handle my dual screens so I only have in my laptop, which still has RC and runs them smoothly.

>> No.4295805

Your resolution looks retarded.

>> No.4296036

Because it's harder to play in widescreen mode, the x axis movement doesn't match with the y axis.

>> No.4296325

I'm having probs running some of the games in fullscreen mode.
SA, UFO, the fighters and PoFV run at a full 60fps when in fulscreen, but the other ones run at 30fps when fullscreened, except for PCB, where I have to start it up windowed, then fullscreen it for the full 60fps. any suggestions to help solve this?
