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4285350 No.4285350 [Reply] [Original]

In terms of visual novel protagonists, there seem to be two types, the "normal" type that are intended for the player to relate to and sort of "become". Examples like Arata from Princess Waltz, Junichi from Da Capo, Takeshi from Ever17, Yuuji from Snow Sakura, or Ryo from Crescendo. Basically normal people that sometimes get caught up in abnormal situations. Then there are "abnormal" protagonists, that are designed to be relatable, sure, by virtue of the medium, but are very decidedly different from any would-be player. Examples of these would be Taichi from Cross Channel, Shirou from Fate, Fuminori from Saya, or Kenichi from Sharin.

I was wondering which breed of character people tended to prefer playing as.

>> No.4285357

That's generalizing a lot.
You could say the same thing for every fictions ever.

>> No.4285377

I do not engage in self-insert when I watch / read / play stuff and never have. For example, I largely fap to yuri, and never do I imagine myself involved in that in any way. I don't think of the girls as "doing it for me" or anything like that. I understand that most people like to project themselves as the MC, that's why VN protagonists are largely the way they are, but to answer your question, I prefer the abnormal ones.

Although, somewhat ironically, Fuminori is a bad example of an abnormal protagonist, as I found myself relating to him more than 90% of other characters, and I'm sure a lot of /jp/ feels the same.

>> No.4285383

You're stating the obvious. Of course there are only normal and abnormal protagonists, just like how there are only male and not male humans.

>> No.4285394

Learn to monomyth.

>> No.4285404

You're forgetting about the generic faceless guys with no personality and are only there so the cute girls have something to fuck.

>> No.4285405

Taichi is my idol. He got every girl liked him, abandoned them all and living the dream.

>> No.4285414

I never imagine myself as the MC, no matter how much the VN tries me to, that's why I prefer 3rd person VNs

>> No.4285417

well, perhaps its because I came to visual novels out of Choose your own adventure books and videogames, both of which almost always use the "Blank Slate" approach. I think tvtropes calls it the "Ageless, Faceless, Gender-Neutral, Culturally Ambiguous Adventure Person" for most videogames.

>> No.4285434

no, that's what OP meant by "normal protagonists", it just wasn't very clearly written.

>> No.4285437

I prefer real type heroes, but have no problem playing as a super.

>> No.4285446


That faggot got on my nerves quite a bit.

>> No.4285450

See, I am just the opposite. In videogames like half life, its easier, sure, because of the nature of the medium, you have much more interactivity (even if you are railroaded around), with a vn, there's fewer points for you to affect the plot, but you do get to pick which girl you end up with. This is why I usually refer to vn protagonists as "you" when discussing them with friends, like "remember the scene where you reveal to Ciel that you have mystic eyes", not, "remember when Shiki reveals to Ciel that he has mystic eyes".

>> No.4285453


They're waiting for you, Gordon...

>> No.4285482

I guess the bulk of what I read is normal people types. I just got done reading Princess Waltz (holy fuck hot HCG, loved it. Liesel is the second best girl behind Lun Lun). But people like Kenichi of Sharin give me something to strive for.

>> No.4285486
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All main characters are way too normal-, morale- and casualfags for me to relate.

>> No.4285493
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You will never be a millionaire mercenary teenager. Just give up.

>> No.4285500


They're usually too Japanese for me to relate to.

>> No.4285507

You go to hell. Sure I've missed my chance to be something like that at his age. But I can still strive for greatness while I'm young.

>> No.4285512
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>strive for greatness

>> No.4285515
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>> No.4285526

I'm sorry, but I would rather spend hours reading a route where Taichi goes batshit, y'know, the ones Miki kept going on about and saying how he kills everyone. He is surprisingly badass when he goes psycho (remember when he dodges Kiri's crossbow?). I'd be entertained in reading that, then any route.

>> No.4285528

Greatness, as in negative sense.

>> No.4285557

Only thing I really care about is if they are good or evil. I can't project myself into anyone acting badly towards women.

3 sister story for example was hard to get into since you were supposed to start out as an ass that became more friendly over time.

>> No.4285562

> All main characters are way too normal-, morale- and casualfags for me to relate.
Even Rance!!?
