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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4283280 No.4283280 [Reply] [Original]

I don't really get this one. I enjoy Touhou, good anime and some mangas simply because they are superior to alternatives in just about every way possible. lol avatar, watchmen, dark knight, crysis, donald duck...

Nevertheless there actually exists people that instantly start mocking you or generalize brutally by asking stuff like "how does it feel to fap to little cartoon girls?!" while actually seeming honestly raged and irritated.

I really don't get it. Anyone having a viable explanation for that shit? Pissess the shit out of me.

>> No.4283281

I do not limit myself to only watching japanese media because I am not a faggot.

>> No.4283282

Looking down on people makes you feel better.

>> No.4283284
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>generalize brutally

>generalize brütally

shit was SLAYER

>> No.4283288 [DELETED] 
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It's not them, it's you.

>> No.4283292

well me neither but doh, I'd watch Girl who lept through time rather than Avatar any day.

Seen both.

>> No.4283295

One of the many reasons we hide our power levels.

Some things are only really enjoyable in privacy.

>> No.4283300
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>donald duck

Fuck you, OP. Duck comics are better than most of your "mangas".

>> No.4283303

>I don't really get this one. I enjoy Touhou, good anime and some mangas simply because they are superior to alternatives in just about every way possible. lol avatar, watchmen, dark knight, crysis, donald duck...
Exactly the same for me. I watch anime mainly because the alternatives are shit.

>> No.4283313

Val dood!

>> No.4283316

>superior to watchmen, dark knight

obvious troll 0/10

>> No.4283317

cool story brah

>> No.4283321

our tastes are just too different from theirs
sure when we're around our friends we can tolerate whatever shit movie they want to see, or whatever terrible tv show they put on that's supposed to be "funny"
but deep inside, we know that something being mainstream or popular does not necessarily make it good. However, that's the idea most people have had hammered into their head such that they only view things on TV or in the theatres.

>> No.4283325

hi there op no one is buying your bullshit

>> No.4283326

>when we're around our friends


>> No.4283328

It's like I'm really on /a/.

>> No.4283331

>lol donald duck...

Get the fuck out.

>> No.4283332

It's not that it's crap. It's just that you are never going to get certain types of stories from them, like realistic stories for example. Mature people such as myself want cartoons, but with "adult" storylines. Only anime has that. In the western world, cartoon = for kids, always. Oh wait, except when they make one with lots of violence, gore and sex, because they think that makes it "mature" (it is in fact nearly as infantile, only a kid in puberty would consider that "mature"). We want the stories of 3D shows (the good ones), but with 2D characters.

Ever seen a western cartoon that had a setup similar to a show like "Friends"? (not saying it's good, just that such a "realistic" but still comedic show is an impossible concept to western producers).

>> No.4283335

Je bent in de buurt...

>> No.4283338
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>anime and some mangas ... superior to ... donald duck
Keep telling yourself that, weeaboo.

>> No.4283341

oh it's definately japan related. like this one time, I just happened to chat about food and mentioned that I had cooked sushi once which failed miserably

"lol u jap-loving fag eat sum real food lol raw fish u get maggots lol"

...and that was among friends.

>> No.4283342

Do you guys seriously not allow yourselves to enjoy something simply because it's not japanese? I like anime too but I enjoyed dark knight, watchmen and family guy too.

>> No.4283348

Were 3D shows any good, there'd be no need for defecting to animation.

>> No.4283353

>you guys

We are not OP.

OP is a faggot who should get the fuck out of /jp/ and be a retarded weeaboo somewhere else.

>> No.4283360

only those by Carl Barks or Don Rosa. especially Don Rosa. those have mature and coherent storylines and character portrayals. I think I've read The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck at least 10 times.

the rest is shit. especially by italian or french artists.

>> No.4283361

Your choices are not fucking limited to Touhou or Avatar or comic books.

Go find a hobby enjoyed by adults over the age of 20. And no, dating sims and eroge don't count.

>> No.4283364

Why the fuck would you bring Touhou up in public in the first place? Hobbies like these are made to be hidden. You deserve all the ridicule you get.

>> No.4283365

How do people not get this is a fucking troll thread? The Dark Knight and Watchmen are far better than most of the shit in /jp/.


>> No.4283368

Enjoy what you want. I enjoyed Maus and Chninkel too.

Watchmen and Dark Knight are shit, though. The problem is not with the country of origin, the problem lies within fandom.

>> No.4283372

I play tennis & badminton on league and am on university chess club.

So, fuck you.

>> No.4283375


Oh ok. Because I was imagining OP clenching his teeth and saying "must... not... laugh..." while watching Homer Simpson burp.

>> No.4283379

Avatar? More like Mononoke Hime.

But please there is shitty anime and manga as well just like there is shitty movie.
One thing I never get is how the fuck are people enjoying mainstream music?
I think in the mid 90 when shitty rap and hip hop dominate the air waves is the time where I gave up on mainstream music.
Touhou music is all I listen to now.

>> No.4283388

It's getting slightly better now. Half of the indie bands I enjoyed in the first half of the 00s are now literally selling millions.

But, yeah, Touhou music is something else entirely.

>> No.4283389

I love how "superior" Americans can't just be weeaboos and be happy/fine with it.

You're all tsundere. Not one person here would say they love Japan, they really prefer manga/anime over western comics/movies, Japanese culture over European culture, etc.

>> No.4283390

>Implying Dark Knight and Watchmen aren't GOD TIER
>Implying Avatar doesn't shit on your low budget softcore jap cartoon slide shows.

>Complaining about people being condescending to your hobbies by being condescending to western "alternatives".
>Implying you're not a wapanese faggot that makes us all look bad.

Op is an idiot. Kill yourself for your stupidity, its because of elitist idiots like you who go GLORIOUS NIPPON PRODUCE EVERYTHING BETTER THAN BAKA GAIJIN that makes me look bad just for reading the same thing you do. Put your head in a tub of gasoline and breathe deep.

>> No.4283394

I love Japan and I am Asian-American and proud of being American too. Though it depends on the comic/movie/series and anime/manga/series when it comes deciding which is better. The Killing Joke and Watchmen are far better than most anime/manga/vns though. That's for sure.

>> No.4283406

Implying Avatar isn't furry shit.

>> No.4283410

Your average /jp/ poster is defined by his insecurities.

>> No.4283416

/jp/: Nice, helpful and peaceful guys.

>> No.4283424 [DELETED] 
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I'm turning into such a fag. The thought of playing a western video game makes me feel wrong. Kill me now.

>> No.4283435

Both of you faggot weeaboos need to get the fuck out.

>> No.4283445


It hasn't gotten that bad, friend.

>> No.4283446

>/jp/, a board where everyone talks about japanese games and media the whole day
>calling someone weeaboo

Excuse me, are you fucking retarded. or am I missing a joke here?

>> No.4283452

Obviously you're the moron who doesn't know the meaning of weeaboo.

>> No.4283460

Probably, I mean, I just didn't know you guys were so attached to western media.

>> No.4283461


Filter word for otaku.

>> No.4283465

ITT manchildren argue feverishly about CARTOONS

Just blast yourselves for fuck's sake.

>> No.4283466

Oh really? He seems to know it very well.

>> No.4283471
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You mad,OP ?

>> No.4283476

>manchildren argue feverishly about CARTOONS

You just described 95% threads on /jp/ ever.

>> No.4283524

I hope you just mean that as in music produced recently or something, because if touhou is all you listen to period, you are fucking missing out on so much good music.

And if this thread isn't a joke, I'm pretty embarrassed for you OP. There are plenty of good western movies and shows to enjoy alongside all your /jp/ stuff. All of you like this (I know there are quite a few even if the OP himself is just messing around) remind me of myself when I was 14 or some shit.

Like, seriously, having a diverse set of interests makes us 'attached to western media'? Are you fucking kidding me? I will fully agree with you if you say people who automatically dismiss anything Japanese are idiots, but this is just as bad.

>> No.4283786

I like cartoons from Japan, and I'd like cartoons from America... if they just weren't so bad (exception is comedy cartoons like South Park, America has that shit down much better than Japan).

>> No.4283798 [DELETED] 

Please stop constantly spamming and harassing www.anontalk.com. Thank you.

>> No.4283804
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>lol donald duck

Now you've done it.

>> No.4283826

I enjoy both Japanese and western comics, there's good and bad stuff on both sides.
It's just that when it comes to cartoons, West doesn't really try anything neat anymore. Sure, there's Pixar but I can't really name other companies that seriously try to make something that isn't cliched as hell or just stupid. Even Disney has fallen to that.
Land Before Time is still one of my favourite movies, though. Fucking sequels.

>> No.4283830 [DELETED] 

Please stop constantly spamming and harassing www.anontalk.com. Thank you.

>> No.4283828
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Such a terrible thread.

>> No.4283841

Fuck you for insulting Donald Duck.

>> No.4283843
File: 305 KB, 1451x925, 1259951133882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Donald Duck is awesome.

Just look at this. You wanna tell me this isn't awesome?

>> No.4283966

That is why I say from mid 90 onward.
Besides that all my music are either touhou or some japanese songs.
I don't really care about the new music.
I listen to radio when I am driving and those music that are dominating the airwaves now are shit.
Why the fuck do people love to hear some niggers rapping and hip hopping about how they fuck their ladies or how rich they are?

>> No.4284012

There's music other than what's played on radio, you know. If you dismiss all of the current western music because of mainstream shit, you're missing on some amazing stuff.

>> No.4284093

I know but I am not gonna wade through tons of obscure music just to find a few gems.
Besides it is not like I can finish listening touhou music.
Fuck tons of music get release for every comiket, reitaisai and kouroumu.
Of course the shit to good ratio is about the same as western music but I guess I just don't bother with them anymore.

OP is just retarded though with his glorious nippon bias.

>> No.4284110 [DELETED] 

Please stop constantly spamming and harassing www.anontalk.com. Thank you.

>> No.4284106
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>> No.4284122 [DELETED] 

Please stop constantly spamming and harassing www.anontalk.com. Thank you.

>> No.4284131

>wade through tons of obscure music just to find a few gems
Isn't that basically what listening to Touhou music is all about...?

>> No.4284136

I already have problem doing that with Touhou.
Not gonna do the same thing with western music.
I still haven't finish listening to all the C77 music.

>> No.4284141


Get the fuck out you weeaboo faggot

>> No.4284152

Thing with music is that similar people and musicians of about same quality tend to work together.
For example, Mike Patton and John Zorn often do collaborations and they're both excellent.

>> No.4284158

Okay that's cool.

What's wrong with that?

>> No.4284338

Sometimes I hate myself for coming to this board...

>> No.4284367
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>> No.4286148

>In the western world, cartoon = for kids
Can't believe no one picked up on this line yet. What's becoming of you, jp

>> No.4286293

I wrote that. What's wrong with it? It's pretty much true.

>> No.4286367

There just isn't much to argue about that.

>> No.4286372

I don't get what you're saying. I should only make statements that cause arguments?

>> No.4286376

Well, you ARE on /jp/.

>> No.4286377

Maybe he thinks that by "cartoons" you mean both animated stuff and comics?
I definitely agree that animated stuff is made mostly for kids in west.

>> No.4286450

Calm down, Anon. I will agree with him that it is hard to find good western music. The only thing I listen to besides Touhou/eroge music is Sonata Arctica, and a few other progressive metal bands.

But what's with the argument about what other people think, anyway? Western ideology is "hurr tough and manly", while their /jp/-counterparts happen to be a bit on the softer side. And is there anything wrong with that? No.
You're always going to meet narrow-minded, rigid people, OP.

>> No.4286475

Protip: japanese cartoons are just as much for kids as american cartoons. Just because they let kids see more things doesn't mean it's suddenly mature.

>> No.4286478

Op is retarded. I enjoy both Touhou and Avatar. Watchmen was a really shitty movie. But I enjoyed watching 300.

>> No.4286486

>how does it feel to fap to little cartoon girls?!

feels good man

>> No.4286487
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>> No.4286504

I dislike weeaboos shitting on western stuff, and westaboos shitting on eastern stuff.

>> No.4286532

Yeah, Boogiepop Phantom, Evangelion and Lain were all definitely aimed at little kids.

>> No.4286716

God damn it, it's not hard to find good music. I listen to CBC Radio 2 every once in a while and almost always find great artists I've never heard of.

>> No.4286771

keep living in denial, buddy

>> No.4286784 [DELETED] 

Please stop constantly spamming and harassing www.anon talk.com. Thank you.

>> No.4286928

>denial, buddy
Please suicide.

>> No.4287073

Don't dignify his post with a response.

>> No.4288359

You guys don't know much about Japan considering this is Japan/General.
Manga is ok to read by anyone; anime is for kids and otaku. Besides stuff like Ghibli, normal people don't watch anime there.

>> No.4289030

Japan/General is a misnomer, this board was made to have an outlet for stuff that wasn't supposed to be in /a/.

Also, Evangelion was made for people in depression, to show them that life is shit but it's still better to get on with it than not doing anything at all.

>> No.4289061

I seriously doubt Bakemonogatari was meant for kids

>> No.4289094
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>> No.4289103

I'm not reading this thread but I'm chiming in to say it feels absolutely great to fap to little cartoon girls.

>> No.4289109

All anime is aimed at kids?

Hold on, let me go grab my Berserk DVDs...

>> No.4289128

When did the guy say anything about normal people? Otaku are technically adults, even if they don't act like it.

>> No.4289142

Pretty much every "light novel"-based anime is intended for teenagers. This includes Haruhi.

>> No.4289143

op kill yourself please and thank you

>> No.4289289

None the less, it still isn't meant for kids.

>> No.4289327

OP is a fag.

Nobody outside of 4chan and a few websites in close-orbit thereof uses "fap" to mean "jerk off" or "beat off," and anyone who uses "fap" IRL should obviously be ignored.

>> No.4289330

Not really. They all air during late-night otaku time slots.
