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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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42755628 No.42755628 [Reply] [Original]

Oni-chan Edition

>New? Start here


>Elona (1.16/1.22)

>Elona Plus (2.16) and Custom GX (2.15R.1.1)

>New child mechanics guide for plus

>Elona Mobile


Errors? Set the compatibility of the .exe to Windows 7.
Save sprites in GIMP as 24-bit BMP with "do not write color space" checked.
Previous floor >>42595232

>> No.42756150

first for the vernis little girl

>> No.42756531
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>not picking the cat
You will never be one of Noa's chosen people

>> No.42757171

Are some items simply not possible to autopick? I can't figure out certain things like evolution hearts and specific spellbooks.

>> No.42758839

Sorry, I like farming.

>> No.42760650
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Don't forget to give your little girl a headpat. And also a twohanded sword so she can cut your enemies in half.

>> No.42762202

I always pick the bear and promptly fuse him into a fire dragon child.

>> No.42762627
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Okay, you got me. I'm officially rekt. Rekted. Outsmarted. Bamboozled. Taken down to Pain Town on the Fuck You Express.

>> No.42762718
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Shadows can explode?

>> No.42762734

They sure can.
Imagine growing up from a little baby shadow, thinking you'll eventually get cool skills like shadow step, but when you grow up all you get is suicide attack.

>> No.42762748

Huh guess I've been lucky

>> No.42764897

She bit my hand
wat do?

>> No.42765221

How does the Spooky Book summon work? Supposedly it's based on Literacy but a few days ago I was summoning level 334 Undeadgod while today I'm only getting a level 136

>> No.42765359

Is that a special action?

>> No.42766008

It is what this guy did >>42695667
There is a book in the truce ground that let you summon evil God based on your literacy and how many ancient book you have read. I can summon level 334 gods a few days ago, but now all of them are only at 136. I don't know why

>> No.42766338

Maybe you need to charge it up again

>> No.42768373
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Any more news about Elin? or will the latest demo be the last thing we hear for a while?

>> No.42769051
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>make 3 claymores
>2 of em have "retard" in the name

>> No.42769118

We should have had a Steam release a long time ago I think. There's a Discord link on the Steam page if you want to ask Noa yourself.

>> No.42770178

Like an actual release or just the page?

>> No.42771958

Can items like the Super Lure respawn if you accidentally drop them somewhere? Asking for a friend. I guess worst case scenario, I could exchange tickets for it...

>> No.42772008

The scientist in the Cyber Dome could give you another one right?

>> No.42772013

That too. I buckled under and gave up the tickets - wouldn't want to spend all those imaginary hours fishing.

>> No.42772150
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Don't forget to specialize your shops. Couldn't be me, right?

>> No.42772242
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Goddamn adventurers, I swear.

>> No.42772302

Is it worth it to turn on the sell everything option?

>> No.42774406

custom gx 2.16 wenpls tell

>> No.42774457

what even got added between 2.15 and 2.16?

>> No.42774793

2.17 changes
>guild quota are easier to fulfill
>potioman customization added
>potioman damage calc rebalance to make them stronger
>anatomy is now a party-wide skill, now applies a +rank on the drops
>DoT effects now scale to HP, resisted by con
>Randomized nefia length standardized to 3 floors
obligatory Ano fuckery
>dead fish removed from "create junk item" recipe

>> No.42774814

also forgot to mention daily quests
>get assigned random busywork quests like "enter the wilderness" or "talk to an NPC" every day
>reward gives you permanent increase to defenses, with a cap

>> No.42778988

hello sirs, new here, i want to try out this game, does it have a linux client?

>> No.42779278

>>dead fish removed from "create junk item" recipe
Shit, sorry guys. I'll try to to be quieter about my next crimes against balance.


>> No.42779293

Looks like you need Wine for it.

>> No.42779401

I posted something similar back in the day about Junk Make, and right afterward Ano nerfed it so that it used an extra item. I'm assuming that Custom-GX will let you change it back.

>> No.42780268

I wonder if Ano posts in these threads

>> No.42780679

Maybe, where else is there for English Elona content outside the wiki?

>> No.42783461

there's also the di*cord

>> No.42786073

Do people actually use potiomans?

>> No.42787013

I was considering trying one out because they do unresistable damage, but that got nerfed so I probably won't bother.

>> No.42788500

Can somebody walk me through the basic napkin math of wielding a cut damage rock two-hand vs. ranged with a rock-throwing staff? I figured two-hand's multiplier would eventually win out, but with rock-throwing staff's piercing bonuses, I'm not so sure.

>> No.42788994

Is it even worth it to get a shop?

>> No.42789020
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Yes. Little input for huge output.

>> No.42789043

Darn... I guess I need to grab a new pet and stack them with Negotiation.

>> No.42789075

If you're later in the game, some enemies have high negotiation/charisma to start, like the demon line of monsters.

>> No.42790225
File: 62 KB, 705x522, ano's magical realm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think its very likely that he even knows about these threads.

>> No.42791258

Is it confirmed he has a piss fetish or something? It's hard to tell when something is a fetish or if it's just "haha look I'm including this thing that's omnipresent in my country's media" when it comes to the Japanese.

>> No.42793628

If memory serves, the official story is that it was some friend of his that had him add that stuff

>> No.42793937

As someone that don't find piss related at all to sexuality, i just find it funny when scared enemies piss themselves while running away.

>> No.42795072
File: 224 KB, 600x600, 0(3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I play the game in Japanese?

>> No.42795198

settings>language>right key>esc>esc>down>enter>boot up game

>> No.42795495

Read more book to recharge ur power

>> No.42795502

Dueling gloves are handy

>> No.42795520

>no dead fish
How am I supposed to make animal feed? Finding random shit?

>> No.42796934

What's the Japanese players reaction to Ano's piss adventure?

>> No.42797157

I assume he added that "dust removal" option for them.

>> No.42799689

I don't think he does. I think he just wanted to add new features and went down a rabbithole with the thirst system.

Plus is extremely controversial to in Japan for many reasons, most of them bullshit, but piss is also one of them. Some posters just call him the "piss dog".

>> No.42799835

What the hell why he does that instead of defense training?

>> No.42800749 [DELETED] 


>> No.42801599
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>> No.42801793

Change locale to japanese.

Google "[your OS] system locale japanese" for how.

>> No.42802055
File: 828 KB, 808x632, Screenshot_20230302_233612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It works now, thank you very much.
However the text seems to clip a little. Is this normal or must this also be a feature of wine?

>> No.42802112
File: 815 KB, 783x728, 1550949870247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never saw that kind of clipping, here's same screen on my end.
If you have gone from english to japanese, or jap to eng to jap, without rebooting the game, there can be some fuckery with the text though.
You can also try to change the resolution in the config file.

I dunno.

>> No.42803379

Playing games on linux sounds like a massive pain

>> No.42803548

Years ago it was. Today you can just add a game to Steam and set it to use Proton and it'll run on Linux.

>> No.42803848

can you add Elona into steam?

>> No.42803864

You can add pretty much anything to steam.

>> No.42804150
File: 8 KB, 571x63, Screenshot_20230303_045607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might have something to do with it. Can I ask what fonts you're using?

>> No.42805497

It also add permanent res up to a point. Basically you can make all your team have 40% res easily

>> No.42805591

Yep, here's my lines :
font1. "MS ゴシック" used in Japanese /Please use monospace fonts
font2. "Courier New" used in English /like Lucida Console font.

>> No.42808344

Same here. Aren't those the default?

>> No.42808934

I figure it out. The level is limited based on the deepest dungeon you have conquered

>> No.42810464
File: 584 KB, 808x632, Screenshot_20230303_204440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The issue persists, I guess I can try changing the size next.

>> No.42810504
File: 581 KB, 808x632, Screenshot_20230303_204905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The font is considerably smaller now, I just wanna ask if I will ever have to worry about a text entry taking up more than one line, because then there may still be issues. Thanks btw, I would not have been able to do this without your help.

>> No.42811857

"Magic Device and Literacy" specifically

>> No.42813388

I figured it out. It's also based on the deepest dungeon clear which was not mentioned before. I went to the oblivion palace to remove some record, and that cause their level to reset. I only need to conquer a level 300+ dungeon and it was better

>> No.42814367
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Wish we could build a brothel in this game

>> No.42815854

That would kill Derphy's economy.

>> No.42819959

Is E+Custom still the best option for an EOP?

>> No.42820005

ive never played elona before. should i start with 1.16/1.22, elona+ 2.13, or elona+ 2.16

>> No.42820046

I'd say E+ Custom 2.15. The original is extremely grindy and a pain in the ass to get into unless you're autism level is up to the task. It's a bit more manageable once you get experience with the game and understand how it works but as a first time experience it's brutal.

>> No.42820536

yep, but Custom's been branched into CGX

>> No.42821871

Original is worth experiencing for a few hours if only so you can recognize how much improved the newest English releases are.

>> No.42821901

I remember there was some way to make a pet's sprite change when it has certain effects like Boost or whatever. Can you do that or is this some fever dream I had?

>> No.42822396

Any pet's appearance during shift core transformation can be customized, but you're probably thinking of the few NPCs out there that change their appearance with a specific buff, e.g.:
These are hardcoded, so the only way to change the sprites would be to change the spritesheet.

>> No.42822878

>shift core
That's what it was, thanks. My old character got them when I upgraded the save (back in ~2017?) but I couldn't remember what they were called or how to get them on a new character.

>> No.42832435

God I wonder how jarring will it be to transition back to vanilla's balancing in elin after years of playing on plus

>> No.42834684
File: 1 KB, 200x200, 1648840779842327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did he do it?
