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42745082 No.42745082 [Reply] [Original]

日南 Canan

>> No.42745185

It’s official, the fan club has officially boomed her mental. Turns out, she didn’t like the transition to full on sec worker after all. Who woulda thunk?

>> No.42745191

What happened to the other thread? Why it die so quick?

>> No.42745207

OP image was her masturbating, what do you think happened to it?

>> No.42745235

I can save her

>> No.42745251

this slut won't stop. don't believe her shit

>> No.42745407
File: 16 KB, 378x328, 1667105040877782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m tired of loving this menhera, I don’t know how anyone else can do it. The constant need for her to take her BPD medicine, the endless accusations, the emotional outburst, it’s all so tiresome.

>> No.42745457

Is this guy trolling?

>> No.42745465

It's just a cute video.

>> No.42745471

Now that I think about she's had a lot of "old viewers don't watch me anymore" moments in recent streams.

>> No.42745481

Doesn't mean the people watching her now don't love her. Longevity means nothing, the fact they left and moved away shows they don't care. She shouldn't focus on the past. She's young and has her entire life ahead of her. She's rich and a lot more successful than anyone here. If she budgeted and didn't waste money she could probably retire and enjoy life.

>> No.42745568

it's just another menhera episode. don't worry I've been here for years

>> No.42745577

One day it won't be.

>> No.42745647 [DELETED] 

qrd? is noel losing it again? if she needs a dicking i can help

>> No.42746338

She's planning streams this weekend, right? I wonder what the chat will be like after those tweets. Some people in her comments literally said they wouldn't be alive without her. If she quits, I wonder if anyone would kill themselves.

>> No.42746358

For Saturday yeah, for Sunday she's not sure since it would start so late after the side branch 3D.
People won't say anything, tweet is protected with "only" ~5k followers, and unlike the west japs don't bring up stuff that's supposed to be private

>> No.42746396

She has a Canan stream today but as for Noel she probably will to her weekend streams but start later. If she were to retire she will probably call it quits as Canan first. She's still having fun as Noel but as Canan, the stress may not be worth it anymore.

>> No.42746406
File: 440 KB, 868x986, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was Noel happier back when she made member's posts?

>> No.42746421

The cooking stream is what I was thinking about. But you're right, Japan wouldn't bring up that tweet since most people realize it's a menhera meltdown.

>> No.42746430
File: 356 KB, 2877x1691, gr1_lrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She might not have been so low as she is now. This is how her mental state works. Bipolar is highs and lows.

>> No.42746450

canan's belly is looking rough, uuff shouldn't have shown it on stream

>> No.42746467

Someone is going to call me an armchair psychologist but I think that's what caused the menhera moment, despite all her claims she'll lose weight at this point it's never happening and it's only going to get worse, and she'll get older, made her realize she'll have to end the lewd stuff before long.

>> No.42746477

Oh and I notice she never made a tweet about the archive being up, or even a post stream tweet, makes me thinks she's disappointed about it.

>> No.42746493

I can save her....

>> No.42746515

If she wasn't such an introvert and scared about being doxxed she could afford a personal trainer and someone to help her with her diet and get in shape.
She's so scared that she went to a doctor and they asked what she did and she said stream and they asked if they were Noel and she went home and said she wanted to change doctors. I don't think she knows about confidentiality.

>> No.42746537

She having midlife crisis, just post you tits on twitter and go to sleep girl.

>> No.42746553

>midlife crisis
She's not even half way through her life.
She's bipolar and has a mountain of issues. Midlife crisis is not one.

>> No.42746623

She should go R18. She'll feel better that way

>> No.42746655

always has been
that's why she's self-conscious about it and rarely ever shows it

>> No.42746678

she was literally asleep the whole day after the Zelda stream because of her motion sickness meds.
Many antihistamines indicated for motion sickness are known to cause drowsiness.

>> No.42746737

Why can't she be normal? She has a great life.

>> No.42746752

She was fucked the moment she became a streamer at 13 years old.

>> No.42746780

Not to mention Japan doesn't care for you being different, they are very conformist society. Pikamee talked about it growing up in Japan being a blonde and Canan has with having large tits since she was an early bloomer.

>> No.42746861

Can she be saved?

>> No.42746982

She doesn't seem to want to be saved.

>> No.42746984

Yeah, but Pikamee at least in the United States and realize how backwards Japan is with how they treat her. The only way Canan/Noel will be saved if an American guy marries her and moves her away from Japan.

>> No.42746997

She should move back into with her mom and take care of her with all the money she's made.

>> No.42747016

This is it huh? She showed some cracks already and talked about retirement.

>> No.42747034


>> No.42747094

That's not that fat. She's perfect.

>> No.42747158

So that pretty much confirms it, she was probably looking at the archive and seeing her stomach and getting more and more self conscious about it and it made her depressed and wanting to quit because she can't get in shape.
Poor Canan...
I bet if you dug you could find people calling her fat on 5ch or somewhere else.

>> No.42747207

52 is not bad. It's just that she's really short so she looks fatter than she is.

>> No.42747217

She's also sitting or kneeling most the time so she's compressed. Leaning forward to be in the mic doesn't help either with those camera angles.

>> No.42747293


>> No.42747306

Is that just tomato and cheese?

>> No.42747468

it's 怒った okotta (get mad) + taro
she's wondering if people will get mad if she makes a salad because it's no effort

>> No.42747694

>Some people in her comments literally said they wouldn't be alive without her
Has she said anything about those comments?

>> No.42747760

What is there to say? It's unfortunately the fate of most female streamers in a parasocial relationship. Didn't help that she also fed off it for companionship and made it worse.
I always browse her comments and tags and people are seriously in love with her. Some swear off other women because they only love her or whenever she gets like this talking about how they don't know how they could live without her. Last time she thought about quitting one member freaked the fuck out and said they would be nothing without her and thought they'd die.
She's kind of trapped by these people.

>> No.42747766

52 isn’t even fat that’s in the healthy range and that’s not to mention the 2 masses of my hopes and dreams that she is carrying if she had more smaller sized breast she probably be closer to 49-50kg

>> No.42747778

She follows too many models online and has unfortunately fallen into that trope of unrealistic body types. Remember she always looks at Fantia models, Gravure, and now JAVs. Notably there are some chubby JAV actresses now.

>> No.42747799

That’s unfortunate, I wish she would take into account her breast when weighing herself since a lot of the Jav or even fantia models aren’t close to her breast size not to mention I think she has a nice plump ass.
Which are some actress she has watched

>> No.42747884

She has a great body but she's insecure and people who hate her know that so they go after it. It's such an easy target and everyone goes to it. Seriously, "you're fat" to a female streamer is the easiest choice.

>> No.42747888

While I agree that her goal of 47 kg is unrealistic there are literally people in this thread and the /t/ thread complaining about her belly like this guy >>42746450

>> No.42747904

Those people are either two things. Trolls attacking her because they hate her or they just think of her as meat to fap to and she's not their ideal weight.
Most of us here accept her for who she is and want what's best for her.

>> No.42747950

3rd option is that they're mega fucking gay and just can't stop sucking cock through their posts. Probably never seen a woman in their lives.

>> No.42747968

i will save her

>> No.42747971

Those people can shove a mic stand up their asses.
I think 50kg if she is seriously doing is as low as she should aim for. Looking at the earliest pictures on fantia her breast don’t look as big as they do now.

>> No.42748142

The kishidan won you lost. She will quit Canan to focus on Noel. Her friends in Hololive are more important than you faggots.

>> No.42748187

As long as she’s happy that’s what most of us want

>> No.42748197

grabbing canan's belly (respectfully)

>> No.42748319

What's her height?

>> No.42748327


>> No.42748329

She says 150cm.

>> No.42748332

There's no fucking way she weighs just 54kg.

>> No.42748337

Why? She looks the same as she did last time she said that and she had scale pictures as proof then

>> No.42748348

There's so many Holos trying to lose weight and get in shape. She should team up with one, a friend might be helpful.

>> No.42748370

You're probably right, but I still don't believe it. No fucking way she looks like she did on the last stream and just weighs 54kg at 150cm. If you told me 64kg I would've believed.

>> No.42748383

>you are probably right but I don't believe you

>> No.42748388

In a way that she probably does weigh 54kg, but sure as fucking hell doesn't look like she weighs 54kg. Probably camera angles and shit.

>> No.42748464

She posted the scale, what could she do to alter it?

>> No.42748477

She's going to breakdown and cry during this stream.

>> No.42748707

>I don't think she knows about confidentiality.
confidentiality basically just means they can't talk about it publicly or to the police or w/e. but they'll definitely still tell their friends and family that they met Noel.
i know because my mother is a therapist and she talks about her patients all the fucking time.

>> No.42748752

she doesn't know you, she doesn't care about your opinion, she will never talk to you, you will never save her, and whatever she does to turn her life around and become happy, you will play no part in it.

>> No.42748772


Have you ever used a scale before in your life?

>> No.42749047

Poor girl doesn't deserve to have her weight discussed like this by coomers
That's the reality of selling your body though
She should quit, she owes nothing to suicidal fans

>> No.42749299

Is she wearing a corset under there again?

>> No.42749421

Isn't that too much oil? For a "healthy food".

>> No.42749518

I don’t think so but I know next to nothing about salads are you able to cook it

>> No.42749581

Look at those thighs

>> No.42749617

>She already failed
Rule 1 of losing weight. No dinner and night snack, only drink water

>> No.42749662

I don't get it why she want to lose weight, her current body is sex.

>> No.42749762

Nice she took it off

>> No.42749927

Seems she talked about it a bit? That now she'a not going to check twitter much? I guess she found people calling her fat

>> No.42749961

She is a very thinned skin even tho she been streaming for like forever

>> No.42750001

She should just mute those people doesn’t give them the gratification to know they are blocked and she will never see the comments from them again

>> No.42750011

For me, in my subjective opinion, there's nothing more gross than having giant tits on a skeleton body. If anything, she should gain 10 more kg.

>> No.42750111

>Rule 1 of losing weight. No dinner and night snack, only drink water
no, rule 1 would be a caloric restriction, such as by not dumping a bunch of oil on your food

>> No.42750122

didn't she stream just yesterday? is she streaming again today? whats up with that

>> No.42750200

I thought it was Carb reduction

>> No.42750286

She has to do 5 streams in a month, sometimes they're going to be close in the same week.
And it was 2 days ago.

>> No.42750436

She should just do 2 streams a month on Canan, a nico ear licking and the FC.

>> No.42750687

I love you too anon

>> No.42750917

If you burn more calories then you take in you'll lose weight, simple as that. Carb reduction is just an easy way to do that and most carbs don't have much real nutrition.
t.lost 35kg to get into the military

>> No.42751323

For me it was eating one big meal a day and moving a lot because of work naturally lost 15kg if I added working out I’m sure it would’ve been more

>> No.42751598

Brap ASMR when

>> No.42751624

she mentioned during the stream that she started wearing the corset this year (and took it off during this stream), so I guess it wasn't a part of the FC outfit after all

>> No.42751724

Shes gotten so thicc to the point of wearing a corset? My thicc oneesan cute

>> No.42751751

not any further than she's always been, 54~55kg has been her heaviest since about two years ago and she never got any fatter than that
she's just doing something about it now because she shows more skin on FC streams

>> No.42751766

you guys don't realize just how light asian girls are.
an asian girl below 160cm can easily weigh 45kg, the weight of my dog.
55kg is 10kg overweight, that's 20-25% overweight

>> No.42751784

>doing something about it now because she shows more skin on FC streams
So she ruins her skin by wearing a too tight corset.
Last stream would have been fine if she just let the tummy free from the beginning.

>> No.42751798

Chubby girls make my dick hard

>> No.42752053

Oh she finally did the cage on the Nico top page, art looks to by someone new she hasn't used before.

>> No.42752067

You low test faggots can keep wanking it to hentai, I’ll be out fucking these totally obese 120 pound landwhales.

>> No.42752075

Just seen it was only a 80 minute stream and she didn't even change the thumbnail. Damn that's when you know she didn't really want to stream but had to to fill her monthly 4 quota.

>> No.42752117

She should really change it from 4 guaranteed to up to 4 a month that way if she isn’t feeling up to it she isn’t rushing herself when she does and would be less stress.

>> No.42752119

Yeah, and the "cooking" consisted of cutting up tomatoes and cheese

>> No.42752161

What was her energy level like? Did she talk about anything interesting or bring up the tweets of her sub account?

>> No.42752249

Reiterated what she said on twitter that she hasn't been feeling well lately and needs to take a break sooner or later, says probably at least a week but no more than a month because of work and planning around making sure she still does her 4 NicoNico/1FC stream per month
no community streams, taking a break from looking at twitter

>> No.42752285

I’m sure a week would be a lot better than what she does now. A complete week of no Twitter or streams just her relaxing spending time with friends if she wants to invite them on a trip like how botan and watame had that trip. Would do her a lot of good.

>> No.42752387

She wants to visit her mother in Kyushu, but probably won't be able to do that until holive 4th fes is over anyway.
I don't see her being to take a break until after the concert, so that won't be until April.

>> No.42752497

Let's be honest, she needs a break from Canan but that doesn't mean she needs a break from Noel. There might be overlap but most behave under Noel. She could take a week or two off Canan and detox but with HoloFest and her wanting to finish Zelda before the new one she could still stream as Noel.
No one is calling her fat on Noel. After HoloFest she can take a longer break and go meet her mom and family. I don't think she has met her new sister in law.

>> No.42752669

She already talked about taking a break on Noel during the morning zatsudan and also tweeted that she might not be streaming Zelda today

>> No.42752691

Because the ENs are having their 3D debuts and it's blackout times. She could start later if she wanted to but she doesn't for whatever reason.

>> No.42752705

>also tweeted that she might not be streaming Zelda today
No she didn't

>> No.42753009

if i was canan's boyfriend, i would tell her to focus on a smaller audience to get away from the toxicity that comes from streaming for thousands of horny simps.
basically, do more streams (2-3 per week) but only allow a few hundred viewers per stream (i'm sure there are ways to enforce that somehow).
that means less money but its not like she is hurting for cash at this point.
it also makes it less likely that people record her streams and re-upload them

>> No.42753529

I think these EN 3Ds are also part of the causo for depression, weekend streams are her big thing and she completely clears her schedule for them, but she's also autistic enough that if she can't start at her usual time she won't stream at all.

>> No.42753589

So like the fantia tier cap options. I don’t think more streams is what she needs

>> No.42753672

Reading through these posts and I can only come to one conclusion: it's over boys. We had a good run, but it's over

>> No.42753976

Ohh that's why she was making jojo references, forgot they ate that there.

>> No.42754206
File: 380 KB, 990x968, Fe5RiivVsAAYYxR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's like streaming only to members which isn't like her at all. You already have to pay to watch her anyway. Not her fault the FC sites have security holes the size of the Pacific in them.
She's just having a menhera moment and she'll calm down and come back. The cooking stream was rather chill. She won't quit, she'll just take a break after HoloFest and recharge. Hopefully she visits family and gets off the internet for a while, it'll do it her good. See things outside Tokyo or her little apartment for a bit and spend time with friends and family.
If she does quit, it'll likely just be from the FC streams and anything showing off her body because she's tired of trying and failing to lose weight and keeping it off. She'll probably still do ASMR or something else like she did before and she'll keep streaming as Noel, she has no reason to quit Hololive since she still makes good money from that and they're pretty flexible with their staff outside their own events.
She's said she has no goals or dreams outside streaming, she's not going to go back to the office and wageslave to an early grave. She loves members, she loves the attention, she isn't going anywhere. She just needs a vacation.

>> No.42754260

You guys missed the big part at the end in the cooking stream
She said she changed something in the normal nico account so it can't do streams anymore? So she won't do community stream, let's see how long that last
Also ended with
The whole last 5 minutes after she showed her tummy were kind of a bummer, definitely don't expect any Noel streams this weekend at this point. And she really has to take that break soon.

>> No.42754350

>Watching the cooking stream
>She looks amazing
You say she's wearing a corset? Does she take it off at some point?

>> No.42754356

why is she so broken over the weight?

>> No.42754388

She's self conscience and the words of internet strangers get to it. But mostly she's a woman on the internet.

>> No.42754393


>> No.42754400

Time stamp?

>> No.42754403


>> No.42754412

All here >>42752249

>> No.42754414

Wish I could post pictures because she does look amazing but not sure if it's because of the corset or not.

>> No.42754425

Damn I missed that, still, the way she said it about changing something in her account made it sound more serious than her previous attempts.

>> No.42754428

Is she bipolar or bpd?
She can't be both.

>> No.42754443

No bpd
Ignore the retarded ritual post.

>> No.42754604

She's manic depressive

>> No.42755118

I’m assuming the change is something like she can’t start a community from her phone. And all we can do is just wait and be there to welcome her back, my guess is she won’t tweet anything for the remainder of the weekend as a test for herself and try to spend time with friends

>> No.42755130

I guess she took her time away from Twitter seriously, nothing on Noel either.

>> No.42755155

Anyone check Twitter or other sites? Are they really being aggressive and calling her fat? Why she care what strangers think? Her fans, the people who pay and follow her think she's beautiful.

>> No.42755164

Sometimes the bad comments stand out and linger in their head longer especially if it is a complete stranger

>> No.42755169

I know this place will write it off being a woman but she shouldn't be like this for how long she's been doing it.
I follow too many male streamers who don't give a fuck about comments.

>> No.42755333

she's literally mentally ill, so that's probably why she has more difficulty ignoring those comments compared to other (male or female) streamers

>> No.42755425

there's no mental illness that has anything to do with being unable to ignore comments
there's also nothing about her being upset about comments. She did mention being sad about piracy though

>> No.42755437

These people are lying if she quit or something younger and better came along they’d be telling her the same thing it’s all bullshit

>> No.42755506

I live and die with Canan.

>> No.42755854

Unless you’re in private contact with her and actually speak about things outside of her work you really mean nothing to her and ultimately she is nothing to you but a current object of lust.

>> No.42756640

>there's also nothing about her being upset about comments
Well there must be a reason she decided to ignore Twitter

>> No.42756663

there used to be this american asmr-tist, i won't say her name because i don't want to start an off-topic conversation.
but she made the best lewd asmr content but was also notorious for disappearing for months at a time without saying a word.
in 2021 she finally disappeared for good and desu im still hoping for her to come back but it probably isnt happening.
but im entertaining myself with canan for now.
so what youre saying is definitely true, if canan disappears too, i'll just move on to the next hot piece of meat

>> No.42756827

All her problems come from work with Marine.

>> No.42756846

A lot of her content gets uploaded to Twitter. People posting her short videos or clips. Or posting links to get it for free. Japan uses Twitter for piracy.

>> No.42758316

She does look fatter.
Not that I'm complaining.

>> No.42758674
File: 42 KB, 375x333, 1675006599365731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using twitter for piracy
Japan pls

>> No.42758691

Marvel movies seemed to be the thing she used to distract herself in times like these but she stopped to do the Endgame watchalong, and who knows if it'll even happen anymore.
Wonder if she's doing anything right now or just in bed all day.

>> No.42759262

Japan is a weird place they are really advanced in some parts but also in the stone ages for others when it comes to technology

>> No.42759269

Maybe watching Jojo we know she’s at least gotten to part 4 but has she mentioned anything involving parts 5 or 6

>> No.42761043

Not a menhera.

>> No.42762413

She could have at least tweeted that she was going to take a break over the weekend on Noel too, maybe she didn't want to worry people, or is down so bad she doesn't even have the energy for that.

>> No.42762575

Saying nothing is even worse because she left this weekend open. If she just said at the start that she was going to take a break and for people to enjoy the EN 3D debuts then that would have suffice. But nope, not even that. She must really be burned out.

>> No.42762578

I swear she did at one point but either I imagined it or she deleted the tweet afterwards.

>> No.42762648

She took a break?

>> No.42762680

Well she planned to stream on the weekend, like always, and didn't.
That's a break.

>> No.42762774

>last nico stream of the month still doesn't have a sure date
She only has 3 days left to do it.
It's going to be interesting if she really forces herself to do it even if she doesn't get better.

>> No.42762782

Oh and two days later and still never added a thumbnail to the cooking stream.
She must really be trying to stay away from the internet as much as possible.

>> No.42762799

Man she really went MIA after the cooking stream. She explained the Canan side but I feel like she should at least make a tweet on the Noel side to explain things a bit. Kinda yikes that she's ghosting her main and bigger fandom side

>> No.42762945

Her tags are getting pretty desperate, people are worried.

>> No.42763103

I swear she did but I think she deleted it cause I don’t see it. I remember it went something along the lines of I’m mentally and physically out of energy and then her going I may not stream. It was on main before the I have recording one

>> No.42763123

>mentally and physically out of energy
心身共に?That was on Canan only.

>> No.42763128
File: 17 KB, 452x176, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not crazy, anon. She did delete it.

>> No.42763136

Yeah, that's the one I saw.

>> No.42763144

Damn why delete it? Maybe felt guilty saying it's to prepare for the live when the problem is something else?

>> No.42763150

I don't know, maybe people called her out in the comments? Maybe she didn't want to be seen that way on Noel since she likes to look strong. Your guess is as good as mine.

>> No.42763152

What discord server is that?

>> No.42763168

Plenty of times where's she's deleted totally benign tweets on Canan in the past out of depression and self-loathing

>> No.42763171

Those alt accounts for Noel and Canan have caused her more pain than help. So much she locked Canan's and now she changed things with NND. I agree loathing and complaining isn't helpful but if she doesn't have a place to vent or talk to people she'll bottle it up and who knows how that'll end.

>> No.42763194

Ok it wasn’t main then but sub

>> No.42763196

She has Flare and Marine and other non-holo friends she can talk to offline. She doesn't like venting online anymore expressly because it doesn't help and just invites further doomposting which makes her feel even worse.

>> No.42763204

How long after the cooking stream was that tweet?

>> No.42763207

I’ll just imagine she spent her day watching Marine and Flare play for their collab and then just hang out with the 2 Marine morning tweet makes it seem like flare stayed over. That way I’m not imagining her depressed and alone

>> No.42763220

02/24/2023 16:45.

>> No.42763222

Japan time? It was before the cooking stream? Weird.

>> No.42763228

Was Flare on Marine's place or the other way around? The collab was on Flare's channel.

>> No.42763252

Flare has said in the past that she wishes she was more aware of Noel's struggles. Hopefully that's changed and they do talk. I can't help but think Noel doesn't want to burden them with her problems since they have their own but I could be wrong. It's really obvious when a Holo is struggling and others reach out to help. Like when she was struggling with her PS2 right before her live and orisong launch and was really burned out that she took a week off and it was revealed Choco invited her over and cooked for her off camera and Mel took her out shopping and to eat. She has very good friends in Hololive which is why I don't think she would ever quit. That was same week she went out to Universal Studios with Shiraken.

>> No.42763262

She probably watched the debuts of Kiara and Mori. Hopefully she's watching Kanata play Dark Souls and yelling at her to level strength.

>> No.42763271

Speaking of Shiraken, Suisei mentioned in a twitter space that there's a Shiraken collab on the 27th to go along with a new chapter of their manga.
It was the one where Suisei mentioned her return to streaming would be delayed because she has voice problems again, but said that she would be still there for the collab.

>> No.42763469

That I’m not sure but flare says I went out with Marine so it could be she went there

>> No.42763642

Considering the fact that she mentioned gaijin piracy at the end of the cooking stream I wonder if some part of this situation is because she found the Discord, the invite link got posted on /t/ and someone from 5ch found it and said he would post it on the google forms.
Seeing such a big community with people posting links and screenshot live as she's streaming might have been a big shock.

>> No.42763651

There's a discord? Gross.

>> No.42765967
File: 49 KB, 807x784, 1674982112870648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb dumbs advertise themselves on /t/ and one nimrod just drop a discord link raw thinking to own the gatekeepers posting ciphered links but not realizing that a metric fuck ton of people watch that thread, anons from 5ch included. Cue 5ch anons reporting that link. Its the funniest self own I've ever seen.

>> No.42766677

>fantia update
Well she's not completely shutting off the internet at least.

>> No.42766777

Why would she? Just because people doom post here and she vents a bit doesn't exactly mean she hates what she's doing or plans on stopping. Feels like people read too much into shit for someone who gets the occasional moodswing.

>> No.42767010

That really is hilarious

>> No.42768415

What's the discord like?

>> No.42768467

They aren't mean or anything, tried to defend her when /t/ called her fat.
But 5ch was surprised at people posting screenshots and links so brazenly, I imagine Canan's reaction would be the same.

>> No.42768791

I didn't think they were mean, amazing when you can put a name to a person they suddenly act decent. Is it private or public?

>> No.42769634
File: 155 KB, 849x1200, 1645989170157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just realized she hasn't updated emotes in a while as well for members as noel

>> No.42769635

>Talk about how the /vt/ is still up
>It dies with the discussion
I just found it funny.

>> No.42769810

She's probably returning today, wonder which account she will tweet from first.

>> No.42769827

Whichever it is the return is going to feel forced, either for the Shiraken collab or for the last Nico stream of the month, not because she's actually done yet
Maybe she'll take a proper break the rest of the week after those are done.

>> No.42769874

Who knows but she needs to address whatever is going on with her properly as Noel. To disappear and cancel the weekend streams without notice will only cause panic.

>> No.42770036

i think the entire EN 3D stuff took her out of any streams

>> No.42770097

I'm really curious as to what she'll say. A simple "I wasn't feeling well so I decided to not stream" isn't going to do it because she's posted that on the past when she didn't want to stream. This was a full weekend blackout.
And let's be honest, she wasn't with Flare, Marine, or Lamy because they were all streaming. She was at home in her own head marinating in her despair.

She could have streamed after like everyone else. Why do we keep make excuses for her?

>> No.42770104

>Why do we keep make excuses for her?
because she didn't wanna do shit, or she let the mental stuff just get to her head that badly

>> No.42770122

Bro nothing will happen, she'll just say sorry and move on, no one will criticize her for it, holo fans are used to this shit.

>> No.42770259

She needs to be held accountable. You sound like Aquacrew with your excuses. She could upload a video of her fucking her boyfriend all weekend and you'd still fap to it.

>> No.42770263

She with me right now so shut up

>> No.42770271

aquacrew have a better excuse. noel is in a state of panic because she got called tubby

>> No.42770279
File: 130 KB, 286x242, 1617830973550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doomposting when she doesn't media update on the weekend

What a bunch of bitches. You'd think this was Ayame/Ina/Gura levels of ghosting with the way you faggots talk.

>> No.42770293

Does any of those other girls have alt accounts where they go full breakdown mode? Don't think so. She does that's why it's different

>> No.42770329

dude we know she needed a break.

>> No.42770411

It might be because of the piracy like that anon said. Opening a Google docs for it might have been a bad idea but she should learn it's pretty fruitless to fight piracy. Like trying to kill a hydra.

>> No.42770416

>held accountable
entitled viewer thinking the streamer works for you
The only thing that's promised on Canan is 4 NN/1 FC stream every month, and on Noel she works for Cover
if you want to seethe about no weekend streams then the /t/ thread is that way >>1208744

>> No.42770431

Marine goes months without streaming and you ichicucks defend it.

>> No.42770434

god damnit you dork...

>> No.42770458

Its just Marinefags gaslighting.
The reddit pirate goes radio silent for weeks on end so they try and stir shit with other fanbases.
They did the same shit with Mito last year.
They are horrid pieces of shit just like Marine.

>> No.42770532

Marine has been streaming, not Noel.

>> No.42770567

She should do a members only post being a little more open about her state and explaining the weekend. She doesn't owe us an explanation but I agree it's unlike her to drop off the face of the earth like that.

>> No.42770622

>Marine streamed 17h ago.

>> No.42770726

The level of bullshit everyone drops here never ceases to amaze me

>> No.42770744

>recency bias
Let me now when Noel repeatedly doesn't stream for multiple weeks.
With Marine thats a common occurence.
Also thanks for confirming that Marinefags are the ones who shit up these threads (and other threads). I can't wait for your piece of shit reddit pirate to fuck up her voice AGAIN. Thats exactly what happened when you did this with Mito last year.

>> No.42770761

Time streamed in February
Noel 39:01
Marine 26:39

Reality once again makes ichischizos look dumb

>> No.42770769

Time streamed in January
Noel 85:05
Mareddit 19:36

>> No.42770782

dude go back to mongolia

>> No.42770793

Go back to Brazil ichitroon

Time streamed in 2022
Noel 765.7
Marine 175.8

>> No.42770819

Yeah its pretty clear Marine hates her fans and barely streams.
Most Holos hate Marine, literally none of the call her kind meanwhile everyone, even Marine, calls Noel kind
Also its clear that Marinefags are shitting up the thread. Whenever they do it just remind them of this.

>> No.42770860

marine always makes stream at least 1 or 2 times a week, you can go to the stats to see it but I know you won't because that would break down your "argument".
If you want to talk about other holos talk about Aqua or to Gura.

Why are you trying so hard to hate one of the people who have helped noel the most in her menhera crises? Why do u hate noel?

>> No.42770883

Why are you lying? Marine often goes weeks without streaming. Aqua also doesn't stream but I don't know why you are insulting her since she is one of Marine's friends.

>Why are you trying so hard to hate one of the people who have helped noel the most in her menhera crises?
Marine is the one who caused them.

>> No.42770920

When did this become about Noel vs Marine? They're best friends and I hope Marine is taking care of her friend in her time of need.

>> No.42770934

Because retards can't stop replying to bait.

>> No.42770962

Say that "X holo" doesn't stream is not an insult. You takin this too seriously fr. Just don't say false things just to try to make your schizoposting sound rational.

>She caused them
How? Surprise me with your "marine bullies noel" story again.

>> No.42771236

She did when one of her hamsters died, and again when this happened >>42763252
It doesn't happen often, but when she does burn out, she does hard. It's not the first time and it won't be the last.

>> No.42771255

She won't, and she doesn't have to. The last times she burned out she would appear in collabs but just not tweet or stream anything on her end.

>> No.42771271
File: 973 KB, 1207x705, 1650128573132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i still wish she did a cooking video as noel.

>> No.42771274

she has the last NN stream scheduled for tonight as a placeholder, but somehow I doubt it's going to happen since the Shiraken collab is tonight too

>> No.42771321

You are the one denying reality by claiming Marine streams more than Noel

Marine bullies the shit out of Noel

>> No.42771347

is there no marine thread for you to bait in

>> No.42771392

I wish she did more collabs, she always has so much fun with her friend. Most recently the Marine one. But she's too much of an introvert to ask, she was supposed to play Monster Hunter with Flare and company as well as Splatoon 3 but she never did it.

>> No.42771416

whenever she does collabs it comes off as fun. again, show up to kazama or chloe or even lui. holoX genuinely loves noel.

>> No.42771419

Pointing out objective facts like Noel streaming more than Marine is not bait

>> No.42771447

we have life!

>> No.42771502

Just an image and an emoji? Testing the water?

>> No.42771506

yeah i dont think she wants to say much for now

>> No.42771509
File: 303 KB, 1920x1080, 20230226_220515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42771517

Why is she spreading her legs? She can't go that lewd on Nico.

>> No.42771525

Bait my friend. To entice people to join her nnd

>> No.42771543

Notice no skin exposure at all in the thumbnail. She will probably show cleavage in stream though. Hopefully....

>> No.42771544

She's so greedy nowadays...

>> No.42771552

How? She's done nothing different.

>> No.42771563

It's extremely obvious she's only using NicoNico to get people to sub to her FC. She used to care about the NicoNico quality

>> No.42771572

I mean that's just common sense. She wants everyone she cares about under one umbrella.

>> No.42771631

I would go Fantia over NND or her FC site DWANGO is too incompetent when it comes to it. Fantia just needs to figure out proper Live-streaming.

>> No.42771645

How did you know this? Are you her boyfriend?

>> No.42771650

Since when? She's always showed panties on NicoNico. Just don't expect actual skin crotch shots like on FC.

>> No.42771652

because she had a Nico stream and a Shiraken collab scheduled today?
She's obligated to do 4 streams a month and there's only today and tomorrow left, and no way she's allowed to reschedule the collab

>> No.42771665

She also has a sponsored stream doesn’t she for the eminence in shadow mobile game. I can see her binging it so she’d know more about it

>> No.42771675

doubt it, she doesn't have time to watch 20 eps
plenty of times where she's done sponsored mobile games blind before anyway

>> No.42771686

She might have watched it over the weekend, at least a few episodes. Other Holos did it and she takes her collabs seriously.

>> No.42771949

If enough Holo talked about liking it she might’ve given it a try

>> No.42772000

does she? when did she ever mention that?

>> No.42772578

>from a Shiraken collab to a Canan stream on the same day
I'm really not expecting much from Canan today.

>> No.42772705

I mean expecting anything good from nnd streams nowadays will only get your hopes up. Ever since fc started there has only been a handful worth watching

>> No.42772851


>> No.42772940

Sorry Canan-chan

>> No.42772970

Why she posting pics she sends me in dm's

>> No.42773336

I'm gonna save this later for toilet use.

>> No.42773481

>still barely any Noel in the Shiraken manga
I know she joined last but come on...

>> No.42773528

I love her...

>> No.42773541


>> No.42773692

Checked seems I had the order wrong thought she was earlier https://twitter.com/shadowgardenmog/status/1628973210103578624

>> No.42773701


>> No.42773862

You just said why she isn’t appearing as much

>> No.42774167

Yeah she's just going to act like nothing.

>> No.42774332

>messing with her lower half

Oh she's fucking horny today

>> No.42774338

Damn she is horny touching herself

>> No.42774429
File: 44 KB, 320x313, 1629657990493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh this shit is absolutely not staying

>> No.42774440

If she’s this horny and doesn’t record a short I will be disappointed

>> No.42774514

Seeing her lighting set up, that shit is like staring into the fucking sun.

>> No.42774543

Guys she is here reading everything you say, someone said
>not horny anymore = bf
Its just her pretending to be horny

>> No.42774602

>won't do FC too early next month so people don't get to watch two streams on one month like currently
And this is why she gets called greedy.

>> No.42774641

I don't know if it makes me schizo but I was expecting a short Nico stream ending soon after the cam went off, like the ones after the nipple.
Seeing her all happy here in the talk part for so long after saying nothing on Noel feels shitty.

>> No.42774662

Well she did just finish the short collab with the others so she’ll be in a higher happier mood because of it

>> No.42774723

I’m gonna sound like an absolute retard but what’s the way way to watch her spicier stuff? FC? I’m not very good at all this

>> No.42774752

Go to her FC site make an account set up a payment enjoy

>> No.42774774

didn't mention what happened at the end of the cooking stream at all, so it probably wasn't anything major and she forgot since was just a mood swing after all
just mentioned she has to wake up early for work tomorrow, will be busy for the first half of the month (probably because of holofes) and not to expect any streams until the latter half

>> No.42774776

So apparently she said she really will try to not so community streams anymore and instead do similar stuff on YouTube?

>> No.42774795

was a statement that she won't do non-members streams in general because she's busy, and if she does she would rather do it on YouTube
the youtube stream isn't a promise

>> No.42774837

Ohh, I did find it interesting when she said she might do a yotube stream before the cooking stream, since she only ever does those for earlick
It didn't end up happening but I guess back then she already had made this decision.

>> No.42774880

>didn't mention what happened at the end of the cooking stream at all, so it probably wasn't anything major and she forgot since was just a mood swing after all
Well she didn't need to mention anything because she said it in that cooking stream, was feeling shitty and wouldn't check twitter outside stream announcements, doesn't mean it wasn't "major", just that there's nothing else to say.
What would be shitty is if she continues to say nothing on Noel.

>> No.42774911

So she's just acting like nothing happened and even more so on Noel? Can't wait for this to happen again in a few months.

>> No.42774922

she already mentioned in the morning zatsu a week or so ago that Noel streams will be irregular while she's busy getting ready for 4th fes.

>> No.42774993

That's weekday streams though, weekend streams were expected, and at the last Zelda she was talking as if she would stream that weekend.

>> No.42775028

So in hindsight she sent this because she was horny and proud touching herself on the couch.
It's also interesting Macoto sent a tweet of her breasts and so Canan does the same. They really do copy off each other.

>> No.42775041

And Macoto went pretty hard on her FC today too.

>> No.42775180

She didn't. She said whenever she's tired from work and wants to zone out without having to use her brain, she watches TV on the sofa like this.

>> No.42775218

During a community stream last week when she was taking the picture for the FC she sounded really disgusted when someone suggested she used the toys outside FC and said again that she never touches herself outside streams.

>> No.42775353

>TV in 2023
That shit is poison

>> No.42775362

It's Japanese TV. They have standards.

>> No.42775375

Maybe she said TV to hide but actually meant Holo streams? When she talks about variety TV or dramas, anime it's years old stuff.

>> No.42775506

I don't know why you're theorizing about all these different ways she could be lying when she literally talked about it on stream.
She said she was watching Saraba Seishun no Hikari (さらば青春の光). They're a comedy duo and she loves their dirty jokes.

>> No.42775625

I wonder how those Nico channel and Nico community accounts work, the way she talks about it she "moved the right to stream" to the channel account and that makes it hard to do community streams?

>> No.42775814 [DELETED] 

I'm just guessing, not even calling her a liar, she has said she watches streams on her big TV, so saying she was "watching TV" is fine.
She just said she watches that comedy duo nothing about tv today, hell I don't even know if this >>42775180 was something she said this stream, I didn't hear anything.

>> No.42775919

The high level of retardness in this thread is something, from the looser who have a curse over Marine, to the people inventing ridiculous narratives over facts said by her or even be too obvious related to holopro; the virgin who thinks every woman is a whore because nobody gives a shit for his ass is someone special

>> No.42776288

You're on 4chan, everyone here thinks every woman is lying and has boyfriends they fuck every night. They clearly never been in a relationship because daily sex does not happen.

>> No.42776434

My brother in christ Japanese TV is by far one of the most retarded in the whole world

>> No.42776464

Marine is a rich bitch, Noel is a kind girl who grew up dirt poor.
Marine is a riajuu gigastacy bully, Noel is a socially awkward shut in who was always bullied.
Marine is a normalfag, Noel is an otaku.
Marine is a lazy high school drop out, Noel went to an elite university on a scholarship.
No wonder they hate each other, they are total opposites.

>> No.42776490

I think it makes it so she can’t start a stream from the app so she can’t just wake up and start a community stream. She would need to get on her computer and start it and then I’m assuming maybe be able to carry it out through her phone

>> No.42776567

Go back

>> No.42776782


>> No.42776822

So, is she capable of taking down the discord? I also found her subreddit and they're brazen too about her content.

>> No.42777044

>celebrating number of times accessed
That shitty counter just counts anyone that opens the page, even if you don't pay and you aren't logged in, so kinda stupid.
I guess it's a nice number to see as an exhibitionist? Or she doesn't know how it works.

>> No.42777194

She's talking about the tweet views

>> No.42777262

Ohhh, well those are also inaccurate.

>> No.42777342

Bitch a numberfag all along

>> No.42777664

Only number she cares about are dollar signs, or rather yen signs.

>> No.42778009

You'd got to be a real schizo to jump from a totally benign tweet about reaching a high milestone to = only caring about the views
Do you think every other streamer or YouTuber is selfish when they do X thousand subs celebration streams and tweets too?

>> No.42778035

Why are you replying to me instead of >>42777342? I just thought it was funny since the numbers are so inaccurate.

>> No.42778961

I wonder if this in combination to not doing community streams this, like she saw how many she was doing and decided to use that time for Noel streams instead.

>> No.42779070

Probably more controlled environment.

>> No.42779141

I will admit these experiences have been pretty eye opening. When I first got into Canan and Noel I was in love with her but after all this shit, it really hit me with reality that I could not handle such craziness. I still watch her and find her entertaining and fappable but man did seeing all that crazy really kill the love I had for her, which is probably a good thing.

>> No.42779167

What did she mean by this?

>> No.42779181

it means she got motion sick while in the taxi.

>> No.42779183

No wonder Canan feels fat.

>> No.42779194

Jeez, it's hitting her that bad now? I wonder if there is something else triggering it. Like her not eating or sleeping enough.

>> No.42779678

Macoto has a nice body ngl and she always hides it as if she is fat

>> No.42779689

probably eating wise.

>> No.42779690

I don't see Canan going as hard as Macoto

>> No.42779767

I feel Macoto has experience where Canan has none.
